Police and government declares war on civilians.

Updates to the full SHTF for American CWII, the early events.

Here’s an on-going post that collects what amounts to “sign posts” to a second American civil war.

The gathering storm, so long  denied, is now so strong as to be  uncontainable. The quarter from which it will break is in doubt, that it  will break is not. We'll discover who the  real preppers are after the  first hard blasts roll across the land. In war this is known as "first  contact with the enemy", the violent unraveling of faulty  imagining  that exposes the viable core, if any.   -The Woodpile Report 24DEC19  

2017 Congressional baseball shooting – Wikipedia

The shooting took place on June 14, 2017, at Eugene Simpson Stadium Park in Alexandria, Virginia, across the Potomac River from Washington, D.C. There were 24 Republican congressmen who had gathered at the park to practice for the next day's Congressional Baseball Game for Charity, an annual, bipartisan event first held in 1909. Among those at the practice, aside from Scalise, were Senators Rand Paul and Jeff Flake, and Representatives Roger Williams (the team's coach), Chuck Fleischmann, Trent K 

- 2017 Congressional baseball shooting - Wikipedia 

Well, they have been telling us all along that they wanted to kill conservatives…


2018 Los Vegas gunman opens fire on a country & western concert full of “deplorables”

There is evidence that this event was a long duration plan hatched during the Obama administration.


Marxists start killing Republican State Senators and Representatives…

Oklahoma Republican state Sen. Jonathan Nichols was found dead  Friday, making him the second GOP state senator to be shot to death in  the last two days. 

Police reportedly found Nichols, 53, dead by a  gunshot wound in Norman, Oklahoma, Wednesday night. His death comes two  days after police reportedly discovered former Arkansas Republican  state Sen. Linda Collins-Smith dead from a gunshot wound and wrapped in  some kind of blanket. 

Republicans start to speculate…

Ya think?

Some people are suggesting that since everything is so polarized in the USA today, that a conflict could break out any moment. Uh. Maybe. It’s just that conflicts are NOT organic. They are planned.

Here is a speculation from Townhall.com;

Please remember, all this stuff on the internet and the news never reflects the true reality.

The progressive Marxists planned on a Hillary Clinton presidency. Here’s some better links…

They anticipated Nationwide gun confiscation by the second year into her term. And, the start of genocide against their opposition in 2020 – 2021 time frame.

  • Hillary Clinton Elected in 2016.
  • Gun related Massacre in 2017 (Los Vegas)
  • Gun collection and restrictions 2018 through 2019.
  • Hillary Clinton Reelection 2020
  • Ramp up of “White Privilege” propaganda. 2020.
  • Round-ups of people 2021.
  • Genocide to begin 2021 through 2025.

I argue that the plans are still in play, simply because there is every evidence that the preparations are still in place.

The progressive socialists and their leadership; the oligarchy, are just “biding their time” until they can obtain Obama-level control over the government again.

Let’s see what happens, and please ignore the news as it’s just all speculation. The situation is in flux and “our side” is losing.

Names like Comey, McCabe, Ohr, Brennan, Clapper, Rice, Yates, Strzok, Page, Clinton, Abedin, and Lynch have now been emblazoned in the minds of most Americans. 

Not only because they are or were powerful, but because they are members of the ruling elites who have allegedly committed crimes for which none of them have been prosecuted. 

Know your history.
Civil wars happen when the victimized are armed. Genocide happens when they are not. Take care. Know your history.

Conservatives start to realize that a hot war is in the making…


Things are getting very warm...
In short, minions of Leftardia and Stupidia, you have blundered into a minefield, on a pogo stick. Stop what you’re doing, tiptoe out, and pray to whatever deity you think appropriate that you get away with your skins. Because if you insist on pushing your revolution, you’re going to get the war of which you cannot grasp, and the results of which you cannot even conjure in your wildest fever-swamp nightmares.

Mainstream conservatives start to arm up.

Which brings me to the main point of this piece. It’s imperative  those of us who can see the bigger picture stay as focused and as humane  as possible while things fall apart. 

It’s possible to fight for what’s  right without dehumanizing other people. We must resist all efforts by  the media, pundits and even those around us to suck us into the  collective insanity vortex infecting people across the political  spectrum. 

After all, if we don’t, who will?

Things falling apart is never fun or safe; it never has been.  Something else will surely replace that which is going away, and the  best we can do is try to ensure the world of the future builds upon the  best of what came before, while discarding the destructive and  unethical. 

It means being honest about what’s good about the current  system and what’s rotten to the core. It’s not all bad, but it wasn’t  the end of history either. 

Yes, we’re entering a period of increased  turmoil on a global basis, but the future is still ours to make. Let’s  make it a good one. 

-Liberty Blitz

Conservatives Wake Up

The base is woke and the Establishment’s a joke. I speak to a lot of  conservative groups of various types and flavors: hardcore tea partiers,  patriotic vets, loyal radio listeners, besieged students, brass New  Yorkers, even rich country club types who you would think were into Jeb!  – you know, diversity. And lately, I’ve tended to start off my talks by  posing this question:

“Okay, who here agrees with me that the left wants us enslaved or dead?”

Every hand goes up.
Every single one of them.
That’s our base. 
Folks, our base is hella woke.

And they love Trump, because Trump has delivered the oven-fresh, piping hot conservatism they ordered.  

- The GOP Base Is Done Tolerating RINO Collaboration With The Democrats 

Most conservatives realize that a tipping point has been reached.

October 12, 2019

 We Have Reached The Tipping Point
 Posted on October 12, 2019 

 I’m just an average guy, seriously.

 I’m no brilliant historian/scholar/military strategist/political guru.

 Just a working stiff.

 But I try to stay abreast of what is going on around me.

 What I am noticing lately is a very clear departure from the views from the Right that I saw even a couple of years ago.

 Even though I claim to be just another Joe Sixpack, I want you to stop and go read what I wrote over two years ago.

 If I really wanted to do some digging, I could go back even farther  and point to where I was telling people that we were already in the  easily identifiable early stages of a Civil War.

 People scoffed at my thoughts at the time.

 That nervous laughter has evolved into mutterings and now open recognition of that state of affairs.

 Some people are finally catching up.

 As a matter of fact, over the time span from then to now, I am seeing  more and more, that actual violence is being called for from those  perpetual cheek turners who previously denied any such thing was even  possible.

 All in Self Defense of course. (Wink wink, nod nod)

 This low level Cold Civil War is getting ready to go Hot people.

 The Left has lost it’s collective fucking mind and thinks it actually has the stroke to win such an unimaginable horror.

 The Right has finally figured out these cretins are dead serious.

 The Right is now openly spreading the word to arm ourselves and prepare for battle in the streets and from the roof tops.

 Just through my usual casual skimming of my Blogrolls I see post after post from Conservative authors spreading that message.

 All it is going to take is a spark to light off an unstoppable slaughter of incomprehensible magnitude.

 The Left has a handful of Bic lighters and are thumbing the wheels every day now.

 What was not too long ago incomprehensible is now a reality.

 These people are going to keep escalating until someone or something stops them dead in their tracks.

 There will be no Gimme’s and no quarter.

 There will be death and misery for Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner until the conflagration runs out of fuel to burn.

 It is too late to stop it now.

 May God forgive us for what we are about to do. 

May God forgive us for what we are about to do.

Conservatives get the message out, War is Coming.

Think of what they would do with real power…

Do  you think that a leftist Supreme Court majority won’t construe the  First Amendment to exclude protection for “hate speech,” by which I mean  any thoughts you might wish to express that they object to?

Do  you think they won’t turn the federal bureaucracy – including law  enforcement – against their political enemies a thousand times harder  than before, having been rewarded for the last decade of doing so?

Do  you think they won’t start tossing dissenters into prison? They do in  England. You can go to jail for a tweet there – and do you think the  left thinks that’s a bad thing, or a creative European innovation that  needs to be imported?

How about the Second Amendment? Are you  kidding? The idea that our citizenry maintains the ultimate veto over  tyranny drives them bonkers.

Do you think they won’t use violence  to make you conform? Hell, Democrat presidential candidate Eric Swalwell  is willing to nuke you for not giving up your guns. We know that because he said so.
It’s  time to stop pretending that people who hate our guts don’t hate our  guts, and that given the chance they won’t act exactly like people who  hate our guts would act.

The time to stop them is now, while we  still can peacefully, before they quit tweeting about killing and start  doing it beyond the occasional Bernie Bro at a ball field. We need to  purge the weakhearts and Fredocons  from positions of authority in our movement and be all-in for victory  in 2020. In the meantime, we need to aggressively push our campaign to  remake the courts. And it sure would not hurt to follow the Founders‘  advice to exercise our Second Amendment rights to reinforce the  deterrent to tyranny that is an armed citizenry. 

- What Will It Take To Make You Understand And Accept That They Hate You? 

Others start to notice and agree…

 Thoughts On Our Collective Civil Insanity
 Posted by El Borak | Oct 12, 2019 | Culture | 1  | 
 Every now and then, a nation goes crazy. For whatever reason – it  might be collective humiliation or extreme poverty, it might be boredom  or despair – an entire people becomes unmoored from reality.  It says  and does things that in any other time or place would be immediately  dismissed as foolishness or even fever dreams. In its confusion and  hunger, it turns upon itself, devours itself, rips itself to shreds.

 Examples that immediately come to mind are the Weimar Republic in the  1920s and the various revolutionary governments in France in the  1790s.  In reading accounts of the period, one will note that people  outside of the insanity could scarcely believe what they heard coming  from inside it*. One will also note how horribly the regular people  caught inside the system suffered.

 In both cases, increasing political turbulence led to political  violence. Violence led to recrimination. The government, unable or often  unwilling to stop it, fell upon itself in coup and intrigue. Men took  to the streets. Regular people locked their doors and hid or fled the  nation altogether.

 Eventually the people had suffered enough and a reactionary strongman  arose. The suffering endured by regular people in the interim led them  to welcome both Napoleon and Hitler, if only to restore order. Both led  them straight into more suffering.
Raise a child up in the way he should go…

 There can be little doubt America has gone similarly insane. The  highest court in our land is arguing in all seriousness whether a man  who thinks he’s a woman deserves employment rather than a strait jacket.  Our intelligence services and parts of our legislative branch persist  in their extra-legal struggle to remove the sitting executive. Our press  lies to us with impunity, and when caught, simply moves on to the next  big lie. We print trillions of dollars from nothing to buy ourselves  collective comfort. And the people are not horrified; rather most of us  are entertained.**

 It’s a bad road that goes to a bad place. While conservatives are  powerless to even slow this clown car, millions of your fellow citizens  are cheering our Progress into insanity. And there’s likely nothing you  can do to change that.

 That last sentence is a hard statement for most Americans to accept.  We are a people made up of doers and problem solvers, entrepreneurs and  go-getters.  Surely there is something we can do.

 There is something you can do: get the hell out of the way. Get your  family and whomever else God has put under your authority the hell out  of the way. Pray and prepare. Because this road leads to national  suffering.

 People like to throw the word “coup” around because it’s politically  powerful.  But they don’t believe that’s truly what we’re seeing. Or  they don’t understand all it means. Because if they did, they would  realize how many of the functions of modern life, how our financial  markets and our web of gas stations and supermarkets, rely on a  government that is able to keep peace. A government truly at war with  itself cannot keep peace for long. A society that cannot define the word  “woman” cannot perpetuate itself for long.

 Whether the coup succeeds or not, we have reached a point at which  the likelihood of America returning to domestic peace is small. With  every university colloquium on the evils of whiteness, with every third  world colony planted on our soil, those odds drop further. That means  the insanity will grow until the people have suffered enough to bring an  end to it by violence***. Be prepared.

 * Ambassador Governeur Morris’ dispatches from Paris during the  French Revolution are a good example. President Jefferson and his  administration almost wholly disbelieved a “republican” government could  act as the French one did.

 ** Unless it’s our power that’s turned off. Then we drive from station to darkened station looking for gasoline.

 *** Those who subscribe to the Fourth Turning thesis (as I do), understand the options for this occurring are legion. 

The Democrat Marxists openly drop the facade. They call for the open disarming of all Americans.

Gov. Ralph Northam confirms Virginia already 'working on' gun  confiscation now that Democrats are in control ... Democratic Party  controls Virginia's legislature, the governorship, lieutenant  governorship, attorney general, and both U.S. Senate seats 

-The Blaze

Open calls for the Genocide of White Conservative Males…

 The progressives are signaling that if you are white and male very  bad things are going to happen to you.  The cuckservatives are starting  to signal that if you are a Trump supporter, then when term limits  remove Trump, or the next massively rigged election removes Trump, very  bad things are going to happen to you.  The cuckservatives hope that if  they signal hard enough, it is only going to be white male Trump  supporters.

 Out of one side of their mouths cuckservatives say that it is absurd  to suggest that progressives are proposing the extermination or  expulsion of white males, and out of the other side of their mouths they  say that if you are a Trump supporter, come the end of the Trump era,  you are going to pay. 
 This is not necessarily a good way of removing Trump.  Not in 2020,  and not in 2024.  In the impeachment vote, every Republican voted party  line, which is an extraordinary and startling turn around.  This is a  vote that signals a hope that Democrats will never be allowed to return  to power, and an expectation that such a return may well be prevented.

 The Republicans, faced with increasingly dire threats from the enemy  have united behind Trump.  With the threat in front of them that from  henceforth politics is going to played for keepsies, they are going with  keeping.  And Trumpism is increasingly moving to the position  “screw  the constitution, if we are ever removed from power, the constitution is  dead anyway. Lets grab on to power and hang on for our dear lives.”

 White males and white Christians cannot continue to win elections, and cannot afford to lose them. 

- Politics played for keeps. 
 White culture and white history is being demonized and erased.   Historically, demonizing a group is usually a prelude to attempting to  physically exterminate the group, to physically erase them after  culturally erasing them.

 Progressives, or at least some progressives whose superior holiness  is such that progressives, and even conservatives, are unable to  criticize them, are now piously advocating the next step, in the august  pages of the New York Times, among other places.

 These calls for extermination are couched in ambiguous language.  But  when someone ambiguously tells you he means to kill you, and fails to  clarify that ambiguity, he means to kill you.

 If you don’t intend to kill someone, and it sounds like you do intend  to kill someone, you are going to clarify.  The New York Times and the  rest are not clarifying.

 The usual terrified cowardly cuckservatives piously tell us that  these terrifying threats are “clearly” intended merely to advocate our  erasure from the culture and from history, but it is not clear at all.   Rather, what is clear is that these terrifying threats are deliberately  ambiguous, like the “Liquidation of the kulaks as a class” 


 I read the article as calling for racial violence, but maybe it means  something else. If it does mean something else, neither I nor the  cuckservatives have any idea what that something else is.  It does not  say “Time to exterminate the white race” in so many words, but neither  did Hitler say “Time to exterminate the Jews” in so many words.  If the  article is not saying “Time to exterminate the white race” it is  profoundly unclear what it is saying.  What the article does, however  say clearly is that whites simply by existing unavoidably and incurably  oppress other groups.  What the author proposes to do about this problem  is unclear, but she does seem to be implying the obvious solution and  denying the possibility of other solutions. 

 Bronze Age Pervert lists a pile of exterminationist screeds.

The anti-male and anti-White rhetoric of the new left is  extreme. The racial attacks on whites in particular approaches  exterminationist propaganda seen only in, e.g., the Hutu against the Tutsi in 1990’s Rwanda.

 The cuckservatives reply that these screeds are not calling for  extermination.  Well, they are certainly calling for something, though  what they are calling for is not totally clear.  If it is not  extermination they are calling for, what are they calling for?   Nobody calling for extermination ever says plainly what they mean.   These sound mighty like past calls for extermination, and they surely do  not sound like anything else.  If it is not extermination they propose,  what are they proposing?  They are obviously proposing something.  The  lack of clarity is par for the course whenever monsters propose  monstrous deeds.  These are all calls to action.  If the action is not  “exterminate whitey”, what is it? 


The Khmer Rouge were full of wrath at foreign educated intellectuals,  notwithstanding the fact the Khmer Rouge cadre were composed of foreign  educated intellectuals, and very rapidly the Khmer Rouge cadre wiped out  the Khmer Rouge cadre.  I expect that when Scott Aaronson is informed,  somewhat to his surprise, that he is white, he will agree that the needs  of the many outweigh the needs of the few.  If you are a progressive,  and white genocide is on the table, then the way to postpone your  execution is to be twice as enthusiastically in favor of it as everyone  else.  Observe the response of the cuckservatives. 

- Genocide on the way. 

Disarming of Americans begin

Right on schedule… right on time… comes the Marxist takeover of Virginia.

Virginia is going to be the kick-off point.

Virginia Is Going To Be The Crucible Posted on December 13, 2019 – 37

As everyone who considers themselves to be a Patriot in this country is very well aware of, the new State Government in Virginia went Blue and then insane with power.

The Anti Gunners have dropped all pretense of being coy about their lust for gun confiscation, registration and basically disarming the general population completely, up to and including making even practicing illegal if they decide there is intent to train for civil disobedience.

Outlawing militias, hand to hand self defense training and all manner of insanity manifested via Lawfare.

Rumors of calling in the National Guard to facilitate disarming the population have flown around the internet.

I just watched this piece by Matt Bracken that Pete over at Western Rifle Shooters Association posted and I have to say that Bracken seems to have a pretty good grasp of what the ramifications of all of this could very well turn out to be, after all, he pretty much predicted all of this fifteen years ago when he wrote his first book.

I can’t embed the video but if you would like to watch it, and I highly recommend you do, you can get to it at this link.


I believe there are over seventy Virginia counties and towns now that have declared themselves to be Second Amendment Sanctuaries.

Almost all passing unanimously.

Matt also passed on in the video that there is a massive rally planned in the State Capitol of Richmond on January 20th, 2020 to protest these new laws and to send a message to the wannabe tyrants in office.

I found this in the comments under the video, Regarding the mass rally in Richmond, Virginia January 20th, 2020 that Matt mentioned at the 16:32 mark – The Virginia Citizens Defense League (https://www.vcdl.org) will be holding their big Lobby Day Rally on Monday January 20th, 2020 (which also happens to be Martin Luther King Day). Mr. Bracken very astutely pointed out that if these new laws go into effect and the Governor feels froggy enough to try and send troops or police around to implement confiscation, that there will be a bloodbath.

He compared our governments 18 year hubristic adventures in Afghanistan to what would very likely happen in rural Virginia just to make a point. What I can  see happening is  more of a nightmare for these tyrannical cucks than even they could possibly imagine in their worst fever dreams.

I can see God Fearing and completely fed up rural Virginians going on the offense. As Bracken pointed out what we and they already know, they don’t have enough people to accomplish this Confiscation wet dream. On their best day.

Add all of the National Guard that Virginia and even possibly a few other states could muster, all of the State and Local police, remember most of the Sheriffs have already told them to go pound sand, plus any Feds they might possibly be able to round up and then put that number next to the population of seventy counties and towns full of heavily armed and fighting mad Virginians and start doing some division on paper.

If I was this dumbass Governor they got, I would be thinking real hard about sitting the fuck down and shutting the fuck up while I was ahead. All of these laws they rushed to pass violate the Constitution without even a hint of legitimacy.

I do believe one of he best visual images I ran across that puts this into perspective is the one I saw over at A Nod To The Gods ,which I swiped fair and square for the purpose of making my point here.

The law.
People, this is the law.

So while this Rat Fucker of a Governor, Ralph Northam and his equally reprehensible accomplices may think that they can just run amok over peoples God Given rights to defend themselves, our Founding Fathers were far sighted enough to see his ilk coming a couple hundred years away and made arrangements to give We The People the ability to reign that kind of shit in up front and from the back too if necessary.

Virginia is shaping up to be the ultimate test of those decisions made way back in the late 1700’s. Because I can absolutely guarantee one thing as sure as the Sun rises in the East, the majority of those people in those seventy counties and towns are not going to surrender their guns.


Whether Governor Ralphie  thinks he has the balls to try and take them remains to be seen but I would bet a weeks paycheck that if he ever actually tried to force the issue with government guns and enforcers, he wouldn’t be around to see how it ends.

Most of Virginia sets up enclaves to protect them from the Marxist government.

Tazewell County is taking this threat to the Second Amendment very seriously. Not only did they pass a Second Amendment Sanctuary resolution, but they’ve also officially begun to form a militia
Tazewell County is taking this threat to the Second Amendment very seriously. Not only did they pass a Second Amendment Sanctuary resolution, but they’ve also officially begun to form a militia

Here’s the summary on what’s happening in Virginia

The situation is in flux.

  • With Michael Bloomberg’s help, the Democrats took over the Virginia state congress.
  • There’s an anti-paramilitary bill that would disallow armed people to gather or teach others how to use firearms or any technique that could cause injury or death.
  • There’s a bill that would make semi-automatic weapons illegal.
  • Nearly the entire state (aside from the highly populated areas that elected these yahoos) has balked and formed Second Amendment sanctuaries.
  • A legislator threatened the sanctuaries with the National Guard.
  • The sanctuaries responded by activating an organized militia.

The only real way to prevent bloodshed and save face for the congress and governor is for these bills not to pass.

That would be difficult, though, given the fact that Bloomberg dumped millions of dollars into getting people elected who promised to pass strict gun control bills. If they suddenly vote against the bill, they will have to face their angry constituents and the wrath of Bloomberg.

Rural Virginians seem unlikely to back down and are willing to fight. They have another month to get organized to defend their communities.

Marxists double down.

[1] Conservative news outlets reporting on the Virginia situation are being threatened and being warned to stop reporting;

“Your reporting about the growing numbers in the militia create a  clear and present threat to America.  As part of Congress, I’m giving  you fair warning that this is the equivalent of shouting ‘fire’ in a  movie theater.  If your reporting incites violence, or can even be tied  to it, we will make sure to charge your editors with felonies,” wrote  the person. 
[2] They are also being hit by cyber attacks designed to shut down their communication.

The first article we dropped about the growing militias was on Monday. Within two hours, we were hit with several massive cyber attacks. The same happened following articles on Tuesday and on Wednesday. 

-Law Enforcement Today

Marxists in other states move forward on the disarming…

And, the police refuse to disarm the citizenry.

Police in Virginia refuse to comply.

Virginia Marxists threaten to deploy Army to collect guns and enforce a gun ban…

Members of the National Guard refuse to comply.

Members of the National Guard are writing articles saying that they will not comply if ordered to seize weapons, and enforce the anti-gun laws.

Marxists budget for imprisoning Americans that will not comply with gun confiscation…

The budget bill (HB30) includes  an appropriation of a quarter million dollars to carry out a host of  gun control measures that Northam and his anti-gun allies hope to enact.

 The  $250,000 is appropriated to the Corrections Special Reserve Fund in  order to provide for the “increase in the operating cost of adult  correctional facilities resulting from the enactment” of Northam’s gun  control measures. 

Among the enumerated laws that this allocation is  meant to fund is a ban on commonly-owned semi-automatic firearms, the criminalization of private firearms transfers, and gun confiscation orders issued without due process. 

- Virginia Governor Northam Increases Corrections Budget In Anticipation Of Jailing Gun Owners - Daily Caller

Virginia counties considering leaving the state. 16JAN19.

The West Virginia Senate adopted a resolution to remind Virginia residents from Frederick County that they have a standing invite — from 1862 — to become part of West Virginia.

West Virginia freedom fighters broke away from Virginia Democrat slave owners during the Civil War. This week West Virginia has once again invited persecuted Virginia pro 2-A counties to come join their state. LINK.

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Virginia Governor Ralphie is playing with dynamite.
Virginia isn’t Washington State by any stretch of the imagination.
If it does actually go hot there you can expect the South to rise again, I would bet money on it.

You have my extreme gratitude for highlighting not just one, but two of my previous posts on this matter.
I had absolutely no idea you read my blog. I find myself coming here more and more often lately, like something is drawing me here.
Merry Christmas sir.

John in Indy

I seem to have the song ” Men of Harlech” running in my head about now. *
Looking at Virginia, “this shit will get out of hand”, because the totalitarians see laws as absolutely binding in all applications when applied to their enemies, and as mere recommendations when applied to themselves.
Ignoring Shakespears’ irony, Canute has passed a law that the tide shall not rise.
In the onset, image, accurate reporting, and strategic target selection will be critical.
The base article made it clear that the Virginia tyrants are acting at the direction of major leftist influencers, and their local oligarchs / Wormtounges / toadies. These rats are supported by the RINOs who hope to share in the power once the Republic is no more.
Those are the people who believe that they are above the fray, and they are the ones driving the ants to invade our picnic. We live here, and can not just pick up our tablecloth and move to a nicer area.
Stamping out ants is futile. Bug spray is too general in its effect.
I still hope that reason previals, and that we can vote our way out of this mess, but I now only have hope. I do not expect this to end well.
Be safe, be wise, protect your families and communities, but if called to do so, spend yourselves well.
John in Indy