pro-democracy ring leaders in Hong Kong

The USA has finally admitted that it sponsored, trained and funded the Hong Kong protests of 2019 and 2020

This isn’t a topical post. It’s just historical for those with short memories.

A secret high-level committee of Hong Kong senior activists worked with Western agents from the CIA to coordinate and amplify the leaderless protests against the fugitive law amendment last year, Nury Vittachi claims in his book The Other Side of the Story: A Secret War in Hong Kong.

Vittachi, a veteran journalist and a columnist for The Standard, accused the CIA of funding anti-government activities in the SAR. He said Hong Kong protesters have received practical training in street-protest strategy and media control from members of the professional revolution industry since January 2013.

The book named three US-based groups - the Oslo Freedom Foundation, the Albert Einstein Institute and the Centre for Applied Nonviolent Action and Strategies - which were directly involved in last year's social unrest.

He added that public records had shown that the National Endowment for Democracy, the CIA's regime-change arm, had sent HK$170 million to the mainland or Hong Kong since 2014 to "advance the cause of democracy."

This is an article that I wrote at the tail end of 2019, as I was getting ready to leave to my in-laws for the 2020 Chinese New Year. At that time, the news was awash with articles that Donald Trump admitted to being involved in the protests, and that he intended a “color revolution” there. He also admitted to supporting the NED and other adversarial elements.

This was all as a result of getting China to agree to a very watered-down trade agreement at that time. Then after two days, all news went quiet about the United States involvement in trying to destabilize Hong Kong.


(Be quiet)

Nothing to see here…

Then COVID-19 hit China hard, and Donald Trump unleashed a most aggressive and nasty anti-China propaganda campaign. Simultaneously. One that continued for at least six months, up until that too… ended. When he himself admitted to sponsoring the anti-Chinese propaganda onslaught as well.

Well, here it is. Around one year later.

All the dust has cleared and settled. We’ve had a near non-stop “hybrid-war” of America against China raging for a year now. We can see the hand of America in just about every “accident”, and “coincidence” that befell China during 2020.

And as America decided to engage in a Lose-lose strategy against China, their calculus was that China would suffer far worse than America would. Because China was fragile, did not have people’s support, made shoddy products, ate disgusting animals, and wore ill fitting clothing, etc…

Well, all 2020 was a “hybrid-war”. It was a lose-lose engagement. And who actually lost more China or the USA? Look at the 2020 Q2 growth rate;

  • USA is -9.1%
  • China is 3.2%

Now, if you are reading this, you all pretty much understand this. The United States is on fire. There are protests in all the cities. There’s an election going on, and it’s a bloody slug-fest between the two candidates and their followers. America is a real mess with defaults, bankruptcy and unemployment rampant on all levels.

And yet…

And yet still…

Americans believe that the Chinese hate their government, and that China is covering up and suppressing the “pro-democracy” movement in Hong Kong. that it’s all a big lie that the Chinese are happy with their government. All news out of China is considered a lie, and all data and figures out of China must be a lie, because there is “no way” that China could be doing better than American. It’s inconceivable!

Well, no it’s not.

The Chinese don’t need to lie. It’s not a “democracy” that depends on public opinion to stay in power. They don’t fuck around. They tell the truth and if you can’t handle it, well tough noodles! Which is pretty much one of the many reasons why the Chinese love their nation, and why they are all hyper-patriotic.

And meanwhile, in the United States…

Yet, somehow the Americans that I have been talking to say that everything about China is a lie, and the polls in America are all a lie, and that President Donald Trump is doing the best job of any President in history. And as such they cannot believe that all that nonsense about Pepe the frog in HK, and the singing the American anthem in HK, and waving American flags were all just props of an American “color revolution effort”.


Here’s my post for prosperity…

This post was derived from an article titled “US Now Admits it is Funding “Occupy Central” in Hong Kong” written on October 6, 2019 from Mideast Discourse By Tony Cartalucci. The original source of this article is Land Destroyer Report and Global Research. Update 28JUN20. using “Donald Trump decided to stop funding the protests in Hong Kong. It was edited to fit this venue, and of course all credit to the original authors.

US Now Admits it is Funding “Occupy Central” in Hong Kong

Just as the US admitted shortly after the so-called “Arab Spring” began spreading chaos across the Middle East that it had fully funded, trained, and equipped both mob leaders and heavily armed terrorists years in advance, it is now admitted that the US State Department through a myriad of organizations and NGOs is behind the so-called “Occupy Central” protests in Hong Kong. 

The Washington Post would report in an article titled, “Hong Kong erupts even as China tightens screws on civil society,” that:

Chinese leaders unnerved by  protests elsewhere this year have been steadily tightening controls over  civic organizations on the mainland suspected of carrying out the work  of foreign powers.

The campaign aims to insulate China from subversive Western ideas such as democracy and freedom of expression, and from the influence, specifically, of U.S. groups that may be trying to promote those values here, experts say.

“Experts” say…

Subversive ideas like “democracy“, and the “freedom of expression“.

How dare China!

That campaign  is long-standing, but it has been prosecuted with renewed vigor under President Xi Jinping, especially after the overthrow of Ukrainian  President Viktor Yanukovych following months of street demonstrations in Kiev that were viewed here as explicitly backed by the West.

The Washington Post would also report:

One foreign policy expert, who  spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss a sensitive subject, said  Putin had called Xi to share his concern about the West’s role in  Ukraine. 

Those concerns appear to have filtered down into conversations  held over cups of tea in China, according to civil society group  members.

So both the Presidents of Russia and China are alarmed, or “concerned” about the Untied States government trying to destabilize their nations.

“They are very concerned about  Color Revolutions, they are very concerned about what is going on in  Ukraine,” said the international NGO manager.

(Whose organization is  partly financed by the National Endowment for Democracy (NED)). 

... blamed  here for supporting the protests in Kiev’s central Maidan square.

“They say, ‘Your money is coming from the same people. Clearly you want to  overthrow China.’ ”

Oh, but you do know that the NED is the CIA.

  • Same funding.
  • Same leadership.
  • Same direction.
  • Same training manuals.
  • Same operational objectives.
Congressionally funded  with the explicit goal of promoting democracy abroad...

... NED has long been  viewed with suspicion or hostility by the authorities here. 

But the net of suspicion has widened to encompass such U.S. groups as

... the Ford Foundation, 
... the International Republican Institute, 
... the Carter Center and,
... the Asia Foundation

Of course, NED and its many subsidiaries including the International Republican Institute and the National Democratic Institute do no such thing as “promoting democracy.”

Instead they are in the business of constructing a global network of neo-imperial administration termed “civil society” that interlocks with the West’s many so-called “international institutions”…

… which in turn  are completely controlled by interests in Washington, upon Wall Street, and in the cities of London and Brussels.

While the Washington Post would have readers believe NED is in the business of promoting “freedom of expression” and “democracy” the corporate-financier interests represented on NED’s board of directors are anything but champions of such principles, and are instead notorious for principles precisely the opposite. 

The very concept of the United States “promoting democracy” is scandalous when considering it is embroiled in an invasive global surveillance scandal…

… guilty of persecuting one unpopular war after another around the planet against the will of its own people…

… and based on verified lies…

… and brutalizing and abusing its own citizens at home with militarized police cracking down on civilians in towns like Ferguson, Missouri.

All of which makes China’s police actions against “Occupy Central” protesters pale in comparison.

“Promoting democracy” is clearly cover for simply expanding its hegemonic agenda far beyond its borders and at the expense of national sovereignty for all subjected to it, including Americans themselves.

In 2011, similar revelations were made public of the US’ meddling in the so-called “Arab Spring” when the New York Times would report in an article titled, “U.S. Groups Helped Nurture Arab Uprisings,” that:

A number of the groups and individuals directly involved in the revolts and reforms sweeping the region...

... including the April 6 Youth Movement in Egypt, 
... the Bahrain Center for Human Rights 
... and grass-roots activists like Entsar Qadhi, a  youth leader in Yemen...

... received training and financing from groups like...

... the International Republican Institute, 
... the National Democratic Institute and...
... Freedom House, a nonprofit human rights organization based  in Washington.

The article would also add, regarding NED specifically, that:

The Republican and Democratic  institutes are loosely affiliated with the Republican and Democratic  Parties. 

They were created by the United States Congress and are financed through the  National Endowment for Democracy NED.

The NED was set up in 1983 to channel  grants for promoting democracy in developing nations. 

The National  Endowment receives about $100 million annually from Congress. 

Freedom  House also gets the bulk of its money from the American government,  mainly from the State Department.

Pro-war and interventionist US Senator John McCain had famously taunted both Russia’s President Vladimir Putin and President Xi Jinping’s predecessor in 2011 that the US subversion sweeping the Middle East was soon headed toward Moscow and Beijing.

The Atlantic in a 2011 article titled, “The Arab Spring: ‘A Virus That Will Attack Moscow and Beijing’,” would report that:

He [McCain] said, 

“A year ago,  Ben-Ali and Gaddafi were not in power. Assad won’t be in power this time  next year. This Arab Spring is a virus that will attack Moscow and  Beijing.” 

McCain then walked off the stage.

Considering the overt foreign-funded nature of not only the “Arab Spring,” but now “Occupy Central,”…

… and considering the chaos, death, destabilization, and collapse suffered by victims of previous US subversion…

… “Occupy Central” can be painted in a new light…

…it’s a mob of dupes being used to destroy their own homes…

…all the while abusing the principles of “democracy”…

…. behind which is couched an insidious, diametrically opposed foreign imposed tyranny.

A tyranny driven by immense, global spanning corporate-financier interests that fear and actively destroy competition.

In particular, this global hegemon seeks to suppress the reemergence of Russia as a global power, and prevent the rise of China itself upon the world’s stage.

The regressive agenda of “Occupy Central’s” US-backed leadership, and their shameless exploitation of the good intentions of the many young people ensnared by their gimmicks…

…forever pose a threat in reality that is every bit as dangerous as the “threat” they claim Beijing poses to the island of Hong Kong and its people.


It’s the tail end of 2020. We can look back over the last four years of the Donald Trump administration and the unusual series of events surrounding China with the eyes of experience. No longer can all the events be attributed to “unlucky coincidences”. From day one, and point zero, President Trump and his cabal of neocons went on the “war path” against China and did everything in their power short of an all-out hot shooting war to suppress China’s rise.

They have been largely unsuccessful.

Though, and make no mistake, things are still in process and there are apt to be more terrible surprises in the future.

This post concerns the efforts to destabilize Hong Kong.

In short, and in conclusion, the United States went all-out to destabilize Hong Kong, create unrest and scare away European interests from that region. They supported, trained, and funded “fifth column” agents who trained, and authored, the many violent protests within Hong Kong.

A fifth column is any group of people who undermine a larger group from within, usually in favor of an enemy group or nation. 

The activities of a fifth column can be overt or clandestine. 

Forces gathered in secret can mobilize openly to assist an external attack. 

This term is also extended to organized actions by military personnel. 

Clandestine fifth column activities can involve acts of sabotage, disinformation, or espionage executed within defense lines by secret sympathizers with an external force.


Make no mistake, all the American “color revolutions” around the globe are “Fifth column” events. It is the preferred option for America to conduct war when the opposing military is too strong, or better organized than American military forces are.

The rest of the world is finally catching up with Metallicman

Some related posts, written about a year after this post…

Do you want more?

I have more posts in my Trump Trade War Index here…

Trump Trade War

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Bo Chen

When Amerikkka says “freedom of” , be it Freefom of Navigation, Freedom of Speech/press, etc etc you can be sure its really about freedom of America to rape, steal, defraud, colonize, subjugate, subvert, and harvest the rest of the entire world.

Never in history has there been an empire so evil and so deserving of collapse.

Bo Chen

Trump’s plans for the rest of 2020, probably:

Trick Modi into helping the US attack China by promising India that after China has collapsed that India will take its place… So Modi sacrifices a bunch of soldiers in the LAC and intentionally pokes China to defend itself, thereby starting a regional war. This gives Uncle Sam the pretext it needs to ramp up even more heavily in the SCS, and then Amerikkka does a false flag event in the SCS to further escalate, allowing it to declare war on China, and that is when Tiawan takes the oppurunity to declare independence. Now its three against one and China has to content with India on its west, SCS situation and a rogue Tiawan situation… at this precise moment Trump kicks China out of SWIFT, chokes China of all processor chips and semiconductors, and then release a far more deadly virus (compared to COVID) in the heartland of China, along with mininuking the Three Gorges Dam by targeting it with satellite from space, and a high level EMP to wipe out China’s electric grid while gettings it vassals (Korea, Japan, Phillipines, etc etc) to cut China’s underground sea cables, thereby effectively severing it from the communication/internet of the outside world… when China is down, blind, deaf and scrambling is when the US does a strategic nuclear first strike to decapitate the CCP before it has chance to retailate with its own nukes…

Given Trump’s actions so far in 2020, I fully expect the rest of 2020 to play out like this….

Chinese government if you are reading this, when it doubt, better to use the DF-41 while you still can… if Amerikkka wants to continue to do scorched earth, and lose lose, lets get it over with…


Metallicman, most of your articles seem to be too much pro-China for my taste. Heil China – looks like it’s the heaven on earth. Lucky you – you didn’t get to live in a communist/stalinist regime for 25+ years like myself.

I strongly believe that you are part of Chinese counter-intelligence, and you have nefarious purposes.

Bo Chen


It would make my day if Metallicman really was part of Chinese counter-intel…. but alas CCP doesn’t operate that way. China doesn’t do false flag and color revolutions the way US/West does… its not their MO… What intel value would Metallicman have for China? Nobody does HUMINT these days anymore unless its CIA setting fire to Beruit or the ASML machine China purposed or spraying ASF to China’s pig farms or aerosoling the Wuhan buffett with CIA biovirus-19

If you cannot see America is by far the more dangerous and evil empire in all of history you got blinders on…

Bo Chen

America is the young nation that started out with good intentions but ended up being the big bad evil monster… Throughout much of history China had been undisputed number one in the world, then lost its way via stagnation, stumbled and suffered a century of humiliation and now is on the ascendant as a rising power poised to reclaim much of its former status.

The problem for China now is never before in history of mankind has an incumbent superpower (USA) been so militaristically strong whilst so intent on scorthed earth policy, where it would much rather obliterate all life on earth than compete and lose to China… Past historical Empires never had access to nukes, never used them during conflict…. they also did have a hold on brainwashing the entire world with their fake news, false flags (China Virus) and pro-US propaganda via movies, tv, internet, etc etc and controlling the chokepoints of distribution and access of information via Google, Facebook, Youtube, Apple store, Play store, you get the picture….

China is a builder civilization, America is a destroyer…and a warmonger people. This is in their DNA. China is at disadavtage because US has asymettric leverage over China, China can build a port in few years it takes US just a couple minutes and a mininuke to flatten it. China can work to establish allies but US can just color revolution and CIA coup…. So if I was China I would be worried, very worried, America intents to genocide all 1.4 billion Chinese people and is an existentional threat to China….and peace in the world.

I immigrated to US with my parents at young age of 5 as a kid, they wanted a better life etc etc… As a child I very much admired the US, and secretly felt superior to regular Chinese people since now I was a Chinese living in “Beautiful Country”…. I never hated China, it was more of a indifference or disdain that they were so poor and behind. I was educated in the American public school system and drank the cool aid… I faced a bit of racism in school during elementary years but I realized that was the price to pay for the luxury of living here… then was I entered high school it was a relatively peaceful period of US China relations and American society was adopting PR correctness and for a while I felt racisms against Chinese Americans was a thing of the past…

Ultimately in the long run people identify most strongly with their DNA, their race…. it matters not what it says on that passport or the invisible borders that define a nation, by and large people eventually revert to rooting for their own race and cheering for their own people if they were to be honest about it and true to themselves…

It the fight against hegemony and great power competition it matters not the labels, nothing like good and evil, laws and rules, they serve hegemony and never the other way around. In the end its just about the results, might makes right, to victor goes spoils, history written by the winners, that sort of thing.

In the end, everyone roots for their own species, thats just the way it is…. no other justification needed… nothing wrong with bring true to your own race, regardless of which side of the planet you are on…


Part 1:
MM, I apologize for doing this, and I shall ask for this same apology in every post I shall make. But I ask that you approve this post without any misgivings. And, I ask the watchers to be patient with what I have to say. I know why you need to do the things you do the way you must do it. I understand and I support that principle. But there are circumstances where “other” people can help by focusing on the end result – which is at the end, disclosure of useful information, in such a way that the people who read this site can be “more prepared” to navigate the tribulations of New World chaos. I know why the truth must be veiled because at the end, future New World reality will be implemented with true loving, grace (but behind stands the force of an iron fist to those who resist…). Those who survive and thrive, and also simply those who survive, in the New World will have to follow the new rules, or immediately be “encamped for perpetual re-education, otherwise known as ‘being disappeared’.” And, I am sure our masters do not want ANYONE to know too much, nor question too much, throughout this process of superhuman evolutioning. The idea is that if our masters and their representatives veil the truth in complicated scenarios and concocted conflicting (inaccurate) narratives, firstly, those who are misled or miscalculate, will take missteps – and, they will behave in ways that will hasten their disappearance – self-selected or actively enforced. However, for those who are capable of opening their eyes because they have worthy values, they will slowly discover the truth, via the following of “truth” breadcrumbs. I do believe MM that your site is a benevolent orchestrator of regimented truth revelation as allowed by our masters (i.e. whoever you have said allows you to say what you say, in the way you say it, but you can’t say certain things [or else…. That sounds like working the RPTB]). But, here is where I would wish to beseech our masters and those with veto power on this site who read my words, “You have taken the decision to create a New World where many, and most by proportion, shall fail. You have also provided resources to those who by their own worthiness and ability to discern, are able to use to navigate to the New World. Why not go the full stretch – but let me do it. You can use plausible deniability. We didn’t say it. Rob did… And, Rob knows f*ck-all about anything….” Then as readers read what I write, they can decide what’s useful to the end that MM and our masters want – which is through this site have greater survivability – and utility in place all over the world as the New World is built. Why continue to con the people most useful (as represented by the unique criteria [greater than 5 social marker indices]by which MM’s readers are cultivated for your purposes, dear Masters? Here goes, MM, if you let me…. I explain this for the benefit of our masters – and those our master would like to reach using this site. In the end, those of us who survive in the New World will be of one mind, heart and spirit and at that time, New Worlders will not be known as psychopaths but superhumans…. Of course, those who disagree with our masters will have their just fate.


Part 2:
Principle #1) Our masters OWN everything and EVERYBODY. I mean every politician who is in power of 1) a country that has its funds issued by a central bank, and is a normal member of the Bank of International Settlements; 2) a country that is not in the BIS, but has been created by the global communist revolution. Which means every country of importance in this world! You have already seen the data and I do misquote because it is so ridiculous and frivolous – such as the top 1% own 30% of all assets in such and such an economy. Well, they call these oligarchs. They are not our masters. Well, some of them are active participants who have become much more influential and have gained Master status by contributing to the program such as Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk. But our real masters are hidden behind countless corporations and hedge funds. And they are old families with many heirs, and of course, there will be steering committees of old “players.” Perhaps now, our masters have been codified by a systematic machine of general goals – but supposedly MANY powerful factions are contributing to the process with representations taking place in numerous power structures. So, there is an element of non-transparency – even for our masters. Everyone in that structure is sort of following a general script. You’ll ask me how do you know, Rob? Do you have a trillion? No, I’m just guessing…. But then if you look at world events and you put them all together and you apply the 48 Laws – virtually everything is clear. So long as you understand this principle #1. Why not? I assume you will read 48 Laws if you haven’t.
a) If you research Red Mafiya, you will see that Communism is a creation of our masters, the capitalists. Both world wars were instigated by our masters to destroy the very real power of the feudalistic monarchies. After World War II, all empires were destroyed, including the British Empire (which only existed in name only – castrated). The wars catapulted the interests of our masters as they owned the arms manufacturers, the banks that were required to rebuild every destroyed economy on earth (they virtually owned Europe through the rebuilding of Europe and the Soviet Bloc countries), they created the UN (whose land was generously donated by one of our masters), and so on. The greatest creation after the Second World War was not the UN, but the Bank of International Settlements which is built exactly as illustrated as the Tower of Babel, and the Communist revolution. The antagonistic duality of capitalism and communism allows our masters to control BOTH sides of global economic and political structure. If you were a trillionaire and you have unlimited funds and you can employ ANYONE to do ANYTHING, would you not do the same? IF you can buy and make someone of importance in a country, why not buy EVERYONE?


Part 3:
b) Democracy and the United States are not the product of a great group of founders who loved liberty. Use your discernment. Democracy and the creation of the United States was the greatest creation by our masters, through their allies, the Freemasons. Research the importance and influence of Freemasonry in American and Western society. Then, read the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, and read about how our masters regard Freemasonry. It makes sense. Democracy, and its spread in the world as the result of two world wars, allows our masters to BUY every government in power using UNLIMITED money that they create using central banks to support politicians from both sides so that no matter who wins the election, all politicians follow the set recipe. Of course, our masters use both left and right political approaches to have democratic populations believe that they actually through votes, control the government they place in power. Politicians need money and media exposure to win local elections. Who in the world, control ALL the money and ALL the media of import in ANY country that has a CENTRAL BANK? Our masters (well, their local representatives, actually). Government lurch through left and right in the spectrum but they all proceed to achieve New World goals thru left and right political values and initiatives. Different colors, same thing. Politicians who dare change the local rules, or refuse to do that which they have agreed earlier, are simply replaced in the next election or eliminated to make a point to everyone out there such as JFK, Gadaffi (who at the beginning was an asset of our masters) and so on. Democracy is the TOOL by which our masters have conquered the world! Propaganda as a force used through media is the method by which they control the outcomes of democracies. Democracy and Propaganda control go together to become successful – behind all of these, of course, is UNLIMITED money that can be created by just opening up a slush account in the BIS. Think about it. That’s why they own ALL the media, and ALL democracies. With the advent of the internet sites, that’s also why they have controlled all the ALT media with significant following. It’s really quite easy. Building and running a site that makes money is virtually impossible. Our masters representatives just come and make an offer to budding attractive sites that is just SO fair. “Associate with us, write on a list of 30 issues, and you will get a monthly payment. You will get this infinitely…. {BUt don’t ever F*ck with me, ya know what I mean?}.” No, I didn’t get an offer. But Steven Greer said it all out in a presentation that was on Youtube. Of course, he didnt tell the whole truth. I paraphrase what he said, “You know, the globalists have asked me to say certain things on their behalf. And, this guy says to me, here, take this American Express Black card. There is a million dollars line of credit here. Go ahead and get what you want. But here is what Steven Greer says, “But no, I refused to do that. I must tell the truth as I must. The globalists don’t control me.” Well, Mr. Greer said he didn’t take the card – so I will believe that…. By the way, research what Steven Greer has got to say. What he has to say is extremely important and is 100% related to issues brought up in MM’s site.


Part 4:
Principle 2)My goodness, I am indeed much too tedious. Alright, we come to the stage in all writing where the writer says everything in staccato. Our masters are concerned that as they get older, and “leave this world” their progeny are not able to take up the course like they have. They are worried that the self-selection mechanisms they have put in place to weaken humanity – so that the best prevail – are ALSO weakening their progeny. They did not envision this as they had presumed that they are the elites because of their genes are superior. But give young people with elite genes, unlimited spending money, luxury vacations, cars, women and men and so on, well our older, wiser elites discovered many of their younger elites are no better in intelligence and New World utility than the useless cattle that they call most of us. Suddenly there is a great requirement to speed the necessary changes up. 911, Afghanistan, Iraq, 2008 Global Financial Meltdown, Obesity, Illegal Immigration, Islamic Terrorism, and here is the biggest catalyst, Covid-19, which will now cause the Global REALLY REALLY FOR REAL financial meltdown. You can add to that the CONCOCTED narratives of US vs China, US vs Russia, Novichok poisonings, Palestine vs. Israel, the West vs. Iran, Turkey vs. Greece & the West, and any other non-war (as yet) conflict you can think of. Add to that social-physical realities and maladies: Black vs. White; Republican vs. Democrat; White vs Non-Whites; Americans vs. the rest of the world; High IQ people vs. the sillyfcks; people who are concerned about global crises vs. social media addicts who don’t even know where Iran is, etc. and you add to it all forms of sicknesses (indeed, sicknesses in the opinion of our masters): LGBT, wokeness, drug use (legal & illegal), alcohol abuse, feminism, incels, BLM, white power, crime, hyper-sexualism (i.e. Tinder, Grindr, etc), Social Media Inspired Living and subsistence; veganism (which creates infertility, lowered intelligence & immunity, addiction); obesity; addictive gaming; resistance to authority, and so on. All engineered or encouraged by our masters to result in humans bringing on themselves self-selected destruction as they don’t fit the New World superhuman profiles.


Part 5:
ALL concocted and controlled by our masters to achieve New World ends. To blindside the masses of 7.2 billion people. To occupy their senses. And, yes, MM said it RIGHT THERE between your eyes. “Your thoughts make your reality.” So, if you fill your thoughts, with war, hatred, fear, addictions, distractions, self- destructive thoughts, you shall hang yourself by your own rope. MM has offered all readers our masters’ solutions albeit within a veil of non-transparency – where the truth must be buried beside the lies.
Principle #3 – why lies for all of us, before the truth is discovered? This is simple and laughably stupid. Because we as a population of humans are stubbornly stupid. If our masters proceeded to tell us everything as the truth, many will not listen and they will cause chaos that is not helpful in bringing about the changes that our masters want. Also, those people who are evil and psychopathic (in the eyes of our masters – not in the eyes of the human population!) will use the truth and advance their evil designs by acting the desired roles favored by our masters. That is why our masters create lies wherein they put kernels of truth, so that those who are worthy can sort it out, and through discernment, change themselves and become better human beings. These programs are designed to root out the evil psychopaths and sociopaths and nihilists, as they are designed to be especially attractive to the evil and psychopathic so that they will follow the designed path to identify them, capture them and in the ed, “eliminate them.” LGBT is an example of this. More extreme forms are the “minor-attracted persons” movement which is the pursuit the legalization of sex between adults and minors. No, our TRUE masters are NOT degenerates and pedophiles. But they are designing programs that will attract, identify and encourage degenerates of every form to express themselves – so they can be BIG DATA-listed for “research purposes” usage in the future…. Just testing you to see if you are discerning….