democrats take congress and the senate in Virginia.

Virginia might be where CWII begins, and here is why SHTF is coming soon.

This article discusses the current preparations for war on going in the state of Virginia. This is a war between conservative patriots, and progressive Marxists. It’s a war between then the urban cities and the rural areas. In many ways, it is shaping up to resemble the Bosnia civil war in general scope with elements of the Rwandan genocide being planned for in the urban areas.

It is my sincere hope that things can be diffused shortly. However, the build up of tensions is proceeding unabated, and it appears to be intentional.

America today. We are at a point of no return.
America today. We are at a point of no return.

First, the sides

The sides have already been established early on. One one side you have the conservative, traditional patriots. They reside in the predominantly rural areas and typically vote Republican and voted Trump into office. They fiercely defend free speech, free association, and the right to bear arms. They are very, very tired of progressive Marxism being rammed down their collective throats, and it appears their angst has reached a breaking point.

They follow and believe in the Constitution, both State and Federal, as written.

“It is the responsibility of the patriot to protect his country from its government.”

—Thomas Paine 
Advertisement catering to the American patriot.
Advertisement catering to the American patriot.

On the other side you have the progressive socialist Marxists. They voted for Hillary Clinton in 2016. They have been funded from enormous cash donations out of state, and even out of country. They have big business, and big government, and big landholders and the big oligarchy on their side. They pretty much reside in the urban areas and the richest and wealthiest counties.

The progressive activists come in different shapes, sizes and an amazing array of names. They go from democrat socialists, to communists, to liberals, to progressives, to social activists. They ahve armed groups that range fromt he Black Panthers, to the BLM and the Antifa. They all believe in replacing the United States Constitution with a more malleable document where they can control everything.
The progressive activists come in different shapes, sizes and an amazing array of names. They go from democrat socialists, to communists, to liberals, to progressives, to social activists. They have armed groups that range from the Black Panthers, to the BLM and the Antifa. They all believe in replacing the United States Constitution with a more malleable document where they can control everything.

The break down between these two groups can easily be illustrated on the 2016 election map, by country, for Virginia in 2016.

The break down between these two groups can easily be illustrated on the 2016 election map, by country, for Virginia in 2016.
The break down between these two groups can easily be illustrated on the 2016 election map, by country, for Virginia in 2016.

Second, the violations of Rights

Expert Tip – Never hand in your weapons to the government.

Well, after intense funding from outside the state, and a lack of interest in the Republican “wishy-washy” candidates, the progressive socialist democrat Marxists took control of all the levers of power in Virginia.

This newly elected democrat majority wants to ban the majority of firearms in the state. They want to ban everything about firearms. They want to ban ownership, transport, training and even mentioning having a gun.

The German genocidal events are well known to most Americans over the age of 40. Not so well known to the younger generations. The Nazi Germans "purged" the German society of "undesirables" which included just about EVERYONE except the "chosen" Arian race.
Hitler gun ban meme.
Hitler gun ban meme.

As such the newly elected socialist / Marxist democrats wasted no time “rubber stamping” pre-written anti-gun legislation…

The Armenean death march.
Four years after the government passed the anti-gun ownership legislation, the Christians were all collected and rounded up by armed militia, soldiers and local police forces. They were collected in the schools, town centers, and formed into groups. Then they were either killed outright, or sent on death marches into the hot barren desert.

They want people to turn in their weapons, New Zealand style, and barring that go house to house to search and confiscate the weapons. Those that do not comply will be arrested and given felony convictions.

It’s a scene right out of the 1984 movie “Red Dawn”.

FEMA camp scene from the 1984 movie "Red Dawn". Where people were rounded up because of their association with weapons.
FEMA camp scene from the 1984 movie “Red Dawn”. Where people were rounded up because of their association with weapons. Here, Harry Dean Stanton gave the legendary line, “AVENGE ME!”

Why this is contentious.

The political “talking points” is that all this is “common sense gun control”.

However, the real reason is to wrest control of the United States from the people. This is a long-duration effort that has been on-going for over a century, and now the only thing standing in the way of this takeover are clusters of armed citizens.

The idea is to disarm the citizens and begin the standard socialist takeover of the nation. Already, [1] the socialist Marxists have gained control of almost every government institution, and has molded it in their image. They have also [2] taken over many of the largest private institutions as well. In addition, they have also [3] been funding and arming socialist Marxist agitators.

Everything is falling into place.

Antifa receiving weapons, logistics and strategy training under the CIA  alongside the ISS fighters in Syria.
Antifa receiving weapons, logistics and strategy training under the CIA alongside the ISS fighters in Syria.

For those of you that don’t know what this means, I’ll tell you. It means complete and utter genocide of the opposition.

It’s “common sense” genocide.

Like this… (Opens up in a different tab.)

Pictures of a gun-free utopia.

In case you, the reader, think that I am exaggerating, read up on this subject. I have a six part study of this, and it is very important to read. The first post will take you into the series. Click on the link below, and it will open up in a different browser tab.

What is planned for American Conservatives - Part 2
What is going to happen to conservatives - Part 3.
What is planned for conservatives - part 4
What is in store for Conservatives - part 5
What is in store for conservatives - part 6

Oh, and don’t think that you will be able to sit this one out…

Historically, how preppers failed during periods of turmoil.

Ahhh, but don’t listen to me. Listen and get a second opinion, like this…

Gun Control "wet dreams". Here is a second opinion on this subject.
Gun Control “wet dreams”. Here is a second opinion on this subject.

Our protections…

Aside from a direct violation of the second Amendment in the Bill of RIGHTS…

Right to Bear Arms
Passed by Congress September 25, 1789. Ratified December 15, 1791. The first 10 amendments form the Bill of Rights 
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free  State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be  infringed. 

It is also a violation of the Fourth Amendment to the Bill of RIGHTS. For these laws talk about going house to house, searching for firearms and seizing them, and arresting the people in the house for good measure.

Search and Seizure
Passed by Congress September 25, 1789. Ratified December 15, 1791. The first 10 amendments form the Bill of Rights 

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers,  and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be  violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause,  supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place  to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized. 

Another opinion…

Reg Flag laws.
There isn’t any “due process” in any of these Democrat actions on gun control.

To these people, it’s as if the Bill of Rights does not exist, and that elected officials can make what ever rules and laws they want, selectively enforce them and the people; the citizens have absolutely zero say in the matter.

The American Bill of Rights does not exist if the government does not protect it.
The American Bill of Rights does not exist if the government does not protect it.

This subject is also covered here (opens up in a separate tab.)…

Universal Background Checks

Tazewell County has formed an official active militia.

Tazewell County has formed an official active militia as per the Second Amendment to the Constitution. This is in response to the actions of Virginia lawmakers that (immediately upon election) passed a very draconian gun control bill. A bill that is in violation of both the Federal and the Virginia Bill of Rights.

Tazewell County has  formed an official active militia as per the Second Amendment to the  Constitution.
Tazewell County has formed an official active militia as per the Second Amendment to the Constitution.

The foundation and the authority for Tazewell County to take this action is the Constitution itself;

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security  of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall  not be infringed.

To quote Daisy Luther ;

"To all of those who like to mock gun owners and ask if they’re going  to fight tyranny in a militia, Virginia’s answer is a clear and adamant  “yes.” That’s exactly what they’re planning to do."


Daisy Luther has been tracking this issue aggressively on her website The Organic Prepper. I can find no source finer and better researched than hers on this issue…

After the most recent election, the state’s House and Senate are both Democrat majorities and they haven’t wasted a moment in attempting to gut the gun laws in what has historically been a permissive state.

The so-called “assault weapon ban” is SB16 and  has that perilously vague wording we all know to be incredibly  dangerous. In some interpretations, this law, if it passes, could make  illegal the ownership or transportation of any semi-automatic gun  because extendable magazines are available for it – and you don’t even  have to have the extendable mags. (source)

I personally do not know if the progressive Marxist democrats in the United States realize that they are going to experience some “push back”, or if the “triggers” are intentional to start open warfare. I just don’t know.

Maybe they just think we are all stupid, dumb hicks that will obey what ever they tell us because we are not as bright and enlightened as they.
Maybe they just think we are all stupid, dumb hicks that will obey what ever they tell us because we are not as bright and enlightened as they.

The Reaction

In a series of rapidly changing developments, Virginia is undergoing  wholesale rebellion by rural and even suburban counties, rejecting the  oppressive gun control agenda recently revealed by the new incoming  Democrat-controlled legislature. 

Gun owners all across Old Dominion have  been up in arms since anti-gun forces took the House and Senate in the  recent election and are now preparing to resist having their arms taken  from them in any way possible. 

-Gun Rights Watch

That’s pretty much it.

You can chip away at every Right in the book , but when you start taking away the 2nd amendment… the very last roadblock to mass slaughter, genocide and tyranny, patriots will put their foot down.

And they have.

Counties across the state quickly organized into Second Amendment sanctuaries.

The speed at which they reacted is a testament to how furious they are  that their state government now wishes to infringe on their rights. 

An  even dozen counties have passed gun owner sanctuary resolutions already,  with new ones coming on a near-daily basis. 

-Gun Rights Watch 

The idea behind this is that the counties, as Second Amendment sanctuaries, would disregard any law that violates either the Federal or State Rights protecting firearm ownership, use and training.

The county-level defensive tactic that began originally in Oregon close to a decade ago, then popularized in Illinois, has spread to over a dozen states. It comes as no surprise that with few other options and little to lose, many communities in the state are vowing not to take part in any gun confiscation schemes or enforcement of unconstitutional laws designed to make private citizens less able to defend themselves.
The county-level defensive tactic that began originally in Oregon close to a decade ago, then popularized in Illinois, has spread to over a dozen states. It comes as no surprise that with few other options and little to lose, many communities in the state are vowing not to take part in any gun confiscation schemes or enforcement of unconstitutional laws designed to make private citizens less able to defend themselves.

Now, compare this map to the 2016 election map at the first part of this post. Obviously the battle lines are forming and the progressive tyrannical democrat Marxists want to disarm all traditional conservatives.

Then they have other things that they intend to do. It’s the historical norm. Don’t you know.

Other things…

South Africa. Once the socialist Marxists gain control, they purge all opposition by using military armed police.
South Africa. Once the socialist Marxists gain control, they purge all opposition by using military armed police. Do you think that those dead bodies on the ground had firearms? Do you think that they were trained in how to shoot, and oppose the ruling Marxists in power? This is what a Marxist progressive socialist utopia looks like. It is South Africa today. The disarmed people are turning over their farms, vehicles, and property for an increasingly hungry Marxist government.

The Reaction from the Tyrannical Marxists…

This reaction of taking proactive steps, as opposed to the nearly uniform sheep-like behavior of the past few centuries took the Marxists by surprise. Their reaction was totalitarian.


The sheep (serf-slaves) won't obey us? Well, that just won't go. Jeeves, please fetch me my jewel-encrusted phone. Yes. Now, quickly, don't you know, my masseuse is due in five minutes...

George. George Soros, please. Yes.

What should we do? The plantation is in open rebellion. What would you advise?

Oh, yes. That's right.

Kill the fuckers. Show them who's boss...

State Representative Donald MacEachin (D) was the first to suggest calling up the National Guard to squelch the rebellion…

McEachin also noted that Democratic Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam could call the National Guard, if necessary.

“And ultimately, I’m not the governor, but the governor may have to  nationalize the National Guard to enforce the law,” he said. “That’s his  call, because I don’t know how serious these counties are and how  severe the violations of law will be. But that’s obviously an option he  has.” (source)

This reaction was historical.

Which is to say, it follows the model of a tyrannical takeover predictably and unequivocally. It’s historical and follows the same tried and true application of seize, suppress, repress and implement tyranny.

Read your history…

There is no fucking way that Americans are going to allow the government to take away their rights, and implement genocide on them and their families.

There is no fucking way that Americans are going to allow the government to take away their rights, and implement genocide on them and their families.
There is no fucking way that Americans are going to allow the government to take away their rights, and implement genocide on them and their families.

No. Fucking. Way.

The progressive Marxists are delusional to believe that it will ever happen without a fight.

So they began to contemplate calling in the military to disarm, arrest, and subjugate the citizens of Virginia.

Adolf Hitler addressing his military telling them that they need to round up Jews, and undesirables, disarm them all for the good of the nation.
Adolf Hitler addressing his military telling them that they need to round up Jews, and undesirables, disarm them all for the good of the nation.

The National Guard’s Response

Maj. Gen. Timothy P. Williams, the Adjutant General of Virginia’s National Guard responded rather vaguely via Twitter.

We have received multiple questions regarding proposed  legislation for the 2020 General Assembly session and the authority of  the Governor of Virginia to employ the Virginia National Guard in a law  enforcement role. 

We understand and respect the passion people feel  for the U.S. Constitution and 2nd Amendment rights. We will not  speculate about the possible use of the Virginia National Guard.

— Va. National Guard (@VaNationalGuard) December 13, 2019

The responses in the Twitter thread were very interesting and suggest a firestorm is brewing…

A militia is forming in Virginia

Tazewell County, a county on the mountainous West Virginia border, is taking this threat to the Rights of citizens very seriously. In their minds, the government has completely failed them that that the time has long past for passive acceptance of tyranny. They believe that they need to take strong, unequivocal, and proactive measures to assure that their Rights will remain intact and in place.

The militia is constantly made fun of by the mainstream American media, however there is nothing wrong with demanding that people obey the Constitution. When the government stops following it, and then starts to break every single law in the book, true patriots will not allow it to pass. They will fight back and wrest control back to them.
The militia is constantly made fun of by the mainstream American media, however there is nothing wrong with demanding that people obey the Constitution. When the government stops following it, and then starts to break every single law in the book, true patriots will not allow it to pass. They will fight back and wrest control back to them.

So, not only did they pass a Second Amendment Sanctuary resolution, but they’ve also officially begun to form an armed, and active militia.

Just this past Tuesday, on December 10th, the Board of  Supervisors from Tazewell County passed two different resolutions in  light of controversy circling those who are pro-gun. 

The first resolution declared the county to be a second amendment sanctuary. This  is not at all surprising to see, as 76 out of 95 counties, 9 out of 38  independent cities, and 13 towns have adopted second amendment sanctuary  resolutions.

The second item on the agenda was the proposition of establishing a  militia in the county. When both of the resolutions passed, the crowd  cheered loudly in support of the decisions.  

Also, the resolutions  didn’t exactly pass by a small margin; the votes were unanimous, with  more than 200 citizens standing by in support.
-Law Enforcement Today (source)

County Administrator Eric Young explained why the county has opted to form a militia.

“Our position is that Article I, Section 13, of the  Constitution of Virginia reserves the right to ‘order’ militia to the  localities. 

Therefore, counties, not the state, determine what types of arms may be carried in their territory and by whom. So, we are  ‘ordering’ the militia by making sure everyone can own a weapon.”

Thus, if anyone from the state (government) tries to remove the Sheriff from their  elected office because they refuse to enforce unjust laws, those state  officials will be faced with a lawful militia composed of citizens  within the state. 

-  Tazewell County Administrator Eric Young (source)

Arming up and readying for battle

This article explains the extensive training being offered by Tazewell County to its citizens. This is being done in order to make sure everyone is acting safely and responsibly.

“Coincidentally,” there’s an anti-paramilitary bill on the table.

It’s probably no coincidence that at the same time militias are forming, there’s also a bill to make them illegal. The anti-paramilitary bill SB64 has thrown kerosene on an already brilliant inferno.

This bill, once it becomes law, will make learning how to shoot a weapon a felony. It will be equal to that of rape of a child, or selling hard drugs to infants.

The future of anyone who has any association with guns, gun organizations, shooting, shooting clubs, or hunting. This is a scene from the Bosnia conflict. Take note that all these rounded up men, every single one in this picture, was killed and found buried in a mass grave five years later.
The future of anyone who has any association with guns, gun organizations, shooting, shooting clubs, or hunting. This is a scene from the Bosnia conflict. Take note that all these rounded up men, every single one in this picture, was killed and found buried in a mass grave five years later.

Obviously, the radical progressive Marxists want a conflict. They do so, obviously in the belief, that they will persevere and win this conflict.

Here’s some of the text of that bill.

§ 18.2-433.2. Paramilitary activity prohibited; penalty.A person shall be is guilty of unlawful paramilitary activity, punishable as a Class 5 felony if he:

1. Teaches or demonstrates to any other person the use, application, or making of any firearm, explosive, or  incendiary device, or technique capable of causing injury or death to  persons, knowing or having reason to know or intending that such  training will be employed for use in, or in furtherance of, a civil  disorder; or

2. Assembles with one or more persons for the purpose of training  with, practicing with, or being instructed in the use of any firearm,  explosive, or incendiary device, or technique capable of causing  injury or death to persons, intending to employ such training for use  in, or in furtherance of, a civil disorder; or

3. Assembles with one or more persons with the intent of  intimidating any person or group of persons by drilling, parading, or  marching with any firearm, any explosive or incendiary device, or any  components or combination thereof. 


Obviously, this is not a coincidence.

They predicted how rural Virginians would respond to their gun-grabbing actions. Their plan all along was to confiscate guns and turn any organized resistance into a felony.

The "fall back" position is to "register the guns" instead of an outright seizure. But that is just buying time. The truth is that history tells us that ALL registration of weapons WILL result in collection efforts.
The “fall back” position is to “register the guns” instead of an outright seizure. But that is just buying time. The truth is that history tells us that ALL registration of weapons WILL result in collection efforts, followed by the obligatory genocide of the disarmed. Gun registration is the “Albanian method” of genocide.

The Virginia Legislators are committing treason.

There could hardly be anything more unconstitutional than SB64. When you violate the Constitution you commit treason.

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the  security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms,  shall not be infringed.

They are violating their oath.

This is the pledge these legislators swore:

“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the Constitution of the United States, and the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Virginia,  and that I will faithfully and impartially discharge all the duties incumbent upon me as ………. according to the best of my ability, (so help me God).” 


Every person in the government who has sworn this oath yet supports these unconstitutional bills should be immediately recalled as well as tried criminally. This is long overdue, and because of this lack of policing of the elected officials, we have found ourselves within this mess.

When the government stops policing the very structure of the national Constitution, the door opens wide for the usurpation by people with evil intent.
When the government stops policing the very structure of the national Constitution, the door opens wide for the usurpation by people with evil intent.

This strategy was orchestrated by someone with a lot of money and power.

Daisy Luther framed this situation quite presciently. She said…

This is something that has been thought through, perhaps even by gun  control advocate and presidential candidate Michael Bloomberg.  The  reason I’m suggesting Bloomberg specifically is that his PAC donated millions and millions of dollars to turn the legislatures of 24 states to a Democrat majority.  

His millions worked in 21 of those cases, and Virginia is one of them.  Packing the state legislatures with allies would help his agenda should he actually become the next president. Records filed so far show that  organizations controlled and funded by Mr. Bloomberg spent more than $41  million on 24 House races, much of it on eye-catching ads rolled out on  social media and broadcast on television in the crucial final days of the campaign. 

And while it’s impossible to conclude that any one factor tipped the balance in a race, Mr. Bloomberg appears  to have reaped the benefits of his millions in giving.  

Democrats won 21 of the 24 races he sought to influence.  Of those, 12 had been considered  either tossups or in Republican districts. “The mission was to flip the House. Success or failure would be  defined by that,” said Howard Wolfson, a senior adviser to Mr.  Bloomberg. (source)

Bloomberg is rabidly anti-gun and has said that ending “the nationwide madness of U.S. gun violence”  is the impetus behind his run for the White House. If he were to be  elected, may God help America, because he will destroy everything for  which our nation has ever stood.

Here’s the summary on what’s happening in Virginia

His vrs Her thoughts.
It’s funny because it is so very true. Girls and guns. So very funny.

Let’s look at all these facts together.

  • With Michael Bloomberg’s help, the Democrats took over the Virginia state congress.
  • There’s an anti-paramilitary bill that would disallow armed people to gather or teach others how to use firearms or any technique that could cause injury or death.
  • There’s a bill that would make semi-automatic weapons illegal.
  • Nearly the entire state (aside from the highly populated areas that elected these yahoos) has balked and formed Second Amendment sanctuaries.
  • A legislator threatened the sanctuaries with the National Guard.
  • The sanctuaries responded by activating an organized militia.

The only real way to prevent bloodshed and save face for the congress and governor is for these bills not to pass.

What happens when only the government has guns.
What happens when only the government has guns.

That would be difficult, though, given the fact that Bloomberg dumped millions of dollars into getting people elected who promised to pass strict gun control bills. If they suddenly vote against the bill, they will have to face their angry constituents and the wrath of Bloomberg.

Rural Virginians seem unlikely to back down and are willing to fight. They have another month to get organized to defend their communities.

Here is what Daisy Luther has to say…

Remember that in situations such as these, the rumor mill works  overtime. There are a lot of reports that are exaggerated. 

The truth is  bad enough that we don’t need to add far-fetched theories to the mix. 
History is terrible enough and crazy enough that all you need to do is read the "lessons learned" from the handful of survivors of Socialist / Marxist genocides.
History is terrible enough and crazy enough that all you need to do is read the “lessons learned” from the handful of survivors of Socialist / Marxist genocides.
This article is a very good, common-sense breakdown of fact vs. fiction,  although some vehemently disagree with the assessment that the  government will not turn off communications and power for the sanctuary  areas. 

It’s certainly not impossible to imagine that drastic measures  could be taken.
Very Puzzling.
Very Puzzling.
What will happen next remains to be seen, but it is no exaggeration to say that the future of our country is now riding on the response of Virginians, should these unconstitutional laws pass.


These articles will either pass or not.

If they pass, there will be “push back” from the conservative patriots against the Marxist democrats.

If they do not pass, then there will be a short (perhaps two to three years) while the progressive Marxists regroup and rethink a strategy that will enable them to attain their goals to their benefit.

And that is the way it is.

This is when the bullet meets the bone.
This is when the bullet meets the bone.

Thus, the first volley into CWII and SHTF is in progress. Make sure that you have achieved all your prepper goals, mapped out strategies and have back-up plans in the event that things do not go in your favor.

Nice meme on gun collection and genocide,
There is a direct link between gun collection and genocide. It is the historical norm. However, most people are ignorant of history, and others don’t care. They openly want genocide… against their neighbors. They never think that it could be used against them.

Best of luck, and God’s grace.

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