Caddyshack Republicans.

Washington DC as “Caddyshack” with Donald Trump winning the tournament.

Many people from myself to Rush Limbaugh have compared Donald Trump’s arrival in Washington D.C. to the movie “Caddyshack”. It’s said jokenly, but the fact remains that there are some real truths in this analogy. Like Rodney Dangerfield, Donald Trump was an outsider, and his strange and (seemingly) uncouth actions upset the fine cushy empire established by the local elites. Here is an article that discusses this phenomenon.

Donald Trump, love him or hate him, is exactly what America needs right now. We need to seriously shake up what the United States has become, tear it apart and rebuild it up from scratch. He’s the first step in this process.

 Donald Trump as Rodney Dangerfield in Caddyshack
 Sep 17, 2019 
RUSH: Now, normally I would not make a big deal out of this,  either. But this, I’m gonna call your attention to. I’m gonna go back to  May 22, 2018. So it’s, what, 15 months ago (a year and a half ago,  let’s call it that), and I was describing for people… You know, I love  analogies. I love to persuade. There are many different techniques that  one can use to persuade. I love the analogy or comparison. I was trying  to explain to a caller the way the Washington establishment has reacted  to Trump, and this is what I said (audio sound bite number 1) to the  caller.
RUSH ARCHIVE: You know another way to look at Trump? How about the  movie Caddyshack? Here you have these phony club members led by Ted  Baxter, and he’s running around. They’ve got this little country club  and everybody in it thinks they’re the best of the best in town. Rodney  Dangerfield decides to join and gets in and blows the club up. He’s got  this gigantic golf cart, drives it on the greens, blows a big horn, has a  gigantic golf bag. The leaders of the country club are beside  themselves. They try to kick the guy out, and they can’t. They lose  every effort against him. That’s Trump: Rodney Dangerfield in  Caddyshack.
RUSH: Yeah, Ted Baxter was great in that movie. He’s christening a  new yacht for his family, and it’s like a 12-foot dinghy. And Rodney  Dangerfield has this giant 80-footer and capsizes it while driving by  waving. This is Trump, okay? So let’s now go to Thursday on a podcast  called Recode Media. There’s a guy — the host is Peter Kafka — and he’s  talking to the New York Times chief television critic, James Poniewozik,  about his new book, Audience of One: Donald Trump, Television, and the  Fracturing of America. The question: “There’s a great comparison you  have in the book. For our younger audience who hasn’t seen Caddyshack,  explain Rodney?”
PONIEWOZIK: Al Czervik, who Rodney Dangerfield plays, is this  obnoxious, boorish rich guy who all the stuck-up people — the other  stuck up rich people in the country club — hate. His character is  opposed, in the movie, to Ted Knight’s character, Judge Smails, who is  the, you know, stick-up-his-ass, uptight rich guy who sort of runs the  country club and cannot stand him. This all came to mind during the 2016  debates to me, when I’m watching Donald Trump in action in the debates  and seeing him go up against Jeb Bush. He’s like the Clampetts against  Mr. Drysdale. He’s Rodney Dangerfield against Ted Knight. It’s the rich  guy that you want to be against the (bleep) snotty rich guy that  everybody hates. 

This article is a full reprint of “The Deep State Starring in “Caddyshack on the Potomac” ” by Victor Davis Hanson. It’s pretty brilliantly (as usual), and discusses the Deep State, Hubris, Nemesis, and (of course) Donald Trump. I strongly recommend that the reader visit the author of this piece and get to know his works. You can go HERE.

The Deep State Starring in “Caddyshack on the Potomac

[T]hey never say to themselves, “I’m not elected.” The constitution says an elected president sets foreign policy.


So there’s this sense that they, as credential experts, have a value system, and the value system is they have an inordinate respect for an Ivy League degree or a particular alphabetic combination after their name: a J.D., a Ph.D., an MBA, or a particular resume.

I worked at the NSC, then I transferred over to the NSA, and then, I went into the State Department.

And we saw that in really vivid examples during the Adam Schiff impeachment inquiries, where a series of State Department people, before they could even talk, [they] said…

“I’m the third generation to serve in my family.  
This is my resume. 
This is where I went to school. 
This is where I was  posted.” 

And in the case of Adam Schiff, we saw these law professors, who had gone in and out of government, and they had these academic billets.


And to condense all that, it could be distilled by saying the deep state makes arguments by authority:

“I’m an authority, and I have  credentials, and therefore, ipse dixit, what I say matters.” 

And they don’t want to be cross-examined, they don’t want to have their argument in the arena of ideas and cross-examination.

They think it deserves authority, and they have contempt—and I mean that literally—contempt for elected officials.

[They think:] “These are buffoons in private  enterprise. They are the CEO in some company; they’re some local Rotary  Club member. They get elected to Congress, and then we have to school  them on the international order or the rules-based order.” 

They have a certain lingo, a proper, sober, and judicious comportment.

... Caddyshack would be an even sharper dissection of the divide between the Haves and the Have Nots in America than the script for Animal House  that he and Ramis co-wrote. 

In fact, the script had many  autobiographical references to incidents experienced by Ramis and the  Murray brothers, all of whom caddied at local country clubs as  teenagers. 

In 1988, Bill Murray told the New York Times Magazine,  “The kids who were members of the club were despicable; you couldn’t  believe the attitude they had. 

I mean, you were literally walking  barefoot in a T-shirt and jeans, carrying some privileged person’s  sports toys on your back for five miles.” 

- 10 reasons that Caddyshack may just be the best summertime comedy ever. 

So you can imagine that Donald Trump—to take a metaphor, Rodney Dangerfield out of Caddyshack—comes in as this, what they would say, stereotype buffoon and starts screaming and yelling.

And he looks different.

He talks different.

And he has no respect for these people at all.

Rodney Dangerfield in Caddyshack. Reminds me of Donald trump in Washington DC.
Rodney Dangerfield in Caddyshack. Reminds me of Donald trump in Washington DC.

Maybe that’s a little extreme that he doesn’t, but he surely doesn’t. And that frightens them.

And then they coalesce.

And I’m being literal now. Remember the anonymous Sept. 5, 2018, op-ed writer who said,

“I’m here actively trying to oppose Donald Trump.” 

He actually said that he wanted him to leave office. Then, Admiral [William] McRaven said…

“the sooner, the better.” 

This is a four-star admiral, retired. [He] says a year before the election … Trump should leave:

“the sooner,  the better.” 

That’s a pretty frightening idea.

Trump is like Rodney Dangerfield in the movie Caddyshack.
Trump is like Rodney Dangerfield in the movie Caddyshack.

And when you have Mark Zaid, the lawyer for the whistleblower and also the lawyer for some of the other people involved in this—I think it’s a conspiracy—saying that one coup leads to another. …

People are talking about a coup, then we have to take them at their own word. …

I think that people feel that for a variety of reasons—cultural, social, political—that Trump is not deserving of the respect that most presidents receive, and therefore any means necessary to get rid of him are justified.

” It would also seem that, of all the other older members of the cast,  Dangerfield bonded the most with the younger actors, mainly because of  their mutual appreciation for recreational drugs. In that same 2007  interview, Colomby revealed that the laundry room of the motel where the  cast and crew were booked became the designated partying area, and that  occasionally after hours Dangerfield would ask him, “Hey, Scott, you  wanna do some laundry?” 

 - 10 reasons that Caddyshack may just be the best summertime comedy ever.  

And for some, it’s the idea that he’s had neither political or military prior experience.

For others, it’s his outlandish appearance, his Queens accent, as I said, his Rodney Dangerfield presence.

Rodney Dangerfield as Donald Trump.
Rodney Dangerfield as Donald Trump.

And for others—I think this is really underestimated—he is systematically undoing the progressive agenda of Barack Obama, which remember, was supposed to be not just an eight-year regnum, but 16 years with Hillary Clinton.

That would’ve reformed the court.

It would have shut down fossil fuel exploration, pipelines, more regulations—well, pretty much what Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders are talking about right now.

That was going to happen.

Rodney Dangerfield in Caddyshack. Reminds me of Donald trump in Washington DC.
Rodney Dangerfield in Caddyshack. Reminds me of Donald trump in Washington DC.

And so for a lot of people, they think…

“Wow, if Donald Trump is elected in 2020..."

—and he will be, according to the fears of Representatives Al Green or [Alexandria] Ocasio-Cortez or Nancy Pelosi; remember, they keep saying this impeachment is about the 2020 [election]—

“...we’ve got to ensure the  integrity.” 

That’s what Nadler said today.

But if Trump is elected, that would mean eventually in five more years, [we’d have a] 7–2 Supreme Court, 75 percent of the federal judiciary [would be] conservative and traditional and constructionist. …

We are the world’s largest oil and gas producer and exporter, but we probably would be even bigger.

And when you look at a lot of issues, such as abortion, or identity politics, or the securing of the border, or the nature of the economy or foreign policy, they think America as we know it will be—to use a phrase from Barack Obama—“fundamentally transformed.”

So that’s the subtext of it.

Stop this man right now before he destroys the whole progressive project—and with it, the reputation of the media. Because the media saw this happening and they said, “You know what?”—as Jim Rutenberg in the New York Times or Christiane Amanpour have said—“… you really don’t need to be disinterested.”

Trump is beyond the pale, so it’s OK to editorialize in your news coverage.

Trump is beyond the pale, and the "blue bloods" are shitting their pants.
Trump is beyond the pale, and the “blue bloods” are shitting their pants.

And so the Shorenstein Center has reported that 90 percent of all news coverage [of Trump] is negative.

So they’ve thrown their hat in the ring and said, we’re going to be part of the Democratic progressive agenda to destroy this president. But if they fail, then their reputation goes down with the progressive project.

And that’s happening now.

CNN is at all-time low ratings, at least the last four years. And the network news is losing audiences, and most of the major newspapers are, as well.

So there’s a lot of high stakes here. And if Donald Trump survives and were to be reelected, I don’t know what would happen on the left. It would make the 2016 reaction look tame in comparison.


A great little read. All credit to the authors. All I did was edit to fit this blog, and added some pictures. Source links: RTWT and HT: The News Junkie.

No respect.
No respect.

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