This post is in response to an Influencer who asked…
What troubles me the most is what is coming to my country and you covered it so well but if there is anything that you can add i am sure the majority of readers are concerned with this and would greatly appreciate your input. What is so odd is everyone I talk with tells me that they can feel something coming but they don't know what it is. i love my country dearly but to see what has happened to it and to so many lazy, entitled and plain stupid Americans i know that this has to happen. I do so very much appreciate MM.
Yes. Something is coming. Everyone can feel it. But no one knows what it is.
All throughout history there have been critical turning points when events have greatly accelerated, and it appears that we have reached one of those turning points. In fact, this may be turn out to be the biggest turning point of them all. Millions upon millions of Americans can sense that big trouble is ahead. For many, it is like a “gut feeling” that they just can’t shake. Just a few days ago, my wife met a woman from the west coast that just moved here. This woman and her husband were desperate to leave California, and they felt very strongly that they should move somewhere safe. What makes her story remarkable is the fact that my wife and I have heard similar stories from others countless times over the past 12 months. Our nation is being shaken in thousands of different ways, and so many of us can feel that things are building up to some sort of a grand crescendo. -Why Are So Many Americans Stockpiling Guns, Silver And Food Right Now?
Part of the problem, maybe a big part, is that the American “free” media doesn’t report anything. And Americans are manipulated and kept in the dark about so many things that the rest of the world knows about. Since Americans are kept ignorant for manipulation purposes, they can “feel” things, but have no “knowledge” to channel their feelings into understandings.
Feelings + Intel = Knowledge
I’ve tried to lay out information (Intel) so that you all can be ready and prepared. But even with that people as asking for more concrete and hard predictions.
Historical records clearly point out the the United States will go through a severe and harsh change in society. This has been building up for some time. The worst and most catastrophic elements of that change has already been set in motion. Anything that will occur will occur during the ten-year span from 2020 though 2030.
Serious upheaval in America will occur from 2020 though to 2030. This is a ten year period of time. As this post was written in 2021, there are nine years remaining during this period.
I’m going to lay out some points and some information. I’ve covered the background elsewhere in great detail. However, here we are just going to throw it all out for purposes of review.
Generational Turnings are a historically accurate methodology for predictive behaviors.
America; the United States, will go through the following in the next ten years;
- Domestic unrest resulting in death(s).
- A complete change in the Federal Government.
- The value of the USD will collapse.
- A very serious “Hot War” on American soil.
- Cultural, and societal collapse.
Normalcy bias, or normality bias, is a cognitive bias which leads people to disbelieve or minimize threat warnings. Consequently, individuals underestimate the likelihood of a disaster, when it might affect them, and its potential adverse effects. The normalcy bias causes many people to not adequately prepare for natural disasters, pandemics, and calamities caused by human error. About 70% of people reportedly display normalcy bias during a disaster. -Wikipedia
Let’s go one by one on these points.
[1] Domestic unrest resulting in death(s).
Historically, Fourth Turnings are always associated with domestic unrest. Not only that but people die. Yes. There is an entire sub-culture of Americans that believe that domestic unrest will occur. All you need to do is google SHTF and “prepper”. And you know that many Americans expect this. Gun stores are empty of guns and ammo.
Everyone is expecting societal unrest. And they plan on defending themselves and their family. In fact, for the last three months the top MM posts are those devoted to the SHTF Index.
And sure… nothing is guaranteed. This fear might just be a passing fad. Or the absolute result of American media going “off the rails”. Or some kind of mass psychosis due to being locked inside all 2020. It could be anything.
I am of the opinion …
- Most Americans are unhappy.
- Most Americans are locked inside of a class structure with little upward movement.
- There are terrible and systematic problems regarding American society.
- Government “solutions” are insufficient, meager and viewed as an insult.
- There are groups who desire to capitalize on domestic discord to promote their own agendas.
- There are elements inside of the Federal Government that have the power and plans to come down aggressively to any disruption of society.
None of the above should come as any surprise to most Americans. And thus I conclude…
There is a higher than average chance that there will be domestic revolt / upset. This is not a continuation of BLM, Antifa “riots”, or a Trump Supporter “frat party” style takeover of Congress. This will be something far more serious, sinister and deadly. It will not be reported, or if it is, it will be reported in such a way as to minimize what is actually going on.
Historically, these kinds of events are preceded by the government trying to take preemptive actions. That could be [1] “false flag” events, [2] a banning of weapons or one or more Rights / freedoms, and [3] a call to fight some kind of “enemy” or “threat”.
If any of the above occurs to any serious degree, you can well expect domestic discord to follow promptly.
Historically, all Democrat Presidents have had a major "Gun-related mass-killing event" within the first nine months of their Presidency. That includes Trump who was supposed to lose to Hillary Clinton.
[2] A complete change in the Federal Government.
Historically, Fourth Turnings are always associated with a serious and large change in the Government. The current American government is an enormous behemoth, it is sluggish, inefficient, lazy, and is out of control. To believe that it is working fine or that it could be improved is to ignore the facts. Both sides of the political divide demand a restructuring.
- Democrats are looking towards a Socialist and Marxist solution.
- Republicans are looking for a return to the 1776 Republic.
The compass is all over the place on this. One thing is for certain, the wealthy oligarchy loves the status quo and do not want to change anything. To make the changes that are necessary, a real revolution must occur.
The Federal Government will change substantially. I can offer no insight into what it will change into. Needless to say, the nation is completely divided and polarized and no matter who obtains the reins of power, large segments of the population will be unhappy. The only way that I can see any kind of satisfaction is by an overwhelmingly exhausted citizenry that is ready to accept change, no matter how radical it is.
Nor can I offer insight as to how this will happen. What I do know is that unless it happens, there will be no ‘Crisis Event”.
[3] The value of the USD will collapse.
Historically, Fourth Turnings are always associated with economic changes. I see an exponential increase in the value of the stock market with zero connection to the lives of actual American citizenry. I also see an exponential increase in the national debt. It doesn’t take a genius to see that both of these things are not sustainable.
People have been predicting the eventual collapse of the American economy for decades. Yet it still hums along. The only way that this will change is if the international medium of exchange changes. And there is evidence that this is exactly what is going on. I do not see this as a sudden, precipitous event, but rather a trend that continues over a long swath of time before the USD stabilizes.
The USD will significantly change in value negatively. This will occur over a period of time. The end result will be generalized discomfort for Americans on many levels.
[4] A very serious “Hot War” on American soil.
Historically, Fourth Turnings are always associated with “hot wars”; shooting wars that occurring using the most advanced technology available, and they occur on American soil.
Even if the nation stays together, its geography could be fundamentally changed, its party structure altered, its Constitution and Bill of Rights amended beyond recognition. History offers even more sobering warnings: Armed confrontation usually occurs around the climax of Crisis. If there is confrontation, it is likely to lead to war. This could be any kind of war—class war, sectional war, war against global anarchists or terrorists, or superpower war. If there is war, it is likely to culminate in total war, fought until the losing side has been rendered nil—its will broken, territory taken, and leaders captured. And if there is total war, it is likely that the most destructive weapons available will be deployed.
There is no avoiding this. Anyone who thinks that China will allow another Yemen, Afghanistan or Syria to occur in the South China Sea is delusional. The same goes for Russia. These nations do not play, are peer-capable, or superior in training and weaponry, and work together. The idea that America can take on China or Russia independently is a fantasy. Any war with either will result in a war with both simultaneously.
So forget the illusions that America has the biggest, the baddest, and the best military. It might get by trying twenty years to fight goat-herders with AK-47’s, but is no match for merit-based, well-trained, superior-armed, and a pissed-off Asia.
From 2017 through 2020, the United States “carpet bombed” China with bio-weapons. This effort affected Russia, and Iran. And of course, China, Iran and Russia knows who was involved, why and how.
But China, Russia and Iran didn’t take any obvious retaliatory action.
That should make every single Americans hair stand on end.
We should expect a major hot war. This war will be instigated though American actions and international activities. Neither China, nor Russia are stupid. They will strike first. They will use full-spectrum nuclear weapons, and America will resemble one of the nations that it “bombed the shit out of” for “democracy”.
[5] Cultural, and societal collapse.
Historically, Fourth Turnings are always associated with severe changes to society and the individuals who live inside America. In the past, Americans have been resilient enough, independent enough, and hardy enough to rebuild any collapsed society. But today, I am not so sure.
With or without war, American society will be transformed into something different. The emergent society may be something better, a nation that sustains its Framers' visions with a robust new pride. Or it may be something unspeakably worse. The Fourth Turning will be a time of glory or ruin.
Most Americans are terribly overweight, and while many are functional with technology, during a period of societal collapse most technology will not operate in an optimal manner during a full scale Crisis Event. During 2020 large segments of the American population failed to work together and wear masks during the pandemic. I just cannot imagine that Americans would rebuild radioactive cities, start planting vegetables in their suburban lawns, and working together for free.
Americans have been a historically resilient people, but whether or not they will be able to come together during the Crisis Event is unlikely. It is not a politically attractive position, but it is a realistic expectation.
Let’s combine everything together.
Well, there is nothing that I have said here that I have not covered elsewhere. But let’s see if we can compile some knowns to help us make a substantive predictive engine for our use.
Keep in mind that this is just a predictive map. It may or may not happen.

Uh Oh!
My argument is that the COVID-19 fiasco in the United States is not part of this collapse crisis vector. It is only a contributor.
Whether the future occurs as predicted will depend on the actions or inaction’s of the American Presidency. Any of the following events will probably unleash a particular singular element of the Crisis event.
- Passage of restrictive laws that infringe on cherished Rights.
- A military action that involves either China, Russia or Iran.
- No attempts at financial, banking or economic restructuring.
- A “false flag” event of any purpose.
Knowing that these are exactly the same kind of modus operandi that Washington has used over the last fifty years, you can well expect that some or all of them will precipitate the Crisis event.
Year by Year expectations
The graphic above is pretty complex. Let’s look at it like you would a newspaper horoscope.
- The pandemic continues all year.
- Posturing of various political and special interests organized by various oligarchies.
- Continued (minor) unrest on many levels.
- A somewhat stabilization of the overall economic consideration.
- A “false flag” event.
- The pandemic continues.
- Domestic unrest starts to manifest. Maybe shootings or some kind of organized behavior.
- Some unpopular laws or regulations are implemented.
- The USA starts to get involved in some strong covert (not visible) international military actions.
2023 Crisis
- People are adapting to the Pandemic and it seems to be subsiding.
- Domestic unrest continues and gets more violent.
- The economy and the USD starts to falter. Economic Balloons start to “pop”.
- The Federal Government looks towards a hot war with a major power as a desirable technique of distraction and unification.
- The USA starts to engage in International Military Actions of some visible type.
- Risk of a HOT WAR is very high. It may or may not hit American soil.
2024 Insanity
- Still a pandemic, but is under control.
- Domestic unrest breaks out in open conflict in numerous areas.
- The Federal Government starts to decentralize, or change in some significant manner.
- The economy starts a long sequence of contractions and mini-collapses.
- The USD starts to have it’s value erode significantly.
- HOT WAR! Americans on American soil are affected. It’s not a “police action” in a far away land or sea.
- The health system, inefficient and expensive collapses completely.
- Society is disrupted. Communication, transport, food, and electricity are all unreliable and disrupted.
- The Election is a landslide for one political party who promises massive change.
2025 “Everything but the kitchen sink”
- 2025 will be like 2024, only crazier, and more intense.
- Discord and disruptions are commonplace and are no longer isolated to certain geographic regions. Everyone “feels the pinch”.
- May people start to die of illnesses that could have been prevented or cured.
- New illnesses and viruses start to appear all over America. These are far worse than the COVID-19. Americans treat them like the “seasonal flu”.
- Everyone is in “survival mode”.
- Americans start to turn to non-American news for information.
2026 “The Kitchen Sink gets included”
- Anything that was good about 2025, is now gone.
- Normal lifestyles are permanently disrupted.
- Urban areas are hotbeds of contentious activity.
- Woods and forests are flooded with urban refugees.
- Hot war ends.
- Things are still crazy, but groups of people are working together to sort out the craziness.
- A new type of government emerges.
- Domestic discord and fighting continues, but it’s mostly “turf wars”.
- The USD has substantially collapsed.
- US economy is in ruins.
- The government begins to discuss reconstruction efforts and mobilization of work forces for a common good.
- A new normal has arrived in America.
- There is a new government, new people, new ideas, and new systems.
- The USA is shattered and a real mess, but people are starting to band together in small groups to make things right in their little area of control.
- People can see the “light at the end of the tunnel”.
- Reconstruction efforts begin.
- Rehabilitation efforts begin.
- New policies and lifestyles start to manifest.
- A brighter future lies ahead for everyone.
The sky is falling!
We were told that 2021 would be the year when everything starts to get back to normal. But that hasn’t exactly been the case, has it? It has been just over a month, and there is still chaos everywhere. We have seen a wild riot at the U.S. Capitol, civil unrest has been erupting in major cities from coast to coast, millions of people have filed for unemployment benefits, a president was impeached, and a crazy ride on Wall Street made “GameStop” a national phenomenon. That would normally be enough for an entire year, but we are still in the first week of February. Economic Collapse Blog (Read More...)
Oh, sure. Doomsday predictions are a “dime a dozen”. From Global Cooling, to Global Warming, to Chinese Killer Zombie Hornets, to 5G radiation. From California sliding into the Pacific, to Y2K collapsing the entire basis of civilization. To …
…well you get the picture.
Those that run the government and their oligarchy owners know all of this. The trick is, and the key is, to identify just how the President and Congress will be able to prevent any of this from occurring. I argue that it’s like the little boy with his finger in a dike. He might not be able to stop the great enormous explosion of change.
But if he is able to, if he is able to redirect it, than much of all this can be avoided, and the status quo can continue for another 150 years.
Wouldn’t that be wonderful?
Remember the final scene in the movie “Back to the Future III”, when the Professor Emmet Brown tells Marty and his girlfriend that the future is not carved in stone. You have the ability and the tools to change it.

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I’m getting too old for this shit…
The last (stolen) election hasn’t been resolved yet. That alone is going to be enough to kick all this crap off over here. I also believe that has a lot to do with this general unease and feelings of something bad coming.
The rest of what you say I can pretty much agree with. The Fourth Turning is marching along right on schedule.
The last election won’t ever be resolved. “Democracies” are just puppet-theater for the mindless sheeple. The oligarchy controls all. And they ride the roller-coaster as far and as long as they can, and then they jump off leaving everyone on-board to go through the fiery crash at the end-of-the-line.
You will see a general calming down of Washington DC, politics and the “news”. Don’t let that fool you. They put the lid on the stew on the stove, and turned down the heat. But it’s still a cooking. It’s still brewing. It’s still very, very warm.
Well, Mr Man– as youve said over and over, real Secrets are just that, really secret. And what’s coming– assuming it’s being planned– will remain just that until after it hits. Then we’ll all know. And then some.
Like Covid. I have many friends who are into alternative news, and not one of their sources predicted Covid or any other kind of global event. Nada. Zilch. Until, of course, after it hit. Then we all knew. And that’s what you call a secret. Until it wasn’t.
Alex Jones or Kerry Cassidy never predicted that one, right?
There was however something about a plan involving “China catching a cold,” several years back. Interesting, eh?
I do have a friend who works in intelligence, though. Old high school pal. And he informed me that many people “in the know” were making preparations for “something” back in early 2019. Relocating; liquidation assets; buying passports (sorry, I meant “applying” for passports) in stable, lesser developed nations like in S America. He was scant on specifics and I know better than to push him for details as he has his own family to consider (how they control their staff, BTW, through their families). He’s what they call a superclam in the intelligence world! And is a teetotaller! So no leaks. But he did say he didn’t know the whole picture– just compartmented bits as MMan readers know very well. Anyone giving you the big picture is full of shit.
He did however advise my wife and I mid-2019 to decide whether or not we are comfortable in our current (very rural, safe, and semi-self sufficient) location, because the likelihood is that we’ll be here, without the ability to move afar, for quite some period of time. In other words, where we are now, we’ll be more or less staying. As will everybody else in the West. Sure, you’ll get your cheap beach break on the Med for a few days, or whatever. But relocating overseas? For most, it’s not gonna happen. Gone are the days of mass travel/tourism, too, he says– that’s the Green agenda element of The Plan, I’m guessing. And pretty much permanently.
He also advised an emergency plan such as cash, food and plenty of spare auto diesel.
And that what’s happening is being orchestrated waaaaay above national government level. A power nexus few could even grasp even if they tried.
That’s all he told me. He also hinted that “new kinds” of vaccinations are related to these events, and to hold off on taking one because something else is coming that will make vaxes a moot point. (In my opinion they’re potentially dangerous, anyway. So why risk your health to profit big pharma? Especially given the amount of mis/disinformation concerning the rollout as we see happening now. All my friend said, however, was that the “vaccines” are related to some form of control.)
This was mid 2019.
And look at us now.
I’m hoping for a staggered series of events as you’ve suggested yourself. That we can handle.
We’re still hoping to hit SE Asia early next year. And are planning accordingly. But if the SHTF we’re also quite safe at our present location. And we’re grateful for that. We know many folks aren’t and they’re growing desperate. We pray for all you folks who are stuck. Hold fast for as long as you can. And don’t give up hope. That’s what intentions are for.
Thanks as always for this extra info, Mr Man. You’re on the button, as always. They’re about to place the capstone on their pyramid, methinks. I’m just praying that our benefactors intend something else!
Yes, the Alt-“news” hadn’t a clue as to what to expect. But if you read between the lines here on MM, you would have known back in 2018 about what was coming. READ HERE.
Here’s that link about China. Uncanny accuracy and mirrors Titor’s narrative somewhat. FYi.
Although the fact that it’s still up on Google and ready to read suggests hi percentage bullshit probability.
Maybe the original author read Titor early!
Very interesting. High bullshit factor and many things out of date. Good read though.
A glimpse behind the curtain, perhaps. Or more truths sandwiched by lies.
We’ll know soon enough, I guess. May u live in interesting times, as the old oriental saying goes. As for danger, well, that’s a combination of crisis and opportunity, too, according to Lao Tzu.
And he knew a thing or two!
MM, Thank you so much for this post. I look forward them all. I bet this one kicked a hornets nest in the way of comments. Hopefully most of the comments were good and some will take this post to heart and make some changes and prepare as best they can. Thanks again. Much appreciated.
US Strategic Command admiral Charles Richard has been talking up potential nuclear war against Russia/China.
STRATCOM chief claims nuclear war with Russia or China a ‘REAL POSSIBILITY,’ says US can’t assume ‘strategic deterrence will hold’
Doctor Strangelove was relatively sane compared to the American regime or its military high command.
You have to honestly ask whether America should be quarantined in a collective lunatic asylum.
People Are Talking About It. A Warning.
Either that or the USA is desperately trying to distract attention away from the low-intensity Civil War, pandemic response fiascos, and economic implosion that is raging inside the American Heimat itself … by predictably whipping up militarism against an external bogeyman.
Yes. Keep one thing in mind. A war against China is a war against China AND Russia simultaneously. These absolutely morons running the USA have absolutely no idea what they are blindly talking themselves into.