What is so special and great about the human race from an extraterrestrial point of view (part 1)

I haven't been posting too many "extraterrestrial" things lately. But, I've got some followers that live for this kind of stuff. So, in the interests of balance, I'm gonna post this article. And it will most probably anger the rest of my readership in the process.


Here goes…

If you were to have an ongoing conversation with an extraterrestrial, and ask them what they thought about the human race, and the human species, what would they say? What do you think they would say?

Well, here I am going to tell you.

Well, actually, I’m going to tell you (in my way) what one particular species thinks, anyways. I just can’ speak for every species. Just those with whom I’m exposed to.


Is it our culture? Is it our society? It is out spirituality? Is it our technology? Is it our attractiveness? It is our various religions? Is it our adaptability? Is it our kindness? What is it?


None of the above.

It is our “human-ness”.


There are many species out in our universe (though I am only referring to those in our immediate vincinity) and they all have their own societies, and their own technologies, and their own histories, and all of that. What makes the human species “special” is our unique “human-ness”.

What is “human-ness”?

A trait.

It’s a trait that is very difficult to put into words because it is a comparative measure. It is not something that is recognized by us as having. It’s something you see and appreciate when you compare humans to other species. We don’t know it exists because we can’t see it.

We are it.

If you compare species A, to species B, to species C, and then to humans, you will not help but to be amazed at our “human-ness”.


Maybe “amazed” is not the right word. Perhaps a better one woould be “pleased”, or “pleasantly amused”, or “comforted”.


Now I am going to upset some people, but do not shoot the messenger. OK?

Don’t shoot the messenger is an admonition to not blame the bearer of bad news. It is often used when someone reveals a difficult truth that the listener does not want to hear. It reminds the listener that the truth is not the fault of the person revealing the truth.

- grammarist.com

The best example that I know of that highlights and showcases our “human-ness” is the various shades of Japanese culture and society. I know this because of <redacted>.

And it occured to me that perhaps there are others who might want to know about what makes humans so “unique”.

Well, we are sort-of unique, because <redacted>.

It has been “thrown into my face” on numerous occasions by <redacted> that the Japanese have some really inherent attributes that highlight the human species. And while most of the world might think that the Japanese are bonkers crazy, they are not viewed as such by non-humans.

They are instead viewed as sublime.


"of such excellence, grandeur, or beauty as to inspire great admiration or awe."

In fact, the Japanese are probably (I am not too far out of line here) the most approachable culture of humans because of their saturation of human-ness qualities. This has been impressed to me numerous times, and on different occasions.

The Japanese culture and socity is infused with “human-ness”.

I know that it is going to upset many people, but Americans are not high on the list of being appreciated or even understood by the extraterrestrials that I know of.

The Japanese are.

And while you might snort, and laugh, you all have to realize that there are many things that we humans have but do not appreciate or understand. The Japanese culture and society highlights these characteristics and enlarges them. And, well… “showcases” our “human-ness”

A descriptive video

The following is a video that (I personally believe) is filled with examples of what “human-ness” is and now it is used. The group is “World Order”, and the song is “have a nice day”.

I could have picked out any number of other videos.

I chose this one because it seems to have the widest range of “human-ness” related events that I have found. (I am sure that there are better candidates, but I don’t have all day, don’t you know.)

And yeah. I know.

It’s bat-shit, off the wall, bonkers nuts.

But, it displays our “human-ness”.

Here is a few embeds of Videos of world order have a nice day. I hope that they are able to play. I have put a few embeds as I don't know which one will work in your region.

Try YouTube first…

You tube

If you cannot access the embed on YouTube, then try metatube…


<iframe src='http://www.metatube.com/en/videos/229550/WORLD-ORDER-HAVE-A-NICE-DAY-OFFICIAL-MUSIC-VIDEO/embed/' width='750' height='390'></iframe>

Cat videos

You know how we like to watch “cat videos”?

Well, it’s sort of like that. When we watch cat videos we are admiring the cats being feline in all it’s glory. Well, it’s sort of like that. You might go as far as to say that the <redacted> like to watch Japanese Music Videos to enjoy our human-ness…

…except they do something different. But it’s like that. It really is.

Instead of videos, of course, they <redacted>.

The attributes

In the above video is at least 35 scenes or elements of “human-ness”. Can you identify what they are? Can you see why they would be appreciated by another species?

Or maybe you can’t.

If you think that the Japanese are too off the wall, and not “with the program” then I am not making myself clear. The qualities that make us human; our human-ness is our relationships with others and how we interface with the universe within our reality.

Watch the video again, if you still “don’t get it”.

Pay attention to the interactions between the individuals, both singular and in groups. Note the interaction of the groups of people with things and items. These characteristics define our human-ness.

Like anything… it is our relationships with others, and our actions and thoughts that define our sentience. That is what makes us attractive.

Do you want some more?

I have more posts about extraterrestrials in my extraterrestrial index here…


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Mr Man, where does God as the ultimate creator fit into the universe as revealed to MAJestic?
That’s the only thing I’m still puzzled about. And as a born Catholic, yourself, you probably know what I mean by asking such a question.
Thanks, U.


Thanks, Mr Man. Read Glory Road– terrific stuff and a real insight into how the ‘world really works’ after I knew what to look out for thanks to you.
Lastly: do our benefactors acknowledge God’s existence in any way?
Agree re. the accouterments of religion being ancient relics of another, earlier, age; but as many Catholics know, and as we’re taught from an early age, God as the absolute creator is by necessity absolute mystery. And the Mass is an attempt to reach out and touch that mystery however fleetingly.
As do other faiths attempt to do, I’m sure. At least the genuine ones. It’s when God is anthropomorphized the problems begin: ‘Why does God let bad things happen to the starving little children in Africa?’
Take care. Watching events stateside with interest, What in the name of God 😉 is happening to your country? It’s so terribly sad, but also it’s inevitable given what you’ve revealed to us about the true nature of things.


Thanks so much for this, Mr Man. Nothing you have said is confusing to me. And I totally get the Japanese model being thought highly of.
I know japan, and have been there. They are ‘in sync’ with reality in a way that others are not. I’ve also practiced karate for decades, and karate trains the body and mind to be just that: in sync. It really is rather powerful.
They’ve also had the ‘western model’ stamped hard on them after WW2 with help from traitors within, and this disrupted their society. But as we all know, the Powers that Be never fail to underestimate the power of the human spirit– and therein lies our ‘salvation’. Hence the multi-generational efforts to destroy organised spirituality. And those societies– such as the USA– that prioritise, or used to, rational, straight-line thinking and hard, efficient work as a basis for their economic models.
Now it’s all just SJW, politically correct chaos.
And we’re about to pay a heavy price for letting that happen.
Where I live, a new government has just taken office. And promoted as Minister for Children a sexual pervert with ties to paedophilia advocates internationally. First order of business: The health and well-being of young people in the face of COVID and school closures, societal upset?
No. It’s lowering the age of consent for trans-gender/mutilation procedures to BELOW the age of 16 and WITHOUT the consent of parents. FIRST ORDER of business.
Most of the country is speechless, and if one objects one’s labelled a far right, homophobic Nazi.
Fourth Turning? Bring it on, I say. I’m prepped and ready.
Good luck and stay safe,


p.s. Sorry about this, but as an animal lover you’ll appreciate my sentiments that a harsh reset is indeed needed. Because with ‘people’ like this on the loose and free to do as they choose, it’s only ever gonna end up reeeeal bad if things continue as they are for much longer. This had me in tears, and is not that unusual. When anthropoids are permitted to exist in our societies who others accept as equals under the law?
We’re all headed for something harsh. I know horses well, and they are a sophisticated, intelligent. sentient species. If this can happen, something is terribly, terribly wrong. And it needs to be fixed.


Bring it on, as Rob would say.
I’m tired of the degeneracy. Although this reset business clearly took some advanced planning. As did the new security laws enacted right after 911.
No way this could have been prepared without advanced knowledge of what was going to happen.
Are there positive forces watching the devils do their work and then capitalising on that?
God works through human history, I’m convinced of that. And something good will be forged from all the intense heat of *their* intended chaos.
Annihilation of the cruel, selfish and otherwise unfit? I’m eh-okay with that.
In the meantime, I read one article a day from this blog. And it’s all been quite the revelation!
All the best to you and yours, and keep the posts coming for as long as you can, please!


BTW everything you predicted is coming, Mr Man. Everything. Just as well you skedaddled while you could. This guy is former CIA and yet he’s still a) very concerned and b) clueless as to what’s ultimately going on.
That tells us all we need to know.
America is fucked. It’s so sad.
Thank you so much again for the heads up in advance. And blessings to you.
Take care~
Im fucking going crypto. And not Bitcoin.

Ohio Guy

A great post. I agree with the commenters about our current world and national predicament. I am still employed, doing something I enjoy and am good at but Corporate greed seems to be eating itself from within so …. that said, I’ve been paying attention. If the lights went out and the faucet ran dry tomorrow, me and mine would still be alright. I can see why another race of beings would admire the Japs. They’re a beautiful people with an incredible history and culture. Very disciplined in many ways. Thanks again MM for turning me on to World Order. Very COOL. Peace out peeps.

Rod Cloutier

I didn’t get the video of humaness, or human interativeness ? What would be the opposite of humaness to compare it with? Something they would consider atypical human behavior?


What a great article. It is very thought provoking and I anticipate our ideas developing more on this subject in due course. Btw, this is part one, will you be posting part 2 soon?