This post was long in coming. While everyone pretty much agrees that the United States is broken, from it’s “flawed democratic model“, to it’s culture of “lone wolf” money-oriented success, few write about the mess that American industry has become. Yet, when a movie points out these points, such as the movie “Office Space” it becomes a raging success. American work culture is just as messy as it’s economic culture, it’s political culture, and it’s social culture. And this article is going to discuss some elements of that aspect.
The last interview that I had in the United States was over a decade ago. It was typical, and it was brutal. After flying in to the city, and spending the night in a hotel, my day started at 9am. I met HR in the lobby, and after an hour going through papers, documents, manuals, and application procedures, I started my interview cycle.
I had six face to face one-on-one interviews in the morning. A brief lunch that consisted of a Subway sandwich (a foot long) and a large coke, followed by another three interviews, and a group interview by the “new hire committee”. I got a tour of the building and facilities, and I was then driven to the airport at 7pm to catch my plane home.
They didn’t hire me.
They said the “chemistry” wasn’t “right”.
This article / post is dedicated to every poor SOB that has to go through a gauntlet of interviews, hoops, and a paper trail to get a job. Because it’s not just the interview, don’t you know, it’s the application process on the internet as well.
And it sucks.

The point of this…
I have matured and moved past this hiring part of my life. It is what happens when you get retired, get old, leave America or become a felon. You no longer need to participate in the “American race for gainful employment“. And because of that, I want to thumb my nose at all those companies that made me jump through hoops to get a job. Jeeze!
Here’s my movie take on the American job-interview procedure. Please enjoy.
What getting a job in America is like.

Do you want more?
Yeah, this post was short. But I do hope that it made it’s point. If you want more, I have other posts in my Happiness Index here…
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I thought for sure you’d include this Dilbert:
Very accurate.
Morality in corporate America no longer exists.
Money is the new God. Greed is the new culture. Slavery is the new norm.