I sometimes read comments from younger women that I’m “so lucky” to be a man. Fuck that! No one ever tells that nonsense to my face. They’d die of shock seeing my resultant expression. Probably piss their trousers too.
Men and women are different, and different is great!
But here, listen up! If you all think that you would love to have some of those “advantages” of being a man, go the fuck ahead. Get some transgender surgery and walk the walk. Stop moaning and groaning about your inadequacies.
Being a man is no picnic.

There’s a reason why, in the past, men would have their own “man caves”, male-only clubs, and retreats. And it’s time for you all to throw out all that neo-liberal progressive transgender neural nonsense out the window. It’s all a big fucking lie.
Here’s a good article.
It’s titled “Men Explain to Women Why They’d Hate Being a Man” By John Hawkins . It’s edited to fit this venue, but aside from that, it’s pretty much intact. All credit to the author.
Men Explain to Women Why They’d Hate Being a Man
Some women believe we live in a patriarchy.
Some men believe we live in a matriarchy.
Me? I think it’s somewhere in between, albeit leaning a bit towards women, with both genders having advantages and disadvantages.

However, we incessantly hear from women about the disadvantages of being their gender, but the reverse is rarer. You don’t hear a lot of men telling women what they’d hate about being a man.
However, there was an entire thread on Reddit called, “Tell me some reasons why a woman would hate being a man?” A lot of people may be interested to see the other side of the coin.
Men tell you what it’s like.
- The biggest thing I can think of is the weight of expectations. If you are unable to live up to the expectations placed upon you, your life can become very empty, barren and lonely.
- Be emotionally strong; be physically strong. Show no weakness.
- Be a man; make the first move, but not too assertively.
- Plan, make a career; make good decisions…. all with practically zero training or support from society at large. If you’re lucky, you had a good dad. If not…
- Self beautification will not be appreciated and may in some cases cost you social status.
- It’s like this…
- No compliments from anyone, like maybe twice a year tops.
- Any show of emotion outside of a romantic relationship is only going to grant you isolation from your peers.
- In the event of an emergency your life is worth less than the women and children near you. Deal with it. “You’re a man.”
- Being the sole income provider for a family and missing out 40+ hours a week on your child’s life is seen as a privilege.
- If a man and a woman have the same problem, society will help the woman, but will expect the man to find a solution on his own.

- You’re more invisible. Most men are not noticed. We operate in the background, quietly keeping the fires warm, and the machines working.
- In general, people just won’t care about you most of the time.
- Men are more disposable. If you lose your ability to make money no one will give a damn about you.
- Mistakes aren’t forgiven. Name one man who has been forgiven for his mistakes.
- Emotional weakness becomes a cardinal sin, and a career limiting move.
- Men (not me but friends I know) get raked over the coals, primary custody of a child is always given to the mother (you have to prove she is a monster just to have primary custody).
- Men are expected to “make the first move on a woman”.
- A woman can hit herself in the head with a stick and all she has to do is say “he did it” and Boom… you did it.
- My dad used to say, men at one time could support a family and children and more and more it is less and less true, but today it is the expected gold standard.
- Any and all problems voiced will be met with derision and mockery, and probably just turned back onto you, no matter how out of your control they are “LOL. man up stop bitching”.
- Vast majority of your interactions with opposite sex have to be initiated and carried by you.
- Nobody will pay you compliments or make you feel good about how you look, much more likely to have people critique what you are wearing, your weight, how you act, dress, style your hair, and your selection of shoes…
- People aren’t as nice in general as you thought they are.

- Being expected to endure anything from the opposite sex, even stretching as far as assault and rape .
- Simplest comparison I could come up with to answer the question, is with another question. Why do so many men pay cam girls? There’s free porn everywhere on the net, but what they are actually getting is the belief, even for a moment, that they are worth those girls attention.
- You will be told how to dress, how to cut your hair, how to behave, and how to act by EVERYONE. Your only refuge from this onslaught will be in your home.
Women can literally sit in their underwear and have money thrown at them because men are so desperate for some kind words, a little bit of attention, and a desire to feel needed and important.

Men are not permitted to have emotions or to show them. If they do, their work and career is flat-lined and with it, all respect from both males and females of all ages. The most successful men are stoic and aloof. It’s not something that men want to do. It’s something that they have to do.
That’s why women would hate being a man. Easy mode would be turned off.
So, if you are a woman, and think that men have it so easy, then be my guest. Make the change. Take the hormones and have the surgery. Go transgender. Just kiss the ability to emote away. It’s a life without overt emotional display. Do you think that you can handle it?
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