Are you having trouble with your affirmation campaign? Well, you are not alone. I am getting numerous private emails by people that describe this problem. That includes just about everyone. Including MM myself. As a result, I am releasing this “emergency” post to help everyone out of this situation.
Oh what to do?
Suddenly you have a difficult time writing your affirmations, and everything seems discordant. Your words no longer pour out of you, and it’s feels difficult to move forward with any new ideas, new wordings, or even the most basic reviews of where you are are now in your writings.
You are not alone.
I am in the first month of my new campaign and I must say, I’m having a hard time with wording. Something feels off about it, almost as if I’m being too vague and basic about the words. I surely don’t want to mess it up, because these are very very important to me. Do you have any suggestions?
The Basic Suggestion
For starters, you can always continue your old campaign. Just continue reading off the good-old standby affirmations that you have written down. By doing so you add energy and strength to your earlier affirmations and they will continue to plow through the waves of the MWI and move you towards to destinations.
Don’t try too hard.
If you have something new you want to add, then add it. And do not worry about whether it is polished perfectly or not. Just plop it there in it’s imperfect form. It’s the thoughts that matter, not the specific wording.
Stick to the basics. Good health for you and your loved ones. Protection from discord, bad people, evil intentions, or events that might destroy your familial happiness.
Make sure that your affirmations say only good and positive things about you and your loved ones futures. If you are feeling discord, then this is NOT the time to start new affirmation campaign goals. You need to solidify the seeds that you have already planted.
What’s going on?
There are many reasons for a “mind block” in regards to the generation of new affirmation prayers for a campaign. Though the larger number of inquiries that I am currently getting is quite alarming. It’s almost like there is a “disturbance in the force” to use a Star Wars movie reference.
I wrote this a few days back in my personal journal…
Feel an ugly crazy disturbance of some sort. Something is going on… not me personally. Just in general. Like how dogs and cats freak out before an earthquake.
It’s like this…

If you, the reader, are not feeling any of this do not be alarmed. A person’s reality is a very personal thing and not everyone shares the same world-line template. We just have a tendency to touch or share the templates of others (rarely the world-lines) occasionally.
We are individuals
Yes we are. We are all different. And as such what we might experience or feel will differ from person to person. That is a good thing.
Having a difficulty in laying out a new set of affirmations need not be alarming. It’s just that perhaps there are other things that are making it difficult to concentrate on the future… like a discordant future. Or, a discordant present.
Don’t worry about it.
It’s called “being a human”.
Just follow the basic rules…
- When in doubt, just default to the last campaign affirmations.
- If you feel a need to add “something”, just add affirmations that relate to personal health and well-being. Make sure that not matter what, your prayers are protective in nature.
- Unless you are young and experimental, it is far better to have health and stability in your life. Focus on that.
- If you want to push for new “things” then be specific and then forget about them when your affirmations end.
Sample affirmations
Here’s some sample affirmations to get you all started…
- I, my family, and my friends are safe, healthy, and live a stable and secure life.
- Good things and moving into place for me, my family and my friends.
- My life is very lucky and I am able to avoid problems, distress or upset.
- I know why I am having what ever troubles that I am experiencing now, and I understand the reasons and purposes for them.
Don’t “freak out”
Change is difficult to take, but usually results in new experiences, new adventures and new opportunities. If you are having trouble and feel these disturbances, do not get too worked out about it. Just “go with the flow”. All will be good.
Chill out with some friends or family, or a much beloved pet. When in doubt, do not isolate. Get around people. The people will help break you out of whatever “funk” you are in, and you will end up being able to break out of the “prayer affirmation writing block” that you are in.
Merry Christmas!
Do you want more?
I have more posts in my affirmation prayer index here…
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Here are some manifestation tips from A Course in Miracles taken from this ACIM post I came across today. By itself, ACIM is not really an LOA-affirmation focused teaching, but nevertheless, it is a deep spiritual teaching that naturally contains deep wisdom helpful to the intention-prayer process.
“25. Miracles depend on timing.
This is why you shouldn’t waste time. I told you before that time would cease when it was no longer useful as a learning aid. There is a way of speeding you up, and that is by leaving more and more time for me, so you can devote it to miracles.
The reason I direct everything that is unimportant is because it is no way to waste your free will. If you insist on doing the trivial your way, you waste too much time and will on it. Will cannot be free if it is tied up in trivia. It never gets out. I will tell you exactly what to do in connection with everything that does not matter. That is not an area where choice should be invested. There is a better use of time.
You have to remember to ask me to take charge of all minutiae, and they will be taken care of so well and so quickly that you cannot get bogged down in them. The only remaining problem is that you will be unwilling to ask, because you are afraid not to be bogged down. Do not let this hold us back. If you will ask, I will arrange these things, even if you’re not too enthusiastic. I am not intruding on your will, but I am trying to free it.
Prayer can be very specific in little matters. If you need a coat, for example, ask me where to find one. I know your taste well, and I also know where the coat is that you would eventually buy anyway. If you do not like the coat afterwards, that is what would have happened anyway.
I cannot save you more time than you will let me, but if you are willing to try the Higher Shopping Service, which also covers all lower-order necessities, and even quite a number of whims within reason, I have very good use for the time we could save.
Remember, the specific answer you get depends on the specific question you ask. The fewer limits you impose, the better the answer you’ll get. For example, you could ask, “Where can I find a particular brand of coat?” Or, “Where is the coat I want?” Or, “Where is the coat I should get?” And so on. The form of the thought determines the level of the answer.
Do not get bogged down in distractions if they now arise. They are reflections of old learning patterns, and arise because you do not like what I have said about leaving minutiae to me. They merely illustrate your unwillingness to not get bogged down because you are afraid of the course. So don’t use them that way. This course is about willingness, not unwillingness. Unwillingness has to be replaced by willingness, because willingness is part of readiness, without which learning cannot occur.”
“Same here! And I concur. Neville is awesome.
I think that even when you have a conversation of sorts with Jesus or the Holy Spirit, the underlying process should be the same: you decide to let go of your worries, knowing that everything is already taken care of.
Praying is, then, recognizing here and now that you already have that which you currently think you don’t have. “Living in the end,” as Neville says. This is not the same as focusing on external things. You already have everything, because you are everything. So praying, in other words, is recognizing who you truly are. While having our minds lost in the minutiae, in all the annoying and exhausting things of the physical world, we’re seeing ourselves as little. So the more we leave these things to Jesus and the Holy Spirit, the more time we can dedicate to being creative.”
And another ACIM-LOA related story-comment from (
“Thank you so much for your help. Honestly I am so grateful. I only found ACIM last week and am (kindle version) only on 20% so there are still a lot of gaps in my understanding. I do understand tho that true happiness is only possible when we return to god. I was lucky enough that I “manifested” an Amazing unbelievable life shortly before it “fell apart” last year but actually when i was right at the top I wasn´t truly happy becos I was thinking “this is great but it isn´t quite enough, I want more.” I always thought things fell apart the way they did becos there was some negativity in my subconsciousness that reflected the belief “good things don t last” or “everything has to fall apart to lead to an even better uplevelling” however if I am honest I knew all along things were happening to lead me back to true happiness and inner peace , I heard a clear voice inside my skull telling me right at the beginning that the only thing that matters is my relationship with God and also at the time I was studying under “loa” couches who kept telling me things were the way they were cos I had some hidden negativity in my subconscious. It never really made sense to me becos I was so incredibly positive before and also during the events I genuinely kept expecting things to get better and was extremely shocked when they didn´t. I was so lucky to find ACIM actually thru a Neville Goddard forum where someone had posted how they had “manifested” millions but not with “law of attraction” but rather thru the teachings of ACIM and realising they are already in heaven. That really spoke to me becos you could Feel the inner peace thru his post. For 18 months I was putting my focus on “loa” and “manifesting” and trying to manifest my way back to my old perfect life but “even better” to justify the falling apart. However ever since I started reading ACIM things are falling into place both mentally and seemingly on the outside too ironically when i actually stopped caring about the outside cos I realised inner peace was the true Holy Grail! I was ecstatically happy thru LoA at times but ultimately things were transitory and didn´t last. I thoguht it was cos I had a negative subconscious beleif but deep down I knew I didn´t becos I always expected good things to last and then thru ACIM and thru increased time periods of feeling the PResence and Happiness again, I realised that if I was truly at One with God I wouldn´t care about manifesting a life that I would need to get “better and better” and also I wouldn´t be scared of losing it all either becos I would feel totally safe and relaxed. There is a line in the course text that says something like “The Garden of Eden was a state of Mind that existed Pre-Separation” and what we are really hurting from when we are unhappy due to external circumstances is the Pain of feeling we are separated from God thus expelled from Paradise. IT was truly eye-opening for me. I have always thought that the Truth would be simple. Saying all this tho I am being completely honest obviously I am still identifying with my ego quite a lot becos even tho I am learning all this, learning also that the course teaches that the Dream will become happier as we reclaim Oneness again, makes me feel relieved and better lol!!! Inner peace regardless of the outside is my prority now, but if it is a choice between inner peace AND a happy dream or Inner peace and a miserable one, I would rather have the first. Don´t know what that says about me but oh well. I am still learning :)”
Pointers from the above ACIM-related posts are that…
And here are some pro-tips from yours truly (heh heh)
Why is doing ‘good’ acts, or being a “Rufus” important? Because when you do “Rufus” things, you are affirming the good in you, and when you affirm the good in you, you also affirm the good in the world. What you give, you receive, and your act of Rufus-ness bounces back to you ten-fold.
Reality is perception. How you perceive the world literally shapes your reality. So one way to really, really change your life for the better is to perceive and trust that everything happening is for your highest good. From the perspective of our ego, many things that happen may appear ‘bad’. For instance, I recently got banned from a forum and felt a little annoyed at first. But then I realised that browsing and typing in that forum had a tendency to suck me into a state of unhealthy agitation, so the ban was in fact, a chance to learn and reflect at what I was doing with my life-time, and in fact, for my highest good. And certainly, there are many episodes in our life that we could, on hindsight, see that what we had thought was ‘bad’ in fact led to better things.
Depending on your baseline happiness and spiritual development, to develop a constant state of trust could be relatively easy or difficult, but every time you relax into a state of trust, you are basically making an affirmation that…”Everything that happens to me is for my highest good and taken care of by that which knows my highest good”. And you can apply that to your intention-prayers as well, trusting that, as you make them, whatever that pans out is all leading to your highest good…
Yes. Great stuff. Here. Thank you for this.
[1] Don’t get all caught up in the minor things about life.
[2] Our thoughts generate our reality. Stop negative influences (especially if imposed on you). Break out of that reality.
[3] Comfort (abundant or lack of) is a indicator of consciousness evolution, NOT success in life.
[4] Money, gold, and wealth has zero benefit as an indicator of success.
Wow, your [3] point about Comfort being the indicator of consciousness evolution is very striking
I’ve had a few thoughts about how consciousness is reflected in physical reality. For instance, a spiritually developed person may not be conventionally physically attractive, but i’ve found that they are at the very least pleasant to look at. For instance, Eckhart Tolle, Ramana Maharshi, David Hoffmeister are not extremely handsome or conventionally attractive, but they all have a look that is calming and pleasant.
Ramana Maharshi lived in an ashram with almost no possessions but the loincloth that he wore, but he had a huge entourage of volunteers that took care of him!