The dangerous deep state.

What we can expect to happen when the Deep State “Swamp” declares war against American Citizens.

Unless you have been living under a rock for the last few decades, you should be aware that most Americans are quite unhappy. The progressive liberals hate the nation, the country and what it stands for. They want it to burn, be destroyed and replaced with a social utopia. The conservatives hate what the nation has become. They want a full return to the original intended government, and a leadership that obeys it. Meanwhile, the wealthy and the powerful, in full control of the government, is playing both sides against each other.

A conflict is inevitable.

There should be no question at all that our nation is at an impasse. There is a serious question of direction. As in what direction should the nation follow?

  • Embrace a Marxist paradise with the genocide of deplorables.
  • Scrap all the progressive “improvements” and return the government back to the original intent.

The Conflict.

Basically, there are those who see America as a thing to be preserved and another who see it as a thing needing to be destroyed.

  • Patriots want a return to the original principles of the founding.
  • Progressives want everything torn down and replaced with a Marxist utopia.

The Marxist Plan.

It was said by a number of Marxist thinkers over the decades and most notably William Ayers, that for America to be destroyed, it was a thing to be destroyed first from within, then by getting help from the outside.

William Ayers.
William Ayers.

And while Marxist and Anarchist apologists will be quick to minimize those statements through saying its simply from a man caught in the winds of his time, its incredibly important to note that this is the prevailing thought among higher-level academia. An academia which has groomed the brokers of power in all of our nation’s ruling agencies.

Ayers is but one man with a relatively small group, an incredibly high percentage of academics in this nation not only sided with him but not-so-quietly cheered such abhorrent actions on, shaping higher education for the decades to come.

Which brings us to the present day.

William Ayers was behind the Antifa riots in Berkley, California.
William Ayers was behind the Antifa riots in Berkley, California.

In every sociology program in America, undergrads are taught Max Weber’s theories on authority in a society and, perhaps more importantly, his theories on Bureaucracy. Normally juxtaposed to Gramsci’s theory of the superstructure, it is stressed in lectures that in order to control a society, control over the bureaucracy must first be established.

The American Government today.

Once that control is slowly implemented, there is no need for a sudden revolution. Control is already obtained. Crime becomes a tool of political power rather than a question of morality. Through this power the ability to define one’s enemies- and thus eliminate them- is simple.

Where we find ourselves today is the veil of objectivity in such a bureaucracy having been ripped away.

The corporate mass-media has recently discovered a “deep state” that they claim to be not some evil group of assassins who work for the super-rich owners of the country and murder their own president (JFK) and other unpatriotic dissidents (Malcom X, MLK, RK, among others) and undermine democracy home and abroad, but are now said to be just fine upstanding American citizens who work within the government bureaucracies and are patriotic believers in democracy intent on doing the right thing.
The corporate mass-media has recently discovered a “deep state” that they claim to be not some evil group of assassins who work for the super-rich owners of the country and murder their own president (JFK) and other unpatriotic dissidents (Malcom X, MLK, RK, among others) and undermine democracy home and abroad, but are now said to be just fine upstanding American citizens who work within the government bureaucracies and are patriotic believers in democracy intent on doing the right thing.

The ongoing impeachment farce has brought a vibrant highlight to that power wield upon anyone or anything they deem a worthy target. If the denizens of the ‘interagency group’, an unelected, unaccountable group of ring-knockers who apparently view themselves outside the authority of anyone but they, who decided to target the President for literally nothing at all, what will they do to you?

Indeed, all this political posturing is a war that is raging all around us.

When the dust clears, how will it affect you?

The Fourth Amendment.

I don’t believe its far-fetched to say the Fourth Amendment is finished.

There are no Fourth Amendment protections for Americans.
There are no Fourth Amendment protections for Americans.

There is no such thing as privacy when so many freely chose to live their lives online. Where they are always volunteering an incredibly high amount of data on themselves. Which is a data set known as patterns of life in the intelligence world…

And when such a time occurs as say, a threatening of a mass disarmament and criminalization of firearms ownership and the right to organize and train under arms…

… that without protections against the machine, armed networks of potential guerrillas may very well be unknowingly compromised before such a thing can even get off the ground.

Revolt is fated to end before it’s even vocalized.

The tools of tyranny.

The tools that are available, even open source, are powerful enough to easily map networks of potential troublemakers. This can be easily conducted beginning with collecting social media data and then confirming it all by conducting physical surveillance.

America is a full-on police state in the very definition of what a police state actually is.
America is a full-on police state in the very definition of what a police state actually is.

The process behind this is known as the Target-Centric Intelligence Cycle.

It follows five steps.

  • Find
  • Fix
  • Finish
  • Exploit
  • Assess.

It begins with a target of interest. All data is collected on the potential target with the aim of creating a plan of attack. Finishing the target is the actions-on stage. The target is either apprehended or neutralized, depending on the desired result, giving way to exploitation and assessment- whatever effects were felt in the larger targeted community, while resetting the cycle based on new targets of interest.

Military Targeting Process.
Military Targeting Process.

With the tools at their disposal, this process can be done almost entirely remotely with the only physical surveillance necessary is to confirm the data on the targets, and usually just before conducting the actions-on raid of the cycle.

Think about that one for a second.

The interesting thing about collective action and social movements is that once it gathers a fever pitch, its far too much of a risk for the superstructure to wield collective force. Some would argue that the use of force even reveals the waning influence of the superstructure. Right or wrong, the optics of such a move are never good and in my personal experience, only galvanizes a people against that power.

So the question remains then- what happens when a government decides on a dirty war against those it deems a threat?

They hate us.

We know without a doubt at this stage that the real power structure in this nation absolutely hates you and I.

By their own words they have nothing but contempt for us, for our points of view, for our way of life.

They hate us. They all have come from "privilege", and have come to despise us common people.
They hate us. They all have come from “privilege”, and have come to despise us common people.

Indoctrinated by the very same America-hating academics who serve on advisory committees…

… to the very agencies which created the powers for themselves…

… the communist revolution of gaining control of Gramsci’s superstructure has been applied to the principles of bureaucracy outlined by Weber.

Your future home - if you are lucky.
Your future home – if you are lucky.

Now, with the tools they have at their disposal, how would such an organization commit itself to a dirty war- not risking overt action but rather simply eliminating voices of dissent quietly?

Simple implementation.

So-called ‘martial law’ doesn’t have to be declared nor would it be desirable. Ties between government agencies and elements of underground criminal organizations are very real- and will be used.

Rather than risk their own officers, target packets will be handed off to the local gang and a robbery gone wrong just might happen. Do not forget that they’ve imported millions of undocumented- and thus disposable- people for more than just votes.

MS-13 criminal gang.
MS-13 criminal gang.

Maybe your drive-by-wire car all of a sudden uncontrollably accelerated into a tree.

And while all of this looks like a pattern to the folks who are awake, but being covert in nature, its an entirely deniable way to wage a war on anyone deemed a threat.

Maybe outright killing a target is too dramatic.

Maybe you’ll get caught on false charges and given a draconian sentence, while career offenders are released for ‘processing errors’.

You could be taken into custody for jay-walking, having a photo on your computer, or driving while talking on a cell-phone. Then, you could spend five or ten years in prison.
You could be taken into custody for jay-walking, having a photo on your computer, or driving while talking on a cell-phone. Then, you could spend five or ten years in prison.

Maybe your bank accounts will get frozen or assets seized. Without hard proof (or even with it), naysayers are opening the door to lawsuits you can’t afford to fight while the rest continue their normalcy bias.

The normalcy bias, or normality bias, is a belief people hold when there is a possibility of a disaster. It causes people to underestimate both the likelihood of a disaster and its possible effects, because people believe that things will always function the way things normally have functioned. This may result in situations where people fail to adequately prepare themselves for disasters, and on a larger scale, the failure of governments to include the populace in its disaster preparations. About 70% of people reportedly display normalcy bias in disasters. 

- Normalcy bias - Wikipedia 

They’ve been waging a dirty war, and its about to get even worse as more people wake up to the totality of the situation.

Break the Cycle.

Break the cycle. Its way more than just about firearms, the President, or your so-called rights.

Its a fight for survival.

The weight of an unaccountable class of people are bearing down on the rest of us, and its high time to shrug them off.

Recognize that we are an enemy to them. They are at war with you and I.

We are a threat to the "deep state" oligarchy and their "swamp". This is a fact that will not go away. We can never coexist peacefully.
We are a threat to the “deep state” oligarchy and their “swamp”. This is a fact that will not go away. We can never coexist peacefully.

One thing is absolutely certain- they won’t back off any of this and they have no interest in stopping.

The bureaucracy which wholly serves the Leftist cause in the United States wants voices like ours gone and they’ve propagandized us as no longer being human.

And when they fail to yield to protests and non-violent demonstrations, you must be prepared for what comes next.


Conclusion & Takeways

What is the point of this aimless and wandering post?

  • Peaceful coexistence between Marxists and deplorables is impossible.
  • The oligarchy owns the “Deep State”.
  • The vast numbers of the “Deep State” are Marxists.


  • Deplorables are going to be silenced, firstly. (Already in process.)
  • Then they will be treated as second or third class citizens. (Also already in process.)
  • Then they will be disarmed. (Already in process.)
  • Finally they will be exterminated.

Gear up. You have to be an idiot not to see the “writing on the wall”.

If you enjoyed this little rant, you can read more here…

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We both know that the Deep State has war gamed this thousands of times. If they thought for a minute they could win an all out shooting war they would have started long ago.
The chicken shit bastards know damn good and well that if it comes to open conflict that there will come a time when open season is declared on their asses and they are still heavily outnumbered.
In the mean time they pick us off one, two or ten at a time but that will take too long and someone will decide a quicker solution is in order.
Food will be their weapon of choice.
It always is.