I wrote this with Australia in mind.
With all the flood, and I do mean flood, of war-war-war narratives being pumped out of both Washington DC, Australia, and even India no one is even contemplating what the result would be. Somehow it is being “painted” in large brushes as some way to “suppress” China, and “prevent it’s rise”. All the time absolutely ignoring the facts of the matter.
Jim Christian says:
June 7, 2021 at 3:43 pm GMT ↑Lem
The benefits of war with China? Well we’ll finally be done with carrier-based task forces. You’ll find said task forces at the bottom of the South China Sea. Sorry about the boys, girls, gays, trannies sent to the seabeds but that’s what they get, too. Fuckem.
Now, unlike other articles and other posts, where time is painstakingly devoted as to WHY I come up with the conclusions that I have, I am going to do something radical. I am going to spew out what the fuck is going to happen, with near total certainty, if the dreams and wishes of these moronic idiots who want war come to pass.
People! Listen up!
World War III with China will NOT be a long drawn-out series of skirmishes off in distant lands. It will be fast, dirty, nasty, full of betrayals, and up front and personal in YOUR home town. It will not be “news” reports of fighting in far-off bum-fuck-astan. It will be on your front lawn, while you will be busy trying to deal with things you don’t understand under conditions that you have no hope of controlling.
Jim Christian says:
June 7, 2021 at 3:38 pm GMT
A war with China? Laughable shitstorm. An invitation to get our dumb asses kicked, our ineffective air wings and carriers sunk exposing the MIL as a grifting operation designed solely to extract profit from the goyim. For decades. Man, when you talk about torches and pitchforks, that’s the crew you get after.
But first, some really basic ideas and concepts…
Basic Concepts
I am not going to waste my time going into the details. I have covered them elsewhere in exhausting detail. But for those of you who are new here, I will outline the basic points.
- America has been engaged in a war with China since 2017.
- America tried to start a famine using eight (x8) strains of bio-weapons targeting food and livestock. Neocon John Bolton ran this operation. They failed.
- America tried to cause a color revolution in Hong Kong using NGO assets. It failed.
- America tried to stop the BRI in XinJiang by making up a fantasy about Uighur Muslims. It’s still in process, but it has pretty much failed.
- America launched three (x3) “novel” bio-weapons against the Chinese people on CNY in 2020. (COVID-19 B-strain, Dabieshan tick virus / SFTSV, Swine G4) Neocon John Bolton ran this operation. They failed.
- America modified drones to spray bio-weapon particles in a mist over livestock and people. Not only did it fail, but the CIA assets turned themselves into the PLA.
- America tried to destroy the largest and newest VTOL carrier by China. China retaliated by destroying the largest American Navy VTOL carrier. It was a “wash”.
- America launched an eight (x8) carrier naval flotilla against China in the South China Sea in late 2020 before the American Presidential Election. It steamed home with no conflict. Trump fired his senior Chief of Staff as a result. The entire fiasco was a big failure.
Now that is what can be found on the “news”. Everything that is listed above is well documented, though only a small fraction actually was published in American or Western “news” outlets. To read what actually happened regarding the above, you just have to read foreign reports. Often in Chinese, Russian, Hindu, Pakistani, Japanese and Korean.
Astuteobservor II says:
June 8, 2021 at 8:00 pm GMT
It is called threat escalation. John mearsheimer puts it very well. It is basically demonizing the target in the eyes of your own population. And it works on a minimum of 80% of the stupid public. How dare China not kneel!!!
All you would read and hear is Wuhan lab leak, not an American bioweapon attack.
We do know that America is acting like a big bully. Has threatened both China and Russia and laid out their terms for the rest of the world to surrender or face extinction in March 2021 during the Anchorage Alaska US-China summit.
This caused China and Russia (along with Iran) to join forces. Today, Russian headquarters, and strategic military planning is completely integrated with Chinese military, and vice versa. As a defensive force, Russia and China can now act as one singular entity.
anonym25 says:
June 8, 2021 at 5:05 am GMT
That is true, since Russia will step in. Russia won’t certainly lose her biggest ally in face of more economic sanctions and possible exclusion from SWIFT. Also, Russia knows that China is not responsible from this outbreak as they spoke with them as early as February 2020.
We also know that America has decided that the future battlefield for World War III will not be on American soil, but has established Australia to be the land that is targeted for war. And it is earmarked to become ruins like Syria is today. Like Yemen is today. Like Afghanistan is today. Like Iraq is today. And Australians are quite fine with this. Many are very willing to sacrifice their families, their children, their homes, their businesses for people like Mike Pompeo, Tom Cotton and Donald Trump.

What we don’t know is the myriad of “black operations” against China. Most of which are not reported. We only hear a precious few things here and there that are oddities; suspicious oddities. A fire here, a missing plane there, the death of a key researcher, some missing American special force troops on “a training exercise”, and a software glitch.
Which is the way it works, don’t you know. Real secrets are actually secret. And if there is an inkling of what actually happened somehow hits the internet, immediate a flood of contrary narratives moves to bury the releases. Such as what happened with the “Wuhan bio-weapon accidental release” narrative to cover up the actual three-pronged bio-weapon attack by John Bolton.
Anon[347] • Disclaimer says:
June 9, 2021 at 4:52 am GMT
I am beginning to consider the possibility that our guys created Corona and then released into China in some dip-shit scheme to weaken China.
Anyways, both China and Russia have established “red lines” that the unilateral aggression’s by America and it’s allies dare not cross. If they do, an decide to cross those lines, then both Russia and China have warned that a MAD level response will occur.
anonym25 says:
June 9, 2021 at 11:02 am GMT
This is what Ron Unz has been saying from the beginning. If you look at it geostrategically, this is most plausible conclusion.
They released the virus in China but those who created it suffered a massive blow-back and even worse China came out of it even stronger than ever before.
They were hoping China would crumble but instead got stronger while they weakened. That’s why they are fanning out a major Anti-China propaganda campaign to contain her now openly with an overwhelming support of western citizens.
This frenziness displayed by western politicians is the reflection that China is on the verge an unstoppable economic powerhouse within a few years and they need to put the brakes right now. It is an implicit admission of desperation. The tussle between China and the US is going to dramatically intensify.
What is a MAD level response?
Mutually Assured Destruction, or mutually assured deterrence (MAD), is a military theory that was developed to deter the use of nuclear weapons. The theory is based on the fact that nuclear weaponry is so devastating that no government wants to use them. Neither side will attack the other with their nuclear weapons because both sides are guaranteed to be totally destroyed in the conflict. No one will go to all-out nuclear war because no side can win and no side can survive.

To many, mutually assured destruction helped prevent the Cold War from turning hot; to others, it is the most ludicrous theory humanity ever put into full-scale practice. The name and acronym of MAD come from physicist and polymath John von Neumann, a key member of the Atomic Energy Commission and a man who helped the US develop nuclear devices. A game theorist, von Neumann is credited with developing the equilibrium strategy and named it as he saw fit.
Proponents argue that the fear of MAD is the best way to secure peace.
One alternative to MAD, adopted by the Trump administration, and continued with the Biden administration, is fielding small sized nuclear weapons for “controlled” and target tactical strikes. This is an attempt to limiting the risk of MAD to “acceptable” levels and scope.

Mutually Assured Destruction is based on fear and cynicism and is one of the most brutally and horribly pragmatic ideas ever put into practice.
The idea that it is in place now, today, is a sign of how dangerous the United States is at this moment and point in time. Anyone who mistakenly believes that…
- You can attack China, and Russia would do nothing.
- You can attack Russia and China would do nothing.
- That you can define a time, and a place, and a people to fight your war for you (e.g. Australia)
- And that a “red line” is just “posturing” and is actually meaningless.
Are insane crazy.
American Advantage
All in all, taken as a whole, while America does enjoy a significant advantage in the size of it’s military, it’s enormous deployment capability, and it’s association with regional allies, it’s leadership are completely incompetent. Even if they were, somehow, to regain a level of maturity and sensibility, it might be too late to stop the “locomotive that they have set down on the tracks”.

Ron Paul wrote this prescient article back in 2018…
On Friday, President Trump signed the omnibus spending bill for 2018. The $1.3 trillion bill was so monstrous that it would have made the biggest spender in the Obama Administration blush. The image of leading congressional Democrats Pelosi and Schumer grinning and gloating over getting everything they wanted—and then some—will likely come back to haunt Republicans at the midterm elections. If so, they will deserve it.
Even President Trump admitted the bill was horrible. As he said in the signing ceremony, “There are a lot of things that we shouldn’t have had in this bill, but we were, in a sense, forced—if we want to build our military. . . .”
This is why I often say: Forget about needing a third political party—we need a second political party! Trump is admitting that to fuel the warfare state and enrich the military-industrial complex, it was necessary to dump endless tax dollars into the welfare state.
But no one “forced” President Trump to sign the bill. His party controls both houses of Congress. He knows that no one in Washington cares about deficits so he was more than willing to spread some Fed-created money at home to get his massive war spending boost.
And about the militarism funded by the bill? Defense Secretary James Mattis said at the same press conference that, “As the President noted, today we received the largest military budget in history, reversing many years of decline and unpredictable funding.”
He’s right and wrong at the same time. Yes, it is another big increase in military spending. In fact, the U.S. continues to spend more than at least the next seven or so largest countries combined. But his statement is misleading. Where are these several years of decline? Did we somehow miss a massive reduction in military spending under President Obama? Did the last Administration close the thousands of military bases in more than 150 countries while we weren’t looking?
Of course not.
On militarism, the Obama administration was just an extension of the Bush administration, which was an extension of the militarism of the Clinton administration. And so on. The military-industrial complex continues to generate record profits from fictitious enemies. The mainstream media continues to play the game, amplifying the war propaganda produced by the think tanks, which are funded by the big defense contractors.
This isn’t a conspiracy theory. This is conspiracy fact. Enemies must be created to keep Washington rich, even as the rest of the country suffers from the destruction of the dollar. That is why the neocons continue to do very well in this Administration.
And it just kept being pumped alive. When President Biden came to office, he increased the military budget to insane levels.
Thus we have the following most probable forecasts…
Things that no one is talking about.

The Discussion
We will discuss, briefly, in an overview outline the highest probability outcomes for the following nations / locations were “red lines” be crossed.
- Australia
- The United Kingdom
- Canada
- Guam
- Diego Garcia
- America
- Korea
- Japan
Gosh, if you read the Australian “news” media the entire nation is gearing up to go off marching to China and fight for “freedom!™”, “Liberty!™” and “democracy!™”. All they need to do is hand each solder a jar of vegimite and a Fosters, and off he would go to die for Mike Pompeo!
It’s not going to happen that way.
Australia has agreed to be “ground zero” for a ground conflict. And America, and the Australian leadership are just fine with that. It’s (as they say in the land down under) it’s all “fair dinkum'”.
But China does not play.
Oh, maybe you didn’t hear me… let me tell you in words that you all can understand…
China . does . NOT . play !
Anyone who thinks that the Chinese leadership is going to be just fine and dandy engaging into a long, multi decade war on Australian soil is an idiot. Further, anyone who thinks that America will come to the rescue is also dreaming. America does what is good for the American leadership. No one else matters. they would easily throw Australia into the rubbish bin, if it gave America a slight edge in the international global standing.
The facts are that Australia is strong, but vulnerable.
- Australia is self-sufficient in food and exports 7.3% to other nations.
- Australia is 42% self sufficient in crude oil / gasoline.
- Australia is more than self-sufficient in LPG.
- Australia only produces two thirds of the amount of manufactured goods it consumes while most developed nations produce excess.
- Manufacturing as a percentage of GDP has fallen from almost 30 per cent in the 1950s and 60s to just under 6 per cent in 2020.
Were there to be a war, and after all that is what the “news” is talking about, we can expect the following…
- Russia and China would team up together.
- All shipping in and out of Australia to end. Australia would end up ringed with hunter-killer Russian and Chinese submarines.
- All Australian military bases would be devastated by Russian Kh-47M2 Kinzhal and Chinese DF-3, DF-4, DF-31 and their submarine launched cousins the CSS-2, CSS-3 missiles. This is not a singular strike at the HQ building. This is a major flattening of the entire region by the cleansing of a nuclear warhead.
At this point in time, the Chinese leadership would see how the situation evolves. If Australia does not immediately surrender, then China would cleans the nation of people by eviscerating each and every major city by the cleansing effect of high yield nuclear weapons.
Which wouldn’t take much. Look at where all the Australian people reside…
By strategic nuclear warheads targeting the major population centers of Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, Perth, and Brisbane, China could effectively decimate the entire population of the nation due to the debilitating effects of radiation, and the complete collapse of the support services within Australia.
Yes. There would be survivors. And I am sure that they would be mightily pissed off too. Do you suppose that they would vent their anger at China and Russia, or would they vent it against their government to sleepwalking Australia into a war for America? I don’t know.
So in summary…
Australia would survive a blockade. But exports and internal industry would take hits, and the economy would collapse to a point where many of the services and benefits currently offered by the government will no longer be feasible. How will this affect the nation? Will the people roll up their sleeves and with a “can do” attitude, survive and grow as a people, and as a nation? Or will everyone break off into little groups squabbling amongst themselves, and how will this affect the government?
Australia could survive a military strike against it. Sure there would be causalities, massive ruin, billions of dollars in damages, and turmoil. At this point, what happens is up to the leadership of Australia.
If they [1] sue for peace. Australia will probably be permitted to keep it’s government, and systems intact, maybe even get rebuilding support, but will no longer to act as part of the QUAD. If [2] they get angry and cling on to America for protection, then a full war footing can be expected as promised. And thus, what is next is what China promised…
Australia could NOT survive a MAD level nuclear salvo. I don’t care how proud and mighty the Australians are, when you have no electricity, no potable water, no gasoline, no food, no medical care and you turn to America for help, you all will end up as the worst form of beggars. You all will be like Calcutta style poverty in the radioactive ruins of something that looks like Yemen, or Iraq.
The ONLY way to prevent any of these very plausible events from occurring is for the Australian people to oust their moronic and crazy insane leadership before everyone in the nation dies.
And no, it will not be anything like what the movies portray.

The United Kingdom
The UK and Russia are trading partners, big ones at that. Additionally, the UK trades with China rather substantially. While the UK is part of the “five eyes” an pretty much follows the United States lead in everything that it does, if push comes to shove and a hot war is imminent, we can expect the following likelihood of things to occur…

Betrayal. The UK would sit out of any global conflict with Russia or China. While they will say the right things and offer a minimum of assistance to the United States, actual participation in a hot war is very risky for them. They will sail their ships to the South China Sea, participate in war games, and say all the right things, when the shit goes down, Britain will play it safe.
But if Britain agrees to join the United States in any substantive way, then we can expect nuclear salvos to decimate all strategic cities, bases and facilities within the UK.
Here’s a big map. Copy it. Study it. Yikes!
Notice the location of homes, and their prices outside of the blast zones. If you think and believe that the UK wants to participate in the madness of the United States, then you might want to relocate to one of these areas. And live the movie “Threads“.
Yes. Nothing quite describes what a nuclear war would do to the UK than this movie “Threads“.
Absolutely terrifying, utterly disturbing. (Spoilers)
charlieboy809 September 2005
Having just purchased this on DVD I was eager to watch it after waiting years to see it after it was unofficially banned from ever being shown on the BBC again. I was four when it was first shown and my parents switched it off, too frightened to watch it themselves never mind let me see it.
I have to say it is absolutely terrifying and utterly terrifying in the extreme. This could have actually happened! I was impressed by the way the film conveyed what it would be like if thousands of megatons of atomic bomb was dropped on the U.K. Normal life comes to an abrupt stop. One minute people are shopping in their local supermarket, going to the pub and wallpapering their new flat and suddenly they are plunged into Hell. Civilisation is blown back into the stone age.
The most scary part was the way the authorities were shown unable to cope with the scale of the attack (perhaps why the BBC never aired it again). We always think that it could never be that bad because someone would come to our rescue, someone would maintain control. But no, the bombs / missiles keep raining down and down prompting one traumatised emergency committee member to scream, "not another one!" They just did not expect so devastation and are completely helpless. Later soldiers shoot people for food, people wish for death and the emergency committee, those meant to be running things, die in the supposed protective bunker, trapped by rubble.
Ten years later, nothing is back to normal. What young people there are behave like wild animals, raping and fighting and speaking in a bizarre caveman manner.
Since the Cold War ended people have stopped being frightened of nuclear weapons. Everybody in every country should watch this film and realise that if there ever was a nuclear war, still possible with growing tensions between a superpower and its rivals, those left alive would wish they had been caught in the blasts and killed outright.
I don't recommend this for sensitive viewers.

About the movie “Threads”
Threads is about the horrible deaths our political leaders have prepared for us.
From HERE. All credit, etc, etc…
I still remember back in the early eighties having vivid nightmares about mushroom clouds above my street. Probably I was aged around nine or ten, hearing rumors that the city of Hull was a target for a warhead due to our city once being a major shipping port, etcetera, so as a child it does play on you. It was on the radio, the TV, in magazines and people in the street talked about the crisis.
Then along came Threads — a BBC production so chilling, so merciless, that viewed today it still leaves an impression. The Day After was good, but retained some mellowness. When the Wind Blows is a very strong touching message, but the bad dog of nuclear holocaust movies has to be Threads.

The BBC I assume put it together just to inject sheer terror into the hearts of everyone watching. When I introduced my Horror Soulmate to this a few years ago, her face fell, literally fell. Threads pulls no punches about the aftermath of a nuclear bomb on any country remaining.
As a spider weaves its web, a narrated introduction explains just how society is a mass of threads connected and how this can basically make society weak.
Welcome to Sheffield, UK, 1984. News reports have begun to tell of building tensions in Iran between the United States and Russia. The first mention is captured briefly as a teen, Jimmy, spins his car radio dial as he sits overlooking the city with his girlfriend, Ruth. Life continues, day by day, regardless of the news. People sip in their local pub, a papergirl does her rounds, meanwhile the tabloids lap up the tension.
Jimmy discovers Ruth is pregnant so their parents all meet up, and they discuss how Jimmy wants to marry Ruth and have a place of their own.
A typed heading tells us that Sheffield is England’s third largest city with over 54,000 people living there. So as the United States hint at sending troops to Iran, the Soviet Union see that as a direct threat. Life still continues, everyone goes shopping, people go to work. We’re introduced to Clive Sutton, a man who, if war breaks out, is handed governmental powers in the city. He’s making phone calls. Nothing critical, just in case.
“The United States have accused the Soviet Union of moving warheads into their new base in Iran.” Jimmy sits in the pub watching this report and discusses it with his friend. “Don’t it scare you what it might lead to?” Jimmy says. Meanwhile Britain commits itself to the Middle East tension. Anti-War demonstrations march throughout the streets. “You cannot win a nuclear war!” shouts a woman.
One day in Iran, B-52’s attack and the Russians strike back. In Sheffield citizens are in the throes of panic buying tinned food and other items, emptying stores who are upping their prices.

Then a new fight begins, Soviets versus United States all out attacks on ships. Violence erupts in the streets and many families decide to evacuate their homes. Jimmy’s father watches, “Won’t be safe anywhere.”
A neighbor states, “Nothing will happen.”
Hospitals are cleared for any possible casualties. Many able patients are returned home. Panic evacuations creates chaos on the roads. Sutton goes underground with a small team beneath the town hall to form an emergency HQ.
Radios and TVs hand out ‘helpful’ messages in case of an attack. “You are better off in your own home. Stay in there!”

At 8:30, one morning, the streets are busy with shoppers on their search for supplies. Sutton’s team are discussing things when the attack warning suddenly comes.
Sirens echo across the city and hundreds of screaming people run in every direction. Jimmy and his friend hide under a truck. At 8:35 a warhead explodes above the city, power goes out and the blinding mushroom takes the area apart, as blasting winds tear around. Jimmy sees the cloud, he tries to reach Ruth. His mum and dad hide behind doors and a mattress, Ruth and her family close up their basement.

Then comes the heat wave.
In total silence we see streets burn (some stock footage included), milk bottles melt, buildings crashing down, and a lot of burning corpses. 210 megatons hits the UK altogether, amassing approximately two to nine million casualties.
This is the power of Threads in a nutshell.
Unlike The Day After, when each character seemed to have some kind of knowledge of fallout, radiation, whatever and repeats it like a government issued health scare, in Threads, nobody knows a thing.
There are scared, not ready, just bewildered and terrified.
These are real neighbors, real shoppers, real families thrown head first into a nightmare. I suppose the closest comparison would have to be Jim and Hilda from the aforementioned When the Wind Blows.
The holocaust itself, I could easily bring up the last moments of The Divide as Eva leaves the apartment building basement and sees the remains of the city. Take that brief section and then continue it on-wards. You get the idea.
Survivors find themselves either trapped without air like Sutton’s team buried under the town hall, or burnt like Jimmy’s mother, or traumatized by the bodies of loved ones.
Then along comes the ashes and the radioactive fallout bringing blisters and sickness.

Food supplies fall under government control which causes violence in the streets and looting. As the days go by people become more desperate.
Ruth leaves the basement and walks the streets seeing what is left of her city. A woman cradling the charred corpse of a baby, hands playing with burnt Star Wars figures, a bandage-faced traffic warden (who incidentally became a sort of poster boy for the production, featured on the cover of the Radio Times) and overcrowded hospitals.
It’s all kind of downhill for the survivors from then on unfortunately.
There is an impressive gallery of burn and blister make-up effects (by John Humphreys who also worked on TV series like Doctor Who and The Young Ones, as well as Rawhead Rex and Charlie & The Chocolate Factory), along with some blood here and there that makes Threads special.
Like I stated earlier, it’s not out to be kind, or make friends, it wants to wave a dead child in your face, it wants you to almost taste the ash in the air.

Oh things can get really bad.
Here’s another movie review. This one is about the movie “The Road”, from HERE…
The story is straightforward: America has been devastated. Habitations have been destroyed or abandoned, vegetation is dying, crops have failed, the infrastructure of civilization has disappeared.
This has happened in such recent memory that even The Boy, so young, was born into a healthy world.
No reason is given for this destruction, perhaps because no reason would be adequate. McCarthy evokes the general apprehension of post-9/11. The Boy and The Man make their way toward the sea, perhaps for no better reason than that sea has always been the direction of hope in this country.

The surviving population has been reduced to savage survivalists, making slaves of the weaker, possibly using them as food.
We’ve always done that, employing beef cattle, for example, to do the grazing on acres of pasture so we can consume the concentrated calories of their labor. In a land where food is scarce, wanderers seek out canned goods and fear their own bodies will perform this work for the cannibals.
Although we read of those who stockpile guns and ammunition for an apocalypse, weapon stores on the Road have dwindled down.
The Man has a gun with two remaining bullets.
He is a wary traveler, suspecting everyone he sees. He and The Boy are transporting a few possessions in a grocery cart. He encourages his son to keep walking, but holds out little hope for the end of their journey…
…yes. And that is the way it will be.
There will be a long period, maybe decades, where the world will try to rebuild. Some nations will do better than others. Some will not.
I would guess that Australia wouldn’t fare too well, because they want to be the “tip of the sword” for the United States. But you know, Canada might survive all right. It just depends on whether they decide to sit things out or not.
Canadians like to think of themselves as independent of the United States, but the fact remains that the Canadian government is just a puppet government under the control of the American oligarchy.

What might happen?
Anything, actually.
Interspersed throughout the movie are still shots that are all the more disturbing because they are beautifully done.
They make me want to hammer Brian Williams in the face with a brick, for ever saying anything as stupid as “guided by the beauty of our weapons.” [wp]
Fawning media totalitarian proto-fascists like Williams, who accept and glorify the necessity of nationalized violence, are the facilitators that are going to bring about this sort of disaster, if or (more likely) when humanity finally decides to pull the toilet-lever and flush all of everyone’s hopes and dreams away.
Jackson sets us up for exactly that scenario.
We meet a typical pair of English kids from the 60’s: they go to the pub, they drink, they make out in the back of his Cortina, parked on a pretty bluff with an idyllic view of the city of Sheffield.
Well, it doesn’t seem idyllic, at first – it looks like a typical industrial town full of people hanging on the edge of working too hard, drinking their desperation away.
The movie gets rolling slowly, and – did I mention? – it gets worse.
Naturally, the girl gets pregnant, and there are some poignant “meet the parents” and “set up an apartment” scenes.
Brilliantly interwoven in the ordinary dreariness of their lives are flashes of news: the USSR has invaded Afghanistan.
The US issues an ultimatum and deploys B-52 bombers and troops.
There are reports of skirmishes. Life in Sheffield stumbles on, gut-shot, but not knowing it yet.
Since 1945, the world has had a nagging question in the back of its collective mind—what would it take for a nuclear war to start?
After the Cold War, it seemed nuclear fever had died down in North America—sure, India and Pakistan both got the bomb, but that was really far away.
Those fears have escalated again recently as the United States has begun signalling that it’s willing to take unilateral action against China.
While China is well known to have a sizable and formidable nuclear force with both ICBMs, and hyper-velocity MIRV vehicles, these new developments come as international institutions go through a period of intense instability.
The good news is, a nuclear war might not be the world-ending cataclysm you would think it is.
The bad news is it would still be very, very bad.
The worse news is that there hasn’t been any kind of plan for how to deal with such an attack on Canada since the 1980s. Worst of all? Canadian experts think a nuclear exchange in our lifetime is just a matter of time.
Canada stands to get out of this relatively unscathed. But Vancouver, grab a seat. We need to talk.
How it starts
No matter how unhinged you think Washington DC might be and how terrifying it is that anyone in Washington is handling nuclear codes, none of the experts I read about, thought it particularly likely that America, as provocative as it is, is likely to be the one to shoot first.
While several experts pointed to a nuclear exchange between India and Pakistan as something that could conceivably happen at some point, it’s doubtful that would end up with any North American cities becoming targets. Of the other nuclear powers, it’s hard to think of a scenario that sees England, France, or Israel (whose nuclear arsenal has never been confirmed) striking out at the USA.
The consensus was that both Russia and China would have far too much to lose by hitting directly at North America (proxy nuclear wars in parts of Europe or Taiwan, respectively, remain on the table).
However, as I have repeatedly stated, both Russian and China has made it absolutely clear that any provocation or military action that crosses a RED LINE would result in the unleashing of a MAD level retaliatory response.
When the bomb hits
According to NUKEMAP, an algorithm that combines data from Google Maps and available information on nuclear weapon capabilities, the initial devastation of a strike on downtown Vancouver would be considerable—a fireball with a radius of 200 meters would appear over the city as the bomb explodes in midair. Every building within a two-kilometre radius would be virtually destroyed. Almost everyone within 16 kilometres of the explosion who survives the initial blast immediately suffers third degree burns.
The tally: almost 30,000 dead and over 100,000 injured almost immediately.
While NORAD radar would detect any ICBM or submarine launch, the warning time would be roughly 25 minutes—nowhere near enough to even begin evacuating a metro area with a population of over two million.
What would make matters worse is that currently there are absolutely no governmental plans for minimizing the death toll should a nuke hit a Canadian city.
“There isn’t [a plan],” John Clearwater, author of Canadian Nuclear Weapons: The Untold Story of Canada’s Cold War Arsenal, told VICE. “We’re all going to die.”
During the Cold War, Canada did have plans in the event of a nuclear strike. In 1961, an underground hideaway was completed outside of Ottawa. Located 40 kilometers away from Parliament Hill, it was meant to house hundreds of government officials and military officers in case of a nuclear attack (it now functions as Canada’s Cold War museum). Dubbed a “Diefenbunker” after then-prime minister John Diefenbaker, it was one of over 50 such multi-story units built across the country.
Fred Armbruster, the executive director and founder of the Canadian Civil Defence Museum Association, said parts of Canada are still home to the rotting and overgrown remnants of nuclear bunkers—a surprising amount of buildings in western Canada, in particular, are home to long-forgotten shelters.

People don’t realize the amount of bunkers that were constructed in Canada,” he said. “It’s phenomenal. For example, every single municipality around Edmonton has a bunker.”
Today, almost none of those facilities remain operational, mothballed after Canada got rid of its nuclear weapons in 1984.
“There was no more plan because there was no more expectation that strategic nuclear weapons would fall on Canada,” said Clearwater.
Crawl out of the fallout
In the immediate aftermath, thousands would die due to untreated injuries, dehydration, exposure, collapsing structures, and general unpreparedness in the face of such a disaster.
Armbruster pointed to the Fort McMurray fire as an example—just as nobody expects a nuclear attack, nobody was prepared for a blaze of that size. During the peak years of nuclear panic during the Cold War, information was regularly distributed on how to prepare for a strike—blueprints for bomb shelters, what supplies to have on hand, what to do if an air raid siren went off. In Fort McMurray, few had the emergency supplies or knowledge necessary to get through the ordeal.
“People didn’t have bottled water, they weren’t able to react. Many people ran out of fuel because they let their fuel tank go past half full,” he said of the lack of preparedness that preceded the worst wildfire in Canadian history. “Back in (the Cold War), they were sending out pamphlets to every single household educating people on how to be prepared for a manmade or natural disaster.”
When a largely unprepared population is faced with a disaster of this magnitude, it puts even more strain on governmental institutions like Public Safety Canada, who would have to improvise ways to decontaminate, shelter, feed, medically treat and house hundreds of thousands of refugees.
Nukemap3D Shows What Nuclear Bombs Would Do To Canada's Cities
If you've ever stayed up late in bed worrying what a nuclear bomb would do to Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver or Ottawa, now you can find out.
Nukemap3D, an extension to Google Earth written by Alex Wellerstein of the American Institute of Physics in Mayland, allows you to model what nuclear blasts of different sizes would do to literally any location on the planet. (There have been server issues with the site, but you can also access it here).
The website allows you to select the size of the bomb, from the 15-kiloton weapon dropped on Hiroshima to the 50-megaton behemoth Tsar Bomba tested by the Russians in 1961. You can also watch an animation of the mushroom cloud, see an overlay of the blast effects and fallout and get an estimate of causalities.
The results can be terrifying. A bomb as small as the "Little Boy" weapon used on Hiroshima would cause nearly 400,000 casualties if dropped near the CN tower in Toronto, according to the program. A Tsar Bomba would cause more than 3 million.
Those downwind from the blast would be affected by fallout, but even then, according to Schofield, it wouldn’t be apocalyptic. Airbursts, where a bomb detonates several hundred meters over its target rather than on the ground, cause a larger shockwave but also result in less radioactive debris.
Of course, there would be no cars, the automotive ECM’s would all be fried into slag by EMP bursts, nor would there be electricity, and internet.
“The general rule of nuclear weapons is, the radiation effect which is lethal is well within the lethal zone of the shockwave,” he said. “Radiation is not going to kill you.”
Still, he warned, leukemia rates would likely spike in affected areas for several years.
On the ground, Canada’s third largest city would probably rebound fairly quickly. While fiction would have you believe that nuclear weapons leave nothing but a scarred, uninhabitable landscape in their wake, Schofield said he wouldn’t be surprised if Vancouver was rebuilt in a decade or less.
The bomb that struck Hiroshima in 1945 was 20 kilotonnes—not that much smaller than the largest tested North Korean bomb. But that city’s population had returned to pre-war levels by 1958.
“Hiroshima … was built out of wood, [so] the whole place burned down,” said Schofield. “There were a couple of buildings that were 200 meters from the Hiroshima bomb that were still standing.”
Of course, China and Russia field nuclear weapons thousands of times more powerful.
Canada gets mad
Canadians would go through a pretty intense period of mourning and shock after the detonation. Then they’d get really ticked off.
“If a bomb goes off in Vancouver, most people’s initial reaction is: we need to get a bomb so we can threaten other people so they don’t bomb us,” said Schofield. “For Canada, I think we’d say we need a nuke and then we’ll probably revert to the Americans and have a much tighter security cooperation.”
In 2005, then-prime minister Jean Chretien refused to let Canada participate in the construction of a continental anti-ICBM defense shield.
Still, it needs to be stressed: the likelihood of Canada being involved is very, very, very low. Our lack of a plan isn’t necessarily a bad thing—as Clearwater points out, it just means resources are being used on things that actually matter, like diplomacy.
“We should not be wasting taxpayers’ money on a plan for something that results in our deaths,” he said. “We should be using a fraction of that money working towards a global zero [amount of nuclear weapons]. You can get a lot more working towards zero than you can distributing survival packs, shovels, doors, water purification tablets and blueprints for backyard shelters.”
So take heart, Canadians. Yes, your government isn’t doing much to prepare for a nuclear strike, but that’s because no one thinks they really have to.
Would the Chinese, or the Russians conduct Naval assaults on that tiny island? Would they saturation bomb it, and then invade using landing craft?
They would erase it.
Depending on the detonation altitude and the mega-tonnage of destructive power, the remains could vary from a radioactive flat glassed mound protruding above sea level to a underwater crater. It all depends on the “message” that the Chinese wants to make.

Diego Garcia
This island will also go the way of the Dodo bird.
The idea that it would be eviscerated by the cleansing effects of a nuclear blast is so high that I would put it at a 90% probability.
If, somehow, it would survive I would say that anything trying to reach it would be destroyed long before they reached the island.
As the tension between the USSR and US, dimly glimpsed in flashes, ratchets up, the viewer begins to feel a very real and inescapable dread.
I’ve seen scary movies that build tension but nothing like this, before.
Perhaps the worst part is that the fragments of news could so easily match what is coming from Korea:
Both sides rushing troops to the area, chest-puffing, threats.
Jackson’s decision to set the film in Sheffield, which is mostly uninvolved in the war, was doubtless because of the practical exigencies of movie-making and his target audience – but the sense that all of this war stuff is going on somewhere else, is brilliantly rendered in the half-heard snatches of news.
I spend a lot of time trying to hear those fragments about Kurdistan, Afghanistan, Korea, Nigeria – and reading between the lines in Threads is so well done there were times that my hair literally stood up on my neck.
It’s all “somewhere else”, until – wham!
We see a bit of the “preparedness” efforts of the government – the town administrator is told to begin storing medical supplies, water, gasoline, and so forth – he’s a well-meaning civil servant with no idea what is looming over him.
But, then, nobody does.
That’s why Watkins made the movie, after all.
In the last few months the US has seen images of hundreds of thousands fleeing by car, of the traffic jams and shortages: now, imagine people trying to flee from something from which there is no place to hide.
There is another movie in this vein, Miracle Mile [imdb] but somehow it becomes a disaster movie with a bit of action flick hidden in it.
Threads has this methodical rhythm that somehow makes it clear that nobody is getting out of anywhere – I think a lot of that is a result of positioning the film in Sheffield, far from where anyone would expect war to come, and probably far from where anyone expected to do anything about it.

America would suffer the worst effects of MAD. This is non-debatable. I have covered this in the past. I have many many articles regarding this. You might as well go to my supreme master index to read about this.
That’s one of the most powerful messages I took away from the movie (other than “the living will envy the dead”) ...
...the vast mass of us sit in the shadow of this horrible thing our leaders have planned for us, and we feel that there is nothing we can do.
Or perhaps there is nothing we should do because it’s all so far away.
But they built this for us – they planned this for us – they used our money and our work to fund it, and the very worst of them talk about it as though it’s a casual game of golf.
No halfway decent human being should countenance this thing for anyone.
We, the people of the world, should rise and rip our political leaders to bits for preparing this bath of fire for us.
Naturally, our political leaders have bolt-holes, where they expect they can hide and weather out the worst effects of their utter failure.
Jackson doesn’t address that directly, but obliquely and powerfully shows us how that works, as well: the mostly well-meaning political leaders of Sheffield take shelter in their command center under the town’s office building, and are trapped when the building collapses over them.
They die slowly and horribly.
But so does everybody else.

Korea & Japan
Both are allies of the United States. Both hold military bases that station American troops, and both do not want to get involved in a war with China. Were there to be a military conflict, I am near positive that both would prefer to sit out and be as neutral as possible.
However, if any nation, or both decides to actively participate alongside the United States in attacking China, the consequences will be horrific for those nations.
My guess is that World War II would be short lived and over quickly. As a result the events would unfold before these nations would be drawn into a conflict and would sort out their relationships with America after the smoke clears and the radioactive radiation does down. Whatever leadership remains of the United States, I am confident that these nations would dictate the terms, and would side with their Asian neighbors irregardless to what events happened in the distant past.
Aside from it’s terrifying military, America has no friends in the world except for a handful of nationalists in Australia and Israel.
The story follows its little cast of characters that eventually dwindle to one, the young pregnant woman. Then, the documentary aspects begin to pop in, with freeze-screens that blandly state facts that are so scary your mind wants to crawl someplace safe instead of reading them.
I imagined I had a pretty good handle on nuclear war, but there are things I hadn’t thought of, which Jackson’s researchers did.
We’ve all heard of nuclear winter, but I’d never thought of the plagues of rats and flies that would follow having 20 million unburied corpses (never mind the sheep, cows, etc) or the side effect on agriculture.
There was a report yesterday about an intensive care unit in a hospital in Puerto Rico that suffered a power failure and all the patients are now dead.
In Threads we see doctors throwing up their hands in despair at the uselessness of trying to help patients who will die from radiation exposure.
The medical infrastructure at Hiroshima and Nagasaki collapsed, similarly.
What Watkins makes us see is that it’s not a partial collapse, like “no power or water” but a total collapse. “No nothing.” Our modern civilization is tightly integrated and god damn it we depend on each other – it’s like a Jenga tower – politicians imagine that they can just destroy part of the world without affecting the rest.
Fucking morons.

Jackson’s projections are that, after radiation and secondary die off, nuclear winter and the destruction of agriculture and supply, England would be back to medieval-level population again, 30 years after the war – about 1.2 million people.
England, frankly, isn’t much of a target, so their suffering would be long-term collapse.
That saying about “bombing someone back to the stone age”? It’s not funny or accurate: it’d be early iron age.
I have more in common with a typical North Korean peasant than I do with Kim Jong Un or Donald Trump or any congressman. So, do you.
We are all living under the threat of this thing, built by power-loving politicians and their Renfields, in order to make themselves more important.
They are the same people who talk casually about “axis of evil” when they’re actually founding members of the axis, themselves.
We need to finally acknowledge that the nuclear powers (in spite of what they said in the Non Proliferation Treaty [npt] they shoved down everyone else’s throat) never intended to do anything but achieve and maintain a monopoly.
Non-nuclear states are obliged not to make or develop nuclear weapons, but the nuclear powers will continue to maintain and upgrade their arsenals. And when was the last time that the citizens of the USA or Russia had any say in whether more nuclear weapons would be developed?
When it comes to nuclear war, nobody is isolated.
Compared to the hostile powers our own leaders have arranged against us, any disagreement any of us might have with a citizen from another country is piffle.
They are nowhere near the threat to anyone that the commander of the US, North Korean, Russian, (on down the list) is.
Sure, they are repugnant, cruel, murderers – but they are rank amateurs compared to our leaders, who are prepared to murder on a vaster scale and who, in fact, have pretty much murdered ISIS (and 50,000-100,000 noncombatants along with them)
I can negotiate with ISIS – probably it wouldn’t go well, but I can try – militant nationalism doesn’t permit negotiation at all: they make us pawns in their game and they’ll throw us in the fire at any moment without feeling particularly bad about it (unless it’s bad for business).
Why can’t we rise up and put these motherfuckers up against a wall and shoot them all?
anon[390] • Disclaimer says:
June 7, 2021 at 4:53 pm GMT
Trump is now demanding reparation from China. Full time China hate is his only schtick left, no one is listening to him on anything else. China hate is the only thing that could still get a few of his mindless minions riled up.
But you know…
…it’s a dangerous game these morons are playing.
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“All they need to do is hand each solder a jar of vegimite and a Fosters, and off he would go to die for Mike Pompeo!”
Best. Line. Ever! I laughed out loud when I read this! Great article, seriously tons of other things I could comment on but this, vegemite and Fosters, I needed this today! Thank you!
I read this pro-China article on another website:
“What if the Bolsheviks decide to start a killing spree here (in the USA) during a war with China, and somehow China comes in and manages to rescue America’s white population? They have tons and tons of cities built there that are totally empty, just waiting to be switched on. What if America’s white population ends up there? I’d say this is possible, and if it does end up happening would be a best case scenario, I’d take the “better form of communism” where at least I still have a car and a life any day over the Bolshevik form.
You can trust me on this one: You would MUCH rather have a Chicom rule you than Shin Bet. It is not too hard to “behave” in the Chinese system. Just keep your mouth shut, pray in private, and your life will be OK. The Shin Bet form gets thrills out of how much they can humiliate you. There’s a big difference.”
Metallicman, what do you think of this?
The Russians don’t want an empire. They did that, and they no longer want any part of it. The Chinese don’t want an empire either. Both Russia and China have realized the folly of this lust and desire. Americans haven’t. Most Americans still think that everyone in the world want’s to be like Americans. They don’t. They just want to be left alone.
The success of China is being replicated all over the world, and people are seeing that if you take your money, and invest in your own home; property and meals, you will be doing just fine. Instead of the American way, with takes the money; divides it into two piles. One pile fixes up one bedroom and turns it into a palace, and the other batch is used to play tricks on neighbors, muck up the neighborhood and cause mayhem.
Russia doesn’t want to “spread communism”. They are a democracy, after all. It’s not the Soviet Union. Yet, American’s just-don’t-get-it. They don’t understand just how out of control the USA has become. Read the reprints of Putin’s speeches that I have posted “Russia is for Russians”. That’s it. And on China, Putin says “China is for Chinese.”
And, for America… well we know the drill from the March 2021 summit… America is the leader. Obey us or be extinguished! America differs from both Russia and China. The money of the American government does NOT go to the citizens. It goes to the richest oligarchy , the rest to their mechanisms to maintain power. That’s the USA budget. 50% to the oligarchy in the form of stock market, siphons moneys, fees, and various systems, 50% to their toadies, and the mechanisms in place to keep the citizens just happy enough so they will not revolt.
I would hardly call this guy a pro-Chinese fellow, and his understanding of China is the same old regurgitation of the old China=bad playbook. He’s just saying the nonsense in a new way.
He does make a point, and it’s worthy of note.
Living under Chinese “communism”, which is actually single-party socialism, if far better for an individual than anything else provided on this planet. There might be a rare few 0.00000001% of the population that can be successful, the rest live in various levels of misery. From the hopelessness of the urban ghetto, to the drone workers in corporate America that live a scene out of “Office Space”, to the self-employed grasping at money on a “gig economy”, it’s all a very very pale shadow compared to the kinds of life, kinds of happiness, and kinds of calm stability that you find elsewhere in the world.
Sorry to butt in. I just had to ask you your opinion on something.
I find the quoted statement very interesting in the very caricatured view of the world. Unfortunately from my travels to the US and even interactions with US friends, I find a general lack of knowledge or experience of things outside the USA. And what Americans do know is usually depicted as somewhat ominous. This would naturally result in people restricting solutions to their problems to “American” solutions. As an example the healthcare crisis. There are so many solutions around the world in numerous different flavours. But the American public discourse simply dismisses all of them. I suspect that the ease at which Americans dismiss foreign solutions is due to the xenophobia instilled into them by the MSM.
So my hypothetical question to you, MM. If you one day discover that you have a son in the USA of an age to enter university. This boy has never been outside the US and you have $30,000 sitting around in your bank account waiting for a circumstance just like this. Would you give the money as a contribution to his university education? or would give it to him to travel and see the world?
I would tell him to get a university degree in an unusual place. Like Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Russia, China, etc.
The reasoning is that as America collapses, the value of other places increases. Thus the value of the college education. No longer will an American college education grant you preferred status. Instead, in America just about everyone can get a college education, and the quality of what you get is decreasing over time. So, if everyone can get a loan and everyone can get an American college education, what benefit would it give you? You would just be like everyone else.
Get an education in say, the University of Cambodia. Not only would you end up getting a ton-load of local connections in SE Asia, but you would be exposed to a new culture, a new society, and learn a new language. The costs would be substantially cheaper than an American education, and when you end up applying for jobs your CV would stand out! Really! How many others could host the wide and diverse background that you would have?
It’s like a tattoo. My second wife’s daughter wanted to get a tattoo when she was 11 years old. She reasoned that all of her girl friends were getting this little tattoo of a tiny pink heart on their left hand, and she wanted one. She argued that it was because it made her “different” from all the other girls, and “unique”. I argued that doing everything that others did will not make you unique. It turns you into one of the herd.
I would NOT advise the $30,000 be set towards a tour of the world. You are just going to be a “digital nomad”. You’ll collect trivial experiences, of little substance, and end up blowing the money. Instead, I argue that you pick a destination, and stick it out. Choose a foreign university. Attend it. With all the hassles of learning a foreign language in a foreign nation entails. And I would not advise the EU. I would advise really some place out of the way. Maybe Finland. Maybe Chile. Maybe Iceland. Maybe the UAE. Maybe Laos.
But what ever you do, do not take that amount of money and use it for travel alone. Travel alone provides no long term benefits that you can apply later on to make money. that comes from an investment in education, long term social and friend contacts, and exposure to a region of a minimum of two years. Traveling the world will NOT provide that..
You didn’t mention this, MM, but going to uni outside North America and Western Europe should mean a real education, not the money-wasting woke nonsense we see in higher education in the US in particular.
Please don’t shut down your blog or comments, as you say on the blog home page you are considering. Could you post excerpts of the negative comments in a dedicated blog entry so those of us who value your site can see what you get? Some of the rest of us might recognize certain posters or sources generating those comments. Thanks.
Yes, going to UNI outside the USA would mean a real education. That is correct. You would actually learn something. Back in my day, we learned things. Today, many of the courses are full of woke nonsense and bullshit. When a crew of newly graduated civil engineers can’t build a simple pedestrian bridge you know the USA UNI system is in trouble.
Clarification: Speaking from experience of having lived in or visited several S.E.Asian countries, I would not recommend advising anyone to enroll in a University in Cambodia or Thailand, unless you can read and write as well as speak the language and have a good understanding of their cultures first. Also, any qualifications gained are not recognized anywhere else, only to go towards credits in an established recognized University in other more advanced countries. The education systems in these countries is very low standard, rife with corruption, eg. if you pay the administrators enough you will get your (useless) degree.There are no Universities in Lao. Large numbers of Asian students come to Australia to further their education to gain “recognized” qualifications. They are well catered to, with international standards, support and special Visas, world class research facillities etc. the largest numbers by far come from China and Taiwan. But it has all come to a standstill because of lockdowns and border closures. The students that were already here before that are allowed to stay if they wish.
Good Intel. Things to think about. You need to determine what you want to study and why.
If you want to get into R&D, AI, IoT, and cutting edge technologies. I would advise China, Germany, Japan, Korea.
If you want hard science. I would advise Russia, China, Germany.
If you want to get into manufacturing, engineering. I would advise China.
If you want to get into sociology, cultures, and the like. I would advise a university in your targeted region.
If you want to get into international, trade, diplomacy. I would advise you study where you want to work.
If you want to get into the legal profession, I would advise America and Britain.
If you want to get into stocks, bonds, and finance. And general economic theory. I would advise America.
If you want the arts, music, or related passions. I would advise Europe, Russia.
While everybody is being distracted by the corona craps coming out of media whores in the US, the neocons are working behind the scene for another big event which is to nuke Lower Manhattan with an underground fusion bomb and with an incoming missile probably launched from a sub It will be an inside job just like 9-11 and they are gonna blame China or so. This is their next game since they couldn’t get the other games to work.
Look at 2019 front cover page on Economist magazine for clues. They have an image of the four horsemen marching across the continents. The first horseman is a demonic entity with crown/corona on its head to release the so called “coronavirus” with all strains through the pangolin mapping system to the entire world.
The second horseman is a warmongering demonic entity. There is a ring of fire crescent image at the top which symbolizes war. Compare the image with the solar eclipse event over NY city on 06/10 which is a forewarning. They are ready to nuke this city in a few weeks left. The neocons are nothing but demonic entities incarnated in human form. Within their being is a deep darkness of hatred, delusional, arrogance, and pure evil. They generate a force field and a super cell vortex of evil energy to pull in everybody.
Unfortunately, most of inhabitants in the US are being duped and succumbed to lies after lies and they love to swallow up lies from the government, pulpits, social media, and other craps like a drug addict got high in meth. From the guy on top of echelon to a poor guy at the bottom of the totem pole are all delusional. Instigated a war with both China and Russia will get them all destroyed and annihilated to fine dust and glass.
“…the army and reinforcements together,
and they lay there, never to rise again,
extinguished, snuffed out like a wick.” Isaiah 43:17
Maybe so, but internationally most people realize that China does not take “pot shots”. Were the USA to do this, it would serve to enable China and Russia to launch world war III hot in MAD form against the USE. Will this happen? I don’t know, but the people in Washington are so deluded that they just might try it.
Big dog I just saw your text on the negative comments you’re receiving.
I hope you are able to hang in there.
Just to let you know. The negative commenters are struck by your knowledge and thats why they act out.
And besides. You can send them to the cornfield. Just means the field is gonna be a bit fuller lol.
I am afraid that you are correct. But’s it’s such a hassle.
Ditto to what Chris wrote. Negative commenters are just Sheeple who can’t accept the other side of the coin. These people are programmed to only accept one point of view from their own “approved” news sites. Many would attack those whose views are different from theirs.
Just ignore them and set ignore to their IP address. They’re not worth you losing sleep over them. Let them live their life path as they have chosen it themselves.
Hi. Did you vaccinate? Am from Malaysia, all around me, everyone is rushing for vaccines, be they Pfizer, AZ or Sinovac. Everyone urging me to take the damn jab. They force u to sign consent letter, meaning, if you agree to take jab, drops dead, you are wasted. No compensation. Am refusing all jabs. What do you think buddy?
Take the vaccination. The preferred vaccine is Sinopharm.
My entire staff, and most of my family has taken it.
I am not qualified, however. Firstly [1] because I am over 59 years of age, and secondly [2] because I have heart issues. Not minor ones either. I’m taking four medicines for my heart and blood pressure issues. That’s what happens when you get old.
In China, not only is everyone… the 1.7 billion people applying for and getting the vaccine, but everyone is medically screened first. It’s a big long conveyor line of people, where you read, then sign, then get your medical interview, and then are told whether or not you qualify for this round of injections.
Presently Zhuhai has finished round one of the two stage injections, with over 80% of the population participating. People like me, sick folk, and young children are excluded.
It pretty much surprises me that in the rest of the world that people only sign a paper and get the vaccination. Why isn’t the most basic medical procedures being followed like they are in China? I hear that no one takes a temperature, a blood pressure reading, asks for recent illnesses, and follow well-defined strict and well-understood medical procedures. It seems odd that everyone is in such a rush to get the injection without the most basic and rudimentary medical conditions being taken into consideration. It suggests, panic.
I would consider the Sinopharm or Russian Sputnik V vaccines if they were available in the US.
Please understand there is a lot of suspicion in certain quarters here about the vaccines Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca, and Johnson & Johnson offer. Those who are skeptical of the medical-industrial complex are especially wary of Big Pharma. The way these vaccines are being pushed on everyone, and even mandated for certain workers, despite their still-experimental status is worrisome.
Side effects and deaths after the jab are not being discussed in the lamescream media. Numerous well-known people have died suspiciously soon after receiving one of Big Pharma’s COVID-19 vaccines, such as elderly baseball great Hank Aaron. News stories typically downplay or do not mention these celebrities’ jabs. Why the coverup?
On closed forums I belong to, other members have discussed in detail side effects they notice in coworkers and relatives who got the jab, including sudden brain fog, overall decline in health, blood clots, etc. I know of two people who just happened to come down with COVID-19 after receiving the Johnson & Johnson version. Another employee at work who had had COVID last year said the effects of his jab this year were far worse than the symptoms he had with the actual disease.
This fuels conspiracy stuff about the Big Pharma vaccines actually being designed to kill off people, especially the elderly, or to sterilize the younger crowd. Supposedly one former Pfizer employee is saying everyone who takes these jabs will be dead in two years. With the scare tactics going on here, you do have to wonder what the real agenda is.
You note the health screening here before the jab is minimal. You’re right. These shots are pushed on everyone. They’re now being expanded to children. Is that happening in China?
I’m like you: getting older, health issues, etc. I had a mild but frightening reaction to the Shingrix shingles vaccine, which is also injected into the muscle and requires two shots. So if someone presses me about one of the COVID vaccines here, I’ll just say they’re still experimental and I’m in the control group. Ha ha. Offer me Sinopharm or Sputnik V, however, and I think I’ll be more willing. It should still be my choice.
Keep in mind, that you DO NOT NEED to take any vaccine if you are in a society that has herd immunity. What you really need to worry about is if you associate with large numbers of mobile people who all do not have any vaccine. That is the danger.
I think everyone has seen this, but it’s too important in case not. Western covid vaccines are toxic and infect cells throughout the body. Check out this story on Mercola.com: https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2021/06/14/covid-19-vaccine-mistake.aspx?cid_medium=etaf&cid=share
Just found a frightful video. I’m not taking it at face value…yet.
The woman claims to work in the oil and gas industry. She says big companies in that industry are making succession lists to replace the vaccinated because those people will all be dead in 3 years.
Still want that Pfizer or Moderna jab?
Upsetting. For certain. I, for one, am really glad that I live outside the insanity that the West has become.
Still a question about the vaccines.
A couple of days ago you said my assessment of the vaccines being a sorting tool were pretty spot on.
Now the last couple of days I get the feeling you have changed your mind about the vaccines being relatively safe for us in the west if we are in good health.
Did you change your mind?
Or are you now making it look like the western vaccines are to be avoided, just to see which of your readers actually take the time to find what you yourself wrote back then and to see if they have read my comment?
Did you watch my podcast on this subject? I think that I was pretty clear, and I did direct it to you and others who share your concerns. You can view the PodCast HERE.
I assumed that you were like most MM followers that check the main index HERE daily for the latest news and updates. Some even make it their home page on their browser. You don’t need to do that, but if you do, you be kept up to date in the MM world. That’s for certain.
In any event, please kindly check out my Podcast and if you have further questions, please feel free to ask.
I did and I do.
And your main index is open on my browser al the time. You have your own page with me 😉.
Its just that I find your latest podcast vs the comment I made dont match up. So hence my question.
Hey! No worries. I just want you all to be safe given that we are in the midst of World War III by biological weapons.
There are corrupted elements that are trying to capitalize on the situation. This is why I believe they are pushing the mRNA solution.
My concern is THEY DON’T NEED TO DO THIS. Traditional vaccine treatments have been around… like forever! Why risk everyone’s life with an experimental vaccine? It makes no sense. So thus my opinion on this matter. WHY IS America pushing the experimental mRNA vaccine instead of the tried and true traditional vaccine. China released the code to the world last year. It’s easy to make your own vaccines off of a dead virus. Nations have been doing this for decades. You don’t need any kinds of new technology to do so.
Do you see my point?
You are hungry. In front of you is a McDonald’s. Not the best food but you know that you will be filled up, you know the price and you know that you will be served quick. Next door to it is “Joe’s Good Food”. It’s a shiny new building that you have never heard of. Seriously which restaurant would you go into?
I see your point.
And do you still stand by your point about us MM readers to take te western vaccines if we have to to live normal lives , as long as we are in good health.
Yes. That is my advice.
This is correct. The west is being given the kill shot. Russia, China, India, have all developed their own (presumably much safer, limited use) vaccines.
Ask yourself why does Japan have only a 2-3% vaccination rate? They aren’t stupid. They know something the general public in the west does not.
I hope you keep the comments section, but I can understand what you say. sometimes I am too lazy to comment but I do read all your posts. it is how I start my day.
I am more optimistic then before, I believe we passed a very crazy year, and so we are lucky. As part of an old people ( Jewish) I have no mercy to the cloture, civilization which wiped out many of my people, my family, as part of a system which did the same to the original people and nations of the Americas, Oceania and by lesser extent and success but with same intent to the people and nations of Africa and Asia. obedience, slavery or Extinction. sometimes you get the whole package.
Amazingly, or not, this same people continue as in UNZ or veterans today to blame my people for their problems. they are the same as MSM which manufacture hate and blame it all on other people or nations .. the Chinese for example. So yes, I do think the right solution would be to wipe this mad cow civilization and let others thrive.
It’s not about if the Chinese system is better, and it seems it is. it’s about letting other ideas, other nations and people to evolve without telling them to follow the hegemon rule or die.
From warhawk neocons to keyboard warriors who live in the basements with their momma, they are all drunk and clamored for war and so a big war is coming to them suddenly and put them all to sleep. I believe they will win one of the naval battles with China on the Taiwan strait, and so they are going to throw a big state party to celebrate among themselves but on the very next day, they all will be put to sleep with EMP, ICBMs and hypersonic nukes. Most of alt media/sites such as Veterans today, UNZ, prison planet, free republic, zerohedge, Drudge Report are trashed with CIA trolls, controlled opposition stooges, haters and warmonger psychopaths except a few good cases.
“And I will make drunk her princes, and her wise men, her captains, and her rulers, and her mighty men: and they shall sleep a perpetual sleep, and not wake, saith the King, whose name is The LORD of hosts.”
Jeremiah 51:57 KJV
My son, CRY WAR and prepare the hearts of My People! This nation is a war whore who cannot get enough of her pleasure – WAR!!! A mighty war is coming upon this nation, yet My Church cannot see how close it is! The world doesn’t see how war is what they have all wanted! What? Does not the government represent the people?
The government of this king wants war, so do the people! The governments are manipulating everything from the money to the food. They are cutting off food to nations that will starve without it, so the king can make a deal to look proud!
My son, I am raising up armies to come against this nation and bring about judgment and the Great Harvest! CRY WAR!!! you watchmen on the wall! See the mighty armies coming in great dust clouds! The people will not be ready for the quickness of the attacks! The destruction of large cities will cause people to go into shock! Even with the mighty army of this nation, the attack will surprise and catch all unaware!
Tell them to drop to their knees and ask for forgiveness of the wickedness of this people! Ask for repentance,
turn from your evil ways and seek Me! I will not repent for the judgments coming upon this nation, thi s prideful wicked nation! Did I not say that if you live by the sword, you will die by the sword? This nation now lives only by the sword and by the lies of those in power!
My son, tell My Remnant not to fear the coming war – that is why I have told you! Those I have called will have been preparing for when this comes, and it is coming very soon! Remnant, do not be surprised, for I have been shouting, WAR IS COMING!!! from many of My watchmen! I AM COMING SOON, AND I BRING WAR!!! Read My Word! I am not just a carpenter – I AM A WARRIOR!!!
My son, CRY WAR!!! to bring about repentance! Seek Me on your knees in your prayer rooms! Read and stay in My Word! I love you all, but WAR IS COMING!!!
Messiah Jesus