
While the United States is busily celebrating their “freedom” on the fourth of July, this is what the rest of the world is doing.

Not knocking “freedom”, mind you. I think it’s very important. It’s just that what passes for “freedom” in the “Land of the Free” isn’t freedom at all. Freedom is the ability to own property. And… the property is inviolate. Meaning no one can tax it, regulate it, or put retainers on it in any way. And if you look at things that way, then you see that Americans have just about ZERO freedoms.

But you heard me freak out about this before, right?

A true and real measure of "freedom" is the cumulative amount of worth of everything that you own THAT IS NOT taxed, regulated, associated with fees, or subject to seizure. 

Under this definition the actual amount of “freedom” that most Americans have is ZERO. Everything in the United States is both regulated, and taxed (not to mention subject to seizure). That goes from your home (even after you pay off your mortgage, you still need to pay taxes on it), to your car (duh!), to every item you purchase with state and federal taxes associated with it.

Face it, Americans have zero freedom.

And no screeching at the screen is going to change that fact. Don’t yell at me. Don’t blame me. Don’t get all “hot and bothered” and shoot up an innocent school full of kids.

I am just pointing out the obvious.

Now, here we are going to watch videos of the rest of the world. A place where if you buy a house it is yours. You own it. You don’t pay taxes on it, or deal with regulations on it in any way. When you buy some cigarettes there are no taxes on it, or when you drive a car you don’t need to have it inspected or “approved” for road use.

Freedom. You either have it or you don’t.

Freedom can be measured; it is the cumulative monetary value of everything you own that is NOT subject to tax, regulation, fees, or seizure by any government.

Go ahead. Add it all up. See how free you are.

So watch these videos and see what the rest of the world looks like without that “great American freedom”. We are going to look at the “communist” China. You know, where if you own a house you NEVER need to pay any taxes, property, or school on it. Where you NEVER have to have it inspected or regulated by the central headquarters, and where you NEVER need to “show your papers” to the police when you are walking down the street.

Freedom is the ability to own things… real ownership… free of regulation… free of taxation… free of fees and reporting of any kind at any level.

Feel special yet?

And we are going to Segway from a discussion on freedom, and why it is important, to Rufus behaviors...

And then to sentience...

And then back to why "freedom" matters.

Video 1 – Having a home recording studio

So what’s so great about having a home recording studio? These have been common in the United States since the dawn of radio. What’s the big deal?


You are right.

These things have been in the United States for years. What began in the basements and garages of the 1950’s and 1960’s, migrated to churches in the 1970’s to keep out of the laws of intense regulation and scrutiny. Then after a brief period of relaxation under the Reagan administration, they all came back and most recording studios in the United States today are highly regulated, “for-profit” affairs.

The days of home recording studios in the United States are pretty much over.

Not so in the rest of the world.

Here we have a video of a home recording studio in China.

It’s not taxed. It’s not regulated. It’s not subject to workplace rules and IRS reporting procedures. It’s not subject to inspection by the various local and state and federal boards. It’s a private, personal space that is used for whatever a person wants it to be used as and the government (in this case Chinese) has absolutely ZERO say on how it is managed.

There are no lit up “exit signs”. You are permitted to smoke inside if you want and there are no fire extinguishers or “people capacity” stickers on the walls. The height of the recording desk is not specified. Nor is the temperature of the room, the decorations or sound isolation foam. It’s all up to the owner to determine. Not the government.

A life where you can own a home recording studio, free of taxation, regulation, fees or rules is far freer than one where everything you do is under the scrutiny of some kind of government organization.

Freedom. You either have it, or you don’t.

There are no grey areas in this issue.

But, but, but you NEED regulation to have a modern functioning society…

That’s the narrative isn’t it?

"Well, China is a developing country. It is a third-world shit-hole. It is where people eat dogs, and cats. Get coronavirus at filthy "wet-markets" and evil mean people riding bicycles try to pick your pocket every chance they get. It's no secret that they all yearn to move to America and be free!"

This narrative, that you NEED regulation to have freedom is an oxymoron. It is one of those never ending lies that are repeated over, and over, and over again, and the stupid ignorant people believe it. They don’t pause and think about what they are saying…

That you NEED to have all this regulation because that is how a modern society works.

"Regulation is a necessary evil. It is how America became great. It is because of regulation that we have trains, bridges, skyscrapers, and the post Office. Take away regulation and America would be back to the stone age."


Regulation serves one thing, and one thing only. Standardization of utility. That’s it.

The idea is that if you make everything one way, and that way is standard then the number of accidents and mishaps will decrease because you have centralized the rules and made a unified standard that everyone by abide to.

  • Like the sizes of steps on a stairway.
  • Like the minimum width in a doorway.
  • Like the minimum number of pages of paper in a pad of paper.

This next video is Nanshan. It’s a suburb of Shenzhen, China. This is the escalator up from the subway below. Now, Shenzhen is a “new” city. Just thirty years ago it was just a sleepy fishing village with some dirt roads and some fishing boats.

But China decided to take a “spin” with this new concept that Ronald Reagan was promoting (at the time) called “Reaganomics”. And Mr. Deng implemented capitalism to communist China.

China constructed a “economic bubble” and implemented every single element of Reaganomics into that bubble. From low taxes, to low to absent regulation, to every other aspect of it. China went full-speed ahead on this “experiment”.

And while President Bush put an end to the American experiment with Reaganomics, China plowed forward…

Shenzhen is the result…

Shenzhen is a pretty awesome place. Not because of Reaganomics so much as the freedom from government regulation.

Freedom. You either have it or you don’t.

Freedom has nothing to do about the economy

There is this unspoken myth in the United States that America is “exceptional” because of it’s “freedoms” and it’s “democracy”. And that the tremendous advantage that the American economy has globally, is proof of this.

That is false.

Let it be absolutely clear that the economy of a nation has absolutely nothing to do with whether you are free or not.

There are people in the poorest sections of Africa and South America that are far freer than Americans are.

Remember, boys and girls, a measure of how free you are is the cash value of the possessions that you have that is not taxed, regulated or has associated fees or can be seized from you.


Here we have some poor kids in the heart of Africa. Their poor clothes had no fees, taxes or regulations when they bought them. Their homes are untaxed and unregulated. And yet, and yet, they are happy and living life.

Of course, I do get this. I do understand.

For many, many years Americans have been taught that being great is the accumulation of wealth, and America is thus great because it is a leading economic power.

But, people, the accumulation of things and paper scripts is not success. It is not happiness. It is not joyous abandon. It is not freedom.

If there is one thing that I have learned over my many, many years is that real freedom has a calming effect on your soul. You stop caring about others, worries about things, or getting all entangled and wrapped up in all sorts of drama.

There are so many things that Americans think are true that are not…

While I am discussing truths and reality here, let it be absolutely understood that we all (all over the world) have been fed a steady diet of lies and untruths and distortions all our lives.

It goes back thousands of years.

But we can point our fingers to just about every aspect of science and society.

  • When the emergence of science came about in Europe, suddenly all stories and tales of non-physical creatures became myths.
  • When money lenders (banks) can manufacture money though the invention of interest… the net trade off was a decrease in value of everything.
  • When the lie of “democracy” equals “freedom”…
  • Or that a strong national economy is a sign that God favors that nation.
  • Or that being smart, intelligent or getting good grade somehow equates to wealth.
  • Or that being popular is a desirable trait that with make a person happier.

Lies, lies, and more lies.

People(!) for the human society to survive this great period of change, we will need to readjust our perceptions on what is real and what isn’t,

In truth, much of what has been force fed (over the last 50 years) through the American media are half-truths and lies. They are designed to convert individual non-established sentience’s to follow a service-for-self or a service-for-another sentience. When in reality, pure and real freedom comes with the third sentience; service-to-others.

Be the Rufus.

Be the Rufus

Ah. But what does being a “Rufus” has to do with anything?

How is it connected to wealth? To fame” To “freedom”? To “democracy”? To science, to society…?

We have gotten so wrapped up on the trivial…

Society is the bedrock of our personal experiences. It is from personal experiences that our sentience manifests and fills in. And thus it is who we are and why we do things. It is our roles in society. It fills out and establishes our place… our experiences and whether or not our lives are fulfilling.

So, I urge everyone to stop listening to the bullshit narratives.

Be the Rufus.

Not only will you obtain better and more enjoyable experiences, but your soul growth and quanta entanglements will end up being of a far higher quality.

It all goes to this.

Taxes and regulations are said to be necessary for a “modern” well-functioning society. That is a lie. They are not. That is what the service-to-self people want you to believe.

Migrate towards a service-to-others sentience. Be helpful and make your life a worthwhile one.

Be the Rufus.

Be the Rufus


The ONLY way that the oligarchy PTB that continue to maintain their level of absolute control is to keep individuals separate. The most tyrannical governments in the world are those that praise the individual and not the group. It is when you praise the efforts of a singular lone person, that everyone else starts to believe that the entire universe is based upon the idea of “every man for himself”.

That is a service-for-self mentality.

But that is not how it works.

Service-for-others sentience is always unhappy in places where freedom is suppressed. And even though they are told over and over again 24-7 that they actually are "free" they know, in their bones, that this is not the case.

We are consciousness. And we inhabit a physical body that migrates though a long stream of world-lines to obtain experiences. These experiences are what causes our quanta to clump together and form associations.

We can be selfish. We can “master” our physical environment though greed, power and selfish exploits. And all of these experiences will also contribute to the creation of the soul consciousness.

But it is a dead-end. It is a trap.


Because humans ARE NOT singular “lone wolf” creatures. We are social animals. And thus the best sentience for us is one that the physical elements of our being match up with the spiritual elements of our being.

That is service-for-others sentience.

As social animals, we occupy a social role. We contribute to society. We help others. We make the world a better place. We do so in small ways, but we do so…

Street worker buying clothing for his young daughter. He only has so much money. So he has to count out the money carefully to buy some clothes so that she will not be laughed at during school.

The great sorting is upon us. How long this will last is unknown. It might last for a century in total. Though it might be over in as short as ten years. Most certainty there will be all sorts of elements of change here and there in different geographical areas over time.

You cannot control the world, but you can control your little part of it.

Be the Rufus.

Why does it matter?

A service-for-self person will do their intention affirmations over and over again, and still have trouble manifesting their desires. No matter what they get, they will still want more. Bigger, better, more and more. They will never be satisfied. So that when one reality manifestation occurs it is what makes them happy.

That is because their WANTS will always be a “want”.

A service-for-others person will find that their prayer affirmation intention campaigns will have a strong degree of permanency with it. When it happens, and their dreams manifest, they will be free to concentrate on other elements of their intention prayers / desires.

Like this…

How things manifest is subject to the sentience of the person making the intention campaign.

Be the Rufus.

Do you want more?

I have more posts in my Rufus Index, here…

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MM, I have to read this art a few times. One of ur best. You come right out to say it. We need RUFUSs to save this world. And our masters (at least some of them) know that too. Thanks!


And as you’ve warned time and time again, Mr Man: the bullshitting quacks are everywhere; a dash of truth mixed with a whooole biiggg dollop of cow dung.
Caveat emptor.
How these fruitcakes still manage to peddle their bilge in 2020 just plain stumps me.
But as usual, Gordon Duff sounds the alarm in his own subtle way.
Kerry Cassidy escaped your moron-list. But hey, it’d take a lifetime to cover all these freaks, I guess. One’s bound to miss some. And I honestly think these people represent a grave threat to any cognitively developed society. Sometimes it seems as if we’re just going backwards. But maybe that’s the Plan, eh?
Stay safe,


And as you’ve warned time and time again, Mr Man: the bullshitting quacks are everywhere; a dash of truth mixed with a whooole biiggg dollop of cow dung.
Caveat emptor.
How these fruitcakes still manage to peddle their bilge in 2020 just plain stumps me.
But as usual, Gordon Duff sounds the alarm in his own subtle way.
Kerry Cassidy escaped your moron-list. But hey, it’d take a lifetime to cover all these freaks, I guess. One’s bound to miss some. And I honestly think these people represent a grave threat to any cognitively developed society. Sometimes it seems as if we’re just going backwards. But maybe that’s the Plan, eh?
Stay safe,


As you’ve warned time and time again, Mr Man: the bullshitting quacks are everywhere; a dash of truth mixed with a whooole biiggg dollop of cow dung.
Caveat emptor.
How these fruitcakes still manage to peddle their bilge in 2020 just plain stumps me.
But as usual, Gordon Duff sounds the alarm in his own subtle way.
Kerry Cassidy escaped your moron-list. But hey, it’d take a lifetime to cover all these freaks, I guess. One’s bound to miss some. And I honestly think these people represent a grave threat to any cognitively developed society. Sometimes it seems as if we’re just going backwards. But maybe that’s the Plan, eh?
Stay safe,

Ohio Guy

This is sooo true. As I type this, I’m looking at my property tax bill. Property that I “own”?, have worked very hard for over 18 years to “own”. A small parcel in a small town with a small home and a small garage. On the back of my tax bill in all caps, it states, “Notice: If the taxes are not paid within sixty days from the date they are certified delinquent, the property is subject to foreclosure for the tax delinquency.” Yes, “freedom and democracy” sure are expensive. Here in the good ole FUSA, you don’t own shit! If these dictators could figure a way to tax the air we breathe… Rant over. Thanks for all you share MM. Your opinions, aka guidance, IS a path to freedom.