It’s a hard-fisted title, don’t ya think?
Well, just because your life seems to be frozen in time, doesn’t mean that the rest of the world has stopped as well. It hasn’t. It keeps on moving on.
On and on.
There seems to be a real push for robotic automation; actual robots to do things that humans cannot. This includes things such as fighting fires, exploring the deep oceans, or the surfaces of Mars or Venus, and perhaps providing police services.
The Massachusetts State Police is the first law enforcement agency in the country to utilize a robotic dog in its operations, named Spot. Robotic technology is not entirely a new concept in the ranks of law enforcement. Particularly, Spot is touted to be an addition to the line of robotics that can potentially help prevent casualties, and provide reliable and safe services to reduce risk in day-to-day police operations.
And in other ways as well, like “pack mules” or agile transport mediums. Mediums that can fight when needed.
Why Bother?
Well, a robot can be programmed. And you cannot blame it for racism, or favoritism. Or any other excuses that are being politicized right now in America. You can program it to follow distinct rules and not worry about paying it, over-working it, pensions, or personal opinions.
You tell it what to do and it carries out your orders ruthlessly and without remorse.
It is perfect for the PTB and the Oligarchy to control people, nationalistic movements and other things that rulers find distasteful.
You all realize that technology is moving forward at an incredible pace. You also know that China is leading the world in 5G technology. As well as robotics, IoT and AI (artificial Intelligence). Lately, the Trump administration has been doing everything in it’s power to stop the ability of China to procure, and develop AI chips. Have you ever stopped and wonder why?
Is it because America doesn’t want the Chinese to market better cell-phones, or is it something else?

Is it something else?
You know full darn well that machines and computers malfunction. No matter how well-made. There is not one reader out there out in internet-land that hasn’t see the “blue screen of death“, or have had a car that won’t start. Machines malfunction.
And even worse than that, what about “hackers”? Right now there is “ransom ware”, and software that hijacks your computer. Imagine if that occurs with police or military robots… yikes!
It’s a strange and dangerous new world out there. It is becoming stranger and stranger, and more and more threatening. And the sad thing about all of this, is that technology is advancing, but human nature is staying the same.

There is coming a time when the rise of technology crosses the threshold of human ignorance. And at that time, the dangers of technology can be such that the entire species can be eradicated and the earth rendered uninhabitable.
Therefore, it is of critical importance that human sentience be stabilized.
A world filled with technologically adept humans of wildly divergence sentience’s will absolutely result in danger and catastrophe. The human species MUST, absolutely must have a single unified majority sentience.
It needs to happen before the technology / sentience interface is breached.
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Yes, this fight is about existential survival of two opposing systems. Way more than selling smartphones and deploying 5G towers.
In addition to AI being the final frontier of battlefields, its also a replacement of human labor and a way to find efficiencies… growth these days is just cannalbalization, but wages can only be cut so much, but full automation means all labor from janitor to CEO across the board gets reduced to electric costs of running AI chips!
China needs to take the long view. Laws of physics dictate that under 3nm its gonna be impossible going down, so Moores law will finally be dead within this decade, this will mean on existing technology China will sooner or later catch up…
China should not waste effort to invest in dinosaur IC production technology and miss the next oppurtunity in the process.
Semiconductor electronics for ICs is a dead end since the 7 nm scale is already here and the problems will start becoming exponentially worse with any lithography scale reduction. Around 3 nm the concept of a trace begins to lose meaning. You are leaving the material continuum limit and entering the molecular cluster limit. If parasitic currents are an issue at 7 nm, they are a show stopper at 3 nm. No amount of existing tricks such as SOI will save the day.
The future is photonics and in particular polariton (liquid light) photonics. Recent research has shown that polariton transistors made from organic materials operate reliably at room temperatures. One of the key features of photonics is much lower energy use and modern computer centers are becoming seriously limited by electrical demand and costs.
Current Deep Learning, Machine Learning will not pave the way to holy grail of AI… so while AI will benefit mankind immeasurable, the full skynet type of omnipotent AI is still a new breakthrough or two away before its even theortically possible…
War World III is hear. Started in October last year Wuhan military games….
So far we have had 3 world wars:
WW0: Britain-France (1756-1763) from which US independence resulted
WW1: 1914-1918. British attempt to prevent a German Century and bring about a 2nd British century. Succeeded with the former, but failed in the latter objective.
WW2: 1939-1945. International Jewry’s successful attempt to set up the “American” empire (aka the West), using the UK and Poland as their useful idiots to get the war started, as a springboard to capture the rest of the planet, until 2016. International Jewry meanwhile no longer believes in its own strategy and tries to at least consolidate its grip onto Anglosphere.
WW3: 2019-202x. Eurasian attempt to demolish the empire, with Anglos in the defence. Just like in the run-up to WW2, there was no US-Soviet alliance (only a backroom nod Roosevelt-Churchill-Stalin), likewise, there will be no continental European alliance with China, but very well a quiet understanding about who gets what, “after the break”. China will get Taiwan and Down Under, where continental Europe will get Scotland, Heartland, Quebec and England most of Anglo-Canada (provided England does not team up with the US in the SCS, where it all will start). Just like WW2 was enabled through the European division in Versailles, the coming European coup in North-America will be enabled by US white nationalism, for the first time put on the stage by the Trump presidency.
WOW! I don’t know how you MM get videos above! I know that they have been testing the stupid prancing dog robot things, but the Tik Tok video on the fully AI Terminator robot version 1 is the first time I have ever seen a combat ready robot. I thought that this was much too complex that a WFT dumb robot couldnt do. BUt the video above is proof. That robot could be just a little bit slower than a field operational SEAL but more resilient & is painfree, and unless it is hit with fully auto fire with rifle balls, and as it would be armored in fully combat use, it could probably take a few handgun slugs easy! That robot is better than ANY trained policeman out there. ANd it is freaking accurate on the bead! The tester put his face in front of a fully working firearm. In firearms training, this is a NO-Fíng-NO! Impossible to do even in front of a friendly human being, & especially in front of a robot. That is breaking the first rule of firearms, but the tester had full confidence – and the robot was stressed by being hit in the back & head, and as it shuddred, it registered the face of the friendly and DID NOT FIRE! If I needed a bodyguard detachment, I gotta have one of these (except of course, if Im important enough, someone could hack the program and Robot bodyguard could wipe my whole team out within seconds with a Glock 18 – OOPS should have got that retired fat SEAL guy instead…). WOW! U bet I’m shuddering now… You just have to put him on mini flying TR3-B platforms to watch the public from above – and shoot at anyone committing crimes – I mean 1 m away from hitting them to advise them to STOP…. Put 1000 in London. Peace within 3 days. Anyone one to take their AR-15 to city hall and complain about their lack of freedoms? Streetsweeper Robot detachment to the rescue… I have been law abiding and a little “meek” out in the field, especially when dealing with law enforcement types, but promise to even be MUCH nicer in the NW. I wouldnt piss of a NWO robot…. On the other hand, with these guys around, who’d want to be an asshole in the future? All for it! Go, go, Robotman. THe Final Peacemakers in the NWO.
Rob thank you for that. You have registered the same emotions that I had when observing the video. I knew that things were progressing on various fronts, but this video blew me away, as I actually know how difficult it is to design these things. The video demonstrates a number of major AI hurtles that have been overcome. The future could very well be a scene from Elysium where the boss tell the robots, in a clear calm voice…
“Kill them”.
We have assumed that everyone, no matter how ideological or evil has empathy. We are now entering a world where there just isn’t any. It’s frightening.
I dont know if this is going to make it as a post here, but like I said, MM is the boss of his house, and he gets final editorial decision. Here goes:
1) MM and his benefactors set-up this site for important reasons – it’s not here to entertain us, and IMHO, not meant to harm us, IF WE DISCERN the underlying messages.
2)This site is specifically set-up to atttact abnormal people with an IQ of above 100, I guess 120+. Just think what’s on this site compared to all the other sites out there. No comparison on its depth, its humanity & its powers of persuasion.
3)I can only speculate on the raison détres for this site, but its never going to be the full story. ONly MM knows. That’s fine – but keep that in mind.
4)THere are not many readers of this site, compared to Drudge, Daily Mail, NYT, or even Wapo, WSJ. This site tops all of them in a few areas – and this is what MM and their benefactors WANT.
5)IMHO, readers of this site are to be “communicated with”, friendlized, and primed to achieve NWO prerogatives in the social reaches of this site’s reader who are successfully “converted”.
6) This sounds manipulative and “bad” but how is that different from you teaching your kids your values and if you have an IQ of 120+, you’re going to be an asset in your societal role. SO I support the premise of this site as I think I know what’s coming down the pipeline.
7)So, this site is a NWO priming site for IQ 120+ individuals. But I ask that MM’s benefactors understand that when you deal with IQ120+ they are going to think differently than the unwashed masses who live in all the sums in the world, and even outthink/ouperform any standard issue trust fund baby out there.
SO, pls don’t hold it against us, if we figure out what you really mean – even when you don’t mean for us to know what you really mean, because you want us to “believe the NWO narrative.” Because you’re going to find out in the next 1000 years. You cant lie forever to all of us. But what you can do for all of us who have the IQ120+ and MIGHT represent the new genes who will populate the NW, is tell us the truth such that those who deserve it discern, and TRUST us to work with you. Those of us know something is terribly wrong with humanity, WE WILL WORK WITH YOU & THE PTB who are well-meaning to create a better world. Trust us with the truth within all the “parables.” Hail the Millennium Kingdom. Hao; or leaders, the TRUE PTB.
BTW, you will note that I have not used the J word to represent the PTBs because it detracts from the issues. IMHO, tHe problem is not Js. But as SHTF, they will be made scapegoats. And when the unwashed masses strike out against the Js in revenge, what do you think is going to happen? Someone is going to flip the switch ON, and if you read the Big Books, do you know what happens when FINALLY, ppl turn against the Js? So, keep out of the firing line.
Like I said, HAil the TRUE PTB. Read this among all the DISINFO out there, believe in this statement: “Blessed are those who are meek, for they shall inherit the Earth.” Internalize this statement NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS! This article by MM is TELLING U if you dont already know, the consequences for those who DONT get meek, when they meet the TRUE BOSS. MM, like I said, let’s put the truth out there, and let those who discern and WILL conform to meekness, get the opportunity thru your site, to seed the NW. Thanks, MM! Hail to U and Your Bosses. Dont blame the Js. It’s a ruse to get dumb ppl to be “Unmeek” with immediate consequences…
It’s not just high IQ. It’s a complicated formula involving IQ, EQ and (at least) three other attributes that I have a difficult time enunciating. In short, if you are here, and this site resonates with you then the message is FOR YOU. This site is not geared to attract large numbers of people. I don’t want that, and neither does PTB.
You might be surprised at the concentration of people who visit this site. I have visitors from all over the world. However, there are concentrations of people. It’s not a bunch of Americans. My largest base is from the South Asian region. Not from America. Not from China. Not from Europe.
What do we know about the people from Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Indonesia, and Myanmar? What makes them different from (say) your typical American? Is it geographical? Is it religious? Is it the kind of foods they eat? Is it social?
The answers and the implications can astound.
Some things to take note of in the video;
[1] The robot “shot from the hip”. It did not need to raise the pistol, shotgun, or other weapon to it’s optical sensors.
[2] In every instance, the targeting was perfect and hit the target precisely.
[3] The robot did not need to aim. It’s sensors automatically aimed and compensated regardless of where the robot was looking.
[4] The designers obviously built in an “aggressive” or “emergency” mode that generated “shaking and quaking” followed by a rapid fire response.
[5] The robot did not need air to breathe. It could operate submerged, or in hostile or toxic environments, including a building that is on fire.
[6] Target ting not was affected by noise, blows or distractions.
MM, Thanks for telling the truth! Then all of us who read this site then KNOW what’s this all about. Earth shaking ramifications for us who read and USE the site for humanity’s purpose. I like the way u said not just IQ but at leat a few other type of quotients. Which goes to show the level of engineering that the PTB has. I honestly do feel humbled by their capacity to think and make things happen over umpteen generations. I’m sure a few PTB die off saying, how come none of my (trust fund baby) children are like me at all? ((Someone just died 2 years ago and had billions of dollars worth of art auctioned off – within a month of his death (or two). All his descendants just see the money – not the meaning & value of the art. SIGH, rest in peace, Mr R – I know you dont get the respect you deserve!)) That’s OK! Sometimes I ask that of my kids as well! Although there are things that make me unhappy about how the PTB needs o achieve its aim, but I and all of us have to get it. It’s a lot easier being an armchair quarterback. I stumbled on the Project ISGP site – which is a MUST visit for all readers here. The author of the site said one of the sons of a prominent PTB persona contacted him and said, “well, great site & we get your criticisms. NOw do us a real favor and give us your solutions.” And the smartass that he is, and he is smart, when he wrote them down, I laughed – because his conclusions came out to nearly the same as what the PTB have done – and in many cases, FAR FAR under-estimate what’s required and under-use “finesse.” Like I said, we’re useless eaters – except that maybe some off us will get to graduate to become useful eaters – and then the PTB can use us (sorta like MM). THe NW is coming at great cost to humanity – but that’s the price that must be paid by all to save it. It aint perfect as the PTB have to use many unsavory types – and unfortunately for these mférs as they dont yet know, they will be discarded once they have outlived their usefulness. Which leaves us few readers who read this site. I am not a shill for the PTB, but if someone wants to pay me a big bunch of money to say this, I’ll tell you: havent you noticed that Im already doing this for free? (Steven Greer said that “they offered” him a credit card with a drawing capacity of a million dollars a month but “he refused them…” HAHAHA! Wonder what MM’s getting – well, its about freaking time, if what he said about getting screwed after leaving MAJ is true. Man, what MM described in his travails is just amazingly mind-boggling and disheartening – yet hopeful. Well, that’s the story of humanity. One more suggestion: as a reader, pick up the gauntlet, and read thru ALL the MAJ files like I did. I know – it’s brainwashing and I’ll you that from the start. BUt know what they want you to think, then based on what u’ve read, discern. Play their game the way they want you to play, and you’ll very happy in the NW – hopefully, we readers all get to survive in 1-piece. MAY G*D BLESS EVERYONE OF US READERS. We’ll need it when the time comes. (I bet there is no way you’ll know how prescient what I just said. Like I said, we read MM because somebody out there thinks we’re really special….). Hope that leaves you with a smilie….
Absolutely. Anyone who can swim through this ocean of information is truly special. You do not need to understand or accept any of it. You just need to be exposed to it and adjust your behaviors appropriately. Those that want validation of the echo-chamber snares put forth by the PTB deserve the sentience that they are being groomed for. And make no mistake there will be “winners” and “losers”. I cannot tell you all when everything will settle out and the dust settles. But I can tell you that it is going to be very colorful and not at all what anyone is expecting.
I will say this; it’s going to be more serious than anything that has happened in recorded history. It will result in a stratification (possibly) of society and that would be via sentience. And those that survive the filter and sorting process will experience DNA / RNA mutations. Just like what happened with the cephalopods. Only it will be humans, this time. The superior will end up with a more expensive understanding of the universe and be able to “touch” Heaven in day to day life. The inferior will be farmed. And that is how it appears to me. That is what the PTB want.
What is being “farmed” like? Watch the Bruce Willis movie where human clones / cyborgs were made as “play things” in a world where you could do anything you want with those creatures. And people paid to hurt them. Over and over, and over and over. Now, imagine that happening for real, only that clone is YOU.
My friends, if you just read what MM just wrote, you have just read the FIRST instance, that I personally know of, that the truth is revealed in the way it is. There are no veils. All the sites that talk about the future are DISINFO sites or done by people who know nothing about the true PTB. This statement above by MM is the truest statement you will ever hear from the PTB. We need to stick together & DISCERN. And 3 principles that I have taught my sons that can be used as ïnsurance” should they be probed by the system and IMHO if they want to pass with flying colors, they need to prove these 3 statements, IMHO: 1) I support my country’s government – and – a fair, peaceful environment for everyone (note the “and” qualification which reveals to the system that u are different from all the blind nationalist rahrah riffraff); 2) I support the UNited Nations (& if you want to add to this: ” PLUS multilateral approaches to world governance”. Anyone who supports the UN is on the good guys side); 3) I support world peace (and this will qualify you for the NW). We dont need to talk about 10,000 other reasons. Just remember these 3. It’s meant to work all over the world with all sorts of governments & religions & cultures. Hey, I gave them to my children, and now share with you. Thanks, MM! (Will be showing robot video to family after dinner tonight. Good to scare em a bit, to make em honest!)
One more point, when I first went thru the Robot video AGAIN& AGAIN, I didnt have the sound on so I just saw the visual parts and saw the robot doing its work the way its supposed to, then the tester in one scenario kicks the robot in the front as it is shooting down range – looks like the robot is using a Beretta 92F – M19 and the robot gets hit several times in the head from the back with bricks from two other testers, and the front tester takes out an AK and shoots at the feet of the robot. I just saw the robot shuddering but not shooting the tester. THen the tester moves away and the robot continues firing down range. Its a semi-auto, but I have never seen a semi-auto fired with such accuracy and control. U see I shot guns as a hobby, and unlike most other shooters, I like putting 200 cartridges thru my pistol as fast as I can shoot em – after 3 mags go empty and loading time (I reloaded my own cartridges, as I did IPSC, I had a cheapie 1911, SIG-Sauer P220, P226 & a few other toys [actually 13], but I loved shooting Glock 17s which for the life of me I dont why, I didnt have one! Just used them at rentagun ranges). And the way the robot does it, its superior to any human shooter out there in the way it handles recoils & re-shooting a semi-auto like an auto with a freakin one hand grip – which no human can do, even SEALs. Anyway, watched the robot video again with sound, then I figured it out. The robot has auditory outputs in the way of pips and computer sounds that mean something explicit to the testers, so they know what the robot is thinking, which people not in the loop would not understand – things like: I see a target, I am engaging, Engagement terminated, No more targets, I am being kicked in the nuts by asshole human testers. And finally when the tester shot his AK (which is a real AK!) at the feet of the robot, it kicked off the “Kill aggressive human with AK in front of you” program and it kept on shuddering and pipping, “Warning! Identify who you are, or I will shoot you now!”and the warnings became more intense, until the tester COOLY pulls down his bandanna covering his face, and the robot identified him as a “clean” tester, and cools down & continues firing downrange. This robot is fully AI. And with its present configuration it can be made operational TODAY! The bullets used by the testers are real – if youve done this sorta shooting, youd know. You just look at the metal targets as they get pinged. You listen to the gunshots and they are the same bangs I hear when I use real guns not the silly “PC” gunshot sounds you hear in Hwood movies. The real sound is biting and expansive – hurts your ears – and they go BOOM BOOM BOOM! See, when I hear this all my shooting cells light up again and I want to get a hold of my Glock or any pistol. Just want to ping bullets at a target – but never this robot. In a man to robot fight 1 to 1, with the same Glock 17, I can get two shots off and hit the robot’s chest armor (which you can see clearly has damage) if Im lucky, and he will empty about 5 rounds at me in the same time – dead center, or better still 2 head shots which you can never defend with kevlar. No contest, I’d be a very dead duck…. Hail robot, nice doggie…. My advice: Dont tread on one.
I think i need multiply lives/incarnations in order to read and digest all this information. still in the middle of reading “Inherit the stars”, not easy reading for me … but it is so beautiful.
Regarding the disturbing video, fascinating questions arise. A man can not fight a Lion, a Gorilla nor a Bison and win by using arms strength or horns ( if one has :)).
No human ( even Gary cooper) stands a chance against this kind of robot if he opt for shutout in High noon.
For each robot you need to learn, remember it is not versatile ( yet) so you attack using your advantages and it’s disadvantages.
Remember the scene from star wars (1980) the fight between AT-AT imperial walkers and the resistance, the machine was too big and strong to penetrate so they used lassos to take it down (minute 3:22).
Humans survive by adapting, using wisdom and skills, not by sheer force. in the animal kingdom we don’t stand a chance if counting on physical strength and structure. same would be true in the robot kingdom.
In short, to win against this kind of robot you need a virus to penetrate it’s core and EMF gun to destroy it, or at least paralyze it.
Maybe AI Robots will pass us one day, but I prefer to be naive, take the chance and believe we still have some time.
I have found the original Video, it seems to be a very good CGI, wait till the end.
Anyway, it’s dangerous to see we cannot trust our eyes anymore to interpret reality. This is why 50 years ago, Kubrick was so important to NASA and landing on the Moon movie series, and since than We have walked a long way.
I am surprised. Is it a professional or amateur video, do you know?
Very professional, I didn’t get it, only after watching in high resolution. Company name is Corridor Digital.
In a way I have let loose a sigh of relief, but I am also terrified. You see, it’s not really “out there” to make these kinds of robots. The hurtles are in the software, and the algorithms. The technology is there, the next step is refinement.
I agree. I am not an expert but I think what separate combat robots from real operational capability is the energy source. powerful yet light and small. let’s see.
I do think it’s easier to manipulate people with images, hence this is a more advanced field in our society.