sinking ship

Why the US is collapsing much faster than you might otherwise expect

Yeah. The title says it all.

Well, the much promoted debates on television between Donald Trump and Biden has finally concluded, and all of us who watched them were disgusted. Very few left feeling better about ourselves, about our nation, and about where the world was heading. Instead, it actually reminded us of something quite different. It reminded us of two dirty old rats fighting for moldy turnip greens on the deck of a sinking ship.

That’s what it was like.

It was disgusting, horrifying, and just awful. But don’t worry. Trump just announced that he has COVID-19. And meanwhile…

Anyone who cannot see that the United States is in a state of decay and collapse is delusional. The USA is a mess, and the best leadership that the two parties can come up with are these two sorry washed-out clowns. It’s… well, pathetic.

Words fail me.

Perhaps, you might well appreciate what is going on through a song, eh?

Conrad Harris – Paradise (Tiny Tim on vocals.)


It’s sort of like this.

You, yes you, are sitting in the front row seat to the collapse.

Now, maybe it will be quiet and peaceful. Maybe it will be calumnious and frightening. But, it will be a collapse. It is well beyond the point of recovery. The nation is collapsing in upon itself, and the best thing for the rest of the world to do is… stand back and let the whole thing implode.

Can you imagine Xi Peng acting like Donald Trump did?

Can you imagine Mr. Putin acting like Biden did?

I cannot. I see no leadership in either of the “preferred” candidates. I see just comical satire that has been streamlined into some kind of sick cartoon. It doesn’t matter who started the entire fiasco. Donald Trump appears to be the culprit. But the entire situation reeks of failure.

This is NOT what the world needs right now.

This is NOT what leadership is.

Instead, we were treated to a glimpse on the terrible, and misguided distortions of what some crazy people think is “how you rule the world”. And, people, It is dog-shit frightening.

If the world is to be handed over to these two clowns, then let me off the boat. The world is in for a shit-load of hurt on a mega-scale.

One thing is certain, and should be absolute crystal clear by now, the USA has ceased to be a leader in world governance. Further, it is under a state of collapse that is astounding in it’s magnitude and breadth and scope. And even beyond that, the general collapse of the American society on all levels; social, economic, financial, business, family, religion, morals, ethics, educational, and governance is so profound that no one can deny the truth.

The USA and the illusion of the “Strength and power” of the United States is over and long gone.

Jesus. Watching the debates was like watching two feral dogs in a remote countryside village fight over a leg of maggot infested mutton. It was that bad.

Two dogs fighting.
It was like watching two village dogs fighting.

It was that terrible.


The only thing that could recuse the participants would be either [1] a sudden war or [2] if one of them ended up with a life-threatening illness.

Oh, guess what?

Well, it does looks like it is all theater for the dumbed-down masses…

When Donald Trump left Walter Reed Medical Center in a car this afternoon, he simply had Secret Service agents drive him around the block so he could see his cheering idiot supporters outside the hospital, only to drive him right back into the hospital. If this stunt left a bad taste in your mouth, you’re not the only one.

Dr. James P. Phillips, who works at Walter Reed, tweeted this: “Every single person in the vehicle during that completely unnecessary Presidential “drive-by” just now has to be quarantined for 14 days. They might get sick. They may die. For political theater. Commanded by Trump to put their lives at risk for theater. This is insanity.

Which brings me to the latest in my SHTF series on the collapse of America.

The following is titled “Why the US is falling – and faster than you may expect: A 40-year-old prediction coming true”. Written by JO (Jan Oberg) on September 30, 2020. Reprinted with minor alterations to fit this venue. All credit to the author.

Why the US is falling – and faster than you may expect: A 40-year-old prediction coming true

The unique, dominating position of the United States in the post-1945 world is well-known. It maintains this position thanks to both a very large historical goodwill capital and former glory in the eyes of generations around the world – and thanks to rampant militarism and imperialism that has destroyed the good ‘America’ that it used to be.

The world’s major division the next few years will be this: Are you on the side of [1] continued US global dominance or [2] do you want to see a new multipolar world with more balance and the US in the role of a partner among equals?

In my view, the US no longer has the capacity to lead itself effectively.

Nor can it find solutions to its own multi-dimensional crisis be it the economy, democracy, climate change, warfare addiction, social polarization, racism and on top of it all the Covid-19 crisis.

Not being able to lead itself, no one should wish that the US should lead the world. Neither does it have any right to.

Reread that sentence. Any nation that cannot handle its own domestic matters, cannot lead the world. It is like putting a pyromaniac in charge of a fire department.

While its allies, friends and admirers are increasingly turning skeptical, others turn away and look for other partners be it China, Russia or Iran.

While the friends of the US should try to help it out of its addiction to its outdated self-image…

… the designated enemies, of course, cannot help the US…

… as it simply would not listen. Strangely, these countries also need the US and have sought and still seek constructive cooperation but in vain.

The fact is that no one threatens the US (and certainly not Russia with less than 8 % of the military expenditures of NATO. The US has become its own worst enemy but blames others for its problems.

Sadly, it seems that there is not one ministry of foreign affairs among the EU /NATO countries that has even thought of developing a strategy for the post-US dominated West.

Countries such as China, other BRICS and many others are building a new world order. Will the West, therefore, loose completely, or will parts of it still be able to save what can be saved and transition into the future multipolar world order?

The chances of a “yes” to that question is diminishing by the day.

The list of twenty points below was written long before the Presidential candidate debate on September 29 (it would be an offense to children to say that they behaved like children). But that debate only confirmed these points – and the simple point that it doesn’t matter much whether the next president of the US will be Trump or Biden.

It’s the system, stupid!

And it is rapidly coming to an end.

It’s a valid intellectual-theoretical point that one cannot apply characteristics from psychology – basically the science of the individual – to much larger aggregates such as people, nations or the global system. That’s the fallacy of levels.

That said, let’s anyhow try to just a bit of such “psychologizing” to make it more familiar to the reader.

  1. All empires go down, sooner or later – the latest was the Soviet Union, and the US/West has not been able to cope since its beloved enemy disappeared. All empires emerge, grow, reach a peak point, climax – and then begins to lose it to move to relative decline (others coming up) and then fall. Rather much like the individual life.
  2. Over-reach or you never get enough – there is no one and nothing you don’t want to try to influence, dominate or control.
  3. Hubris we can get away with everything, we are big and powerful. May be right for a time, then reality catches up.
  4. Exceptionalism – we can do things nobody else can because we are those we are – and we can tell others not to do what we ourselves do. We are above the law that others must follow, we fight wars for good while others fight for evil and are evil. Because we are good and have God on our side.
  5. The unbearable lightness of routine it’s all gone so well for so long thanks to our pervasive mind- and lifestyle-shaping influence through the media, film, culture, arts – Hollywood and all that. For as long as the rest of the world sees you as an ideal to imitate, – Americanization – everything goes smoothly.
  6. The Number One problem – meaning that if you are (or believe you are) Number One in a rank order, there is no one to look up to and learn from so you end up becoming a teacher, master, dictator, more or less arrogantly “downwards”. If you are No 37, there are 36 others to learn from – how did they do it better than we did? However, sooner or later, the “pupils” stop listening and obeying the Master – His Master’s Voice, so to speak.
  7. Mission activity or ‘mission civilisatrice – you try ad absurdum to shape others in the image of yourself; they shall become like us. Our national thinking is universalizable. The world should adapt to us, not we to the world. Remember who was The First World – (the Second and the Third) earlier?
  8. Legitimacy in the eyes of others slowly disappears – you may get away with some bad acts once or twice, but when it becomes a habit, others begin to think. As time goes by, your normative power is eroded, and you rely increasingly on naked force – the military. My country, right or wrong: Send the marines!
  9. Overmilitarization – the system needs a war more or less regularly; that means you need images of enemies (invented or real) all the time. Like a drug addict needs a fix. The US surely cannot do without enemies. The problem is that that military colossus called the Military-Industrial Media Academic Complex (MIMAC) always wants more – also in times when the economy cannot carry that burden. (Like the Sovjet Union in the 1970s and 1980s couldn’t). And the Coronavirus weakens the economy even further.
  10. Increasing autism, denial of the real world plus Group Think – “everything worked so fine in the past, it cannot be true that we cannot just continue what we used to do. (So, let’s start a new Cold War, this time against China). Group think means that a small group of people over time build a common worldview that repels any new thoughts from the outside and become convinced that it’s right and everybody else wrong. The problem is that they don’t know they sit in that restaurant on US Titanic, the music playing so well…
  11. Socio-political metal fatigue – something has been strong for a long time but suddenly there is a crack, and then comes another. The unthinkable, or at least unlikely and unforseen, suddenly happens repeatedly. And old tools can’t fix the problems.
  12. Lack of vision and lack of the pioneering new dynamics – of the type that makes other want to follow you voluntarily. Little by little, everything signal you send out is negative or destructive.
  13. The old positive life energy ebbs, and paranoia enters – like the increasingly old crumpy person who feels that the world turns its back and become unreasonable. Is there any important country in today’s world that the Trump US is not running some kind of conflict with, even friends and allies? Enters paranoia – “The whole world is against us… we see enemies all around – the world doesn’t understand us anymore. But we shall teach them a lesson…”
  14. Stagnation and anti-intellectualism – you continue to do what worked before, such as solving every problem with the military and increasingly becoming unable to think. To the person who has only a hammer in the toolbox, every problem in the house is about hammering…So, don’t allow anything new, don’t tolerate diversity, and crack down on critical voices.
  15. The normative and cultural power vanish – the perception by others of the Empire’s values as good and fair and as part of a vision crumbles. They embark on a future without the Empire’s diktat and/or protection and build a new world order (that the US will not hear about or let its subordinates participate in).
  16. Over-extension through self-aggrandizement – you engage in conflicts and wars which you don’t stand a chance to win, increasingly losing a sense of reality and of your own strength vis-a-vis others.
  17. Addiction & uni-dimensionality – since the only power scale in which you are “second to none” is the military, you use that where other means would be much more effective and cheaper as well as create respect worldwide. Diplomacy fades – lacking carrots, use the big stick.
  18. Decadence, illusions and lies the Secretary of State, Pompeo, is on record boasting that it is part of the American tradition to “cheat, steal and lie” – in other words, moral decay. Fake and omission, a struggle about what reality really is mounted.
  19. Psychopaths and kakistocrats increasingly win influence = Pathocracy! Kakistocracy means government by the worst, least qualified, and/or most unscrupulous citizens. The tempo with which norms and expectations of normal behaviour is broken overwhelms the world. Leader senility may play its role too – remember Breznev? And then, somebody usually turns up in the chaotic developments and declares that s/he is the saviour.
  20. Democracy and people’s participation in it crumbles most citizens sense what happens but in disbelief. Mobilization of counterforces to save what can be saved, become more difficult by the day.

“And faster than you may expect”?

One should hesitate to appear too sure about predicting the final end. Sometimes terminally ill people live longer than medical expertise predicted. Taking the risk anyhow, I would say within the next presidential term 2021-2026 or at the latest by 2030.

When the cracks are frequent enough and big enough, the decline and breakdown accelerate exponentially. Remember the end of the Cold War in 1989 when border guards just opened the gates and people started moving freely.

In a Danish academic book from 1981 (1) I predicted the fall of the West thus:

“The Western world is on its way down and the present crisis is not just cyclical and also not just a crisis of capitalism (it is not exclusively economic) but a sort of civilizational crisis. The global system that has existed with Europe-US as its center and developed over the last 400-500 years is going through convulsions of a deeper nature than is normally perceived.

Neither liberalism nor Marxism which are both Western thought systems and neither the US nor the Soviet Union appears as attractive models to the rest of the world. They are in deep crisis themselves – socially as well as economically – while Japan, China and a series of new growth centers and regional larger powers are rising, particularly in Asia.

The wealthy, overdeveloped countries are approaching certain ‘objective’ limitations in terms of nature, raw materials, exploitation of human beings, the sheer size of the systems as well as management problems, social pressures, etc.

Armament and the increasing militarization of various types of social structures everywhere is an (attempt at) “rejuvenation treatment” in the old- age phase of the West, a sort of compensation for diminishing power in other areas.”

Perhaps another song is in order…

Conrad Harris – All of me (Tiny Tim on vocals.)


Those governments, businesses, academia and others who (in these years) hold on to the US Empire (as the leader of the “free world”)…

… will become a periphery in the future world order.

Why chain yourself to the anchor of a sinking ship? But that is what Australia is doing. That is the the United Kingdom is doing. Is that really an intelligent thing to do? Is it in the best interests of the citizens that they are supposed to represent?

A sinking ship.
America is like this big, enormous, and beautiful ship that is sinking into the deep dark oceans. It’s because the interior of the ship has not been maintained. That the hull has rusted out and the engineers and Captain do not have the skills needed to fix it and prevent it from sinking.

The future belongs to the builders, the makers and the contributors.

Not to those who hold on to the old methods, suppress any new methods, and praise themselves for tabulating and monitoring the spreadsheets in support of their activities.

True. You just cannot deny this.

Now for a frightening thought.

It’s gonna get far, far worse.

"A majority of Americans are bracing for the possibility of a politically-fired civil war, and more than half are already stockpiling food and other essential items to survive and fight back, according to a new survey shared with Secrets.

In the survey, 61% said that the United States is nearing a second civil war, including a shocking 41% who “strongly agree” with that assessment.

And 52% are so convinced that it is just around the corner, or after Election Day, that they are putting away food and other essentials, an historic expansion of the prepper movement that has been brewing for years, now driven by fear and coronavirus-induced shortages."

And the other 48% who have not prepared at all will now understand the process of natural selection first hand.

-Powder keg: 61% say United States ‘on verge of civil war,’ 52% already preparing

And the final song for this theme shall be…

Conrad Harris、tiny tim – Auf Wiedersehen, My Dear (Remaster)




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A riddle in Trigonometry.
Covid19 pass best through body fluids, apparently upper ones (and best of the best through CIA operatives but that’s another story).
Apparently Hope hicks was tested positive. Apparently couple of hours after the president and his wife too.
Which makes you wonder, as the president and his wife apparently maintains a two meters safe zone since the wedding …
Apparently something is missing or someone is lying.


But this is serious. it is a coup de’tat modern, indifferent to what ever will come out of it. No wonder Putin and Xi went dark from the public eye during the first wave of Covid19.
It’s obvious you shouldn’t worry (as PTB) from Covid19 itself, surly they have vaccine (China already has, so is Russia) or plasma from people who survived it, especially for PTB who do not have any problem of money.
The thing is in the west, In Israel we know it for sure, during last months, many die not from Covid19 but with Covid19,( and even with this false stats there is no excess of mortality compare to previous years). All this in order to facilitate the draconian measures for the economic collapse enforced on nations and their citizens. this is the second phase I am talking about, as China survived the attack but they had to stick to the plan in the west( something that Trump did not like, naturally as it did include trashing US economy together with his reelection chances).
My point is that it is the best tool to get rid of someone by the many tools the operatives of the shadow government and deep state have and then blame it on the Covid19 and bury the truth forever.
It is too easy. you don’t need to shoot a president from various angles, you already have the cause of death. now you just need to negotiate the terms. As with Bolsonaro and Boris Johnson, their life are in your hands. and they need to know it.
My guess for the outcome they wish to get from this operation is good as anybody’s else, I am much afraid to get into the heads of the fuckers who try to be in control of a sinking slave ship packed with nuclear missiles.
I will say, that after they recuperate from Covid19, presidents and PM’s tends to be more cooperative, in this way you get the best result just before the election, for what ever your fucked up mind wish to implement. And after the elections whatever the public choose( it is “democracy” after all..) won’t matter as both options will be cooperative and obedient.


Concur, Mr Man– and if Trump reallllly had COVID, I think they could easily cover for that fat buffoon’s ass until at least the voting is done. I mean, they stage-manage everything, so ‘Trump having COVID’ and making such a big deal about it is surely part of the theatre.
Or was it to cover for Manalia’s revealing comments about those unfortunate migrant kids in Southern jails? (Sounds fun.) Not to mention, Christmas.
To what final end as Daniel suggested, though, who knows. That’s part of the Plan, obviously.
I still forecast a landslide for Trump and his future role as the saviour avatar. China gets Asia/Europe– that much is becoming clear. The opposite of what we’re hearing from the ‘news’, basically.
No mention of S America? Mebbe they’re the target. Or Russia, but that would be suicidal. They know how to fight.
The October Surprise incoming might get things moving toward the End Game. Their End Game, that is.
But as Mr Man has eluded to, what might happen is something even the Masters haven’t predicted.
Stay safe, y’all.


Well, whatever is going on, a cursory examination of these three images of Trump exiting the chopper are all fake composites. I have some experience in this area.
Note the handbag the other side of Trump– and there are other tells.


True story, I swear: Son of Confucious, by the name of Not Confuses, ask his father who is busy playing World Golf Tour on abacus, “Father, I hear that our sworn enemy Gigantus Terampus is ailing. He has the disease that Alexander the Great had, I think. What do you think, Father?” Confucius who has only studied Chinese history has no idea what his son is saying, but does not wish to disappont his son nor lower his son’s venerable view of him. Confucius says, “Ah, son, I cannot give you every answer there is, I am wise, but I am not that wise…. But, let me ask you, what do you think, Son? No confuses says, “But of course, Father. It is a but a child’s trick. Gigantus Terampus is a great man, though he has sworn himself our enemy, he is no fool in doing so. I believe such news is much contrived. He has plans to expose his enemies and so he appears weak, so that they will show their hand through ambition and boldness…. I think he is lying.” Confucius sighs and thinks he is much too old. The new generation can on the whim of a call, create delicious offerings of food. They can create value from nothing, even by shameful displays of uncouth behavior to faraway audiences. Confucius decides to teach his son much more, but believes over the years, he has spoken and spoken. Now, he relaizes he has no more useful words to offer, but a wistful glance of all around him, he only sees hope in his son’s perception. Perhaps all is not lost yet….

No confuses inspired reading – again a MM introduced 高手 : No confuses says, read carefully. When you look in the right place, all answers can be found. But you may not be able to find them…..


Confucius follows up and says, “My son, you must not willy-nilly speak of things you do not know by talking about politics of other nations, let alone that of Gigantus Terampus, with persons you do not know. You may think them as friends, but they could be most of all, your worst enemy.” No confuses say:”True, Father. So you must act like a buffoon so your friends will pity you, and your enemies will belittle you. Then you know who they are for what they are. How do you know unless you make the first move – that of a bumbling fool?” Confucius is speechless and he wonders with a head bubble, “Is my son talking about me or someone else?” Confucius says: “Son, that parchment you sent to others at end saith – <>” Confucius says: “In The Analects which I have written over 50 years and I have asked you to painstakingly copy my wise words down everyday for eight hours daily since you could hold a brush, I have said that governments and kings must govern to gain the confidence of people. What you speak of in this sworn enemy of a country, is not logical. No country, and as it is, no fair thinking man is suicidal when it is not necessary to be suicidal. Having one’s citizens’ lose faith in your system can only result in the suicidal overthrow of your country, and great trumoil and suffering for your citizens. No leader shall do that so foolishly. My son, I am afraid you do not make sense, and I believe I have not taught you clearly enough on how to interpret my infinite wisdom. No Confuses says: “Ah, Father our sworn enemy is strange – they change kings on the whims of the vacuous rabble, and that is why they have such rubbish governance where all things are corrupted by the desire to win and maintain power. So that neverending corruption is endemic and all citizens suffer the indignity of being parasitically bound by self-inflicted subservience. Unfortunately they are not aware of their subservience as they are blinded by the untruths of their corrupted elected elders. HOwever, all great countries as republics have leaders who are philosopher kings. The day will come when we shall have philosopher-warrior-divine kings. New history will be written to commemorate this. That will be the day when the world will be truly unified as one republic stretching through all seven oceans with one illustrious great leader.” Confucius says,” You are obviously a foolish boy. Off with you. I shall speak with your mother to determine an appropriate punishment for you.” No Confuses says, “Wait until the phoenix arises from burnt ashes and the great king will appear.” Confucius shouts: “Off with you, you scoundrel. You are speaking the words of a little madman….” Now, this was one is a story that’s all made up…. Seek and ye shall find. Be ready to observe that which shall happen. There will be blue light. Much blue light.


No Confuses whispers: “SHHHHHH, my father and mother are asleep. Behold what is shrouded herein that awaits the dawn of a new age, the sound of trumpets, with the crumbling of old, decrepit walls, as the masses who deserve a better existence, shall be set free : . I shall return to the i-ching to see when that day may come….”


No Confuses say: Ultimate wisdom must come from one’s own discernment. It cannot come from the help of others. My house has burnt down (figuratively speaking). I now wear the Scarlet Letter for you all to see. Let this statement be known that a serious warning that has been sent directly to me (this is not a PsyOP, it’s for real, guys), and I am now writing to show people that I know, and I am now heeding. In my earnestness to help others, I have stepped beyond the bounds. I am writing this to note to all who might read this, that my advice (should you heed it or not) when you are able to discern the truth, that YOU must NOT share this with anyone beyond the confines of your home, including the Net. You can talk nonsense as it is safe. BUt don’t decipher what is hidden for others to discover. Save yourself and your family, and that is what our Masters expect, and that is the gift they give you – but not to others less deserving. If there are avenues by which others can absorb the truth, then it is their destiny. And, if the rest do not get it, and are swept away, then it is the price to pay as they do not fit the test. There is one final (non-threatening) gift that I want to share with my friends here. Because I received my TRUE understanding here. And, when I read this article: which just came out yesterday, I went up another level (especially the “H. erectus walks among us” book). And this is why everything is planned this way – not just for control, ego, money, but in the end, it must be done to benefit humanity – to actually accelerate human evolution. I hope that is acceptable for me to say this. From now on, I will not make it easy for anyone if I write about anything. That is where I screwed up. Everything has been jumbled up for important reasons. Once you really untie it and talk about it without jumbled-upness on the net, IT THREATENS THE PLAN. I am saying it here loud and clear to help others to gain from my “inexperience.” It is wise for me to truly wise up, support the program, sit back, eat some PIE, and not say revelatory things. OKAY in the future I will communicate in standard non threatening ways. Like the way, this UNZ article does…about the importance of human evolution. If my comments move you, you can consider reading in this article, Ron Unz’s FINAL statement and DISCERN that and find time to read the Erectus book. This one has given me definitive answers why – it’s to make us evolutionarily better! WOW! Amazing! Anyway, I know MM, you did your best. But, then, I didnt understand the gravity of the situation! I now, ask if you could do this, FOR YOU AND YOU READERS OWN SAFETY, to leave this message up for 7 days to let posterity decide who reads this last comment, and then delete my last 10 comments PRONTO with a big fucking P (This should be easy as they should be chronological. Look up the list – most latest 10 – DELETE. A 5 minute job). Including this one – FOR YOUR OWN SAFETY (Because you never know from which direction the wind blows tomorrow. They already know to the nearest 0.5m where I am sitting now…NOT KIDDING YOU!). All my other comments earlier are not that important – and you can slowly delete them or not. I don’t think they matter. I know, the friendly people upstairs look at this, and say, “Hey, dude, how many times you gotta say sorry before you get with the program?” I know. Metallicman fucked me up. He asked me to be a RUFUS in the future. I RUFUSly fucked up – I tried to help people here – who are really smart & special, because they are my MM family. I want them to survive and thrive in the NW – that’s the real simple reason and my crime. Yes, friendly people upstairs. I do hope I’ll survive in the New World, and hopefully I would be cosidered “okay”. If I ever meet one of you, I’ll be buying the beer (or nutritious beverage in the NW). If I don’t, but have to be put away for re-education (or worse…) because of my railroad mouth, then that is also my destiny – for not listening to warnings from wiser people. I do know – as I have seen this 15 years ago and wept – ( )” And so says No Confuses. May G*d bless us all. Thank you MM. I have discovered the truth through you. Truth comes with great expectations. And sometimes, it must be guarded for it to present true value to only those who deserve to share in it. Do not write anything here people. Do not express any opinion. Read this and take heed. That is all you can take from this comment.


Dearest friends, it is fitting that I should append the next comment to the above comment, and I understand that this comment is to be moderated, and if it clears, you see it.
1) Everything has resolved in such a way that I am at peace with all those around me. I thank everybody’s largesse. I have made mistakes, and people wiser than me have showed me why these mistakes are mistakes. I accept my lack of understanding, and I apologize again. I write to tell you, after the last comment, as a follow-up – I am fine now. Truly. Wiser, indeed.
2)I stick to what I have said above. Jumbled-upness is necessary. I have found G-d inside me, and I look at things very differently NOW. Yes, it is funny, I have gone up another level. And you think, boy, by the way Rob is going, it’s going to be Game Over soon! You are right. So, a few more points.
3)70% of US and most countries in the world are overweight and obese. HOw to solve this problem if you have it. Ten years ago, I did a program that was very simple – if you just DO IT. I lost 13.5 kg. Not lying to you. 2 months. The trainers in my gym who didn’t help me, were shocked and just pooh-poohed and said, “Oh, you lost weight too quickly. That is not healthy!” See how ppl, including the experts, are “not very smart?” Do you want to really lose weight? If the answer is yes, 3 points: 1)Watch youtube “The Truth about sugar” by Robert Lustig. 2) Read then implement “The Atkins Diet” by Robert C. Atkins If necessary read,” Why we get fat” by Gary Taubes or any of his books. You do not need to exercise (although exercise is good for increasing immunity and other musculature issues).
4)If you or anyone loved ones have or will have cancer, actually don’t wait until you have cancer to look at this. The cure for cancer was already stated by Dr. Otto Warburg who won a Nobel Prize in 1931 just for his research – see this: Dr. Warburg already had stated the cure for cancer in 1931. Go figure. Read this. Discern. Use it. Then read, “The Truth about cancer” by Ty Bollinger. There are other books and resources. Well, you only need these 2 points as a start.
5) AIDS? Read Inventing the Aids Virus by Peter Dueberg – who is also a Nobel Prize Winner. Go figure.
6) Sometimes when you look at everything around you, and you say, “What is the meaning of all this? I cannot understand why life is so depressing.” DO you feel that way? Hey, do you think I can give you an answer? Ha, just fooling you. I am not going to give you an answer…. See how that pisses you off? OK, now you know why I do what I do. It’s called LIFESHARING. Where people experience things and want to share it with others hoping that other people can gain from them. BUt almost all people are too vain and arrogant and so smart that they are insulted and will not listen to what you have to say…. BUt I will say it. If you would like to have a different framework on how to view the depressing things around you, don’t take a pill, ANY PILL. PILLS ARE GOING TO KILL YOU – some quickly, some deceptively slowly. Read this: Toward a meaningful life by Simon Jacobson. Then only you read Man’s search for meaning by Victor Frankl.
7) For those who think you can relate to me, trust me. Trust me more than you have ever trusted anyone on this planet that you have not met in person. Get all the resources above on your computer. Make time to read it. Change your life.
8)This is the secret. All the resources above were written by J’s. Why is that? Are they being helpful or hurtful?
9)Go figure. Thank you MM. May G-d bless us all.
10)DO IT!


One more interesting thing. In the the ether, one can find many things without conditions, strings or traps. Here is the most interesting rabbit-hole on earth. It is given to me by the grace of G-d. Where do you think this rabbit hole resides? And why is that? Go figure. I mean really go figure. There are important realizations that you will get if you just ponder on this question. Why is this rabbit hole over there? Thanks, MM! May G-d bless us all. Someone asked me to give you the rabbit hole….