GEM advice G.E.M.邓紫棋 - 倒数

Will our benefactors stop the coming American SHTF event and what do they think about everything going on?

This is a detailed response to a question that was asked of my on 1JAN20. It is not the only person who has asked this. Many people, most especially those in America are very concerned. The Trump supporters see a looming civil war, and the Biden supporters see a fractional America being town by extremism on both sides of the political spectrum. Everyone is concerned, and the news media are running just as amok as the American government. Not to mention that a sizable portion of the American population are just hopeful for a major war with either China or Russia. Naturally, people are worried, concerned and upset.

Let me try to provide insight.

This is the question…

You said in a few posts that you still have an active connection with them (Our extraterrestrial benefactors). Could you ‘ask’ or ’emote’ our problem with the elites having been gifted this technology and what their opinion of it is? Was it a mistake? Could they resolve that mistake if so ?

It’s a straight-forward question. Using what communication skills that I maintain, can I query the “other side” of the PTB about the current terrifying condition in the world? Can I ask them if the believe that they made a mistake in gifting technology to the global elite?

My Answer

Yes, I still have contact. Yes, I am still connected via the EBP. Yes. They still monitor me. I am on a list of contacts. We (all MAJestic members in my cell) still have activity that we are all involved in.

While MAJestic retired me. Our benefactors did not.

But it is not like everyone thinks.

Now there are many things that I simply CANNOT TALK ABOUT. It’s not like I took an oath or something like that. When I try to type sentences, my fingers top working, my words get all jumbled, I get “foggy brain”, and personal emergencies” crop up. Like the dog shitting on my pillow, or the water heater blowing up, or the window on the porch suddenly fractures and collapses in a heap.

And talking about the future in detail is one such trigger. Which is strange as I really don’t know much in the way of specifics.

But I can answer this question in a round-about manner. Please bear with me.

A Farm.

Imagine a farm.

And on the big farm is a wide open spaces for the cattle to run around in. It’s a massive pasture. One with many hills and low areas and ponds for the cattle to drink from. This pasture is further subdivided into smaller regions. All separated by electric fences. The farmer, and his dogs, use these fences to isolate the herd into groups.

But as big and as open it seems, it is actually all a specifically fenced in area. For around the entire farm is this massive heavy steel bar fence. It’s not like the electric fences on the inside. It is sturdy and heavy. It is made out of both steel pipe and bricks and cement.

And guess what, there are only one or two gates, and the cattle are not able to open them. Additionally there’s a small troop of barn dogs. These dogs monitor the cattle and do tasks for the farmers.

The farmers spend most of the time in their house. They rarely go out. When they do it is to check on the cattle, examine them, and see that they are healthy. The barn dogs, however, are periodically permitted inside the farm house but only when called for by the farmer.

But they are never permitted in the kitchen. The dogs can smell the food cooking, and watch the farmer and his wife and kids do things, but most of it is really incomprehensible.

Yet, when the farmer calls the dogs in, the dog automatically and instinctively knows what the farmer wants. It’s really amazing. There is this connection. No words need to be spoken. The dog is happy, and the farmer sees the dog wag his tail. The farmer is upset, and the dog put his tail between his legs.

The farmer summons the dog.

He arrives and the farmer dispatches him out to do a specific task. The dog of course, brings in the newspaper, the mail, and snaps at the mailman. But has no concept of what mail, and news is all about.

The dog sees a little what is going on inside the farmhouse, and watches the cattle. The dog dances and runs around with the cattle, but they really do not care about what the dog has to say. They know that he goes into the farmhouse. They understand that occasionally he gets the newspaper, but all that is uninteresting to them. The cattle don’t care, and couldn’t comprehend the relationship between the dog and the farmer and family.

The farmer has tracking chips on everything in the farm. The most advanced chips are on the dog collars. But all the cattle also has tracking chips. These are rudimentary GPS systems, showing ownership and location.

Now, lately, the largest bulls in the pen of cattle are starting to use their identity collars to rub up against the electric fences that border the inner fields.

This is normally not a problem. But in doing so, there is a chance that the electrical fence wire will come undone. And there, lying on the ground it could be dangerous. The wire could start shocking groups of cattle. Obviously this is not desirable. Some cattle might die, others might get damaged and become useless.

Now the dogs see this and watch this. So they start barking at the bulls. They tell them to stop. But those pesky bulls are fucking idiots. They see but don’t understand. Or maybe they think that they are invincible.

They haven’t a clue to anything, really.

A great power.
The bulls, and the cattle, have no idea what they are doing or how their actions will manifest. They have at their fingertips a great power. And they think that THEY are in control. They are not.


Now the farmer hears the barking dogs. He knows what is going on. And he has even gone out to inspect the damage.

On numerous occasions.

In fact, the farmer knows of other farms where entire herds of cattle died off for just this kind of thing. So the farmer must go out and inspect. He sees that many of the fence posts are damaged, and are weak.

He also sees that the bulls are getting really out of control. He is concerned, maybe even alarmed. However he knows things that the dogs don’t know.

The farmer knows that after a hurricane, or big storm that the farm land is refreshed and super fertile afterwards. He also knows, from prior experience and from other farmers that when the herds are culled by this kind of electrical wire fence damage, that eventually the herd is better culled.

It is much easier to manage the herds and the cattle. The big bad bulls tend to be gone, and the rest of the cattle end up (after a long spell) stronger, more adaptable, and better. So while the dog might panic and worry, the farmer sees everything as following a path that other farms have experienced. And so he takes the necessary actions and precautions.

He starts to move the herds into certain groups. Some he keeps safe away from the wire. While others, he just lets them bang against the shabby electrical fence. All the time knowing full well and good that no matter what happens none of the cattle will ever leave the corral and the farm fields.

The dogs don’t know what the farmer knows. But they see the confidence and understanding on the faces of the farmer and the family. Especially after they have observed the damage up close. The dogs see that everything is going according to plan, and they watch the farmer take special care to groups of cattle, and to specific fields on the farm.

It is almost like the farmer has selected certain groups of cattle to be safe and tended to, while others he allows to get unruly and get into trouble. He is obviously doing this intentionally. So that most, almost all of the bad bulls, are now in a certain penned in area on the vast farm pasture. And the farmer is permitting them to run amok.

Of course, not all cattle are the same. There are smart ones, alert ones and the exact opposite. Many cattle follow the more popular cows. They follow behind them not paying attending where the popular cows are going. Many are just heading straight towards the downed electrical lines. And their herd of following-cows are as happy as can be. They moo loudly “Make our grass green again!”. Other cows follow other noteworthy cows. These other cows moo such things as “cow milk matters!” while they tear up the grass and shrubby.

The dogs watch this with a degree of curiosity.

Certainly, it’s a good thing for the grass to be green and healthy. And yes, it is also true that cow milk is important. But is that all going to be the result of the stampeding herd? Or is it just a mechanism for the more popular cows to obtain bull-level grass and pleasures?

Right now, the farmer and the family are not panicking at all. All is good. In fact, it is almost like they have expected this event to occur for a long, ling time. They are not buying new cattle, sending teams out to fix the fence, or doing anything like that. They are just behaving normally without any kind of concern or panic.

Just because the bulk of the herd is happily munching on grass and following the well-promoted cows-of-importance, does not mean that the MM cattle are destined for the same fate.

I like to think of MM readership NOT as the cattle on the pasture, but actually as the protected puppies of the guard dogs. I mean this in a good way and not as an insult.

The farm guard dogs have an idea what is going on and the puppies can sense this. They know not to leave their kennel and stray too far. They know to avoid the big bulls that are all a snorting and roaring. They know not to follow the popular cows to the downed electrical fence. And why they do agree that the grass needs to be greener and that cow milk is excellent, they are not willing to follow the herd in that regards.


Do not worry.

Yes, [1] there will be some SHTF events in America in the future. But [2] the events will not be homogenized. They will not be uniformly distributed. [3] There will be pockets of calm, and [4] even in the areas of danger, there will be areas of peace.

Avoid large clusters and groups of people. Become known within your community. Be beneficial and significant.


MM readers will know by now to avoid any large collections of people or big urban areas in the USA.

Find your niche inside of the community that you live within.

[1] Know who your neighbors are, [2] obtain skills. Not just what you do for a living, but other skills that might benefit your community. Be conservative in what you do meaning [3] have a nice well-stocked larder (just in case), and [4] have a nice small garden if you can.

If you all followed this advice that I gave back in 2018 and 2019, you would have been best prepared for the 2020 “pandemic”. Wouldn’t you have? Yes?

My advice has not changed.

The situation described above still holds true. There will be good areas, and dangerous areas. There will be spewed nonsense out of the news media, and the real facts will be denied to you. The ruling oligarchy is running amok, and since there are no brakes on their behaviors, they are only going to get worse.

While it appears that there will be a SHTF, and I most certainly strongly think this will happen, it is NOT CERTAIN.

I have been musing with the thought that it will more likely resemble a very controlled implosion with some violent elements thrown in.

When the dust settles, Americans will be better, stronger for all of it. Though the resultant America might not resemble anything that we know about today. It might not even be called “America” or the “United States”. It will continue to be isolated from the rest of the world. This is a good thing – for the world as a whole, and up until the USA gets it’s collective shit back together.

Back to the farm analogy…

From the farmer’s point of view, the identification tags that the bulls are using to tear up the farm isn’t really all that advanced. It might be “high tech” for the bulls, but from the point of the view of the farmer, it’s just old mechanical things that they buy in bulk, apply with a tool, and forget about it. The technology is not going to permit the cattle from breaking out of the farm, or go through the outer perimeter fence. At worst it might take down some of the internal wire electrical fences, but that’s about it.

And they won’t certainly have any influence on access to the farmhouse, and the farmer and his family.


The farm guard dogs are getting nervous. The bulls are huge! They are a roaring and carrying on with crazy abandon, and with each day they seem to get stronger, more embolden, and the damage that they are making is getting really noticeable. They are doing what they have always done, only larger, nosier, and more aggressively.

So the guard dogs sit on the farmhouse porch, or even the better trained “house dogs” who actually allowed outside the kitchen (like myself) are all whimpering and shivering. And to tell you all the truth the farmer’s family has noticed, and the farmer has come out and petted the “house dogs”. He offered soothing calm, kind words, and a tasty nugget. But then he was gone. He was busy on other things that the guard dogs haven’t any concept of.

The bulls are still out there. They are really unruly, and the guard dogs are wondering how to deal with the problem. As the bulls are not afraid of any barking or really anything at all.

But now, the puppies are all worried.

As are the cats, the sheep, the horses, and the chickens on the farm. Everyone seems afraid and very concerned.

The guard dog has an idea of where the bulls are, and where the damage of the fences will be the worst. They cannot predict the future, of course, but they have a pretty good idea of the relatively “safe” areas on the farm, and where the really potentially dangerous areas are.

They are slowly telling their puppies, who are just beginning to walk, to avoid the dangerous areas, and stick to the safer areas. They tell the puppies not to drink the anti-freeze that the bulls knocked on the garage floor, and not to go snap at the legs of any of the gathering herd cows or their leadership. They tell the puppies to keep to themselves, lie low, keep a safe distance and be on their best behavior, and they tell them that everything will be all right.

The farm dogs do not have the power nor the ability to “speak directly” to the farmer or anyone in the household. But they are trained, they are special. They do have access to things and understandings that the general cattle does not have.

They have insight.

They have understanding.

Insight and understanding.
The dogs have insight and understanding.


They might not know how the electronic devices and ID tags that the farmer puts on the cattle work. But they do know the general reason why they are there. They also have an understanding of the limitations of the farmer. They know that the farmer, if he wanted to, could walk out onto the farm pasture and shoot the troublesome bulls dead. And what’s more, the bulls wouldn’t even see it coming. The farmer would just sit on his porch, drinking his cup of coffee and shoot his Winchester .303.

The dogs know just how powerful the farmer is. The cattle do not.

Heck! The farmer could just as easily instruct the dogs to herd the troublesome cattle into a certain part of the pasture, and then load them all into trucks and cart them off to the rendering plant.

But no. The farmer is not doing this.

The farmer WANTS the upcoming turmoil to happen. And the dogs and the puppies are a little surprised at this. Doesn’t he value his cattle? Doesn’t he care for the other barnyard critters? It’s almost like the turmoil will yield a far better grade of beef, and higher quality milk. It’s almost like permitting the upcoming turmoil as a kind of passage of growth that it very important.

Like an IPO stock going public, or when the percolator pot of coffee starts to perk in the morning.

All this being said…

The dogs have some bones that they can throw out to their puppies…

Throwing out a bone

Most rural states, in the United States, those known as “Red States” are safe areas. Never the less, within those areas are military bases. Stay away from the bases that store, launch, or maintain nuclear delivery systems.

US Nuclear Weapons Bases

If you have a military base near you, and it is not devoted to the strategic delivery of nuclear or biological weapons, then that is a plus in your favor. It’s of great advantage to you. When (and if) the SHTF, these areas will provide a strong degree of safety when the rest of the nation goes to shit.

Make the most of your time NOW. The future is very uncertain. There are certainly dangerous trends, but you have the power to thwart the worst elements yourself.


Just living near a large metropolitan city is not to be considered a problem either. It really depends on the primary constellation of threats that are presently developing in the United States;

  • Intentional domestic civil strife or war.
  • The US poking either the Russian Bear, or the Panda Bear.

In other words, you do not need to live off in a cabin in the woods of Alaska to avoid any potential future chaos. You can live in a suburb of Chattanooga, Syracuse, State College, even a large city like Atlanta, Tampa, or Pittsburgh…

…provided that the local city and state governments are not pushing domestic discord like Portland, Detroit or Baltimore are, and you and your families will end up safe.

I strongly believe were any civil discord to evolve…

…avoid the areas infected. Like stay fucking away. Do NOT get involved. It does not matter which side that you agree with. Stay out of it. All of it.

I strongly believe that if the USA tries to provoke a major Asian nation…

…a flood of nuclear tipped missiles will strike the USA.

Of course, you all don’t have to agree with my assessment. The National Review, Rush Limbaugh, Hall Turner and Alex Jones most certainly don’t. They believe that the USA can go anywhere in the world and instigate a regional conflict far away, and the only impact that it will have on Americans will be a positive one; one that will help corral the citizenry towards one objective or the other.


…I am telling you that the louder they promote this fantasy, the greater the likelihood of nuclear conflagration.

For Pete’s sakes, The USA has been involved in a full-scale biological warfare against China for the last four years, and you all think that the PTB aren’t going to stop; to give up now?

Some considerations

Is it really a bad thing if all the big bad bulls are blown to smithereens?

Is it a bad thing if the big fenced in pen where the big bad bulls live becomes a big crater?

Is it a bad thing if the herd of cows follow the attractive cows into an electric fence?

Is any farmer bad for culling his herd?


The dogs want their puppies to play, learn and be safe. Don’t get all caught up in the bullshit made by the crazed bulls. The day of reckoning is fast approaching. It’s only a precious few years away. If you are a puppy, then listen. Stay away from dangerous areas in the pasture. Ignore the Bulls, and don’t follow the attractive herds.

Play and enjoy life now.

You will thank me later.

Being happy and being active in your prayer affirmation campaigns will be your best guards against what is brewing on the horizon. Happy thoughts. Happy memories. Friendships. Productive community activities, and a feeling of belonging will do WONDERS for your personal protections against what might happen in the future.

It is exactly like this…

G.E.M.邓紫棋 – 倒数

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Rod Cloutier

Thank you for answering my question- although it was not even remotely the answer I was expecting.

I woke up in the middle of the night tonight, around 3 AM. I had a dream I was in military air force training and I was about to be given my own plane. (I’ve been reading your posts too much, that I’m now dreaming about them) I was enthralled by the excitement of it all. The planes all flying in formation, an awesome sight. However, at the same time an unfortunate tragedy occurred. One of the test bombs we dropped during a live fire drill hit a target old shack on the range. No big deal, it was the intended target. However a young couple had snuck inside to make out in secret, and the young woman was killed in the event.

I couldn’t sleep after that. I woke up and went down to my living room computer, and found your post. Was it just a nightmare, or did something like that really happen to you?


Hi MM,

In recent weeks, after I started my intention-prayer campaign, i’ve been drawn towards material regarding subjective reality/ LOA/ MWI type of stuff, and i’ve come to the realisation that it is time to extend this concept of “External reality as a mirror/reflection of our internal state” to every moment and aspect of my life as much as possible.

Whilst we have our intention-prayers as a ‘creation’ source, we are also creating constantly our lives through our state of consciousness, beliefs, thoughts, etc, every moment and not simply those we set aside for our intention-prayer campaign. I now recognise that all that happens in the world that triggers some negative or undesirable feeling is but a reflection of some form of self-hatred, turmoil or fear within me, and that to persist with entangling myself with such is but self-sabotage.

My deep intuition is that any attention or focus on ‘negative’ stuff is detrimental to the goodness and happiness of my life, no matter how well-reasoned such ‘negative’ stuff might be. I have to remark, and you are probably aware too, that the SHTF-type posts generally induce a doom-and-gloom atmosphere no matter how prescient and reasonable they may be. I remember all throughout my life, reading certain ‘gloomish’ material that was prescient, enlightening, and impressive (especially conspiracy theories), but after reading those stuff, my state of mind was actually negatively affected, and looking back, I am sure I was better off “ignorant” and neutral, rather than ‘in-the-know’ and pessimistic about the world.

Indeed, I now suspect that had I been in a more positive state of mind, I would come across material that was equally prescient, enlightening, impressive, and yet of an optimistic and positive nature. Whether we perceive Heaven or Hell in this world is ultimately determined, not by the state of the world, but the state of our minds.

Perhaps, we should all, for our self-interests, and indeed, the good of the world and our individual worldlines, disengage and minimise our interactions with anything that tempts us to see, judge and express negativity onto the world

Ramana Maharshi states that ““Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world.” And I suspect that the greatest service we can render for the USA is to direct our attentions and focus on what gives us joy and happiness in our own lives.

(Here is a beautiful song that I absolutely adore. Hopefully you enjoy it as much as I do!)


One of the puppies reporting in lol. Thanks for the heads up.
For years observing the world I had a feeling things had to come to what seems to be coming.
And now with all you’ve written it makes even more sense.
My guess is that the world population needs to be a lot lower and with better kinder people surviving so that
1. Souls from the now bad behaving people wil have a body to be born in that comes from kinder people who wil give that soul atleast a better start in the physical life.
2. Since there will now be much less new born people , the least bad behaved souls will be the first to choose a new body, where the worst behaved ones will first have to contemplate for longer up in heaven and learn from their mistakes.
I do wonder what the plans are for people in europe and south america. Lots of the same politicians and busybodies there. Are they going to give up their power when they see what will happen in the usa? Better their lives?


I gathered that those places would probably be safe from war.
But I was talking more about how those places also have politicians like america. Will they lose their hold on the population. Especially if their countries stay safe from warfare


I always wondered you being in China 🙂 You might have written on this topic and I missed it but China is being portrayed as the blueprint for globalist control, right? They mention social credit points, cameras, etc etc. Yet you seem to be not affected by this control monster (?) if it is one, you actually love being there 🙂 Would you recommend to go to China? or other Asian countries, like Thailand or so? We thought about South America a lot but it just doesn’t feel right to us, although we know its mostly out of the way.

Because we are located in the middle east as expats. Planning to move in the next 12-15 month to buy a farm in the country side etc as you mention above. Just looking for the right location. I am in the middle of creating a prayer campaign to bring this about. Originally we were planning a specific country(Turkey) for this but after reading your prayer campaign posts, I decided that its better to let it flow and we end up in the best country/location, which suits our needs best.


Thanks for answering. Good to hear that its not that bad, and I can understand that for us outside China the picture is mostly propaganda.
Its a beautiful country and I would love to visit one day, if this madness should pass soon.

I am surprised that you are sending your kids to school to be honest. I am not too keen on doing that as I don’t think schools of any kind are beneficial to the development of children and geared to produce cogs for the globalist machine.
In most countries its mandatory though (China too I assume), so I am looking for a place where I don’t have to do that or find a workaround by travelling or so.

Anyway Thank you so much for the content you are providing. I have been so many of your articles in the last year or so. And have probably more questions than answers, the more I read, but that’s how life is when you are trying to understand the reality I guess 🙂
At least your version of Truth (in terms of how our world works) makes much more sense and feels more correct than any other stuff I have read on the internet in the last few years.


Good to hear Chinese schools are better. Learning Chinese is definitely a plus! I miss that from Singapore where we stayed for few years tbh. Same there. 2 teachers in the class, one English, one Chinese speaker.

When it comes to my kids I want to them to explore freely based on their passion, curiosity and strength, while supporting/coaching them from my side and if I cant find the best teacher who can. To feel free to learn what they want, vs 45min blocks of topics they never chose. (Exception is basics like Math, Writing, Communication, Reading ;))

I don’t like the word “homeschooling” as it usually means you do the same from school at home.
My biggest challenge with schools is that they teach in the way they think you should learn not the way you as individual would need. Watch “Sir Ken Robinson” on TED. Different people learn in various ways. Some people learn by listening while other need to write and others need to stand up and be active. In school you need to sit down and listen 6hrs long…Worked ok for me, but my smaller daughter would go crazy, which she does daily unfortunately. It’s just not the way she learns.

I could go on…I always liked, what they call “World Schooling”. You learn while travelling around the world. You want to learn a language you travel to the country. You want to learn how to make pottery, you find a teacher doing that in the country which is known for it. You want to learn science, same, you find the teacher which fits best and knows the subject etc etc. And you meet lot of people along the way and get to know the cultures.
Teaches you to be humble and more understanding. IMHO at least.
(If you are mobile that is, which is a problem)

You can see I am passionate about this topic 🙂 So let me stop here. Everyone will do what they think is best. And I am sure your kids will be smarter than most kids sitting at the source of knowledge 😀

But: I noted down that in China education is not mandatory. Need to double check that 🙂


Perhaps. But still to bad that most europeans when they say they dont want american values and such usually mean they dont want a complete free market and low taxes and be able to have guns for self defence and all the other GOOD things that america has. At least thats what a lot of them think. Although you and me and most readers know that america isnt like that anymore since Lets say the eighties.


Hey, Mr Man. Thanks for this information yet again.
Although, you have made it clear in your Majestic Index over and over again what the benefactors think of Earthly goings on wrt politics, war, etc. My take from what you wrote several years ago is, if anybody is waiting for the benefactors to step in and halt the madness, I wouldn’t be holding my breath while you chill. So good luck with that.
Also, applying moral extrapolations to benefactor behaviour based on a human’s values is equally futile. How bad do you feel when u see roadkill, ya’ll? Im guessing not very.
Best, U.


Maybe i am just weird but I feel for the animals that are killed on the road or the ones killed in the shelters. Even the insects. These are all living things. All of these living things that we see every day are just amazing. The difference is we have the power to help and change things or we can continue to be selfish and self serving. We are like gods to these creatures yet the majority of humans are all oblivious to everything but their own selfish wants and needs. This has to change or humanity has no future.
What is coming i think needs to happen. I see it when ever i travel to Ca. to visit family. . I know there are many good people there but there are also many that are lost and will always be that way. It is so sad.


I did appreciate your farm analogy, so thanks.

The opening remarks included your opinion that
1/2 or many Americans would want an armed
conflict with China or Russia. Most people do not
have any such view. There is a deep shame in the
growing recognition/awareness that the USA has been
the brutal police force for the ol•i•gar•chy of our world.

Rod Cloutier

I re-read this again after lunch, there was a lot to take in. The thing that really struck me in re-reading it was the part about the dogs not being allowed in the kitchen, as well as the farmers trying for a better quality of beef and milk.

Are the ‘farmers’ literally farming us for food? Like in the 80’s TV series V ?

If so, I’ve just become more afraid of the farmers than of the angry bulls.


I know about STO, STS, STA concepts from other sources. I am struggling to get clarity for myself.
Not on what they are but WHY I feel negative, when someone tells me I could get into a STS or STA relationship.
I would rather see myself as STO, which I “feel” more noble but that’s maybe just my leftovers from the “cultural” brainwashing. I can’t tell.
I know the concept of good/bad doesnt really apply in the wider definition of reality. Especially as we have a very distorted picture of this as humans.

I would love to explore this further. Maybe you would think writing an article on this for the puppies? 🙂

PS: Anyone interested in creating a telegram group to chat among like-minded (MM) people? Because everyone else thinks I am a nutcase talking about MWI travels, prayer campaigns, and benefactors! (my wife follows the logic thankfully) 😀
If that’s ok with MM of course.


the way i see it, STO sentience is much closer towards the true reality, and thus gives access to much happier states. The true reality is that we are God’s creation, and our true nature is that of Love. STO sentience is much closer to this understanding. Spiritual teachings often teach that we only need Surrender and Trust in God to take care of us, that happiness is our true nature and we need nothing else. STO supports this view, as STO contains within a recognition of the Oneness with others, trust in God (instead of ego-self), and our true nature (that our essence is Love, thus service to others.

STS is basically the ego-self, separated from God on steroids. The STS individual perceives himself as entirely separate from God, thus the most important thing in his view is his ego-self (thus STS). Thus, how can such an individual relax and trust? he cannot, there is no God for him to believe and trust in, he has to entirely rely and struggle himself, which means a constant fight for his own ego-self. Also, how does the STS have access to Love? He is entirely obsessed with his ego-self; the only thing he can Love is his own ego-self, and perhaps a few family members in his proximity – so there really is very little room for Love to flourish

STA is even more limited- an STA individual does not even honor and treasure their ego-self; instead, they give their power, love and attention to ‘another’. An STS individual at the very least Loves and Cares for himself; and STA is so full of self-hatred and self-revulsion that they do not even care to serve themselves, but can only serve another, whom they have projected what little love there is onto. An STS individual at the very least takes care of himself. An STA individual is so full of self-hatred and revulsion that they choose to pursue self-destructive, self-harming actions and beliefs (white leftists that self-flagellate and apologise for their white privilege, cult members that sexually groom their own children and give money for a ‘cult leader’, etc), projecting all remaining semblance of ‘good’ they have onto a few particular individuals.

STA and STS sentience are spiritually ‘retarded’, and can never reach the heights of Love and Ecstasy that comes with knowing your Oneness with God, and your true nature of Love and Joy. Think about occasions where you personally triumphed and how happy you felt. Most likely, it will be some form of self-satisfaction. Then think about occasions where you felt happy because you connected on some level with another person – most likely, this happiness will have a much deeper, richer, warmer quality.


Hi Junnies, thanks for your thoughts. Directionally I agree with you and I like how you wrote it down. The only feedback I would give that this view seems to be too focused on a human view based on the examples at least. When I think about the STO, STS etc sentiences, I think bigger including non-physical beings, aka universal beings or universal law wise.

STS feeling no love? Hm maybe true. Maybe not the true infinite love many describe when they connect with the source through different processes, either chemical or by getting “enlightened”, whatever that exactly means.

But how MM describes the humans developing into an approved archetype which then gets to be the archetype for humanity as a whole if I understand correctly…I cant fully comprehend this with my current understanding I guess.
And when would this happen actually. If a certain % of population gets there? or is it time based, meaning we have this much time to determine it? Hm, interesting for sure.

Since I can remember, I always wanted to understand the true fabric of reality.
More and more I think we actually live in a virtual environment, or illusion. Whatever you want to call it. If you take quantum physics into account and how we (can) influence our surroundings. But even without that science. The things we can influence with our minds, the things happening in the world, etc etc

When MM says we live in a nursery, where we can grow and see what sentience form we become, that just fits into that story too in my mind.
So maybe we are consciousness, and this world was constructed for us as a learning ground. and others who knows.

I am not sure if we can actually comprehend the full reality in our current physical form, even if someone would show it us and/or explain.

So many questions…:) I would love to talk those through. Sometimes you need conversation to process information into your brain.

In case someone wants to talk as mentioned above:
email: berkant at outlook com
MM: feel free to remove address if thats not ok with you.


Reality is much more magical than what conventional norms say they are. Recently, I have become very interested in Neville Goddard teachings, which you can find people discussing fervently on the Neville Goddard reddit (google those terms). In summary, NG teaches that the entire world is simply our own imagination pushed out, which has remarkable similarities to the MWI-index material that MM talks about.

Ask, and it shall be given to you; seek, and you shall find; knock, and it shall be opened to you”

We are constantly manifesting our own realities through our thoughts, beliefs, feelings, imagination. The Bible teaches that we are constantly creating out own realities and experiences. Unfortunately, many of us have asked and sought for the wrong things with our attention and focus on negativity, thinking that the world we live in is an ‘objective’ one, which thus necessitates guarding against the ‘bad’ stuff, when the very act of focusing on the ‘bad’ is what perpetuates it.

“Do not judge, or you too will be judged. 2 For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.

3 Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? 4 How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? 5 You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.”

But when we truly come to understand that our reality is one that is entirely subjective, then we can properly appreciate the power of our focus, attention, intentions and thoughts. If you wish for a deeper understanding of reality, simply ask for it! (MM’s intention-prayer campaigns are very helpful for that purpose!)


Hi congjing yu,
I hope you can answer my questions. I have a big family, father, mother, brother and sister and eight nephews. they live in Israel, I was trying to tell them the last year the place is not a good place to be in right now, but I can understand why someone prefer his own country. It’s natural.

I left to Portugal. And now looking for a good farm to settle down. Land is fertile. Wine is amazing, people are good and calm. Portugal is kind of a black sheep, on the outskirts of Europe. No big money, no oil or gas thank god, just agriculture, land that seems was destined for wine grapes.
They have the best black pork they say, land is good for that in the south. Nice beaches and very long coast line. Borders only Spain and the Atlantic.

Portugal is 20 years behind if not more in many aspects, and this what makes it so special this days. It is one of the only countries in Europe which escaped the last two world wars. It’s just on the way to nowhere.

I am here thanks to you, you amplified a voice inside me that was getting absurdly louder during second half of 2019. I came to find your site around January or February of 2020, then all the pieces just came into place. It was a moment of revelation. I had some knowledge of what is becoming of the US and how power and money corrupt the soul and for a society this corruption amplifies itself. The consequences of that are obvious. This kind of society is doomed, and although painful, it is a good thing.

For some reason the US and Israel are linked. I am not talking about politics, I am talking about people. I am talking about that the good people who founded these countries really believed in building a better place for humanity. A better society for the human kind.

What captured me most in your blog in ways I still don’t fully understand is the way our world works, the power of our consciousness, our minds over our realities. With that being said this revelation was exhausting and I feel after this crazy year, that I just want to go to sleep and wake up in April. With the trees.

To my question.. They started vaccinating in Israel, using BioNtech/Pfizer experiential vaccine.
My family is divided on this, and of course I respect their decision, but I do noticed that older folks use to trust the government more. Anyway, Israel is under lockdown from March 2020 almost without break (to be clear, with no scientific justification, we have great health system, there was no surge in deaths and no plague what so ever but in the media). People think taking the vaccine will bring things back to normal, but this is not going to happen.

This RNA messenger goes back to DARPA (2012) and around 2019 GATES foundation jumped on the wagon, it seems fishy. Especially using this technology for vaccines. Needless to say, I don’t trust the government nor big pharma as they are one (in the west).

What are your thoughts about the vaccines, especially mRNA? I understand that in China it’s not an issue as you (mostly) trust your government, and no surprisingly Russia and china are using the traditional methods for the vaccine.
But in the US and other territories under occupation (western fat oligarchy) people probably are not going to have access to those traditional vaccines.

I am sure many people in the US and the west are worried and concern. It seems a big part of all this operation was designed exactly for that. But what is that? What the fuck is going on?

There is a big difference between planned lockdown, forcing an economic meltdown and forcing people to inject a genetic substance into their body against their will.


No fucking way – to put it bluntly.

This is for-profit, for-control poison. Even the most paid-off whores in the “medical” community agree that the full biological impact of mRNA technology likely implemented is UNKNOWN. At least from what I can find through the filters here in the U.S.A.

Topping that is the DECADES long poisoning via the current vaccination policies.


Thanks for your answer, and for the clarification. I assume in Europe and other places there must be other (paid) ways to get the Russian or Chinese vaccines.
I believe mRNA technology based vaccines was from the beginning part of the plan. source: DARPA ADEPT PROTECT program.


I disagree with you on the vaccine topic. Similar to others. Everything on this topic points to a huge lie and manipulation from the government and pharma industries. I dont know why I would take a vaccine against something which killed less then 100k below 60 yr olds. Even for the 80yr old+ the survival rate is >85%, and the ones who die, 8/10 had pre-existing conditions etc etc
Vaccine topic in itself is a big question mark coming from the scandal riddled companies. Best thing is that even Pfizer CEO has not taken the vaccine saying he doesnt want to get into line.

Even simpler than this. If it would have been really dangerous than 40-50-60% of all people you know would be DEAD. I would need laws, police force etc to make me stay home and wear masks and wash my hands. I would buy a biological suit before going out just to make double sure.

To be frank, I don’t know if pharma industries are better in China, aka less corruption, less medical scanadals etc. I would be surprised but happy to learn here.

By the way how can you develop a vaccine in <1yr while the average is 5-10 years and then trust it?

So as long as someone trustful cannot explain to me why the virus is actually spreading fast and killing half of the planet and we actually have a working vaccine. I will not take it.


Yes, quite a distinction. Even so, you are way more trusting than I… I’ll keep my immune system as-is – such that it is. [Human] death is no big deal to me anyway; conversely, I would not like to be tortured or “lose my mind.”

I believe that I have sent you info (via e-mail) regarding your evolutionary beliefs. Let me know if you would care to read the material this day. Excerpts of MY belief include that we [homo sapiens sapiens] are clearly a product of genetic engineering. Additionally, and somewhat related, is the accepted belief that the moon was more or less a transport vehicle – an ark if you will.


Interesting. Thank you for your answers and your patience! I will research this further. On first look its definitely as you say, can be done away easily.
Although I also have seen videos in the beginning of the pandemic, jan/feb, from China in telegram groups. Back then I was thinking its exaggarated as there were very few but of course, most of them get blocked I guess. People just dropping and having seizures, blood coming out etc. Really scary stuff

So I’m curious about your perspective. I totally understand that you need to bring patience to explain to all these posts btw. and especially as the topic seems to be confusing.
But you are helping clarifying a lot so this is totally appreciated.

My question now is: You are saying there is a deadly strain but mostly ramping in the regions above. So yes I agree, vaccination might actually a good idea there (did I really just write this?) 🙂 assuming the death rate is correct.

But for the west, with the lite version. I wouldnt really need the vaccine. And the vaccine is actually developed by the US Military(DARPA) which Daniel linked above already.
Your point is Western government actually doesnt want to you take the vaccine, but it might be good because of DNA advancement(?!?). But not the western vaccine. Although it seems, many will line up for it, irrespective of the facts I mentioned above.

So if at all, your recommendation is to take the chinese vaccine. how we can be sure its not tainted here but lets assume we take the risk.
PS: How about the russian one? 🙂

I guess I will just wait as long as possible together with my family.

I am just totally pissed that they are coming out with these health passports to control you even further…is this the same in china?
Maybe I should move to China too, seriously 🙂 To the mountains somewhere, lead a slow and fulfilled life…

Maybe you know this chinese lady (Dianxi Xiaoge). We watch her regularly. This is how I imagine it to be for us soon:

All the best


We will never truly find peace when we seeks answers outside ourselves, be it the medical authorities or MM authority. Instead, trust that all things are working for our Highest Good under the auspices of God, and we need only to put our trust in him and then follow his guidance (do whatever feels right and easy – eat when you’re hungry, sleep when you’re tired). Some people see the covid pandemic as a disaster, some see it as a blessing in disguise; some feel that their government lockdowns were a pragmatic and necessary measure to control the virus, some feel that their government lockdowns is a sinister attempt to advance some nefarious plan. In the end, Reality is perception; do what feels right to you and it will be so. Fear and worry will kill you faster than any vaccine


What god? Surely you don’t mean the commercialized control mechanisms present world-wide just now, do you?. Perhaps you refer generically to what might be the universal creative force?

That grand plan you imply extant, took into account the free will of those killing millions per year, right?

You’re a better human than I if you can dream away what my limited perception tells me will alter the once beautiful world into a dump. I do not fear this, I am just angry about it.


It is difficult to communicate one’s ideas of God to another when there are differences in life-experiences, beliefs, perceptions, etc, but I will give my opinion as it might interest some.

The problem of evil is a common theological discussion regarding the existence and nature of God; it is as follows ‘if God is so good/great, why is the world so fucked up?”

My personal opinion is that God gave us free will and the world is a stage where we can enact our own free will and grow. And part of that growth process includes ‘forgetting’ that we are God’s creations and one with God, thus giving us the illusion of separation (which is why we can sometimes feel so lonely, alienated, desperate). We can better appreciate the warmth of a fire only when we have experienced the bitterness of the cold – thus, the illusion of separation that we have put on ourselves in order better appreciate when we return to our awareness of our Oneness with God.

The illusion of separation is what causes the problem of evil – when we feel separated from God, we lose our sense of trust, love, joy, peace, goodness in our very Being. However, embedded within God’s plan is our salvation, which is our return to our awareness of our Oneness and Connection to God.

Those who persist in the illusion of separation will continue to suffer because, as God’s creations, we too have his powers of creation (MM’s interpretation of this is ‘shifting through worldlines’) and as we continue to persist in states of anger, despair and distrust, we will manifest such realities, but those who have come to realise the importance of trusting in God’s plan for salvation will, through the very act of Trust, manifest a reality that reflects and supports that trust. I have personally struggled with fully ‘letting go and trusting in God’ for a long time in my own spiritual journey, as I too, grappled with ‘the problem of evil’ but I can attest that it was when I really let go into Trust that my life became far more relaxed, happier, carefree, and even materially better.


Nicely said in your last sentence. Fully Agree with this. Still I have an allergy people telling me what to do or not 🙂 I still find it interesting to see MM to follow the system and authorities, even if its China, so willingly. Or maybe its just from the soul construct and collecting quanta collecting view, its not relevant and we are making too much fuss about it focusing on the wrong things? As he mentioned in the article: Chill, look for a quiet place, and wait for the storm to pass. Focus on your prayer campaigns etc.

I will let my intuition guide me…as its done very well so far.


Thanks for your advice. I mostly agree, “Fear and worry will kill you faster than any vaccine”.
Yet, when action is needed, one should do what he or she can, to protect his loved ones. I learned a lot here from reading “laws of power”. Power is essential, violence is over estimated. many times especially for us the common people to avoid bad, best is to go under the radar (or rug). the government or the ruling class have more power now then we do, it’s a fact. if you go against it you loose. like crushing a car into a wall. yet I won’t make it easy for them, wouldn’t leave my neck out in the open. better wait, patience and calm. avoid danger and conflict. I very much agree with MM advice on that.

Last edited 4 years ago by Dani
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