Looking in from the outside

Here’s some posts related to viewing America from a completely different point of view. As a a person who is standing outside the massive surveillance state, and military empire that it has become. As well as what China is like from the point of view of an outsider.

An expat returns to America and is aghast at what it has become.
You know, as an American, living overseas can be trying at times. You get wistful and dream of what you no longer have. And, no... it's not that elusive "freedom" that everyone talks about. It's other things, like cruising in the GTO, listening to BTO and quaffing some Iron City. It's gearing up to go to the drive-in. It's going plinking with your buds (of both types), and going fishing with your uncle. They say you can never go back. Maybe so. But I'll tell you what... America has changed so much that it doesn't even resemble anything that I remember. Here's an article by another expat. He tends to visit the States more often than myself. And since he isn't such a stranger, the incremental changes are more noticeable; more enhanced for him. It's a good article and worth a read...
American expat impressions on China - 1
I have been trying to tell people that China is not what they think it is. I have been trying to explain that the American government propaganda machine is large, dangerous and paints a seriously distorted view of the rest of the world. And... well, it falls on deaf ears. So, here instead, is the impressions of a person visiting China for the first time in over a decade. His impressions are pristine, real, and worth the read. Check it out.
American expat impressions on China - 2
This is the second part of a three part narrative. In it, an expat Fred Reed, visits China for the first time in over a decade. His impressions are priceless. I have been here in China, for a long and long time. So many things that I take for granted are astounding and shocking to others. I think that most people will get a kick out of his impressions. So here we are with part two...
American expat impressions on China - 3
This is the third post of the impressions that American Fred Reed had when he visited China for the first time in over a decade. It's all priceless and underlines what I have been trying to convey for years now. This, as his third post, was written after he had a chance to sit down, and contemplate the differences between America and China and what both are "supposed" to be. It's a fantastic read. And here it is...

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