A complete separation from Western predatory economics, using the vast creativity and devotion to Mother Russia of the people there, and Russia will succeed beyond anyone's expectations. It will become a beacon for what is possible. -John
It is unmistakable. The United States has successfully brought about a global realignment in accordance with their obvious plans. And it looks, right now, that everything is going forward to plan. Much to our (most informed) observations.
Here, I just want to review some of these victories.
- War with Russia.
- Take over of the levers- of-power in Korea.
- A major military presence in Australia.
- A major rearming of Japan.
- Complete control of the narrative.

Here, we will go through the above bullet points.
War with Russia.
Victory 1
Fred said it best…
Why did Russia invade the Ukraine? Contrary to American media, the invasion was not unprovoked. Since the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, America has been pushing NATO, which is a US sepoy operation, ever closer to Russian borders in what, to anyone who took fifth-grade geography, is an obvious program of military encirclement. Of the five countries other than Russia littoral to the Black Sea, three, Turkey, Romania, and Bulgaria, are now in NATO. America has been moving toward bringing in the Ukraine and Georgia. After Georgia would have come Azerbaijan, putting American forces on the Caspian with access to Iran and Kazakhstan. This is calculated aggression over the long term, obvious to the—what? Ten percent? Fifteen percent?—of Americans who know what the Caucasus is. Putin has said, over and over, that Russia could not allow hostile military forces on its border any more than the US would allow Chinese military bases in Mexico and China or missile forces in Cuba. Washington kept pushing. Russia said, no more. In short, America brought on the war. Among people who follow such things, there are two ways of looking at the invasion. First, that Washington thought Putin was bluffing, and he wasn’t. Second, that America intentionally forced Russia to choose between allowing NATO into the Ukraine, a major success for Washington’s world empire; or fighting, also a success for Washington as it would cause the results it has caused. From the latter understanding, America pulled off, at least at first glance, an astonishing geopolitical victory over Russia. Nordstream II blocked, crippling sanctions placed on Russia, many of its banks kicked out of SWIFT, economic integration of Europe and Asia slowed or reversed, Germany to spend 113 billion on rearming (largely meaning buying American costume-jewelry weaponry), Europe forced to buy expensive American LNG, and Europe made dependent on America for energy. All this in a few days without loss of a single American soldier. This presumably at least in part engineered by Virginia Newland who, though she looks like a fireplug with leprosy, seems effectively Machiavellian.
So The United States got itself a war with Russia.
As a result, an already subservient NATO and EU is now gleefully submitted to American dominance. Russia, they believe, is globally isolated, and the first stage is set.
Russia is isolated and alone, and “tied up” in a “quagmire” in Ukraine that the United States controls. It’s NATO group is working that front.
Next up…
The QUAD to start a war with China..
This means that a QUAD must be put in place and strengthened. The QUAD is an NATO of the Pacific to “counter” China. So while NATO will counter Russia, QUAD will counter China.
To “counter China” means “a war with China”.
Sorry, I just plow though all the bullshit and rhetoric. I call it as it is. It makes life a lot easier, don’t you know.
The closest to China that America can get to is Taiwan, but if it goes any further, YOU WILL SEE Washington DC, New York City, and San Francisco all reduced to radioactive rubble. So Washington DC, is trying to dance around and sing it’s songs.
The USA tried to gain “footholds” in Xinjiang (with the Uighur Muslims), in Hong Kong (with the “pro-democracy” color revolutions), in Tibet (with a color revolution there), and all failed. So, then it tried to launch “color revolutions” in the nations bordering China. This included Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Thailand and Myanmar (Burma). All have pretty much failed to one degree or the other.
So what is left? The QUAD.
Already American surrogates…
- South Korea
- Australia
- Japan / India
Let’s take a look at these three “victories”.
Change in the levers- of-power in Korea.
Victory 2.
So right now, by less than a 1% margin, a USA-backed conservative took over the leadership of South Korea. He pledges [1] a harsher stance against North Korea aggression, [2] a relook at the Korean relations with China, and [3] much closer ties to the United States.
Honestly, we don’t know what will come of all this.
What we do know is that he has no political experience. Much like Trump has none, and Volodymyr Zelensky (Ukraine) had none. Previous recent events suggest easy manipulation by others. Namely, the United States deep-state.
But we really don’t know the true and real situation.
What I can tell you is that the American neocons in K-street in Washington, DC are joyful with glee.
For the last four years, they watched in horror as South Korea became friendlier with China, and less friendly with the United States. South Korea wanted to reunify with North Korea, and wanted the denuclearization of Korea. All of which horrified the American neocons.
Their plans included a war in Korea. This friendliness was unacceptable.
This is what The Diplomat had to say about how unhappy the USA was with South Korea.
There are deep diplomatic differences between President Joe Biden of the United States and President Moon Jae-in of South Korea. Biden wants Moon to abandon his peace-oriented policy toward North Korea, but Moon insists on continuing to try, despite the underwhelming results so far achieved. Can the next president of South Korea make any better progress? Another point of contention between Seoul and Washington is Biden’s desire for the South Korean military to take a more active role in the wider region, in particular by participating in various U.S.-led multilateral military exercises. The incoming South Korean president will need to finesse this issue carefully if relations with China are to remain cordial. Can the next president of South Korea initiate any new policies toward the United States, China, and North Korea? The truth is that South Korea’s policies toward these countries are interdependent in many different ways. If there are any solutions to be found for this Gordian Knot, then the ROK-U.S. alliance is the best hope we have. So how should we envisage the future of the long-standing alliance between the ROK and the United States? Moon’s Promises to China: The Three Noes When the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) missile defense system was deployed on South Korean soil, China objected vigorously and used its commercial leverage to punish South Korea. As a consequence, Moon was obliged to placate China by making three promises. Will these “three noes” cause difficulties for the next president? The first promise was that the United States will not deploy additional THAAD systems in South Korea. The U.S. budget for fiscal year 2021 has no funding for additional THAAD systems, but there are some funds allocated for upgrading the existing one to integrate it into a remote networked command and control system, together with Patriot and other systems deployed near the Korean Peninsula. This is a third and final phase based on the U.S. adoption of the Joint All Domain Command and Control system which U.S. Forces Korea (USFK) plans to adopt shortly. The second promise is that trilateral security cooperation between the U.S., Japan, and South Korea will not develop into a military alliance. Given the dire state of relations with Japan, this promise is easy to keep for any South Korean president. The third promise is that South Korea will not participate in the U.S. Missile Defense Agency’s (MDA) regional missile defense system. In practice the THAAD system deployed at Seongju has already been integrated into the MDA’s regional architecture. Staff at the South Korean Ministry of National Defense (MND) have implicitly acknowledged the fact. As for any further cooperation with the MDA, the MND has made clear that it prefers to develop its own missile defense system. It seems, then, that Moon’s “three noes” will not seriously constrain the next president. Hypersonic Weapons on South Korean Soil? At the recent Biden-Moon summit, South Korea agreed to become more actively involved with the U.S. Indo-Pacific strategy. Following the takeover of Afghanistan by the Taliban in August 2021, it is appropriate to discuss the future of the ROK-U.S. military alliance. China is continuing its military buildup, and seeking to extend and strengthen its diplomatic influence across the region. Against this background, it is time for the United States to increase its military resources to counter Chinese adventurism. Several nations are developing hypersonic ballistic and cruise missiles, either medium-range (following Trump’s withdrawal from the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty) or long-range. Chinese and Russian weapons systems are well advanced, and the United States has initiated or reactivated several hypersonic missile development projects under various names: the U.S. Navy’s Prompt Global Strike (PGS); U.S. Army’s Long Range Hypersonic Weapon; U.S. Air Force’s AGM-183 Air-launched Rapid Response Weapon and Hypersonic Attack Cruise Missile; and DARPA’s Tactical Boost Glide and Operational Fires and Hypersonic Air-breathing Weapon Concept. As commentators have noted, though, the U.S. would have to find a place to deploy its missiles. Indeed, former U.S. Secretary of Defense Mark Esper explicitly suggested that U.S. allies, including Australia, Japan, and South Korea, should allow the United States to deploy hypersonic weapons to assist in the strategic deterrence of Chinese threats. Any deployment of such U.S.-developed hypersonic missiles on South Korea soil would inevitably be strenuously resisted by China, much like THAAD in 2017, and could seriously unbalance South Korean foreign policy. Recently, however, Australia has categorically rejected any such deployment, and with none of the other regional allies happy to accept them, it seems that South Korea is off the hook. There is no particular reason why the United States needs to deploy hypersonic weapons on South Korean territory. There are no specific high-value targets in China’s northeastern provinces, and other U.S. allies seem better placed for the U.S. Indo-Pacific Command to manage Chinese threats, such as Japan and the Philippines, not the mention the U.S. territory of Guam. Nuclear ballistic missiles can be identified, tracked, and classified as incoming threats by missile defense systems, for example those established by the MDA, but PGS and medium-range hypersonic missiles equipped with conventional warheads cannot be intercepted by any missile defense system. It is unclear whether the U.S. prefers hypersonic-capable and conventional PGS weapons to the existing medium-range ballistic missiles with nuclear capability. This uncertainty opens an opportunity for South Korea, now that limitations on its indigenous missile development have been lifted. New South Korean medium-range ballistic missiles would supplement U.S. capability in countering Chinese military threats to Northeast Asian security, as well as deterring the North Korean military threat. Other Issues Affecting the Future of the ROK-U.S. Alliance Some of the frontrunners to be the next president of South Korea have spoken about making changes to the ROK military and to the command-and-control structure of the ROK-U.S. Combined Forces Command (CFC), but they have said very little about the future of the ROK-U.S. alliance. Some military commentators argue that South Korea should pay more attention to operational and tactical matters than to political and strategic issues. In that regard, there are a variety of topics to be considered. An Expanding Alliance First, from the U.S. perspective, rebuilding the alliance is a priority. During the Trump era, his transactional and populist approach opened up some deep divisions between South Korea and the United States. Biden is now working to repair the damage. More than that, however, he also wants to extend the scope of the alliance beyond its historic focus on threats to the Korean Peninsula by involving Seoul in the U.S. Indo-Pacific Strategy, a thinly-veiled project to contain China. A related initiative targets common domain awareness, with the ROK military trying to up its game by taking new responsibility for space, electronic, information, and cyberwarfare. To this end, the first meeting of a newly established ROK-U.S. ICT cooperation committee was held on August 5. Also, the ROK Air Force has reorganized its combat development group into an air and space combat research group, so that it can share a Common Operational Picture with the U.S. Space Force. The ROK Army and the ROK Navy are also getting more involved with space; for example the Cheonro-an satellite now monitors the surrounding seas of the Korean Peninsula, including the East China Sea. In addition, now that South Korea is explicitly committed to more involvement in regional security, including potentially acting with the USFK to contingencies in the South China Sea and Taiwan Strait, the scope of the ROK-U.S. alliance has broadened. Future roles and missions for the ROK-U.S. CFC will be hampered by disparities between the two militaries unless a combined combat development group is established. The Japan-U.S. alliance has benefitted from bilateral joint research and development projects, and something similar is needed for the ROK-U.S. alliance. Changing Doctrines Second, there is widespread agreement that attempts to strengthen the capacity of the ROK-U.S. alliance should focus on doctrinal standardization. The United States is currently undergoing a great transformation of its expeditionary forces. Thus, the U.S. Army is establishing three Multi-Domain Task Forces, for the Indo-Pacific, Europe, and the Arctic. The U.S. Marine Corps also has a new mobile, agile, and flexible force, the Marine Littoral Regiment, designed to fight in a contested maritime environment. Likewise, the U.S. Navy has its Expeditionary Advanced Base Operations concept, for which it wants to build light amphibious ships, rather than large LHDs or LHAs. These changes to U.S. forces mean that South Korea’s military will also need to change to ensure the future success of the ROK-U.S. alliance. Specifically, South Korean forces must pursue both technological and doctrinal interoperability, so that they can effectively interface with the new operational concepts of the United States. An integrated ROK Army, Navy Air Force, and Marine Corps force has been suggested, which could then operate in combined units between the ROK and U.S. militaries at the squadron and battalion level. And perhaps the United States should be invited to serve as an advisor in developing the concepts and frameworks of Defense Reform 2050, currently under development by the MND. New Platforms, New Cooperation Third, now that South Korea is building an aircraft carrier, close liaison with the U.S. Navy and Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force (JMSDF) is needed. With the navies of South Korea and Japan both building or refitting light aircraft carriers, close cooperation is essential to ensure maximum interoperability. The U.S.-U.K. agreement on cooperative CV operation is the obvious model to follow. A considerable degree of interoperability has already been established, due to the F-35B take-off and landing system, which is the same on the U.S. Navy’s CVs, but much more is possible. The U.S. Navy has built up a vast repertoire of skills and know-how, which should be shared with South Korea and Japan for mutual benefit in the operation of CVs. Fourth, some operational and tactical improvements are necessary. For example, South Korea and the United States need to better coordinate their strategic assets with the JMSDF, specifically: intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance assets such as Global Hawk UAVs; airborne early warning and control assets; air refueling tankers and heavy lift aircraft; aircraft carriers; and amphibious assets. Also, the U.S. Navy needs a permanent presence in the form of destroyers at South Korean naval bases; the current arrangements with a one-star admiral are inadequate to deter potential threats from North Korea and China. And the South Korean Agency for Defense Development should be working on more research and development projects together with the U.S. DARPA, such as how to operate Manned-Unmanned Teaming between the two fleets. NATO has a variety of cooperative arrangements between multiple countries, and some of these could be usefully emulated by the ROK-U.S. alliance. In short, the ROK-U.S. alliance is at a time of transition, and a lot of changes will be required to maintain the strength and effectiveness of the alliance into the future. The next South Korean president will have plenty of work to do. Conclusion Most of South Korea’s presidential candidates are proposing policies toward the United States, China, and North Korea that simply rehash previous ideas from the left or right, and in any case are based on outdated and obsolete scenarios. The world has moved on, and the ROK-U.S. alliance needs to acknowledge the fact. When the next president of South Korea is inaugurated in May 2022, he or she will have a very full inbox: the continuing COVID-19 pandemic, ever worsening climate change, the regional impact of the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan, growing doubts about the dependability of Pax Americana, and uncertainty over the future of the global economy. Some candidates have flirted with populism during the campaign, but South Korea’s foreign and security policy needs someone grounded in reality. Thus, it is greatly to be hoped that the next president of South Korea will have the necessary experience and qualifications in these areas, and that they will choose the very best people for the relevant cabinet appointments. It would also be helpful if he or she has clearly articulated their approach to the United States, China, and North Korea so that there is a mandate for change – because change is coming to the ROK-U.S. alliance, like it or not.
This article was written one year ago.
Since that time, the United States government lavishly funded the USA-friendly candidate who now won the election. Whether or not he will pay-back the billions of dollars that he owes the United States is up in the air.
My assumptive guess is that he will.
Though, to what extent is unknown.
My other guess is that some very contentious events will take place on the Korean pennsula in the next two years. Perhaps diplomatic. Perhaps economic. Perhaps trade. Perhaps posturing. Perhaps social. Perhaps military. But there will be some changing of various alignments on the Geo-Political sphere.
It all depends on the power of the personality of the new leadership.
If he is weak, it will be like Morrison in Australia, or like Volodymyr Oleksandrovych Zelenskyy of the Ukraine. He will end up becoming fantastically wealthy (Zelenskkyy became a multi-billionaire in a few years), but at the cost of the economic strength of his nation. As what has happened to Australia.
If he is strong, he might be like Ou Ratana of Cambodia. He would forge new alliances, strengthen existing ones, and bridge the various differences in opinion that seem to be at everyones’ throat.
Weak nations paint huge “bullseyes” on their country. Whether Korea is one such nation, we have yet to see.
A major USA military presence in Australia.
Victory 3
The Morrison administartion is solidly pro-neocon. Yes. You read that correct. Not pro-America. He’s pro-neocon.
Any moment now, Australians are going to line up for their spicy “Kool-Aide”. And start wearing shiny new sneakers to reach Heaven via Comet Nirvana.
Neocons believe in the Rapture. I mean, they really, REALLY believe.
In other words, destroy the world to make it better. God will protect the worthy and “smite” the evil.
Its sort of like burning your house to the ground to protect it from fire.
Morrison allowed his trade with China to collapse, and the economy of Australia to take a complete nose-dive all for the betterment of the United States. He broke long-term trade deals with France and other nations in favor of having American nuclear sub basing, and American nuclear weapon basing inside of Australia.
It’s America-first.
As long as he gets his reserved ticket to Heaven, he doesn’t give a flying fuck about Australians. In his mind, he has them “covered”.
Covered in shit, that is.
It’s Australians last; back of the bus. Last in line. With their own water drinking fountains, and their own isolated schools.
He’s such a crazed fanatic, that Mike Pompeo looks like a moderate.
He [1] openly calls China an enemy, and [2] is busy setting up Australia on a war-footing for a major war in the Pacific. This includes [3] servicing and supplying American and British nuclear vessels, and [4] placing nuclear weapons and support structures on Australian soil. All the time, [5] breaking trade with China, [6] and engaging in racist actions against Chinese.
It’s hard to imagine a more bellicose and dangerous posture. But that’s the way it is. Australia and it’s people will all now gladly die for Washington DC, and America.
Of course, Morrison will fondle his jewels, and swim with his champaigne and caviar in his plush mansions. Now well funded by the United States printing presses.
Japan forming a status quo fence.
Victory 4
The greatest fear that the United States has is a two-front war; where the United States must fight both Russia and China simultaneously. The overall plan seems to be clear enough. Attack Russia, and then China, one by one. Not simultaneously.
So the plan is to prevent a two front assault. Dealing with Russia alone is already taxing the United States in many ways. Tack on the fiasco that China would crate, and it must be avoided at all costs.
One week after the invasion of the Ukraine by Russia, the QUAD held a video meeting and discussed what to do to “contain China”. For after all, that is the purpose of the QUAD after all.
Now Japan wants to host American nuclear missiles and bombs.
- Perhaps , Japan should be nuked one more time to learn how to live peacefully in Asia: 2022 03 Senior Japanese lawmakers eye ‘nuclear sharing’ option with U.S. – Nikkei Asia
- 2022 02 Japan should consider hosting U.S. nuclear weapons, Abe says | The Japan Times
Anyways… Here’s the QUAD “fence” going up…
Quad leaders oppose unilateral use of force in Indo-Pacific region
KYODO NEWS – Mar 4, 2022
Leaders from Japan, the United States, Australia and India agreed [1] during their virtual meeting Thursday that they oppose any unilateral use of force to change the status quo in their region.
This was reported by the Japanese government.
This meeting took place, as Russia’s invasion of Ukraine brings renewed concerns over China’s assertiveness in the Indo-Pacific.
The four major Indo-Pacific democracies (the QUAD) also agreed [2] to launch a new humanitarian assistance and disaster relief mechanism. This mechanism will “provide a channel for communication” as they each address and respond to the crisis in Ukraine.
In Tokyo, Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida said he agreed [3] with his counterparts (QUAD members; Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and U.S. President Joe Biden) to hold an in-person summit in the Japanese capital “in a few months.”
"We agreed that we should not allow any unilateral change to the status quo by force in the Indo-Pacific region like the latest case (in Ukraine) and we need to step up efforts to promote a free and open Indo-Pacific in times like this,"
-he told reporters at his office.
The four countries of the Quad group have been deepening their ties and cooperation in the Indo-Pacific region, where China is boosting its military and economic clout. Japan is planning to host a Quad summit in the first half of this year.
Among the Quad members, India’s lack of response to Russia’s aggression against Ukraine has been in focus, given its traditionally close ties with Moscow. India abstained from voting on a nonbinding resolution at the U.N. General Assembly condemning the invasion by Russia and demanding its troops withdraw immediately from Ukraine.
The joint statement did not explicitly criticize Russia for the invasion, over which Moscow has faced sharp condemnation and economic sanctions from countries including the United States, Japan and Australia.
"The Quad leaders discussed the ongoing conflict and humanitarian crisis in Ukraine and assessed its broader implications,"
But in their commitment to a “free and open Indo-Pacific,” they emphasized it means that “the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all states is respected” and “countries are free from military, economic, and political coercion.”
Before the Quad meeting, Kishida said the Indo-Pacific region, especially East Asia, should not allow any unilateral attempt to alter the status quo by force.
Chinese ships have been repeatedly spotted in waters near the Senkaku Islands in the East China Sea, a group of uninhabited islets controlled by Japan and claimed by China. China-Taiwan tensions remain high as Beijing considers the island as a renegade province to be reunified with the mainland by force if necessary.
Keep in mind that Taiwan is not a nation. It is a territory of China. So, the “out” in this posture is whether or not the QUAD wants to get involved in a Chiense civil war.
Because if they do, China will nuke the living shit out of them.
Complete control of the narrative.
Victory 5
It’s not even bothering commenting on. It’s all hate-Russia-24-7. It’s everywhere, and there are ZERO alternative voices. If you try to say anything positive about Russia, you are unplugged.
Zelensky visits injured troops in hospital, gives out medals...
Sets virtual address to Congress...
Bipartisan calls ramp up on Biden to give Ukraine jets, weapons...
American view of Vlad: Angry, frustrated, likely to escalate war...
First NATO country calls for 'no-fly zone'...
Videos of Bayraktar drones blowing up armor cement heroic status...
Moscow Warns Western Companies of Arrests, Asset Seizures...
NATO nonalignment creates risk for Finland, Sweden...
UN Warns: Nuclear War 'Within Realm of Possibility'...
Persian Gulf monarchies hedging their bets...
US holds 'intense' 7-hour talks with China...
'Deep concerns' on 'alignment'...
India looks to bail out Putin...
Russians cross Mexico border to seek US asylum...
Fears British ex-special forces troops killed...
FOX's Hall injured, hospitalized near Kyiv...
I’ll leave that at that.
The United States has authored this situation and it is in place
And it appears that yet again, the United States will emerge victorious. It certainly is victorious right now. Everything is falling into place.
- Europe is now economically dependent upon the USA.
- The BRI connecting China to Europe has been interrupted.
- Russia is economically isolated from the West.
- A strong QUAD “fence” is in place and will be used to “contain” China.
Some side effects
Now, there are some side-effects of all of this.
Whether or not these elements are part of a grander scheme or plan is unknown. What is known is that these elements will influence the United States, and it’s allies in both Europe and in the QUAD.
These elements are…
- Rampaging inflation for all nations that trade using the USD.
- Resulting in massive price increases in all things imported.
- A villianized Russia.
- Seizure of all Russan assets; money, accounts, boats, and businesses.
- A partitioning / slicing up of the globe to one side or the other.
Now; a view from the other side
But what we do know, for those of us paying attention, that both Russia and China view these turn of events as expected. None of the events that are transpiring are a surprise.
As such I suppose …
- Inflation of the USD is welcomed.
- This inflation will further weaken the USD and the US economy.
- SWIFT is being displaced by CIPS.
- CIPS is backed by gold, resources, and manufacturing capability.
- SWIFT is backed by American debt. Now at $30 trillion dollars.
The key for a united Asia is to allow the USA (and it’s serrogates) to collapse internally without nuclear war.
To do this, they are holding a (figurative) nuclear shotgun to the head of the United States and telling it to “mind it’s manners”. One twitch, one wrong move, and it’s “adios muchachos“.
To this end, they have maintained a very lethal stance against the West, threatening complete and absolute destruction.
It used to be that just having a few nuclear weaons was enough. But no. The American “leadership” are so stupid and ignorant that they had to be told directly; We have nuclear weapons and we WILL use them. Stop violating our “red lines”.
This in turn, is forcing the West to resort to [1] bioweapons and other systems, namely [2] economic, to wage war. Things that are not so obvious to a horrifically dumbed down nation.
Bioweapon warfare
In the grand scheme this methodology is (apparently) failing.
- The 8 bioweapons against Chinese livestock did not create famine.
- The three bioweapons against China did very little damage to China. Instead it made it very resilient against bioweapons.
- Now the R&D; Biolabs and biowarfare are both in the open. Russia and China are making an issue of it.
- The need for mRNA injections is collapsing. Which leaves America and the West particuliarly open to a bioweapon attack.
- The population will simply ignore the warnings from the US government for isolation and masking. Thinking it’s more of the same nonsense.
- The public will ignore all bioweapons protection measures.
So what’s left?
Economic Warfare
Economic warfare. But, contrary to the “news” reports…
- Russia is not collapsing.
- China is not collapsing.
- But the USA and the West are starting to.
At this stage, anything can happen.
Anything can happen
The USA might still have some “tricks up its sleeve”, but from my point of view, it’s truly a dying empire; rotten to the core, and weakly and meakly thrashing about dangerously, while young, fresh and talented Kungfu masters watch on in alert readiness.
But all that is only my speculation.
American neocons see the world differently than I do…
The score card, that we visibly see, is 5-0 with the United States taking the lead in all victories and in all arenas.
But you know. I don’t count battles on a score card. I don’t say “yay! My guys sunk this ship. Boo! They did this!”. I look at the big picture.
And you should too.
I look at the basic strengths of society. A strong society, one that has a unified and intelligent population that is making things, and performing meaningful industry is going to overtake a weaker one who counts beads, argues with each other over trivalities, and who points blame at others instead of rolling up its sleeve and making changes to things that are not working.

In the table above, I greatly simplified a number of points. Now, before you howl in anger, consider what I am trying to convey.
Yes. The USA does export. It exports expensive military equipment, and some wheat. It says it exports a lot of grains, but when you look at the actual numbers you find the exports are not comparatively large. The vast bulk of the monetary value of exports is military and aviation. These are trivial. Without a war, and with trade embargoes, there are no markets. While Asia exports everything.
Yes. The USA has farms. However, they are mostly corporate, big business entities that dependent upon imported fertilizer, and a working power grid to operate. Remove those two things, and you end up with a dust bowl. Not so in Russia and China. They have thousands of small, versitle, and adaptable farms.
Yes. The USA has industry. But it’s industry, not manufacturing. An office building staffed with accountants, logistics and warehouses, marketing people, diversity officers, HR, and lawyers do not make things. You need manufacturing facilities. Not just warehouses.
Yes. The USA has a military. It has over 800+ bases all over the world and very advanced high-tech equipment. But sitting in a office building pushing buttons on drones, and using a military that are unable to do more than five push ups is not a military force to be afraid of. It is something that looks good on paper, but not what you want to defend your life with.
So over all, in a big picture, Asia (in a one-to-one) head-to-head conflict will overtake the collective West.
As in this quote from my e-mail…
All we need to do is to rid our head of the USD-based capitalist miasma, USD-based dividends included. Why does anyone need the USD showing a fake USD-based GDP to demonstrate that they have a good economy? Why would Russia collapse with the closing of McDonalds, Starbucks, and the casino-stock market? Russia has the world's largest land mass. It has abundant clean water and agricultural land. It has only one-tenth of China's population. No one will ever starve or lack water in Russia. But even better is that they have huge stores of energy and minerals in the ground. They will never lack anything that is necessary for the advancement of their society. More importantly, they also have the brains to develop technology and they have a strong army to defend themselves against anyone, including worthy foes such as Napoleon and Hitler, who were almost invincible before they attacked Russia. Should Putin be afraid of sleepy Biden, dopey Bojo, dogfaced Stoltenberg, maleficent Ursula, and funny Zelensky? I rest my case. In geopolitics, you do not own anything that you cannot defend. The rest is bullshit and balderdash. Even cavemen knew that. In economics, Russia and China have a perfect fit. China has too many people for not enough agricultural land and clean water. It does not have enough energy or minerals in the ground. Russia gives China what it needs, and China will make whatever Russia needs. Everyone will live happy fruitful lives in peace and harmony without the need to ever see a single dollar. America wants to whip the G7 to sanction China, what a delusional dying empire!
The destruction comes in many forms…
“In two weeks, China, Russia, Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, and Kyrgyzstan will reveal an independent international monetary and financial system. It will be based on a new international currency, calculated from an index of national currencies of the participating countries and international commodity prices” -Sputnik News, Mar. 14, 2022.
Along with the new currency, Russia and China will also reveal their Unfriendly Nation Lists.
So I stand by my belief that theres more things down the pipe. Never forget about who you are all dealing with…

Do you want more?
You can find more articles related to this in my latest index; A New Beginning. And in it are elements of the old, some elements regarding the transition, and some elements that look towards the future.
New Beginnings 3.
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It seems we have the west, drawn to the 7 deadly sins. 1.vainglory or pride. 2.greed or covetousness. 3. lust or illicit sexual desire. 4. envy. 5. gluttony. 6. wrath or anger. 7. sloth.
Each of those sins, however, can be overcome with the seven corresponding virtues of 1. humility. 2. charity. 3. chastity. 4. gratitude. 5. temperance. 6. patience. 7. diligence.
As we all know, these virtues are mostly eastern in their practice…And the 10% of us westerners who are paying attention.
The phrase, “making a deal with the devil” seems old shoe to me. But to some national leadership (read installed), it’s making a comeback.
Things are getting interesting going by what’s coming out of the negotiations– not much, what little we know– between Zelenski-pants and the Russians. And I’m sure the Russians are humoring these stooges of stooges no end because clearly they already have many assets on the ground– human intelligence– the only real kind.
The Russians seem to be playing an old war trick: feigning weakness, and are giving the impression that they have bitten off more than they can chew and wish for compromise.
If we didn’t know that Vlad and friends have already drawn their red lines and even extended them further recently regarding The Ukraine’s future, like pretty much everyone in Eurangloland doesn’t know, we might think that the Russians seek compromise, too.
(Maybe they are. But I doubt it.)
Once the cauldron in the east is, errr, cleared, to put it politely, they have a two pronged, direct path west across the Ukraine. North and South. And western Ukraine will collapse in days. What are they gonna enforce a north-south defensive line with? NPC losers in second hand combat gear? LOL. Social media virtue signaling cane up against old, hard, painful reality after that strike on their compound the other day, right?
Just look at the map. They are wide open to a Russian armored column, or 10, heh heh. Not to mention the gunships. Or the paras. Or the Spetznaz with local contacts, cover, spotters– obviously– already in place.
My guess is the three ‘statesmen’ who went there by train are telling Skipants to give up. Slovakia? Bulgaria? Big guns, indeed. Somehow I dont think he’ll listen but you’d never know. Wise heads might yet prevail. Its either that or Vlad. The next few months should be interesting. The Russians have clearly gamed all scenarios. I dont get that sense from NATO but youd never know. They had a plan and it got scuppered. Mistakes will be made. Count on it.
To paraphrase one of the most talented grifters that ever walked ”There are known knowns and known unknowns”. It’s the unkown unknowns that always trips you up. You do remember what was Vlad the Invader’s first move? Yeah, he put all the foreign intelligence operatives in buses (BUSES! That bit earned my respect) and literally drove them out of the country. Over 300, if my sources are correct.
The message? ”I have known your moles all the time, and now you will spend sleepless nights wondering if any of your ’intel’ has any value”.
In the mean time in China: China has been the busiest Spacefaring nation for two years in a row, while Astronauts have been crying lonely in ISS. And Mr ”Elona” Musk certainly knows which side will have enough jetfuel for his exit-trip to Mars (before the sun goes Bang again). Especially after his last batch of birdies were blown up and the rest rerouted to… well, that remains to be seen.
So, western alliance has little to none human intelligence and significantly impaired SigInt. And what was the Achiille’s Heel for US Army in all the Games? Righ, reliance in centraliesed C&C. Games have not even started, all bets are in and The Reds are heavy favourites.
See you all in the paddock! And sleep well, there’s nothing to fear but fear itself. And stairs. But that’s about it. I think.
Hey J.C., did I see you over at PieceOfMindful?
The US is having a bigger problem than you might think controlling the narrative at home. The word about the bioweapons labs in Ukraine is widespread, and Tucker Carlson on Fox News even dared to mention them. There is a noticeable lessening of emphasis on Ukraine in the news the last few days here in the US anyway.
More and more people are admitting that the woke US military would be toothless in this fight, even if the leaders wanted to intervene.
Frankly, I think these are all good things to observe.
I do too.