Big massive changes to the global power leadership (who and what will lead) are in process right NOW

It’s the middle of the Chinese New Year 2022. There’s a Winter Olympics in Beijing, and both Putin and Xi Peng have presented to the world a blueprint for a massive and comprehensive new world order. It is based upon the UN,  and is designed to punish malcontent nations (without specifically naming the United States and it’s allies.).

And how are these major events being reported in the Western “news”?


All bullshit. All lies.

“Quarantine Hell”?

Nothing at all about the earth-shattering Xi Peng and Putin announcement. Everyone in the West must be kept dumb, stupid and ignorant. They must be taught to hate, and live in fear, and get ready for the next “freedom war”.

Here we are going to grab some various snapshots of what is going outside the American gulag and see what’s really going on.

Japanese companies refuse to decouple from China

“But while Tokyo has tried to wean its companies off China, even offering subsidies to Japanese groups to exit the Chinese market, it is clear that leaving China is easier said than done.

Japanese companies operating in China remain bullish: just 7.2 per cent of them said they were moving or considering moving production out of China in a September survey by JETRO, down from 9.2 per cent in 2019.

Naoto Saito, chief researcher at the Daiwa Institute of Research, said: “Japan Inc is actually increasing its investment in China, while also seeking to set reasonable limits due to geopolitical risks, and remaining aware of avoiding overdependence.” He added: “It’s unthinkable for companies not to consider the Chinese market at all.”

The Chinese market is “too large for us to ignore”, he added. “Given its size and the pace of growth, there would be no choice but to develop products for that market, in addition to ones for the western and Japanese market.”

Facing a rapid decoupling world, Murata and most of Japan Inc is sticking with the Chinese market, an outcome that runs counter to the advice from the Japanese government, which has been urging Japanese companies to diversify away from China.”

In Q1 2020, when the pandemic in China was at its peak, the Japanese government offered subsidies for Japanese companies to move their operations out of China. At that time, many people were asserting that Japanese companies and indeed foreign companies in general would leave China in droves. Fast-forward to two years later, has that happened?

Bloomberg makes a BIG mistake

published a headline that read, ‘Live: Russia invades Ukraine’. It went up on its homepage around midnight Moscow time and stayed there for nearly half an hour before it was removed and an apology for the mistake ( issued.

Everyone should be cancelling their Bloomberg subscription … “real” misinformation that could have started World War III … or was that just the propaganda narrative some corners of our elitist are pushing ?

As I mentioned before, an entire package of videos, reports, interviews, and all the rest were all prepared to take advantage of a war in the Ukraine.

The West is unraveling fast, and everything is in free fall right now. The “man behind the curtain” is being exposed, and the threadbare curtain is rotten and falling off its pole

A war with Russia would be unlike anything the US and NATO have ever experienced

From HERE, with all credit.

In a recent press conference held on the occasion of a visit to Moscow by Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, Russian President Vladimir Putin spoke about continued NATO expansion, and the potential consequences if Ukraine was to join the trans-Atlantic alliance.

“Their [NATO’s] main task is to contain the development of Russia,”

Putin said.

“Ukraine is simply a tool to achieve this goal. They could draw us into some kind of armed conflict and force their allies in Europe to impose the very tough sanctions that are being talked about in the United States today,”

he noted.

“Or they could draw Ukraine into NATO, set up strike weapons systems there and encourage some people to resolve the issue of Donbass or Crimea by force, and still draw us into an armed conflict.”

Putin continued,

“Let us imagine that Ukraine is a NATO member and is stuffed with weapons and there are state-of-the-art missile systems just like in Poland and Romania. Who will stop it from unleashing operations in Crimea, let alone Donbass? Let us imagine that Ukraine is a NATO member and ventures such a combat operation. Do we have to fight with the NATO bloc? Has anyone thought anything about it? It seems not.”

But these words were dismissed by White House spokesperson Jen Psaki, who likened them to a fox

“screaming from the top of the hen house that he's scared of the chickens,”

…adding that any Russian expression of fear over Ukraine

 “should not be reported as a statement of fact.”

Psaki’s comments, however, are divorced from the reality of the situation.

The principal goal of the government of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky is what he terms the “de-occupation” of Crimea.

While this goal has, in the past, been couched in terms of diplomacy –

“[t]he synergy of our efforts must force Russia to negotiate the return of our peninsula,”

Zelensky told the Crimea Platform, a Ukrainian forum focused on regaining control over Crimea – the reality is his strategy for return is a purely military one, in which Russia has been identified as a “military adversary”, and the accomplishment of which can only be achieved through NATO membership.

How Zelensky plans on accomplishing this goal using military means has not been spelled out.

As an ostensibly defensive alliance, the odds are that NATO would not initiate any offensive military action to forcibly seize the Crimean Peninsula from Russia.

Indeed, the terms of Ukraine’s membership, if granted, would need to include some language regarding the limits of NATO’s Article 5 – which relates to collective defense – when addressing the Crimea situation, or else a state of war would de facto exist upon Ukrainian accession.

The most likely scenario would involve Ukraine being rapidly brought under the ‘umbrella’ of NATO protection, with ‘battlegroups’ like those deployed into eastern Europe being formed on Ukrainian soil as a ‘trip-wire’ force, and modern air defenses combined with forward-deployed NATO aircraft put in place to secure Ukrainian airspace.

Once this umbrella has been established, Ukraine would feel emboldened to begin a hybrid conflict against what it terms the Russian occupation of Crimea, employing unconventional warfare capability it has acquired since 2015 at the hands of the CIA to initiate an insurgency designed specifically to “kill Russians.”

The idea that Russia would sit idly by while a guerilla war in Crimea was being implemented from Ukraine is ludicrous; if confronted with such a scenario, Russia would more than likely use its own unconventional capabilities in retaliation.

Ukraine, of course, would cry foul, and NATO would be confronted with its mandatory obligation for collective defense under Article 5.

In short, NATO would be at war with Russia.

This is not idle speculation.

When explaining his recent decision to deploy some 3,000 US troops to Europe in response to the ongoing Ukrainian crisis, US President Joe Biden declared,

“As long as he’s [Putin] acting aggressively, we are going to make sure we reassure our NATO allies in Eastern Europe that we’re there and Article 5 is a sacred obligation.”

Biden’s comments echo those made during his initial visit to NATO Headquarters, on June 15 last year.

At that time, Biden sat down with NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg and emphasized America’s commitment to Article 5 of the NATO charter.

“Article 5 we take as a sacred obligation,”

Biden said.

“I want NATO to know America is there.”

Biden’s view of NATO and Ukraine is drawn from his experience as vice president under Barack Obama.

In 2015, then-Deputy Secretary of Defense Bob Work told reporters,

As President Obama has said, Ukraine should … be able to choose its own future. And we reject any talk of a sphere of influence. 

And speaking in Estonia this past September, the president made it clear that our commitment to our NATO allies in the face of Russian aggression is unwavering. 

As he said it, in this alliance there are no old members and there are no new members. 

There are no junior partners and there are no senior partners. 

There are just allies, pure and simple. And we will defend the territorial integrity of every single ally.”

Just what would this defense entail?

As someone who once trained to fight the Soviet Army, I can attest that a war with Russia would be unlike anything the US military has experienced – ever.

The US military is neither organized, trained, nor equipped to fight its Russian counterparts.

Nor does it possess doctrine capable of supporting large-scale combined arms conflict.

If the US was to be drawn into a conventional ground war with Russia, it would find itself facing defeat on a scale unprecedented in American military history. In short, it would be a rout.

Don’t take my word for it.

In 2016, then-Lieutenant General H.R. McMaster, when speaking about the results of a study – the Russia New Generation Warfare – he had initiated in 2015 to examine lessons learned from the fighting in eastern Ukraine, told an audience at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington that the Russians have superior artillery firepower, better combat vehicles, and have learned sophisticated use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) for tactical effect.

“Should US forces find themselves in a land war with Russia,”

McMaster said,

“they would be in for a rude, cold awakening.”

In short, they would get their asses kicked.

America’s 20-year Middle Eastern misadventure in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria produced a military that was no longer capable of defeating a peer-level opponent on the battlefield.

This reality was highlighted in a study conducted by the US Army’s 173rd Airborne Brigade, the central American component of NATO’s Rapid Deployment Force, in 2017.

The study found that US military forces in Europe were underequipped, undermanned, and inadequately organized to confront military aggression from Russia.

The lack of viable air defense and electronic warfare capability, when combined with an over-reliance on satellite communications and GPS navigation systems, would result in the piecemeal destruction of the US Army in rapid order should they face off against a Russian military that was organized, trained, and equipped to specifically defeat a US/NATO threat.

The issue isn’t just qualitative, but also quantitative – even if the US military could stand toe-to-toe with a Russian adversary (which it can’t), it simply lacks the size to survive in any sustained battle or campaign.

The low-intensity conflict that the US military waged in Iraq and Afghanistan has created an organizational ethos built around the idea that every American life is precious, and that all efforts will be made to evacuate the wounded so that they can receive life-saving medical attention in as short a timeframe as possible.

This concept may have been viable where the US was in control of the environment in which fights were conducted.

It is, however, pure science fiction in large-scale combined arms warfare.

There won’t be medical evacuation helicopters flying to the rescue – even if they launched, they would be shot down.

There won’t be field ambulances – even if they arrived on the scene, they would be destroyed in short order.

There won’t be field hospitals – even if they were established, they would be captured by Russian mobile forces.

What there will be is death and destruction, and lots of it.

Massive destruction of all American and NATO ground forces

One of the events which triggered McMaster’s study of Russian warfare was the destruction of a Ukrainian combined arms brigade by Russian artillery in early 2015.

This, of course, would be the fate of any similar US combat formation.

The superiority Russia enjoys in artillery fires is overwhelming, both in terms of the numbers of artillery systems fielded and the lethality of the munitions employed.

While the US Air Force may be able to mount a fight in the airspace above any battlefield, there will be nothing like the total air supremacy enjoyed by the American military in its operations in Iraq and Afghanistan.

The airspace will be contested by a very capable Russian air force, and Russian ground troops will be operating under an air defense umbrella the likes of which neither the US nor NATO has ever faced.

There will be no close air support cavalry coming to the rescue of beleaguered American troops.

The forces on the ground will be on their own.

This feeling of isolation will be furthered by the reality that, because of Russia’s overwhelming superiority in electronic warfare capability, the US forces on the ground will be deaf, dumb, and blind to what is happening around them, unable to communicate, receive intelligence, and even operate as radios, electronic systems, and weapons cease to function.

Any war with Russia would find American forces slaughtered in large numbers.

Back in the 1980s, we routinely trained to accept losses of 30-40 percent and continue the fight, because that was the reality of modern combat against a Soviet threat.

Back then, we were able to effectively match the Soviets in terms of force size, structure, and capability – in short, we could give as good, or better, than we got.

That wouldn’t be the case in any European war against Russia. The US will lose most of its forces before they are able to close with any Russian adversary, due to deep artillery fires.

Even when they close with the enemy, the advantage the US enjoyed against Iraqi and Taliban insurgents and ISIS terrorists is a thing of the past.

Our tactics are no longer up to par – when there is close combat, it will be extraordinarily violent, and the US will, more times than not, come out on the losing side.

But even if the US manages to win the odd tactical engagement against peer-level infantry, it simply has no counter to the overwhelming number of tanks and armored fighting vehicles Russia will bring to bear.

Even if the anti-tank weapons in the possession of US ground troops were effective against modern Russian tanks (and experience suggests they are probably not), American troops will simply be overwhelmed by the mass of combat strength the Russians will confront them with.

In the 1980s, I had the opportunity to participate in a Soviet-style attack carried out by specially trained US Army troops – the ‘OPFOR’ – at the National Training Center in Fort Irwin, California, where two Soviet-style Mechanized Infantry Regiments squared off against a US Army Mechanized Brigade.

The fight began at around two in the morning.

By 5:30am it was over, with the US Brigade destroyed, and the Soviets having seized their objectives.

There’s something about 170 armored vehicles bearing down on your position that makes defeat all but inevitable.

This is what a war with Russia would look like.

It would not be limited to Ukraine, but extend to battlefields in the Baltic states, Poland, Romania, and elsewhere.

It would involve Russian strikes against NATO airfields, depots, and ports throughout the depth of Europe.

This is what will happen if the US and NATO seek to attach the “sacred obligation” of Article 5 of the NATO Charter to Ukraine.

It is, in short, a suicide pact.

The anti-China speal is fully funded

Paid for by the United States government, and directed at the citizens of America, Australia, Japan and NATO. $7 billion dollars.

China warned you all…

China says US plans to pay athletes to ‘sabotage’ Winter Olympics

From HERE.

BEIJING—China’s foreign ministry and an official newspaper have accused the United States of planning to interfere with and “sabotage” the Beijing Winter Olympics by paying athletes from some countries to make half-hearted efforts in competition and to criticize China.

The allegations were made a week before the Games start amid tensions between the two superpowers that has included a diplomatic boycott of the event by the United States, which has been joined by several other countries.

Asked about the Chinese allegations, the U.S. Embassy in Beijing on Saturday reiterated a previous position that Washington was not coordinating a global campaign regarding participation at the Olympics.

Here’s how the Associated Press uses that money…

Olympic teams raise concerns over quarantine hotels

From HERE.
BEIJING (AP) — Not enough food. Inedible meals. No training equipment. Some Olympic athletes unlucky enough to test positive for the coronavirus at the Beijing Olympics feel their quarantine conditions are making a bad situation much worse.

“My stomach hurts, I’m very pale and I have huge black circles around my eyes. I want all this to end. I cry every day. I’m very tired,” Russian biathlon competitor Valeria Vasnetsova posted on Instagram from one of Beijing’s so-called quarantine hotels.

Her problem wasn’t with any symptoms of the virus. 

It was the food.

Vasnetsova posted a picture Thursday of what she said was “breakfast, lunch and dinner for five days already” — a tray with food including plain pasta, an orange sauce, charred meat on a bone, a few potatoes and no greens.

She said she mostly survived on a few pieces of pasta because it was “impossible” to eat the rest, “but today I ate all the fat they serve instead of meat because I was very hungry.” She added she lost a lot of weight and “my bones are already sticking out.”


Maybe you should judge for yourself. Because the American “news” is just a fucking steaming pile of bullshit. You make the judgement. You watch, and stop reading a purposely funded effort…

Video and narrative by a few American athletes at the Olympics

Video 33MB


So what is going on here? How can this “news report” be so differnt from the videos?

It’s easy. It’s called money and power.

Here’s another article. This one is from HERE.

HIDDEN HORRORS;  How China is using Winter Olympics to whitewash regime’s execution vans, concentration camps, black jails & torture

Wait! Can that be right?

Let’s have another look at the Olympics, and talk to some of the participants…

Video and Narrative 2

video 15MB

Let’s try again…

Video and Narrative 3

Video 38MB


Let’s talk about some of the under-reported aspects of this Beijing Winter Olympics. Heck, did I say “under-reported”? Nope, I meant Never-until-Hell-freezes-over will it ever be reported…

Russian entry into the Ice Hockey Arena

Amazing what can be done! Just amazing!

Video 3MB

Oh, and the kick off performance…

It is tied together with the Putin, Xi Peng plan for a new world order; a multi-polarity world. Watch it from that point of view.

Video 2MB

And the reactions to this performance is sometimes too emotional. Most Westerneer’s won’t understand why it is so meaningful to Asians.

It’s about inclusiveness, belonging and welcoming the little guys, the mistreated and the downtrodden into your fold as equals.

Video 4MB

One last video narrative…

Video 4MB

None of the Western “news” is reporting on the new Xi Peng and Putin agreement. But that is a key aspect of this Olympics at this time.

Just pretend that nothing is going on and act like nothing happened. It reminds me of a child trying to hide behind a curtain by hiding it’s eyes, while the entire body is fully exposed.

When I say that no one is reporting on it, I literally mean no one. What’s more they are not doing ANY REPORTING on the Winter Olympics at all.

Yahoo had one singular article on the Olympics. This is a screen shot of it…

Wow! Those cute girls with the lighted balloons were a “middle finger” to the world? Really?

Let’s look at the “article”…

The 2022 Olympics Opening Ceremony revealed this truth: China has a lot to hide

A day after the International Olympic Committee tried to claim these Games should be free of politics, the Chinese Communist Party staged an Opening Ceremony draped in dual-track political messaging for audiences both inside China and out that was as loud and clear as the fireworks that lit up the Beijing sky.

It was a sign of both Chinese strength in its ability to use the Olympics to spread its narrative and its hidden terror at the truth actually seeping out.

It ended with an affront to the sensibilities and a middle finger to much of the world, whose prominent governments — including the United States, India, Great Britain, Australia and Canada — refused to send diplomats to grant this absurdity any measure of legitimacy.

Then it gets bad

People are getting upset with this onslaught of focused hate…

Such as this gal.

Video 48MB

Now, let’s bounce to asking the question that many of us has pondered. Exactly WHY is Britian, Australia and Japan allowing themselves to pick a fight with China? What’s in it for them. Because as I see it, it’s a lose-lose senario.

There are no upsides.

Opinion | Who are the world’s good leaders?

It’s a topsy-turvy world out there. The world cries out for leaders who can steady the ship of state. Instead, we have a parade of fools like Boris Johnson, Scott Morrison and Justin Trudeau.

Boris is, undoubtedly, a gift to the entertainment world, but he doesn’t belong in government. Previously, he has parlayed his non-seriousness into his personal brand, from which he can wriggle out of any scandal. But this time, with “partygate”, the party is over. Like a kite dancing in the hurricane, he is crashing to earth. No one can trust a single word coming out of his mouth. With zero interest in the mundane business of government, he only comes to life at parties or in front of the camera.

Every time, when he opens his mouth, only hot air comes out. This time, not even his unruly, carefully curated, tousled hair can save him. Clueless about how to govern, and callous to the sufferings of others, he ordered the evacuation of pets over endangered people in the chaotic withdrawal from Kabul. Who knows what lurks in his dark heart? To him, life is just a game, to be played by his rules. He is the living embodiment of Etonian entitlement.

In foreign affairs, he is a one-trick pony, his sole role being a docile US stooge. He follows at his master’s heels into potential armed conflict where Britain has no business to be. He has forgotten the shame that has been visited upon Tony Blair in Iraq and looks likely to repeat that folly. Having decoupled from the EU, Britain’s most important partner, unfriended China, the world’s major rising power, and betrayed France, he now faces a country that demands its pound of flesh. What kind of drug-addled leader would send his country’s newest aircraft carrier out to the South China Sea, looking for trouble, in a region that has long ceased to be Britain’s sphere of influence, endlessly burning precious dollars his country can’t afford—all for the sake of reliving Britain’s imperial past?

Boris, you were born two centuries too late!

Without an ounce of common sense, or an iota of strategic sense, the best that can be said about Boris is that he is never dull. He is unprepared to govern, and unfit to lead. Woe betide any nation that picks Boris as helmsman. He has no clue where Britain is heading, only that he wants to go back to the past. But Winston Churchill he is not, with no idea about the future, no heart for the present and only an obsession with the past. I nominate Boris the geopolitical clown of the world, an expensive joke that Britain can ill-afford, good for boozy parties, but not for party politics.

Sitting one notch below Boris in the totem pole of fools is Canada’s Justin Trudeau. Despite his lineage, his CV is alarmingly thin. Trading on his name, this former bar-room bouncer has become top leader. For once Trump was right, calling the Canadian prime minister “weak and stupid”, allowing his country to be played like a pawn and dragged into a prolonged tug-of-war with China over Huawei’s CFO, whereas his father had studiously cultivated China as an ally. Under Justin, Canada has become the 51st state of the US, with none of the rights, and all of the complications of union. Under his father, neutral Canada refused to live in the pocket of the US, and had a moderating influence on its neighbor’s China policies. With his son’s total tilt towards the US, not a scintilla of that influence remains. It’s gone with the Trumpian hurricane. Foolishly, Trudeau signed up for 5-Eyes to contain China, sending Canadian naval vessels to the most combustible region in the world, the South China Sea. The US has an agenda on containing China which Canada ostensibly doesn’t share. No good can come out of this. If you go looking for trouble, you will find it, sooner or later. All it takes is an accidental cannon and you will find Canadian ships at the bottom of the ocean. And for what?

Trudeau’s one weapon is his good looks. But looks don’t amount to a hill of beans in building relationships. Yes, his looks can charm the pants off the wives of foreign leaders, cuckolding buffoons like Trump. Maybe that’s why Trump has a visceral dislike of Trudeau. But the world needs global leaders with brains, not political ‘gigolos’ with brawn.

Where Boris is funny, Trudeau is weak. Despite being a former bouncer, Justin is seen by Trump as a soft bullying target. Both Boris and Justin share a disinterest in the future, devoid of vision, of strategic awareness, of long-term planning. Both gravitate to photo ops. For this duo, style trumps substance. They are exemplary shallow leaders.

What about the leader Down Under? Oh well, this one takes the cake for suicidal stupidity. One word sums up Scott Morrison: pig-headedness. Previously, Australia enjoyed a comfortable relationship with China, its largest trading partner, a relationship that had been enormously beneficial to both. But, without provocation, Morrison decides to buy into US accusations of China’s abuse of human rights in Hong Kong and Xinjiang. As a Hong Konger, I can tell him he is dead wrong about my city. Hong Kong is a misgoverned place, yes. But that is because Beijing has given local leaders too long a leash for 23 years, letting US-funded activists run amok: It was a total abuse of freedom, not lack of freedom. For nine months, chaos and violence raged. They are Hong Kong’s Trump-like rioters.

As for Xinjiang, it is imported terror. The US response to 911 attacks was to invade Iraq on false pretenses, killing over a million innocent civilians. Where was Australia’s moral outrage then? China did not invade any country, only rounded up perpetrators for reeducation and job-training, then released them back into the community.

Morrison swallowed CIA propaganda whole.

Then he doubled down and demanded a US-inspired push to investigate China as the source of the coronavirus. By upping the ante, Morrison has derailed Sino-Australian relations, to the detriment of both.

Worse, he is committing billions to building nuclear submarines to counter China’s military rise. Didn’t he know that China must arm itself to fend off aggressive US containment?

What has China done to earn Australian enmity?

The militarization of the South China Sea islands is a matter of life-and-death struggle against US encirclement.

In the history of the world, have you ever heard of one country, trying non-stop for 70 years to encircle another country?

Should China fold its arms and wait for strangulation?

What would Morrison do if Australia were in China’s shoes? Australia would be entitled to the right of self-defense. With trade dollars dwindling, with billions siphoned off into building unneeded nuclear submarines for a non-existent conflict, where is mad Morrison taking Australia?

China and Australia have never been at war. If war breaks out between them, Morrison can take full radioactive credit.

The Taiwan affair had long been a sleepy affair, until America nudges Taiwan separatists into poking the dragon’s eye. As a Pacific country, Australia should do its part to cool the tempers, not fan the flames. So far, what has Australia gained from being a US pawn? Increasingly, Morrison looks like Australia’s Iraq-tainted Tony Blair. Instead of reaping the benefits of the Pacific Century, Australia is swaggering its way into a major needless conflict. I cannot think of an act of geopolitical stupidity more stupendous and suicidal than this.

Western reporters have baselessly and reflexively called President Xi of China “authoritarian”, misjudging him on how he handled the Hong Kong and Xinjiang unrest. They are too blind and biased to see that US judgments are nothing more than anti-China propaganda. Do you deny a sovereign nation’s right to quell imported riots?

Bye-bye Boris, so long Morrison, au revoir Trudeau. You have been proven unfit for office. As for Trump, this serial liar has been caught spouting over twenty thousand falsehoods during his four years in office, with over a thousand lawsuits under his belt. He may be out of office, but not out of the picture. With over 70 million Americans voting for a narcissistic madman, why are Australia, Britain and Canada still licking America’s boots?

By his competence in coping with Covid-19 alone, China’s leader, hands down, deserves an avalanche of accolades. No other leader has acted so decisively in “leveling up”, which Boris boasted but never delivered, smashing up monopolies and ending oppressive profit-making after-school tutoring, promoting “housing for living, not for speculating”, while lifting 800 million out of poverty and building the world’s biggest network of high-speed trains. If you go by achievements, there is only one clear winner in good government. If you call massive and unceremonious sacking of corrupt officials and keeping streets midnight-safe “authoritarian”, then give me “authoritarian” any day. With so many failed states littering the globe, only one leader thinks long-term and promotes “common prosperity”—and he lives and leads in China.

What it means to be British

Funny. Video 3MB

to be a brit-2022-02-06_15.41.40

Opinion | The world owes China an apology


The West has wronged China, grievously. I say this more in sorrow than in anger. The gulf of misunderstanding between the two seems unbridgeable.

The US and the UK are joined by Australia in an ostentatious diplomatic boycott of the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic games, citing its human rights abuses in Hong Kong and Xinjiang.

To me, as someone who has lived on the mainland, this accusation is the height of irony.

Today’s China is a morally-driven society, full of energy and yearning for economic equality. If you listen to a mainland official and a Hong Kong official speak, the contrast in style and substance is stark.

  • The former speaks of being at one with the people, of national reconstruction, of technological leaps, of selfless service to the people.
  • The latter is adrift in petty talk and lethargically unmotivated. They yak instead of act. If they underperform, their six-figure monthly salary is punctually paid into their bank account. A princely pension awaits.

On the mainland, they would have been turfed out.

The number of mainland officials who have been unceremoniously removed for misdeeds or failures is staggeringly comforting. The Hong Kong “accountability” system is a joke.

In mainland official circles, it is a do-or-die matter.

Chinese officials are paternalists, in that they see themselves as father figures who are entrusted with the welfare of the people.

Hong Kong officials are risk-averse, notorious for inaction, as action carries its own risk. Their first instinct is self-preservation. On the mainland a powerful risk-and-reward system kicks in, and that has made all the difference.

There is something else. Mainland leaders think long-term. They hatch plans that cover five, ten or even a span of a hundred years. Hong Kong officials, and for that matter, leaders in the West, think in terms of ad hoc programs or election cycles. That is why China, without debilitating foreign wars, has leapfrogged other nations.

The term “China speed” says it all.

Go to the mainland, and experience the world’s first truly cashless society. Even beggars have their own QR codes. With no one carrying cash, the streets are free of thieves and robbers.

It is 100% safe to go strolling in the park at midnight.

This is unthinkable in Detroit or LA.

It’s your funeral if you do.

There are no racist insults or attacks either. People’s obsession is their children’s education, not hating those who look different from them.

For a chronically poor country, this is about as close as the Chinese would get to living in an idyllic world. If you talk to Chinese citizens, they will tell you that they trust their government to do what is best.

How can they not?

Their government has wiped out poverty in nearly 130, 000 villages or for over 800 million people. If this sounds too good to be true, it is because this scale of poverty eradication has never been done in human history.

The Chinese don’t just talk the talk, but walk the talk.

And yet, there is not a ripple of approval in the West.

Super-success has made China ultra-rational and far less ideological. Ideology is only a veneer. China is governed like a corporation, sending goods to Africa, not troops. It builds its Belt and Road infrastructure for trade and to circumvent US encirclement.

If Confucius were alive today, he would be amazed to find his ideal realized after two and a half thousand years: The first nation that advocates universal prosperity and a common human destiny.

America’s fear of China is not ideological.

It demonizes China as a communist country to frighten its allies into an anti-China coalition, knowing that it is the only country capable of challenging American unilateralism.

Even if China were to officially rename itself a Confucian country, American paranoia will persist. Vietnam is communist, but posing no threat to American global domination, is welcome into a marriage of convenience.

The world must now decide which system is better for the global order.

China today is what America was during the Second World War—a do-good nation. Post-war,

America has abused its superpower status to start wars and topple regimes it doesn’t like. The adage that “power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely” applies equally to nations as to individuals.

America’s relentless encirclement of China has only produced one result: unite the Chinese people against a hostile West.

The greater the hostility, the greater its internal unity.

China doesn’t seek world domination, knowing it spells nothing but trouble. If there was a Nobel Prize for good government, China would win it hands down.

The world is littered with failed states.

Mexico, to name just one, lives in fear of its drug gangs, with the beautiful beaches of Acapulco patrolled by gun-toting soldiers. No wonder, two-thirds of British polled prefer socialism as a fairer system.

This doesn’t mean that the Chinese system is without weakness. China’s biggest strategic failure is its lack of soft power. It may wield enormous economic muscle, but it has a clunky and crude image. When it reacts angrily to American provocations, Westerners treat that anger as signs of aggression. China is losing the PR war big time.

Style is substance.

In overwhelming numbers, Chinese students flock overseas to study science and technology. Few opt for the arts and humanities. China may boast an army of well-trained interpreters. In a nation with tens of thousands of engineers and scientists, there is not a single eloquent cross-cultural interpreter on the world stage.

The world is facing a choice between tribalist unilateralism or humane universalism, between rationality or extremism, between might and morality.

Cultural insight into what China is all about.

Curious. interesting. Stunning, really stunning.

Video 60MB

Why is America the greatest nation in the world?

This is a great scene from an interview with Jeff Bridges, and I have to tell you that it is very spot-on. This is the full scene.

video 30MB

Listen to what he said.

America used to be great becuase we were brave and fearless. We were informed.

Today, most American live in fear with whatever the latest evil threat is.

And Americans are NOT informed.

Not in the least.

So stay informed. Do not live in fear, and shut that god-damn Western “news media” off. It controls your mind and sucks the precious life blood out of you.

Let’s be real about what nation we are talking about here…

America the land of Billionaires and a permanent underclass of serf-slaves. It’s a horrible mess, and it’s a full idiocracty with nuclear weapons. It is a very dangerous combination.

Video. 42MB

OK, enough of that.

Now for some pretty Chinese girls. Video 1

Tall thin, leggy with a big chest. Video 1 4MB




Here they are.

Not good enough; not serious; no grasp of reality. NATO says it’s not to blame for anything and Washington’s willing to talk but only about a few things.

We did not see our three key demands adequately considered: stopping NATO’s expansion, refusing to use strike weapons systems near Russian borders, and returning the bloc’s military infrastructure in Europe to how it was in 1997.”

But, and this is the foundation for the next step in Moscow’s diplomacy offensive, both answers pretend allegiance to common security principles.


The West is always gassing on about this. Moscow’s next move will demonstrate that what they really mean is that they make up rules, break them whenever they feel like it, and order the others to follow them.

(A recent example of the mutability of the “Rules-Based International Order” is that gay rights are very important in Russia but not at all in Washington’s new “major ally” of Qatar).

Moscow will invite every signatory of OSCE declarations (for example, Helsinki, Istanbul and Astana) to formally re-commit themselves.

If they do, then Moscow will say “act on it now or we will”; if they don’t, then Moscow will say “we won’t either”. Remember R2P? If I were running Moscow, that’s where I would make my move.


The big principle that Moscow is talking about is, quoting the 1999 Istanbul Summit, “(8) Each participating State has an equal right to security… They will not strengthen their security at the expense of the security of other States… (9)

The security of each participating State is inseparably linked to that of all others.”

Kennan saw it in 1998: “Of course there is going to be a bad reaction from Russia“.

Russia was weak then and NATO was strong; now it’s the other way round. NATO strengthened its security at the expense of Russia’s and now its security is weakened as a direct consequence of that very act. That’s the whole issue in a nutshell.


What we see today has been planned in Moscow (and coordinated with Beijing) over a long time. Did it start with NATO expansion in 1999? US quitting ABM in 2002? Putin’s 2007 Munich speech? The destruction of Libya in 2011?

I don’t know but this is no sudden whim; it has 30 years behind it.

The preparations are complete, Russia is ready for anything.


NATO UNITY is crumbling. Maybe Croatia and Hungary aren’t so important but there are signs that Germany and France are not happy.

Europe has to understand that Washington is not its friend: it will sanction Russia to the last Euro and cubic metre of gas. But all we can realistically expect from Europe today are baby steps.

It will take time for the unpleasant reality to sink in.


NATO’s a paper pussycat and so it is being shown to be.

Ritter explains that it hasn’t got the military muscle to influence anything. All it can do is destroy third world counties and lose anyway. I wrote this seven years ago and I see nothing to change; do you? Afghanistan? Iraq? Anywhere? Moscow has the military power and, despite the boasts, NATO forces would be just a speed bump.


Russia can’t land an expeditionary force in Mexico and conquer the USA, or conquer Europe, or win a naval war in the South Pacific, or conquer Ukraine; its power projection capability is limited. But it can beat anybody at home. And that’s all its armed forces are there to do.


It must now be plain to everyone in Ukraine that their BFFs will only fight to the last Ukrainian. Their biggest cheerleaders are pulling out their citizens and moving their troops back.

Does Zelensky understand that there is precisely one actor whose word he can trust? Russia has been about to “invade Ukraine” since October and it’s amusing to watch Kiev try to strike a balance between “help me!” and “don’t ruin me!”: “at the moment, as we speak, this number is insufficient for a full-scale offensive…“.

Washington is dialling it back too. Another glorious NATO victory soon to be declared! Of course, Moscow never intended to invade and be billed for the repair costs of that shattered polity.


Putin and Xi will be meeting on Friday. I expect a significant announcement. Beijing is perfectly aware that Moscow is fighting for it too.


The West in its more orotund moments likes to call itself “the international community”. It isn’t. Others watch and notice. Moscow is talking to them too.


I like to say that nothing they can invent about Putin surprises me. And then they do: he’s the reason aliens haven’t phoned.

China Elementary school

Celebrated for his ability to connect with the people through language -- Xi's often quoted maxims such as "do concrete work and take the lead," "a state thrives on practical work but wanes on empty talk" and "grab the iron bar hard enough to leave a mark" shed some light on how China can achieve so much in such a short period.

-China Today

All Chinese children have mandatory military training throughout their school years. It starts in Kindergarden, and continues weekly. Each grade they learn more skills, and are rated in their classes.

  • First grade. Marching, basic disipline, making beds, saluting, roll call.
  • Second Grade. Formations. Gun disassembly. Patrols. Self defense.
  • Third Grade. hand to hand combit. Target practice…
  • etc…

The following is either a Kindergarden or a first grade. You will note that they concentrate on basic military disipline and training.

Video 12MB


Another video. It’s a first-grade obsticle course. Video 9MB

More training.

Here the first grade students are taught how to rescue a teacher who is captured. Of course they are very young, and they are going though the basic skills but each year this training is built upon. By the time they are in middle school and go into the basic training they will be able to do all of this automatically without a second thought.

Video 14MB

Finally here’s a first grade roll call. Video 5MB

When did you learn disipline, respect and pushing yourself under obsticle courses? How do you think the West (led by the United States) can handle a one-on-one confrontation with talented, industrious, and lethal nation of 1.4 billion soldiers?

Maybe the United States should realize that teaching it’s citizenry to be afriad, fearful and to cower and hide is not the best policy.

Keep in mind

The American govenrment is constantly drumming up hatred against Chinese and Asians, and many of the (emotional and downtrodden) urban black populations are really getting riled up and really attacking the Chinese. Such as this video of a black woman hassling a Chinese-American woman waiting in a medical clinic.

It’s a good thing that the security guard is there and puts an end to the harassment.

Video 5.7MB

All this negative energy is going to boomerang back on the American people. Mark. My. Words.

Alexander Dugin: ‘Why a War Will be Good for Russia’

“Once the world changes, new horizons and opportunities will open themselves. The main thing is to get down to business”

Machine translated from Russian.

The Russia-NATO talks have taken the confrontation to a new level. Russia is firmly insisting on a formal refusal to accept the post-Soviet countries into NATO; the West persists in its position, offering in exchange something unnecessary and unimportant, or at least of secondary importance…

Moscow’s position in this case – and this is a new and important element – is not reactive and not passive, but offensive.

NATO has been actively pressuring us for 30 years, including during the whole of Putin’s 20-year period. But only now is Russia ripe to challenge this for real.

In big politics, only force decides everything. “For real” means “by force.

Moscow is taking a serious swing. And now it is impossible to take a step back, otherwise what for was it to take a swing at? We know from gangster movies and from the business of the 90s, and even from street fights, that to pull out a gun (knife, machine gun) and not shoot is almost suicide. Whoever goes for aggravation must realize that if he doesn’t, he will. We are exactly at this point now.

The unipolar world is finished. Contrary to the desperation of Biden and world elites to make one last attempt to save globalism and American hegemony – and this is the meaning of Biden’s campaign slogan (Bild BackBetter – “Rebuild Everything Again and Better”, i.e. “Back to the unipolar 90s”), or Klaus Schwab’s thesis at the Davos forum (Great Reset) – historical time is not reversible: Russia and China already represent two independent poles, solidarity on the major world problems. This means that multipolarity is established here and now.

In history, however, the change of the global world order, alas, is often carried out through wars. Without them, those who lose in no way agree to recognize voluntarily the obvious change. It is a kind of reality check…

Apparently, we still have to do what we should have done – and didn’t do – in 2014. Yes, the starting conditions are much worse, but better late than never. Nobody counts on “never” anymore. The Russia-NATO meeting showed that clearly. Both sides are ready to escalate, and to give in now means to lose irreversibly. The Kremlin clearly does not intend to do this. But the West simply cannot. That would not just be a loss of face, but an admission of defeat.

As usual, the Russians took a long time to get going, so now they must rush ahead.

Let us look into the world which is about to become a reality.

There will be no nuclear war. The stakes are too small for Washington to risk the total annihilation of humanity.

In principle, the outlined sanctions and the final demonization of Russia, the severing of its ties with Europe and the attempt to isolate it completely, exhausts the program of response. The West hopes, if not to prevent what is coming, then to manage in its favor its consequences. This will not be easy. But it is better to have the West as a full-fledged adversary than as a patron or ally (it will end – as it ended so many times in the history of Byzantium and Russia – in betrayal). The West’s claim to be the measure of universal values has failed. Even the West itself no longer believes in this. And other nations and civilizations do not have to share its historical pessimism and the onset of total perversion. Every nation has its own Logos. The Logos of the West has disintegrated into dust…

So, concretely: how will events unfold, if they do – rather than freeze into another nauseating pause?

Eastern Ukraine goes to Novorossia all the way. This is non-negotiable. It is a conscious part of the East Slavic world, always has been, contrary to the feral Russophobic propaganda. Novorossiya – the entire Left Bank + Odessa – has long been waiting for this to come true.

The new state should be immediately accepted into the Eastern Slavic Union, together with Russia and Belarus.

This project will require a new Idea.

Its main features are not difficult to see: Slavic Renaissance (tradition, identity, historical self-consciousness) + social justice that is — right-wing politics + left-wing economy, exactly what everyone is waiting for. We will lose the sixth column immediately after the first shot is fired, we won’t have to convince anyone — it will self-destruct from terror. Liberalism and Westernism will disappear, everything else – both left-wing and right-wing – will remain. This is where the task is to unite them in the name of the great goal. And so it will be.

The sanctions the West is threatening will finish the rest – you can’t think of a better tool to purge traitors and foreign agents. Only the patriots who have nowhere to go and nowhere to run will survive. And it will be their hour – our hour – delayed for seven sluggish years.

The question of Western Ukraine is open. We will hardly be welcomed there. But if we liberate the Ruthenians and transfer some of Kolomoisky’s structures to individual Kiev tycoons, (which are in the East, and therefore will be assimilated from the beginning of the campaign), something can be worked out. However, this will require not only military, but also ideological efforts. If something is taken away, something must be given. With the East of Ukraine everything is clear. With the West not everything, or rather nothing at all is clear.

Here lies the main problem – we can push the border much further to the west and bring our 20 million people back into their native Eastern Slavonic context. But American military bases are unacceptable for us, even on the right bank. However, once the world changes, new horizons and opportunities will open themselves. The main thing is to get down to business.

Although the main direction is west, it is important to differentiate our steps.

In parallel with the East Slavic Union, it is necessary to make the Eurasian Union a reality. The attempted uprising in Kazakhstan and the Taliban factor in Afghanistan reminded us that things are shaky in Central Asia too. We must act decisively there as well. Our friends and allies must quickly decide to what extent they are real friends. And to act accordingly, rather than to appoint Russophobes to ministerial posts. This will have to be paid for seriously.

We have a great ally – China, which has yet to go through something symmetrical with Taiwan and with the protection of territorial integrity – in Xinjiang, Tibet and in the border zones. Its support is key. The West is fighting a war on two fronts — with us, and with the Chinese. This is a unique opportunity – we are a military colossus, China is an economic colossus. Together we are comparable to the West and even outweigh it. And most importantly: they, in the West, are the past, we are the future.

It is important to involve other allies, especially Iran and Pakistan (we are about to have summits with these countries). In addition, it is necessary to secure at least the neutrality of Turkey and India, which is almost guaranteed.

And then we can start….

We are best at direct action. We get lost and confused in negotiations and time is running out. After the first decisive move is made, we will find ourselves in a new reality with new laws.

We’ll figure it out there.

Source: Telegram

Living in China vs Living in America – This is truly shocking…

On You-Tube, but well worth the watch. About ten minutes long. Precious.

Found HERE.

Now from Andrei at The Saker…

Unpacking the Russian-Chinese joint statement

From HERE.


First things first, this is a very long statement (5300 words).  It is also an extremely important one since it deals primarily with grand strategy issues (it discusses the “whats” not the “hows”).  To put it succinctly, this is a common vision of the future shared between Russia and China.  It is therefore also a common goal setting document.  Considering its scope and objective, this is most definitely a crucial historical document.

Next, it is really important to understand who the target audience of this statement is.  By definition, the target audience of such a document is the entire planet, but by its language I would argue that it is pretty clear that this is not a document addressed to anybody in the West (for one thing, it is too long for the average western reader and it is too long to be reprinted or read in full in the general press).  There is a saying which all Russians know: “the East is a delicate/refined matter” (it comes from a famous Soviet movie).  The style and contents of this joint statement shows that it is primarily aimed at the Russian and Chinese public, especially those in position of power: to a typical western reader the text itself looks long-winded and full of well-meaning platitudes.  The Russians and the Chinese understand each other much better, and not only can they read between the lines and they can evaluate what is said and what is only suggested.  The fact that some things are only alluded to does in no way make them less crucial.  Again, the audience here is most definitely not a western one.

Having said all that, I want to pick, roughly in order, some key parts of that speech and try to unpack what this joint statement really says.  This is a somewhat arbitrary selection, in reality, word letter and comma matter here, but for the sake of brevity, I won’t comment on the full text.  I do, however, recommend that you take the time and read it here:


Key excerpts from the RU-CH Joint Statement: (emphasis added)

Some actors representing but the minority on the international scale continue to advocate unilateral approaches to addressing international issues and resort to force; they interfere in the internal affairs of other states, infringing their legitimate rights and interests, and incite contradictions, differences, and confrontation, thus hampering the development and progress of mankind, against the opposition from the international community.

Translation into plain English: the USA and a few of its vassal states want to maintain a world hegemony and ignore international law.  This is a threat to the peace and security of our entire planet.  We oppose this.

There is no one-size-fits-all template to guide countries in establishing democracy. A nation can choose such forms and methods of implementing democracy that would best suit its particular state, based on its social and political system, its historical background, traditions, and unique cultural characteristics. It is only up to the people of the country to decide whether their State is a democratic one.

Translation into plain English: there is no one way to establish real people power, and outsiders are, by definition, disqualified from judging the degree of “democracy” of any nation.  Each nation has the right to decide how it wants to live, how it wants to formally structure its people power and only the people of that nation can decide whether their country’s organization faithfully expresses and upholds their national values.  Outsiders cannot think of themselves as “teachers of democracy”.

The sides reaffirm their focus on building the Greater Eurasian Partnership in parallel and in coordination with the Belt and Road construction to foster the development of regional associations as well as bilateral and multilateral integration processes for the benefit of the peoples on the Eurasian continent. The sides agreed to continue consistently intensifying practical cooperation for the sustainable development of the Arctic.

Translation into plain English: we, the locals, are (and have been) building a Eurasian community which will encompass the entire Eurasian landmass and its adjacent Arctic waters.  This Eurasian landmass will be sovereignly ruled by those nations who compose it.

The sides are gravely concerned about serious international security challenges and believe that the fates of all nations are interconnected. No State can or should ensure its own security separately from the security of the rest of the world and at the expense of the security of other States.

Translation into plain English: security is always and by definition collective.  There cannot be security for some at the expense of the security of others.  The AngloZionist Empire’s notion of unilateral security is basically putting a gun to the head of each nation on the planet with the very explicit threat to pull the trigger if that nation dares to resist this typical act of imperialist aggression.

The sides reaffirm their strong mutual support for the protection of their core interests, state sovereignty and territorial integrity, and oppose interference by external forces in their internal affairs.

Translation into plain English: we are, and will, be standing side by side and we will jointly defeat those forces who are trying to prevent us from achieving and maintaining true, full, sovereignty.

The Russian side reaffirms its support for the One-China principle, confirms that Taiwan is an inalienable part of China, and opposes any forms of independence of Taiwan.

Translation into plain English:Russia will support the Chinese efforts to reintegrate Taiwan.  Russia has got China’s back.

Russia and China stand against attempts by external forces to undermine security and stability in their common adjacent regions, intend to counter interference by outside forces in the internal affairs of sovereign countries under any pretext, oppose color revolutions, and will increase cooperation in the aforementioned areas.

Translation into plain English: China will support Russia in her efforts to prevent the USA/NATO/EU to turn the Ukraine into an anti-Russia or to overthrow governments friendly to Russia.  China has got Russia’s back.

The sides believe that certain States, military and political alliances, and coalitions seek to obtain, directly or indirectly, unilateral military advantages to the detriment of the security of others, including by employing unfair competition practices, intensify geopolitical rivalry, fuel antagonism and confrontation, and seriously undermine the international security order and global strategic stability. The sides oppose further enlargement of NATO and call on the North Atlantic Alliance to abandon its ideologized cold war approaches, to respect the sovereignty, security and interests of other countries, the diversity of their civilizational, cultural and historical backgrounds, and to exercise a fair and objective attitude towards the peaceful development of other States.

Translation into plain English: the West is trying to destabilize, subvert, control and destroy any country which is not willing to become a US vassal state.  NATO is an aggressive, violent and totalitarian superstructure whose aim is to prevent any country from achieving sovereignty.  It is just the latest iteration of Anglo imperialism.  It’s ideology is based on hate and projection of its own hateful worldview and ethos unto others.  It’s nature is imperialist and its motto divide et impera.  We will oppose that geostrategic malignant tumor together.

The sides are seriously concerned about the trilateral security partnership between Australia, the United States, and the United Kingdom (AUKUS), which provides for deeper cooperation between its members in areas involving strategic stability, in particular their decision to initiate cooperation in the field of nuclear-powered submarines. Russia and China believe that such actions are contrary to the objectives of security and sustainable development of the Asia-Pacific region, increase the danger of an arms race in the region, and pose serious risks of nuclear proliferation.

Translation into plain English: AUKUS is yet a further iteration of Anglo imperialism.  It is dangerous and we will oppose it together.

The sides call on the United States to respond positively to the Russian initiative and abandon its plans to deploy intermediate-range and shorter-range ground-based missiles in the Asia-Pacific region and Europe. The Chinese side is sympathetic to and supports the proposals put forward by the Russian Federation to create long-term legally binding security guarantees in Europe.

Translation into plain English: China fully backs the Russian ultimatum to the West.  The West’s rejection of the Russian demands also affects to Asia-Pacific region and, therefore, it affects and even threatens China’s national interests.  Russia and China have a common goal to resist the West’s imperialistic policies.

The sides note that the denunciation by the United States of a number of important international arms control agreements has an extremely negative impact on international and regional security and stability. The sides express concern over the advancement of U.S. plans to develop global missile defense and deploy its elements in various regions of the world, combined with capacity building of high-precision non-nuclear weapons for disarming strikes and other strategic objectives.

Translation into plain English: Russia will not allow the US to militarily encircle China and China will not allow the US to militarily encircle Russia.  Russia and China stand back to back and will protect each other, thereby foiling any Anglo plans to encircle either one, or both, of these nations.

The sides oppose attempts by some States to turn outer space into an arena of armed confrontation and reiterate their intention to make all necessary efforts to prevent the weaponization of space and an arms race in outer space. They will counteract activities aimed at achieving military superiority in space and using it for combat operations.

Translation into plain English: Russian and Chinese space programs will make a joint effort to defeat the Anglo attempts at militarizing space, both countries will help each other to develop future space capabilities and to create and deploy the means to prevent the US from threatening them from space.

The sides emphasize that domestic and foreign bioweapons activities by the United States and its allies raise serious concerns and questions for the international community regarding their compliance with the BWC. The sides share the view that such activities pose a serious threat to the national security of the Russian Federation and China and are detrimental to the security of the respective regions.

Translation into plain English:the USA clearly has an active biowarfare program.  Russia and China feel threatened by this and they will act together to stop the USA from developing illegal and dangerous bioweapons.

The Russian side notes the significance of the concept of constructing a ”community of common destiny for mankind“ proposed by the Chinese side to ensure greater solidarity of the international community and consolidation of efforts in responding to common challenges. The Chinese side notes the significance of the efforts taken by the Russian side to establish a just multipolar system of international relations.

Translation into plain English: Russia and China agree that the new, post Western, world order they want to achieve will be based on the brotherhood and solidarity of all those countries who, rather than exploiting the entire planet for the benefit of a few, want to see an international systems based on shared values rather than on greed and the oppression of the weak by the strong.  In that system, relations between countries will be based on international law and the United Nations as its cornerstone and not by some ad hoc “alliances of the willing” or any other such illegal nonsense.

They reaffirm that the new inter-State relations between Russia and China are superior to political and military alliances of the Cold War era. Friendship between the two States has no limits, there are no ”forbidden“ areas of cooperation, strengthening of bilateral strategic cooperation is neither aimed against third countries nor affected by the changing international environment and circumstantial changes in third countries.

Translation into plain English:relations between Russia and China are superior to political and military alliances of the Cold War era” is pretty darn clear:  Russia and China are more than allies or “just” symbionts, the alliance they have formed is not a western-style peace of paper which can be revoked or ignored.  

Russia and China have decided to establish a true “friendship which knows no limits“, that is a brotherhood that is much bigger in scope and much deeper in nature than any formal alliance.  

The two countries see a common future and will stand by each other as two loving brothers.  

Note: the choice of words “friendship with no limits” has been carefully crafted to not make sense to a western audience which will see it only as “pious and vague platitudes with no binding obligations” but which will be very clear to those who come from the Russian and Chinese civilizational realms.  

Simply put: nobody in the West truly believes in “friendship” between states, only situational allies and personal interests.  

The concept of friendship has a very different meaning in China and Russia.  Furthermore, “no limits” is also nonsensical in western geopolitics.  

Again, to a Russian or Chinese audience the paragraph above means and expresses much MORE than any “alliance”, “treaty” or “agreement”.  Western political leaders simply cannot fathom or imagine what Russia and China are saying here – their minds simply cannot comprehend what is being said here.

Russia and China aim to comprehensively strengthen the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) and further enhance its role in shaping a polycentric world order based on the universally recognized principles of international law, multilateralism, equal, joint, indivisible, comprehensive and sustainable security. They consider it important to consistently implement the agreements on improved mechanisms to counter challenges and threats to the security of SCO member states and, in the context of addressing this task, advocate expanded functionality of the SCO Regional Anti-Terrorist Structure.

Translation into plain English: China and Russia will develop their full-spectrum security cooperation.  Just as the CSTO recently, the SCO will soon grow more powerful “teeth” and bare them if/when needed.  And don’t be fooled by the reference to “anti-terrorism” choice of worlds.  The recent CSTO operation in Kazakhstan was also an “anti-terrorist” one :-)


The release of this joint statement is the geostrategic equivalent of Putin’s famous speech in which he described the new Russian weapons systems: it will initially be dismissed by western politicians who will then slowly undergo the five Kübler-Ross stages of grief (denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance).  This “limitless friendship” working towards a “community of common destiny for mankind” is the absolute worst nightmare of western imperialism and it is only made worse by the fact that there is absolutely nothing which the West can do to foil, oppose or even slow the progress of Russia and China towards their common goal and future.

Far from “attacking” the West or from invading anybody,  Russia and China have been doing something for years already and now what that “something” is is quite clear (at least to those with the sobriety and intelligence to see it):  Russia and China are simply leaving the united West behind, letting it do its own thing (political, cultural, economic, military and even spiritual suicide) while they built an alternative.

You could say that Zone B does not want to destroy or bring down Zone A.  Zone B want to offer an alternative to Zone A and then let each nation decide for itself what zone it wants to live in.

There is one word which is missing from this statement.  That word is “Iran“.

It is not missing because China or Russia don’t care about Iran or don’t realize how important Iran will be for the future of the Middle-East and even our entire planet.  They know that very, very well.  The reason the word “Iran” is missing is simple: while Iran is most definitely a friend and ally of both Russia and China, Iran does not share a “limitless friendship” or brotherly symbiotic relationship with either country.  Neither is Iran a full member of the SCO, yet (but will be soon). Talk about true diversity!  These countries have completely different cultures, histories and political systems, yet they fully support each other.  That is the “there is no one-size-fits-all template” model already being built before our eyes!  I also believe that Iran’s bid to become a full member of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation was approved but in needs to be formalized (may be mistaken here)..  Yet both China and Russia understand that Iran is crucial, not only as a gateway for Russia and China into the Middle-East, but also as a crucial member of the supra-ideological system of alliances Russia and China want to create.  In fact, these countries have been helping each other for years already.  But there is more, look at this:

  • Russia is a democratic and “social” state, with a weird, and changing, mix of capitalism and traditional Russian collectivism.
  • China is a unique mix of capitalism and Communist state control
  • Iran is an Islamic Republic.

Talk about true diversity!  These countries have completely different cultures, histories and political systems, yet they fully support each other.  That is the “there is no one-size-fits-all template” model already being built before our eyes!  I also believe that Iran’s bid to become a full member of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization was approved but in needs to be formalized and fully implemented.

This model will attract and easily include those Latin American countries which will chose “21 century socialism” (primarily developed by Cuba, Venezuela and Bolivia) ideology.  It will also be far more attractive to many African countries than the “western imperialist boot” (examples include Mali, Burkina Faso, Congo and, potentially many others).

The map below shows the current situation.

The Russian-Chinese joint statement tells us all we need to know about how this map will change in the near future.



For all of you who think that the events and 6000 word statement is “underwhelming” take a note that…

Kremlin reveals number of approved agreements during Putin’s visit to China
There are 16 intergovernmental, interdepartmental and commercial documents

MOSCOW, February 4. /TASS/. A package of 16 intergovernmental, interdepartmental and commercial documents was approved as part of the visit of Russian President Vladimir Putin to China. The list of documents was posted on the Kremlin’s website on Friday.

The Joint Statement of the Russian Federation and the People’s Republic of China on the International Relations Entering a New Era and the Global Sustainable Development was adopted during the Sino-Russian summit talks.

In particular, the Russian state corporation Roscosmos and the Chinese Satellite Navigation System Commission signed a cooperation deal in the sphere of mutual complementarity of the GLONASS and Beidou global satellite navigation systems.

The Russian Ministry of Economic Development and China's Ministry of Commerce made a joint statement on the completion of developing a roadmap for mutual trade in goods and services and signed a memorandum of understanding for deepening investment cooperation in sustainable (green) development areas.

The customs authorities of Russia and China signed a protocol on mutual recognition of the status of an authorized economic operator. The parties approved 11 intergovernmental and interdepartmental documents in total.

Four commercial contracts were signed during the visit. Gazprom and CNPC inked a long-term contract for the delivery of 10 bln cubic meters of natural gas over the Far Eastern route. Rosneft and Huawei sealed a deal on cooperation. Rosneft and CNPC signed an agreement on the deliveries of 100 mln tonnes of oil via Kazakhstan over a decade and approved a memorandum of understanding to cooperate in the low-carbon development sphere.

Video 2

Girl in a nice bouncy sweater. Video 2 4MB

What about India?

Ah. The “QUAD” to contain China, and now Russia. How does India fit in? Here’s an editorial from HERE.

US plays QUAD card during Beijing Olympics

The appalling decision by the External Affairs Minister S. Jaishankar to huddle together with his QUAD colleagues bang in the middle of the Beijing Winter Olympics may have unpleasant consequences. 

China sees QUAD as a US-led clique working to “contain” it. 

An action-reaction syndrome has once again developed. Beijing’s apparent retaliation by picking the Galwan hero as the Olympic torchbearer was not the end of the story.

Delhi swiftly crossed over to the US-led group to boycott the Beijing Olympics. Some protestors in Delhi also set the Chinese national flag on fire.

Even a moron would know China regards the staging of the Winter Olympics as a cherished moment.

President Xi Jinping’s toast at the Welcoming Banquet of The Olympic Winter Games on Friday at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing exuded immense national pride when he said,

“China has just entered the Year of the Tiger according to the lunar calendar. Tiger is a symbol of strength, courage and fearlessness.”

That is precisely why the US, including President Biden himself, smear Beijing Olympics. Americans are bad losers. They feel impotent as China marches ahead inexorably while the US is declining irreversibly. Panic and hatred is setting in mixed with intense envy and helplessness. 

But what has India got to do with it? 

India did well not to join the US-led boycott of the Games initially. But it has since “tweaked” its principled stance when Washington mooted the idea to schedule a QUAD ministerial in Asia-Pacific on February 9.

Apparently, it occurred to no one in Delhi to ask Washington: “Why February 9? Why not after February 20?”

Plainly put, the upcoming QUAD ministerial on Wednesday is a contrived American sideshow to thumb the nose at Beijing bang in the middle of the Olympics.

This cheeky move by Washington is linked to Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s regional tour to Australia, Fiji, and Hawaii “for a series of bilateral, trilateral, and multilateral engagements to advance our priorities in the Indo-Pacific.”

Obviously, it was hatched much before the Galwan hero appeared in the news cycle.

The US state department gave the customary briefing in Washington on the QUAD ministerial venture on coming Wednesday

“in this era of intense competition, changing strategic landscapes… (for) strengthening the security environment in the region to push back against aggression and coercion… “

(By the way, the briefing was timed exactly for February 4, the opening of the Winter Olympics in Beijing.)

Interestingly, Assistant Secretary Daniel Kritenbrink who gave the briefing took umbrage at the China-Russia joint statement issued at Beijing earlier in the day following President Vladimir Putin’s visit.

Kritenbrink who is in charge of the Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs, in fact, came armed with a tirade against both China and Russia.

He said: 

“The (Xi-Putin) meeting should have provided China the opportunity to encourage Russia to pursue diplomacy and de-escalation in Ukraine.  

That is what the world expects from responsible powers.  

If Russia further invades Ukraine and China looks the other way, it suggests that China is willing to tolerate or tacitly support Russia’s efforts to coerce Ukraine even when they embarrass Beijing, harm European security, and risk global peace and economic stability.  

We have, unfortunately, seen this before.  

This marks the second time that Russia has escalated aggression towards a sovereign country during a Beijing Olympics.  

The last time was Russia’s invasion of Georgia during the opening ceremony of the 2008 Beijing Olympics.  

The United States has had almost 200 diplomatic engagements with allies and partners since Russia created this crisis.  

We are focused on working with allies and partners, including in the Indo-Pacific, to respond decisively if Russia further invades Ukraine.”

Now, this is the other thing about QUAD.

It is no longer about containing China alone; Washington’s Indo-Pacific strategy is poised to advance its ‘dual containment’ of China and Russia.

The Indian leaders travelling in the QUAD bandwagon ought to know that they are also being drawn unwittingly into the US’ dual containment of China and Russia.

Russia has been explicit in its criticism of the QUAD as a factor of instability and regional discord in the Asia-Pacific. The EAM cannot close his eyes and pretend he’s cherrypicking. The big-power rivalries are getting very serious, as anyone who reads newspapers can tell.

At any rate, the appalling thing is that India has now got into the US bandwagon, armed with a Galwan-hero alibi. And this is coming at a time when the tensions on the border have shown signs of easing and there’s hope of a better climate becoming available for further talks between India and China.

Isn’t this history repeating — US butting into India-China discourses in self-interest and India refusing to reject such attempts, which in turn triggering negative vibes that of course become grist to the mill of the clutch of operatives who all along wanted to fasten India in the American stable?

In these troubled times, how rationally and with maturity Germany is handling its difficult relationship with Russia offers some fresh ideas. Indeed, Germany has a far more painful and complex relationship with Russia than India can ever imagine with any of its neighbours. Yet, German Minister of Defense Christine Lambrecht has opposed any attempt to draw a link between between Nord Stream 2 and Germany’s differences with Moscow over Ukraine.

Equally, Berlin rejects calls for German arms deliveries to Ukraine and reportedly also blocked the export of German weapons by third countries like Estonia. As Marcel Dirsus, a German think tanker at the Institute for Security Policy at the University of Kiel, wrote this week, Germany has “moved beyond power politics, the national interest and militarism.”

It is borne out of a “historically-informed sense of security.” Dirsus writes:

“Whether true or false, the idea that dialogue is more effective than deterrence is deeply embedded in German political culture… Since the end of the Cold War, Germany has largely found itself in a position to trade freely with anyone and everyone without being constrained by rigorous considerations of politics or security.”

Indeed, what really brought down the Berlin Wall wasn’t missiles or tanks, but engagement — the strategy known as Ostpolitik. But then, German foreign policy is the way it is because that is the way Germans want it.

That is the cardinal difference between Germans and Indians. In our country, the public opinion roots for militarism with active encouragement from the establishment. Curiously, the Indian opposition too constantly taunts the government for not being aggressive enough toward China, a superpower manifold stronger than India.

It is not that the opposition politicians are illiterate, but they parrot what their constituents think — even if they themselves understand what’s at stake. To be sure, the EAM’s a priori assumption too is well-founded — that his decision to attend the QUAD ministerial is bound to go down well in the Indian bazaar, although he must be intelligent enough to know that it may weaken the nascent process at the border talks. Sadly, India comes out a loser in all this.

Movie “The Battle at Lake Changjin”

If anyone wants more fireworks, the Chinese-made Korean war epic “The Battle at Lake Changjin” is now up on Youtube. It’s got English subtitles and it’s free.

It’s very good, for a war movie, and it was pleasing to see the American army soundly defeated for a change.

Also it’s a good look at the Peoples’ Volunteer Army in comparison to the American Marines.

In one scene, the Americans are feasting on turkey dinners in tents while the volunteers are sharing cold potatoes in the snow. One take-away I had from the movie is that it’s a sign the empire is in decline.

Here’s a short scene (historically accurate) depicting how the Chinese fight. With overwhelming manpower and an intense devotion to sacrifice.

Video 90MB


Here’s a short scene (historically accurate) from the movie. It depicts the moment when the Chinese took over the American HQ…

video 54MB


Article by Vladimir Putin ”Russia and China: A Future-Oriented Strategic Partnership“ for the Chinese News Agency Xinhua

On the eve of my upcoming visit to China, I am pleased to address directly the large Chinese and foreign audience of Xinhua, the world’s largest news agency.

Our countries are close neighbours bound by centuries-old traditions of friendship and trust. We highly appreciate that Russian-Chinese relations of comprehensive partnership and strategic cooperation, entering a new era, have reached an unprecedented level and have become a model of efficiency, responsibility, and aspiration for the future. The basic principles and guidelines for joint work were defined by our countries in the Treaty of Good Neighborliness and Friendly Cooperation, the twentieth anniversary of which we celebrated last year. These are, first and foremost, equality, consideration of one another’s interests, freedom from political and ideological circumstances, as well as from the vestiges of the past. These are the principles we are consistently building on year after year in the spirit of continuity to deepen our political dialogue. Despite the difficulties caused by the coronavirus pandemic, we are striving to dynamically build the capacity of economic partnerships and expand humanitarian exchanges.

During the upcoming visit, the President of the People’s Republic of China Xi Jinping and I will thoroughly discuss key issues on the bilateral, regional, and global agendas. It is symbolic that our meeting will take place during the Spring Festival – the Chinese Lunar New Year. After all, as the Chinese saying goes, ”make your whole year’s plan in the spring“.

The development of business ties will certainly be given special attention. There is every opportunity for this as our countries have substantial financial, industrial, technological and human resources allowing us to successfully resolve long-term development issues. By working together, we can achieve stable economic growth and improve the well-being of our citizens, strengthen our competitiveness, and stand together against today’s risks and challenges.

At the end of 2021, the volume of mutual trade increased by more than a third, exceeding the record level of 140 billion U.S. dollars. We are well on the way towards our goal of increasing the volume of trade to 200 billion U.S. dollars a year. A number of important initiatives are being implemented in the investment, manufacturing, and agro-industrial sectors. In particular, the portfolio of the Intergovernmental Commission on Investment Cooperation includes 65 projects worth over 120 billion U.S. dollars. This is about collaboration in such industries as mining and mineral processing, infrastructure construction, and agriculture.

We are consistently expanding the practice of settlements in national currencies and creating mechanisms to offset the negative impact of unilateral sanctions. A major milestone in this work was the signing of the Agreement between the Government of Russia and the Government of the PRC on payments and settlements in 2019.

A mutually beneficial energy alliance is being formed between our countries. Along with long-term supplies of Russian hydrocarbons to China, we have plans to implement a number of large-scale joint projects. The construction of four new power units at Chinese nuclear power plants with the participation of Rosatom State Corporation launched last year is one of them. All this significantly strengthens the energy security of China and the Asia region as a whole.

We see an array of opportunities in the development of partnerships in information and communication technologies, medicine, space exploration, including the use of national navigation systems and the International Lunar Research Station project. A serious impetus to strengthening bilateral ties was given by the cross Years of Russian-Chinese Scientific, Technical and Innovative Cooperation in 2020–2021.

We are grateful to our Chinese colleagues for their assistance in launching the production of Russian Sputnik V and Sputnik Light vaccines in China and for the timely supply of necessary protective equipment to our country. We hope that this cooperation will develop and strengthen.

One of Russia’s strategic objectives is to accelerate the social and economic upliftment of Siberia and the Russian Far East. These territories are immediate neighbors of the PRC. We also intend to actively develop interregional ties. Thus, the modernization of the Baikal-Amur Mainline and the Trans-Siberian Railway has been started. By 2024, their capacity must increase one and a half times through higher volumes of transit cargo and reduced transport time. The port infrastructure in the Russian Far East is also growing. All this should further enhance the complementarity of the Russian and Chinese economies.

And, of course, the conservation of nature and shared ecosystems remains an important area of bilateral cross-border and interregional cooperation. These issues have always been the focus of our countries’ public attention, and we will certainly discuss them in detail during the negotiations, as well as a wide range of humanitarian topics.

Russia and China are countries with thousands of years of unique traditions and tremendous cultural heritage, the interest in which is persistently high both in our countries and abroad. It is true that in the last two years the number of tourists, joint mass events, and direct contacts between our citizens has reduced due to the pandemic. However, I have no doubt that we will catch up and, as soon as the situation allows, will launch new outreach and educational programs to introduce our citizens to the history and present-day life of the two countries. Thus, President Xi Jinping and I have agreed to hold the Years of Russian-Chinese cooperation in physical fitness and sports in 2022 and 2023.

Certainly, an important part of the visit will be a discussion of relevant international topics. The coordination of the foreign policy of Russia and China is based on close and coinciding approaches to solving global and regional issues. Our countries play an important stabilizing role in today’s challenging international environment, promoting the democratization of the system of interstate relations to make it more equitable and inclusive. We are working together to strengthen the central coordinating role of the United Nations in global affairs and to prevent the international legal system, with the UN Charter at its centre, from being eroded.

Russia and China are actively cooperating on the broadest agenda within BRICS, RIC, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, as well as other associations. Within the G20, we are committed to taking national specifics into account when formulating our recommendations, be it the fight against pandemics or the implementation of the climate agenda. Thanks to a large extent to our countries’ shared solidarity, following the 2021 G20 Summit in Rome informed decisions were made on international cooperation to restore economic growth, recognize vaccines and vaccine certificates, optimize energy transitions, and reduce digitalization risks.

We also have convergent positions on international trade issues. We advocate maintaining an open, transparent and non-discriminatory multilateral trading system based on the rules of the World Trade Organization. We support relaunching of global supply chains. Back in March 2020, Russia proposed an initiative on ”green trade corridors“ that excludes any sanctions, political and administrative barriers. Its implementation is a useful aid to overcoming the economic consequences of the pandemic.

The XXIV Olympic Winter Games starting in Beijing are a major event of global significance. Russia and China are leading sporting nations renowned for their sporting traditions and not once have hosted the largest international competitions with dignity. I fondly remember my visit to Beijing in August 2008 to attend the 2008 Summer Olympics opening ceremony. Guests and athletes from Russia will remember the vivid performance for a long time, and the Games themselves were organized with the scale and exceptional hospitality inherent to our Chinese friends. For our part, we were delighted to host President Xi Jinping at the opening of the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi.

Sadly, attempts by a number of countries to politicize sports to the benefit of their ambitions have recently intensified. This is fundamentally wrong and contrary to the very spirit and principles of the Olympic Charter. The power and greatness of sports are that it brings people together, gives moments of triumph and pride for the country and delights with fair, just and uncompromising competition. And these approaches are shared by most of the states participating in the international Olympic Movement.

Our Chinese friends have done tremendous work to prepare well for the Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games. I am convinced that China’s extensive experience in the excellent organization of representative international competitions will make it possible to hold this festival of world sports at the highest level. I would like to wish the Russian and Chinese teams impressive results and new records!

I send my warmest congratulations to the friendly people of China on the occasion of the Spring Festival, which marks the beginning of the Year of the Tiger. I wish you good health, prosperity, and success.

Video 3

She’s one of my favorites. Short, cute, big happy smile. She makes me feel good about life. video 9MB

Here’s another of her…

I’ve got to tell you, I really do like her presentation, and this is what China is like. It’s really nice, peopled with very nice people.

video 7MB

Unprecedented China-Russia ties to start a new era of intl relations not defined by US

Joint statement highlights close coordination, rejects US hegemony

Following the highly anticipated meeting between Chinese President Xi Jinping and Russian President Vladimir Putin on Friday, China and Russia issued a lengthy joint statement that elaborated on shared views and consensuses on major global and regional issues and delivered a scathing rejection of the US-led West’s hegemony that increasingly threatens global security and stability, a move that experts say ushers in a new era of international relations.

During the meeting ahead of the opening ceremony of the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic Games, Xi stressed the further deepening of “back-to-back” strategic coordination between the two countries in upholding international fairness and justice and adhering to the four consensuses in supporting each other’s sovereignty, security and development interests to better tackle external interference and regional threats.

The two countries’ broad consensuses on almost all core issues related to global strategic stability, expressed during the meeting of the two leaders and stated in the nearly 6,000-word joint statement, are extremely rare and will further boost close strategic coordination that helps ensure global stability and peace, Chinese experts said.

The joint statement, which focuses on international relations in a new era and global sustainable development, extensively expounded on common positions on democracy, development, security and order.

The joint statement mentioned US at least five times and contained the two countries’ common stance on a number of key regional and global issues, including…

  • firm oppositions or serious concerns over the expansion of NATO eastward,
  • the West-led ideological clique in the name of democracy,
  • the US’ Indo-Pacific strategy that threatens regional stability,
  • the trilateral security partnership among Australia,
  • the US, and the UK (AUKUS),
  • and US domestic and overseas bioweapons activities.In a clear rejection of the US-led West’s hegemony in international relations, the joint statement said that a small number of forces continue stubbornly to promote unilateralism, adopt power politics and interfere in the internal affairs of other countries, stressing that such acts will not be accepted by the international community.
    "It's the first time that China and Russia released such a long statement after the meeting between the two heads of state, which includes all the major issues and strategic questions and shows that China-Russia ties have reached an unprecedented level,"  
    -Lü Xiang, a research fellow at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, told the Global Times on Friday.

    The world order has entered a new era, the Chinese expert said, noting that in the face of US hegemony – a product left behind by the Cold War mentality – China and Russia are the only two countries that have the capability to safeguard their core interests and sovereignty.

    "The solidarity between China and Russia gives a new definition to the world order, as they share the common knowledge about where the major threats to the global stability come from,"

He said.

In the joint statement,

  • China and Russia oppose the further expansion of NATO and called on the North Atlantic Alliance to abandon its ideologized Cold War approaches,
  • to respect the sovereignty, security and interests of other countries, the diversity of their civilizational, cultural and historical backgrounds,
  • and to exercise a fair and objective attitude towards the peaceful development of other states.They also stand against the formation of closed bloc structures and opposing camps in the Asia-Pacific region and remain highly vigilant about the negative impact of the US’ Indo-Pacific strategy on peace and stability in the region.

China and Russia are also seriously concerned about AUKUS, which allows cooperation on nuclear-powered submarines.

"The US is now touting its Cold War mentality and so-called China threat theory in the Asia-Pacific region, as well as the so-called Russia threat theory in Europe, which prompted China and Russia to stand up against such zero-sum mentality," 

-Zhang Hong, an Eastern European studies expert from the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, told the Global Times on Friday.

Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, unrest across Western countries such as the US Capitol protest last year shows how the illusion that “Western democracy is the destination of human beings” has collapsed, Zhang noted, adding that emerging countries are showing great vitality and increasingly contributing in international trade and economy, which have also been underscored in the shared views between China and Russia.

The two countries share an understanding that democracy is a universal human value, rather than the privilege of a limited number of countries, the joint statement said. And it is up to the people of a country to decide whether their country is democratic.

Developing countries such as China and Russia gradually found a development model suitable to their own national conditions after the Cold War, while abandoning the West-led Washington Consensus because they saw its inherent defects, which prompted China and Russia to be more vocal on a pluralistic global order, Zhang said.

China and Russia have been reiterating that there is no limit to bilateral strategic cooperation, a new form of partnership between major powers that has clearly made the US anxious. And a crucial factor behind such a limitless development in bilateral ties is the high degree of mutual understanding between the two powerful leaders on global governance.

Putin is the first foreign head of state to confirm his attendance at the 2022 Games last year, and the trip to Beijing was also his first overseas trip in 2022.

Putin said during the meeting on Friday that official visits during the opening of the Olympics have become a tradition, mentioning his visit to Beijing in the summer of 2008 for the Summer Olympics, Xi’s visit to Russia in 2014 for the Sochi Winter Olympics and the meeting in Beijing before the Winter Olympics.

Xi said that this rendezvous at the Winter Olympics, which also coincides with spring, will inject much momentum to China-Russia relations, saying that he is willing to work with President Putin to plan a blueprint for and guide the direction of China-Russia ties under new historical conditions.

How NATO visualizes war

It’s funny and pathetic and a comedy, but no. Real war is a terrible, terrible thing. It’s NOTHING to laugh about.

Never the less, this clip is actually funny.

video 13MB

A Chinese girl on the street

This gal has nice bouncing boobies. I like them, though I personally believe that she has seventh-generation “ergomax” breast implants to make those boobs jiggle like they do. It’s a nice effect, though terribly distracting.

video 2MB

The Year of the Tiger Starts With a Sino-Russian Bang

From HERE.

The Year of the Black Water Tiger will start, for all practical purposes, with a Beijing bang this Friday, as Presidents Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin, after a live meeting before the initial ceremony of the Winter Olympics, will issue a joint statement on international relations.

That will represent a crucial move in the Eurasia vs. NATOstan chessboard, as the Anglo-American axis is increasingly bogged down in Desperation Row: after all, “Russian aggression” stubbornly refuses to materialize.

After an interminable wait arguably due to the lack of functionaries properly equipped to write an intelligible letter, the US/NATO combo finally concocted a predictable, jargon-drenched bureaucratese non-response “response” to the Russian demands of security guarantees.

The contents were leaked to a Spanish newspaper, a full member of NATOstan media. The leaker, according to Brussels sources, may be in Kiev by now. The Pentagon, in damage control mode, rushed to assert, “We didn’t do it”. The State Dept. said, “it’s authentic.”

Even before the leak of the non-response “response”, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov was forced to send messages to all NATO foreign ministers, including US Secretary Blinken, asking how they understand the principle of indivisibility of security – if they actually do.

Lavrov was extremely specific: “I am referring to our demands that everyone faithfully implement the agreements on the indivisibility of security that were reached within the OSCE in 1999 in Istanbul and in 2010 in Astana. These agreements provide not only for the freedom to choose alliances, but also make this freedom conditional on the need to avoid any steps that will strengthen the security of any state at the expense of infringing on the security of others.”

Lavrov hit the heart of the matter when he stressed, “our Western colleagues are not simply trying to ignore this key principle of international law agreed in the Euro-Atlantic space, but to completely forget it.”

Lavrov also made it very clear “we will not allow this topic to be ‘wrapped up’. We will insist on a honest conversation and an explanation of why the West does not want to fulfill its obligations at all or exclusively, selectively, and in its favor.”

Crucially, China fully supports Russian demands for security guarantees in Europe, and fully agrees that the security of one state cannot be ensured by inflicting damage on another state.

This is as serious as it gets: the US/NATO combo are bent on smashing two crucial treaties that directly concern European security, and they think they can get away with it because there is less than zero discussion about the content and its implications across NATOstan media.

Western public opinion remains absolutely clueless. The only narrative, hammered 24/7, is “Russian aggression” – by the way duly emphasized in NATO’s non-response “response”.

Wanna check our military-technical gear?

For the umpteenth time Moscow made it very clear it’s not going to make any concessions on the security demands just because the Empire of Chaos keeps threatening – what else – extra harsh sanctions, the sole imperial “policy” short of outright bombing.

The new sanctions package, anyway, is ready to go for quite a while now, arguably capable of cutting Moscow off from the Western financial system and/or casino, and targeting, among others, Sberbank, VTB, Gazprombank and Alfa-Bank.

And that brings us to what’s Moscow going to do next – considering the predictable “extremely negative attitude” (Lavrov) from NATOstan. Deputy Foreign Minister Alexander Grushko had already hinted NATO knows perfectly well what’s coming, even before the non-response “response”:

“NATO knows perfectly well what kind of military-technical measures may follow from Russia. We make no secret of our possibilities and are acting very transparently.”

Still the American “partners” are not listening. The Russians remain unfazed. Grushko framed it in realpolitik terms: concrete measures will depend on the “military potentials” that could be used against Russia. That’s code for what sort of nuclear weapons will be deployed in Eastern Europe, and what sort of lethal equipment will keep being unloaded in Ukraine.

In fact Ukraine – or country 404, per Andrei Martyanov’s indelible definition – is just a lowly pawn in their (imperial) game. Adding to Kiev’s misery on all fronts, the head of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine, Alexei Danilov, all but gave away the (regional) game.

In an interview to AP, Danilov said that “the Minsk Agreements can create chaos”; he admitted that Kiev totally lost the war in 2014/15 and then signed the Minsk Agreements “under threat of Russian arms” (false: Kiev was soundly defeated by the Donbass militias); but most of all he admitted Kiev never had any intention of fulfilling the Minsk Agreements.

So Kiev, essentially, is breaking international law: the Minsk Agreements are guaranteed by the UN Security Council resolution 2022 (2015), adopted unanimously. Even the US, UK and France voted “Yes”. So breaking the law is not hard to do, as long as you’re enabled by “big powers”.

And on that invisible “Russian aggression”, well, even Danilov can’t see “the readiness of Russian forces near the border for an invasion, which will take three to seven days.”

Bring on the Dancing Horses

None of the above alters the fundamental fact that the USUK combo – plus the proverbial NATO chihuahuas Poland and the Baltics – are spinning around like mad trying to provoke a war. And the only way to do it is to Release the False Flags. It may be sometime in February, it may be during the Beijing Olympics, it may be before the onset of Spring. But they will come. And the Russians are ready.

The preamble has been staged straight from Monty Python Flying Circus – complete with Crash Test Dummy, a.k.a. POTUS yelling to comedian Zelensky that, in a trashy Mongol revival, “Kiev will be sacked” (to the sound of Bring On the Dancing Horses?); an outraged Zelensky telling POTUS to, c’mon man, back off; and the White House swearing that the US has gamed 18 scenarios for the “Russian invasion” (Lavrov: 17 were written by the intel alphabet soup, the 18th by the State Dept.)

Cue to non-stop, frantic weaponizing of country 404 – everything from Javelins to MANPADs to overpriced Blackwater/Academi-tinged waves of “advisers”.

Switching away from farce, not to mention misguided scenarios starting from the faulty premise of an “invasion”, the only rational move Moscow may be contemplating is to de facto recognize the People’s Republics of Donetsk and Luhansk, and send in a contingent of peacekeepers.

That, of course, would enrage the neo-con infested War Inc. matrix to intergalactic paroxysm, as it would nullify all those elaborate psyops geared to instill the Fear of God on the unsuspecting victims of the Remixed Khanate of the Golden Horde, burning and looting all the way to…the Hungarian plains?

Then there’s the tricky question of how to de-Nazify Western Ukraine: that will be a strictly Ukrainian matter, with zero Russian involvement.

The ghost of Mackinder is in total freak out mode contemplating in impotence the imperial brilliance of deciding to fight a two-front war against the Russia-China strategic partnership. At least there’s Monty Python to the rescue: the Ministry of Silly Walks has been gloriously revived as the Ministry of Silly Strategies.

Pride of place goes to the phone call placed by Little Blinkie to Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi – which contains all the elements of a brilliant comic sketch. It stars with the combo behind that cipher, “Biden”, thinking that the Beijing leadership could influence Putin to not exercise “Russian aggression” against 404. On the sidelines, perhaps there could be some discussion about the “Indo-Pacific” racket.

The plot went downhill when once again Wang Yi – remember Alaska? – made shark fin’s soup out of Blinkie. The key take aways: China totally supports Russia; it’s the US that is destabilizing Europe; and were more sanctions to come, Europe will pay a terrible price, not Russia, which of course can count on a serious helping hand from China.

Now compare it with the phone call between Putin and Macron. It was, to start with, cordial. They discussed “brain-dead” (copyright Macron) NATO. They discussed the proverbial Anglo-Saxon shenanigans. They even discussed the possibility of forming a pan-European group – a sort of anti-AUKUS – with Russia included, curbing the influence of the Five Eyes and bent on avoiding by all means a war in European soil. For the moment, it’s all talk. But the game-changing seeds are all there.

Misguided scenarios insist that Putin skillfully exploited the imperial obsession with the rise and rise of China to re-establish Russia’s sphere of influence. Nonsense. The sphere was always there – and won’t move. The difference is Moscow finally got fed up with the heavy symbolism permeating the unresolved 404 mess: the intermingling of raw Russophobia in Washington and containment/encirclement NATO knocking at the door.

Metaphorically, this may turn out to be the Year of two – sanctioned – Black Water Tigers, one Chinese, one Siberian. They will be harassed non-stop by the headless eagle, blind to its own irreversible decay and always resorting to the serial Hail Mary passes of the only “policy” it knows.

The ultimate danger – especially for the European minions – is that the headless eagle will never let go of its former “indispensable” status without provoking another devastating war. In European soil. Still the tigers persist: in Beijing, before the Games commence, they will be taking yet another step to irreversibly bury the “rules-based international order”.

Video 4

She is another one of my favorites. She is relaxing like a fine spring day.

Video 4MB

And another of this fine Chinese woman

I really like her.

Video 2MB

What a Chinese home is like…

And, here’s a girl dancing in her house. You will notice the white stone floor and the walls and everythign else, including the cats in their cage (typical but not common). Enjoy the video.

video 4MB

Now, Let’s chat about ourselves…

When you get older, you start to look back at the moments where an opportunity presented itself to you and you didn’t take it. You were too afraid, or too fearful. You didn’t want to hear rejection. You were too fragile.


You get older and you realize that the time is now. And you start making your life and defining your life on your terms, and if others don’t like it, well that is too bad. You just smile and move forward. Just keep on, keeping on.

Like in this video…

Video 100MB

Everything is forcing us to conform.

They use fear, lust, greed, and envy to move us, manipulate us and force us to either hide, or do things that are contrary to our best interests.

Not allow them to do that to you.

It’s a new world, and the rest of the world are embracing the idea that they can be themselves, and not be forced to conform to the American ideal. And they are relishing in it.

They can live their lifes without fear that one day the United States government will blow up their homes, strafe their children, ruin their economies, and enslave them; forcing them to eat McDonald’s hamburgers, drink Starbucks coffee, and become alternative sexual orientation friendly.

Video 5.2MB

Or, maybe not so traditional, perhaps more commercial, or merchantary. Such as this video. Enjoy it. Uh oh.

Video 9MB

The world is NOT bad, ugly and full of danger

Actually, the reast of the world is really rather nice.

Remember, the world is under YOUR control. Not the rich, the powerful or the rulers. It’s you.

Do not allow them to box you into some kind of fake reality.

Here’s where MM lives. This was what it was like today. This is the small park outside my complex front port. video 81MB

It’s a new world order and the future now is owned by Asia. It’s just that this fact is not being reported in the West. But whether it is reported or not, makes no difference.

The future has moved on.

So enjoy life and savor it. There’s a lot of good things all around you. The adults are now in charge of the world, and the spoiled brats that inhereted the reins of power in the United States are trying to pretend that it is not the case.

Savor life. Appreciate it, and stop living a life in fear.  Nothing bad is going to happen to you. Just control your reality. It’s nto that hard to do.

video 13MB

And remember that it’s a new world.

It’s a new world order, and MoA said it best…

The U.S. will say that the above is just some grand declaration with no meaning. But it is much more. It is a political program that China and Russia as well as their allies will be working on for the next decades.

Asian as well as European countries should consider if they want to support or oppose it. 

They should recognize that siding with the U.S. against China and Russia guarantees that they will find themselves on the losing side.

A final thought and parable

If South Korea sides with the USA against China, you can well imagine what Hell awaits them between China and Russia. Chian and Russia would disable everything in South Korea and let them fight North Korea on their own. With millions of hungry and angry North Koreans flowing Southward.

Same goes for Japan.

I really don’t think that they want to be the battlefield for America and it’s trans-gender rights, and progressive views on life, and hatred of all things Asian and traditional.

Any European nation that is desirous of sanctioning Russia will discover that they will be sanctioned by China; no medicines, no machined products, no electronics and all their products inside of China nationalized. They would be completely crushed.

Australia is currently run by idiots. They not only can’t take a hint, but they don’t understand plain words either.

Now, please consider the powerful trio of Iran, Russia and China.

Here is a parable of how this document all brings all three of them together.

Big thanks from Phil at Busted Knuckles. Video 20MB

Real Working Dogs-scene-2022-02-07_14.43.01

Do you want more?

You can find more articles related to this in my latest index; A New Beginning. And in it are elements of the old, some elements regarding the transition, and some elements that look towards the future.

New Beginnings 3


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“Why is America the greatest nation in the world?”

Those words rang true back in 2012, and even more so today.

That clip was from 2012-2014 tv series The Newsroom. In fact, its the opening scene to the first episode. Produced, created & written by the brilliant Aaron Sorkin, who previously works includes tv series The West Wing. Highly recommend to watch.


The Winter Olympic Village Tour.

Filmed by sole America Samoa representative athlete, Nathan Crumpton. Yes, the one who was topless carrying his nation’s flag during the opening ceremony.

Did a better job of showing the Olympic Village than those so called journalist.


At the moment I’ve been staying in Germany(for some family related reasons, my father was a German).
And if I look around, observing what’s going on or reading about so called politics, then more often than not Kafka’s ‘Das Schloss'(The Castle) comes to my mind, meaning:

Merciless incompetence masked by groupthink, Hofberichterstattung
(, Meinungshoheit
(, elite’s cash graps and far too many people, who are too lazy too think twice – even under pressure.

And believe me for those it’ll be some hard awakening to learn that those times were ‘D'(GER) seemed to be important are rather over.

Compare to Asia, where even the sheeple have far more to offer, ‘D’ seems too gray and simply lifelessly BORING.
And compared to China – totally washed-up.

Really, really like your writings !!!


What an oceanic river! It is reassuring for people aware of the treaties and speeches of the Russia China alliance for the non-spread of the destructive imperialism of the old West package. I am very happy to feel a positive initiative with the coherent perspective of a virtuous globalism by insisting on the growth of human beings and the brotherhood of multiple peoples, after all we all live on the same pebbles. Surprising to be watered with lies continually in our great Western media ironically, Surprising to find wars on the main axes of trade routes. Surprising world population of 7.5 BILLION for 5.5M covid deaths great threat with 0.007% Very great threat let’s laugh a little but applause for the announcements Rational of nations China Russia. Thank you for all the information you provided to us.


Oh excuse me I’m really confused, I forgot a 0 😱 and therefore 0.0007%

Bang Bang with Fang Fang

Dayum! Looks like the “west” is whuppin’ the commies asses in the Olymprocks:

BUT, you speak of war. I’m ready. Bring it. The west needs more land – China and Rooska will suffice for now. Let’s get it on – I’m ready to do the Bang Bang with Fang Fang. Ride ’em Cowboy! Yeeeee Haaaaa!

Ultan McG

Another enlightened soul in favour of Tranny Story Time for children and nail polish on the Front Line, Mr Man.
You really do attract the creme de la creme of Eurangloland’s best and brightest, 🤭. Just how on Earth do you do it!?

Last edited 3 years ago by Ultan McG
Ultan McG

“You all need to realize that I get these kinds of comments all the time.”
Of that I’m in absolutely no doubt whatsoever. I put it down to the top notch educational standards and geopolitical acumen acquired from Alex Jones and Tucker Carlson, myself.
World beating journalism, don’tcha know!


What do these girls have to do with the article title? –It’s just more juvenile objectification of women, and a form of trolling.