MM blue plate special

Today, I am going to present something which I hope will become a periodic feature in MM. It is the “MM blue plate special”. My intention is to model it after my very popular “Holiday extravaganza” post that I made on 4 July 2021. Here, I would just place interesting tidbits and stuff. With no particular order.

What is a “Blue Plate Special”?

Throughout the decades of the 1920’s – 1950’s, a popular restaurant promotion was the “blue plate special.”  Served mostly at dinners and other simple eateries, the blue plate special was a reduced cost meal consisting of some kind of meat, (beef, pork, chicken, fish etc.), with a number of vegetables side dishes.

Meatloaf blue plate special.

It appears to have gleaned its name from the actual plates it was presented on.  Solid blue, or sporting a blue pattern, the plates were also divided into sections, a large one for the protein, and smaller segments for the vegetables.  Typically the items were pre-cooked and held at serving temperature.

Because they were not made on the spot, they tended to be a little “over cooked”. This allowed for alacritous service and more efficient turnover.

Over time, the blue plates got broken or disappeared. Today, there just isn’t any special plates that tend to be used.

I guess that the big thing about this meal was that the one plate meal saved time and money on dish washing.  This was very important at a time when people washed dishes by hand, and there was no such thing as disposable plates.

An American Diner.

While the “blue plate” sobriquet has all but faded from use, many modern restaurants still offer “specials.”  However, daily specials are no longer the sole domain of workaday eateries but rather unique meals where the cook makes up a batch of unusual food that they can serve on that day.  When I worked as a short-order-breakfast-chef in San Louis Obispo, California a “Blue Plate Special” might be something like “Stuffed Peppers”, “Cabbage rolls”, “Beef tips on rice”, or a gourmet omelet such as “Blue cheese and prosciutto ham omelet”.

How expats in China make their coffee

Not me. Someone else. But so very relatable. The white bottle that he is pouring in is called Baijiu . It is typically 53% alcohol.

Baijiu is a clear distilled liquor, which can be regarded as the national drink of the People's Republic of China. Its name translates as "white wine" but it is, in fact, a high-alcohol spirit. Chinese people will generally drink Baijiu with food, rather than on its own.

Click on the picture to watch the video.

A video of a man drinking coffee.
How expats drink their coffee.

America is collapsing and needs to blame someone…

America is collapsing all over, in so many ways. And part of it is a system that is unstable; this idea of “democracy”, but part of it is the evil psychopaths that run the country, and part of it is the dumbed down, balkanized population. But what ever the reason, it is a mess, and the United States desperately wants to point the finger elsewhere… to blame someone else.

Because if they can’t find a person to blame, the entire population of a America is going to rise up and lynch everyone in Washington DC on scaffolding.

Click on the picture to watch the video.

A video about why China is being villified.
A discussion on why America is vilifying China right now.

Riding on a Chinese High Speed Train

Personally, I love these things. Big and roomy. Easy and quiet. Cheap. Convenient. No hassles like at an airport. The Chinese have them everywhere. I wrote about them in a couple of posts, and here is just a quick blurb by a English expat on board one of the trains.

Some history. President Obama announced that he would establish a massive High Speed Train Network in America and funded it with billions of dollars. That same time, so did China. Today, America has nothing, while China has the most dynamic, largest and most elaborate high speed trains system in the world.

To catch up, President Biden announced that he is going to build a HST system that will be bigger and better than what the Chinese has done. And he is funding it lavishly. If you were to bet, how successful do you think that it will be?

Click on the picture to see the movie.

High speed train video.
Inside a Chinese High Speed Train.

This is how you eat dumplings in China

The dumplings are something that is truly unique, and you just cannot get them in America or the West. You get sort of a “fast food” version, and you certainly are not provided with all sorts of dipping sauces. Dumplings are one of my favorite foods in China, and I made this video below to show you why I love it so much…

Video on Chiense dumplings.
How to eat dumplings in China.

Riding a Subway in Shenzhen

This is a video that I took when I went to Shenzhen to deal with some matters. Everything in China is brand new, clean and very well maintained. You just have to compare this to the piss-poor pathetic subway systems in the West. If you aren’t comparing then you must be brain-dead. America doesn’t have anything even remotely resembling this.

Cool video taken by MM.
Subway in Shenzhen, China.

Family Dinner: 1952

From Shorpy HERE.

A family diner 1952.

The comments are just precious.

Mother's Swiss-dot curtains are torn on the left panel; her drain rack for her dishes is in its place by the drainboard. 

She normally uses her table for her counter space, but since the table is set for dinner, she's using her sink drainboard for her Sunbeam Mixmaster which whipped up the frosting. 

Ah, yes, that tiny black spray nozzle on the sink. 

Is that grated cheese in the cheese shaker or do they use a lot of salt? 

The younger daughter has her eyes on the boiled frosting cake, as would be mine as well. 

Father and the boy are eying the fried chicken. 

Deviled eggs on a side plate with lettuce? 

There are sweater 'pills' on the older daughter's sweater, at the farthest point West. 

Nice white bread, hard to find nowadays with all the nutritious breads forced on us in our stores. 

Father's hair is combed in a 'combover' on his bald spot. 

Bet any money that Mother's wrist watch is a Bulova. 

Mother ironed and 'starched' the tablecloth, so it must be Sunday. 

Father's shirt is ironed, older daughter's sweater is ironed, younger daughter's dress is ironed, younger son's t-shirt is ripped with holes. 

The plant at the window is a 'Wandering Jew.' 

The tin pots and pans are surely much lighter to lift than my All-Clad set today. 

All in all, the scene resembled by own childhood in 1952, right down to the floral design on the linoleum on the floor.

And then you have this…

In my grandma's kitchen was the soup ladle hanging above the stove. 

Having come from a Pennsylvania coal miner grandfather, my 'take' on this picture is that it was staged, posed and fully planned in advance (unless this was on a Sunday when they would have their best meal of the week). 

The other six week-night suppers were mostly home-made soup and bread, every kind of soup imaginable, more than Campbells could ever come up with. 

Having a large family, my mom said there was nothing else that could satisfy seven or eight hungry, hard-working people as a filling, hot and inexpensive meal like soup and fresh bread & butter. 

She was a master soup cook too, taught by her mother, and I was pretty much raised on soup, some heartier than others, but never disappointing. 

It can be time-consuming to prepare but I've never felt deprived and it really stretches your meat to feed any number of people. (If someone got a big chunk of chicken or beef in their soup, or too many clams in their clam chowder, we used to say "the string must have broke").

And yet another precious comment…

The logo in front of the sink is from Youngstown Kitchens. Yup, I grew up with them.

Yes. I really love Shorpy.

And all the negative “news” about China…

It’s all “hate China”, all the time. And if you believe it then you are sheeple. There simply isn’t any good news about China int he Western press; the Western “news”. During the last two weeks, China had an 8 hour spacewalk, a 100 year anniversary, the recording of sounds on Mars, a new joint moon-base plans, and an expansion of the BRI into Pakistan. What “news” did America report?

A quick video blurb about this strange behavior…

Hate China all the time. It’s what the American “news” media does.

Getting a ferry ticket at AI kiosks

Here is a short video that I took. It depicts what it is like to get a ferry in Shekou. These are the automated ferry kiosks, and you just scan your bio-metics and pay by QR. So fast, so easy. It’s really cool and very relaxed an unhurried.

Nice video that I made.
Getting a ferry in Shekou.

Trying to kidnap a middle school girl

Kidnapping and bad crimes still happen in China, but they are getting to be less and less frequent. Here is a favorite video of mine when a group of guys on a motorcycle tries to kidnap a middle school girl on her way home from school.

It’s one of my favorite videos.

Nice video.
Trying to kidnap a middle school girl.

Chinese military protecting the Uighur Muslims from American-backed terrorism

If you read the neocon publications out of America such as the National Review, you would get the impression that the Chinese military is a third world group of conscripts armed with cheap AK-47 clones. Not even remotely true. The Chinese are a serious, serious nation that DOES NOT PLAY.

Here’s a video (I posted this before) showing a group of Chinese forces that fight the American-backed Uighur “pro-democracy” terrorists out of Afghanistan. They protect the BRI which is the land route that bypasses the threat of American Naval blockade as part of the “QUAD”.

Good video.
Chinese military forces in Xinjiang.

Beach Road

This stretch of road is just two blocks from my house and it is named “Lovers Road”. I filmed it as I was riding home on a bus. You can see the statue of the “Fisher Girl” which is a major tourist attraction.

Right now this entire area is under massive renovation. New parks are sprouting up everywhere and all sorts of malls and waling areas are being developed. China has designated this area as an economic corridor for AI, robotics and IoT technologies and along with the influx of industry comes an equal investment into the supporting parks, green areas, public spaces and transportation hubs. In China the two go hand-in-hand.

Video while going home.
Road near my home.

Advertising Jeans

One of the trends in China today is to make your own designer clothing. You design it, and then you work with factories to make them, and finally you advertise it on Chinese media to sell. These videos are great where the owners or their models wear their uniquely designed clothing and promote them.

In this video, which was taken outside a woman’s bathroom, you can see this gal showing off her nice pair of jeans.

Nice jeans.
Advertising your own brand of clothing.

The New American Army

There has been a lot of talk about how Presidents Trump, Obama and Biden have revamped and reorganized the Army. It’s an “Army of one”; a transgender, a polite and kinder Army. You read about it, and you hear about it. But nothing says more than watching the proud fighting troops sing cadences as they perform drills in front of their barracks…

Check out the video.

The new American military.

Chinese Boy / Girl scouts

The American boy scouts and girl scouts have changed to reflect a softer, squishier and gentler America. Not so in China. Boy and girl scouts are co-ed and they are taught to fight, be the best they can be and endure.

Great video.
Chinese boy and girl scouts.

An Amazing Landing

I am sure that the pilot was well shaken up after this. I’ll bet that he went to the local “watering hole” (bar or pub) and got totally smashed. OMG! Check out the video…

What a landing!
An amazing landing.

Pre-Avatar: 1982

Found on Shorpy HERE.

Watching television 1982.

From the text…

A friend of mine and I "enjoy" 3-D on television in 1982, when there was a boomlet of local stations showing 3-D films such as "Creature from the Black Lagoon" using the anaglyph method.

This method used red and blue lenses to separate the images rather than the polarized system originally used in the theaters thirty years earlier. 

I say "enjoy" because the effect was problematic. 

If you had your color adjusted correctly it was possible to get a moderate dimensional effect out of the blur. With my never-rectified amblyopia, I could get it mostly when things were flying at the camera.

We're watching it on my Advent VideoBeam, no longer in the basement of my folks' house, but in my new digs in Petaluma. 

Fans of the yellow lamp will notice that it's already starting to deteriorate, the hinge holding the middle shade being secured with duct tape. 

Another indication of the absence of parental caregiving is the burst cushion of my red chair. 

Other necessary video room adjuncts visible are Ritz Crackers, a TV Guide (is that Farrah Fawcett?) and shelves full of Betamax tapes. 

Oh, and under my chair a metal file box storing my card catalog of said tapes. The blue binder contains a hand-typed list of just the cartoons. 

Computerization of the collection was still four years in the future.

Afghanistan – U.S. Sneaks Out At Night – Taliban Take Multiple Districts Per Day

This is awkward:

The U.S. left Afghanistan’s Bagram Airfield after nearly 20 years by shutting off the electricity and slipping away in the night without notifying the base’s new Afghan commander, who discovered the Americans’ departure more than two hours after they left, Afghan military officials said. 


“We (heard) some rumor that the Americans had left Bagram ... and finally by seven o’clock in the morning, we understood that it was confirmed that they had already left Bagram,” Gen. Mir Asadullah Kohistani, Bagram’s new commander said. 


Before the Afghan army could take control of the airfield about an hour’s drive from the Afghan capital Kabul, it was invaded by a small army of looters, who ransacked barrack after barrack and rummaged through giant storage tents before being evicted, according to Afghan military officials.

“At first we thought maybe they were Taliban,” said Abdul Raouf, a soldier of 10 years. He said the the U.S. called from the Kabul airport and said “we are here at the airport in Kabul.”

There is video from the empty base. Hundreds of cars were left behind. The network equipment in the headquarter was ripped out but the base hospital seems to have been left intact. There are even some useful medical supplies stocked there.

Meanwhile the Taliban continue their blitz operation to take over the country. They snatch up district after district especially in the north.

Taliban control.

The Taliban have probably some 3-4,000 fighters in the north-eastern Badakhshan province but they managed to take 90% of it in just 4 days, 14 of its districts fell in the last 48 hours. Some 1,500 Afghan government soldiers stationed there have fled to Tajikistan. The province capital Faizabad is now isolated and the only place that is still under government control.

Where Afghanistan borders China.

Something is quite curious with this. Badakhshan was a stronghold of the Northern Alliance which in the late 1990s fought against the Taliban. It is the home of the Jamiat-e Islami party which consists mostly of ethnic Tajiks and has its own militia. The leader of Jamiat-e Islami is Salahuddin Rabbani who is now also the chair of the government’s Afghan High Peace Council which negotiates with the Taliban.

The mountainous province has 1 million inhabitants. But here are 4 Taliban showing up in a car in the remote Wakhan district. They are not opposed by local militia but are welcomed by the local (male) population.

It is inconceivable that a brigade size Taliban force can seize Badakhshan in a few days and at little cost without having a deal with the militia of the dominant local party. Something must have happened behind the curtains that the media is not aware of.

Americans leave so much behind.

This is good news as a fast Taliban victory in the north will make a new civil war less likely. The neoconservative Long War Journal is aghast as it explains:

Afghanistan is at risk of complete collapse after the Taliban has made dramatic gains in recent days, striking at the heart of the Afghan government’s base of power in the north while seizing control of large areas of the country – often unopposed by government forces. 


Much of the Taliban gains have occurred in the north. The importance of the Taliban’s northern thrust cannot be understated. The Taliban is taking the fight directly to the home of Afghanistan’s elite power brokers and government officials.

If the Taliban can deny Afghanistan’s government and its backers their base of power, Afghanistan is effectively lost. The government could not possibly keep its tenuous footholds in the south, east, west, and even in central Afghanistan if the north is lost. If the Afghan government loses the north, the Taliban could take the population centers in the south, east, and west without a fight, and begin its siege of Kabul.

I currently do not think that there will be a long ‘siege of Kabul’ but a negotiated transfer of power.

The events of the last weeks show a more or less controlled retreat or defeat of demoralized government forces and a systematic takeover of most of the countryside and district centers by well prepared Taliban forces. Only the bigger province capitals have not yet fallen though some think that Mazar i-Sharif, the capital of Balkh province, will fall tonight.

It seems that there is a willingness of at least certain parts of Afghanistan’s current government to let the Taliban take over the country without much of a fight.

That gives me hope that a further long conflict will be avoided. After more than 42 years of war Afghanistan needs peace. While the Taliban rule is harsh it is also somewhat just and certainly less corrupt than the U.S. imposed structures. Afghanistan must be given time to find a new balance from which it can then develop in a way that fits the local circumstances and the local peoples’ tradition and morality.

The last 42 years have shown that nothing else will work.

Chinese military concentration

Since Trump’s and Biden’s budgets have just “blown away” all records for military spending, China has taken notice, and has been mass producing nuclear hyper-velocity warheads, missiles and launch systems at a frantic pace. These weapons are impossible to stop, have artificial intelligence, incapable of being jammed, and uses stealth while traveling at hyper-velocities. They are decades ahead of anything the United States fields.

And China is churning them out like buttons from a button making machine.

Great video.
China is beefing up it’s self-defense forces like “there’s no tomorrow”.

A typical day in America

When I say that America is really “out of control” and in a bad state, it refers to behaviors and events that should not be occurring. What you see in the below video is NOT freedom. It is what happens when you live inside of ghetto that is treated as a prison-fortress.

Shootout video.
Life in America.


From where I grew up (well, at least where my parents and grandparents lived)…

January 1941. “Mill district of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Long stairway in a working class section.”

Talking about freedom in China

Here is a UK expat who has lived in China talking about “freedom” inside of China. It’s pretty good stuff, and he reflects the view of about 99.999% of us who actually live inside of China.

Of course, you would NEVER see this in the West. And it is censored and shadow-banned on Twitter, Google, Facebook, and You-tube. So go ahead and watch what is forbidden to you to observe…

A video about feedom in China.
Freedom in China.

Wife delivers a birthday meal to a fireman husband in China

Firemen eat in mess halls and live in barracks. Two weeks on, then two weeks off. (Depending on the location.) Here is a guy’s birthday and his wife and child came to visit him and brought him a special birthday meal (or other special occasion, I’m not so sure as my Chinese isn’t that good.) Great video.

Be the Rufus. Make a difference!

A special meal for a special person.

China has lifted 800 million people out of poverty

I remember talking about this fact with my brother, and he was like “yeah. I get it. China has helped some of it’s people”.

No. He didn’t get it.

The population of the United States of America is 330 million people.  In the fifty or so years on the American War on Poverty” hardly anyone was lifted out of poverty. In fact, today, a full half of the United States is in poverty and lives off welfare.

China not only produced results where America did nothing, but did it for nearly three times the amount of people. This is amazing!

Check out the video…

Video on lifting people out of poverty.
An amazing accomplishment.

What it is like to get a vaccination for COVID in China

This is a pretty good video, and it shows the organization and structure of how this is being handled in China. I will tell you that my experience is pretty much nearly identical to this. Of course, it was in a different geographical area, and a different building. This was in Zhongshan, I believe. Mine was in tiny Zhuhai. I actually own a home in Zhongshan.

It’s nice, but I love Zhuhai.

Nice video about getting a vaccination.
Getting a coronavirus vaccination in China.

Chinese Airport Security

Well, the Chinese are very understanding and humane about how they handle people They do not treat them as some kind of object.  Like the American TSA does. Check out this video.

Meanwhile in America

America is a God Damn cluster fuck. Doing “your own thing”.

Police killing a man in America.
America is one enormous cluster fuck.

A very interesting para-military video from China

You might think that this is a video about the Chinese PLA. But no it isn’t. This is a police detachment. Specifically the “corruption police”. Their job is to find and arrest powerful people who use their power, whether in government, or in industry to thwart the law. In China people like Trump, Jeff Bezos, and Nancy Polaski would never make it.

China. Does. Not. Play.

Great video here.
Chinese corruption police.

A great outfit

From Shorpy HERE.

A great outfit for certain.

The site says…

From the collection of film and 4x5 glass negatives I recently purchased that seem to have been taken in upstate New York about 1912. This is from a film negative that has been bent, hence the flare on the right side. The lady's dress is spectacular, and she is coordinated with gloves and white shoes. I don't think this was an inexpensive outfit.

The comments are great…

My wife and I have done historical costuming for years. The fabric of this dress is almost certainly worsted wool. It's surface smoothness looks like worsted and the folds and drapes are too full to be even heavy linen. The dress she's wearing in the first photo posted (the eyelet lace dress) is either linen or cotton or possibly even a blend of the two.

As to colors, that's harder to determine than you might think. Early black and white films didn't respond to colors in quite the way we expect nowadays. Silver halide is most responsive to the blue end of the spectrum. Colors from the other end often wound up overly dark. With glass plate negatives, special dies and filters could be used to produce a more accurate tonal map of the colors, but those didn't work with film at this time.

It wouldn't surprise me if the dress was actually bright blue with bright yellow collar and cuffs or something like that. Wool takes die especially well and so was often very brightly colored (particularly after the invention of aniline dyes in the 1850s).

And I do agree with this comment…

I know nobody cares what I think and I know many people who would never allow themselves to crack a smile in their posed pictures because it may not be "cool" or sophisticated, but this elegant lady would look a million times better, younger and healthier if only she would have smiled or at least put on a pleasant face. Instead she has a dour expression in both of the photos we've seen that makes her look gloomy and judgmental, with a superior attitude. Even Mona Lisa looks more approachable. Perhaps we will see a happy picture of her in the future. (That's my story and I'm stickin' to it).

The new Chinese fighter aircraft

After decades of being the second and third tier suppliers for American, French, German, and Russian aviation, China has developed and designed their own fighter aircraft, and by all accounts is cheaper, better, faster, more maneuverable, and superior that the top line American counterparts. Whether or not this is true depends on who you ask. Certainly K-street believes that American weapons systems are invincible.

Never the less, this is a great video of Chinese military aviation.

I most especially like the little Artificial Intelligence bee-sized hand-grenade that the Army uses.

A great video.
A great video of Chinese military aviation.

Being a Rufus

Just being kind to others is all you need to do to be a Rufus. Just some some compassion. Show some kindness. Show some understanding. Emote and help others. It’s our highest calling.

Watch the video.

Be the Rufus. It’s our highest calling.

A cool car

“1950 Nash experimental NXI.” The Nash Experimental International, basis for the Nash Metropolitan, piloted by Nash-Kelvinator Chairman George Mason with VP George Romney (Mitt’s dad) riding shotgun.

What it is like to travel on a Chinese High Speed Train

Here you can see why I love it. China and Russia are linked by rail , and a new High Speed Line is being established inside of Russia. Russia and China have a great relationship and as time moves forward it keeps getting better and better with each day.

Great Video
Going to Russia on Chinese High Speed Rail.

New wording inside of all Chinese passports

Ever since the neocons in America have been openly being hostile to China, and Chinese citizens, the Chinese have implemented changes and training and advice sessions to Chinese citizens who wish to travel abroad. One of the changes in policy is the text placed inside of each passport issued to citizens of China.

See the video below…

How a Rufus springs into action

This woman is wearing a red vest, which means that she is a volunteer. She is working in her community. Often older, these people play a valuable role and in this particular instance, I think that she was trying to perform some gardening, clean up of landscaping. And she collapsed. Instead of just standing round and filming it, a real Rufus springs into action.

Great video
A Rufus springs into action.

An American school

This was filmed in an American school. I do not know if it was a university or a High School (it appears to be an American university), but I can tell you that this kind of behavior shows a complete lack of control and discipline.  People ask me why I don’t give American citizenship to my daughter. Why?

I don’t want her anywhere near these piss-ant pampered, cocky moronic idiots. Watch this college student “doing his own thing”.

Some background; this young man is the END RESULT of the fire-hose of HATE directed at the Chinese, and the ONLY reason why he is being so God-damn rude is because the professor is Chinese. Thank you FOX news, Bloomberg, Hal Turner, and all the rest.

Video taken inside an American school.
An American school.

What America, the UK and Australia have planned for China…

Most people in the West have absolutely no concept of how poorly and malevolently the Western powers treated the Chinese. Whether it was getting hundreds of millions addicted to Opium, creating and forcing starvation, looting the land and it’s people, it was brazen and astounding in scope and depth. Here’s a little video of some of the rich Victorian ladies throwing rice onto the streets and the starving Chinese people running to collect it.

And this… watch it closely… is what America wants to happen again.

Watch the video.

A video that you will never see in America.
Throwing rice to the starving Chinese.

Cute Robot Dogs

These robot dogs are all so very cute. They were designed to be mass produced into a disposable “throw away” configuration, and are in production for the Chinese military. I can well imagine, about 20,000 of these cute little robots swarming a military base, and then detonating when their AI detects that it is near a target.

Cute Chinese AI dog.

Notable American actors visit the North Korea DMZ

In some kind of silly, suicidal move, some very famous American actors decide to visit the DMZ border to South Korea. You can see Mike Tyson, and Henry Winkler, and William Shatner there. And they are just playing around, joking.

The Asians are a very serious people.

And the idiotic Americans are delirious and have no concept about how dangerous they are playing and dancing with death. This video, seems to have been forgotten, but this attitude has not changed. And I see this attitude being replicated, time and time again in regards to China, and Russia.

Watch the video.

North Korean soldier who will shoot to kill.

Rufus saves a woman and her cat

Nothing makes me feel better than to watch a true and real Rufus in action. A Rufus is a Service to others person, and when they leap into action, I feel so much pride in their actions. It gives me hope for the human species. Because right now, most especially in America, it’s every-man-for-himself, dog-eat-dog world of service-for-self psychopaths.

Great rescue video.
Rufus to the rescue.

Thank you for your smile. It made me see her again.

Sometimes, as we age, we lose those who matter to us. We lose lovers, family, friends. Daughters.

This old man hasn’t seen his daughter since she died so long ago, but this girl has the same smile that his daughter had…

A great video.
Thank you for your smile. It made me see her again.

A Rufus cares about others

There are all kinds of people in this world. Some, well many, have their own issues, demons and problems. We must do what we can within our community. In the video below we have a man who is known in the community as having “problems”. He’s not a bad person. Just has issues.

Unlike the USA, he isn’t shunned and told to lie on cardboard under a bridge, or sleep in a car, or shelter under a tree in a poncho. The community all pitches in and takes care of “one of their own”. having this sense of community is important. You are never alone. You are part of something bigger than yourself.

Be the Rufus. Everything else is a waste of your life.

Great video.
Be the Rufus. Everything else is a waste of your life.


I do hope that you enjoyed the “Blue Plate Special” article / post. Tell me what you think. If you found it enjoyable, interesting or beneficial, I’ll post more of them. If you don’t then I will stop. If you don’t care, well then, I’ll add that to my calculus.

The future is becoming more and more clear with each passing day.  Continue to protect your personal life. Make sure that you run your affirmation prayers, and make sure that they protect you and your loved ones from any strange behaviors on the part of the out of control American empire.

There’s a future ahead. By being aware of what’s going on the the rest of the world we can determine what our part in that world will be.

Keep focused.

Be the Rufus.

Our relationships with others will make our affirmations manifest. Nurture them. Protect them. become a meaningful person in your small group of friends and family.

Do you want more?

You can find more articles related to this in my latest index; A New Beginning. And in it are elements of the old, some elements regarding the transition, and some elements that look towards the future.

New Beginnings


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This was fun and informative.
I just realised Zumi was a Rufus!
I wish I could eat wheat as so many of your food photos remind me of what I can’t ingest. That is not a criticism. I still enjoy them. Oh for a meaty sandwich..


Greetings, I have a longer, clearer clip of the aerobatic plane losing a wing. I downloaded it many years ago, it is titled “knowing when it’s not your time to die”. A very cool pilot, inspirational. Also, you are very close to Macau where you live, can you go there without problems ? many good restaurants, and have you been across the bridge to Hong Kong from there.


Love your blue plate specials! Looking forward to more of them.


BTW, in case anyone missed what was going on at the airport security like me, I had to read the caption and it went something like “When the airport security officer saw a pregnant was coming through, she shielded her from her scanner wand by putting it behind her own back”.


These blue plate specials are awesome! I always thought the blue plate specials had to do with a store called “Woolworths”. We had one in our local mall (70’s and 80’s) that had a diner in it. The Woolworth store color scheme was blue, so that what I put together.

Ohio Guy

When I was a kid, the local K Mart Department store had a “blue light special” on merchandise that wasn’t selling as fast as they wanted. Sound familiar?


I love the blue plate special! Please make more of these
montages because they are valuable. I love a Rufus.
The average small town American may be clueless about
the world of China…Most, I am sure, have no animosity
toward the Chinese.
We are being poisoned here, the air, the water, the soil, non-food
snacks and soda water abound. Everywhere people are obese.
(not me, 105#, same as ever) People watch the “news” and think
they know things. It is like being in a bad movie. Sad. Help.


WOW! What an article! It is like a huge fest of all kinds of delicacies, put together – curiously, deliciously. Like in Forrest Gump, when Tom Hanks, says, “Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you gonna get until you eat one.” Let me just add something that is WAY OFF most people’s radars – but certainly not THE BOSS – MM…. Through the tools we have here, and with some good luck, and GOOD LISTENING, we are for the most part, as in most of us (I hope so for MM readers anyway), going to have a much better world and society – when it is all over. MM is just giving us the pre-quels…. We ALL gotta stay strong and focused – and read between the lines. The MAJ (I ask you who do you think the MAJ is? Huh?) is giving readers here VERY BIG cheat codes. Use MM’s tools…. Be the RUFUS in your heart, and where possible without risking your life with psychos, in action, too. And be extra friendly to your neighbours (except for beasties). They might be [GOOD] ALIENS in disguise. It goes without saying that when disclosure is actually done instead of the never ending c*ck-teasing that is going through all media – BE A GOOD GUY/GAL to all. That’s all I learned from MM here. And, thanks MM. May the GPU bless all of us here. (Psst, read between the lines to find this comment useful, or not…)


Enjoy your thoughts as always. I agree with one of the other commenters, people in America have nothing against China. My observation from reading a lot of history is that people of one civilization really hardly even think about people of another. A lot of people would laugh or scoff, but America really is its own civilization, and people in the heart of it really don’t know or care about what is going on the next civilization over.

I read some blog posts by a guy who calls himself something like the ‘Grand High Druid of America’. It is so interesting to me that he sees what is going on in America, and he therefore thinks that the entire planet is heading into a new Dark Age.

I tried to leave a comment that just because America is going down, it doesn’t mean everyone is. It appeared that he couldn’t even understand the notion that other parts of the world might just go on without us.

Ohio Guy

Love the Blue Plate Special. BTW, has it occurred to anyone living in the USA that 90% of everything you buy in stores or use on a daily basis is made in China. I just bought engine ignition parts on the Zon for 100cc Chinese made motors. Xianglang vehicle from Nanlong Group. These people make great stuff and the parts are priced just right. If I were to buy these same parts from an American supplier, the cost would be prohibitive. China is leading this world in how to conduct ourselves properly. The choice is clear to me. Pay attention or pay for your mistakes!