Today, I am going to present a follow up article to my earlier post titled the “MM blue plate special”. Here we are going to follow the same format, with articles, photos and short videos depicting various things in no particular order. I hope that you all enjoy it.
We will start with…
Philly Cheese-steak Sandwich
The cheesesteak sandwich is made up of thinly sliced steak that served hot with melted cheese in a long, crusty Italian roll. Peppers, onions and mushrooms are optional, but highly recommended (by me). It’s a popular street-cart food, with its origins coming from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Chinese boy and girl scout “Jamboree”
In China, most things are co-ed, so there really isn’t a boy scouts, or a girl scouts. It’s just “The Scouts”. Here we see the Chinese equivalent of a Scout Jamboree. It’s a really short video, but a lot of fun. Check it out.

Helping an old man cross the street
Oh, I know. It’s so “boy scout”. But really! Where is your humanity? We all need each other. We really do. No one is alone. We all all connected, and if we start treating each other as part of our family, then maybe… just maybe the world will be a better place.
Getting Married in Beirut
In 2020, Israel fired two Air to ground Thermobaric weapon to the Beirut port. This devastated one of the key ports for the Chinese BRI, Belt and Road Initiative. Initially, the American media heavily promoted the excuse that it was just accidentally self-ignited fertilizer, but when photos of the actual missiles were produced, the narrative quickly changed to birds and crows being misidentified.
Afterwards, (then) Secretary of State Mike Pompeo gleefully announced that there was “substantial progress” in stopping the Chinese BRI in the Mediterranean. You all can put two plus two together and realize what is going on. You don’t need a degree in Geo-political international politics to figure it out.
The following is a woman, on her wedding day, getting married in Beirut when the United States destroyed the Port of Beruit, via proxy using Israeli aircraft.

Bathers at Atlantic City.
The Jersey Shore circa 1910. “Bathers at Atlantic City.” Many of them gamely striking a pose for the camera as they peer into the existential void. 8×10 inch dry plate glass negative, Detroit Publishing Company.

Did women wear corsets under their swimming suits back then? They all seem to have very slender waists.
Be the Rufus!
Man gets horrible news and lunges towards a high speed train! Only a real Rufus can save him! Be the Rufus! It’s our highest calling!

Metal detecting
Ponder this…

A typical park in China
In China the purpose of the government is to support and enrich the standard of living for the Chinese citizenry. It is not to make the richest people wealthier. Thus money, time and effort goes into making parks, improving infrastructure, and improving every aspect of the lives of the Chinese.
Here’s a typical park.
Mom Making A Kettle Of Apple Butter

When I was growing up, one of my least favorite tasks was helping make apple butter. It seemed like it took forever, and it did indeed take the better part of an entire day – usually on a beautiful fall day that God must surely have provided for the sole purpose of running around and playing in the woods. But there I was, helping make apple butter while the precious daylight hours wasted away!
Yes, in the opinion of most any little boy, a day spent making apple butter is a day thoroughly wasted. First, you have to peel, cut up and wash about a million apples.
Then you have to gather a mountain of firewood and keep the flame burning nice and hot for hours on end…all the while stirring the smoldering apple butter non-stop until you’re old enough to begin sprouting facial hair. Of course about every six minutes throughout the day I would annoy mom just a little bit more by asking her if the apple butter was “almost done”…
And finally, after having asked for about the 10,000th time, she would say the two most beautiful words in the English language: “just about“.
Shortly after that she would break out the “cans” and start filling them up with the precious concoction that we had just spent such a large portion of our lifetimes making.
Finally, after all the pint and quart jars were filled, an amazing thing would happen: mom would give several jars of it away! I remember thinking “What are you doing, mom? After all we went through to make that stuff you’re gonna hand it out for free?”
But that was mom, always being generous and sharing with others regardless of how hard she had to work to get something.
Reflecting back on those years, I now understand why mom did so much work for what seemed to me to be such a small “payout” – she had to. She had a large family to feed and little extra money with which to do it, and we kids had to do our part to help put food on the table. And now that I think about it, those were some of the best times of my life.
Saved by a Rufus!
A truck is out of control. The driver is unconscious, and it’s a treacherous mountain road. What are you going to do? Well, if you are a Rufus, then you know exactly what you should do!

周杰伦、费玉清 – 千里之外 (Live)
One of the most famous Pop songs in China. Performed live of one of the Chinese talent shows by the original singers.

Being silenced by the war-loving neocon cabal
All of us who live in China are used to this kind of bullshit. Ignorant fucks accuse us for being paid to say good things about China. Why? because they read about it on their “news”. But what is “news”? Today, it’s a fully paid arm of the government, and if the government wants to demonize China, and you say “Whoa! That’s wrong.” then they will demonize you too.
I try to stay out of the fray. But it affects all of us here.
Watch and learn.

Traveleze: 1959
This 35mm Kodachrome found in a thrift store is dated August 1959 and bears the notation “Jim, Bristlecone.” The color-coordinated Chevrolet truck and Traveleze trailer are a nice late-Fifties touch.

Where else could one stumble on something like this, nicely blown up for close viewing? I drove one of these pickups up in the Colorado Rockies with the Forest Service for two summers back in the mid '60s. Four on the floor (with a super-low stump-yanker first gear, good only for hauling heavy loads up 4% grades--most of the time you started in 2nd if you wanted to make progress), and yes, mine was two-tone as well. The rest of the stable included a '58 Ford F100, also two tone, and a couple of shiny new Dodge Ram V8s that were all-green, and two Jeeps, a Wagoneer and a CJ5. It was a joy and a privilege to motor around in such a beautiful mountain setting (much like in this shot) in such a cool vehicle. Thanks for the memory! -DougR
季彦霖 – 选择失忆
Here is a typical Chinese MV. This is the kind of song that the chicks in the KTV would sing their hearts out to. I hope that you all like it.

Meanwhile In Hawaii
There is a movement inside of Hawaii calling for separation away form the United States Federal Government. I am sure that many people on the mainland also feel this way about their own States. After all, if you get rid of the Federal government, automatically your taxes are slashed, and your income increase an easy 30%, not to mention Social Security, and forget about all those wars in far off and distant lands.
Heck! If Kentucky want’s to fight Kenya, go for it. But let those in Kentucky decide, not some rich oligarchy psychopath in Washington DC.
Ah. But you know, nah it will never happen. But it’s nice to see something that the mainstream, and the alternative will refuse to cover.
Ghetto Blaster
70s Ghetto blasters and boomboxes in the 80s existed long before pocket-sized radios were a possibility. Part of the era before the iPod, the MP3 player, and even the Walkman in some cases, people needed a way to take the clunky tech of an audio system with them outside.

The ghetto blaster sprang to life in 1969, introducing a large, yet still (somewhat) portable machine with multiple loud speakers. The Philips company was the first to discover the tech required to make audio “portable”.
In the early days, most people referred to these products as boomboxes. The name, in part, referred to the heavy, box-like design of the machine. Plus, most boombox radios also came with a bass-enhancing codec, which meant you got plenty of boom.
Margherita Pizza
Margherita pizza is a special variety of pizza that originates in Naples, Italy. In Italy, this pizza is a protected food, meaning that it must be prepared in a certain way to bear the “pizza Margherita” label, and the Italian government actually certifies bakeries that produce it.
This pizza is very simple, placing an emphasis on fresh, wholesome ingredients and high quality bread dough. It is also the basis for many pizzas served around the world; most people can probably obtain a version of it from a local pizza establishment, and cooks can also make it at home.

A man collapses in a hospital
You go to a hospital when you are not feeling well. Well, what if you were delayed, and you are really in a bad state? Well, don’t worry, there will always be a Rufus nearby to help you when you need it most.
Be the Rufus!

Another pretty Chinese woman
I do love to look at pretty women.

So, what is a ghetto blaster?
The name alone is enough to conjure an image of one of these products. In the 70s, 80s, and early 90s, most ghetto blasters were large, angular (box-shaped) devices.

While the features available from a ghetto blaster have changed over the years, they usually include:
- An amplifier (with extra bass support)
- Two loudspeakers (volume is a must)
- A radio tuner (AM, FM, and sometimes DAB)
- A cassette or CD player
- A handle for portability
The cassette tape and CD player components of the modern ghetto blaster are quickly being phased out. Although you can find a new ghetto blaster with CD player components these days, it’s more common to simply play your music collection via Bluetooth.

Ghetto blasters need to be loud, versatile, and portable. In the past, designers used to slap a handle on a blocky machine and leave customers to figure out the rest.
This frequently led to people carrying ghetto blasters on their shoulders to make managing the weight a bit easier.
Today, more modern ghetto blasters from companies like JBL and Sony are a little more ergonomic. Some products come with straps so you can carry your radio like a backpack.

Others feature unique designs that make carrying the machine on your shoulder more comfortable.
A “Mexican” Plate
I happen to really like Mexican food, but unfortunately, I just can’t get it in China. Sigh. But no matter, Here we have some refried beans, some burritos, lots of cheese and rice. It’s really mouth-watering.

Street walkers in Vietnam
There are some interesting sights and sounds in Vietnam. Here’s a short clip of some “street walkers” in one of the main (foreigner) areas of Ho Chi Min city.

A New York Style Pizza
This is a type of American pizza known as a “New York Style” Pizza. It has a very thing crust, is long, and has piping hot cheese on the top of it. Us “locals” like to curve up the ends of it when we eat it.

80s ghetto blasters and the identity of an era
While Ghetto blasters in the 70s and 60s were available, it wasn’t until the 1980s when popularity surged. The ghetto blaster became the icon of a generation, acting as both a practical tool, and a status symbol.

Today, we still see boomboxes as a component of the 80s and early 90s aesthetic. Many leading artists use ghetto blasters in their music videos. Just look at “Hung Up” by Madonna, or “Just Dance” by Lady Gaga.
So, why did the ghetto blaster suddenly surge into the mainstream in the 1980s? There are a few answers to this question.
In the 80s, cassette ghetto blaster products were often associated with urban society. African American and Hispanic youths frequently carried ghetto blasters with them wherever they went.

In fact, the popularity that boomboxes had in this environment is what helped them to earn their new term “ghetto blaster”.
What to do if you have some fresh Italian bread and some tomatoes…
A nice idea. Especially nice if you add some friends and a few bottles of wine. Hint. Hint.

And how you do it / make it…
Something like this…
What a steak!
Now this is my idea of a steak!

How mothers bathed their babies in the 1950’s
It’s a joke! But it does seem kind of funny how the mother is posing next to her new washing machine.

Boomboxes start community bans
The problem with the boomboxes is that they play LOUD, and everyone can hear the “music”.
As is often the case when music incites a community, cities began to ban boomboxes from public places. Unlike standard radio sets, governments didn’t have complete control over what people listened to on their ghetto blasters.
It was just as easy to listen to your own cassettes and CDs as it was to tune into Kiss FM.

Ghetto blasters in the 80s grew in popularity as a versatile way to listen to all kinds of music. Some groups even started using these portable players to create music.
The boombox became instrumental to the rise of hip hop music. Curb-side rap battles often included a number of ghetto blasters. The fact that ghetto blasters could deliver more bass and volume than a standard speaker made it perfect for the rise of a new genre.

Aside from providing the soundtrack to many urban music battles, ghetto blasters also became a status symbol. The Beastie Boys embraced the ghetto blaster as a signature of their “rebellious” nature. The Clash always seemed to have a boombox with them.
Elsewhere, the devices appeared frequently in shows and movies. Just think of Fame, in the 1980s, or Flash dance, for instance.
Even the National Museum of American History once created an exhibition around ghetto blasters. The event, titled “Hip-Hop won’t stop” featured an insight into the impact boomboxes had on the urban underground.

A pretty girl from China
From one of my “pretty girls of China” collections.
Chicago Pizza
This is what we call a “Chicago Deep Dish Pizza”. It’s sort of like a Pizza Soup and it is so very delicious.

I really like this picture
I don’t really know why. I think and believe that it teleports me to a different time; a quieter time and a more peaceful time. I think that it is lovely.

Comfort food
For me, one of my favorite comfort foods is a grilled cheese sandwich and tomato soup. My wife, who is Chinese, has a different comfort food. She likes snails, and shellfish. And my friend Mike, who is also Chinese, prefers noodles. Lots and lots of hot noodles.
We are all different. This is my “comfort food”…

Guess the movie?
Can you guess which 1960’s American movie that these quotes came from? Hint: a song about “burning bridges” from the movie become a top pop hit.

What happened to ghetto blasters in the 1990s?
As ghetto blasters earned more popularity around the world, they also became more complex in functionality and design. By the end of the 80s, ghetto blasters frequently came with separate high/low-frequency speakers.
You could also access secondary tape decks so that you could record off the radio and other music systems.
Over the years, manufacturers introduced a host of new features, from balance adjusters and equalisers, to Dolby noise reduction tools, LED sound gauges, and CD players. Despite all of this extra functionality, ghetto blasters in the 1990s weren’t as popular as they used to be.

The problem wasn’t with the technology of ghetto blaster boomboxes. Rather, customers didn’t see the objects as capturing as much soul as their predecessors. Sometimes, when things in our history go “mainstream”, their impact can feel a little watered down.
Manufacturers jumped to add new bells and whistles to their systems to ensure that customers could have the latest and greatest tech. Unfortunately, the old-fashioned feel of the ghetto blaster wasn’t there.
On top of that, in the 2000s, when the ghetto blaster started to take on more high-tech functionality, it seemed to lose its retro appeal.

The popularity of 80s ghetto blasters was about more than just what these systems could do. People loved the portability and impact of the boombox. However, it was the stigma attached to the device that really made having a boombox exciting.
People felt less inclined to risk the issues of carrying a boombox in public. After all, you could have all your music on the go with a Walkman, and you didn’t need to spend as much. In the 90s, an appreciation of music became a more personal, inward experience.
People weren’t as keen to blast their music in public places. We started to think of radio, CDs, and other audio experiences as more personal affairs.

Even some of the more popular modern ghetto blasters available on the market today are equipped with headphone jacks for that very purpose.
Chinese military
You never see anything at all about the Chinese military in American (or Western press). It is always depicted as some kind of third world group of starving, illiterate peasants that are fielding hand-me-down Russian AK-47 clones. Not true. Here’s a nice video showing some of the weapons that China has developed on their own and field right now.

Problems in America
All over the West are problems with kids and their parents who never had to deal with the consequences of their actions. Why? Because it’s “forgive and forget”. Well, maybe the judicial authorities are easy to “forgive and forget”, but not the victim and the perpetrators. So imagine my surprise in reading this…
A Pleasant life
You could say that this was me when I was on Parole and living in Erie, PA. Of course, at that time I was forbidden to have a computer, or a phone, or to watch movies. But I did have a cat, and a simple apartment where I lived alone. But I had a dream and a goal and my affirmations.
You all too will be able to move to more meaningful lives. Just use the time that you have now. Start making friends, and savor the elements of life more. Smell tomatoes in the store. Go to a bakery when it opens in the morning. Take a new walk down a street that you never walked on before. Make a point of smiling to one person and complementing them.
Your life will improve. I promise you.

Rejected by the editors
For some reason.
Girls being girls
And why not? Well, I love the dresses, and you will note that they are all having a great time together.

Guys being guys
And why not? To me they look like they are having a good time.

Guys and girls together
And why not?
It looks like fun, though I do think that the turkey is a “bit too much” for a picnic.

Yet another Rufus saves someone
It’s up to us; me and you, to make the world a better place. Stop waiting on the sidelines. Stop waiting for the “perfect moment”. Stop dreaming and start doing. Once you be the Rufus all sorts of things enter in your life. You will be stunned. So stop being an observer, and start being a participant. Be the Rufus. Nothing else is worthy of you.

Barber Chair
I think these things are beautiful.
The rise of the modern ghetto blaster
The ghetto blaster of days gone by is often regarded a relic of history today. Think back to the 80s, and you’re sure to have an image in your mind of a ghetto blaster with cassette player functionality and a unique chrome trim.
While many people still have a place in their heart for old-fashioned boomboxes, it’s safe to say that the older models did have their issues.
Equaliser settings seemed to make absolutely no difference to the sound quality. The chunky and blocky design meant carrying your ghetto blaster was a real headache. That’s particularly true if you had extra cassette recorders and speakers to think about.

On top of all that, ghetto blasters also had a major problem with battery life. These portable devices often required a huge number of batteries. Filling a device full of 10-12 D batteries could leave it weighing anywhere up to 26 pounds.
Many of the updates appearing in the new ghetto blaster market come with a focus on correcting the key issues of days gone by. As society continues to embrace the idea of “public music” again, ghetto blasters are seeing a resurgence.
However, today’s consumers don’t want to deal with the old gripes of their parents.

Cassettes might have been the perfect way to store and carry music back in the 70s and 80s when they were small and cheap – but they’re not going to have the same impact now.
People want the freedom to stream their music digitally through USB sticks and Bluetooth connections instead.

You may occasionally encounter a CD ghetto blaster which gives you the option to play older audio formats. However, it’s more common to find a portable device that looks more like a massive speaker than a CD player these days.
The modern ghetto blaster combines radio and Bluetooth to introduce something more portable than anything we had in the past.
艾热 – 风语画江湖
Here’s what some Chinese RAP music looks like. Enjoy.

Rescue the babies!
A car carrying children falls into a pond. The mother cannot get out! What is to be done? You need a Rufus nearby. That is what you need. For a Rufus will help you. A Rufus will provide support. A Rufus will set things right! Be the Rufus!

New York, July 5, 1921. “Lanier Hotel restaurant.”
Fried kidney only 20 cents. Note the sleeping mousers. What’s all that stuff on the floor? Sawdust?
Young girls on roller skates
This takes me back. I used to have a pair of skates like this. Obviously this pre-dates roller blades. It was a simpler time.

Acts of kindness in India
The world needs more Rufus’s. Look what is going on in India! It doesn’t take much. But you too can help others. You too can make a difference. You too can be the Rufus.

Washington, D.C., 1920. “Suffragettes voting.”
Well, I don’t know about you all, but I do love the place where they are at.

A hungry man sits down at a table in a restaurant…
And starts to eat the left over food that was left behind by the people who were eating there. He’s eating the few remaining table scraps when a Rufus comes and throws away the dirty food, and gives him is own brand new meal. It doesn’t cost much. But a Rufus participates. A Rufus helps. A Rufus makes the world a better place.
Be that Rufus!

Summer is here
For me, nothing says “Summer” than a nice fire in the woods. Especially at dusk when the air chills a bit, the dusk glooms, and the insects start making those night-time noises that they often do. It’s a time of reflection, companionship, drinking and hotdogs. Never forget the food.
In most cases, it’s cheaper to buy a pack of hotdogs and buns than it is to buy some Doritos. So cut down the costs, and have more get-togethers. Spend some time with others. Have a good time. And talk. Just talk.

A Rufus participates in his community
It is very, VERY important that a Rufus be part of his / her community. You be helpful. You smile, and you be that light that others look forward to seeing every day. And when things go “South”, the Rufus is always there to “pick up the slack”; to make the world a better place. Maybe in a small way…
…but if everyone was a Rufus, well, there would be a lot less trouble and discomfort in this world. Be the Rufus, anything less is a disservice.

A Rufus is helpful
Not everyone needs to save someone in crisis. But it does not matter. A real Rufus is helpful. A real Rufus is considerate and caring. A real Rufus shows humanity.
Be the Rufus.

John Ross says
Well, he said this truth.

Why are Americans so fat?
Well, there are multiple reasons, but this chart summarizes the most critical ones.
For those of you that are trying alternative campaign ideas…
I have laid out a methodology on how to navigate the MWI through world-line travel. And the key to this is affirmation campaigns. But others might not like the discipline that it requires. If you want to try something easier, might I suggest this…
It’s up to us
It’s not up to the “elected” officials to make rules, laws and budgets. It’s up to us to make meaningful change. We need it. Do not be in denial. We all need each other, and we need to step up to the plate, put away our fears and start making the world a better place to live in. We cannot control the entire world, or the country. But we can make a difference in our town and in our community.
Be the Rufus. Don’t be the spectator.

Oh No!
What must this tiger be thinking?

Death Wish USA
As an American, I am often asked (innocently) what the heck the USA is doing? I mean it is behind an event trying to cause World War III with the Russians, it is trying to provoke World War III with Taiwan, and it is being so very cocky and dangerous at just about every level internationally.
I respond that America is desperate.
The American leadership has squandered everything it has and run the nation into the ground.
Now the people are starting to get really upset and angry. Their only answer is to point elsewhere…
"It's not Washington's fault... it's Russia!"
Or, of course…
"It's not Washington's fault... it's China!"
And you know what, the USA military knows, and the rest of the world knows, that the USA is in absolutely no state to pick fights with anyone. Not at all. America is not a nation of Rambo’s. It’s become something else.
So what the heck is going on?
I argue that the next video describes WHY the USA is acting so brazenly crazy…
Here’s a guy so desperate, so unhappy, so fed up with his life that he wants to commit suicide by police officer. And you know what? This is becoming more and more common throughout the Untied States.

Van life 1960’s
Today, in 2021, many Americans now live in their cars. The failure of society, of culture, and of government has been colossal. And their solution? To have world war III with both Russia and China simultaneously. I think that they have a true death wish.

A considerate Rufus
Notice how these Chinese Rufus street sweepers handle the spray nozzles when confronting pedestrians and motor bike riders. A Rufus is considerate. A Rufus makes the world a better place.
A place to get away from it all.
There is something about Ireland and Scotland that shouts peace and tranquility. At least in my mind anyways. And this picture of a “man’s castle” is the image of a nice place where a person can go to just be left alone. And you know what? Everyone needs to be left alone from time to time, don’t you know.

Be the Rufus!
Are you happy with the way the world is now? If not, do you want to change it? What about your life?
The first step in making meaningful change is to recognize that all change is local.
It starts with you.
Not by writing a letter to your Congress-person, or by waving a banner and staging a protest. It begins with you taking part in your community. Be a helping hand. Make a difference. this world of ours needs people that will help change it.
You can be that person.
Start small. Start simple.
Smile more. Be kind. Go out of the way to make friends. Complement another person.
I believe in you.
Be that catalyst for good, meaningful change. Be the Rufus!

Do you want more?
You can find more articles related to this in my latest index; A New Beginning. And in it are elements of the old, some elements regarding the transition, and some elements that look towards the future.
New Beginnings.
Articles & Links
Master Index.
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Thanks for another fun post!
Here’s a photo I found of the Ghetto Blaster model I had in 1991. It was gigantic and had incredible bass and even an IR remote control. I used to transport it in a huge hiking backpack, especially when I was homeless for a while. Never bought batteries for it though as, like you said, it required 10 D cells. Also needed 4 AA for memory backup. It was 15 pounds and almost indestructible!
LOL! Outstanding! 10 “D” size cells! Why not just carry around a portable generator?
I really dig the underlying message of “helping others” you are putting out. We have this woman a town over who embodies this message perfectly; she goes to all the supermarkets around the place and gets all their throw out food (usually which is all stuff that has just reached its best before date but is still perfectly fine; anything with a use by date doesn’t get picked up) and brings it back to her place where she puts its out on her front verandah for anyone body to come and take. Every single day, she has shelves and shelves of bread – and not just cheap bread either; sourdough, pan di casa, all the really good stuff that costs upwards of $5 a loaf – and whatever other random stuff, iced donuts, a cupboard with soups, canned tuna and coffee, and a fridge with frozen meals and ice creams, fresh fruit, vegetables you name it. All of it is just put their on her verandah for people who are struggling to just come and take what they need free of charge regardless of whether she is home or not. The problem is though, she wasn’t able to advertise it on the local group pages – lawsuits and whatnot from the supermarket chains giving her the food – so she was relying on word of mouth to get around that it was all there for the taking. I think this is the sort of thing our world needs.
You are absolutely right. You know, you might want to “drop her a line” and ask if there is something tangible that you can do to help her out. And “don’t jump into the fire” quickly, just suggest an occasional helping hand, here or there. I can tell you from experience that she would be more than happy to hear from you. Be the Rufus! It’s our highest calling.
Be the Rufus? You are the Rufus by giving a US reader
a peek into Chinese culture. Thank you
Interesting you say thermobaric weapon used in Beirut, Mr Man. Ive heard otherwise and Duff concurs. Are you sure? Or just an impression if you don’t mind my asking!
Next gen mini nukes leave little residual radiation if any.
Concur if was US influence, though. This was a big decision and would require Israel was covered in case of possible but not probable blowback.
I wrote a post about this being a micro nuke. I still personally believe that. But you know, many people have these (pre-trained) reactions when you mention something that (oh, the USA would NEVER do that!) on your site. So, from my point of view mini-nuke or thermobaric weapons, who cares? The damage is the same.
If the Beirut explosion had been a nuke, the electromagnetic pulse (EMP) would have damaged electronics and the power grid in the area. There are video recordings of the blast (on electronic devices) that an EMP would have prevented obtaining. We would have had no smartphone video of the blast, etc.
Using a nuke at any time under any circumstances short of the kind of WWIII scenarios we discuss here is as close to unlikely as we’re likely to find these days. Israel would have little to gain and much to lose by using a nuke once it was discovered—and an EMP would confirm use of a nuke.
Remember that Israel just signed a series of Trump–brokered peace deals with neighboring Muslim countries. Attacking another Muslim–majority country (at least one not named “Iran”) with such a weapon would undo all that work.
A side thought comes to mind. Your terms of posting say not to attack Jews. What are unfounded assertions of Israel using nuclear weapons on a (relatively unarmed) neighbor if not an attack on Jews? I have real concerns about a lot of things Israel does, but accusing it of this is a bit much. Might as well say the Rothschilds ran the operation against Beirut.
I just want to keep MM a pleasant and safe place. Sure there are bad Jews, bad Christians, Bad Muslims, Bad Hindus. Sure. But this is not the place to rant. If your comment or article refers to an individual or group that has done something bad then there is no reason not to mention it. Just say
Instead of
And if it seems that XXXX did YYYY, then I will say it.
In regards to the Beirut attack, I considered the strike a micro-nuke because of…
[1] Radiation detectors suddenly recording radiation.
[2] The identification of both missiles.
[3] The Second missile being of the size and capability to deliver a nuclear payload.
[4] The mushroom cloud. I designed weapons systems for a spell. It’s has to be one unGodly explosion to create a mushroom cloud.
But I don’t know, I don’t have any proof, and I really don’t care. And if it was the Jews, Neocons, Nazi’s, Progressive-BLM-transgenders, or Kentucky farmers makes no difference to me. And it shouldn’t either.
If you left the cake out in the rain, would it matter why it was left there?
Next Gen micro and mini nukes yield an EMP strong enough to stimulate the pixels on a smartfone only.
Many have been filmed in Yemen and Syria doing just that.
A hydrogen bomb in the atmosphere, mind you? Yeah, that would give ya an EMP pulse. And then some. But I have a feeling the Domain have put a desist order on that shit.
Veterans Today have a ‘nuclear weapons education’ section that’ll go into every detail you’d ever need.
Add to that total control of the media narrative and anything can be misconstrued or hidden. Especially in tbe M.E.
How would you know if every computer in Lebanon was fried, anyway? From CNN? BBC?
Think they’d tell you that?
We don’t even know how many people were killed.
They said a few dozen right?
And also said it was a shed full of ammonium nitrate, 😂.
Folks actually accept that because they have no idea what ammonium nitrate is, anyhow.
Other than what CNN told them it was.
I’m sure you catch my drift.
U. I do like the way you think. -MM
Long, harsh and sometimes bitter experience just like yerself, Mr Man. But ultimately rewarding, too.
And going by Arl’s narrative, that kind of learning experience is built into the fabric of the universe, it seems. Either that or cotton wool balls and comfort– and we’ve seen the results of that approach all around us this past 18 months.
And here’s a classic example of pixellation, and similar to what hit Beirut. Just fyi for anyone interested.
Note pixellation only for a brief second or two. Dead giveaway of nuke being used.
Note also the tactic ALWAYS used: a regular blast followed immediately by the nuke as everybody is ducking or distracted. Less chance of visual detection by film crews, etc. As folks are theown off– literally– by the first blast.
Standard operating procedure.