According to all the “experts”, China is a polluted wasteland of child workers, trash, poor unsanitary facilities, and gloom. Well it is not. I had to take a business trip into a heavily industrial zone in the Guangzhou industrial corridor, and here’s my story and pictures. So this is just going to be another quick article on MM life, banging around some factories on a day trip. I think you all might find it interesting.
About the “Nay Sayers”
About two weeks ago, we had a jerk-off place a comment here confirming / stating the nonsense that China is ugly, filthy and corrupt. He provided his “expert” status by prefacing his comment that he taught in medical universities for ten years, twenty years ago.
Ah, that standard boiler plate; “being an “expert” because he was teaching in China for ten years”.
He’s not the first, and won’t be the last. You can make good money having a small “cottage industry” churning out hate-China articles. They pay $1000 per article as of this year. Just follow the template. But you know, I saw through all that.It’s “easy pleasy, lemon squeezy”. So simple a child could do it.
Three reasons…
- Six month changes. Anyone who has lived in China KNOWS that it changes every six months. I mean it. It changes so friggin’ fast here it is amazing. If you are gone for ten years, then you are clueless about what it is now today. Heck, ten years ago people still used paper money. There weren’t any drone police, robot scanning didn’t exist, no one knew what a QR access was, and no one conducted thermal scans!!!!!
If we compare China’s 31 provinces with the 214 sovereign states that compose the “international community”, every Chinese region has experienced the fastest economic growth rates in the world. -UNZ
- Talking Points. Don’t give me all the hate-China talking points. The comment read like something from the “National Review”. Mix it up some. Don’t regurgitate talking points. After all I am HERE, inside of China reading you trying to convince me of things that I can verify by sticking my head out the window.
- Lonely guy. Anyone who has lived in China for ten years and didn’t find a partner and get married is a truly miserable person indeed. It’s not impossible, just highly unlikely. Which says something about your personality, personal body care, hygiene, and social skills. If you cannot build a relationship in China, after one year, you have a problem. At ten years; you just have to be one Hell of a seriously disgusting person. Especially when you are SURROUNDED by attractive marriage age university women.
The trip overview
I had to visit the factory as it is a “new” factory that replaces our normal factory for a New Zealand customer. This factory needed to be instructed on what quality points and checks needed to take place to make the part.A day trip was in order. Drive up, visit the factory and have lunch, drive back. The distance was roughly comparable to driving from Boston to Albany, New York. Not close, but not too far either. The factory was near Shaoguan. You can see it at the top of the map below…

The ride up to the factory
"You must live on the coast, the inland is terribly polluted."
The trip itself was pretty uneventual. We traveled for about four hours. We rode up major highways, crossed massive bridges and went through long tunnels to reach our destination. In all cases, please check out these embedded videos or their associated links to get the “full” experience. It’s almost as good as sitting in the car with MM getting there. video 46MB
Arrival into the tiny village
All of rural China looks like this. It’s an entire nation of skyscrapers. This, believe it or not, is just a tiny, tiny village. video. 69 MB.
Arrival at the factory
And this is what it is like. The factory sits on the edge of the tiny village, and so we just pulled in and went up to the front gate. Video. 32MB
What the factory does
The factory is a casting and machining operation. They cast the part out of stainless steel, then they machine it, and finally check for quality and box and ship. Casting operations are typically dirty everywhere. It doesn’t matter where you are; the United States, China, Afghanistan… a casting factory is hot, dusty, dirty and greasy. Here’s an American casting factory in Cincinnati, Ohio…

Machining operations are better, but not by much. Usually they include polishing operations and the like that typically result in dust and grime everywhere. These are hard core, basic operations, that made cities like Pittsburgh and Detroit famous. But we are not in America. We are in China. And, you know, things are different here.
Out of the car and into the factory
So we parked outside the gate, and met the factory boss at the gate who did the mandatory Coronavirus QR scans, the GPS positioning history, the temperature checks, and supplied us with fresh face masks and we went inside. video
Frenzied pace at the factory
" China employs slave labor, child labor, and indentured poverty stricken people who are yearning for freedom and democracy to unchain them from their shackles..."
Here’s a video that I took from outside the QC building. Sorry it’s kind of boring, but it illustrates the pace of life here. It shows that people are not upset, worried or working a frenzied pace. They are not afraid of losing their jobs on a layoff on Friday, or having to scramble to make ends meet. The factory, by law, must provide them with three free meals a day, free housing, free wifi and television access, and free transportation to and from town. Do they look like they are all yearning for American “freedom and democracy”? video. 14MB
This and that
While my engineer took care of the details, I hung out in the office, drinking tea and smoking cigarettes. We had a nice lunch, and then continued on our work. We ended up inspecting all of the parts, and then then left satisfied for lunch.

Of course, I would check in with him from time to time.

"...starvation and famine are rampant inside of China. It's just that the evil CCP regime won't allow people to see the truth."
We broke for lunch. As always, the factory hosted us and we ate in a private room (which is normal in China). I had a few beers. They wanted to give me a bottle of red wine or 52° white wine for myself, but I declined. Ugh! Then about half way though the meal, I remembered to take some pictures. Because, after all, I did want to record this visit for MM. So I took pictures of the food mid-meal. We ate well…

"Child and slave labor is rampant all over China."
We spent the rest of the day inspecting the product. As you can see the factory workers were inspecting and packaging the product for shipment.

Final packaging
"China only makes cheap Wal-mart junk. We don't need their bullshit."
The approved parts were recorded, marked and packaged by the ladies int he factory. Everything was 100% inspected to print from the customer. Here’s what that looked like…

After all this, we hopped into the car and drove home. I arrived home, and immediately found my home to be in the kind of chaotic shambles that only a two-year old can accomplish. So I helped feed her, clean up, bathe her and put her to bed, then I churned out a post on Affirmation Campaigns. And this was my day. When I woke up, I opened up my normal news feeds to discover that Yahoo! would not longer be accessible inside of China, but used my indexes to see what articles they were pushing. And low and behold it was non-stop hate-China fest. I guess they wanted a piece of that 300 million dollars from the United States federal budget to push that narrative. Whores for money. Sheech! But you know, there are better things in this world. Like this Rufus doggie that saves his master… video 4MB
Do you want more?
I have more posts like this in my China index here… China .
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Thanks for bringing us on your factory trip MM. I love seeing new things!
As for that commentor, probably very fake. I wonder if he has received his $1000 cheque already? LOL.
Thank you for this insightful piece of your work routine.
But what strikes me most, is the clear blue sky!
No white lines – ist it always like this at your place, or was ist just a lucky day?
If you want to see what a “normal” sky is like over here, have a look .
To tell you the truth, these blue skies are all pretty much a near everyday occurrence. It’s a very rare day when the sky turns overcast white. Much of this change is due to the draconian environmental rules put in place in 2013, and policed by the corruption police. It has made a serious and significant difference int he environment inside of China.
I do not know why there aren’t any white vapor trails from Aircraft. Certainly the Chinese domestic aircraft industry has been busy. I suspect it might have to do with the laws requiring the aircraft to be environmentally friendly and use certain fuels. But that’s just a guess. I really have no idea. Vapor trails are a rare thing in China. So it is something that I never noticed before, but now that you mention it, well, yes. We hardly ever see them.
I remember seeing satelitepictures from above the USA after 9/11. If I remember correctly, they closed down Airports for 3? days, and above USA were NO clouds AT ALL.
Joe makes all his Cells out of Stainless Steel 316L
He cannot use any 316L that comes from China.
We bought a Pallet of SEAMLESS Tube Stock and every piece that arrived the other week has the “seam” polished over to make it appear it was seamless. The entire shipment is worthless. These ‘tubes’ were to make dozens of Cells like the one that makes Oil from water.
Is there an Export Quality of Stainless Steel?
Given Australia has closed all its Steel Mills (or about to) We have put down 5 irrigation pumps in the last 5 years. The total cost of one Irrigation pumping station from start to finish is over 100K. All Bore Casings and Pump Columns are now made in China. We’ve had to replace 2 of these Chinese made installations in less than 6 years as they totally rusted out. They replaced Australian made ones that lasted near 50 years.
The upside of this is, The last 2 holes drilled we used PVC 400mm Dia 19mm thick bore casings and Brass Pumps with a Submersible Motor so as to get away from poor chinese metals.
We also manufacture our own Harvesting Header Drums as to order one from the USA is about 15k. Most of OZ’s steel comes from China. Either they are selling us second rate steel and keeping the best for themselves or the ‘experts’ just dont know what good steel is.
This is a great tragedy if China is to be the Worlds Factory for Quality raw materials.
Quality verification of metals is possible and used in instances where material integrity needs to be verified. This is a common enough practice.
However, the labs cost money, and most importers of Chinese stainless steels are too cheap to pay for it.
Since they do not check, they undergo the same risks that the United States has experienced. Check out the “rubber stamping” of poor metal use on the Navy Subs. This is a common problem throughout the world and is a normal occurrence no matter who the manufacturer is, or where they are located.
Most metals out of China – FOR EXPORT – are utility grade. Even if the application calls for a higher grade, all QC checks must be performed. The reason that they are not, is not because of the producer. It is because the buyer of the products does not see the need to reduce their profit margins.
The decision to outsource AZ-land steel production comes from Adelaide. To solve this glaring problem, you first need to address the source of the problem.
Heeeyyyy, now wait just a minute… those women don’t look like this:
I like to look at the girls that are 20 years old. Those girls in the factory are 50 years old. Age will alter a person’ body structure, LOL.
“look at” Hah!
A tiny, tiny Chinese village with modern highrise (looks like apartment blocks), clean sidewalks, well maintained parks, nary a homeless person in sight with 5 lane tar main road. Note that even in the factory industrial area, the roads are 3 lanes without any potholes despite heavy vehicles coming in and out. Literally day and night comparison with small town America.
That lunch looks delicious, well, except for the pigeon. Was that shellfish abalone? If so, the factory really pull out the stops for the tah laoban (big boss) who came to visit.
Btw, that’s a Geely Emgrand (B segment sedan), right? And Emgrand is not even Geely top of the range yet. Chinese cars have really improve by leaps & bounds. Companies like Geely today can easily challenge American car manufacturers on equal footing. In fact, on EV, the Chinese are truly leading. NIO is revolutionary.
Actually the lunch is typical. I’ve had better, but there was only three of us and so we just went to a local restaurant and ate.
This village is the norm here in China. All the old are being torn down and replaced with very nice and new structures, and with that comes a complete maintenance crew and system. Unlike the USA, the Chinese build to maintain. Not put up and forget.
Yeah. that’s a Greely. It’s a basic mid range sedan. Nothing special. Just simple and reliable. My Engineer has had this one for ten years already.
I’ve been pondering about the blue skies. They are everywhere and it’s gotten that I just take them for granted. Maybe I shouldn’t. Eh?
Of course you can’t compare it to Shunde food. But Cantonese food is all about the freshness of ingredients and not overpowering nor over cooking the food.
Blue skies seems to be the norm now in China. Even in Shanghai where my cousin lives. No longer hear about industrial pollution from that city anymore.
Yeah – one shouldn’t take anything for granted nowadays- therefore, you are a very lucky man, too!
Over here, you can count the days with unstained skies a year on two hands.
Makes me yearn to see it for myself,
The situation here is quickly becoming unbearable^^
Europe is going full totalitarian again.
Thanks,MM for showing us a real persin doing real rhings in China. I do not know how it is that ppl can believe crazily illogical and stupid things such as China is using slave labor and child labor. Also, that Chinese ppl are starving and so brainwashed that they support their tyrannical govt.
Perhaps these are all narrative points seeded by WAPP Reps to snag the very low fruit, very low IQ ppl and get them to believe this and spread their stupidity to ppl of like ilk, so tgat they become less competitive and become combative as time goes on.
Logical ppl such as those like YOU who are reading this, that China cannot become the miracle place it is, if all these dumb narratives were true. You can research this…. Over the last ten years, the largest and most numerous real estate and company acquisitions in these big cities all over the world, have been Chinese. Far more so than Russians and even Oil dripping rich Arabs.
It is all narratives for the unfit ilk to digest, spread and identify with, so that Big Data automatically tags them with the term NOT FIT FOR FUTURE USE that is being used for many other weaknesses and frailties i.e. BLM, LGBTPLUSPLUS, Jhaters, demon worshipers, obesity body positivity and so on.
It is refreshing to see MM as a REAL PERSON living the Chinese dream of many foreigners. Great show, MM. Hope this opens the eyes of those others who have not yet understood what is happening in China.
May the GPU bless all of us with the gift of discernment.
BTW, a foreigner, let alone American teaching in Chinese universities not being eaten alive by Chinese women, simply does not exist. Just ask MM and other American expats who’ve been to China and stayed fir more than a few months. Thats a MM factoid. Slamdunked.
Indeed. As I said in the article, twenty years ago… as the commenter stated… and he did not “hook up” or get involved with Chinese woman is PROOF that he is a liar. It’s a beast that does not exist. These women throw themselves at you, and twenty years ago, it was like a shark feeding frenzy. SO whenever someone says… Yeah I used to live in China… and he is not married or cannot say anything nice, is a LIAR. It’s an animal that never existed.