
I warned you. It’s NOW in process. China is now on full war mobilization and red alert status.

The US Air Force has the F35, a fighter plane that is invisible to radar. The F35 is so invisible no-one in Ukraine has seen it.


We interrupt the normal flow of opinion, articles and news on MM for this breaking and concerning alert. But first, some background. Watch the video that I made on Saturday morning…

MM Warning on Saturday 21MAY22

This is the video that I made on Saturday morning. Watch it.

China DEFCON moves from Orange to Red Status

Update: This is FAKE NEWS. Sorry for presenting it. Sources inside of the Chiense govnerment has confirmed that the high state of readiness has not decreased since 2019. I am ashamed for being so taken in by the bullshit. Apologies all around. -MM

Hal Turner Comments…

From HERE.

The China Communist Party (CCP) Central Committee has issued a “National Mobilization Order” to switch China from peacetime to Wartime economy. This is now formal preparation to seize Taiwan and fight-off U.S. protection of that island.

Audio from a Provincial government meeting in the Province of Guangdong was recorded, making explicitly clear they have been ordered to immediately switch to a wartime operating status.

Support of frontline troops, through coordination of industrial production, is now being implemented.

We now return back to our regular programming…

Elegant Photos That Defined Edwardian Fashion Styles Of Young Women

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One of the primary changes of the Edwardian Era included the change in clothes of the women.

A typical Edwardian Woman was very fashion conscious and this era hence brought about remarkable new trends in women’s attire. Curvy hips and fuller low chests were the unique characteristics of this era because they emphasised slim and trim fits.

In short, Edwardian women’s fashion is actually a simplification from Victorian era, but pretty more creativity and innovation. These elegant photos below that defined Edwardian fashion styles of young women.

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Pepe Escobar, in “Russia Rewrites The Art of Hybrid War” at SCF:

So why would weapons peddler retrofitted as Pentagon head Lloyd “Raytheon” Austin literally beg since late February to have his phone calls answered by Russian Defense Minister Shoigu, only to have his wish finally granted?

It’s now confirmed by one of my top intel sources. The call was a direct consequence of panic. The United States Government (USG) by all means wants to scotch the detailed Russian investigation – and accumulation of evidence – on the US bioweapon labs in Ukraine, as I outlined in a previous column.

This phone call happened exactly after an official Russian statement to the UN Security Council on May 13: we will use articles 5 and 6 of the Convention on the Prohibition of Bioweapons to investigate the Pentagon’s biological “experiments” in Ukraine.


Shoigu cold see the call coming eons away. Reuters, merely quoting the proverbial “ Pentagon official”, spun that the allegedly one-hour-long call led to nothing. Nonsense. Austin, according to the Americans, demanded a “ ceasefire” – which must have originated a Siberian cat smirk on Shoigu’s face.

So, according to Escobar, it’s not primarily the disastrous surrender of 2,000 Azov prisoners at Avostal or the possible NATO remainders there that so terrifies the deep state, but the fact that Russia has irrefutable documentation of US war crimes against Humanity in its bioweapons labs — the 30 or so in Ukraine plus ~300 worldwide. The origin of Covid-19 as possible biowarfare against China and Iran also risks exposure.

Scandinavian Airlines Pulled Out Vintage Images Of Old Menu Cards And In-Flight Meals

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Scandinavian Airlines, usually known as SAS, is the flag carrier of Sweden, Norway and Denmark, which together form Scandinavia. SAS is an abbreviation of the company’s full name, Scandinavian Airlines System. Founded on August 1, 1946. A few years ago for their seventieth anniversary they pulled out some old menu cards and and pictures of in-flight meals. Times have changed…

It all looks glorious. Of course it does. These pictures were taken to advertise the marvel of flying with SAS. What we do see are the chefs, who with flourishes of impressive blades carve slices of meat from the grinning hostesses’ well-stocked trolley. The sommelier stands by, ready to suggest the best vintage to accompany the smogasbord of mile-high delights.

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Expert says Putin’s demand for rubles is the “most serious blow” to American interests in Ukraine


An expert has said that the demand by Russian President Vladimir Putin’s for rubles if “unfriendly countries” want gas is the “most serious blow” to American interests in Ukraine.

European countries were stunned by Russia’s demand that gas be paid in rubles as they seemingly expected the Eurasian country to be sanctioned and locked out of Western financial mechanisms without retaliation. Russian President Vladimir Putin said on March 31 that he had signed a decree forcing buyers from “unfriendly countries” to pay for Russian gas in rubles from April 1, warning that contracts would be halted if these payments were not made.

Although the companies and governments of “unfriendly countries” have rejected the move as a breach of existing contracts, which are set in euros or dollars, French economy minister Bruno Le Maire said his country and Germany were preparing for a possible scenario that Russian gas flows are halted – something that would plunge Europe into a full-blown energy and economic crisis.

Although the halt of gas supplies to Europe could see Gazprom lose about half of its profits and reduce investment, it will have an even greater negative consequence on the European energy sector. Europe will not be able to quickly replace Russian gas with LNG supplies from the United States and Qatar, and as a result, European gas prices could rise to $5,000 per 1,000 cubic meters or even higher, which will force a consumption reduction and hit the economy.

Charles Michel, head of the Council of Europe, presented the EU Programme on ensuring energy security. He stressed that eliminating dependence on Russian energy sources is at the heart of the program as, according to him, it is necessary to quickly get rid of Russian carbon hydrogen and then fossil fuels in general.

However, it is clear that even without the current global energy crisis caused by the lack of gas supplies, it would still be impossible to find a short to medium term solution to replace Russian sources. In this way, EU states, the UK, the US and other listed unfriendly countries will have no choice but to engage in rubles trade if they want to continue receiving Russian energy and not let their economic situations worsen.

Speaking about changes in the global economic system following sanctions and Russia’s responses to the financial hostilities, Serbian geopolitical analyst Borislav Korkodelovic said: “IMF and World Bank data also show that it is becoming increasingly easy for the rest of the world to reject the demands of the West because it is no longer as economically omnipotent as it once was.”

“Even when it comes to nominal GDP, the difference between the BRICS countries on the one hand, and the EU and the US on the other, is narrower (24% to 30% before the pandemic and now it is even smaller). When the GDP is calculated relative to the parity of purchasing power, the stakes have already been replaced: 45% to 44.1% in favor of BRICS.”

For his part, Serbian lawyer Branko Pavlović said that Russia, China and India had a key part in building a new global economic system that is more equitable, as it should have been after the Second World War.

“This is a fight for a whole new international relationship and a return to multilateralism with respect to the sovereignty and equality of states, as envisioned after World War II, but now with incredible economic momentum to the general benefit. Everyone around the world understands that America and the West have been exploitative so far. We are now witnessing a new internationalism of liberation,” said Pavlović.

This sentiment was shared by Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov who said that BRICS nations (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) will be at the center of a new world order and stressed that the demand for rubles “is not a change in the terms of [energy] contracts,” but rather “a protection of Russian interests.”

It is this very drive to protect Russian interests that has forced Putin’s hand to demand rubles for energy. In fact, sanctions against Russia have only forced an accelerated change to the global economic system as de-Dollarization is being explored by nearly every major non-Western country.

Alfredo Jalife-Rahme, a Mexican political scientist, said that London, Washington and Beijing agree that there is a weakening of globalization. He stressed that “Moscow’s demand that your gas is paid in rubles” is an example of “the dismantling of the globalized model in the energy framework.”

Jalife-Rahme also explained that “the financial globalization with the predominance of the dollar generated annual profits of 1 trillion dollars for the United States, about 10% of the global GDP. The change of this paradigm may be one of the most serious blows of the Ukrainian situation to American interests.”

The West thought that it could economically collapse Russia, ignoring that sanctions failed to topple Saddam Hussein, Bashar al-Assad, Iran’s Ayatollah’s, Kim Jong-Un and Nicolás Maduro. Rather, sanctions have only forced an acceleration of the de-Dollarization of the global economy. In effect, the demand for rubles for gas is pushing forward a multipolar and more equitable global economic system.


I would now like to offer you some thoughts that do not commit you to this or that conflict, and even less to this or that side. I will just lift a veil and invite you to look at what it hides. What I am about to say may shock you, but we can only find peace by accepting reality.

Wars are changing. I am not talking about weapons and military strategies, but about the reasons for conflicts, about their human dimension. Just as the transition from industrial capitalism to financial globalization is transforming our societies and pulverizing the principles that organized them, so this evolution is changing wars. The problem is that we are already incapable of adapting our societies to this structural change and therefore even less capable of thinking about the evolution of war.

War always seeks to solve the problems that politics has failed to solve. It does not happen when we are ready for it, but when we have eliminated all other solutions.

This is exactly what is happening today. The US Straussians have inexorably cornered Russia in Ukraine, leaving it no option but to go to war. If the Allies insist on pushing her back, they will provoke a World War.

Thierry is always good:


Ukraine update & Wheat for Rubles has collective west in panic mode

A Big Lie

The NY Times publishes a Big Lie,

"In the end, it is the Ukrainians who must make the hard decisions."

No, the opposite is true–all decisions are made in DC and have since 2014.

The phone calls are pathetic since they’re being made by those who lack the power to initiate negotiation. Blinken, Sullivan and Nuland are the ones killing Ukrainians since they refuse to allow any attempts at peace. And those three believe their own swill.


Placebo – English Summer Rain [Soulmates Never Die HD]

Takes me back…


May Ukraine SitRep – Russians Break Through U.S. Bolsterism

From MoA.

On May 14 I noted that the U.S. had asked Russia for a ceasefire in Ukraine:

The U.S. readout of the call says:

On May 13, Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III spoke with Russian Minister of Defense Sergey Shoygu for the first time since February 18. Secretary Austin urged an immediate ceasefire in Ukraine and emphasized the importance of maintaining lines of communication.

Austin initiated the call and the U.S. is seeking a ceasefire in Ukraine!!!

Yesterday the top officers of the U.S. and Russia had a call which, again, the U.S. side had initiated:

Army Gen. Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and Gen. Valery Gerasimov, chief of the Russian General Staff, held a conversation that the Pentagon declined to further detail beyond acknowledging it had happened.

Thinks must be bad in Ukraine for this to have happened. Indeed if one trusts the daily ‘clobber list’ the Russian Ministry of Defense puts out all positions of the Ukrainian army are under heavy artillery fire and it is losing about 500 men per day. There are additional Russian effective strikes on training camps, weapon storage sites and transport hubs all over the country.

On top of that the tactical situation at the eastern frontline has changed after Russian forces broke through the heavily fortified frontline.

2022 05 21 11 23
2022 05 21 11 23

Source: liveuamap.combigger A few days ago the Russian army went forward along the H-32 road, broke through the line in the direction of Propasna and took the town. It has since extended the bulge by taking several villages to the north, west and south.

2022 05 21 11 2z3
2022 05 21 11 2z3

biggerThis breakthrough gives the chance to roll up the Ukrainian fortifications along the frontline through flank attacks or from behind. By cutting the supply lines of the Ukrainian troops to the north and south envelopes can be created which will eventual lead to cauldrons with no way out for the Ukrainian troops.

This is especially dangerous for the several thousand soldiers north of the bulge which currently defend the cities of Sieverodonetsk and Lysychansk in the north eastern part of the upper bubble.

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2022 05 21 11 2s4

biggerThe Russian plan was to have another breakthrough from the north pushing to Siversk to then close the upper envelope. But after several failed attempts to cross the forest area and the Seversky Donets river that breakthrough has still to happen.

Russia is now likely to push fresh troops into the Propasna bulge to extend its reach into all directions. Reports of current actions show that the heavy fighting and bombing on the frontline continues and that bombing also continues to target traffic nodes.

2022 05 21 11 24
2022 05 21 11 24

biggerOther fronts in Ukraine are currently relatively quiet with little direct fire. Still daily Russian artillery attacks hits all Ukrainian front lines and will cost daily casualties.

Some 2,000 Azov militia and Ukrainian army troops have left the catacombs of Azovstal in Mariupol. Another thousand may still be down there. The Russian army is filtering these prisoners. Members of Azov and other militia will be put to court. Ukrainian army soldiers will become prisoners of war.

The gasoline and diesel scarcity in Ukraine is currently having severe impacts. Even the Ukrainian military is now rationing its fuel. Since about six weeks ago Russia has systematically attacked refineries and fuel storage sites in Ukraine. It also disabled railroad bridges along the lines that brought fuel from Moldova and Romania.

At the same time the Ukrainian government had held up price regulations for fuel. The consumer sale prices for diesel and gasoline were fixed. The cost of fuel brought in by private trucks from Poland exceeded the price gas station owners could ask for. In consequence gas stations ran dry as their owners refrained from purchasing new fuel.

Three days ago the Zelensky regime in Kiev finally ended the fuel price control:

According to [economy minister] Svyrydenko, the government expects that the maximum prices for diesel will not exceed UAH 58 ($1.97), for gasoline — UAH 52 ($1.76) per liter, once controls are lifted.

“As soon as we feel that market operators are abusing their position, we will impose sanctions on them,” she added.

“We will monitor the situation on a daily basis”.

The expected prices are lower than what is currently asked for in Germany and that is without trucking the fuel the 600 kilometer from Poland to Kiev. The threat of sanctions also means that local wholesalers will have little incentives to actually deal in fuel. With the average wages in Ukraine being about $480 per months the real fuel prices will soon become another economic shock.

The Ukrainian government also continues its attacks on unions and labor laws:

In March, the Ukrainian parliament passed wartime legislation that severely curtailed the ability of trade unions to represent their members, introduced ‘suspension of employment’ (meaning employees are not fired, but their work and wages are suspended) and gave employers the right to unilaterally suspend collective agreements.
But beyond this temporary measure, a group of Ukrainian MPs and officials are now aiming to further ‘liberalise’ and ‘de-Sovietise’ the country’s labour laws. Under a draft law, people who work in small and medium-sized firms – those which have up to 250 employees – would, in effect, be removed from the country’s existing labour laws and covered by individual contracts negotiated with their employer. More than 70% of the Ukrainian workforce would be affected by this change.

Against a background of concerns that Ukrainian officials are using Russia’s invasion to push through a long-awaited radical deregulation of labour laws, one expert has warned that the introduction of civil law into labour relations risks opening a “Pandora’s box” for workers.

In total the social-economic situation for Ukraine is catastrophic. The military situation is even worse. Mariupol has fallen and Russian troops working there will soon be able to go elsewhere. The Propasna bulge is threatening to envelope the whole northern frontline together with the core of the Ukrainian army.

There is no more talk of the Ukrainian army ‘winning’ like in Kiev or Karkov where the Russian troops retreated in good order after finishing their task of holding Ukrainian forces in place.

The Ukrainian command has sent several territorial brigades to the front lines. These units were supposed to defend their home towns. They consist of middle age men drafted into service. They have little fighting experience and lack heavy weapons. Several of these units have published videos saying they were giving up. They are lamenting that their commanders left them when their situation became critical.

That the Ukrainian army is now using such units as cannon fodder shows that it has only few reserves left.

Weapons that come in from the ‘west’ have difficulties reaching the front lines and had so far very little effect. They amount to drops of water on a hot plate.

All the above are the reasons why Austin and Milley have phoned up their Russian equivalents. They are also the reasons why the New York Times editors call on the Biden administration to end its bluster and to take a more realistic position:

Recent bellicose statements from Washington — President Biden’s assertion that Mr. Putin “cannot remain in power,” Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin’s comment that Russia must be “weakened” and the pledge by the House speaker, Nancy Pelosi, that the United States would support Ukraine “until victory is won” — may be rousing proclamations of support, but they do not bring negotiations any closer.
In the end, it is the Ukrainians who must make the hard decisions: They are the ones fighting, dying and losing their homes to Russian aggression, and it is they who must decide what an end to the war might look like. If the conflict does lead to real negotiations, it will be Ukrainian leaders who will have to make the painful territorial decisions that any compromise will demand.
[A]s the war continues, Mr. Biden should also make clear to President Volodymyr Zelensky and his people that there is a limit to how far the United States and NATO will go to confront Russia, and limits to the arms, money and political support they can muster. It is imperative that the Ukrainian government’s decisions be based on a realistic assessment of its means and how much more destruction Ukraine can sustain.

Confronting this reality may be painful, but it is not appeasement. This is what governments are duty bound to do, not chase after an illusory “win.” Russia will be feeling the pain of isolation and debilitating economic sanctions for years to come, and Mr. Putin will go down in history as a butcher. The challenge now is to shake off the euphoria, stop the taunting and focus on defining and completing the mission. America’s support for Ukraine is a test of its place in the world in the 21st century, and Mr. Biden has an opportunity and an obligation to help define what that will be.

Posted by b on May 20, 2022 at 16:49 UTC | Permalink

The Gregg Allman Band 1982 – Queen of Hearts – Saenger Theatre New Orleans

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New Beginnings 4


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Facts on fall of the US$


Thank you, the gentle man speaking of the train wreck
of the US monetary condition is quite true. Example:
My husband, retired from a lifetime of tech work is now
driving a big rig from Upper midwest to California and back.
Prior, he drove for a company that went into Chicago for some
pick ups and delivery. He reported that the pot holes in those areas
were so large and frequent that it was too hazardess and unsafe
as the holes could knock the tires right off. He left that job.


Wow, this Edwardian’s costumes, very beautiful. but I still prefer the Han costumes. dressed by Chinese women.

As for SAS, I remember well when air travel was kind of a nice experience, not the cow taxi service it is today. and people smoke ! but only at the back.. like this stupid covid mask measures. (regardless, Covid/bioweapon threat does exist), only if there is a plague, a serious threat, you dont leave your home unless you have to, and you definitely don’t go on flights packed with 200 other sardines in a flighting aluminum can.

I remember waking up from the 9 11, maybe 7 years after, I started to notice things.
got upgraded once to business, long flight, food, food, food, but then all the forks and knives where nice old silver like or other strong metal, and some of the knives were sharp.
I believe in first class you could get a chain saw if you ask for. to cut the meat of course.

Hal turner, I pass, for my own sanity.. anyway, I went for the youtube source he refer to, I think you should check it up, its like vault 11. It can be true, I mean the story, who knows. At least the channel does not pretend to be pro china/ccp by no means. seams like falon gong, epoc times kind of stuff.


Congjing yu,

Responding to the video: people of the USA may be paying
attention to their own personal world, or consider the media
presentations with only casual interest, or be stone ignorant of
history and the present, or be in a state of shock about the
level of corruption in the US today. America is being destroyed
in a very vile manner from within. It is clear to me that not only
do the “leaders”want to kill or maim citizens, they also want to
provoke violence amongst the people.

Making “pokes” at Russia and China? News of bio-labs making
compounds to harm, maim or kill specific genomes is madness.
Massive weaponry being sent to Ukraine to affect Russians?
That would be aiding the enemy from a Russian point of view, and
those are acts of war. Trying to do the same to China is double
madness. Most people cannot fathom this regardless their level
of social engagement and understanding. I am one of those.
One must ask if the goal is to destroy the USA/obliterate it and
erase it from history? I think so.


The J 20 is a impressive big black bird hey, I thought they were SAAB Drakens in my dreams 25 years ago but when this critter was first made public I knew what I had seen. J 20’s vs F15’s. New Government down here so lets hope the Labor Party repairs some of the damage with China and backs off from the US somewhat. Can only hope hey.


From the statements coming from Albanese team, looks like its business as usual towards China (maybe a slight softening).

” This (Tokyo Quad meeting) visit aligns with what the Albanese Government sees as the three pillars of Australia’s foreign policy: our alliance with the United States, our engagement with the region, and our support for multilateral forums,” Albanese said in a statement.

” Australia relationship with China would remain “a difficult one”. It is China that has changed, not Australia and Australia should always stand up for our values and we will in a government that I lead,” Albanese said.

I think he will try to heal the rift within Australia first & concentrate on getting Oz back on track. But there wont be any major changes to (Morrison’s) foreign policy. I hope I am wrong (on the foreign policy) but seems to be the case from his initial statements.


And reinforced this stance in Tokyo according to this mornings news. Trade embargos and a Pacific trading group that excludes China. The ball keeps gaining momentum JAS I am sad to say. Cheers for the reply mate and all the best.

f o l

MM eating and picking his teeth while pontificating that nukes will fly if Biden lands in Taiwan. Fuck this shit. I’m out of here.

f o l

Dude, I drank a bottle of wine and I was a prick. I admire your writing because I learn things I could never learn anywhere else. Please accept my apology and remove my stupid comments, which I regret writing. I promise it will not happen again. Like, what, you’ve never said something you regretted later?

Last edited 2 years ago by f o l
Neil Cahill

so are you saying the Hal Turner info/”intel” is bogus? I value ur opinion and input for more reason than one.
China DEFCON moves from Orange to Red StatusUpdate: This is FAKE NEWS. Sorry for presenting it. Sources inside of the Chiense govnerment has confirmed that the high state of readiness has not decreased since 2019. I am ashamed for being so taken in by the bullshit. Apologies all around. -MM
Hal Turner Comments…


THANKS! valuable advice