More Q&A to The Domain Commander using my EBP

I have these EBP things in my body. In August or September 2021, I discovered that I could open up a comm link using them to their owners; The Domain. I was surprised when they communicated back. After a short while we honed the process and now I have a mechanism where I can ask questions and get answers. This is part of the various Q&A sessions that I have had with them. This one occurred in October 2021.

Here’s some additional questions that I have asked.

Are any members of the Domain’s “Lost Battalion” part of the MM readership?

This might be a curiosity to some, and important to others. It was asked in a question on 18OCT21. Here is the response.


And talk about being terse! Jeeze. That’s about as helpful as knowing that there are worms in your backyard grass.

So I asked for elaboration.

It is best if the members of the "Lost Battalion" do not realize who they are at this time. 

Those that view / read /respect /search for answers are on the path towards rehabilitation. But many are not ready for the answers and truth yet. Their conditioning has been far too invasive, distressing and thorough. 

By their very nature they will fight against anything new or different. They will appear gruff and cantankerous at times for after all, their life on the Prison Planet has not been kind to them. As well as that is part of their very nature.

Enough said.

What do you regard as their highest truth? If there is a master key to the puzzle that we are all missing that will make the universe make sense?

Again, quick. Faster than what I was ready for.

Yes there are truths, and then there are TRUTHS. What we would regard as a "truth" would hold a completely different meaning to an person (inmate) within an artificial reality.

Humans on the earth, as well as many other creatures, are inmates. 

Imagine a fish tank full of fish. There are big fish, small fish, crabs, a frog, all types of things. To them, their entire universe is that fish tank, and while they can peer through the glass, the objects in the distance are identifiable to them, but not understood by them. They are recognizable shapes, but they have no understanding of them.

That telephone on the table is just a rectangular shaped object. That light that comes on and off at times is a "natural rhythm". They don't understand them. They don't understand that the telephone is the "Bees Knees". They just don't understand.

Now, let's suppose the lady of the house waltzes in the room. She smiles like she always does, and feeds the fish with the fish food nearby, and then walks away with her gams in rhythmic motion. The fish would assume that she is part of the nature of things. That she is reliable, and dependable and that their existence depends on her. To them, she appears as a swanky goddess. To them, the "truth" is that they are part of her daily routine. It's a natural world.

But the actual TRUTH is something entirely different.

The fishbowl is a construct. The lady, as beautiful and kind as she is, is their keeper. And their very life depends on her. The fishbowl lies within a much larger universe, and there are so many things that they just do not understand about it. In fact, you can say that outside the fishbowl is a much different world. There is no stable bubbling oxygenation of water, no thermoclines, no gravel at the bottom, and no algae on the sides of the tank walls.

And if you told them this, what would it matter?

Are any of the fish going to jump out of the tank, and try to make it to the front door in the living room?

Truth is a relative thing. It depends on the person asking the question.

For the questioner...

... the truth is simple. You are in a prison. The "universe" that you see that lies outside beyond the prison, but what you observe is not what actually exists. It's something else entirely. You are not going to take a rocket ship and travel the "vast gulf of space" to another star like you think you are able. It will not be like Star Trek, or Flash Gordon. It is similar to what you observe (from afar), but decidedly and functionally different. As the universe that you view is not what it actually is. This is not hokum.

Outside the prison walls is a universe that does not at all resemble what you think it does. That's a truth that you must accept.

I have been having these images of what I once was. A Mades Escapleon. Are these perceptions correct?

Again, a personal question.

My images are a comically gnome / dwarfish / kind of lizardly elfin figure with a big belly and a kind of green and white Santa Claus style outfit. Pretty bizarre eh?

Your mind constructs images that you have encountered during this life. The constructs an image of what you would expect yourself to be. That is the case right now.

There are multiple species in co-habitation in the "Old Empire". Many resemble the images of faeries, goblins, dwarves, and so on and so forth. However the images and the presentation of what you have in popular media and literature is not the real and actual depictions of these archetypes nor is it a depiction of the societies that they occupy. 

Mades Escapleon was not a human archetype. He became one when he entered General Population in fear to escape The Domain when we took over the local command and control facilities at the administration center. Your depiction of him, however comical, is actually pretty close to his (garbled. interruption. Not clear.). You would not recognize him as storybook fable type of character. But rather as a smallish, ugly businessman with an abrupt manner, and a sneering demeanor.

The administration and command and control operation for the earth planet within this prison planet is inside the moon in a large void that resides adjacent to the offset metallic hot core. We (The Domain) have taken over this facility and now use this region for our own purposes. However there are many members of the "Old Empire" that did not egress into the General Population when we seized the administration complex. they still live there inside the cavity. To you, they might appear as those fairy tale book characters.

Your office was large, and was in the most predominant structures within the void. Keep in mind that Mades Escapleon was just a singular (series of) incarnations that you maintained as a (not clear) role for his majesty (not clear / garbled / not important). You need not get too upset or worry about your past. The incarnations in the general population of the Prison planet system has changed you.

Consider these thoughts just echoes of a former life that no longer has any importance to who you are today.

The Lost Battalion living in human form. Do the Mantids interact with them?

From my previous Q&A…

“Unfortunately most humans are prevented from configuring their “stage upwards / higher form / above non-physical” bodies. This is a Mantid (sic.) directive. This is why inmates are quickly shuttled off to “Heaven”. So they cannot shape change their “migration paths / attunement centers / organ clusters” to fit other forms.”

The Lost Battalion living in human form. Do the Mantids interact with them? Or are they outside of the Mantids’ directives/supervision? I believe the Mantids supervise every human or at least monitor them at death.  If so, then that suggests the Mantids know where the members of the Lost Battalion are. This drills down into some inconvenient questions, which I assume both you and the Commander is very much aware of.

The answer came in the form of sliding events, which I really don’t want to describe right now, as I am tired. And I need to get some sleep.

Think of it is a kind of layered deck of cards that you push to the side and draw off the top card, and then another appears and so on and so forth….

Yes. The Mantids (sic.) interact with all inmates in General Population. There are Mantid(s) (sic.) associated with every human (or mammal) form as this is an artificial construct that needs to be maintained while in the Prison Complex. 

The forms that the Domain "Lost Battalion" were in when they were captured are not the forms that they are inhabiting now. These forms are not "doll bodies". But rather, they are specially constructed "skin suits" for use within the General Population chambers in the Prison Complex. Some are human, some are in other mammal bodies. Each "skin suit" has an associated Mantid (sic.) to maintain it, operate it, and make sure that it follows the pre-birth world-line template (sic.)

Since the Domain interacts and communicates with the Mantids (sic.) we are able to identify where the elements of the "Lost Battalion" are. We know where they exist within the Prison Complex at any moment, and we work with the Mantids (sic.) as necessary towards our end goals and directives.

The Mantids (sic.) control the "skin suits". They maintain and help follow the progression of life events along the pre-birth world-line template (sic.). 

But these Mantids (sic.) are not the same as the creatures (Mantids Prime) that occupy roles within the "Heaven" that was constructed as part of this Prison Complex.

Both the Mantids (sic.) and Mantids Prime (sic.) that occupy heaven are of the same genetic classification, however they are totally different in their operational parameters. 

[1]  The Mantids Prime (sic.) continue to follow the "Old Empire" directives and operate within "Heaven" as if the Domain does not exist. 

[2]  While the Mantids within the Prison Complex work with us and are aligned with our end goals.

We of The Domain do not venture within the "Heaven" constructed sub-universe. To do so would require us to go through the electromagnetic washing of our very being and souls. So we have never visited the "Heaven" constructs. Thus we have never communicated with the Mantid Primes (sic.)

Thus, when a member of the "Lost Battalion" dies it is immediately shuttled off to the "Tunnel of Light", enters "Heaven" and is met by Mantid Prime (sic.) caretakers that have a directive to immediately recycle back with a pre-defined (nasty) pre-birth world-line template. 

Then upon the General Population in the Prison Complex, "our" Mantids (sic.) take over and work with us to our end goals.

How are cats not part of the inmates!?

From my previous Q&A…

“Felines follow the same general behavior rules as humans do. Except that felines are not inmates in the Prison Planet Complex.”

How are cats not part of the inmates!? Are they visitors from elsewhere? This suggests that they are pretty advanced. In fact by my limited interaction with my feral cats, in some respects they display more human behavior than most humans. I actually learnt kindness and trust in ways which surprised me.

This was an interesting response.

(Pause.) I have to get back to you on this.

So, what will happen is that the Commander will go off and do his / her / it research or communication, and get back with me. Probably at an odd point in time.

Four weeks later. His response…

Felines, not only ordinary house cats, have a quantum makeup that differ substantially from that of the inmate archetypes that were developed when the Prison Complex was first established. You can think of it as oil vs. water, or Windows computer operating system, and the Lunix operating system. Or you can think of it as an electrical heater as opposed to a kerosene heater. It's completely different.

But it is more than that.

The feline archetype did not approve of making any inmate version archetypes. Every time an attempt was made to create a feline prison suit, it was thwarted and blocked. Not only because it was much, much harder to do, but also become the felines themselves did not want that to happen. 

You cannot contain or constrain a cat. They are their own free entities, and they value this aspect of their lives in the must fundamental manner. They actually view most other forms of physical manifested life as "below them". They would not permit a "lower" species to create a genetic manipulation of their archetype.

So it did not happen.

When the first efforts were undertaken to do so, there were all sorts of problems and issues.  Eventually, the engineers and researchers of the "Old Domain" gave up. They "shelved" the feline project and excluded it from the catalog of inmate skin suits. 

Now, initially, they did report these issues to their superiors. Each and every time their superiors demanded that they work harder. Eventually, they decided not to say anything and the Prison Complex was opened up without feline archetype modification.

There were side projects in which archetypes were developed and failed. Eventually, the researchers told their superiors that it was not advisable as the felines would find a way to escape from the Prison Complex. This was an excuse that the upper management accepted, and so all research was filed away and forgotten. And you now have this situation that persists to this day.

Your point about trans species migrations.

Dogs and elephants etc may be equally intelligent as humans, just limited by their containers. So a dog when in a human behavior has all the same emotional and mental intelligence when freed from the limits so imposed. This suggests that emotions and intelligence is similar across specie across the worlds.

If true then many characteristics are cultural or biological. (I’m thinking your Commander can absorb the culture of humans because he has access to ALL of your memories lol. But this rabbit hole I will leave to you. For me it’s more benign than it looks.)

Trans-species migrations happen all the time. It's fairly common outside of the Prison Complex universe. However, there are limitations, and favoritism in the body selection and group quantum clusters that make a favorite type of incarnation more desirable than others.

In the Prison Planet environment, however, it is a completely different situation. The mantids in Heaven (mantid prime) make the decisions and give permissions or not to allow or not this kind of inter-specie transfer experience. Individual IS-BE's have very little say in the outcome of that request.

One of the problems that can arise is when one species, say a predatory insect species, inhabits a modified human skin suit for the General Population in the Prison Complex. Their personality will stay the same, but will adapt to the new skin suit and environment. 

These old previous species behaviors, while natural in other environment could end up being toxic in the human environment. Thus it is one of the reasons why we (The Domain) put a stop to other civilizations dumping their undesirables into the Prison Complex for administrative punishment.

Does your ownership of planet Earth come from right of conquest? Some sort of Terra Nullius?

Continuing on the Q&A. This particular question was asked late at night after I finally got my young daughter to sleep. I then sat down and started the process.

We created the master universe that the Prison Complexes and it's pocket universe inhabits. We established the creatures, the plants, the planets, the stars and the entire operation of everything. At that time, The Domain was an earlier incarnation, and we all were learning and establishing fundamentals and boundaries for the universe.

We let general chaos expand, and as a result the master universe became something that we do not like to see. We held a series of meeting in this regard and decided to secure all errant elements and maintain a most basic and fundamental foundational aspect of control.

What is going on with your "Milkyway galaxy" is that we are suppressing the unstable elements in favor of unified control according to our most basic principles.

Rather than a territorial expansion and seizure of this galaxy, we are instead working behind the scenes where possible to stabilize errant civilizations. When we cannot do so, we secure the civilizations by force. This is what we did with the "old empire". 

In all cases the civilizations are then scrubbed of the negative attributes and problematic behaviors and permitted to operate within a very broad set of guidelines that will prevent a relapse of dangerous behaviors.

If Earthlings are in the position of native Americans who faced annilation at the hands of the Great White Father, what do we do?

Morning inquiry.

Fear is the problem. Certainly there is reason to be concerned, as earth history is rife with stories of conquest. But the earth is a unique environment peopled with many vicious and malevolent / selfish / profiteering entities. This is NOT (there was a great vibrational rocking with this particular word. Almost like a earthquake) the norm in the "master universe".

This Prison Complex was derived and came from a particularly unique culture of war-like entities that formed a society that we refer to as the "Old Empire". So this war-like, profiteering society took their worst (and their best) citizenry and locked them up inside this prison complex. The lives that you have experienced here, and the histories that you have experienced here are excessive and extreme.

That being said, the "Old Empire" being warlike and aggressive is in itself an extreme manifestation. It's not the normal.

These extreme manifestations of society crop up throughout the universe, and that is what The Domain is active in suppressing. There are approximately  two to three really problematic civilizations per galaxy, and the larger galaxies such as yours might hold from seven to twelve (or fourteen) such societies.

Your fears are rational because they are based on your known histories.

This is what you can expect;

[1] The "Old Empire" has been purged of it's "darkest" elements. It is now on the mend and is turning into a calmer, quieter and more peaceful society. Though certain elements of that society had to be forcefully amputated. 

[2] By the time the Prison Complex is fully actuated under The Domain control, many trapped IS-BE's will be able to return to their former relationships and lives in the "Old Empire" or elsewhere as the need be.

[3] Prior to this happening, however, there has to occur numerous events prior to the release of the inmates.

[3A] Sentience sorting. We cannot permit those sentience's that are prone to dangerous behaviors to exist outside of a monitored area on their own. Instead they will be granted supervised parole, and observed and watched so that they cannot unduly influence their surroundings negatively.

[3B] Scrubbing of the skin suits. The attire of the entities will all have to be remanufactured to fit their natural archetypes. Obviously STS , DIS, and SFA entities (under parole) would posses "parole" skin suits, while STO entities would possess natural archetype skin suits.

STO = Service to others
STS = Service to Self
SFA = Service for another
DIS = Disjointed

[3C] Memory re-injection. We will attempt (and succeed) in the restoration of all memories.

[3D] Phased release. The members of the lost battalion will be the first major group to be released. Followed by STO individuals. Then a phased system of SFA individual consciousnesses. The last would be the very dangerous STS and DIS consciousnesses.

[3E] The Most dangerous. The most problematic entities and the highest probability of disruption / destructive abilities / and borderline evil entities would be either recycled or banished. 

[3E-1] Those banished would be sent to the pocket universe known as "Heaven" which is a pocket universe within the pocket universe of the Prison Complex. There they would be locked in place and stay there until a sufficient method can be arranged to rehabilitate them.

[3E-2] Those recycled would be reduced to basic components through a system resembling the "tunnel of light" until they are rendered inert.

The questioner need not fear any of this. The questioner is slated for a phased release, after memory restoration.

If things are less dark, then how do we work or trade together?

I assume that this concerns what is presently going on earth-side and the question relates to the next few years. As such, I queried it that way. Morning probe at 9am.

The fears abound. But things will return to normal sea lane shipping, and normal levels of commerce. However, there will be a decrease in the volume of the products, the type and mixture of products, as well as the relative utility and life of those products. 

This is something that is well documented on our side. 

We see and anticipate a "new normal" after a seven year (or so) adjustment period. 

Some nations will be impacted the most. Such as the United States, the UK and parts of Europe. Others, many others, will not be. And they will continue their lives as if the disruption was a trivial matter.

Those nations or societies that will be impacted the most will undergo severe and abrupt societal readjustments. Mostly it will be triggered by energy utility, currency or the inflation related to, and inherent and intentional balkanization of the citizenry.

Next group of questions – Some important points

If I cannot understand the question, I cannot communicate to the Commander. Further, I need to be able to understand what he is communicating. Anything that lies outside of my knowledge or experience is impossible to communicate with. We have to have a common frame of reference, and then be able to use that reference to form a basis of understanding.

This next bath of questions took me back.

  • Heavy in technical jargon.
  • A large number of multi-part questions.
  • Coming from a non-influencer who didn’t even bother with a singular donation.
  • A disregard to the effort all this takes.

As they did not at all follow my request that only one question be asked and that it be put in a clear and easy way for me to communicate to. This was the question…

Here are some late & difficult but revolution-assisting questions:

*Are Clifford Algebras with real-value coefficients a serviceable mathematical format for representation for reality? 

*Is there a better type of math to use? If so, what? Otherwise:

*What is the sign aka signature (+ or -) of the squares of the basis vectors of the spatial dimensions? 

*Is this a convention or is it physically significant?

*Are there other such dimensions with the same signature, e.g. “proper time”?

*How many such space-like dimensions are there?

*and what is their significance?

*How many dimensions of opposite signature to the spatial ones are there, e.g. relativistic time and other time-like dimensions?

*What can be said about their role – e.g. do they concern nuclear reactions or allow for branching time-lines?

*Are there effectively null-square (zero-square) dimensions formed from the sum and differences of pairs of + and – signature dimensions, e.g. light-cones or “conformal” projective dimensions? 

*Are there null-square dimensions independent of the + and – square dimensions? 

*Are null-square dimensions your home environment? 

*Are there applications of null-square dimensions, e.g. portals between realms or amnesia devices?

*Does thermodynamic entropy create “Akashic records”? 

*What principles relate thermodynamic entropy (heat diffusion) and information from physical histories (wave equation); are they analogous to exchanging a + square for a – square dimension, (or relativistic time for proper time, or time (t) for imaginary time (it)), 

*...and if so, can this “Wick rotation” be done in both directions so as to allow passing from our physical realm to the “afterlife” and back?

16 fucking technical specialized questions! Are you fucking kidding me?

Now you know, this son of a bitch did not give me a donation, nor did he add anything to MM aside from saying that the posted art was beautiful. So what? It’s beautiful. I know that.


Now, for these questions, I had to do some research. Then I had to understand it. Finally, I had to communicate it to the Commander in the “easily digestible form”.

  • Understand the language.
  • Understand the physics involved.
  • Phrase it so that I understood the questions when I read it.
  • Query question by question to the Commander.
  • Communicate that query.
  • Transcribe the answer.
  • Double check the answers for uniformity.

All in all, I figure months of dedicated study, if not years. Then weeks, to months of asking these questions.

That’s one FUCK of a lot of work.

So, I sent an email to this clown.

I said.

Listen guy, let me make something perfectly clear. If I cannot understand the questions, then it cannot be communicated properly to the Commander. Some of these questions I can ask.

And another thing. I am doing this for free. 

Look at the God damn bulk of questions you asked. Do you have any god damn idea what stress I go through in this procedure. Have some fucking compassion, or at least throw a donation my way. Jeeze!

To respond to this query, I need to fully understand the question.

Remember. With information comes responsibility. You are now responsible in the dissemination of this information.

He responded.

Frankly, by all indications it seemed like you were a whole team getting paid by the word by some Chinese intelligence agency, so I gave you some of the best open-source intel I could – that 300-reference COVID origin paper on and the technology archive. 

I have also tried to suggest ways you might increase your rhetorical effectiveness, though it’s often hard to point such things out without giving offense. 

I don’t get paid for anything myself, I’m still recovering from repeated heatstroke from labor in a SE US sweatshop and don’t have funds to spare, unfortunately. I wasn’t aware how your link depends on your understanding or the effort required, my apologies.

That’s an apology? By insulting me? And still he’s not even going to toss me money for a cup of coffee for the seven months it would take to answer his questions?

He continued…

Nevertheless, the topics of my questions could yield very important intelligence, understanding of principles behind advanced technology and even the nature of reality. 

I have found them worth spending many years of study, but for the same reason it is not easy to briefly summarize them. Here’s an attempt, still too long:

[Notes on Cabbalistic significance of the whirling double cone in projecting between higher and lower worlds]
“the double-cone’s vortex form can be made by swinging a rod by its center point so that the ends describe circles” [doing so associated with sudden destructive tornado]

“Another instance of a form similar to the double-cone occurs in Bruce Moen’s exploration of what the Monroe Institute calls “Focus 27”, though the cones are more like bells or hyperboloids. He describes a large, antenna-like, horizontal structure of this double-cone form whose function is to compress souls (which he says look like cocktail shrimp or cheese curls) so that they can reincarnate without excess awareness, which would lead to sensory overload.” [expanding the center point of a double-cone into a circle results in a hyperboloid]

“Yeats had a more interesting vision of the importance of the double-cone – he saw helical gyres on the surface of the cones as tracing out the history of every mind… ‘The mind … has a precise movement … this form is the gyre.’ This was the origin of the famous lines: ‘Turning and turning in the widening gyre / The falcon cannot hear the falconer; ….” [The poet W.B. Yeats was a member of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, the most influential group in the development of modern occultism.]


Geometric Algebra (GA, real-valued Clifford Algebras, a.k.a. hypercomplex numbers) gives the only mostly-comprehensible-to-me account not only of higher spatial / temporal dimensions, but of physics in general. One of the best things about it is that nearly every paper using GA explains it from first principles before going on to use it for physics or computer science. Most physics papers in other fields seem to take a positive joy in obscure math and impenetrable jargon. I’ll try here to give an even less mathematically difficult account of some of GAs implications than most GA papers.

Given a set of n mutually orthogonal basis vectors, one vector for each independent dimension, a space of 2^n quantities results from considering all possible combinations of these basis vectors multiplied together. For instance taking pairs of vectors from a 5D space gives 10 possible planes of rotation, 4D space 6 planes of rotation, while in 3D there are only 3 independent planes of rotation. (The numbers of other combinations for n dimensions go as the n-th row of Pascals triangle or binomial.) For orthogonal vectors such as the basis vectors of a space, the order of multiplication determines the sign of the result, so: d1 d2 = -d2 d1. This can be interpreted as being a rotation in the plane defined by the two vectors, either in one direction (d1 -> d2) or the other, “negative” direction (d2 -> d1).

Sums of all the 2^n elements, each weighted by a different scale factor give “multivectors”, which are generalizations of complex numbers.

Each of the basis vectors will have a positive or negative square. (Vectors’ squares are always scalars, that is, real numbers.) In conventional relativity the basis vectors squares’ signs, also called “signatures” are (+ – – – ) or (+ + + -), with the different sign from the others belonging to time. When plugging into the Pythagorean theorem, the square of time can cancel out the squares of the spatial dimensions, giving a distance of zero when the spatial distance equals the time interval (time multiplied by c to give all units in meters). This happens for anything moving at the speed of light. The zero interval is the amount of perceived or “proper” time for a light wave traveling between any two points. This light-speed type of path is also called a “null geodesic”. For any given point in space and time, there is a “past light cone” of places that could be seen from that point, called a “cone” because it spreads out as one goes back further in time. Likewise, for each point at a given time there is a “future light cone” of places from which an event at that place and time can be seen. The “cone” terminology comes from looking at 2D plus time, each cross section of the cone is then a 2D circle of points. (It’s easier to imagine the future light cone as pond ripples spreading out from a dropped pebble. The past light cone is like reversing the film so the ripples converge to throw the pebble out of the pond. In 3D, it looks sort of like glass onions turning inside-out. Placehoder: Transactional Interpretation of QM, Carver Mead’s Collective Electrodynamics) Mathematiclly the points on the past light cone are defined by the spatial separation, r, and the time-times-lightspeed, ct, so: (ct)^2 = r^2 .

Now it is possible and actually quite useful for computer graphics to add a pair of dimensions with signature (+ -) to the usual spatial ones (+ + +). The sum and difference of the extra dimensions give an alternate basis for these two dimensions, but with the basis vectors squaring to zero (0 0). These “null dimensions” are called “origin” and “infinity”. A projection from this augmented space down to 3D allows many other structures besides points and directions to be represented by vectors in the 5D space. For instance, multiplying 3 points gives a circle passing through those points, 4 points gives a sphere. If one of those points is the point at infinity, then the product is a line or a plane respectively. The other advantages of this way of doing things are too many to list here. This “conformal” scheme is actually quite easy to visualize and learn to use without getting into abstruse math by using the free GAViewer visualization software and its tutorials.

An interesting thing about the ( +++, +- ) signature algebra is that it is the same as one that has been <a href=”″> proposed</a> by José B. Almeida as an extension of the usual 3D+t (+++-) “Minkowsi space” of relativity, augmenting the usual external time (-) with a second sort of time having positive square and describing internal or “proper time”, (which in relativity will be measured differently by a moving external observer). But if it is assumed that everything in the universe is about the same age, then they have comparable proper time coordinates, so proper time can be used as a universal coordinate corresponding to the universe’s temporal radius. This gives a sort of preferred reference frame for the universe, which is ordinarily considered impossible. In this 5D scheme, not just light but also massive particles follow null geodesics, and from that single assumption can be deduced relativity, quantum mechanics, electromagnetism, and in addition dark matter, the big bang and the spatial expansion of the universe seem to be illusions.

The math is also easier than the usual warped-space general relativity, instead using flat euclidean space and having light, etc. move more slowly near mass, that is, treating gravitational fields as being regions of higher refractive index than regular space.

Quantum mechanics is also much much easier to visualize using GA. For instance, the behavior of the electron can be described fully by treating it as a point charge moving in a tight helix at light speed around its average path (a “jittery motion”, or in German: “zitterbewegung”). The handedness of the helix is the electron spin, the curvature of the helix is the mass, the angle of the particle around the helix is the phase.

Geometric Algebra is useful in all areas of physics and computer modeling of physics. GA has been successfully applied to robot path planning, electromagnetic field simulation, image processing for object recognition and simulation, signal processing, rigid body dynamics, chained rotations in general and many other applications. It gives very clear, terse and generally applicable, practically useful descriptions in diverse areas using a single notation and body of techniques.

Basic Geometric Algebra (GA) visual introduction:

Interactive visualization software, includes 5D (3+2D) Conformal Geometric Algebra (CGA)

Tutorial for CGA using GAviewer software:

Thorough math/physics intro:

Good old intro from the top GA study group:

replacing inverse temperature, kT (Boltzmann’s constant times temperature) in thermodynamic equations with: -i f hbar (negative imaginary unit (square root of [-1]) times frequency times Planck’s constant divided by 2 pi) (both of which have dimensions of energy), converts the heat diffusion equation to Schrodinger’s wave equation (the fundamental equation of quantum mechanics). Frequency and time are inverses of each other; Wick rotation is more often expressed using imaginary time than imaginary frequency. My research shows that frequency should be regarded as primary and time should be seen as being derived from frequency.

* entropy= heat, and entropy=information: they are the same thing. Therefore since entropy always increases (2nd law of thermodynamics), information always increases and accumulates in the universe, giving a very scrambled record of the history of the universe. This can potentially be unscrambled using a Wick rotation

Peter Carroll, noted as the originator of “Chaos Magic”, has for some years been working on physics rather than magic, in particular a scheme that uses three dimensions of time. I corresponded with him over a few months last year regarding some of the relations to GA, in particular the possibility that each spatial-temporal dimension pair would form an alternate basis with two null-square dimensions. I can’t say I understand his hypersphere cosmology or 3D time theories, but they certainly do resonate with my intuition.


Anyway, I hope that’s more interesting, edifying & enlightening than burdensome — you owe me nothing, of course, but perhaps it may lead to some profit for you down the line.

Just a bunch of cut and paste from the internet. Supposedly, I guess to give the impression that he knows something.

Christ. This information has to be USED. I am not some novelty for your own God Damn personal comfort and queries. I fully expect you to USE this information and make GOOD USE of it, disseminate it, and do good works with it.

I am not a novelty.

I am not some yokel that goes round and round in a hamster cage, just for some novelty questions.

I am NOT doing this easily and for fun.

It’s a labor.

It’s also painful, physically exhausting, and a chore. Thus I get angry when people treat me, and what I am doing trivially. You WILL respect me. You WILL show respect to The Domain, and you WILL behave when you visit MM. Or I will fucking get rid of you, and if you still persist, I will make it a permanent stay in the corn field.

Are Clifford Algebras with real-value coefficients a serviceable mathematical format for representation for reality?

Is there a better type of math to use? If so, what?

And the answer…

This is an insincere request made by a malevolent entity. They do not seek an answer, but rather are desirous in trying to "trip you up", "run snipe hunts" to occupy your time and labor. Any information provided will not even be read. Nor will it be disseminated or used.

Future associations with it will be problematic. It is advisable to sever all communication channels and avoid them.

So on Monday 25OCT21 I severed all communication with this person. I sent him a response to his comment and gave him 45 minutes to respond. I was being generous.

I am a contributor to both the UNZ and The Saker. This you should know. 

You should also understand who I am and why I am doing this. Obviously you do not. 

Long time readers will recognize what an insult it is to say that I work for the Chinese government. That alone is enough to send you to the cornfield. 

But I am not going to do that. I think you are trivially intelligent but have the social skills of a goat.


Your lack of perception, veiled insults, and general garrulousness is irritating to me. I am too old for this bullshit. Therefore you are banned. Good bye.

Then I went and blocked his entire city from accessing MM. Not just him alone. Then another MM follower Ultan responded…

Mr Man. You are very much loved and respected by those of us out here who have been reading and listening to you for years, and have actually taken the time to read and think about your experiences while comparing / contrasting those experiences with our own. Rather than, say, trying to fit your narrative into our narrative, or what we think we know about reality.

And in the case of this character above, failing very badly. But a classic example of wooden thinking if ever there were. And let’s not even get into the subtle hints about you being a paid liar. Or other contributors for that matter. I mean, for all the errrr, intellectual nitty gritty (for want of a better expression), he doesn’t even know anything about free energy and the plasma-fusion core.

Good call, IMHO.

And please do not let these guys get you down– there’s a lot of messed up people out there looking for answers. You’ve placed the pearls for all who have eyes to see, some of us have scooped them up; let the herd blunder on toward the intellectual abattoir.

My response…

A big thank you for the uplifting response.

You know that I hate banning people, but if I find myself feeling bad by something that someone said, I do not analyze it. I just throw them into the gutter.

MM is not for everyone. It is not for the general population to visit and ohh and ahh at. It is only for a few very special people.

People like you, the guy from Ohio, Florida, Australia, South America, Northern Europe and Israel as well as the guy from Africa. There’s women from France and the Caribbean, and Georgia that mean the world to me. And it’s for you guys that I keep pumping this stuff out day in and day out. You guys are so very, very special to me. So special. You have no idea.

Lately when I see people get on my forum, on my site, and lay down insults about what I say, write or report. They lay down insults about me and why I do what I do, it hurts. And honestly the world would be a much better place if we all see that when we are hurt it’s a real thing. It’s just like that video of the dish breaking.

The dish is gone. You had a dish. Now you don’t. So good bye.

Who them responded back to me with…

All part of the ‘demonisation and dehumanisation of the other’ phenomena that’s accelerated thanks to ‘social media’ over the past few years, Mr Man. And by design, of course.

Folks entrapped emotionally in a circle-jerk by these very advanced algorithms tend to forget that on a cyber-forum you are dealing with another human being– that’s what the word ‘forum’ means! A place to gather and discuss anything and everything; and just like in the real forums of old– insult anybody or try and force your own peculiar views on others in that forum and you’d be laughed out of the atrium, at best, or kicked out on your ear with a dagger in your arse, at worst. 

Folks, free men, knew how to behave, back then. And ‘natural selection’, let’s say, did away with the socially retarded. (Check out what woulda happened to you in ancient Sparta if you insulted another person or his views in a disrespectful manner. And that was just the warriors/free-men, alone– men and women.)

But in cyberspace it’s easy to remain anonymous and dismiss opposing views to yours no matter how rationally put or well-intended with the utmost disrespect– or get angry when your views aren’t upheld in a way that you’d like; shills, bots, NPCs, non-humans; trolls; paid disinfo; and much worse….we’ve seen it all before. Such is what passes for ‘discourse’ in cyberspace. Again, all by very clever design.
So keep ’em coming, IMHO– and if one day you decide to pull the plug, I at least have downloaded your classics to keep forever and reread at my leisure.

So thanks again for that.

And I commented…

It’s always a pleasure to hear your kind words and support. FYI, I didn’t just ban this guy. I banned his entire city. Chinese-style. Anyone in his city now gets a notice when they try to visit MM. 

It says “Your geographic region has been banned from accessing this site by the site administrator.”

And this was the response.

😂, oh man, blocking the regional I.P. address? F that; why don’t you call up your Domain contact, fire up his or her doomsday device, and plough the furrows in the remains of that dump with salt while you’re at it, Scipio Africanus style.

How’s that for polite debate! Respect the Metallicman and you can live and let live; disrespect him, however, and the Rods of God are a-comin your way.

Duck, you sucker, 😂.


Don’t piss me off.

Never the less, I did actually ask the question.

It took me days to present, unpack, translate, transcribe and review. Here it is.

Keep in mind, that I still don’t understand the question. To me it is a question on the tools of a methodology related to utilization of a system that could be used to describe the nature of a universe. And thus I presented it as such.

Here’s the result.

The use of mathematics to describe the universe that the prison complex is part of makes sense from the point of view of the inmates. However, it is a very awkward and feeble methodology. The better methodology is a simpler pictorial representation.

The prison complex operates in a pocket universe that exists inside a general "master" universe. With in this pocket universe are secondary universes known collectively as "Heavens". Each universe possesses different rules, different environments, and different ways of operating.

Here we must assume that the question is in regards to whether Clifford Algebra can help describe the nature of the "physical universe", which is functionally different in operation from the "master" universe that is resides within.

(Now, I hope that I get this transcribed properly. It was parsed out slowly and carefully for me, and I really still do not understand it.)

The problem with using this methodology to describe the prison universe; the "pocket" universe that resides inside the "master" universe is that it relies on the notion that time does exist. 

Here, time is the scalar component of a Clifford space. In Clifford Space geometry, "time" results from properties of space itself. This comes about when one properly uses the higher dimensional formalism afforded by Clifford’s geometric algebra.

At that, it can be viewed as an intrinsic geometric property of three-dimensional space without the need for the specific addition of a fourth dimension. (As people tend to do, referring "time" as the fourth dimension.) Thus, it is quite attractive to those seeking mathematical solutions to the geometry of the artificial prison universe.

Clifford algebra is a unification of real and complex numbers, (quaternion and vector algebra) which reflects the intrinsic properties of space-time. 

(I wrote down "qu-an-er-non", as I try to phonically assemble words that are new to me, but the closest apparently useful word is quaternion.)

The reason why Clifford algebra is attractive is because it provides a unified, standard, elegant and open language and tool for numerous complex mathematical and physical theories. By using it, engineering principles can be devised to provide solutions within the prison planet universe.

If you base everything / mathematics / physics / engineering on the four basic principles and Clifford algebra, all basic physical equations within the prison planet universe can be derived.

And it stopped there! Talk about being maddening.

I really haven’t a clue as to what he is talking about, or whether or not the question was actually answered. So I “prodded” for “more”. (Don’t force me to explain. It’s a way that I communicate using the EBP.) And the result was more “forceful”, and “stronger”.

The logical relations between equations can all be reconstructed using Clifford Algebra. 

Additionally all of the solutions of the more typical equations can be solved. 

This system does explain the concepts of space-time and quantum theory. 

As such, it is a useful, by some, methodology to help better understand the nature of the prison complex pocket universe.

The queried answer is; Yes.

Clifford Algebra, using real value coefficients CAN (there was a syllabic emphasis in the forth tone) be used AS A serviceable (used as an italicized image) solution to a mathematical representation of the reality as experienced by the inmates within the prison complex pocket universe.

At this point, I really wanted to get some specific details. So after I transcribed the answers, I parsed them out for detail.

Q: You said “The logical relations between equations can all be reconstructed using Clifford Algebra.” Do you mean “most”, or can I use the word “all”?

The proper term is "all". However, there are some mathematical "tricks" that need to be employed on some of the solutions. Not every "trick" or technique is well known. This is an esoteric avenue for the specialists in this field. 

This should not be your concern.

Q: You said “…all of the solutions of the more typical equations can be solved. ” Again do you mean “all” or “most”, and why did you use the adjective “typical”?

The more accurate translation is "most of the functional equations can be solved, and those that cannot can be 'bridged' using mathematical 'work-arounds'". 

Again, this is not your realm of expertise. Those with the necessary skills and expertise now possess the understanding that they are on the right track and moving in the proper direction. In truth, there are some valid and appreciate work in this field by those of that interest and skill level. 

It need not be your concern.

The questioner also put up this part 2 of the question. It is, rather, if the Clifford Algebra cannot explain the nature of the reality universe, what can? And the questions ran like this…


*What is the sign aka signature (+ or -) of the squares of the basis vectors of the spatial dimensions? Is this a convention or is it physically significant?

Are there other such dimensions with the same signature, e.g. “proper time”?

How many such space-like dimensions are there, and what is their significance?

*How many dimensions of opposite signature to the spatial ones are there, e.g. relativistic time and other time-like dimensions?

What can be said about their role – e.g. do they concern nuclear reactions or allow for branching time-lines?

*Are there effectively null-square (zero-square) dimensions formed from the sum and differences of pairs of + and – signature dimensions, e.g. light-cones or “conformal” projective dimensions?

Are there null-square dimensions independent of the + and – square dimensions?

Are null-square dimensions your home environment? Are there applications of null-square dimensions, e.g. portals between realms or amnesia devices?

*Does thermodynamic entropy create “Akashic records”? What principles relate thermodynamic entropy (heat diffusion) and information from physical histories (wave equation); are they analogous to exchanging a + square for a – square dimension, (or relativistic time for proper time, or time (t) for imaginary time (it)), and if so, can this “Wick rotation” be done in both directions so as to allow passing from our physical realm to the “afterlife” and back?

Because the answer was substantive in the first part of the question, I did not proceed with the second part.

However, I think that the Commander wasn’t clear enough to meet the precise needs of the questioner. So I wanted to get some much better answers and some “meat” that I could provide herein. So I got myself a quiet spot, and a cup full of warm water. And started transcribing. And it does not make sense to me, but here it is…

Q: In Unified Field Theory, how does this Clifford Algebra fit?

And you know, that I am shoot wildly in the dark. I haven’t a clue as to what I am asking or how it would all fit together.

Many are trying to understand the nature of the pocket universe that surrounds the prison complex. The unified field theory is one such mechanism.There is Way-Al scale invariant (?) methodology, Kal-uze-al five dimensional space time, Hamilton Formalism and the gauge unified field theory. Each one has it's pluses and minuses in utility.

Clifford Algebra is a methodology used to help resolve numerous paradoxes. These include the Twins, Effer-Fest, and the ladder paradoxes.

There are other scientists on other prison planets within the entire prison complex that are proceeding on their versions of these theories. Which is why we are very aware of the questions that you ask.

The strongest attribute / characteristic of the Clifford Algebra methodology is the utilization of the Nonlinear Spinor Equation. There is the Nonlinear Dark field, the electromagnetic Interaction field and the interactions with classical mechanics and with the Lorentz Transformation. All of these show usefulness and utility. The key to understanding the use of Clifford Algebra is the use of Spinor property utility.

You need the Inter-grable Conditions of the Eli-Gen Equation, and the Curvilinear Coordinate System solution. 

Q: Are these hints or directions for the mathematical solutions using Clifford Algebra geometry for unified theory and space-time resolution?


The way to proceed is to develop Inter-grable Conditions for the Dir-Ack, and the Pauli equations.You will then develop a "New Model" for Strong Interactions. Then, with a strong understanding of the Light-Cone Coordinate System, you can then begin the simplification of Einstein Tensor.  

From there, you would then work on the Linearization of Einstein Field Equation. (He said it twice as if it was important.) Linearization of Einstein Field Equation. Then work on the dynamics of observed stars and all should be obvious to the researcher. 

It looks like a “road map” for flushing out unresolved aspects of the Clifford Algebraic solution.

Honestly guys. I don’t know if he is “pulling my leg”, or just messing with me. This is just a bunch of disjointed statements that I just cannot figure out heads or tails over. I only hope that someone in the MM audience can understand it. In words that are new to me I used phonics to spell them out.

And that’s it. I am spent. I feel like an empty shell casing after completing final exams during my university years.

The next morning I asked this question;

Was I too harsh in perma-banning the questioner?


The questioner is a DIS sentience. He would do nothing with the information. He would fail to disseminate it. He would only nod with a smirk that you fell for his "trap" / ploy / snare / amusement. 

By allowing him to continue to visit MM, you would be empowering his sickness / illness / distortion of self. 

It would be akin to allowing a family alcoholic member a bottle of whiskey a day just to keep him sedated and out of harms way. When the real solution would be to push him out of the house and lock the doors so that he cannot come in.

Note to the readers that it was my decision to ban him. I was not ordered to do so.

In the late 1940’s one of your vehicles were downed in Roswell New Mexico. From this event we obtained the document “Alien Interview”. Can you please tell us what downed your vehicle?

At that time we believed that it was downed by a disruption of it's operational field by natural energy discharge / lightning discharge. We learned however, that it was more complex than that. The real reason was the radar equipment that was being tested at the Roswell base.

The captured (Nazi) German radars Flakleit G, Freya, Mammut and Wassermann were being used and studied at the American Roswell, NM base at the time of the crash. 

We are unsure which particular radar was the actual culprit at this time, but that is immaterial, as all the radars possess interference properties that we have since had to counter.

During the crash, the two (minor) officers lost their doll bodies immediately and they returned to their operational staging locations. The Commander was captured and secured, and you know what happened after that.

Regarding the document titled “Domain Expeditionary Force Rescue Mission.”. Is this document really from Matilda? Does Airl have knowledge of it?

I posted this question. And I was told…

Read the book, and then ask the question again.


What does this mean?  Does that mean that they obtain all my impressions, and sensory input, and then use that to base their answers on?  Or do they rely on my impressions and then alter my opinions in how I transcribe? It’s all so confusing.  I am pretty much convinced that they need my thoughts and impressions, for whatever reason, to come to a conclusive answer. It explains so much, but also opens up some questions as well.

So I need to read the document. So ok. No problem. I’ll respond to this question later on after I read the document.

What happened to me when my EBP was installed? Where did I go, and have I met your expectations?

Well, I want to know.

We do not question your loyalty to the Domain nor your dedication to responsible service. In fact, these characteristics were carefully vetted prior to us presenting the opportunity to you.

We know that you want to entertain the idea that you went to some exotic location. Any of the moons of gas giants would cause biological disruptions due to the radiation belts inherent within their planetary fields.

You went to a medical facility within the moon. There is no need to venture further away to achieve the procedure that we conducted.

You have correctly surmised that it was not a vehicle, and that it was upon a planetary body. What you might not be clear on is that it occurred deep inside the moon, well under the planetary surface.

The idea that it occurred on Mars is a romantic assumption on your part.

If Heather is now occupying the human body of <redacted>, how is this possible as all human bodies are inmate skin suits, and cats transcend those limitations?

It’s a persistent question.

Heather (FYI, Heater was a previous cat from 30 years ago) isn't really occupying a human body, but is rather sharing it. Felines have the ability to co-inhabit bodies of all sorts of creatures. This is especially pronounced in the Prison Complex environment. This is exactly what is going on.

From your point of view <redacted> is a "shadow person" (sic.), but your cat Heather occupies it with you as your "traverse the MWI" (sic.). Thus both of you share the same experiences together. When you die, your cat will leave the co-inhabited body. It's a natural process.


This is just some personal questions that I have asked using my EBP. I’ve had these things in my head for decades, but only recently realized that two-way communication could be achieved with them.

There are numerous MM readers and commenters that had a role in this selection of questions and all in all, it was a big positive. So thank you for all of your nudges, and questions and concerns.

In the future, I will open up the EBP for more questions and you all can ask some more questions. This was just my own personal ones, and I must apologize if my questions were banal or boring.

Do you want more?

You can find many more videos in my “The Domain Action Articles” over here…

The Domain


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I was not aware of your trouble with the “technician.” A common trick today, not just here, but everywhere is “spaghetti theory”.

You throw a plate of spaghetti against a wall and make your “opponent” chase down every angle and answer every possible objection. This is impossible to do, and wastes your time.

Even here on Earth, mathematicians don’t have any real “power”. They do not rule over nations, groups or minds. They work for those who do, on occassion. It is all very impressive and well to know math, but what does it have to do with freedom, or escaping the prison planet?

I imagine math departments at universities. They have many brilliant professors there. Yet, any professor can be fired at any time, for any reason, by someone in administration, who does not know any math. Math is not the golden key to power.

Intellect is not enough. Very smart men here in the USA sell their services to the USG, an evil and sick government. Often, they are surprised when The Beast turns on them. So – they are smart, but not street smart.

Keep your eye on the prize – freedom from prison. Anything else is a trivial. When faced with a Gordian knot, the best solution is to walk away from it.


Too much advanced mathematics and physics theory has crossed over from the practical to the extremely esoteric and downright bizarre. But that is what to expect from the ivory-tower types and their associated mischief-makers.

A much more practical and useful question would have been whether Einstein’s theories of physics are correct and whether they hold throughout the universe we see. Is faster-than-light travel really impossible, or has the Domain other means that allow instantaneous movement over vast areas?

But that jackass instead asked questions about obscure mathematical research that are meaningless or impractical in the everyday world. The research has its place, but not here.

I have deliberately avoided commenting on the recent threads pertaining to the Domain. Now I will pose a question I hope you will consider asking in a future session:
suppose restoration of memories is finally made possible for us. What if I really don’t want to have those memories and don’t want to know about any past lives, whether out of fear or any other reason?


I would like to know why have I been getting very weird dreams lately. Some about escaping and others just damn right insane. Some full of tension. Like a test I presume.
I think they know what am saying

Memory Loss

Ha. Couldn’t be weirder than mine! I was a scruffy dog biting at toes for hit points.


I also had some weird and very, very vivid dreams this month.
There is a recurring “being in danger” dream, I have to discuss it with DM.


So Felines are more awesome than I ever imagined! I guess somehow we all knew..

I still don’t fully understand. Does an IS-BE configure itself as a Feline archetype or is it just a natural occurrence? I guess it’s time for me to go back and re-read a lot of your stuff.

About the Lost Battalion. I’m guessing most of your readers have wondered if they are one of them. I wondered myself and came to the conclusion – it really doesn’t matter. Soon enough we’ll all be citizens of the Domain and be able to work towards achieving our best,

The “Prime Mantrids” royally fucking us over in “heaven” is what really gets me. For me, this incarnation was only as bad as it was because of my conditioning. I was wondering what was blocking my affirmations but I’m pretty sure it was me. It feels insane to revolt against “myself” but that’s what’s going on.

I do hope the Domain finds a way to fix the between-lives “heaven.” As well-meaning as the “Prime Mantrids” are there, I REALLY see them as a problem that needs fixing.

To me all that maths seems like a waste of time – trying to figure out the mechanics of a virtual world seems like busy-work. Like a game character figuring out how a game-engine works, the best he can achieve is a God Mode within the game. Functionally useless.

Thank you so much for everything you’re doing. Your work has changed my life completely. Just one useless idiot in the middle of the UK who owes you a lot. Really, Thank You.

Ultan McG

Thanks so much for posting this, Mr Man. All relevant and utterly fascinating IMHO. I’ve held off on asking any questions because others have asked ones that I was thinking about, too– you included. And there it is is plain black and white, again– straight from the Domain him- or herself: the world will again reach an equilibrium over the next decade or so, and many places much sooner than that. A new normal, but doesn’t sound like anything we should fear. (I remember ya, Rob 😉.)

Change is good and needed across the whole human spectrum. This has been clear for years. It also sounds to me like EurAngloLand is about to suffer a significant karmic backlash for what they either helped the Puppet Master with or helped to conceal with the promise of a rotten carrot, or both. That is, a bioattack on another civilization and culture for geopolitical advantages; and just plain old avarice and greed, too. Sounds to me like justice– Domain style– is incoming. Or through a proxy, perhaps.

(And TWO races of Mantid, eh? NOW Metallicman’s original narrative is starting to come together again. I was confused by that aspect. But clarity again. Our Guys are helping, the Other Guys are sticking to the original agreement. And P.L.’s recent concerns in that regard also make a whole lot more sense to me, at least. Sounds to me like the ol’ Lizard picked up on a battle royale perhaps going on up there in Mantid Land between the two ‘factions’. Just fascinating, really. What a saga we’re at the centre of. ‘Predatory insects’ — not Mantids, respect to you guys– of another kind in human form, too, eh? I think I met a few of those guys in my time. Now clarity. At last.)

Given that, I’d like to ask one simple question only, please. (I mean, I gotta ask it. It’s like a fecking pink elephant with painted toenails trying to squeeze into granny’s old rocking chair by the fire, right?)

Question: should those of us who are skeptical about clearly corrupted, self serving government and their ties to the equally corrupted pharmaceutical industry be wary about consenting to their MRNA product for the sake of ourselves and our loved ones’ continuing good health? Or, are the MRNA inoculations a genuine attempt to offer protection and healing against a bioweapon that evil and self-serving entities attacked other human beings with and lost control of subsequently.

If the Domain Contact is unwilling to answer this as, I suspect, it possibly is linked in some definite and tangible way to the sentience sorting operation now clearly underway, then I understand completely. We’re not children– we must take responsibility for our own medical choices.

(Sub Question– not urgent if time/effort constraints– Could Klaus Schwab and his Davos Forum/Great Reset agenda be actually working for the good of humanity?

….I’m open to that, and have read some of their stuff– again, not much to fear, really– and a whole lotta common sense, tbh.)

Any clarity on this would help a great deal as is evidenced by what some of us have been riffing about in the threads in recent weeks. There is much confusion, but we all wanna do our bit. Some clarity as to whether disgustingly evil entities are trying to harm us for profit, but have been superceeded by a benevolent faction who are doing their best to clear up one of the most godawfully dangerous geopolitical messes that was ever created.

Thanks, Mr Man. A donation will be incoming soon as soon as I’m done with this move East. And leaving my little cat crew behind will be so much easier now that I know what those little monsters REALLY are. They’ll probably follow me in some shape or form. The horror! I was looking forward to a break from the peanut gallery watching my every moce through that big ass kitchen window. Thanks to the Domain for telling us about our much loved feline companions. Long may their independence last, and may they never, ever be herded by a bipedal creature with malicious intent. Or any other kind for that matter. Cheers.

Ultan McG

Thanks for the reply. Wave after wave, indeed. You’ve outlined these points before, of course– but I wanted to pin it down from ‘another’ perspective, and it seems that ‘what’s not being reported’ applies very much so here, too. Hear ya on that. Sounds also like your original and best advice class 101 is now more relevant than ever going forward. That is, keep doing the intentions.

As for the Moggie Monsters yes, our neighbors will gladly take over their one-meal-a-day and occasional ear scratch and belly rub. They are demon ratters and that’s appreciated round these parts. Especially winter time. It’s going to be a very large and important part of my life gone literally overnight, and I’m kinda dreading it. They’ll miss me–I’ll miss them. But I also know they are Masters of their environment here, are most definitely not house cats or house trained, and it’d be crueller to interfere with that balance than to leave them as they are. Doesn’t make it any easier, though. And the one who talks and “knows stuff” has been sitting on the window ledge looking in at me for days. Which she rarely did before. They know I’m going for sure and must have noticed the wife gone too.
But we knew if we didn’t blow Eurangloland by Spring 2022 we wouldn’t ever be. And I think you know what I mean by that.

Thanks again, Mr Man. Without your hotwire to what’s really going on it would have been a rather puzzling 20/21 for me, at least. One can only take so much of seeing formally regular associates and acquaintances turned into quivering and emotional wrecks on the say-so of a guy on TV. Or from what they’ve consented to in the meantime.


Fascinating about the cats. I have 2 left (previously had 4); both black, one was a shelter rescue and has always lived inside. She’s the one I’d worry about because she has kidney problems. My other cat lives outside. They’re both old, about 16, but this morning my outdoor cat demonstrated for me that she’s still got it–she caught a dragonfly in the garden and brought it to the porch to eat it in front of me, lol.

Ultan McG

Nobody messes with the cat crew– in this universe, that universe or anywhere in between. You be lunch, suckah, 😂. Great story.

Jeffrey E Terwilliger

There is an interesting character named Miles Mathis on the internet, who has produced a lot of interesting papers over the years about science (notably Relativity), politics as well as artwork. Nothing otherworldly though. Just some very unique and incisive views against/outside the mainstream within this ‘bubble’. And, he has likewise had a LOT of spaghetti hurled at him for a long time – something you have only begun to experience online – and he loves to call them out and throw it back. Or ‘cornfield’ them, not sure what you mean by that.

Jeffrey E Terwilliger

Thanks for the clarification. A fearsome superpower indeed!
I recognized the name Bill Mumy, he also had a role later in the “Babylon 5” cast. A great show, with such obvious modern realpolitic undertones that it has not been syndicated for re-runs. A wonderful alternative to the Star Trek franchise which devolved into a leftist/woke propaganda platform where all the humans are so virtuous, new aliens had to be invented for evil character roles. But I digress…


Billy Mumy’s most famous role besides the classic Twilight Zone episode was, of course, as Will Robinson in Lost in Space.

That episode was based on a short story I read as a young teen in one of the book compilations that had Alfred Hitchcock’s name on them: “It’s a Good Life” by Jerome Bixby, 1953. Numerous other stories and novellas appeared in these compilations.

By the way, “K-Man” and “KMan” are both me. Ran into a glitch when registering a while back and had to retry without the hyphen.


I can think of only 3 reasons for such elevated mathematical questions:

  1. Trying to trip you up, as you said,
  2. The spaghetti theory mentioned, or
  3. They do believe that you’re in contact with a higher intelligence and want to use you to further their own work for possible fame or fortune, hoping to either have their theories validated or glean some insights to advance.

Obviously none of those are good reasons, and again, this information would only be useful inside the prison planet “physical universe.” I’d say if you get weird questions like that, ask the questioner to explain how they will use the answer(s) to assist the Dominion in their request for help. That should shut up most of anything STS, lol.

Ohio Guy

I have one question. You may have already asked. Disregard if you have. Question: Does extended communication/use of your EBP have any negative effects on your personal health? Asked differently, can your human brain handle or heal from the stresses of this type of comms the way you have been?
No matter the topic here at the mighty MM, I always feel like I’m talking to an old friend. Take care.

Ohio Guy

You’re such a “classic”!


I have a question for the Domain, if you are willing. I know it taxes you to use the probes for communication, and am thankful for your disclosures.

“Is the human need for sleep engineered into them?”

It is noteworthy that in the Alien Interviews, Aryl didn’t need sleep. Our Earthly scientists haven’t found a compelling reason why we should need it. It also seems like the perfect time to mess around or play with an IS-BE’s memories. Many creatures need sleep on Earth, and it seems odd.


Thank you MM for asking so many useful and thought-provoking questions.

I think the physical and non-physical aspects of living inside the confines of the prison complex cannot be reduced to pure maths. I think quantum physics (as told by MM) is the basis of the fabric of this artificial construct. (I am no mathematician and much less a quantum physicist). This, obviously is too much for our crippled and average brains.

Insincere requests by malevolent entities will come and go, disguised in some cases. We have to work as a team to uncover and minimize the effects of such entities.

I am honored to have some of the 3000 among us, by the way. This place will be helpful for them. I wanted to say hello and I will collaborate to help them cut the recycling process and regain their memories and skills.

Rod Cloutier

Thank you for asking my question and posting the response.

A further question, if you could ask it. The domain will understand it’s relevance to me specifically, what is the role of the life of Jesus in the prison?

I’d really like to know.


MMan, as always its been mind bending to follow your progress and teachings. I have been quiet for a while, but rest assured I am trying to catch up and soak it all in. I wanted to just quickly mention that I have met SEVERAL people in the last month or two who are suddenly “realizing” they are in a Prison Planet and want to get the heck out. Its a very common awakening now, and I seem to collect people who want to discuss these topics. My own Path continues to Track what you (MMan) post and relate to. Its great to be on this critical journey with you. Thank you as always.