More Q&A with the Commander as we discuss my fears concerning a war between the USA and China

Here we continue with periodic questions that I ask the Domain Commander for clarification on. Many are very personal and selfish. But that is my personal choice, and my prerogative.  Those that are far too personal, I retract out. I have also added questions from others. I hope that the questions and the answers make sense to those reading this.

Domain Expeditionary Force Rescue Mission

I asked whether this book was a continuation of “Alien Interview” or something else. When I asked, the Commander told me to read the book and then ask again. I now know why. I can only communicate on things that I have been exposed to.

So I read the book. And now I am going to ask the question a second time.

Q: Is the book “Domain Expeditionary Force Rescue Mission” an accurate follow up document to “Alien Interview”, or is it something else?

It is a fiction. You may / should discard everything written within it. The information provided are falsehoods intended as distractions.

Whenever there is something good (from the perspective of freeing IS-BEs from the Prison Complex), quanta "antibodies" (this is the best way that I can translate the thought cluster) attack the message and distort it.

This is what happened with the teachings in India. This is what happened with the teachings of "the gospel" and this is what happened with the "New Age" movement.

These "quantum antibodies" attack the message and distort it, and good and well meaning individuals find themselves being directed towards other paths and other ideas.

For instance, the earliest books of the Bible discussed reincarnation. These works were either lost, forgotten, or ignored intentionally over time, and a new idea came into being which was one singular God that acted as a parent to people. That there was no recycling of souls in and out of general population. But rather, a one shot effort, to live in this environment and then go to Heaven as a reward.

These "quantum antibodies" attack the physical brain process. They alter how thoughts are generated, and thus they alter the outcome of data transfer on the physical realm.

The first work "Alien Interview" is 100% accurate. This second work is a complete fiction. Ignore it. 

There is nothing in it of value, no matter how certain sections might appeal to the readers understandings.

We will now to to a personal question by MM here. And being so personal, we talk about things that are very human, but that people never want to share with others. But me, well, I don’t care. I’m not Jesus. I’m an average guy. Just like you are.


Again, this is a personal question.

Some background. All the events that I have experienced did not go away. I keep and maintain the memories of them. From being led to the slaughter in Arkansas, to being swindled over and over. To being swindled, attacked, tricked, and just treated poorly. To being mistreated time and time again. It just hurts.

And on numerous times, day to day events, will trigger those memories.

The result is this explosion of rage. No matter who I am with, or what I am doing, I will start to react. My body starts to pulse, and my muscles get hard and steely. My skin is filled with millions of tight little goose-bumps. My pupils dilate, and my breathing changes.

I have noticed that the best thing that I can do is either lift weights, or drink alcohol. Eventually the rage subsides. I can tell you that my ability to perform dead lifts increase exponentially during this time, and my blood pressure, instead of going through the roof, actually decreases.

I am still able to suppress the rage. No one can tell, though my wife would watch my pupils dilate, and my body start to shake and my breathing become shallow and deep.

And she asks me what is going on.

Yes. I can control it.

But Lordy, this just cannot be normal.

And to tell youse guys the truth, I fear that were I to be in a dangerous situation and the rage is triggered that I might do something lethal and gruesome. I don’t want that to happen. So I want to ask the Domain Commander what is actually going on.

Q: Why do I periodically go into these “structured rage” behaviors?

You are NOT a normal human being. 

When our agency / MAJestic installed the ELF probes, they / we / us also transformed your personality. We compartmentalized you. You know that. During your MAJestic retirement sequence in ADC Pine Bluff, you confronted various personalities that are part of you.

You are aware of the scientist, the Naval officer, and so on and so forth. However, there are other personalities that you are not aware of. Let it be well understood that it is intentionally by design. These other personalities are not anything that you want to know about, or be associated with.

Thus they are not part of your shutdown sequence. They are permanently hardwired to your personality.

You have [1] Dr. Jeckle and Mr. Hyde, you have [2] The Wolfman (actually, the image is of a half-man, half-sabertooth tiger). You have [3] Mr. Dracula / The Mummy (image is confused and overlaid over each other.), and you have [4] The Incredible Hulk. None of these alter personalities are muted. They are all active.

They are always intended to be active. That makes you dangerous, and why you needed to be sent to prison. That is one of the reasons why they (MAJestic) cannot allow people like yourselves to be walking the (American) streets freely. You are a loaded gun with no "safety switch".

When you start to have memory triggers, event triggers, or code triggers, one of the personalities will manifest. Your "normal" personality will fade into the background and the new personality will dominate. 

Most of the manifested personalities (you have experienced) this year has been of "The Incredible Hulk", and you have done a very fine job of suppressing that character personality. We are personally proud of you.

No one is harmed. At worst, your wife looks at your strange. That's it. It has been triggered by memories while you are under a lot of stress. This is normal for humans, however in your case there is a personalty change has been intentionally engineered and triggered.

There's other triggers as well. 

Over the last six years the Dr. Jeckle and Mr. Hyde personality were occasionally triggered. You don't remember those events because afterwards your memories are suppressed. But if you look back, you will see these periods of *blank*. That is when this personality was triggered. 

This is due to the fact that you live next to the Zhuhai heliport. And some of the aircraft use an electrical signal emitter that triggers your personality change. Luckily, for you, the "go code" signal is never emitted. So all that happens is that you go into a "stand by for orders" mode. Then when nothing happens, you "wake up" and forget about the entire incident.

For you to turn off these programs you will have to go through the entire Pine Bluff deactivation procedure all over again. We advise you not to do that. We further advise you NEVER (emphasis) return to the United States. All scenarios where you return is problematic for you personally.

Do not listen to DZ (my brother). He's a "strange cat" with other purposes and intentions for your return.

The reasons are obvious. 

However, you need to remember that many of your latent personalities can be triggered by radio frequencies at various frequencies, amplitudes, patterns and pulses. The United States has substantially changed since you were there last. The spectrum of presently emitted radiation would trigger some very lethal responses from you.

Fucking lovely. Sheech!

Oh for Pete’s sake!

First I’m some kind of troll like bureaucrat named Mades Escapleon, and now I find out that I am a cross mix of of the bad characters from all the B-grade horror movies of the 1960’s. And to top it off, I’m a gun without a safety switch.

Sheech! Can’t I ever get a break?

I guess is out of the question for me. (This was a joke.)

A need to sleep

I have a question for the Domain, if you are willing. I know it taxes you to use the probes for communication, and am thankful for your disclosures.

Q: “Is the human need for sleep engineered into them?”

It is noteworthy that in the Alien Interviews, Aryl didn’t need sleep. Our Earthly scientists haven’t found a compelling reason why we should need it. It also seems like the perfect time to mess around or play with an IS-BE’s memories. Many creatures need sleep on Earth, and it seems odd.

Most animals are designed to require sleep. This is an intentional design parameter. Initially when we first created biological creatures we used the mechanism of sleep to allow the IS-BE to depart from the physical body and continue their lives unrestrained from the physical limitations.

This system has worked fine for trillions of years. 

However, when the Prison Complex was established, new prison "attire" skin suits were designed. The need for sleep remains present in the physical body, however the ability to use this period or state to egress to the non-physical is not really possible for the vast bulk of imprisoned humanity. It's "closed over" and sealed for most of humanity. Instead of being able to leave the physical realm, most humans (and inmate mammals) unwind and dream randomly.

There are precious few people who are able to egress during this time. And they do so in different techniques and with different limitations depending on their personal situation and skill set. Some Lucid Dream (as promoted on MM), while some conduct OBE (out of the body experiences), and there are other forms as well.

The people who can do this are valuable to us, and we are very pleased that numerous people have volunteered to help us with this ability. 

You, and your readership, are not aware that many of your readers now have (potential) LD access. We removed many of the blockage elements that were restricting them when they joined The Domain (or the auxiliaries). Though they might remember horrible fear induced dreams of operations, procedures, strange entities, and all sort of bad things. These fears manifested as an "antibody" when we were removing Prison Complex blockages and other systems.

Now they might experience dreams of battles, or horrible or very, very strange experiences. These "new" dreams are quite different than the kinds of dreams that they experienced prior to working with us.

They need not worry. They are performing mission taskings. I (The Commander) would like to communicate that when there is a dream with a dog, or a pack of similar animals, or with "day to day" others, that the LD "sleeper" is working as part of a team (with others). 

We never allow our assets, or auxiliary resources, to work without support, guidance or backup. the reality is very dangerous. And we cannot risk anything happening to those who are part of us / join us / assist us / work with us. 

Some of the team members are IS-BE Domain officers. Every mission or tasking is supervised by a Domain Officer. Though many actions also utilize Domain members of the non-officer class. But in every case, none of your volunteered readerships is tasked on Domain related tasks alone.

Others in your dreams. That is the "tell tail". Look for strange shaggy dogs, monkeys, grey images, odd places with odd people or things or perhaps someone or thing showing how to do something, or something similar no matter how silly it appears. You are always part of something larger with a support team.

Dreams are a complex subject that gives the physical brain feedback to the events that transpire. Though since many of the events are strange and alien, the closest approximation formed in the dreams tend to be very strange, odd and unusual.

Speaking of Jesus

A further question, if you could ask it. The domain will understand it’s relevance to me specifically, what is the role of the life of Jesus in the Earth prison complex?

I’d really like to know.

Q: What is the role of the life of Jesus in the Earth prison complex?

Jesus and the Christian religion is an engineered social control. The truth about it does not resemble anything like you have been told, or like you have assumed. Over the centuries the control of this religion has been taken over by various factions.

There have been both repeated incursions by good, just, well-intentioned IS-BE's as well as evil, selfish and dangerous entities over the centuries.

Some made long standing changes to the religion that really assisted in the control of the Prison Planet. While others enabled enlightening others that helps break away from the snares and traps.

To the questioner; it should not matter (to you) how the Christian religion came into being, or whether Jesus was an actual person or not. What should matter is whether or not you are realizing your intended purposes that you had agreed to do and in so doing, following the guidance's of the great works that the entire religion is founded upon.

Christianity is a vehicle. Like an automobile. It can take you places, but it can also cause great hurt and suffering if the wrong person is driving the car. You are, by the way, a great driver. Perhaps one of the finest. But if you worry too much about who invented the engine, or the color of the trim on the running boards, or whether you need to crank the engine to start the vehicle, or if it has an electric starter, you will take away from all the great travels and adventures that you can have on the road.

We can go into great detail on the great politics behind the creation and structuring of this religion. We can parse / investigate / study / breakdown the various saints, and key figures of the religion. Not to mention Jesus himself.

It is easy to believe that The Domain created this religion. But we did not. At least not like others have written about or implied. We have, however, contributed towards it's direction and guidance, and equally have been thwarted by selfish and evil, malevolent entities just as often.

Keep in mind that at the time of the appearance of Jesus, The Domain was busy engaging in massive space battles inside this solar system. The creation of evasion techniques for the skin-suits in general population of this Prison Planet was a very low priority at that time. Though, there were minor efforts to direct the organizational aspects of the dogma.

What was discussed in the "Alien Interview" was structured for the audience at that time. As there are truths and understandings, but often the real purposes and purposes are often occluded and confused though a handicapping of the true and actual situation. This is true with all the Q&A that we participate in.

If you discovered that Jesus was a real person who was caught up in the tumultuous events of the time, or that he was actually a romantic figurehead used by greedy people at that time, does not matter. Knowing either "history" is a dangerous illusion and would derail your current great journey. I do not desire that.

The car the you are driving right now is a perfected symphony. You do not need to know anything more than that. You need to focus on your driving skills and making it to your destination. So what if your fender has a few dings? So what if the muffler is a little noisy? Who cares is the seat has a spring poking out of it. This religion is serving a purpose and you are the result of it. You are, to be honest, magnificent. 

I will emphasize this; do not take your eyes off the road.

Personally, I haven’t a clue as to what the fuck he is talking about, and I really do not think that he answered the question. Which was “Who is Jesus”?

I do not know why he got so derailed on it. I do not know why he failed to answer the question. I also do not know why he was so guarded, evasive or circumambulating about it.

So I asked again. “What is the role of Jesus in the Prison Complex?”

Q: What is the role of the life of Jesus in the Earth prison complex?

There are two key points.

[1] Jesus is a figurehead in a religion that has often been used as a trap to help keep the general population inmates stuck in the prison complex. The religion itself has been used as a distracting means, as well as a snare. It has also been used to divert IS-BE's away from their true nature.

[2] It has also been instrumental in the sorting of service to other sentience's that will enable a great many IS-BE's to leave this prison complex.

Taking the dichotomy of this issue, we can see that by following the directives listed in the biography of Jesus found in the "New Testament" will allow the trapped inmate behavioral goals, that will establish a Service-to-Others sentience, and thus be processed out of the complex quickly and efficiently.

However, paying "lip service" to the Christian religion is a distraction and a trap. It will cause the IS-BE to entrench further into the physical reality trap that is the Prison Complex.

Ah. Don’t be a televangelist. Eh?

Then a finality to the subject matter; *end*.

What do you mean “I am not human”?

Earlier in the Q&A there was a statement made that I am not human. This is obviously false. As I look, act and think like a human, and live in a human society. Not to mention that I enjoy pizza, wine and pretty girls. So perhaps, I misinterpreted the comm.

Q: Please expand on the reasoning behind the statement that “I am not human”.

You are not human.

You are neither a pure human archetype, nor an inmate "skin suit". You are a hybrid creation with elements of both, as well as constructions intended for utility by the Domain.

(Image of a PPT presentation showing a "free and normal" human archetype. Followed by it being "changed" into a different kind of human; an inmate "skin suit". Then, changes to it with ELF, EPB and then a number of operations. The resulting figure on the PPT looks like neither the first Human archetype, nor the inmate "skin suit".)

All of the members in your MAJestic sub-project are hybrid creations. Some, like yourself, have further refinements. While others are slightly retarded / backwards / not up to date /contemporaneous with the update software / coding / medical procedures / system enhancements.

Additionally, all volunteers to The Domain (through MM here) that have agreed to work with us have also become hybrid creatures. They are no longer "inmate" human (appearing) skin suits. They have had one significant alteration to their inmate "skin suits". Some have had two or more. The severity of the changes is equated to their current dream states, feelings / emotions / perceptions.

(I think that it means that the odder your experiences are; your feelings are; your dreams are; the more changes to your "skin suit".)

In your case, you were altered for your role in our surrogate agency / utility /division (I think he means MAJestic) and then further altered with the addition of the EBP. So you have at least three layers of alterations. Certainly you might not appreciate the alterations, but we believe that they are necessary for the successful role that you play.

Stop assuming that you are the same as everyone else. YOU ARE NOT. (It felt like he was stressing things to me like my old DI in the Navy.)

Locating a member of the “Lost Battalion”

Email sent to me:

This time I write to you in matters of the lost Domain Members and in kind of a personal as well. It's not me, I guess?

No, could you ask your Domain Contact, if my pastry chef-teacher is/was a lost Member?

I'm asking, because at the end of a really really weird and messy day over a bowl of soup my husband and I were talking about your Q&A and somehow I said that "If there is someone I've met, it would be him" and we instantly got goosebumps, adrenalin shot and I started sobbing.

At this second I can feel the tears rising again. Sorry, this guy meant a hell of a lot to me and I just want to know... if they know?

I responded with this…

I will do so. 

One thing though. You need to send out "pings". The EBP allows communication from the Commander to me and back. That's it. Unless there's a location beacon, the Commander cannot do anything. All he will know is that I read and email from a follower that refers to another person also unknown.

To send out a "ping"; For the next couple of nights before you go to sleep, just say the phrase "I am pinging the Domain Commander in assistance of a question to Metallicman". 

Say it out loud. And forget about it. The more often you do this, the easier it will be to locate you and the person who you are speaking of.
This was on 29OCT21.
On 2NOV21 I received this email…
I was pinging the last nights before sleeping, and I think they came right after the first ping (friday night). Do you know if they got what they need? 

They were nice, but I freaked out. I really do apologize for that! 

I expected them to come, and I know what you say is the truth, but I still need time to let it all sink in. Sorry this also very wild babbling...

I hope they can help my Chef!!!
I did obtain a “message” glitch / signal / initial response concerning the “ping”.  In “real time”. And it was all very clear, and it was very startling.
Which was…
Follow / track / surprise / smile / happy / unexpected
This was (apparently) shortly after the first (Friday night?) ping. Then in rapid succession. Say five minutes later.
Accompanying "goosebumps". Unexpected and unknown. Not lost battalion member. 

Lost Domain member, unaccounted for. 

Not member of the Lost Battalion. Will investigate.

Strong emotional feelings. Nearly quake / shake. Big emotional attachment in the comm channel. This is apparently a very BIG deal in The Domain above. The impression that I have is that this is a long lost IS-BE and no one knows what happened to it.

He/she/it just disappeared.

And also that it’s an important person at that.

Impression is that it was assumed they entered a different universe. Now they see that somehow it was “sucked” into the Prison Complex somehow. Very much excitement.

Very, very much!

Follow up question sent up-pipe through my EBP comm to the Commander.

Q: Can you please provide me an update on this particular effort?

This is a very important, and surprising turn of events. This entity is a very important IS-BE associated with (The Domain parent organization) / sponsor organization? / upper-tier oversight operations? / a major role participant. 

(I get the impression of someone very highly revered and important; like Jesus or Buddha or some other being only far more capable and important than we can understand. Also that there is an organization that is higher, larger, older and more important than the Domain. )

I have alerted my superiors about this matter. We have set a series of events in motion. This discovery is very important and makes the need to resolve this prison planet environment ever so urgent. Obviously the presence of (garbled name. cannot make out) shows how important this area (geographic area of space) is, and greater efforts are needed to extract valuable entities from this region.

(Image of a 3D image of the Milky Way galaxy, and a rippling like the image is on a rubber sheet. then a very heavy metal ball dropped on that sheet, making a deep dark black-hole like indentation.)

(I also have the impression that this entity is part of something that spawned the Domain, and that this person has been missing of a long, long time. The impression that I have is that this person was assumed to be elsewhere, doing other things, and the fact that this person is here now in this prison planet environment is something very important.)

Commander Message to the person who "pinged"; "Thank you. Do not worry. Things are going to be just fine from now on. We have this matter (in / on hand)"

And I will add; thank you for being a Rufus.

Being scammed by others

From a communication…

I have been debating with myself for some time to ask you the following - either dismiss this entirely or continue to read.

I almost feel like this is the old "Ann Landers' advice column in the newspaper.

Recently, I was scammed out of quite a bit of dollars. Two things I would like: 1) get my money back, and 2) get these criminals in a position where life is hell for them.

I have included getting my loot back as one intention, but am hesitant to waste my time and effort to fuck the fuckers who fucked me (I apologize for the language, but that is how I feel).

What would be best (besides getting $'s back) is if these criminals can make amends not only to me, but also to others who they have fucked, and rehabilitate themselves.

There is decency in everyone, or so I believe, perhaps naively. Any advice or suggestions?

A baseball bat could do wonders with life altering perspectives.

Posted late Monday evening at 10:30pm. Answer is as follows.

Encountering others who are evil, bad, or problematic is the norm in this prison environment. It occurs on all levels. From the micro to the macro. Many people just accept the crimes as the normal way of living life. However, periodically one such crime hits us and forces us to attend to it. And obviously we do not like it.

There are numerous things that you can do, and obviously you are considering them. Your questions is which action would benefit your the most as an inmate in this prison environment.

Consider a contemporaneous prison environment. One inmate scams another inmate. The options are [1] ask politely for the items, [2] “shank" them and kill them yourself. [3] Align or employ an inter-prison organization (gang)  and ask them to recover your lost possessions, and obtain retribution, all at a cost. Or, [4] Ask the prison authorities for justice.

What we suggest is counter intuitive. 

You are to isolate yourself from those bad and problematic individuals. Then (following MM advisement's in MWI control) (sic.) The solution is to control your MWI.

[1] Add affirmations that extract justice for the crime; meaning that you get your lost wealth returned in what ever way is possible, and that those that conducted the ill deeds suffer consequences for it. 

[2] Modify the result to include time for "pain and suffering: with may be considered 10% to 25% of root value. 

Finally {3] isolation from any consequences of this request, with an understanding that the affirmation will manifest in a time window appropriate with and in alignment with, all your other / previous affirmations. (sic.) 

Take no other action. 

When it "feels" right, you may delete the affirmations from your periodic campaigns (sic.) 

Stop thinking about the event(s). The thoughts will prevent the initiation and manifestation of your affirmation campaign. So forget about it all. Just know that the results WILL manifest.

I can affirm that this is the best advice. -MM


Finally, on food.

One thing I enjoy is a real good loaf of bread and good expensive cheese.

Me too. -MM

If the wife permits, perhaps some good wine.

Me too. But my wife always approves of wine. Her only problem is the price. Wine prices are all trending upwards. -MM

That is enjoyable.

The western diet is full of toxins; anything that is pre-made, or comes in a ready to eat bag is not good for you (but perhaps very tasty).

Wise potato chips. Sigh. French fries with lots of salt. Lays "American style" chips with onion dip. -MM

40% of Americans will come down with some sort of cancer in their lifetime – good god, something is wrong with the environment and food source.

Absolutely. -MM

Good food,/diet has to be prepared from raw ingredients. Anything else will not be healthy.

There have been many case studies demonstrating that native foods are good and healthy, people do not get sick or need a doctor.

Once western food/diets have been introduced, health declines rapidly and doctor visits and sicknesses increase dramatically.

Healthy food comes from healthy natural soil, and not that found in chemical agriculture.

Creamy potato soup for super today, with only cream and cheese coming from the store.

Posted Monday in the evening. I had to phrase it as a question…

Q: With all the criminal elements jam-packed on the earth planetary environment today, what is the best and most worthwhile food suggestions you (The Domain) might have for a healthy long life?

We participated in the development of the human archetype. We designed humans to have a diet consisting of all the plants and animals that are provided on the worlds that they inhabit. The inmate "skin suits" have not deviated from this nutritional need.

Fruits and Vegitables

Fundamentally, eat a substantial quantity of your diet in fresh produce. This includes both fruits and vegetables. If you are not eating salads (whether precooked for five minutes or not) you are doing something wrong. There should be at least two salad majority meals in your diet every week.

(Chicken salad, cob salad, Caesar salad with beef or another meat, tuna salad, etc. Keep the amount of sugary dressings to a minimum. Olive oil and vinegar are the healthiest. -MM) 

Removal of Toxins

For all inmates in general population, note that it is important to lightly steam or cook the vegetables first before you make a salad. 

[1] Soak the vegetables in a bath of (a small / tiny amount of bleach) for 20 minutes. Then rinse off. (One cap lid of bleach for a sink basin of water.)

[2] Cook or heat the vegetables before you add them to the salad. For tomatoes, let them sit in hot water for one to five.  And so on and so forth. Lettuce can be lightly steamed for a few seconds before eating. This requirement is not a designed-in requirement for the human body archetype. It is a need that human inmate "skin suits" must do in the earth environment, because it is now a toxic environment. By lightly heating, steaming or cooking the vegetables you will help remove growth hormones, pesticides and GMO additions not yet integrated into the food element.

Sea Food

Eat fish. Cooked any way. Steamed is the healthiest, but the difference between pan fried and grilled is minuscule.


Maintain a staple of rice, potatoes or breads to supplement that diet. It does not matter which is involved or whether you need to prepare it a certain way. You need to make sure every meal consists of one such staple. This is important to aid in the digestion of the foods you eat.

(Some societies such as American and European rely on breads as the staple. Others rely on potatoes. And many Asian cultures rely on rice. -MM)

Do not follow fads

There are many foods that can be a part of your diet that are generally not considered healthy by current popular culture. Cheese can be a significant part of your diet. As well as tofu. (no problems / complications / or other fears) In both instances, stick with the healthiest versions of those items. For cheese, stick with the light colored cheeses. 

Protein priorities

For sources of protein, look towards nuts, eggs, meat, fowl, or fish. None of which is processed. If you cannot do that then, pre-frozen items can be used. Fresh food, obtained locally is the best. Canned, processed, or with additives for long-term storage are the worst.

General guidelines

Avoid ALL processed food.
No sugar laden breakfast cereals. You can make your own oatmeal.
Avoid all canned, or prepackaged or precooked food.

Home made food
Most meals should be made by your family, at home, using fresh ingredients that you select yourself. When cooking, make sure they are all cleaned, and then take your time will generally low temperature cooking over long periods of time. Quick meals are to be avoided as should be the use of microwaves and "instant foods".


Restaurant food should be for special occasions. Fast food should be avoided. If you cannot sit down and enjoy a meal, then something is seriously wrong with your lifestyle. When you do go to a restaurant, you should select the restaurant carefully and balance, [1] price, [2] environment, [3] food selection, and [4] companionship. Do NOT ever use only one criteria in restaurant selection.

Avoid all GMO food.
Avoid all food with injected hormones
Avoid large quantities of sugar.
Avoid large quantities of salt.
Avoid reusing oil. (No fried foods from restaurants.)

No/few/occasional potato chips.
No/few/occasional deep fried anything.
No/few/occasional sodas.
No/few/occasional candy.
No/few/occasional cakes.


An occasional coffee or tea is acceptable, but the questioner should limit the intake of beverages to one a day. This can be a singular coffee, a singular tea or one carefully selected soft drink. No more.

You may drink wine in moderation. Red wine is the preferred drink. A man alone should have no more than one bottle of wine a sitting. A woman, half that amount. A couple should be able to drink two bottles of wine without problems. In all cases, it should be kept under three bottles a sitting. Otherwise it will cause problems. 

Beer and hard liquor are to be avoided. Please kindly refrain from smoking.

Ask your doctor to consolidate your medicines. You want to take the least number of types of medicines as possible. Eventually reaching a point where no medicines are necessary.


Drink a lot of water. You can add lemon slices, or other berries to the drink as you see fit. Warm to room temperature water is best.

Meal Size

Avoid all those mega-portion sizes offered by American chain stores or restaurants.

Speed of Consumption 

Never rush when you eat. A meal should take from one to two hours to eat. Any meal that you consume under 15 minutes is not healthy. No matter what you eat, the time to consume the meal has a great deal of influence on how the food is digested. A work lunch under one hour is unacceptable. Humans, whether inmate skin suits, or pristine archetypes need to eat slowly and easily.

Cooking Methodology

Humans were designed to eat certain kinds of food, prepared in certain kind of ways. Steamed is the best. Fried in oil is the least desirable.

When we constructed the human archetype it was designed to use the food items and elements that the human body would cohabit with. In the toxic stew of what the earth is today, very careful attention must be given to what is consumed; how it is prepared, and how it is eaten. These are not minor subjects. These are very important elements that must be incorporated in one's lifestyle.

Um. I’m in trouble. Sigh.

But I do agree. This is a point that has been pestering me all these decades. 。。

  • [1] Stop drinking soft drinks and beer. Drink wine instead.
  • [2] Stop eating potato chips. Eat potatoes and onions fried with some salt instead.
  • [3] Stop eating hamburgers. Eat pork chops, steak or mutton instead.
  • [4] Nothing fake. Use real butter.
  • [5] Nothing fake. Eat real fresh bread. Nothing supermarket packaged.
  • [6] No candy.
  • [7] Cakes should be a rare item.
  • [8] Eat fruit. At least have some bananas in the house.

Oh, and please, never eat alone. Eat with friend and family. And make it special. Noting makes me feel like a king than when I am eating a fine meal with a lady that is all beautiful and who has the proper amount of foundation on, wearing a most comfortable dress, and is just engaged in chatting with me. Ugh!!!

Manifesting signal

Ok, this was sent to me. I tried to figure it out, but I am not very clear on it.

Ultimately, the end-goal is to circumvent the malevolent (alterations to) / (control of) our internal systems, thereby allowing access beyond the Prison Aspect of our being. Correct? Like DM’s lucidity, right? What is the manifesting “signal” that makes me physically what I am? I would like to change THAT. Surely that is prohibited by the Prison Construct, right?

Q: What is the manifesting frequency / signal that makes “me” who I am?

(garbled / a lot of information. Confused. A bunch of slides of things thrown at me in rapid succession.)

(Too much information and confusing. I simplified as...) The human inmate "skin suit" can be considered to be a very complex frequency. 

Yes, once you are able to control this frequency then you can change various aspects of it for egress out of the prison complex.

This is one of the techniques that we use when (MM volunteers) others join our effort. We alter their inmate "skin suits" at different ways and means.

(Images of things, and actions. I do not understand.)

However, we are all influenced by our environment. Thus we are all influenced by the thoughts around us. ("M-band noise" from the Monroe report.) this alters the frequency interactions / (garbled) of our very being. It's like trying to dig a hole in sand, the deeper you go, the more sand falls in.

This "manifesting signal" is how we are able to track inmates in the prison complex, find others outside of the reality universe, and perform alterations in the reality, (not clear) or in the surrounding universe. But it is not a simple thing. It is very complex.

By changing the signal, you change your soul / IS-BE structure / consciousness / manifestation interaction with the universe that is being co-inhabited with. Thus it is a very dangerous thing to do. You have to know what you are doing and why.

It’s like making a cake. You can change from two eggs to three, or one spoon of sugar to three spoons. But when you change the flour to rice powder, the end result might be something quite different. – MM


I tell everyone, this is all very tiring and difficult for me to do. I really hate these long winded multiple part questions. What’s the matter? Doesn’t anyone read my guidelines? Some one setups a fake email and asks me unrelated questions with no personal impact on their own day to day lives? I am not a television trivia show.

No more multiple part questions. The next person who asks a multi-part question will be banned.

I was thinking about Reiki, some “dark” questions appeared:

Question 1; Is this interaction with “energy” related to the consciousness? With the “soul” or the “spirit”?

Question 2: Is Reiki just another control method set in place by the “Old Empire”?

Question 3: Is this useful only in the prison complex?

Question 4: Is this “energy” or Qi (Chi) able to interact with garbons or other low-level components of the non-physical?

Question 5: Is there a real correlation between physical feelings and spiritual feelings?

Question 6: A soul or consciousness is able to “get sick” beyond the physical environment?

Question 7: The most important one: Why we humans know so little about the relationships between soul, consciousness and body?

We are just in the same spot we have been for thousands of years because of amnesia and control.

I want to know how to put a consciousness in a container, at least theoretically. This is real technology and knowledge.

I am sorry for all of this. This Reiki information is not useful, it may be classified as quackery.

Phew! If I answered all these questions, I would be busy for months.  I am only going to answer one question. I am going to ask the last one; the “important” one.

Q; Why we humans know so little about the relationships between soul, consciousness and body?


It’s a refusal to answer.

I do not know why.

I suspect that it has to do with the questioner as the questions are “busy work” and will serve no one. However, I do not know if that is actually the case. It is possible that these questions are from someone who wants to fuck around with me.  It might be the same person that did so previously.

In any event. The Commandeer refuses to answer. That is an absolute.

To the questioner; you know the answer. So why ask me?

Petrified about World War III

The interchange in this next dialog is a little bit strange, so I made it conversational so it would be much easier to read. The content, and the impressions are the same, it's just that multiple card desk items have been rearranged sequentially for ease of understanding. 

Referring to stacking, cards, and things like that are interpretations of multiple comm channels opening up and information overload being parsed through filters. I also use borrowed terms ;like Robert Monroe's "M band" with is a flood of background chatter that acts as a noise that needs to be filtered or organized.-MM

The warnings from my brother, and other intelligence sources indicate that things are moving forward towards a war and I am seemingly right on ground zero. Further events are taking place that add credence to his statements. Such as an Iranian tanker full of oil was turned back from entering Shanghai by a naval vessel. There’s provocation upon provocation and I don’t trust anything I read any longer.

I am starting to question my own chatter, and sensing equipment. (Skill sets, add on software and EBP stuff that I know how to use. I just simplify this equipment kit to “sensors” in this recorded dialog transcript. Though in the conversation we discussed specific parts and elements of this kit. -MM)

I would like some clear information on  what is going on, of course – in reference to myself, but any other information that could be provided to MM readership would be appreciated.

Q: What are my chances of survival if the United States decides to start a war with China? And how does this influence other MM readers?

You have the tools to know what is going on and why. You are being insecure because your feedback from those you love and trust are giving you bad intel. You must remember your skills and put them to use. There is no one on the planet at this time that has better skills in this area than you do, and that includes all of your colleagues in the  subprogram (MAJestic).

The quantum changes (M band noise) has reached a directed frenzy. This goal is for a major war and conflict of long duration under specified operational parameters that will not occur. The best way to stop this train of events is to create a series of deep-dive slides, and that has become impossible to do at the present time.

The systems / mechanisms / techniques / personnel are all off-line. Organized dives (sic.) are not possible at this time.

The MWI (sic.) will evolve according to the pre-programmed event sequence. You cannot stop it. There are far too many variables and far too may interested parties / evil intent / pre-programmed mantid prime world-lines (sec.) that are moving with these issues.

You ARE in the safest location possible given the great diversity of possible outcomes at this time. Do not doubt that.

Further, note that The Domain will only risk consciousness swapping / jump in body / take over a body / operational cloning if the result has a strong probable result. At this time it resembles your experiences  in Corpus Christi December 1983 (major world-line template cluster realignment. We avoided world war III with the Russians at that time.). Things are much more serious however, and there are too many thought clusters with too many varying outcomes to predict the most probable results.

We do not want a radioactive result. We are working to prevent this scenario from occurring. However, the most probable event sequence will be one that includes nuclear detonations. 

However, there is a very high probability that most of China and the South Pacific will be spared from most of the damage. 

Of course all of this is fluid, and there are many forces / interests / non-physical / physical / mantid / evil that has set systems in motion for conflagration. 

All of our predictive anticipation programs show damage and dangers to the United States, and their allies. They are generating too many m-band / thought profiles / group consciousness vectors / world-line slides in favor of a major war. 

With the preventative measures that we have set up, all these thought vectors will redirect to the source; the United States and the people of the United States.

For example; The United States attacked China with a bio-weapon. The effect is that China survived, but the United States is now under bio-weapon rampage. 

This "boomerang effect" is the result of (garbled / not clear /difficult to explain) and this give and take / attribute /resulting /configuration is to be expected in this current war situation.

The mRNA inoculations are not a vaccine. It's a preventative measure for the next major attack. You know this. However, rest assured that it will not work as intended, and the predictive vector trends show clearly a very disastrous outcome.

Use your skills and answer the following yourself...

Q: What is the best scenario given your viewing of the MWI / world-line undulations?

Well. as best I can figure it would be no war, no nuclear or further biological exchanges, and a return to normalcy with the United States government replaced with something different that would deal with the needs of the American people and not get involved in War.

Q: What is your likelihood of that occurring. Quick answer. NOW!


Q: What is the worst scenario given what you see in the MWI and undulations on world-lines (sic.)? Use your skills. Fast answer. NOW!

MAD mutually assured nuclear destruction where America launches a full scale nuclear first strike, and China and Russia retaliate from their ruined nations. Additionally, North Korea destroys South Korea and attacks Japan. Pakistan attacks India, Russia destroys the European Union and the entire Middle East goes to war.

Q: What is the highest probability scenario based upon your sensory perceptions; ignoring the (M-band noise) / chatter that is clogging up your sensor feeds? 

Monitor your senses, on the count 3. 2. 1. Now!

(Noise chatter. So much M-band noise. Confusion. Misdirection. lines strained.) Searching. Searching.

Not bumpkus.

Some clarity.

China does not do anything overt. The United States grows impatient, and thus creates a “false flag” to set things in motion. (Nothing actually happens, so the USA creates a false event as an excuse to implement one of their multiple plans.) The Russian and the Chinese are waiting for this moment to arrive. Waiting on viable intel.

Then they will launch a first strike nuclear salvo (just right) before the United States can do anything that it plans.

They will do this at any point that the probability of success is over 85%. (The higher the probability of success, the sooner the Chinese event sequence will manifest. The trigger threshold will be 85%.)

Q: Using what you know, from all of your sensors, what is going on. Write it down, and do not edit for clarity. Do not scrub away what does not make sense. Put the raw feed down, and do not clean it up. Do it now.

Here goes.

America is planning multiple strike attacks and will implement the first viable one as the situation matures. The first strike nuclear hit destroying multiple main Chinese cities at once, and then fabricating a reason is amazing high on the probability scale. It is disturbing that it is being considered at this time, but the drivers are emotionally driven M-band folk with no scruples.

Meanwhile the Russian and the Chinese have already put into place a first strike plan and are getting systems in place to prevent the United States from launching nuclear strike counter attacks. This is the “counter plan”. This situation is at 72% readiness. So the Chinese and the Russians are feverishly trying to work to get things in place before the USA is ready to start a major conflict.

The United States is trying to prod and goad the Chinese into action, and will keep on pushing until something happens, then once the event occurs, a series of well planned attacks will take place. Everything is in place this week. This is the primary (American) approved plan. It will go nuclear the moment the Chinese react to provocations. They will fabricate an excuse if this timeline is delayed too long.

(Phew! I’m amazed that I was able to type so fast and quickly.)

That is what I sense. How accurate is it? Please scan and confirm my interpretations.

Interpretations are correct. You did not include the actions in Europe. Nor did you include the Israel connections and the things going on regarding with Iran, Pakistan, and Australia.

But if you are weighing in data feeds based on M-noise chatter, then it is obvious that your intel is as good as we can get. 

As you can sense the entire issue with Australia is floundering and there is a dynamic that can swing to any extreme. Right now it looks like it will "die on the vine", but there are issues and events that could keep it aggressive alive and there is great concern that if the direction heads that way, that the worst case scenario can be realized.

For Australia, it is the key unknown at this time. If the entire Morrison leadership effort collapses and there is a reverse in policy , the best scenario may be realized. So Australia is the dominant player in the unfolding of the current events train.

Pakistan is moderating the India *wild card* and for now it appears that this situation is under control and free from problems.

Europe is a wildcard, and the situation is changing daily. The United States is aggressively using every "trick in the book" to make the EU join in a war, but they are very reluctant to do so. Firstly because they don't want to upset China who remains their largest trading partner, but also they fear Russian retaliation because they know that Russia and China now operate as one. This was shown in Chinese support of all the political and diplomatic spats that Russia has had with Europe.

Q: Will you be able to take over a body and stop a “button being pushed”?

We can, but we will not. Not in this instance, and not at this time.

Q: Elaborate why.

All obstacles to the (counter) plan must be disabled.

Q: Even if it means that the earth will become a radioactive mess?

Yes. It is preferable that we prevent the ruin and destruction of the earth at this time, but there are too many variables involved, and far too many situations that all taken together render our ability to prevent a worst case scenario from occurring.

Heaven (sic.) are expanding their entry systems to handle a large influx of IS-BE's into the environment and anticipate a heavy work load, but you knew that already didn't you?

I then went to sleep around 11:00pm.

At 2:45am I woke up after tossing and turning and all kinds of undecipherable things from the commander. Not dreams. Just messages going on and on and waking me up from a non-dream sleep.

Finally I was able to get this little bit that started to unravel a long garbled message train. (Don’t ask me to explain.)

...In absolute terms you were poisoned. Just like the scene from Breaking Bad. Ricin was used to interrupt things so that activities and event trains were prevented. 

You were provided with a physical body cold that serves to interrupt your ability to reset and initiate slides for anchoring events (sic.) 

Or to say it bluntly, you were deactivated temporarily so that a selection of critical events would not be interrupted.

It is true that I just got a seemingly bad cold suddenly yesterday. (Physical illness.) And when I have physical illnesses, many of my abilities are either no longer functional, or are interrupted to the point of dysfunction.

Something is going on now, and it must not be interrupted by me, nor am I permitted to influence it in any way.

Q: Who or what is neutering my abilities at this time, and why?

(Why) the mantids (sic.), of course.

Oh, my goodness, what a “can of worms” is now opened. Uh oh.

Q: Please elaborate

The "greater good" must be permitted to occur at this time so that a much worse sequence of events (in the future) can be prevented.

So, I recon, that if we allow a little bad now, it will act as a safety value to prevent a greater bad event in the future?

Q: Continue and elaborate please.

Yes. That is correct.

Your abilities and those of  a few others are now disabled so that nothing will interrupt a critical sequence of events from occurring. This sequence of events will (mostly) be transparent. (I won't be reading about them in any "news feeds", but will involve some very bad things, black operations and deaths.)

For now, you and your MM colleagues will be safe.

This sequence of events will set in place a "rocky" event train (sic.), and that some pre-planned events might require further disabling of your latent abilities. You need to avoid M-block thoughts, and influences to you. Be calm and don't get so "caught up" in the craziness that will start to manifest in the next few weeks.

The next few weeks?

Maybe things have been prevented, or set off to the side somehow, and a calmer, saner result might manifest. Perhaps?

Yes. More like sliding onto a different railroad track.

OK. I am going back to bed. I will continue all this in the morning.

Morning arrived. Still sick. Wife and kid woke me up early. Need to give our old dog his medicine first thing at the crack of dawn. Sigh.

All channels are quiet.

Do you want more?

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ET Species


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You know MM,
I wonder if it is appropriate to ask the Commander what the life of a typical Domain citizen is like. Are they born into particular bodies? Do they grow up in different cultures? What is their attitude towards work and play etc…you know the “mundane” stuff that I think would help us understand more about them.

Memory Loss

Boy oh boy each time you do one of these Q&A, I get more questions. Because of the content which answers things I didn’t voice out. And that bugs me out haha.

So Mr MM, the forum was fantastic until recently. I think I did mention the possibility of psychic attack on the forum or on you. Which I threw out there for no apparent reason other than it felt like a brooding storm coming in. The last few weeks, the barometer has kept falling, and most members stayed away from the forum.
I had a number of thoughts that came up but I felt discouraged to even pen them so I stayed away from starting new posts.
I hope you will consider restarting the forum. Maybe put in a sin bin or some moderators to prevent personal attacks and trolls. I would think some of the members here were triggered psychically or used as a conduit to attack the forum and through it, other members of MM.

Your Commander’s mention of quanta antibodies might be a technical phrase for what happened. I feel in my gut the forum if full-grown will be a very formidable (and low cost) tool for the Domain. At the moment there’s a lot of negativity but if you throw out the baby with the bath water, where’s the baby then lol. I do respect your decision though.

I have your cat answers which engendered another bunch of questions relating to crickets and snails oddly enough. And a bunch related to humanity. And more about the Domain. And weird ones about the mantids. So much so I can’t keep up haha.

Your Commander is pretty great, his answers are very metered.


@ memory-loss I wasn’t aware the forum was down. I did notice the rows though, and suspected the exact same thing you mentioned. The antibodies are legit; i have had my fair share of them fucking with me and my family. Myself and my wife get to the point where we are just “oh its one of those fuckers again, i’ll talk to you when you are not being an idiot” and it seems to subside. Heads up for anyone using FB; DO NOT HAVE ARGUMENTS WITH A LOVED ONE THROUGH FB MESSENGER. We noticed that the FB algorithms were deliberately inflating our arguments, leaving things each other said out and literally bringing up shit said in arguments years past and copy and pasting it into the discussion, then deleting it from viewing history on the sender’s phone. The only reason we noticed is because we are so open with each other and let each other read from each other’s open messenger on our phones. We soon realised the fuckery that was going on, it was literally like someone had hacked our phones and had a private discussion that had been deleted from viewing history. The really fucked up part is we started having dreams about certain BAD scenarios and sure enough the next day these would be mentioned randomly by the AI bot in messenger mid argument.


I wrote the earlier comment on a whim before I read your article. It was another very good one! Thanks!


Keep in mind that your war concerns elevate MWI manifestation probabilities. Please make every effort to refuse negative perceptions about Americans from occupying your mind.
Many of us here are hard working and loving STO beings, focused on creating a better tomorrow for all.


Side note: The Hulk is a superhero not a villain, nor B grade. .
Glimmer of hope in case you were feeling extra villainous. (We’re friends so I have to look out… js)

Also, more than one MMs, huh?…. Hmm not the double vision!?!? It’s ok, I’ll wait….

Going back up to finish. Oh and ML isn’t just speculating in the forum. I had to mental/life tap out because things were getting entirely invasive… attacks more like ambush. I’m fine now, and at least I know what I’m up against in the physical/spiritual world. I need my affirmation block, back.


I love the forum. I followed your site for maybe 2 or even 3 years but got only active through that forum. It gives transparency to how others feel, think and what questions they have. And you don’t feel like an idiot posting strange questions on a public site 😀 I posted once my email address in the comments before you created the forum, in the hope to be able to talk to someone but no one replied 🙁

Trolls are everywhere. You will need 1-2 trustful admins, who can ban people if they get too Trollish. Its hard to manage by yourself.

Sidenote: I am grateful to hear that you are not human. I couldn’t explain to myself how the hell someone can communicate soo much and write practically entire books on regular basis 😀 MM will get an heart attack soon I was fearing 😀 Having a company, & family on top of all this!

Anyway, pls bring the forum back.
I am still working a corporate job and last few weeks have been very busy. so couldnt write much, although I read a lot. Keeps me sane in this insane world.

PS: Agree with Alice. Hulk is a superhero! I have a hulk in me sometimes 😀


Thanks for this Q&A session, MM! Its full of usefull advice.

Ultan McG

Thanks a million for posting the latest Q&A, Mr Man. Great stuff, as always. Your personal questions are always the best ones for me.

I found it striking that your contact decided to answer our Great Question about the MRNA inoculation, after you decided not to ask it outright, and what an answer she gave. After months of heated discussion we finally know with certainty that COVID was indeed a bio-attack– not much doubt there, of course– and that the MRNA was/is some kind of attempt to ameliorate or mitigate something. Either incoming, neutrino emissions, or COVID itself or variants thereof. And like the original ghastly attack on China, it seems now the experimental remedy has also backfired and there will be collateral. Tragic. I’m glad I listened to my instincts on that, and ignored the assurances of associates and former colleagues whom I knew/know well who told me I was taking a big risk by not consenting.

I struggled with narratives that governments all over the world had decided to ‘kill everybody off’ (and listened closely to Rob’s insights on this), but rather, were put in a position by powerful forces above and beyond local or regional governments wherein they were left with little choice but to roll out that product without test or licence– they clearly were desperate. Whereas the powerful Players– the Masters– clearly have little or no regard for human life, and tested the inoculations on mass population while at the same time making billions and billions of dollars on profit. Great deal. For them. And a nail in the coffin of democracy for sure. If not the final one. Blinkers should be off for everyone now.

I too was sorry to see the Forum put on hold and enjoyed very much the opinions and robust discussions had by all. But you’re right, personal attacks are out of order. Surely we can agree to disagree like normal adults without lowering ourselves to pejorative epithets and vituperative remarks. I can’t speak for anyone else, of course, but I’ll defend my position right up until the point someone can convince me otherwise– and this past year it hasn’t taken much to convince me of anything. But, as was also discussed on the Forum– that recourse to obscenities, etc. really is a sign of the times, and anyone looking deeper and probing for answers independently can all too easily dismissed as a crank, bot or some kind of shill for the nefarious forces organising this whole colossal mess.

It pains me to say it but I’m in full agreement with the Commander, and it seems to me that a decision has been made to permit much short-term pain for some long term gain– again, as Rob has been reminding us for the best part of a year, now. It’s needed, and our creators/originators (as Remote Viewed by the SRI detected) know that, too. We couldn’t even come close to their perspective no matter what– but they know an unfixable mess when they see one. And they’ve clearly been trying out other solutions.

If the Forum does come back online I for one will step back from contributing, because we’re at the stage now, unfortunately, that the various, manipulated world lines have been very deeply entrenched along particular channels and communication between those channels is nigh on impossible. When we all come through to the other side of this, as I’m positive most of us will– perhaps there’ll be more scope for acceptance of others’ opinions no matter how far out or indeed conservative. Perhaps there are too some kind of psychic energies being unleashed throughout cyberspace as D.M has suggested– I mean, the man clearly knows what he’s talking about and his Facebook (Meta–Death–Metaverse– sounds to me like a cunning ploy to herd everybody into the cybersphere and well away from any possibility of escape even further) tale was chilling.

I know I for one am not a bot/robot/golem– or if I am I’m a pretty good one, eh? 😉. And I am only interested in Truth– which means that I don’t suffer narratives– that are clearly designed to debilitate and confound genuine attempts at enquiry into same– gladly.

Best to you all– Hold Fast– it’s gonna be a weird 2022, and hopefully the Domain will continue to elucidate our collective path as we go.


Oh my. The part about “quantum antibodies” hit home. It explains sooooo much. Why everyone is so tense and people seem to be on a hair trigger even for the mildest of discussions. And why my mind automatically “cant understand” or is redirected away from mechanical explanations. How the heck do I design an affirmation around this. Something I need to give considerable thought to.

MM thank you for all your hard work on this effort. It’s much appreciated.



THANKS! Especially for exposing your personal fears… THAT is rare indeed.

Hey, I had a long comment on your latest China/War posting; I made that comment early this morning BEFORE reading this post – crazy how that shit merges.


Anyway to the content herein…

Did I read this correctly? 85% likely actual nuclear WAR; but that the launch is the more volatile variable (along with firming up the counter-attack plan)? Practically a done-deal, just a matter of time? Wow.

ZERO likelihood that a nuclear war will NOT occur? Yikes!

Not quite clear here, but back to my old tired topic… the SHARED [MWI] Earth [Template] manifested [jointly] as the physical Earth WILL BE DAMAGED. Am I getting that right? The MWI is so crammed with powerful [“negative”] intentions that this is practically a given; right?



No big deal (obviously) but that comment about no beer or booze was hilarious… some of those “designer” red wines are HORRIBLE with additives; conversely, some vodka and tequila are amazingly CLEAN. Maybe that was your internal translation affecting the script?


Bring it on… yes, all the horror.

I will miss my beautiful blue and green marble – presumably better things are out ‘there.”


Last thing.

YO… Domain! I volunteer for assistance (whatever I’m worth) – so long as you do not damage my soul.


At your leisure, maybe you could ask these questions. They are not connected, so there is no need to ask them all at the same time or session.

If nuclear war is nearly inevitable and will destroy much of the US, should we who live in the US simply assume there’s no future and prepare to die?

Is the universe basically as we see it, full of stars, galaxies, and so forth, or is it mostly an illusion for our benefit?

Will there be limits placed on the power of the elites, billionaires, corporations, and governments in the near future without a devastating war?

Is Einstein right and faster-than-light speeds are not achievable, or does the Domain have ways around that limit?


Memory Loss

Ok, I’m greedy so will post a second round.

Hmm, so your brother may have been compromised? That would mean you are an active target. If so, you would be treated with extreme prejudice. In fact I expect a (fictional, totally none real life team) to treat you as a targeted individual even now. I think you should consider this possibility. It is not my intention to create false alarms but please do not rule this out. The stress that you feel may not be entirely organic in origin or triggered by the airport.
Also the information that you put out on MM, you should strongly suspect that the lettered agencies will have at least one analyst on the job monitoring.

[Voice over : To the said analyst, please ask for a visit from the Domain to verify. Otherwise you are not doing your job. But if you want to keep your job, don’t inform your superior of your plans prior, otherwise they will mark you as crazy. Or worse that you have been compromised.]

Reading your articles, I generally use a fine tooth comb. But your Commander, aye yay yay!! All sorts of things pop out.

The mantids having their own worldlines is something so obvious, do they muck around with it? Because the apparent conclusion is that they can choose where they want to go. Is there is a system to “grade” mantids and influence how they interact with humans, etc etc. Like if we get a naughty mantid watching over us, can we ask for a change of overseer?

Mantids, quanta, evil entities and so on. Maybe the British choose the phrase “The Great Game” for a reason.

Oh the Jesus thingie? I was thinking Truman Show. It doesn’t matter if you believe he was a fictional figure or some real guy or actual Son of God. You’re still watching a show.

Thus endeth my rambling.


@ memory loss. The In the Truman Show the guy in charge was named Christoff. Christoff, Truman = Christ of True Man = fucking mantid overseer; they literally shoved it right in everyone’s faces