Music of “Tool” Complete Discography

This post consists of music from the group “Tool”. I was inspired to provide it here after reading a comment on the Forum by Pissed Lizard, who said…

I am opening this up as a general music area because I am VERY seriously interested in all of your music - I have had some people share some seriously moving music.

There is a band called Tool that nobody can really categorize - for those of you who aren’t aware. It’s fans are RABID for some reason and we can pick each other out in crowds - at least here in the states.

I got into a little trouble in my psychiatry years and stumbled upon an old, cranky, narcissistic to the bone neurologist that sort of saw the way things were going and for some reason-intervened. He has passed away since but I mention him because he truly changed my life and our friendship became more meaningful than I ever could imagine. Everyone saw him as a total asshole. GREAT doc - brilliant - just a dick. He was from Ukraine and made sure they got a few CT scanners and MRI’s. He paid for them out of his own pocket. And passed away alone. Lots of family - so close - but alone.

He is connected to my Tool story because one day, out of the clear blue - I was blasting Tool in my car and he needed a ride - but he said he wanted to get me in a functional MRI and see if my brain lit up differently than his when we both listened to the same tool songs. We selected 7 at random and one each for a total of 9 (my Holy number - arbitrary, but - we were messing around.

Sure as shit certain areas of my brain - and take a wild freaking guess which area (pineal gland) lit up like a neon bulb.

He ended up taking that little “hey, let’s mess around with a hospitals toy because America” and turned it into a straight up research project regarding how different visual art lights up different areas in different peoples brains.

I’ll keep his name to myself, because he is a one of many passes souls I love, that, like me, like a bit of privacy. Or as much as we can control. But as much as he was hated - and I hated him as a resident - he became a great, loyal friend to the end.

RIP, brother! I hope you are where you need to be. Frigging hand delivered MRI machines to Ukraine - a legend.

The song he saw me reacting to is called “Vicarious”. What’s funny in the machine - I was lighting up like a Christmas tree - and THAT mother f—er - HE fell asleep!

But Tool has that effect on my brain, I am CERTAIN some of us are wired the same way.

How? And where the hell am I going with this - on THIS forum?

As you all know I am WAY late to the party, so if I am repeating stuff that is old news to you - awesome. PLEASE correct me where I am misunderstanding things because it is the hardest topic I have studied - EVER. But anyway I am studying “vertical” time (per my Mantid buddies and yes I can say this part) so I am studying vertical time and I go down the whole “memory implant” rabbit hole and hit the whole Central Race DNA (HUMAN) template of creation.

So I am there - I take a freaking left turn into holy shit town - to THIS - the hard one - and the topic is pretty much how our DNA responds to vibrations - that quantum physicists are bringing all the way down as far as CERN will let them!

I am telling you - I have a witness - I think he filmed it at the time - suffice to say I was at a concert - SUBSTANCE FREE - people were smoking - it was in Colorado - but I am telling you I felt my DNA changing - and I told my buddy OVER AND OVER it was happening - yet I have no recollection of it. It REALLY freaked the dude out - like bad! But something must have happened.

And this was a couple of years ago before I ever even found MM or quantum physics.

My gut is that Tool also messes with my DNA some how - but in a positive way - only a Tool fan will understand.

But has this happened to any of you and what music btw?

The concert was a Wardruna show BTW. It was the only one in the states that year. And again - I know for a fact I was 100% sober and substance free.

I am very interested to hear if anyone else feels that strongly about their music and if you could, please share a link. I am genuinely interested - even to you lurkers out there (we see you) - please - come contribute!

It got me curious, and so, if anyone wants to check out this music, please feel free to download and enjoy.

The Music

You can download the zipped CD/Albums by clicking on any of the links below…

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ohhhhhhh you just got some more brownie point from me by doing this MM. Also Fear Innoculum is there latest album that came out back in 2019. In there is a song about what appears to be a virus and a “tempest” coming to fuck over the elite. I wonder how they knew about all this…..did I mention the lead singer is a lucid dreamer 🙂


The Tool song “Schism”, from the album Lateralus, is claimed to have predicted the attacks on 11 September 2001. For example, it has lyrics about temples falling. The album was released several months before the attacks.

“Fear Inoculum” (the song, released in 2019) also seems disturbingly prescient about the pandemic, as Daegonmagus says. Spooky.


Big fan of Tool and Maynard’s subprojects (APC, Puscifer)… I didn’t knew Maynard is a lucid dreamer… Lots of symbolism in Tool’s artwork. I have all of their records including Fear Inoculum.


check out this article. In it Danny Carey explains when you attend a Tool concert you are attending a ritual designed to summon occult demonic forces. Draw the dots to what they are implying with Faaip De Oad and Rosetta stoned, and the sigil of Astaroth on their Aenema cover. Angels, demons & aliens = non physical entities that can be contacted via lucid dreaming. Tool have appeared in many of mine and my wife’s lucid expeditions; at one point she had Maynard getting pissed off at her that she wasn’t entirely lucid yet. I believe at one point Adam was talking to her about some of her art as well. I suspect they probably have a few stories to tell in regards to what they have been up to in the non physical planes.


Thank you for the information. Please watch the Pneuma live video (available on YouTube) and you’ll notice Danny Carey’s subtle (and skilled) drumming technique he uses. Maybe he is performing a ritual. Nevertheless, I am a big fan and I think despite the rituals and the occultism, I will continue to be a fan.


WHOA! Mind. Blown! Thanks for this!


I always freaking KNEW it! I am telling you going to their shows are totally different than any other concert. They bring us somewhere. It’s CRAZY


it is all connected to the magic of King Solomon. I have it on good authority that such magic was originally the curriculum for a willing host to become a physical vessel for a non physical alien consciousness to reside in. Ie, Solomon wasn’t exactly “human”. All these people fucking around summoning “angels” or “demons” have no idea that they are really doing “Ancient CE-5”. I suspect Tool do though


You do the CE-5 app too? Bro – fucking Bro – WHAT IN THE ACTUAL FUCK??? Dude – when I was being “shown around” one of the apps that is, like, “required” was that one. It was on my phone, unlocked with some others. What’s funny is my “guides” so to speak were explicit – I can only make MY contact to them in a way they showed me – which leads me to believe I may not have electrical power because I DO something to call them.

BUT – since using that CE-5 app – now these lights in the sky are ALL the time and it is really freaking out the local population. I cannot be “THAT guy” here, you know? It’s the Bible Belt. And to try to convince these people that this IS NOT demonic – who knows how to tackle that mountain, but I’m climbing it regardless.

Crazy crazy shit, man.


Holy crap!!! You are the MAN MM!!

Thank you!!!!!


Holy shit do I feel old now.


I woke up during this song one night when I felt what could be best described as a download from the top of my head with a vortex-like motion.
Downloading what? I really can’t say.
I don’t know what happened but disordered thoughts were flowing in me.


I can’t say anything about Tool specifically, but it has been my observation that I think people have different kind of vibrations or something to do with their bodies that make them have different reactions to music. I think it must sort of resonate with peoples’ bodies or something. It seems to vary both individually and by larger groupings. Like some countries have kind of ‘national’ music that is fast, and some is slow, etc. This seems to have something to do with how their bodies work.

For myself, I am kind of ‘slow’. Slow music suits me better. There is some ‘fast’ music that I like, but it is almost demanding to listen to it, just sitting still. I have noticed other people are naturally ‘fast’, and it is challenging for them to listen to music that is slower that what naturally suits them.

I would bet that the cranky guy in this story was of a different build than the narrator and the Tool music didn’t resonate well with him.