2023 02 01 09 59

My cat says fuck you

Actually, that’s a name of an “art series”.

...that's the thing... all this money going to the military and banking complex means eroding living standards for the same citizens.. 

the destruction of the fabric that holds a country together - medical system, gov't funding for any number of programs that benefit people - have to be removed so that more can be spent on the military.. 

oh and forget about this global economy where all boats rise.. no.. cordon it off into areas of exchange that remove all the so called bad guys... 

i hope this bites the west in the ass really hard to the point more people wake up to this bullshit.. 

i am not counting on anyone waking up though, or if they do - probably too late...

Posted by: james | Jan 31 2023 18:24 utc | 11

Today we are going to have some irreverent fun. Lot’s of cussing, profanity, and other anti-social behaviors. We are “letting loose”.

When I was in second grade, we were living in our new home in Monroe, CT. (Which by the way, ended up turning into a multi-million dollar house, in a very exclusive neighborhood. Too bad we sold the house, for a job in Pittsburgh. But it was the 1960’s, and my dad couldn’t peer into a crystal ball for the future…)

It was Easter.

My bad brought a cute white rabbit home. And all of us kids played with it all day. And of course, it being Easter, we had tons of hard-boiled Easter eggs, and chocolate. And of course, being kids, we fed that rabbit a long stream of our chocolate.

What we did not know, being all of seven or eight years old, and what our parents did not know, is that while we (as humans) could eat chocolate, little animals such as a dogs, cats and rabbits could not.

The next day; Monday, we woke up to a dead rabbit.

And there, on Monday morning, we had a little memorial service and buried the rabbit in our back yard.

The End.

Let’s get on with today’s installment…

This Instagram Account Creates Sinister Parodies of Kid’s Cooks To Ruin Your Childhood Memories

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Thomas Columbo is the creator of Digital Meddle. He alters vintage children’s books through the use Photoshop, adding the text in order to give the stories a different meaning with a comedic effect. Something that drives his passion for this unique art form is people’s disapproving comments, although overall his work is well received.

More: Instagram

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197044615 295460045593070 1460099768000564670 n
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195477156 565060934899055 3062968629557859123 n
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191807384 485244429569379 2337448150423934787 n
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186238479 470402784017972 3615733548301163039 n
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185849804 496153861701511 4522680189247872111 n
185275559 753347848697084 4036913694370563154 n
185275559 753347848697084 4036913694370563154 n
184119102 825472534769916 1519164347322134138 n
184119102 825472534769916 1519164347322134138 n
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183672366 297682525291088 8979529150655417067 n
182377377 508143853892819 5291600349324565406 n
182377377 508143853892819 5291600349324565406 n
181568991 475947006950049 5110013190606849825 n
181568991 475947006950049 5110013190606849825 n
181110334 163062635645549 4458093370956082882 n
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179950352 1156861604754238 2167773595830140868 n
179950352 1156861604754238 2167773595830140868 n
177452131 534060764645144 5929878265163683292 n
177452131 534060764645144 5929878265163683292 n
176165449 145282274207420 7451727307410217016 n
176165449 145282274207420 7451727307410217016 n
175320102 451364816154567 326959045255421598 n
175320102 451364816154567 326959045255421598 n
175044479 288067976330766 4519294136967599538 n
175044479 288067976330766 4519294136967599538 n
174329831 234667511768855 7799091839023194654 n
174329831 234667511768855 7799091839023194654 n
174326039 1132162847297700 957452926923010520 n 1
174326039 1132162847297700 957452926923010520 n 1
173633794 2936925019921232 8102506755615162712 n 1
173633794 2936925019921232 8102506755615162712 n 1
172870639 120439686787741 3351918030830206516 n 1
172870639 120439686787741 3351918030830206516 n 1
172621988 581050962857645 8154726775542251827 n 1
172621988 581050962857645 8154726775542251827 n 1
170787045 2670697549888167 5593608973116164661 n 1
170787045 2670697549888167 5593608973116164661 n 1
170761712 4330377600314891 3849863082966991459 n 1
170761712 4330377600314891 3849863082966991459 n 1
170220150 738248956844275 2896805781016672241 n 1
170220150 738248956844275 2896805781016672241 n 1
173633794 2936925019921232 8102506755615162712 n
173633794 2936925019921232 8102506755615162712 n
172870639 120439686787741 3351918030830206516 n
172870639 120439686787741 3351918030830206516 n
172621988 581050962857645 8154726775542251827 n
172621988 581050962857645 8154726775542251827 n
170787045 2670697549888167 5593608973116164661 n
170787045 2670697549888167 5593608973116164661 n
170761712 4330377600314891 3849863082966991459 n
170761712 4330377600314891 3849863082966991459 n
170220150 738248956844275 2896805781016672241 n
170220150 738248956844275 2896805781016672241 n
167511475 892606761519001 6582405741795167130 n
167511475 892606761519001 6582405741795167130 n
167365511 118426340324511 8139887738873380517 n
167365511 118426340324511 8139887738873380517 n
166417954 993550011176840 9207235853591640450 n
166417954 993550011176840 9207235853591640450 n
166263705 199200404981001 5096267514931618381 n
166263705 199200404981001 5096267514931618381 n
166215759 273446111031794 8908275843741645977 n
166215759 273446111031794 8908275843741645977 n
165204670 1635661899964063 871572645949376132 n
165204670 1635661899964063 871572645949376132 n
164527539 121770019916624 3138519289238938193 n
164527539 121770019916624 3138519289238938193 n
164456746 1146251525803233 4851507497802354758 n
164456746 1146251525803233 4851507497802354758 n
163232804 464657184948761 1222198924965979210 n
163232804 464657184948761 1222198924965979210 n
163230864 717213648896215 4502758255065551216 n
163230864 717213648896215 4502758255065551216 n
162232449 2182305235237574 6313284707527299384 n
162232449 2182305235237574 6313284707527299384 n
162026833 879169322934809 1864362831063934337 n
162026833 879169322934809 1864362831063934337 n
161817539 1115862405599867 3084977276209234676 n
161817539 1115862405599867 3084977276209234676 n
161425039 114342600683048 8080822392922419014 n
161425039 114342600683048 8080822392922419014 n
161268638 1784364721741764 642256035419480214 n
161268638 1784364721741764 642256035419480214 n
160378763 975754372959948 1653371030305644291 n
160378763 975754372959948 1653371030305644291 n
160372282 476513770152978 3285575577161084046 n
160372282 476513770152978 3285575577161084046 n
160312665 979127546258845 2448805809104284141 n
160312665 979127546258845 2448805809104284141 n
160287138 363402738094637 7147414792633869989 n
160287138 363402738094637 7147414792633869989 n
159515708 882752355841915 3190689105588930647 n
159515708 882752355841915 3190689105588930647 n
158372465 834850090708402 7126359290927541238 n
158372465 834850090708402 7126359290927541238 n
158216673 255154669535090 8196878668081300743 n
158216673 255154669535090 8196878668081300743 n
158135123 430687124691759 6928112994379858489 n
158135123 430687124691759 6928112994379858489 n
156939119 992044054664368 7835969473183972395 n
156939119 992044054664368 7835969473183972395 n
156866361 1987065751435521 868081825536527409 n
156866361 1987065751435521 868081825536527409 n
155587822 262471845364600 4098541149336550621 n
155587822 262471845364600 4098541149336550621 n
154799139 139446268042110 7536777444206989759 n
154799139 139446268042110 7536777444206989759 n
153625902 178474253782133 3378627862270643836 n
153625902 178474253782133 3378627862270643836 n
153083011 505109337545336 4108965325738030391 n
153083011 505109337545336 4108965325738030391 n
152044611 129896632345515 3563374360807425090 n
152044611 129896632345515 3563374360807425090 n
151309052 1114697442276890 8576626368083286712 n
151309052 1114697442276890 8576626368083286712 n
151273371 484595652945641 1608326838439916396 n
151273371 484595652945641 1608326838439916396 n
151205065 1046356762539161 1881507375092250904 n
151205065 1046356762539161 1881507375092250904 n
150939354 143374084278065 5974269160367858404 n
150939354 143374084278065 5974269160367858404 n
150784845 261016918795614 6679126863909497790 n
150784845 261016918795614 6679126863909497790 n
149468649 272040810967429 1785208655352687882 n
149468649 272040810967429 1785208655352687882 n
148231496 449273502934479 7408541574524050961 n
148231496 449273502934479 7408541574524050961 n
146295138 2466759380299226 8830111057964032743 n
146295138 2466759380299226 8830111057964032743 n
146127235 776033219682453 3328825676855277968 n
146127235 776033219682453 3328825676855277968 n
145806730 1401790606824434 2110849689972045976 n
145806730 1401790606824434 2110849689972045976 n
144664063 167841988181742 7680187467830066562 n
144664063 167841988181742 7680187467830066562 n
144563835 2898876183765484 8226829425717842332 n
144563835 2898876183765484 8226829425717842332 n
144326314 163515945534399 54920324488779898 n
144326314 163515945534399 54920324488779898 n
144103799 320924149324803 6707247765723164282 n
144103799 320924149324803 6707247765723164282 n
142666619 135249345092167 5345257106316357971 n
142666619 135249345092167 5345257106316357971 n
142510464 467185207997427 3277134664812900018 n
142510464 467185207997427 3277134664812900018 n

Egyptian FM delivered a Blinkie message to Russia

Lavrov: Blinken’s message on Ukraine contains only calls on Russia to ‘quit and stop’


“It is reported that [yesterday] Jens Stoltenberg said in one of his speeches that Russia must lose, must be defeated, and that the West cannot afford to let Ukraine lose, because in that case the West will lose and the whole world will lose”

MOSCOW, January 31. /TASS/. US Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s message on Ukraine, handed over by Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry, contains only calls on Russia to “quit and stop,” Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov told a media conference following talks with his Egyptian counterpart on Tuesday.

Mr. Minister, while answering the previous question, said that he had conveyed a certain message from Secretary of State Blinken, who was recently on a visit to Cairo. I confirm this,” Lavrov said, answering a question from TASS. “Russia is ready to listen to any serious proposal that is aimed at resolving the current situation in its comprehensive context.”

“We have had one more message Egypt’s foreign minister has handed over to us to the effect that Russia should stop, that Russia should quit, and then everything will be fine,” Lavrov went on to say, adding that at the same time “Blinken omitted something.”

“The other part of the message, showing the true interest of the United States and the West, was stated by NATO Secretary General Mr. [Jens] Stoltenberg, when he was in the Republic of Korea yesterday,” Lavrov noted. “He said in one of his speeches that Russia must lose, must be defeated, and that the West cannot afford to let Ukraine lose, because in that case, he argued, the West will lose and the whole world will lose.” Stoltenberg, as Lavrov pointed out, “took the liberty of speaking not only on behalf of the North Atlantic Alliance, but also on behalf of all other countries of the world.”[.] (emphasis added)

Certainly, that message will not move 1 millimeter for talks.
3 Strikes: the West cheated at Minsk. Theft of RF’s foreign reserves. “Terror attack” on NordStream 1, 2 and last week very publicly bragged about the dastardly act.

Wake up. It will take decades to restore Confidence, Trust, Credibility.
Russia will soldier on (pun intended) until ALL its goals for de-militarizing and de-NATOfying to its 1993 borders are achieved.

Posted by: Likklemore | Jan 31 2023 18:39 utc | 19

Common School Blueberry Muffins

IMG 7463 682x1024 1
IMG 7463 682×1024 1


  • 1/4 cup granulated sugar
  • 2 cups all-purpose flour
  • 2 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1 cup blueberries
  • 1 egg, beaten
  • 1 cup milk
  • 1/4 cup melted butter


  1. Heat oven to 400 degrees F. Grease tins.
  2. Sift together dry ingredients; add blueberries to flour mixture and stir gently.
  3. Mix egg, milk and butter together. Add to flour mixture; mix only enough to moisten flour. Do not beat. Fill tins 3/4 full.
  4. Bake for 25 minutes.

Size Matters – On A U.S. Ground Intervention In Ukraine

A European financial research company has sent me one of their quarterly research letters. It is a ‘contrarian review of political and military ramifications’ of the war in Ukraine. It analyzes ‘winners and losers’ of the war.

It is contrarian only in the sense that it counters the false views of ‘western’ mainstream media with reality. The losers of the war are all on the ‘western’ side with the only two winners being the owners of the U.S. defense industry and Russia.

I was sent the courtesy copy because, as the company writes, the discussions at Moon of Alabama were “immensely helpful” in forming their view.

Note to the authors: You are welcome.

I will not quote from the paper as it seems to be a somewhat confidential business product. But I will steal two graphics from it that will help to understand the size of the war in Ukraine and how it will NOT end.

There have been theories that Poland or some U.S. led coalition force would intervene with their troops on the ground in Ukraine to ‘kick the Russians out’.

The two graphics though dispel any hope for such an operation.

The following is an operational map of Desert Storm. The U.S. led operation in spring 1991 to kick Iraq out of Kuwait.



biggerIt took the U.S. some nine month to assemble a forces of some 700,000 U.S. and 250,000 allied troops with all their equipment. Iraq had an estimated 650,000 troops in the theater. The U.S. first created total air superiority by destroying Iraq’s fighter aircraft and air defense forces. With that done it took only 100 hours of ground operation to destroy a third of the Iraqi forces. The rest of the Iraqi army retreated under fire towards Baghdad.

There are some 550,000 Russian troops in and around Ukraine. A hypothetical operation to ‘kick Russia out’ would thereby have about the same size as Desert Storm. But the geographic dimensions differ drastically.

The following is an operational map of Desert Storm from above overlaid in scale on the map of Ukraine.



biggerThe map was turned to the left by 90 degree. North is to the left, east at the top and Crimea in the south to the right.

Russia occupies some 87,000 square kilometer of Ukraine. The Desert Storm theater around Kuwait was five times smaller.

A hypothetical U.S. coalition of the size of Desert Storm could probably cross the Dnieper and cut of Crimea. But it could do little more than that. The Donetz and Luhansk oblasts and Crimea itself would still be in Russian hands.

But there are many reasons why no such operation will ever be planned and executed.

  • The U.S. no longer has a force of the size it committed to Desert Storm. Nor do its allies.
  • The U.S. was able to create air superiority in Iraq because it could fly from nearby Saudi airfields and from aircraft carriers in the Persian Gulf. Air superiority in eastern Ukraine could only be achieved with the destruction of long range air-defenses within Russia. The next safe air fields the U.S. could use are in Poland and Romania. No U.S. aircraft carrier will dare to enter the Black Sea. U.S. fighter planes to not have the necessary reach for combat missions in eastern Ukraine.
  • The Ukrainian rail system is by now a mess. It is incapable of moving a large force from the west into east Ukraine.
  • Any attempt to move a large force through Ukraine would be subject to deep battle interdiction by Russian and Belorussian forces.
  • Iraqi equipment was badly maintained and Iraqi forces were barely trained. Russia has a well trained high tech army.

I could go on but you can certainly see the point.

No U.S. ground troops will move into Ukraine. It is ludicrous to think otherwise.

Posted by b on January 30, 2023 at 16:23 UTC | Permalink

Humorous Illustrations Blending Sarcastic Nature and Adopted Cat’s Attitude

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The Internet has been abuzz in recent years with the phenomenon of cats taking over, and now we have one more artist to add to their ranks. @st.aftercigs, an Instagram account with 190K+ followers, gives a whole new dimension to cat appreciation with their bold, humorous artworks inspired by the artist’s own adopted cat.

The artist behind the account expresses the stark contrast between cats’ sassiness, and their ability to be inspirational muses. By blending the artist’s own sarcastic nature with their cat’s grumpy cattitude, a unique and lively art style has been born. The artworks are a great reminder of the many nuanced personalities our cats possess and the joy they can bring to our lives.

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st.aftercigs 315651559 1312335829590704 9036197101383951677 n
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st.aftercigs 314405364 679913473457889 4680235251650514324 n
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st.aftercigs 313855340 845343506666258 5561304820952571611 n
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st.aftercigs 313845350 959474558344366 5211609794034595898 n
st.aftercigs 313845350 959474558344366 5211609794034595898 n
st.aftercigs 313030872 874482237263837 4647471020022600583 n
st.aftercigs 313030872 874482237263837 4647471020022600583 n
st.aftercigs 312566247 782484019503004 8457927505515225928 n
st.aftercigs 312566247 782484019503004 8457927505515225928 n
st.aftercigs 312062126 1302560647163977 3766725780895898673 n
st.aftercigs 312062126 1302560647163977 3766725780895898673 n
st.aftercigs 311783994 646031000438608 2245926907081966513 n
st.aftercigs 311783994 646031000438608 2245926907081966513 n
st.aftercigs 311597396 1155083515426517 3799212911398713158 n
st.aftercigs 311597396 1155083515426517 3799212911398713158 n
st.aftercigs 311445464 5553064184771399 5601761213090309575 n
st.aftercigs 311445464 5553064184771399 5601761213090309575 n
st.aftercigs 311278264 119623187559809 2736660505560455951 n
st.aftercigs 311278264 119623187559809 2736660505560455951 n
st.aftercigs 311137651 134136249365279 1656859363366704773 n
st.aftercigs 311137651 134136249365279 1656859363366704773 n
st.aftercigs 310717260 1244245459641023 6646756878224667543 n
st.aftercigs 310717260 1244245459641023 6646756878224667543 n
st.aftercigs 310001574 111784545033239 7847973970163820234 n
st.aftercigs 310001574 111784545033239 7847973970163820234 n
st.aftercigs 308896233 651588909728694 588135794763099260 n
st.aftercigs 308896233 651588909728694 588135794763099260 n
st.aftercigs 308674434 653796576031464 5595320014653056021 n
st.aftercigs 308674434 653796576031464 5595320014653056021 n
st.aftercigs 308366317 206786075030343 6605415084716426753 n
st.aftercigs 308366317 206786075030343 6605415084716426753 n
st.aftercigs 308069893 171097372176231 1291220151343982285 n
st.aftercigs 308069893 171097372176231 1291220151343982285 n
st.aftercigs 307754016 1238975340256339 4580656368762373589 n
st.aftercigs 307754016 1238975340256339 4580656368762373589 n
st.aftercigs 306666246 6056750701006469 6686451606472729264 n
st.aftercigs 306666246 6056750701006469 6686451606472729264 n
st.aftercigs 306580054 427621869468520 4813371645265092330 n
st.aftercigs 306580054 427621869468520 4813371645265092330 n
st.aftercigs 306275325 398363955779380 4153061923570357164 n
st.aftercigs 306275325 398363955779380 4153061923570357164 n
st.aftercigs 305588066 1096220857955696 1757166333145894353 n
st.aftercigs 305588066 1096220857955696 1757166333145894353 n
st.aftercigs 305389632 748594099542960 5572154795611407320 n
st.aftercigs 305389632 748594099542960 5572154795611407320 n
st.aftercigs 305111995 190532623426054 4214691528003195515 n
st.aftercigs 305111995 190532623426054 4214691528003195515 n
st.aftercigs 302452830 468554255142082 5347564908745877126 n
st.aftercigs 302452830 468554255142082 5347564908745877126 n
st.aftercigs 301918316 1160605011478489 4165356843169133206 n
st.aftercigs 301918316 1160605011478489 4165356843169133206 n
st.aftercigs 301913423 629359161915449 928104562369399154 n
st.aftercigs 301913423 629359161915449 928104562369399154 n

About the USA

The US only engages in direct conflict against a far weaker opponent.

It’s preferred method of controlling other states is to work in the shadows – propaganda and psy ops to turn people against their government, support of extremist factions, manipulation of elections, color revolutions, and sanctions.

All underhanded and sneaky.

The neocons were sure their toolkit would work in Ukraine.

The US government is committed to this as long as it doesn’t have to confront Russia directly.

The US public is committed to this as long as it doesn’t come down to thousands of boys coming back in body bags.

Otherwise it’s one big reality show to entertain.

There are descriptors to be used for people who act like the US acts, none of them complimentary.

Posted by: Mike R | Jan 30 2023 17:08 utc | 19

School Style Sloppy Joes

2023 01 30 21 09
2023 01 30 21 09


  • 1 pound ground beef
  • Chopped onion
  • 1/2 cup ketchup with water to make 3/4 cup
  • 1/4 teaspoon dry mustard
  • 1 tablespoon brown sugar
  • Shake of Worcestershire sauce
  • 1 can tomato soup (undiluted)


  1. Brown ground beef with onion and drain.
  2. Add other ingredients and simmer until warm through.
  3. Serve over hamburger buns.
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loving these book covers. they fit my humour perfectly


I’m with DM… thanks. I laughed out loud – AGAIN!

Like you MM, I was raised in blue-collar suburbia… I LOVE the shit jokes. To me, they never get old. Wifey simply cannot hold back a smirk or chuckle at my adolescent antics in that regard.

Why do farts stink?
So deaf people can enjoy them too!


Remember this one from “Yellowbeard” I may be blind but I av accute earring. I,m not interested in your fucking jewelry cloth eyes.


Those books could be very entertaining reads if they were rewritten to match the titles.

Ohio Guy

Agreed! I think our beloved author is starting to “come around” so to speak.


Same mate, might be an Aussie thing hey LOL. “Son of a bitch.”