Often times we come across strange items, and objects. They appear mysterious to us. And this is pretty much due to the fact that they are often found without context. We know nothing at all about what is going on regarding the object or issue, or why. So we try to seek answers. This is true whether it is a dusty object hidden behind a wall partition, or a political issue. Such as the “war in Ukraine”. We need context to fully understand what is going on.
Consider Ukraine…
All the media is filled with the Hate-Russia; Punish-Russia narrative. It’s pretty thick. And all the articles are missing one very important thing; context. As this screen capture from The Drudge Report clearly points out.

But then we search, if we are intelligent, and look for context regarding the issue. Like this one from Fred…
Why did Russia invade the Ukraine? Contrary to American media, the invasion was not unprovoked. Since the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, America has been pushing NATO, which is a US sepoy operation, ever closer to Russian borders in what, to anyone who took fifth-grade geography, is an obvious program of military encirclement. Of the five countries other than Russia littoral to the Black Sea, three, Turkey, Romania, and Bulgaria, are now in NATO. America has been moving toward bringing in the Ukraine and Georgia. After Georgia would have come Azerbaijan, putting American forces on the Caspian with access to Iran and Kazakhstan. This is calculated aggression over the long term, obvious to the—what? Ten percent? Fifteen percent?—of Americans who know what the Caucasus is. Putin has said, over and over, that Russia could not allow hostile military forces on its border any more than the US would allow Chinese military bases in Mexico and China or missile forces in Cuba. Washington kept pushing. Russia said, no more. In short, America brought on the war. Among people who follow such things, there are two ways of looking at the invasion. First, that Washington thought Putin was bluffing, and he wasn’t. Second, that America intentionally forced Russia to choose between [1] allowing NATO into the Ukraine, a major success for Washington’s world empire; or [2] fighting, also a success for Washington as it would cause the results it has caused.
Context: for America, it was a win-win.
Context is everything. Without it; without context, the object hold no meaning. Though, however, that doesn’t stop our minds from trying to piece together narratives and a background as to what is going on.
The strange book
People discover strange things all the time, but this random book has to be one of the strangest discoveries ever found.
This masterpiece comes with no context. Some websites suggest that it was found in a yard sale, or an estate sale. Others offer a more curious story of it being found in an attic, or behind a sealed wall. It’s really hard to identify what the real truth is. All that is known is that his “book” or “box of papers” was found, and the new owners found it intriguing.
More info: Reddit (h/t: imgur)
The box was handmade from wood, fit with hinges, a handle and a pair of locks.

From what was written here, it appears that the author had “an experience” that was definitely not and “everyday one”.

Inside the box were all sorts of carefully drawn works. Some drafts, and some sketches. The creator of the documents was indeed trained in the professional line-art and drafting skills. Here’s a hand-drawn table of the elements.

This patent is not filed with the United States patent office – but the drawings are remarkably detailed. But this is not the weirdest part…

This drawing was dated 1939 – why would someone discard this?

Oddly, this map shows air travel routes.

A lot of the maps are hand-drawn with a “center” noted on it.

The maps represent aerial patterns and/or routes of some type.

There were quite a few of the maps.

And the mystery continues…

A note; perhaps from the previous owner.

Another map with a “center” on it.

A piece of the past – a note from a very old veterans affairs office.

The artist depicts an event from Tampa, FL in 1977. He notes the event to be extraterrestrial in nature.

Yes, I suppose that it is odd to see extraterrestrial UFO illustrations on the same page with angelic-looking creatures.

Drawing of an entity.

A slight summary of the events.

Geometric shapes that are related.

Another drawing of one of the entities – looks strangely like something out of the biblical book of Ezekiel.

An additional sketch of the same being.

Beings from the side view.

The artist was fixated on these creatures for some time.

Was this a dream, or did this really happen? Was it a fantasy? Was it a story plot for a movie? Or, was he trying to pierce together theories, ideas, concepts and visions? No one knows.

One might say this looks like wheels within wheels, wings full of eyes and creatures with 4 heads (man, ox, eagle and lion) from the book of Ezekiel.

The drawings seem to mix biblical and extraterrestrial visions.

A close-up of the corner.

The details of this drawing include some of the patent drawings seen earlier.

A different view of one of the patent drawings.

It appears that these new train wheels might have come from the train he drew earlier.

What are your thoughts?

Whatever your conclusion – someone who was working too hard, a drug-induced vision, or a true extra-terrestrial experience… it sure is a puzzle. Unfortunately, we cannot ask the artist and know for sure. All we know is that this person experienced something very odd. Perhaps he knows something that we don’t.

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@conjing yu very very interesting, considering my latest article regarding the dream with four armed angels. The changing head thing is very typical of the depiction of numerous of the 72 Goetic spirits (fallen angels), which as we all know I have been suggesting are actually interdimensional ET entities. Those particular four heads remind me of an occult concept of the sphinx which allude to the 4 corners of the universe. i need to dig out the book that references them. This is a very very good find MM. SD has seen some of these beings practically exactly as illustrated. Note the eyes on the wings
I noticed also, and want to take a more detailed look at everything..but on one page he has written “Discourse”. This is jargon of the world I know, that this is not a fantasy. It points to an ongoing communication with Beings in another dimension. And as I mentioned to Kman earlier, these dimensions overlap ours. For some of us it is no different than walking from here to the mailbox….it isn’t fantastical – its a normal function that most of mankind are not open to, thus cannot and will not explore its avenues. Please understand I am not talking about the psychic world. The psychic world is not real, it is just a mishmash of illusion, superstition, and smoke and mirrors.
Truth is, is that everything got totally screwed up when they wrote the Bible. None of it comes from a so-called God like most of man thinks of God. They butchered it in 300 translations written entirely to control the political narrative of the times. But there are a few gems still left. One is when Jesus, who was just a normal person with an expanded consciousness, says “ye are Gods”. If you quiz Christians on what that means all you get is crickets.
There is no such thing as fallen beings. Again mankind interpreting from a lower consciousness amid sprinkles of political narrative trying to make sense of something that they no longer possess the ability to decipher. Nephilim, it is true, are simply Beings from another dimension that have a Higher Consciousness that mankind does. The Hebrew Bible does describe them accurately as to who they are.
It is a myth that mankind is going forward. They have slowly but surely gone backward.
@conjing yu very very interesting, considering my latest article regarding the dream with four armed angels. The changing head thing is very typical of the depiction of numerous of the 72 Goetic spirits (fallen angels), which as we all know I have been suggesting are actually interdimensional ET entities. Those particular four heads remind me of an occult concept of the sphinx which allude to the 4 corners of the universe. i need to dig out the book that references them. This is a very very good find MM. SD has seen some of these beings practically exactly as illustrated. Note the eyes on the wings
That’s what I thought of. The 4-armed angel in your dreams. Coincidentally the gyroscope theme fits in with numerous dreams I’ve heard people (including myself) discussing in terms of the gyroscope effect being an important element in the production of electromagnetic / levitation power.
But I don’t think anything about this coincidental.
So if one were of an inventive, Tesla-like mind (I am not…lol, dreams like that are wasted on me) one would use a series of devices much like roller bearings shown to create the gyroscope. The bearings themselves and between the bearing races would have free moving conductive material like silver, gold, copper etc or perhaps a combination of elements. The periodic table displayed? This would result in a counter rotational device, set into perpetual motion that would create a field from which energy could be drawn
COINCEDENTALLY I was put on a new job last week, where I’m handling roller bearings and races all day long which is why this has been brought back to mind so easily.. With the assembly conveyer down a lot, I spend a lot the last several days playing with the roller bearings, putting their races in odd configurations, and musing about the gyroscope effect. Then I read this. Not coincidental.
I believe the flight maps and ‘centered’ areas are the author’s attempts to super impose flight routes, perhaps, over energetic, electromagnetic ley line grids and energy spots that crisscross their way across the earth. That ties into some interesting theories people have had about extraterrestrial travelers using the ley lines as a source route for their travels. There are persistent theories from UFO-ologists that extraterrestrials use these ley line grids as routes or ‘flight routes’ due the abnormally high levels of electromagnetic energy. Are they naturally occurring or did our creators put them there as aerial roads of sorts? I wonder if the author mused that perhaps airlines also used the same routes as perhaps extraterrestrial craft. There’s another interesting theory from a book called Harmonic 33 that suggests nuclear weapons can only work when deployed along these lines AND at certain times as the lines and hot spots have cycles where they are more dormant and more active.
And the north and south poles are rife with rumors about electromagnetic energy (besides the pole effect and ufos. Many people speculate that’s where the Nazi bell disappeared to. That’s speculation that we can browse through on the internet. What gets me is this author was speculating on this sort of thing well before the world wide web.
Also some of these pictures like the one in Tampa remind me of the sort of drawings a remote viewer would jot down during or after an RV session. You would think a drawing would be a drawing but RV’d drawings have a peculiar element to them that distinguishes them from ordinary doodling.
Having lived most of my adult life around an energetic hot spot I can tell you that a lot of bizarre things happen in their vicinity. Time loss, time distortion, otherworldly beings, ufo sightings, sightings of unusual animals –or animals that shouldn’t be living in the interior of the United States anyway. UFO activity seemed to be higher in these areas than elsewhere.
This is very intriguing. And the artwork is serious not just random doodling. The author seems to be going somewhere with it. Very beautiful and thought provoking.
I was shocked to see these drawings after reading your article. Like I’ve said, something was allowing me to hear them. Transmitting into my head, at their will. They did not reveal themselves to my mind. So, I’m being cautious about this event. It’s starting to get weird around here. Scary weird. But I’m stuck here like glue and holding on.
@Ohio guy. some very weird shit happened to SD yesterday. She had her earphones in after listening to music on her phone (music had finished playing but she forgot to take them out as she was reading something). Then she all of a sudden started hearing what sounded like a woman turning the pages of a book and sighing. Thinking it was a random video on a left open page, she then went through and closed everything off. Nope….still there. So she takes her earbuds out and the sound goes away, puts earbuds back in and it is there again. This time she hears a door creak open, someone walk in and an obvious struggle take place as this woman starts screaming. then silence, liek she had very obviously just been killed by someone. Then the guy who killed her seems to realise a webcam or something is on, proceeds to start panicking saying “shit, oh shit, fuck” while he is seemingly trying to shut this thing off before a random dead digital noise. She has no idea what the fuck it was, but her tooth has been playing up really badly lately, and i remember when I used to get burst eardrums as a kid when i was sick I’d hear shit like radio stations playing music in the middle of the night whenever I’d open my mouth. We were wondering if maybe she picked up something because of the sensitive nerves in her mouth, couple with the earphones acting as an antenna or something
There really isn’t such an animal known as time and space. It occurs on this planetary body but it is not a Principle and Law of the Universe. For those who are willing to put aside pre conceived notions of what is and is not truth…..doors open continually. For those who are persistent in their belief that the religion they know is paramount to the all and only truth, to those who believe that science on this earth is the only truth….those doors will not open for them.
At night I am able to hear a lot more going on in other dimensions, than during the day when I am more occupied with daily chores, etc. But at night, when mankind sleeps, it leaves a more clean swath of energy….I would use an analogy that when mankind is awake, it is like a garbage disposal that is on. About 1-3a.m.most people are asleep in my general jurisdiction and it is like the disposal got turned off and allows me to hear more clearly, further away.
I hear a lot going on at night…sounds not quite of this world, people talking, and some times…an underground chatter so to speak of things that will happen in the days or months to come. I live in the middle of nowhere and have no close neighbors so I thought I’d mention that.
If anyone is interested I can relay a project I was part of before the Chernobyl melt down….that took place for three consecutive months before the disaster.
reminds me of this guy:
I don’t think these are Domain entities/ISBE’s
also i suggest looking this up. very similar concepts to the gyroscope like devices. biblically accurate angel – Bing images
Filed under scary.
On further study of some of the maps, that ‘center’ that is noted on the continent of Africa near Algeria seems to be situated at or near the Richat Structure. The Structure is where modern border science speculates the lost city of Atlantis is located.
More here. Atlantis in the Sahara? The amazing Richat structure – ASLAN Hub
Veeeeeerrrry Interesting.
It’s a pity that mankind spends so much of its time vested in war, drama and wallowing in the human condition rather than exploring mysteries like this.
This is Yellow Rose Stuff. The constructed machinery of our reality. The beings called EELS who controle the prison simulation.
As someone who has autism, aspergers to be exact, these materials look like the assemblage that someone with aspergers would collect. Meaningless to the outside observer, each piece would have had special significance to the person. What that was you’d never know without speaking to them.
I wouldn’t read too much into them. Possibly someone who had a background in drafting or engineering who also had a special interest in maps, angels, and space aliens.
I have unique interests that most that I have had contact with have no interest in. I collect bottle caps, have dabbled in psychedelics, and I read alot.
Not necessarily stoned… but beautiful! Jimi
maybe the commander knows and can put some context.