Putin and Xi Peng has made some HUGE decisions, and the “leadership” in the West are very, very worried. This is the best summary of the current state of Geo-political affairs; United States centered, that describes what is going on and why. It’s amazing in its simplicity and depth of understanding. Andrei has outdone himself here.
I discovered this video via email. Which read…
This is one of the more powerful presentations I have seen. I commented as follows: Andre, many of us who have watched helplessly as all these crimes have been committed IN OUR NAME, would feel --as Martin Luther King said--the Arc of Justice is long,-- relieved of the karmic burden. When all these people are finally held accountable, after decades (centuries?) of horror they perpetrated. I am sure that many Germans felt the same way after WWII. https://youtu.be/JbNVIbAgJ1Q Putin raises hackles when he talks about genocide in relation to the Donbass crisis.
It’s a very great video, and it covers some points that are omitted by the American “news” media, and overlooked by alternative media, and he ties it all together, thus effectively painting a picture of what the China-Russian alliance end-game actually is.
Take the time to listed what he is saying.
It’s ALL THERE. The end-game.
Click on the picture below to get the video in You-Tube working.

Think about what he has to say.
I think that many, many MM readers will easily see how the reported articles in “New Beginnings” are all tied together. After watching this video, this is how I actually feel…

But that’s just me.
It’s not that I am not happy about it. In fact, I see this future as long in coming. And, as you all are aware, welcome it. But still, like a serious drunk psychopath driving a bus-load of children on a twisty and turny highway going as fast as they can; the American “leadership” are going to hurt a lot of good, kind, and just Americans.
I lament that.
And thus, the shocking reality, and the slap in the face of what is coming down the pipe for everyone involved will not be pleasant. Such as this…

It’s a good summary of what is going on and why certain words were used.
But even though, you have strengths.
Never forget that. The crazy drunk psychopaths are driving the car left and right on and off the road, but you don’t need to grab the steering wheel. You can buckle up your seatbelt. You can tell the driver to pull over so that you can vomit, and then once he does, you run for the hills.
There are many things that you can do.
You are not helpless.
Find an ally. Someone like you. Don’t try to deal with the changes all alone.

There’s this big plan, and it is unfolding. Sit tight. Conduct your basic strategies to ride out this period of turmoil, and most especially if you are in the West….
- Have a skill that you can use in your community.
- Have a larder and supplies.
- Network in your community. Be known.
- Be kind, helpful and a Rufus.
- Conduct prayer affirmation campaigns.
- Make sure that you have a formal Fate Forecast prepared for you and follow it.
- Center your mind with Hemi-Sync.
You will be just fine.
Remember; do not be alone. There is strength in numbers.

Do you want more?
You can find more articles related to this in my latest index; A New Beginning. And in it are elements of the old, some elements regarding the transition, and some elements that look towards the future.
New Beginnings 3.
Articles & Links
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- You can start reading the articles by going HERE.
- You can visit the Index Page HERE to explore by article subject.
- You can also ask the author some questions. You can go HERE to find out how to go about this.
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Mr Man, those two cat pictures– the Crew a crewin’ (just like my old lot back home) and the child with the kitty (aren’t historical images of people and animals just fascinating? Or is it just me) — are two of the best images I have ever seen. Hands down and Period. You’re inspired!
Thank you for these. I’m gonna blow them both up and make a poster of each.
Just brilliant. And a taste of Quantum Reality if ever there were.
You might want to do an image search on shorpy.com
. They will be able to provide you high resolution images, posters or artwork.