Part 2 of the EBP comm with The Domain Commander in December 2021

Here we continue with periodic questions that I ask the Domain Commander for clarification on. This is part 2.

[15] Question – Training our deference’s

MESSAGE OF UNIVERS WE QUE CAN Train with our Deference and we will go into the future reformer the future will be Deference sought with you?

Can we train so that we can be assistance to the Domain?

(This was very odd. I picture a smiling kind fellow. Who told me the following, like a kind elderly gentleman talking to a beloved son. -MM)

You need only vocalize your intentions and desires. We will work with you in the non-physical. You need do nothing else. Just be the best that you can be. Be kind. Be helpful.

(The, I was specifically instructed to translate this into french. I mean PUSHED. With goose pimples on my arms. Both my left and right arms. And a chill up and down my back. To translate what I just transcribed. So I did so using Bing translate. -MM)

Vous n’avez qu’à exprimer vos intentions et vos désirs. Nous travaillerons avec vous dans le non-physique. Vous n’avez rien d’autre à faire. Soyez simplement le meilleur que vous puissiez être. Soyez gentil. Soyez utile.

[16] Question – Mantid Primes

As regards the Prime Mantids, however, I do have one question. Can the Domain shed any light on happenings within their society? I am assuming they have leaders and factions.

The dominant nation in the world is going through a catastrophic change that is a normal event in the bigger scheme of things. It appears to be unusual and dangerous, but in reality, it is a cyclic event that is programmed within the prison general population system.

Everyone who has worked on their pre-birth world-line template (sic.) prior to injection to this MWI reality universe, agreed to endure the changes and alterations that would occur at this time.

Obviously the mantid primes were involved in the layout and creation of this template.

(I get the strong impression that The Domain does not want to talk about the Mantids. And I know that I have great restrictions on what I can say about them. -MM)

Now there is a relationship between the MWI reality universe and the pocket "Heaven" universe. They are not completely isolated. There is a degree of interaction at numerous levels. Thus changes in the reality universe will instigate changes in the "Heaven" pocket universe.

These influences are neither trivial nor isolated, but fundamental to the nature of the fabric of "Heaven". Given that the MWI reality universe consists of all scenarios of events, from world war III to a pastoral life of no conflict, the aggregate whole based upon the dominant consciousness participation in the MWI reality universe will have the greatest effect upon "Heaven".

The mantid primes understand this. There is no influence, good or bad, that alters their lifestyle or way of life. 

Their life is totally alien to anything that humans can comprehend, thus one need not worry too much abut the changes in human life as it affects very little in the lives of the mantids. Whether mantid primes, or mantids in general population.

Specifically, mantid society is alien to human society and there is very little in the way of commonality.


In general there are some primary limitations that I have regarding discussions about the mantids. I am sorry about that.

[17] Question – Nuclear Weapons

If I may add, the explosion attached below is most definitely not a hundred truckloads of conventional munitions. Trust me on that. waaayyy to much heat in the fireball– and that’s hundreds of metres in diameter. And hundreds of metres high. Conventionals cannot do that. Impossible.

This tech may or may not have existed in the 1940s– Airl did say they were investigating ‘atomic detonations’ on Earth back then, though– but it sure as shit exists now.

Notice the first explosion– definitely conventional and standard tactics– as in Beirut– to get everybody to duck and ensure no cameras are rolling for the second nuclear detonation a few seconds later. (This tactic is frequently used by ‘our favourite ally’ in the Middle East. Has been for years. But conventionals do not leave a crater in solid rock unless it’s a penetrator/bunker buster.)

The whole ‘nuclear weapons don’t exist’ shpiel has been spread by the same crew who spread the ‘viruses are fake and don’t exist’ trope, too. Divide and conquer technique– military grade psyops now being used on the general population (and illegally used, too)– but as old as the hills and super effective.

Definitely looking forward to the Domain’s answer on that, though.

Do nuclear weapons actually exist?

Nuclear weapons exist. Just like nuclear power plants exist. They are powerful and terrible weapons.

The weapons that were detonated in 1945 against the Japanese were tiny weapons. We have been monitoring this technology and the current earth technology level is horrific in ability, and terrifying in scope.

The damage that these weapons create goes far beyond the explosive damage. The radiation that results alters the biological cycles of all living creatures, and influences the non-physical realms as well.

We have intentionally disabled ICBM weapons in their launch cradles, and disconnected the command and control centers from accessing the missile control functions. This was sufficient, back in the 1960's and 1970's to persuade both the Russian and the American military that launching these weapons would have dire consequences that we would control. Not them.

Unfortunately, the current American leadership is unaware of the consequences of a nuclear strike.Just like they have been unaware of the consequences of a bio-weapon strike.

This entire region of geographic space was devastated by a massive series of nuclear wars, and the "Old Empire" led in many of the areas of destruction. Which is perhaps (one of the many reasons) why the "Old Empire" selected this region for the Prison Complex.

There is this connection of belief that pervades both the "Old Empire" and the Western leadership that possession of powerful weapons makes one powerful. That is not the case. It makes one dangerous. And the reality is that dangerous creatures are eventually subdued by an equally horrific measure.

One of the great lies is that those bombed Japanese cities are now thriving urban areas free of radiation. That is not true. But that is of no concern, the weapons currently stockpiled are much larger, and much more dangerous. Use of them could easily eviscerate all life on earth. -MM

Second comm (out of the blue). (Roughly about three weeks after this first initial comm above.) I don’t know where to place it. So I am placing it here. I do not know if it is relevant, or not.


At the end of World War II, the Office of Strategic Services operated a clandestine operation to minimize and downplay the amount of radiation at the detonation sites. This was intentional and the reasons were related for American civilian population's acceptance of the weapons in the military arsenal. 


[18] Question – Set in stone?

I have one more sneaky one, too, if I may.

Given what the Domain have told us directly– and Metallicman has been telling us for years– that ‘the future’ is never set in stone and is actually subject to many variables in the MWI (in the Reality Universe, at least)…

…are the Deagel Forecasts wrt. certain countries/regions population reduction forecasts correct? Or, are they misinformation in, say, the same way the the 2nd Alien Interview book was?

Reason I ask is, as most of us here in MMan Land are, I’m sure, getting on with our lives and intentions regardless of the wider geopolitical shitshow underway, it would be beneficial for us to be aware that something like this is a strong possibility/incoming, and perhaps take a good look at what our current priorities are, and weigh up whether or not these priorities require adjustment at the very least, or a complete revision IF the forecasts are correct/expected as a matter of expediency. (It would be a historical first, after all– at least if the history we’re told about is correct, that is.)

I also recall that the Domain said directly ‘Heaven is being expanded’ to cope with the expected inflow. So perhaps this has been answered already, because the means through which this Deagel figure is attained may well be the expected kinetic events (that Metallicman and the Domain) forecasted in a recent Q&A session.

Either way, I think it would be beneficial to know if the Deagel Forecasts in themselves are roughly accurate in terms of actual figures, or was the Domain referring to another extinction event the details of which must remain– for obvious reasons– veiled, for now.

That last part is a question many of us wouldn’t want an answer for anyway, I’d say. And I’m not looking for that answer here– just the one above in bold.

Is the Deagel Forecasts with the specified countries/regions population reduction forecasts correct? Or, are they misinformation in, say, the same way the the 2nd Alien Interview book was?

(This message came up immediately. -MM)

This must be answered carefully so that there is no misinterpretation.

(Followed by the data narrative. -MM)

The Deagel Forecast is not misinformation.

The Deagel Forecast was based on two things. [1] It is based on a series of historical trends, and [2] supported in such a way to help explain horrific remote viewing results. 

(Then an image of a old history movie. You know the type. Black and white. Grainy picture. 1920's style. -MM)

The Deagel Forecast came into being when numerous independent remote viewers reported the same disturbing result profile. They remote viewed a massive "die off" in the Western nations. 

(Repeated, to me, like a narrative. Where the announcer describes the background of the old 1920's style movie. -MM)

The initial remote viewing, as well as the subsequent RV sessions, was of such a concern that substantive efforts were taken to explain what caused the event sequence. 

[1] Different teams. They used different teams of trained viewers, to remote view 2025. Repeated remote viewing of the target dates in great detail occurred. Different teams were used. Different target areas were observed. Different profiles were compiled. The results all pointed to the same result; a massive human die off by / in 2025.

[2] Viewed the lead up events. Also remote viewed were the lead up events that resulted in those results. This was used to anticipate what was the primary driver behind the catastrophe of 2025. All that they could determine was...

(Then a series of "cut scenes". I think The Commander was playing with me somehow. -MM)

[2A] A global pandemic.

(Like those world war II era black and white movies showing how the evil forces were taking over the world. These big wide arrows moving over the globe and expanding until the entire globe was blackened. -MM)

[2B] Hostilities and attacks against Asia in wide full spectrum.

(Again, there are cut scenes of fighting. Military movements, and a map showing fighting all over Asia. From Russia to Japan and all over the nations of the middle east and South East Asia. -MM)

[2C] Generalized collapsing and failures at all levels of the American / UK and Western government and society.

(The "newsreel" presentation continues. Like scenes from the American 1920's stock market crash. Twirling and spinning headlines on news papers. Pictures of scandals, and greedy pot-bellied men in top hats, and gaiters smoking cigars.-MM)

[3] Paid for-profit individuals laboriously remote viewed the details of the globe in 2025. They "nit picked" apart the details that they found. This was to search for clues.

(Images and sounds of industry. News papers running in printing presses. Investigators typing away and reading books. Secretaries with their hair in buns carrying documents to smoky boardrooms, etc. -MM)

[3A] They first used this information to promote financial gain in the stock market and other financial venues.

(Images of dollars falling from the sky. Roaring 20's dances, and a lot of easy money and absurd amounts of wealth. -MM)

[3B] They then cross indexed the results with historical trends, and based much of their comparisons on intelligent studies, historical event trends, and their own intuition.

[3C] All of the lead-ups to the 2025 was suggestive of either a pandemic or a bio-weapon discharge, all complicated by horrific mismanagement and the introduction of some "wild card" event that they could not identify.

(A big question mark, overlays this man who is trying to figure things out. -MM)

[4] Historical examples, however, could not justify the enormous percentages of death observed. Thus they revised their forecast to suggest that there was a combination of catastrophic events that "pushed" the stress and strains of civilization to break down as they observed. This "wild card" is the great unknown is is not publicly identified.

[5] Their revised forecast added the speculations of nuclear war, collapse of society, and deadly viral strains to simultaneously work together synergistically. 

(Images of ants carrying things in a long train on a sidewalk. -MM)

[6] The future, as it exists today, has not changed. All indicators point to a massive "die off" brought about by an American discharged Bio-Weapon, and the failure of the Western nations to vaccinate against it. Instead they opted for other means of control, and those other means were not successful.

(Image of a 1950 car dead at the side of the road with steam coming from it's hood. -MM)

Presently, the "wild card" appears to be the inoculation methodology employed by the Western nations. It is a new technology that seems / appears to have other unforeseen consequences. 

(All the images change. There is this kind of 1940's movie in color showing the great progress of science and development in California (?) and many happy people going to work int he factories there. -MM)

Of course, the future is never fixed. The world-line templates (sic.) that the vast bulk of humanity will experience is being brought to this cliff. However, it need not occur. There are also scenarios where the pandemic subsides, and where a change in government leadership and opinion prevent war of any type, and where the world pulls together and resolves the vector direction that it is heading towards.

(The entire narrative and tone changes. -MM)

The future is being determined by the mass thoughts and actions of the dominant society at this time. Right now, it is quite clear that the dominant Western media, power leaders, and population are pushing the collapse of human society by their thoughts and actions. The human skin-suits in general population are acting like a herd of wild buffalo. They are running faster and faster to that cliff. And they refuse to stop and take note of what is going on.

This herd collapse is a mechanism of the "Old Empire" and is being aggravated by the Western leadership.

Unless the situation changes drastically, the collapse of the Western nations lies ahead. It will be caused by the release of an American Bio-weapon on the globe, and severely aggravated by forced injections that will not vaccinate the population from it. Instead they will permit the virus to mutate. As it mutates, further injections will be required. With each injection will welcome a host of other problems as a result of the juvenile injection concoction. 

There is every indication that it is the combination of [1] permitted viral adaptation in humans hosts, and [2] an increased litany of side effects with the injection methodology that will together unleash the "wild card" that will evoke the specter of the remote viewing terrain.

Sometimes I wonder if there are different entities chatting on the comm. Sometimes the answers or discussions are so different from each other.  It makes me confused and (sometimes) questioning my sanity.-MM

[19] Question – More nuclear questions

Given the recent MM posting (What happened after Alien Interview that helped to set up MAJestic), and the stated precursors therein (big “bombs”), I would like to ask one more question.

I am fairly certain that we all gather our information from a number of sources, and a trust [of those sources] is built upon a comparative analysis of sorts [of that information].

I have it from some very educated, intelligent, and trusted, [multiple] sources that all the purported nuclear testing events, or displays, were likely faked… and similarly, the two most famous explosions over, in, and around Japan. There are some technical reasons given (unorthodox physics by some), as well as geopolitical and the usual fear-mongering and video fuckery (before, after and during). However, surprising to me, the wide-spread blast and burn (at least for those two biggies) can be accounted for by unbelievably immense quantities of [pre-arranged] conventional explosives. Easy to do, even by puny humans.

If, and that is a big IF to me, you allow for off-worlders “assisting” in the development, deployment and detonation of said devices, then my above question is moot.

Were the devices purportedly detonated above Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945, nuclear in design and effect?

Hiroshima was destroyed by a singular bomb weighing around 9000 pounds. Almost everything up to about one mile from the point of detonation was completely destroyed. The point of detonation was a clear circular radius easily viewable on the flat terrain. 

The only exceptions were for a small number (about 50) of heavily reinforced concrete buildings, most of which were specially designed to withstand earthquake shock.

These were not collapsed by the blast; most of these buildings had their interiors completely gutted, and all windows, doors, sashes, and frames ripped out. 

The 9000 pound singular bomb created the equivalent of 20,000 tons of conventional munitions worth of damage.

In Nagasaki, nearly everything within 1/2 mile of the explosion was destroyed, including heavy structures. All Japanese homes were destroyed within 1 1/2 miles from the point of detonation.

Whether or not this is nuclear in design or effect is a specious argument. 

We detected a radiation discharge and investigated it. There is no question that human skin-suits have the ability to manufacture nuclear weapons. As they have the ability to manufacture nuclear power stations.

Creation of a nuclear weapon is far easier than the design and creation of a nuclear power station. This is why the nuclear bombs came first in 1945, and the nuclear power stations came later in 1954.

The world is flooded with distractive news and commentary designed to disorient the population. This includes whether humans have traveled to the moon and landed on it, whether or not a plane flew into the world trade center towers, whether Elvis Presley is alive, that the earth is flat and not a sphere, or that nuclear weapons don't actually exist. 

Believing any of these distractions are dangerous because it has no bearing on your lives. It's a distraction that serves to decrease the popular validity of a publication, website or article. The moment any venue embraces the outlandish and the extreme it's validity decreases exponentially.

MM is under assault by various influences to clutter up the dialog with the outrageous and the outlandish.

(What followed was some specific directions to me personally. I will not post them here. Please expect me to aggressively police the comments, requests and content of submissions from now on. -MM)

I dug up the following. It is a chart of the radiation readings from Japan in 1945.

[20] Question – My anger and the cornfield

In 2021, a visitor to MM visited and then immediately trashed the disclosure effort. In my anger about being so maligned, I went and tried to perma-ban him and then sent him to the cornfield. Not so successful. He was using TOR, and frame hopping.

So, I went a step further, and condemned him to a fixed recycling over an over on a very nasty pre-birth world-line template.

I feel awful about it. Really awful. Most especially because I am doing what the “Old Empire” did. Right? Please tell me if I was out of line, and whether I should be a kinder and gentler Rufus. Because right now I feel like shit.

Was I out of line?

The actions that one takes within this bubble universe is one of cause and effect. there really is no such thing as a "right" or a "wrong". But rather how we interact with others in the environment presented to us. This affects our growth, stability and value.

When you "send someone to the cornfield" (sic.) you are no different than a school child that punches a bully for stealing their food. You are no different from a cat that claws you up when you try to hurt it. You are no different from a innocent pedestrian who shoots the man robbing him.

Your only difference is that you have a greater and more powerful skill set, and this individual has never encountered this level of power before.

In truth, this individual has a large ego and somehow believes that they have an "inside line" to us. They don't. If we wanted them to communicate with us, we would have established an EBP link. 

The collection of interest from this person to others has value, but it's only of slight significance. (A wash over of calmness. Like I am being petted and calmed down.)

They have a role. Not as great or important as your role, or the role of others in your clique / group / community. We chose you and you agreed to work with us. Your team / community that you have managed to pull together and assemble are all part of a small battalion that are doing great things for us.  (Again, another wash over of calmness.)

You are not in competition with this individual. So stop believing that one is better than the other. You have a very important role, and they have a different role. Both roles are important. Your role is more like a five star hotel with exclusive guests. Their role is more like packaged fast food for the masses. Both roles have their place. Neither role is better or worse than the other.

Your concern about sending them to the cornfield should not be of concern. You have to break some eggs to make strudel. They were out of line to malign you. You were warned about this by your Commander Rasmussen at NAS, NASC Pensacola, Fla. This is what you were told to expect, and while it angers you, it is part of the territory that surrounds you and which you agreed to accept. Critics abound everywhere. Never the less, they were wrong and an equally harsh reaction is called for. 

If you try to stand in front of a steam locomotive, there will be a reaction and it will be a real mess. And that is what this person did. Like a child playing with matches, he is unaware of the dangers and the great power that he holds in his hands.

Your rage is not human. Your rage in this event is artificially induced, and being a person with some extraordinary skills, you naturally used them. (The incredible hulk.) And the consequences will be longer lasting. No, you did not send him to purgatory forever, no matter what you seem to think. We will pull him out when it is time. He needs to understand humility first.

And you are the one teaching them that.
Scene from “Back to the Future”.

Just like in the movie “Back to the future”…

Scene from “Back to the Future”.

Then, I drank a couple of bottles of wine. Went to bed. Slept.

Then, today, as I got up and going through my feeds, my emails and all of that, I opened up my browser. You know, I have my morning routine.

Cup of coffee. Sun rises at dawn. Listen to the morning birds.

And out of the blue. THIS picture shows up on my feed…

Coincidence, or message?

Never the less…

I experience remorse, and so I took the dangerous and time consuming effort to recall my horrible actions. I do not believe that person needed to incur my wrath. They are a searcher like myself. And being human, they have egos and feelings just like I have. And being human they make mistakes just like I do. And I made a mistake sending them to the cornfield.

That mistake has been undone. But the sour taste in my mouth will continue for a long time afterwards.

Don’t be like me.

Give everyone a chance, and show them some understanding. Some compassion, and give them a little break.

[21] Question

After reading Part 1 of the comms with Domain Commander (on the new Huawei Pad), it has answered my worry of the mRNA vaccines & what if my loved ones took it. At least now I know that it can be mitigated somewhat by good diet & exercise. My 79 yr old dad took Pfizer & 79 yr old mum took Sinovac (but recently took Pfizer booster). Wife & I both took Sinovac but wife just took Pfizer booster despite my advice. For me, am trying to get Sinovac booster & bypass the Government appointed Pfizer booster.
My question to the Commander is am asking for guidance on how to proceed in my life from now on. In my early life, I was very helpful to others, eagerly providing help to friends (mostly advice & lending an ear) but many new “friends” took advantage of me. It was like vampires sucking the good energy out of you & gave back the bad energy in return. I end up being emotionally drained & depressed. It came to the point that now I only help those that I’m close to only. I still try as much to be Rufus towards others in other ways so as not to be drained of my good energy.
My life has been average, neither extravagant nor in poverty. Very blessed with parents who took good care of myself & my siblings. Had the privileged opportunity to study in London & experience living in a foreign country for a number of years. This shaped my young adult thinking, my working culture & gave me opportunities to expand my career back home till early 2000s. Then difficult times came but I took it as a life lesson & behind every cloud is a silver lining, my now wife came into my life during this down time. She is my anchor, balances me & able to tolerate my specific way of doing things.
Today, I no longer wish that high flying corporate career but at the same time, am not that financially sound, enough to get by. I worry about my retirement with my wife as we dont have social security here in this part of the world & frankly am fed up with the current employer I’m with.
Our 5 cats are like our children & we dote on them. In fact the youngest one is sleeping next to me as I’m typing this. We suspect that this youngest one is the incarnation of our first cat. I’ve always known that people & pets comes into our life for a reason and that these 5 cats has had past lives link to both my wife & I. The strong affinity and bond with them tells me that we have met before (& the facts that they chose us rather than we choose them).
I am a worrier & often think too deeply (hence the hair loss.. hahaha) about what ifs. I worry about the future & all that is happening is really making my worry meter shoot up. My parents, my wife, my extended family, my cats, my friends ….
Somehow, I believe that although I’ve not vocally mentioned volunteering to assist the Domain, in some way, I can feel my lifepath is somehow in a very small way assisting them.
So, going back to my asking the Commander for guidance on how to proceed in my life from now on. Really need guidance to lift some of the worries.
Actually, another question is that if somebody as insignificant as myself ask for Domain retrieval after death, does the Domain hear our plea ? (as going into the tunnel of light doesnt not seem to be a prospect that I now wish to follow).
Cant remember how I found MM blog but I just cant stop reading & keep coming back. Truly Appreciate all that you’re doing to help us MM readers & the world. It must be a great burden on you but you amaze me on how you carry it all through. Your blog is is visited at least twice a day but I worry that the Western powers will pull the plug as you’re not singing their narrative. Time to consider shifting to a Chinese server where you know you’ll be protected. My regards to your lovely family & please give a big hug to your little daughter.
Thanks again for helping us. Cant say it enough. For me, it helps to center my life & affirmed what been deducing all this time, that the shift is happening but resistance is strong.
First comm injection…
You need to focus on centering your consciousness within it's brain cradle so that you can optimize it's utility. Your family will be fine provided that you avoid the poisoned vectors of fear mongering activities. 

Your ideas and thoughts regarding your cats are accurate, and that (of course) means that they will generate a calm and kind environment to surround you. 

Fear is the great hurtle that lies before you, but you and you family have practical and substantive thoughts regarding this matter. Follow them and do not second guess them. They will all work out fine. 

Of course, the trials and failures of life is to be expected, but the overall forward time vector for you and your family is better than most, and certainly far better than your fears promise / provide for you.

Follow up comm. (Roughly three weeks later.)

*comm opened*

Following the advice provided graciously to you (above and presented immediately to the questioner above. -MM) has been exemplary. Thank you. (smile)

Taming your fears, no matter how loudly they clamor at you; nor how shrilling they appear to by those around you that you love, it is important to stay focused. Ignore the noise. The fear is noise. It is distracting and upsetting your good works, and positive steady directions.

Do not forget this.

Use the guidelines of that as the cat. They have a far better appraisal  of the situation at hand. And are not to be ignored, because they create the calming comforting environment that enables you to accomplish the goals and tasks that you affirm (sic.).

Soon, this (next) year (maybe months) you will "break through" an invisible barrier, and much will become clearer, calmer and more stable. Shake off the fears as that is preventing the manifestation of the MWI (sic.) track path.


Sorry. I haven’t a clue as to what all this is about. I just transcribed and cleaned it up. -MM

[Bonus] My cherished beliefs

You know, when a comm channel opens up it can be anywhere. In the elevator, for instance. Walking down the sidewalk. Or at the checkout in a store. And one of the features about this is that when you are aware that a comm opens up, that you listen to it, and then move on with your life. Many times forgetting about the communication transfer. Such was this next bout…

I was musing about my attitude regarding The Domain and the mantids. And wondering why I am not permitted to say anything about them, or deal with them in any substantive way.

Mantids (sic.) are the most important species (race) beings in the human inmate suit right now. They are the "behind the scenes" movers / shakers /lever makers. To question their role in your life is to question your own self. 

If a choice must be made between The Domain or the mantids (sic.) you must always obey your inner mantid directives and directions. 

We (The Domain) lie outside of that bonded interconnection.


We (The Domain) are mission directed. The mantids (sic.) are consciousness focused. Obviously that is more important to your individual growth and eventual release from the prison planet environment than anything else.

More Questions?

I am sure that most of this article will go over the heads of the readership. The questions are all individual personal issues. I’ll attempt to open it up later on to more general questions.

I have about twenty other questions “in the pipe”. They are sitting in an article that I call part 3. I will get it out shortly, or sooner or later.

Do you want more?

You can find many more videos in my “Extraterrestrial Species index” over here…

ET Species


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Another excellent article MM. For me the last message about relationship with the Mantids are most significant. I have hunch that what we describe as “mantids” are really more than that. Perhaps in our minds they appear as “mantids”, just as higher dimensional beings appeared to our ancestors as angels. I look forward to more info that comes in time.

Also to the worried gentleman who apparently writes from Singapore. Without being preachy, I would hope that he remembers that he is a powerful and immortal being. Beware of fear and allowing ourselves to fear.

I know that this is easier said than done. But I say “allowing ourselves to fear” very deliberately. Just like emotions sway/influence our thoughts, our inner conscience influence our emotions.

For example when we are in a good mood, we interpret a certain action by someone in a positive manner, similarly anything that happens throughout the day, we rejoice in it, we feel blessed by the universe.

But when we are in a bad mood, our minds interpret the exact same actions by the person in a very different light. Same with the exact same things that happen in the day. Everything seems to be conspiring against us.

Clearly from the examples above, the mind is influenced by our emotions. The trick is to see that just as our minds are controlled by our emotions, our emotions can also be controlled by our conscience.

So, when he starts to worry or fear, observe it, and recognise that it comes from a survival instinct, and that it is not longer helpful for him to ALLOW himself to worry/fear. Nip it in the bud. It takes practice, but it does work.

When he does this, he will better be able to control his manifesting/MWI creation of his own circumstances. His world will gradually get better and better. One day, he will suddenly realise that he is living in Heaven on Earth.

Stepping off my soapbox now. I just hope this helps my brother.

Last edited 3 years ago by keff

@congjing yu can you let me know when the next round is open? I have some EG related Qs


When one gets up the bags full of mistakes can turn into balancing a heavy lesson to be observed. Understanding a lesson with the weight of those mistakes can be turned into a solid lesson and comprised of a refinement of measurement alleviating your hard-learned lessons. And remembers the solid foundation of all lessons and leans on it to lighten his bag full of lessons for finer measurement. MM you help us to avoid the pitfalls and to advance consciously in complete safety, then I confirm to you that those who are not weighed down by the errors drag a more or less heavy bag. I think curiosity is an essential vector of improvement you could perhaps find a way to rebalance your latent feeling of injustice with this reminder that I believe that rufus is a state of consciousness that one can dread at any time by giving too much attention to negative weight, rufus bounces off and builds on these errors. Thank you for your persistence and compassionate company, I appreciate your values ​​and readers very much and even share difficult lessons. Be confident. Respect yourself to get wet and dare to do it. You alone measure

Memory Loss

A totally amazing article, Mr MM. There’s so much more revealed in the shadows of your writings this time that I’m quite speechless.

Some things have popped up from within the chat room, and hopefully those ideas that came into existence will be useful for some of us here, at least. Your last comm makes me very excited because what I viewed as some weird synchronicity, well perhaps it is more that that. If it’s ok, I will email you my thoughts.


Were the devices purportedly detonated above Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945, nuclear in design and effect?

the question should have been….

Were the Devices made in Germany or the USA?

Ohio Guy

I always look forward to reading the EBP comms. Then again, I’m “drawn” to this site like a magnet.

Ohio Guy

That would never happen while I still can draw breath. I had a PC malfunction. My Toshiba pointing device is playing hide and seek with me and one of my big dogs snagged the power cord while walking by sending the laptop crashing to the hardwood floor. Time for a new laptop, relocated to a “saferoom” eh?


Ohio Guy I feel your pain. Bought this laptop new a few months ago, nothing special just a small 64Gb EMMC drive with an SD Card slot if you want some more storage. Within a month after getting it, my kid squeezed in between me and the small space between the couch and the arm rest i use it on, knocking it to the floor. Snap, there went the plastic spring for the touchpad button. Of course I stupidly took it apart forgetting to remove said SD card…..snapped the fucking holder clean off. So i thought i’d purchase some third party holders off ebay….bad idea, i ended up completely lifting a solder pad when trying to figure how to fit its foot print into the footprint of the other sd card holder, so now I am stuck with 64GB worth of storage space….oh and now one of the only two USB drives have been snapped. Computers hate me