[daegonmagus] – Part 2 – Contact with the Elder Guardians

The following is the second part from a series of articles describing the adventure that a follower who goes by the handle "daegonmagus" has experienced since reading MM. They are very interesting and fascinating. I hope that you all learn from his journey and maybe learn a thing or two as he relates his unique experiences to the readership here. 


Part 2 – Contact with the Elder Guardians

In the last part I talked about my first contact experience with a group of Elders resembling the Ascended Masters whilst lucid dreaming back in 2012.

I mentioned (in this last article) how these Elders told me [1] about a “spiritual amnesia” that was affecting mankind and cutting them off from a higher state of conscious awareness.

I also mentioned (in the article) how the [2] physical human brain had apparently been deliberately engineered to help with this dumbing down of consciousness.

It was during this experience that I was able to tap into this higher state of conscious awareness –  what I refer to as the higher self or higher intellect.

The higher self (or higher intellect)

This higher self equates to a processing power orders of magnitude far above what we (normally) use whilst contained within the physical body.

It lets you see through physical and non physical realities like they are glass.

Different States of being

It is important to note here, that I use the connection with this higher state of mind to differentiate between [A] a lucid dream/ astral projection and [B] a mystical experience.

When I mention a mystical experience – or what I call an Auric projection – it means that I have been under this superior state of conscious awareness whilst lucid.

It is a completely different experience to what both astral projection and lucid dreaming entail.

Whilst in this state, there is a constant flux of information coming in and being perceived of higher reality aspects; only a very small percentage of it can ever be remembered upon waking up.

This information also contains soul-time memories, and is not limited to a single physical incarnation.

There is always a catch 22 dilemma when functioning from this state; you know the information coming in is important, but you are also aware you will forget most of it when awakening back into your physical body.

Thus one is forced to try and focus on specific elements to try and remember them when waking up.

It is beyond frustrating.

My mystical experiences

All in all I had 5 or so “mystical experiences” in which I was connected to this higher state of awareness. It was over a 7 year period, many of which the Grand Elder appeared in.

This is not including my “second contact” experience.

This “second contact experience” occurred as a recurring lucid dream.

In this recurring lucid dream, I was also connected to this state of awareness and being bombarded by information.

So (all told), including these recurring dreams, the amount of mystical experiences I had whilst connected to the higher self would easily be over 20 events.

Hijacking of dreamscape

In part one I briefly touched upon the idea that I was playing around with consciousness and conducting experiments with it whilst lucid dreaming.

It was apparently because I had developed advanced abilities in this area that the Ascended Masters were able to contact me; at least that is what they told me.

One of these experiments related to “hijacking” my wife’s dreamscape and implanting a dream scenario of my devising.

What I didn’t talk about, is that around this same time, my wife was also having her own contact experiences with both physical and non physical entities.

Wife’s Contact Experiences

These entities took on a myriad of different forms from [1] “angels” and [2] “demons” to [3] ETs wearing strange space suits.

I did not realize it at the time but they had been “visiting” my wife since she was a little kid.

She had only vaguely mentioned very few of these experiences in fear of me thinking she was crazy.

In actual fact she had had enough experiences to fill a whole volume. I did not get much of the specifics of these experiences until very recently (this year).

What I find curious is that when she was little, one of the angelic types suggested to her the same thing about the human brain; it had been deliberately created to hold consciousness at a lesser level.

In many of these visitations, she was also under the influence of a similar higher state of conscious awareness. Her description of this state of awareness matches my experience of it.

Having “synchronized” dreams and experiences.

I am not sure if it was because of my hijacking experiment or not, but thereafter my wife and I also began having “synchronized” dreams and experiences.

These related to visiting the same places whilst lucid (she was just as proficient at lucid dreaming and astral projecting as me, if not better).

Often times we would describe to each other a place we’d been to or a lucid dream we’d just had only to have the other finish the sentence with an exact description of the scenario.

Many of these synchronised dreams related to “waking up” and trying to retrieve each other from “sleep facilities”.

Consciousness brainwashing facilities

These “sleep facilities” were unique. In them, it appeared consciousness brainwashing was being undertaken, or (a cleansing of) memories of things we did in past lives or other worlds.

One of these synchronicities was a scenario where we were both killed in one world, and “woke up” in another. Other memories included being trained in remembering “timeline resets”.

Out of all of my mystical experiences, a great deal of them were synchronised in this manner.

One of the “worlds” we were both visiting prior to my first contact experience with the Elder Guardians, was this place that was very reminiscent of a movie theater.

We’d always pop out in a hallway that had various ‘theater” rooms coming off it.  These rooms would be lined with chairs, in typical theater fashion, except that instead of a screen there was a spherical shaped portal floating in mid air.

Though I have no specific recollection of them being used for consciousness brainwashing, my wife remembers this place as being used for exactly that.

Whenever I would enter the portal in the theater room, it would take me to a completely different world.

My wife was also able to describe this same world in exact detail.

In this other world there is this weird road that sort of curves upwards into the sky. It sort of looks like what the great Wall Of China would look like if you bent it upwards; the gravity changes as you move along the road so you are always on it.

There appears to be some sort of ancient market festival going on and something to do with timeline resets.

I was having lucid dreams about both the portal theater and the market festival place almost weekly for a whole year; they were, evidently, astral assignments my handlers were sending me to.

There were also instances of being “attacked” whilst lucid that, fortunately for us, we were able to corroborate as both of us had experienced similar things happening.

Such things included weird entities entering our heads and pushing our consciousness to one side, distorting it in the process.

Others included typical succubus expeditions, timeline slips and things that aren’t even describable with human words.

At one point I had something extremely heavy – about 100kg – sit on me and crush my chest to the point I couldn’t breathe.

Majority of these strange occurrences would happen whilst in the sleep paralysis/ hypnogogic state.

Strange occurrences

My wife spoke of one astral projection experience where she went into our roof and found a strange creature living there guarding an ancient dusty box.

This creature was humanoid, had no face and pounced around like a cat. It would not let her anywhere near the box. It wanted to play with her, like a kitten would.

We had “ghosts” moving stuff in many of the houses we moved into.

Our life was one big paranormal experience that for us just became normality.

The weirdest example is a doppelganger version of myself that both my wife and daughter saw and heard that appeared when I was out with my son.

I believe such a doppelganger almost got me executed, but for the sake of brevity I will skip over that whole ordeal.

What I will mention was that this particular incident happened only a few short months after my recurring mystical dreams.

These eventually culminated in me remembering my own reincarnation at the guidance of the voice of the Grand Elder and the torture my soul had undergone moments prior to becoming incarnated in this current body – what I call “soul burning”.

Strange Lucid Dreams

The lucid dreams themselves were strange; they started as me appearing in an apocalyptic purgatorial like place.

There were broken decrepit houses every where one looked.

A single path that led seemingly into nowhere was the only thing besides the houses. There as what appeared to be another version of myself waiting for me along this road.

As I approached it I realized it was a zombie; it was me but it was devoid of all emotion, and as it noticed me it began to give chase.

The information that was coming in from my higher consciousness and through the voice of the Grand Elder told me how this was a part of my higher energetic body.

That body had been damaged by the spiritual amnesia;

  • It was effectively, a corrupted part of my soul from a higher, non physical plane;
  • It was an unseen baggage that I would always carry with me.

For about a year this dream would start from the exact same point and slowly progress.

It was like watching the same movie from the start over and over, but each time watching a little bit more before turning it off.

My zombie would chase me and eventually catch me and I would wake up as soon as it touched me.

Eventually my time line resetting memories would start kicking in, and I would be back at the start of the dream with 2 zombies chasing me instead of one upon a zombie touching me.

It would progress in this fashion, with the number of zombies doubling every time I got reset.

It got to the point where I had thousands upon thousands of zombified versions of my energetic body chasing me.

After about a year of having these dreams on a monthly, sometime fortnightly basis, I started to realize it was the period between a zombie touching me and “resetting” that the Grand Elder was trying to get me to remember; whenever I had one of these dreams, my focus would go entirely on trying to figure out what was happening in between the resets.

The amount of information coming through each and every time I had one of these experiences was intense.

I was constantly comparing everything that was happening with the physical world my body was asleep in…

…whilst listening to the Grand Elder’s voice telling me to pay attention to certain details.

They were simply not normal dreams or even normal lucid dreams.

He was guiding me through this experience each and every time I had it like I was back at college opening a textbook and continuing study of a subject from a previous week.

Each experience thus was a continuation of the “lessons” from the previous one.

The Grand Elder would not let up in what he was trying to show/ teach me.

A force controlling the zombified energetic bodies

Because of my connection to my higher mind, I could feel that some kind of external force was controlling these zombified energetic bodies. It was an incredibly strong telepathic connection.

I could sense the raw hatred of this external force coming through; I simply knew it was not part of the zombie’s make up.

It was pure evil and I knew whatever it was, was the same Slave God the Grand Elder had told me was responsible for the Ancient Egyptian slave trade and the spiritual amnesia.

This purgatorial domain I was in it evidently owned and controlled.

In the last experience I was being chased by thousands of these zombies when all of a sudden I realized this hatred emotion I could use to my advantage.

I started taunting these zombies as they gave chase which angered the controller immensely.

Like it’s hatred, I could feel this anger surging through.

I went out of my way to bring this anger to a level where the Slave God would lose control of the situation.

Then I just stopped running and turned around, deliberately allowing the zombies to catch me.

My plan had worked.

The next thing I knew I was being taken to a sort of operating room and was being strapped to a bed.

The zombified versions of my energetic bodies all stood around me, as I was hooked up to a strange piece of apparatus.


What followed was the most excruciating torture I have ever experienced in either lucid dreaming or physical reality.

It was unbelievably intense that it literally felt like my very soul was on fire.

It felt like I was being electrocuted with incredibly high current as well as being cut to pieces and set on fire all at once.

I called it Soul Burning.

At the same time this was all carried out there was things being done that I can only describe as a brainwashing regime courtesy of the same apparatus that was torturing me.

It was like it had the ability to instill my very being with false memories.

I could feel things being spliced into my soul that I knew should not have been there.

The controller was so angered by my insolence, that he made the zombies increase the savageness of their “purging” me into one of them.

They ripped and tore at my soul so brutally that I could feel it coming to pieces.

It was a similar feeling to what projecting into the anomaly had done to my consciousness, except that it wouldn’t disintegrate my higher mind.

What was worse was that I suddenly remembered every other time this had happened to me.

Fourty thousand years worth of lifetimes that ended with this same torture all came flooding back to me.

Each one amplified the pain by a million.

Because I was operating from my higher mind I could feel every single one of these tortures as if they were all happening at the same time.

The Grand Elder had warned me it was going to be an uncomfortable memory, but I did not care.

The knowledge of my soul’s history was more important to me than comfort.

My commitment had been to remember whatever was necessary and bring it back here into the physical plane at all costs.

After the soul burning session finished, the zombies all left, courtesy of the controller and I found myself lying alone on the bed in this hellish operating room.

Finished and exhausted

I was completely, 100% lucid and could remember everything that had just happened as well as that somewhere back on Earth my body was asleep in its bed.

My consciousness was completely detached from it.

Whatever it was that had carried out this torture on me had failed to properly administer the amnesia, and I realized this was exactly what the Grand Elder wanted me to see.

I was, however, mentally and emotionally spent from everything that had just transpired.

With my last ounce of energy I deliberately projected my consciousness away from that purgatorial realm into space – I didn’t even have enough energy to get back to my body I was that exhausted.

So I just floated in space for what seemed like a minute, looking at some nearby stars.

There was a suddenly change in my environment as my perceptive field went from that of the universe to a wall of skin that clung to me and enclosed me within it.

That is when I realized I was free floating in a placenta as a fetus.

I even kicked out and could feel the resistance of the skin in my foot as I did so.

This placenta provided a great soothing comfort for me after the whole soul burning ordeal; it was incredibly inviting and felt as though it was healing me as I floated within it.

Shortly after this I awoke back in my bed.

I was certain this was a memory of the moments prior to me being incarnated into this current body.

The Grand Elder plucks me out…

Several months later I was again abducted out of another lucid dream by the Grand Elder.

This time he showed himself to me like he did at the 2012 gathering in the celestial courtyard; it was the very same being, I am 100% sure of this.

He told me that the ordeal in the purgatorial realm was necessary for me to remember before this second meeting with him could be undertaken.

He was teaching me a higher knowledge about consciousness and how it was being affected by the amnesia.

Like the reincarnation dreams this was yet another Auric experience and the information coming through was with a potency that the Earth mind is just not capable of processing.

Again I was taken to a point on the outskirts of a universe in a different, non physical plane.

There was this sort of racing circuit laid out; it was similar to a formula one track just floating randomly in space.

There were these canon like things blotted about around the track randomly that were shooting light far out into the universe. Guarding these canons were these hairy, bipedal, monkey like beasts.

The Grand Elder told me my mind had been deliberately sped up so that I could comprehend this light, which I was perceiving as if it was being slowed down.

The beasts could apparently not see me because their minds were operating at a lower frequency; I was moving faster than the light, they weren’t.

I was also told by the Grand Elder I was seeing these canons in this manner so I could more easily remember them back here in the physical plane.

The actual devices cannot be comprehended by the limited human mind.

This light was not the same as light that we know of on earth.

It was of a much higher frequency and, according to the Grand Elder was responsible for the creation of physical and non physical universes.

We watched as the beasts pointed the canons upwards and fired light pulses out into the vast empty space that surrounded us.

The pulses would fly through space until they collided with the pulses from other canons, whereby whole galaxies would just appear out of no where from the collision.

Suddenly I could see a myriad of stars that had formed because of these collisions. This was happening in every direction we looked. These whole galaxies were extremely small from our vantage point.

There was probably about 20 or so canons placed strategically on this circuit track.

Whenever one of the beasts would fire their canon, you could see the light pulse move around the track before coming out of it.

It was strange in that it looked like a racing track but functioned more like an electronic circuit. You could see the light enter various components before reaching the canons.

Another lesson

What followed was the Grand Elder giving me yet another lesson in consciousness and how it was being affected by the amnesia.

Apparently the Slave Gods had somehow hijacked this light here, right as it came from the source before it could even create the first non physical universes.

The way it was explained to me was that they had embedded “codes” that would affect consciousness in a similar manner to how we vary digital pulses using Pulse Width Modulation.

This effectively meant a consciousness – any consciousness – could be used as a carrier of information that was not part of the “divine” creator’s purpose.

Consciousness could be controlled remotely in this “place” by changing the PWM codes.

This was the whole point of the circuit track we were watching.

The beasts were there to ensure consciousness was being kept in a dumbed down state, and creating the “realities” where those consciousnesses could be trapped.

After this, the Grand Elder took me below the circuit track. We were now in the middle of what appeared to be an electronics manufacturing factory.

The divine light would drop out of the track above us and on to a conveyor belt that was lined with cell phones and similar technology.

It would go into the phones, the phones would be picked up by even more of these beasts, packaged and sent off for shipment.

It was an extremely bizarre affair and, to begin with, I didn’t quite understand what I was looking at.

The Grand Elder told me that the consciousness manipulation technology I had just witnessed was directly connected (at a quantum level) to technologies currently being used around the world.

The actual connection was never explained to me. I was just made to take note that there was a connection.

Shortly after this the dream ended.

Back to the physical world

About 3 months later is when I was very nearly killed by my own neighbors.

My hand was cut open and I was left permanently disabled in my left hand as a result.

As I lay in a hospital bed that very night waiting for surgery, I could hear a crowd of voices in my head all speaking incredibly fast.

The languages they spoke in were not any languages native to Earth.

This was new to me.

These voices were so loud and fast that I thought I was going crazy.

I thought my mind had been broken by the whole ordeal, and that this was going to be my life from then on out.

Unbeknownst to me, about 50kms away at her mother’s house, my wife was also hearing similar voices that same night.

Whereas I could not make out anything mine were saying, hers were screaming “THIS WAS NOT SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN!” over and over again.

This was apparently directly in relation to me being almost being killed and having my hand cut open. The idea it could have all been instigated by my doppelganger didn’t enter my mind until this year.

And yet, the crazy train didn’t stop there…

Ah. this is enough for now. There's a lot of "meat" to absorb here. Soak it in. Enjoy it, and soon enough part 3 will be posted. Best Regards. -MM

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Memory Loss

Woo. Wow.

[The Grand Elder told me that the consciousness manipulation technology I had just witnessed was directly connected (at a quantum level) to technologies currently being used around the world.

The actual connection was never explained to me. I was just made to take note that there was a connection.]

This is pretty disturbing. There does seem to be a confluence of intent by the technology manipulators on our Earth and the “Slave God’s”, going by the bizarre vaccination drives around the world.

I’m currently studying the observations of Jerry Marzinsky, a psychotherapist, on schizophrenics and their hallucinations together with existence of shadow people interacting with them. He is of the view that those “hallucinations” are actual entities, who act as energy parasites. He thinks the MSM and politicians have been possessed by comparing their behavior with those of the shadow entities.


Really looking forward to your next post.


@ Memory Loss yes I have come to a similar belief about astral parasites. From what I was told, these hallucinations can be artificially created holographic scenarios that these non physical entities insert into the victims mind during the sleep state; it is (according to the non physical entities that went into detail about it with me) an advanced form of the same process I used to hijack my wife’s dream.
I suggest reading up on the Native American concept of the Wetiko – this was thought to be an evil spirit that was responsible for selfish and greedy behaviour. Paul Levy did great write up on his views of it being a sort of psychic virus. I had my suspicions of a similar dark occult force being responsible for the greed and selfishness in the world when I was contacted by the EG and the U5.

Wetiko: The Virus of Selfishness According to Native Americans (themindsjournal.com)
Dispelling Wetiko: Breaking the Curse of Evil – Theosophical Society in America


I do not even know what the fuck to write. I tried the whole copy and paste thing with some quotes – but there are too many. I literally cannot finish this article because it’s literally – LITERALLY – the same freaking thing that happened to me these last 2 weeks. Like – the zombie being me, the being tortured for “an eternity” (which was 10^(-36) seconds.

The speeding up, speeding down of time- everything.

The thing is – I am not a lucid dreamer. For example – I now remember my craft crashing into the earth. I lived it 2 years ago. At the time I figured it was mild psychosis due to lack of something. But I labeled as something it wasn’t. NOW I know for sure because I was given a “panel” (a navigation and communication part of the craft and its operators-when I can finish sketching it I’ll send it to MM to see if it’s cool to put out there) and I was shown how to use it and how to teach others how to use it. And for the record if this thing was in a movie – I never saw it – and people can Eli even what they want, you know?

I am having a LOT of issues getting on the forum – since the day before yesterday it’s like – it just hangs for 2-3 minutes before anything happens, so it’s putting a damper on that way to communicate – but what do you say we start a topic about this – so we can bounce things off eachother with everyone’s guidance – I need it!

GREAT article, BTW. I am seriously blown away.


Thanks PL. That is very interesting you had a similar experience regarding the zombies and torture mate. I believe that this is a common “holographic scenario” people are put through – I will get more into what i know about holographic scenarios in the next article.
You know, I also have a memory of crashing a ship into Earth, but this came through as (you guessed it) another lucid dream. I think in that one I was looking for a brother that was on the run from a similar negative faction. I was flying past earth, and then just sort of realised he was down there and deliberately steered my ship to crash into it. It’s funny I was reading my journal yesterday and came across a bit where I was also being shown how to fly a ship. this would have came through as a random series of images being projected to me whilst awake. I wrote something down about having to push both joysticks forward to make the craft go up but that was about it – I don’t actually remember any of it.
As for a discussion on this, yes I’m down with that


The crash and craft – mine was different – the control module – I will let MM describe it because I am just speechless – but ours is controlled with a module that we – who fly it have. On the craft itself we all have to be “clicked in” to it as well as the craft itself.

The craft “knows” who should be in it and who shouldn’t. All of us on the craft can put our units together – to go – but if one being isn’t “right” – nobody can click in.

The device also allows for some crazy CRAZY shit when used alone. Again – I’ll let the PTB put it out.

I do know this -I was told this by the being that gave it to me – that device – people who see it will know instinctively what it is and how to use it.

For me, it took a few to “relearn” how to use it – but once I started it – I knew exactly what to do. For example, some of the diagrams I made some changes or left some stuff out intentionally – because not everyone needs this info – but those who do – do.

I know there were 3 of us in the craft. All are trained to do the same thing, but I was in the “senior” seat. Apparently we were joking around and got caught in something and crashed. My Mantid – explained that THIS is why I needed the “father” thing. I didn’t know boundaries and got us here. I’ll put all this in an email or post


@PL very interesting mate. I believe I know how to tune into a craft’s operating frequency using lucid dreaming; might be beneficial to any domain members who were space craft pilots before they got trapped here. will go more in depth into this later.

Ohio Guy

Ok daegoncliffhanger! I expect part three tomorrow!


haha i love your enthusiasm Ohio Guy. Might take a little while longer than a day – life is hectic at the moment. I will definitely start it today though 😉


wow. couldn’t stop reading. Thanks for sharing. I couldn’t find Part I and I cant wait for Part 3!

@MM: Amazing idea to share other people’s stories here. Not quite sure what to make out of it yet though. Still it seems its 100% clear that we are sitting in a prison as in the Alien Interview. Question is now, how do you get out if even your own DNA is working against you 🙂

: GrandElder says you developed further, so they could contact you. But how? It seems this is despite the soul burning, done everytime to your soul. So there must be a solution. I didnt believe the Alien when they said, they dont have a solution yet for our predicatement here in this corner of the galaxy.
It seems the only way to escape from this madness in this world.


you should be able to access Part one here: Daegonmagus (metallicman.com)

In regards to contact the GE told me it was because of advanced techniques of consciousness projection I’d learnt over a decade’s worth of experimenting in lucid dreaming/ astral projection that he was able to contact me. Part one deals with this in a bit more depth


Hi just read the part I. Very interesting. It says you created this order: Ordo Occultum Astrum with the goal to break the cycle basically, which sparked my interest.
Do you have a site etc where one contact you or read more?

PS: There is no possibility to DM each other in the forum I think?

Last edited 3 years ago by Berkant