Part 3 of the EBP comm with The Domain Commander December through January 2022

Here we continue with periodic questions that I ask the Domain Commander for clarification on. This is part 3.

[22a] Question – Can Basic Training be obtained

Thank you for your effort. I know how stressful is this for you.

My 2 questions:

As part of working with The Domain, is possible to have basic training to get a better spiritual understanding of ourselves?

Yes, of course.

Those who have agreed to work with us in the roles previously discussed are volunteer irregulars. While they are not qualified with the necessary training and education necessary for regular operations, they never the less possess certain abilities, skills, advantages that we can utilize for the benefit of all.

Everyone who conjoins in this role accepts training (sic.) and non-physical body manipulation / alteration / enhancement / modification as necessary to work with The Domain to attend to the projects that they are or will be assigned to do.

Very little is done at the "raw" physical state, unless you are like MM (here) and have an EBP or ELF probes installed medically. But MM and his colleagues are part of a very special role that needs those modifications and enhancements.

When we perform / conduct / implement the training or education you might experience the events as dreams, or some kind of LD event. Most people will forget them. This is because the memories of the procedures are not usually anchored to the mechanisms inherent with the memories associated with the physical body.

In a similar manner the medical procedures associated with the non-physical body might be interpreted as horrible and frightening nightmares. This is a fear defense mechanism that was set up by the "Old Empire" for your particular human inmate skin-suit.

If there is some particular skill or ability that we suggest the irregular to learn, that is obtained on the physical reality universe (General Population arena), then we would provide a strong "nudge" or urge for the individual to get that kind of training. We have provided nudges to those to study "fate forecasting" (sic.) horoscopes, learning lucid dreaming, enhancing their ESP abilities, and certain directions related to geographical relocation.

[22b] Question

Were we chosen before birth for this endeavor or we are part of this effort by choice and fate (by chance)?

Yes. Most of the active participants on MM have agreed to meet up using this venue before they were born.

Not every IS-BE had the same or similar entry agreement experience, and not everyone worked with their mantids (sic.) to come to this point. As it stands, of those who utilize the MM recruitment venue, there is a mixture of individuals from a large selection of different recruitment drives.

Of those, it should be well understood that numerous individuals were recruited pre-birth in clusters. There is the cluster that MM is part of. This cluster contains IS-BE entities that agreed to work with the Domain prior to birth and that affected the entry-point and the pre-birth world-line template (sic.).

There are a handful of Domain citizenry that are attracted to the MM effort. They are instrumental in organizing the training and recruitment drives in the Heaven (sic.) as well as working with the Mantid Primes. While imprisoned in this complex they are working inside the Heaven pocket universe to organize, train, establish and create the cadre of irregulars that you are part of. 

They volunteered for this role.

They are aware of the risks and are trapped within the prison complex until the containment field is adequately breached.

They have been working to establish recruitment drives from the inside, and have "convinced" / manipulated / agreed to assist the mantid primes in the necessary life experiences via the pre-birth world-line templates for the roles assigned to the irregular volunteers.

There are clusters of non-physical recruitment memberships that occurred during the pre-birth training cycle and recruitment drives in the 1970's and the 1980's General Population Time.

These efforts continue.

The primary training, and the avenues of recruitment occur in the non-physical realms. And it is a complex matter as it involves both mantids, and the IS-BE's as well as crossing the pocket universe threshold regarding Heaven (sic.).

[23] Question – Have you and I met in the physical?

This is a question that I presented to the Domain Commander. I wonder if he was present in any of the physical meetings, or any of the non-physical meetings that I had with the Domain.


Then what about the “leader” who oversaw the operation and implantation of the EBP. Was that not you?

No it was not.

Who was that person then?

That was the chief operational procedure leader for the implantation of the EBP and the memory and biological alterations.

[24] Question – Who were the doctors who oversaw the non-physical body alterations, as well as the physical body changes?

I had a physical modification of my physical body in the mid to late 1980’s. And numerous non-physical changes. I am curious as to who these entities / type-1 individuals were / are.

The medical procedure that took place at Nags Head, NC was conducted by a team of specialists. 

These individuals were a mixture of Domain Officers that temporarily occupied the bodies of human inmate skin suits, as well as the actual medical staff who were actual / real / non-modified human skin-suits.

It is the unmodified humans who performed the necessary biological alterations to your physical body. They came from another region per our request. 

You did not observe the procedure as your consciousness was container placed, while the physical body was replaced.

And what about the non-physical alterations?

That was conducted by a team of specialists who was led by the Chief Nurse. That nurse worked on you in other events and is / was aware of who you are, and your general agreement and disposition.

[25] Question – Is it possible to destroy the amnesia network through LD operations?

This is an interesting question that I thought about asking. I read somewhere that there are people who are claiming that they have damaged the amnesia network and system through lucid dreaming activities. Is this possible?

No. Lucid Dreaming is an observer platform that has a substantial degree of non-physical interaction. A LD individual consciousness can make changes to the environment that will result in apparent changes. However, the reality universe is layered like an onion, and when you make one kind of change, it should interact with all the other layers, and change them accordingly. This would then imply that YES, a LD individual can make changes to the amnesia field.

But the actual answer is sadly no.

The amnesia mechanism is layered within this "onion" layers and insulated and protected by mini-pocket universes that serve as minor repositories of individual components. Making alterations to one layer via consciousness in the LD state will not alter those protected within the pocket repositories.

Which will then emerge unscathed, and then like a seed sprout anew and reconfigure itself like (the Borg???) and adapt to the prior system of alterations. Thus making damage to the mechanism especially difficult.

There needs to be a coordinated effort to destroy all the major elements of the mechanisms / systems and then prevent them for regrouping and recovering. Then systematically go one by one and dismantle the entire complex mechanism.

[26] Question – What is preventing manned spaceflight?

In theory we could have established settlements on the Moon and sent people to Mars by now. The plans had been proposed 50 years ago, but no one has done it. Maybe there’s a larger reason than lack of money and will, so I’ll pose the question.

Does overt human spaceflight into the solar system—say, to Mars—present risks, whether from other beings or from anything else such as unknown microbes? Maybe if yes, the Commander could elaborate.

The biggest impediment to human spaceflight within the prison complex environment is greed, human skin-suit politics, and corruption. 

The Domain will not interfere in vehicle movement within the General Population universe. 

However, there are other interests and entities that do interfere in vehicular movement, as well as the dangerous autonomous military weapon mechanisms that litter the containment field as (a soft of) unexploded munitions, not to mention the snares, traps, and other mechanisms that operate as spiders web of maze entanglement pitfalls.

Your term "manned vehicular spaceflight" to the moon, to Mars, to any of the planets in the solar system, or to any other solar system within the confines of the prison complex are impeded by the failings of the individual planetary governments and their leadership. Most of the reasons behind this have a root cause borne out of personal greed and avarice.

There are five main prison planet solar systems comprising the constellation of stars that make up the prison complex. However, there are also other solar systems that the field contains, that are not populated by inmates. 

The earth-bound entities are also free to construct vehicles and visit these other physical bodies. There, they will find interesting remains of former civilizations that once existed prior to the wars of the "Old Empire" during their expansion phase into this region. Unfortunately, many of these planetary bodies are no longer inhabitable for biological creatures.

[27] Question – Personal guidance

Fantastic stuff MM. thank you so much for your work on this.

So much to take in.

If you get the chance, may I ask for a little guidance for me personally from the commander? I’m rather lost and am ready to follow whatever the Domain commander determines is necessary for me to be useful. I really don’t have anything to lose, all I’ve got at the moment is a simple plan with my affirmations.

While if my affirmations eventually manifest I would have something to lose, as of right now I’m thinking of the bigger picture. Should I continue with my plan or is there something else I should do?

I promise to do whatever is suggested.

You need to seek out human counsel.

If your automobile's engine no longer starts when you crank it up. No matter how hard you turn the lever, it just will not start. (I picture a guy trying to crank the front of a model A old time automobile.) What do you do? Well, you go to a automobile mechanic.

If you are sick, and coughing terribly. If your body is covered in skin rashes and pustules. What do you do? You go to a doctor.

In the case of the questioner, there is a degree of life-mapping, social predictive study, career / lifestyle alteration and personal health and biological readjustment required to achieve his/her ideal. This level of guidance is best determined / obtained / provided by an experienced individual who can provided clinical as well as personal information in regards to your situation.

Just like you go to a shoe repair man when your heel falls off, or a brain surgeon if you have persistent headaches, or even a typewriter repairman if the keys keep sticking on your typewriter. You need to be guided not by (myself / Commander) but by a person / entity that can help you exactly.

Further this guidance is necessary by a trained and experienced human person with extra sensory insight who can guide you. They will need to understand your intelligence and speak the same kind of language that you do regarding your particular issues, fears, concerns and aspirations.

There is one such expert in the irregulars that you communicate with, but is unaware of your need at this time, and his ability to assist you is a function of his desire to do so. 

Contact MM and he will put you in contact with him.

This is a shout out to <redacted>. It’s obvious. If you contact me, I will pass your contact information to him. It will be up to him whether to assist you or not. -MM

[28] Question – ASD’s and UHF radiation.

I have one more question if you can squeeze it in.  If not, it can wait until another time.  Its importance should be obvious.

Autism-spectrum disorders (ASDs) and mental retardation have exploded in youth over the past 30+ years.  Current research suggests something in the environment triggers autism in children with certain DNA markers around age 2 or 3.  Also, many college-age youth display symptoms of what appear to be mild ASD symptoms, including inflexibility, unwillingness to adapt, need for safe spaces and trigger warnings, desire to censor other viewpoints, irrational behavior, bizarre claims of gender fluidity, etc.

Until the modern cell-phone system was created, higher-energy UHF transmissions were mostly absent from the environment.  So the question:

Is UHF radiation from cell-phone towers the trigger for susceptible children to develop ASDs?

All radiation influences the biological bodies of human inmate skin-suits.

How the radiation interacts with the physical bodies depend on [1] the complexities of the non-physical bodies, [2] the diet and [3] well-being of the physical bodies, [4] the fate profile of the individual, [5] the thoughts of those around the individual so targeted, and [6] the presence of lack of viral agents within the body.

Association of UHF radiation as a sole contributor is not accurate. It is, at best, a contributor to a host of conditions that operate syngeristically to create an autism condition. 

To make a crescent ring you need to make sure that the mutton and cheese are all well seasoned and tenderized, Then you must bake it at the proper temperature. If you leave out the mutton, or forget the cheese, or any number of ingredients for the pastry, when you apply the radiation, it will not be a crescent ring. Instead it will be something else. This is the same with the conditions necessary for ASD manifestation via UHF radiation.

Funny thing these comm’s.

This was something that I was unaware of. I had never heard of a “crescent ring”. I realized it was a food when the Commander mentioned mutton. I thought about the moon, before I figured out what he / she was referring to.

Why didn’t my mother, or anyone in my family ever make these things? They sound absolutely delicious.

[29a] Question – Mantids

I was catching up on the forum, and pissedlizard said (again) that the Greys are a dying race, and that they are actually under the Mantids.

I understand that you had asked this question before to the commander, and the answer was that there are actually 2 kinds of Mantids–the class that is assigned to each human, and the other class that is in the “tunnel of light”.

But with pissedlizard’s comment, I can’t help but feel confused.

If the commander can clear up this “dying race” thing, it would be helpful.

Are the Domain under the control of the Mantids?

Is the beach under the control of the ocean? Are cows under the jurisdiction of the grass?

The Domain has a role, and a place within the Main Universe that fits the needs and desires of our group of IS-BE consciousness entities. Likewise the mantids, also have a role, and a place in the grand society that represents the totality of the Main and Reality and Heaven universes.

Human skin-suits within the general population try to understand things from their own limited perspective. They do not see things as part of a greater whole. In the interactions of the Domain and the mantids, it is as of equals offering different abilities to resolve differing objectives.

The mantids are devoted to their human skin-suit charges. They provide them with experiences that improve their being; that purge the more corrupting thought influences from their beings. And they work to provide them rewards in the Heaven universe upon completion.

The Domain is active in purging the main universe of disconcerting elements that could destroy the very nature of the universe "fabric". One of which is the presence of the prison complex, and to this end, the inmates will need to participate in the eventual shut-down and retirement of this facility. This will cause human inmate hardship and experiences that the mantids (sic.) support. 

So in the overall scheme of things, both the Domain and the mantids (including the mantids prime) work together for the mutual benefit of all. Not only on the tactical level, but strategic as well. We work as equals with unified goals, and determination.

The idea that one is subservient to the other is a human inmate construct. Just like certain human inmates believe that humans "own" cats as pets. The cats are more like caretakers of their human charges. Not the other way around as is often believed.

[29b] Question  – Is the Domain a dying race?

Also, since the Domain is supposed to be composed of timeless beings who can choose which type of bodies to inhabit (biological, mechanical, etc), how can they be dying?

Does PL mean that the bodies are dying, since IS-BEs are forever and unkillable (but can be bamboozled and subdued)? I was under the impression that Domain members (based on their rank) could wear whatever type of skin suits like one wears a shirt or a sweater. I can’t help but feel a little concerned or confused. Probably both.

How can the Domain be dying?

(I picture that old game where the children all form a circle and one person is given a statement to whisper into the ear of the person next to them. Then, that person whispers it into the ear of the other person. And so on, and so forth. Eventually, the person at the end announces what the statement is, and it doesn't even resemble the first statement whispered. - MM)

There are misunderstandings that abound, and the human skin-suits try to make sense of things from their understandings.

All IS-BE consciousness is eternal. They are alive and exist because. They are.

It does not matter what form or shape they are in. Whether it is a human skin-suit, a mantid (sic.), a member of the Domain, a member of the "Old Empire". Every consciousness is eternal.

Species come and go in certain geographic regions. They evolve into other things.

Nations, societies, and communities come and go. They evolve into other things.

The consciousnesses that are part of The Domain are eternal beings. We like you IS-BE consciousnesses trapped within your inmate skin-suits are also eternal beings. As are the mantids (sic.) that maintain your skin-suit existence in this prison planet general population; they too are eternal beings.

The mantids (sic.) will eventually evolve into another form, and migrate to another universe, where they will exist in another state. This does not imply that they die, nor does it imply that they leave. They just simply grow and evolve.

Human skin-suits will also grow and evolve. You will all migrate to new states, new realities, new universe and new conditions. It is your nature as an eternal being.

Cats are eternal beings and they too will grow, evolve and move about the ALL as per their desires.

Members of the Domain are no different. Eventually we will complete our current task in the MAIN universe and grow and evolve. We will no longer hold the apparent roles that we hold currently as well will be quite different. We are not a dying race, as much as we are a maturing and growing and evolving cluster of IS-BE entities.

Same as you. Same as the mantids(sic.) and the same as your cat feline friends.

[29c] Question – bacteriophage and virophage technology

Also, is it possible for the Commander to give his/her/its thoughts on bacteriophage and virophage technology for treating pathogenic bacterial or viral infections?

(I can only talk and ask questions that I can understand. Then when I receive answers, I must be able to understand them. This stuff is over my head. I am so very sorry. -MM)

*garble" Images of DNA strands. With spiky things moving about. The terms / words / thoughts of "invasion" / reduction / suppression / collapse seem to be associated with it all. And then I see a removal of entire strings of DNA pulled out of what looks like a glob of "Play Doh".

(Sorry. the terminated the comm. I will read up on this subject and ask again at a later time. -MM)

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MM – Congrats! As usual, lots of deep stuff to unpack.

Agreed, we humans see things from our current human perspective. However, to a limited degree, we are also able to expanding our perspectives (both individually and as a race). Ways to do this include pathways such as: research studies and science methods; spiritual practices and disciplines; psychedelic drugs and induction of altered states; physical movement and creative arts; stories and metaphors; communications and interactions with others; love and devotion; etc.

Questions: (1) What’s the relative value of focusing our limited human efforts to expand our perspectives, to be able to “see” things from mantid, domain, or even cat perspectives? and (2) To the extent it’s worthwhile, any advice for “how to”?



“The mantids are devoted to their human skin-suit charges. They provide them with experiences that improve their being; that purge the more corrupting thought influences from their beings. And they work to provide them rewards in the Heaven universe upon completion.”

Hello My Mantid: FUCK YOU, and FUCK YOUR imaginary rewards.

If you need that translated into The King’s English: I do not believe that you are there, here, or anywhere near me, in me, or able to influence me, or my actions.

Memory Loss

Somehow I don’t think that is gonna work DSK 😁

Memory Loss

I mean DSK, if I were your mantid, you’d just pushed your way to my ignore list PDQ. It’s some odd cousin of MM’s cornfield, where absolutely nothing happens.


And the difference between that and current situation is?


I was serious, by the way… I’m not buying the premise.

Ohio Guy

I refer you to the movie Star Wars Return of The Jedi. Money quote: Luke: “I don’t believe it!” Yoda: “That is why you failed.” May the force be with you, DSK. OG


Part of the response to my spaceflight question:

“The earth-bound entities are also free to construct vehicles and visit these other physical bodies. There, they will find interesting remains of former civilizations that once existed prior to the wars of the ‘Old Empire’ during their expansion phase into this region. Unfortunately, many of these planetary bodies are no longer inhabitable for biological creatures.”

The bolded sentence might be the main reason (besides the greed, etc., of course) we haven’t proceeded with human exploration and settlement. No government on Earth would want to explain those remains. I think their admitted existence would create mass panic and chaos around the world.

The panic argument occurred to me over 30 years ago, but about 10 years ago it appeared that the public might be ready for an admission that other beings visit or have visited Earth and the solar system. Now, with the bizarre fright over COVID, I lean toward my original feelings about news of other beings causing panic…


Last week I read an article that NASA is reaching out to religious leaders for their thoughts on how their constituents might react to the discovery of extraterrestrial intelligence. And they’re also conducting interviews for advice on how best to prepare people.

Makes me wonder if they’ve been finding things….


JayTNR1357 i came across the same today and wondered the same thing. All seems a bit coincidental doesn’t it…….especially with the launch of the James Webb telescope