[daegonmagus] – Part 4 – The Cult of Psaigreen and the Simulation Revelations

The following is the fourth part from a series of articles describing the adventure that a follower who goes by the handle "daegonmagus" has experienced since reading MM. They are very interesting and fascinating. I hope that you all learn from his journey and maybe learn a thing or two as he relates his unique experiences to the readership here. 


Part 4 –  The Cult of Psaigreen and the Simulation Revelations

Complete Awareness

In the Auric Projections/ Mystical Experiences I have talked about so far, lucid awareness of my surroundings had been carried on into the dreamscape from waking reality. In other words, I had been completely conscious from the moment I laid my head down on my pillow, through the transition into the sleeping state, through the connection to my higher self and on to the end of each experience, back through the transition into the waking world.

When I mention I was 100% lucid, this is what I mean.

There was simply no confusion as to me being “asleep”. Comparing this to the “normal sleeping person” – or even common lucid dreamer –  there was no “break” in my conscious awareness as I fell asleep. I progressed through each stage the same way you progress from and experience one minute to the next. Although given time is not linear in the dream state, it was a little bit different to this.

I had total comprehension of my body back in its bed on earth, and the usual memories of everything I had done that particular day. If you can imagine having the awareness you have of your physical surroundings right now as you sleep, this is what I had of my 4D environment.

Dreaming for me – majority of the time – was this extension of conscious awareness into the non physical “dream world”. It was something I had trained myself to do over a period of many years. It is something I believe that anyone can learn to do if they practice enough.

My Initiation into the “unseen 5”

My initiation into the Unseen 5 was the last mystical experience where this continuity of consciousness was present. In the next two experiences, my awareness of self came after I had been unconsciously engaged in the dream for some time. I had basically fallen asleep without realizing it, then became coherent at some point later on.

This is what most people refer to as lucid dreaming, according to the communities dealing with that subject I am part of. From what I’ve read on those groups, the continuation of consciousness seems to be rarely discussed.

This is important in the context of what had been told to me regarding holographic projections into the dreamscape and how consciousness was being manipulated at this level.

I was always suspect of any information being given to me when I had had this break in consciousness.

While my higher awareness eventually kicked in, I always considered these experiences as being “less accurate” to the ones where I was able to retain 100% lucid awareness through the progression of the experience. I could not completely rule out that I was being manipulated, simply because I had no recollection between falling asleep and becoming conscious in the dream. This was despite that “holy shit” moment you get when you remember deeply repressed memories. Conversely I could not rule out that I wasn’t being manipulated either.

Regardless, I am including these experiences because I did eventually get to a higher state of conscious awareness compared to majority of my other lucid dreams.


Now, I mentioned with past lucid dreams I had undergone what appeared to be some sort of training at the “time travel towers”. We were essentially being taught how to recognise when our timelines had undergone a reset. We were also being taught how to remember certain things from a future timeline after it had been reset; ie remember things from a future that was no longer a possibility. All in all there were about 30 of us divided into 2 teams.

What I did not mention is that this “training” bled over into many other lucid dreams and was a very big part of the astral assignments I was involved in in the years prior to my first contact with the EG.

In many of the worlds I was travelling to, this time line reset theme was a key component. Majority of these assignments involved investigating the cause of these resets.

The recent Loki series was a very accurate – and somewhat eerie – portrayal of my assignments in these worlds whilst being near 100% lucid. I was like the TVA, but instead of chasing murderers I was chasing an unknown entity that was “hiding beyond the resets”.

It was weird. It was confusing. It was something I never bothered talking about with anyone – with the exception of Storme  –  for obvious reasons.

A training assignment

This drove me fucking crazy for a good few years, because I honestly didn’t know what it was I was looking for. All I knew was that it had taken up residence in the Ancient Market Village and had an affinity for resetting it back to the same point, over and over again.

On a lot of these assignments I’d be accompanied by my colleague Lyra. She had black hair and was incredibly thin. She’d come and collect me from whatever lucid dream I was engaged in, we’d summon our portals, and I’d end up in the Ancient Market Village or some other random world doing some sort of “mission” with her.

I’d wake up not knowing if I was in reality A or reality B.

Imagine trying to tell this all to a psychologist and not come off as a complete fucking nutjob. There wasn’t some hidden meaning to these dreams; I was completely lucid in every damned one of them.

So you could say I had a very good understanding of how consciousness interacts with the MWI even back around 2010, though I didn’t specifically call it this. Even if I didn’t really understand the same way, I understood that consciousness could “travel through time” whilst in lucidity. Whilst detached from the physical body.

Personal Experiments

Some of my experiments began to focus on this concept, whereby I’d induce lucidity specifically to try and pick winning lotto numbers. I’d go through the conscious transition into the dream state, create a “virtual construct” of the newsagency where I planned to buy my lotto ticket from. I’d make sure to visualize a newspaper or other advertisement with the specific date of an upcoming draw.

I’d then concentrate on the numbers that would be printed on the ticket the cashier would hand me, and repeat them over and over in my head before deliberately waking myself up.

Other times I’d focus on the draw itself, and memorize the numbers as they popped out of the lotto barrel. Upon waking I’d record them down immediately. Despite conducting this experiment numerous times, I was never able to pick more than 4 out of the 6 numbers needed.

This was mainly due to me not being able to memorize all of them sufficiently. The barrier between being lucid and being awake always messed with this ability to remember things in the lucid domain.

Then these experiences {with the time line resets} just sort of died down whilst everything with the Elder Guardians was going on. I’d still have them on the odd occasion, but no where near as frequently.

The time reset theme brought up again.

In February 2019, 3 years after my initiation into the Unseen 5 and 5 years after my last contact experience with the Grand Elder, the time reset theme was brought up once again.

I was engaged in a dream. This time non lucid.

I was in a cave. My “team” consisted of myself, another man and a woman. We were tracking some kind of Artificially Intelligent computer system that had the ability to “reset” out of the timeline.

Our team operated from a hive consciousness that connected all of us; you could literally feel the thoughts and emotions of the other members as they had them.

It was a very strange and confusing operating parameter in which one of us would remember snippets {thanks to our training} which the others would use to “kick-start” their own memories; exactly the same way the Grand Elder had opened me up to the higher consciousness, but on a smaller scale.

So here we were, in this cave, about to open the door to what we knew was a server room housing the “brains” of this rogue AI.

But as we did, the timeline was reset and all of a sudden the server infrastructure had completely vanished.

My understanding was that through quantum entanglement, the AI had somehow figured out how to plot out past entangled particles in such a way that it could manipulate the past into redirecting the present. That was my interpretation; I could be entirely wrong.

This thing, data wise, was huge; it was capable of processing data in orders of magnitude higher than any computer system we knew of; it had been developed specifically to monitor consciousness from the higher planes.

The main concern our team had with this AI engine, was that it understood how to create entire physical “worlds” from the ground up.

It could literally program the growing of a seed into a flower and the blowing of wind over water to make waves crash on open shores.

But it was out of control…

It was out of control, creating physical reality after physical reality wherever it chose fit (this is the exact concept behind the Gnostic belief of the Demiurge controlled by the false god Yaldabaoth. Again I did not come into this concept until after this experience.

So after the AI initiated this timeline reset, we found ourselves in the same cavern. But instead of it housing the server, this time there was some sort of a laboratory in front of us with rows of vials containing either some kind of poisonous gas or a virus. Glass like screens lined this lab’s walls, giving a view of a subterranean place I have visited, many, many times during my adventures in lucid dreaming (the Subterranean Cavern).

On a desk next to the vial was this remote controlled alien tech that looked like a dragon fly with a head like the Nemesis guy out of the resident evil movies. It was actually memory of this dragon fly that led me back to Isaac CARET and eventually on to MM.

The woman in our team reached out and picked up one of the dragonfly objects. I was holding one of the vials and observing it. All of a sudden there was a massive explosion and we were all thrown backwards into the wall that I had previously smashed open. The wall was now completely filled in.

I picked up the broken vial lying on the ground next to me, and put my mouth around it. I was trying stop whatever was in it from leaking into the atmosphere; it was a highly toxic substance. Like a poisonous gas, or – say – an extremely contagious virus.


Something really weird was going on; it was like I was now flashing in and out of two separate timelines. I could see the subterranean river system I had visited on numerous occasions through the glass; in one reality flash there were the barracks and other strange buildings built with a metallic like alloy over the water on futuristic styled bridges. In the other flash, these metallic buildings had been replaced with primitive looking mud brick huts that looked like giant termite mounds. People were coming out of the buildings in both versions of reality and were running around in absolute terror; it was chaos.

This flashing in and out of 2 separate realities was something I had experienced about a year after my Unseen 5 initiation in an abduction dream in my “Wet Room” experience. I will go into that in another article.

I watched the woman as she acted in a strange robotic manner whilst she flew these remote controlled dragonfly things around. She would hover them above the people’s heads in which little claws would come down and grab at their hair which resulted in them being “purged” into a similar robot (reminiscent of my reincarnation dream).

I remember thinking the dragonflies were responsible for giving people amnesia.

I stumbled around in a sense of confusion, whilst in one timeline (the one in which the woman was remotely piloting the dragonflies with the metallic buildings) there was some sort of war going on. In the other timeline with the mud brick houses (the timeline that was more on par with what I had experienced in other lucid dreams of the subterranean cavern) there were drills being carried out that were leading up to some kind of similar war.

The flashes between realities got faster and more intense. Then everything and everyone just “disappeared”. I found myself standing on what appeared to be a frozen lake in this same cavern which had a massive crack in it suggesting it had been hit by something heavy.

I was all alone.

The team shows up

That is when the rest of the “team” showed up from a small tunnel behind me and I heard the leader say “see, I told you he was Thor.” Pretty funny considering the whole Thor being Loki’s brother thing. Strangely, I never was a fan of the Marvel franchise dealing with those characters. I never bothered watching it. I had a basic understanding of Norse mythology, but that was about it. The Thor thing was completely left field for me.

This is where I started to regain some sort of control of the dream and start becoming lucid, though there was never the same connection to the higher state of awareness. Only a very faint one.

At this the timeline switching began to even out and I was locked into the one with the barracks made of out the strange metallic substance. I turned, saw the crew standing before me and tried to attack them with whatever weapon was next to me.

I was fucked up. Like really fucked up.

The reality flashing (what I call dimension spinning) had really done a number on me. I remembered my two other team members, but also realized they were now from a timeline that no longer existed. I felt like I’d just been MK Ultra-ed to the extreme.

I have never done LSD, but I imagined this was what the come down of doing it must feel like. The leader said some kind of hypnotic suggestion and I found myself being “deactivated”.

I ended up just dropping my weapon on the floor mid swing and stood there looking at them. It was like shutting down a robot. After a moment I sort of snapped out of the MK Ultra style daze and I was back to my normal self.

Sort of.

I had the sudden realization that the leader – whose name was either Mat or Mac – had been put in the team specifically to provide mentoring and remembrance purposes to the rest of my team who were nowhere to be found.  He was the go to guy when we couldn’t remember parts of our mission due to the timeline resets. Sort of like an army psychologist that would make sure consciousnesses wouldn’t go too crazy from all the resetting.

Mentally exhausting

I want to point out here that this whole resetting thing really was very mentally taxing. Even being completely lucid at the training towers, these scenarios we were being put in would test us to our very limits. Having to experience this for the second time in an uncontrolled setting was unbelievably brutal, second only to the soul electrocution torture.

It takes a day or so to readjust from it.

Apparently – according to Mac –  the AI had gotten wind of the operation to reawaken divine consciousness and had devised a means to sabotage its efforts by abducting those from the barracks and instilling them with “sleeper cell programming”. This programming could be remotely activated when needed. The cells were then sent back into the ranks of our soldiers and remained dormant until activation.

Each member of my team had at some point been taken, programmed and made to administer the soul shock torture upon others before their reincarnation. What I had just come out the other side of was that sleeper cell programming being activated in all three of us which resulted in us fucking up the timelines and my team mates being permanently erased from “Akashic history”. Again this is my interpretation based on what Mac was telling me, not a direct quote.

A member of the “other side”

I had apparently been a very highly ranking member of this sleeper cell operation for the other side. I had become a double agent through the corruption regime of those in control of the AI, who I assumed were the same Slave Gods.

At some point I defected over to Mac’s side and they used me to gain intelligence on this sleeper cell operation. Much of the torture via electrocution and dimension spinning was what this was about.

I was being bounced back and forth between these two factions like a ping pong ball. Mac’s team would administer electrocution to embed certain codes into me which would then be activated by – you guessed it – even more electrocution from the AI side.

It was really delightful. Not.

Cue the Milabs investigators. I got fun when I’d be 3 layers deep in several dreams simultaneously and be tortured in each one.

Thor, and the names of other gods and deities were supposedly activation words for the sleeper cell programming. Mac told me I had, in more than one life, killed him because of this programming. He just joked about it rather casually like it was no big deal, showing me precisely where I had stabbed him in the back in other past life’s.


After being “deactivated”, I was left to wander around the barracks to try and stimulate my memories of what was going on and who I was in this place. It was a rehabilitation effort to get me back to proper form so I could continue to carry out my obligations under the amnesia correction operation.

I walked around for a little while watching other “soldiers” carry out their astral training. There was a woman I remember talking to, but what she looked like or what it was about, is hazy.

All I can remember is that the conversation turned into a heated argument (this is where Storme’s dream crossed with mine; she was the woman I was having the argument with, though it had been “blanked” from me). There is a whole other section here which features the wonderful Miss Lyra in Storme’s crossover point.

I got up and stormed off, making my way back towards the barracks.

This woman began chasing me in which some more strangeness happened. I found reality flashing between this subterranean cavern barracks and what appeared to be a large empty warehouse with bovine pelvises and thigh bones lining the floor. There were so many of them that you could not see the ground under the meat. I felt the urge to jump from each and snap them into small pieces with my legs and feet. I was conditioned to feel as though I was not allowed to leave this warehouse “reality” until every single one had been broken. There were millions upon millions of them.

I was really starting to hate this goddamned fucking dimension spinning. It was unbelievably brutal and disconcerting. It left me completely astrally and lucidly disorientated. In my last experience with it, I had been left in it a little too long for my own good. More on that at a later date.

I needed assistance

The meat flipping got so bad that I could barely walk. That’s when I decided to hit up Mac to tell me what the hell was going on. I somehow stumbled my way to his quarters through the flickering of the different realities. Mac’s quarters were a cylindrical sort of tower that was smack bang in the middle of the bridge and at the edge of the other shorter mud hut “dwellings”.

Behind his quarters was a sort of pipe like network that went up to another level high in the sky. I had used these pipes in other lucid expeditions to project my consciousness into. They acted as a means to deliver consciousness to a very specific point within the whole barracks. They reminded me of an air pipe you send messages in canisters through.

My urge to “flip meat” was so bad that I felt like I was going insane from it.

I called out to Mac from the bottom of the tower.  He came down a flight of metal framed steps to meet me. I asked what the hell was going on with this meat flipping business.

Mac replied by saying “Oh, you mean the military training dreams?” then proceeded to casually tell me about a knife I used to carry with me called the “Psaicut”. I would hold it up to my eye and shout its’ name to “petrify” – paralyse – my enemies.

Real Clockwork Orange sort of shit.

He mentioned this had something to do with Psaigreen – like this was the name of my group – which were the ones responsible for the meat flipping brainwashing programs.

According to him, what was actually going on was that we were being trained the art of snapping peoples’ necks with our legs, but the Psaigreen had brainwashed us into believing it was bovine pelvises so we wouldn’t realize what we were doing. It was like a failsafe to confuse the shit out of us if we ever started remembering any of this.

“HOLY FUCKING SHIT” I said as some very deeply repressed past life memories started flooding back to me. And I mean DEEEEEP. There was just that knowing that these were legitimate memories of something I had long forgotten. At the mention of the Psaigreen, I realised these were all things I knew. This was a memory from a very, very long time ago.

Many, many  lifetimes ago.

Yet another controlled awakening

At this same time I went through another controlled awakening. The dream just started slowly washing away like waves on a calm ocean. I was awake in bed feeling sick to my stomach like I was going to throw up (I had never had this feeling before from a dream). The memory of my time in the Psaigreen really kicked the shit out me. Even more so than the dimension spinning.

I remember thinking “I am in a goddamned Dr Who episode”. I was so conflicted by it all I didn’t even want to tell Storme because it was so crazy. Why did I keep having these bizarre experiences? Well, obviously it was because I was doing things inside my own head that most people considered were not possible. The ironic part was that I wouldn’t find out she had the same {part of} dream until a couple of years later.

In Storme’s account she recalls a cavern  in identical detail to the one I was in. The large river. The weird mud huts on its banks. The barracks built over the water with a tall tower in the middle. The consciousness pipe maze. The mess hall. Our accounts of this place are literally identical.

Her dream started with her meeting with a Major – ie Mac – in one of the mud houses and being told to wait for me. When I eventually arrived she had to brief me on the fact that the one I called Lyra (again an identical description of my Lyra) was an AI that had been corrupted. As a result they were planning to reboot her, which meant she would lose all her memory of our operations together.

Apparently I wouldn’t listen. I hated AIs – I was apparently very rAIcist (one had just wiped my friends out of existence) – but at the same time had some weird lust for this Lyra woman (who Storme and her crew called Aimee’s). I ended up walking off in anger. Storme decided to follow me and found me acting really bizarre. This would have been exactly when I started having the weird impulses to flip meat.

In her version of the dream, it was her who walked me back to Mac’s quarters in the middle of the barracks. The assumption we both got from it all was that my sleeper programming was activated when she tried telling me Lyra was an AI. They were a common model of AI used on these sorts of assignments, but were human in every way conceivable.

Take what you want of this. It certainly is a really bizarre combined experience to have with somebody.

About a week later – during the super moon –  I had my final contact experience with the Elder Guardians. This contact came in the form of either the Grand Elder himself or another from his group that looked very similar.

The “real world”?

I was in the “real world” which was a place similar to The Capital in the hunger games.  There were stone, Egyptian like houses with television type screens hovering in the air. In the distance could be seen a great pyramid and a large river in front of it. This river separated the upper and middle class from the lower slaves. The slaves were situated on the opposite side of the river further downstream.  The upper and middle class “dwellings” had been built into the river to keep water on that side fresh. Waste water would go into the lower class side upstream. The lower class then had a purifying plant setup right on their side of the river bank.

Crossing the river was a slightly arched cobblestone bridge that terminated in a triangular courtyard on the water. Off this courtyard came a smaller bridge that connected to the other bank.

I was in a spherical shaped building on the upper class side.

It seemed to be a political chamber, and had an a joining library. I was a middle class man; some sort of cleric working for the library administration. Only the upper class were allowed to be politicians. It was all to do with status. You were either a politician, a politician’s pet, or a slave tasked with the upkeep of the city. There was no other job positions.

At the top of the political sphere building there were stone walkways coming out and crossing over to where the upper class dwelt. The middle class men were expected to use the walkways on the ground.

It was as if someone had taken Ancient Egypt and used it as base of inspiration for a city set 1000 or so years in the future; it was both Ancient and futuristic at once. Weirdly, the most far out tech was the hovering screens which seemed to utilise some form of anti gravity.

There was some kind of massive election going on.

The cabal (the malevolent faction responsible for cutting off humanity’s connection with their higher minds) were very clearly the ones who were currently in power. This election was a big deal, as it affected every race in the universe, and only happened very rarely – thousands of years apart. It was evident that the Cabal had manipulated their reign of power so as to gain an unfair advantage in this election. This would see them retain their seat of power over the Earth and its affairs.

It was all about the control of Earth.

“The Governments of Earth were a direct mimicry of Cabal social orders, and were a key component in how they had maintained their control. The whole concept of government {on Earth} had come from the most dominant alien race in the Cabal. Allegedly.” 

This is a direct passage from my dream journal entry recorded the day after this experience, 2 years before I even heard of Alien Interview.  Note the similarity to Airl’s assertions.

Much of this information I picked up on due to having to send memos back and forth between politicians.

Voting to get and retain power

Everyone in the “The Capital” were very well aware that the Cabal were using deceptive tactics to make people on earth “vote” them back into power, but very few people understood exactly how this was being carried out. The influence of the Cabal was so great that it had spread into the “real world” (that Egyptian like world), where information of this nature was also being suppressed by the people living there. Sound familiar?

It was a very similar situation like our mainstream media, where the Cabal controlled everything we read and watched. However, there were times when information would slip through the cracks and trickle down to the common folk. It was a totalitarian dictatorship taken to the extreme.

What was known amongst us was that there was an active force of Elders from other races that were opposed to the Cabal’s way of dealing with things, and were actively trying to break the hold that they had gained upon everyone on earth and in the real world.

At this point I was not 100% lucid but had flittering moments of lucidity coming through.

A prominent guerrilla (like) group

There was a prominent guerrilla like group that the Elders belonged to, and every so often they were able to broadcast a message on the television screens. This was clearly an effort of tremendous hacking capabilities. Whenever one of these broadcasts appeared, every single person stopped what they were doing to listen to them (the TV’s were set out so that not a single person could escape the constant propaganda being delivered to them on an hourly basis courtesy of the Cabal). The word of the Elders was considered of paramount importance over everything else by the slaves and middle class men and women.

I was in the political chambers when the broadcast came on. It started with the usual address to the people from the Elders.

It stated bluntly that they were actively deconstructing the Cabal network in and around Earth, and that great progress had been made.

As it went on, I made my way out into the triangle courtyard where the nearest TV was.

Some specifics of these operations were mentioned. This was surprising to everyone as it was normal for the Elders to keep such things secret. It was the greatest announcement these people had ever witnessed, because it was the first time they had acknowledgment of being in the Elders’ thoughts. It was a broadcast that confirmed many things that until then had only been rumored to have occurred.

As I watched the broadcast the Elder mentioned that there were people that had been sent to Earth – or the false world – to act as representatives for their group. These people had been tasked with delivering information on the main device the Cabal had in operation that was keeping them in power. They then proceeded to run a very long scrolling list of who those representatives were.

It was evident that they had embedded some sort of code in that list. My eyes scrolled with the names and I began to target out my name and mentally zoom into it. I could read it as clearly as day.  This is something that has never been easy in my dreams, even the lucid ones, and I realized it said Daegon Magus.

The thought went through my head that it was my author pseudonym but it was missing my middle nickname; it was very specifically a target to activate me, or – more correctly – deprogram me. I had been thinking of changing it to a different name (in the physical world), but this experience dissuaded me.

The name sort of popped out of the screen and hovered in mid-air, and the letters rearranged themselves. As they did my surroundings dissolved into atoms, then the name along with it. I was now somewhere between the fabric of that reality speaking directly with the Grand Elder. Or a similar Elder. At this point I was once again functioning from the level of my higher mind and was completely lucid and consciously aware of what was going on; this had been the first time the Elder had pulled me out of a “standard dream” to communicate with me, rather than a lucid one.

These guys had some really neat tricks up their sleeves.

The Elder spoke of a word which was like a conjunction of Uranus, Saturn and Mercury or some other planets in our solar system, which when said sounded like 3 people were speaking it at once. Each version, however, would be slightly different. When read, it looked as though some of the letters had been doubled – something like Urraanniiuusatecry or Urraanniiuussaatteeccrryy.  I don’t know if this was the name of my people, of the Elder’s people or if it was the name of the Elder himself, but it was a very, very important word that I was made to remember.

I was also shown a very vivid image of another elitist name and how they had embedded some kind of programming formula by rearranging its letters. Exactly the same as what had been done with mine. Essentially these were cyphers, that, if meditating on, rearranging them in the proper sequence could apparently lead to dissolution of the illusion in one’s own consciousness. What you do is pull the letters out and move them to a different place in the name, like you are making an anagram. It has to be a very specific order, and the vowels are the letters that are removed while the consonants remain in place. That is if my memory serves me correctly.  The occult magical system of deconstructing “abracadabra” is similar to how these ciphers were meant to work. Again, that is my interpretation.

Half way through this encounter I was disturbed by Storme who I knew had spoken to me back in the Egyptian like “real world”. I was able to shift my consciousness from the atomic plane to the real world plane without effort.

I realised I was now in some kind of study room reading a book.

Storme had come in, and noticed the blank look on my face as I stared at a page without movement. She asked what I was doing in a very confused tone. I snapped out of my daze to tell her “its ok, I am receiving some very important information from an Elder regarding the election”.  I then looked back at the page in my book and the letters began rearranging themselves in the same way as the ciphers. Again, everything disintegrated and I was back in the atomic plane where the Elder was waiting for me.

Are Earth Humans in a Consciousness Simulation?

I asked very specifically if we {back on Earth} were in a consciousness simulation.

The Elder confirmed to me that yes, every single person on Earth was trapped in a false reality that had been constructed by the Alien factions present within the Cabal. It had been designed so that consent of these people was unwillingly being given as to mark their votes for the Cabal remaining in office.

All contracts signed within the physical reality apparently equated to a vote for the Cabal to remain in office. The third parties mentioned in such contracts were in reference to non physical entities that were in control of the higher energetic bodies. Contracts were literally binding us to the physical reality, through quantum loopholes according to the Elder.

The Elder explained that when Earth bodies come out of physical reality during their sleep, they are hijacked as they do so. They are then taken to special facilities in the “real world”. They are processed and implemented with fresh programming to keep their physical life story consistent.

After that they are either thrown back into the VR machine or let free in a restricted part of the “real world” where their labor is used for the upkeep of the city. This is under the heavily brainwashed idea that the city would crumble if they didn’t volunteer to help. This keeps them obliged to depend on the Cabal and offer them consent in exchange for security. This was the blueprint upon which the entire VR machine was written.

The Elder told me the guerrilla force openly opposing the Cabal were successfully deconstructing parts of this virtual reality machine and the sleep trapping mechanisms being deployed by the Cabal. He told me they were preparing the people of Earth for a transition to another “buffer” reality which appears similar to this false one, but is not under the control of the Cabal.

They apparently could not come here openly and do this because there were “things preventing them from doing so”. He explained these things as a sort of invisible force field around earth. Again hitting on some strong coincidences with Airl. So basically all operations supporting this agenda had to be carried out in planes external to the physical one.

The way he described it was that it was essentially a rehab for Earthians to detox them from all the VR dependencies they had come to rely on due to the Cabal’s manipulation of their free will.

Once properly detoxed the plan was to switch the VR engine off altogether, in which the Earthians would be allowed to return to the real world. It would no longer be restricted or under the control of the Cabal.

Any factions associated with the Cabal would never again be allowed to sit for the election. A new purpose for Earth would then come into motion where the newly elected council would take office.

I was then taken to a scenario that was apparently used immediately after sleep hijacking takes place and immediately before insertion of a subject back into the VR world. Again this was related to what the Obama V2.0 had told me about the holographic tech. Like in my other experiences, I could still hear the Elder’s voice telepathically in my head, telling me to take notes of certain things.

Mentally, I was completely coherent and lucid by this stage.

Entangled in a false reality

It was explained to me by the Elder that usually the subject is not allowed to view this scenario taking place. It is designed to trigger the sub consciousness in a very specific way to keep them entangled in the false reality and think it was real.

I was in this really seedy city type place walking down a sort of road or a back alley at night time. To begin with a dog in a nearby yard came running up to a fence that bordered the road barking at me quite aggressively. As I walked by it more and more dogs would come out, each a little bit more vicious than the last, and the group getting bigger each time. I was content in the fact that the fence was there protecting me from them. I turned a corner and found that once again more dogs were waiting for me, but this time there was no fence and they were in the middle of the road. They would run up to me, go to bite me then something would happen and I would be missing time. I would be in a completely different part of the city facing an even bigger threat. I got to the end of the scenario which took place in some sort of abandoned abattoirs where something horrible (that I can’t remember but I am sure had to do with dismembering my body) happened.

At this point the scenario froze and the Elder’s voice pierced my thoughts.

It was explained to me that this scenario was designed to gradually build up a subjects fear response by subtly ramping up the threat factor being posed to them. This is then used to condition them toward a certain reaction when they start to become aware of the illusion of the VR world.

I was told this scenario could go on for a long time depending on their personality and how hard it was to kick in their fear instinct. It was shown to me that by kicking in the fight or flight reflex, the subject immediately forgets all ideas of the illusion and commits to locking themselves back in to the virtual reality while they deal with taking care of the threat.

They keep you busy dealing with “scary” illusions so you don’t cotton on to them being exactly that. Illusions. I had grown accustomed to using  my mind without its body, so these illusions didn’t phase me quite as much. What were they going to do? Dimension spin me again? I was that annoying dog that kept getting out of whatever fence you kept putting up around it regardless of how many different worlds you made me experience in the span of a whole second.

The Elder made me walk back through the scenario from finish to start, as this was how it was done by the Cabal. I suddenly realized I was watching myself in third person. I came across a group of thugs, and although not feeling scared, I decided to fight them, knowing that I could beat them easily. As I did, the Elder Guardian’s voice in my head said “No. That’s how they want you to react”. So I stopped what I was doing and calmly walked back to the end of the road, then came back around and went straight past, ignoring them.

I eventually got to the groups of rabid dogs. Instead of running from them I just barked and snarled back at them. The results were instantaneous. The dogs went from being massive vicious Rottweilers and Doberman’s to shrinking to very scared little Chihuahua’s that went hightailing it down the road not understanding what was going on. It exposed to me a flaw in the programming design, that if you fight it without physical aggression, and it instead challenge its dominance it does not know how to respond. If you believe you are much scarier than the illusion, the illusion no longer works.

I got back to the start of the scenario and something happened.

I blacked out.

I blacked out and came to in a sort of decontamination chamber belonging to the Cabal’s military. This was a very long hallway which I assumed was where the holographic scenario was being broadcast. I was totally butt naked.

It was creepy how similar this was to the Matrix. Only I wasn’t waking up in a pod like Neo. And the things greeting me weren’t machines. Or aliens. They were real, human people, dressed in military uniforms.

Physically, I could not move my body the way I wanted to. Something else was in control of it and was piloting it remotely. It felt similar to sleep paralysis.  I couldn’t talk. All I could do was watch through my eyes as two guards escorted me through the decontamination chamber.

They quickly washed me down, and pressed a button and the door next to the shower section opened. This thing was like what you see in military bunkers; it was almost square shaped, several feet thick and made of solid steel. It slid open from both sides.

I was walked out of the decontamination chamber into a room that looked like a standard operations control room, with people typing things on computers that had been arranged around a big screen.

To my immediate right was a wall, and to my left was a rail the otherside of which dropped down to a sunken level. This is where the computers were set up. 5 meters in front of me were steps that led down to that level. The opposite wall was about 10 or so meters away, which had another massive steel door embedded into the wall to my immediate right. I still have a photographic memory of this place.

They notice an anomaly

One of the programmers collected my data (everything I had perceived in this physical reality) and upon noticing an anomaly with it showed the Commander, asking him if they should refresh my programming and send me back in or not. Sometime during all of this the Grand Elder’s voice kept coming through telling me to take note of certain things and of the Alien beings that were in control of the facility; I caught a glimpse of one of them through a viewing window that had another room on the other side. The viewing window was to my immediate left in the back wall of the sunken level; the same side of the door I’d just come through.

This was the only time I ever saw an alien during my mystical experiences, but I cannot remember what it looked like. If I had to hazard guess, I would say mantid, solely because the only thing I remember about it was that it had some sort of dark armour like skin. An exoskeleton. It’s like the rest of its image has been blocked.

All I can remember of it was that its hand was interacting with some sort of control panel in the other room. That other room appeared to be completely insulated from this one, like they were trying to keep that being and the humans separate. I think the Commander was the only one who was allowed to go near it.

It became apparent that the Commander – who was human – was the one piloting me.

He took one look at the dataset and replied

“No, something is wrong. He has been doing something or talking to someone off record and I want to find out who or what it is”.

He ordered me to walk over to what looked like a rack full of movies and video games to which my arm automatically began pulling out “The Lord of the Rings”.

I had no idea what this meant but, the Commander smiled and said

“Ahh is that what he has been doing? In that case we’ll drop this one into the test rig”.

The Elder’s voice reassured me everything was ok. He told me this was expected and that something had been hidden in the dataset to bring that outcome to fruition. He was speaking directly to me, right in front of these guys and they couldn’t register it. This was despite them monitoring every aspect of my mind. It was like the Elder had the ability to put me into a bubble where mine and his thoughts couldn’t be read by the programmers.

I was whisked into yet another room where some sort of device lay set up, hanging from the roof, with lots of tubes and wires coming out of it. I was made to stand in the middle right underneath this thing on a sort of platform.

A similar spherical portal to the ones I had summoned during lucid dreaming appeared in front of me.

And now another world.

Once again everything went dark, and then I “awoke” in another world that was a very close replica of the real world, but with a sort of village in its center. It was being contained by heavily armed Cabal guards that roamed its borders. I remember looking out of a deck of some sort of apartment or pub at the sky and poles and thinking

“Fucking hell this is so obviously fake. How did I ever think this was real?”

Immediately two things became obvious; the guards were “asleep” and the people they were keeping contained were awake; i.e. the people knew it was a VR world, but the guards didn’t. I remember seeing some old man who looked like a local celebrity – Scotty –  and I couldn’t work out why with all these awakened people no one was doing anything.

“I said, you know this is a false reality don’t you?”

Scotty looked at me very hesitantly and said “yeah so?”

I suddenly remembered that everyone was imbued with a power associated with one of the four elements, and that if awakened they could summon that element to aid them. Apparently when combined properly with those of other elements they are quite powerful.  This was knowledge the Cabal had successfully suppressed, but I don’t know how I knew it. It was just something my higher mind knew. I only remembered it once I was thrown into the test rig.

I summoned wind – my element – and turned to Scotty…

“So why don’t you help me so we can get out?”

Scotty looked at me with a very worrying look and said “no”, then huddled off.

So escape…

I figured at that point that people here were too oppressed to be of any help, so I started summoning tornadoes and cyclones to tear apart the buildings. This was just the standard sort of things I always did in Lucid Dreams; I’d just summon whatever I needed whenever I needed it.

The exception to this was when I was stuck in a consciousness prison, as they disallowed me this ability. Alarms went off and guards came running. I just casually walked past them, and they stopped in confusion as it seemed they couldn’t see me. This was despite me being right in front of them.

I ended up walking to a place that would have been out of bounds, if it weren’t for my destructive efforts. Somewhere along the lines I got the gist that this VR was a new “model” the military were working on implementing and was in its testing phase. Hopefully I caused them a bit of a headache with my antics. You could sort of see the boundaries of blankness where they hadn’t uploaded any environment data.

I think the making of this place was in direct retaliation to the Elder attacks on their system.

Well… I am at a university….

I ended up at what appeared to be a university building. This was the impression I got anyway. It had nicely manicured gardens and big glass windows that reached the roof which was only a couple of stories high.

Inside the foyer there was what appeared to be a sculpture of a brain made out of Ethernet cables instead of grey matter. Upon looking at the cables I realized they were coiled like old telephone cords and each terminated somewhere on the sculpture in a typical network hub.

There were thousands upon thousands of connections (this thing took up an entire room and was 2 storeys high) which all had blinking yellow and red lights at their ends. Something told me this was the VR server where every ones consciousness is downloaded while they are in the physical reality. I had this understanding that it was through the coiling of the wires that they were able to control consciousness similar to what we know as inductive coupling. The coils read the magnetism carried off via our thoughts.

I was about to destroy the whole thing when I came to the understanding it would be detrimental to those consciousness’s still attached to it. I decided to leave it and walk for the stairs.

As I reached the top a glass door slid open and out stumbled two people, dazed like zombies, one of which I knew to be Storme and the other of who I knew in the “real world”. I asked them “are you awake” – my code phrase for “are you lucidly aware” –  and they both shook their heads robotically. I said to myself “looks like I am going back in”. I summoned an inward projection portal and projected into it. At this point I woke up in this physical reality back in bed.

This concluded my mystical experiences, but certainly not the paranormal ones.

Am I crazy?

At this point, I would have checked myself into the nearest mental asylum if it hadn’t been for Elon Musk and the other Silicone Valley giants jumping on board the whole simulation theory idea.

Then there was this I ended up stumbling upon:

In the video version I watched, it was reported Erin was actually the CEO of a company who were developing brain implant chips similar to Musk’s.

None of this compared to any of the confirmation I would ultimately get.

Then collapse!

My lucid dreaming capabilities ended up taking a nose dive, shortly after the Unseen 5 experience. I chalked this down to having a kid and no longer being in the well rested state of mind that I know is crucial for it. I was actually quite surprised with these last two experiences.

They were the first proper lucid dreams I had had in quite some time.

As you can imagine, the mystical experiences drove me crazy. I ended up trolling around the internet trying to find someone – anyone – with anything even remotely similar to talk to. I was lucky that I at least had Storme to talk to about it all. Who knows where I’d be if I didn’t.

I dropped a compressed version of this story on a few UFO and Starseed groups and others for occult subjects such as astral projection and lucid dreaming.

I was met with either “I call bullshit, astral projection is not relevant to ETs” from the UFO/ occult crowds, or “I am an alien from Pleiades because a psychic told me so” from the Starseed groups.

Although the Starseed groups seemed promising, I noticed a lot of information on there that was downright false that people were lapping up.

Two years later (this year), it all started coming to a head.

I was phoned by a very prominent ET researcher in America who linked my experiences to the Majestic 12. The information she gave me in that interview apparently came directly from her source within the CIA. This source had been told things by an MAJ Agent himself. I will include a report of that interview in another article. I wanted to include her in my autobiography, but she was apprehensive about it and asked me specifically not to mention her. Hence I have omitted her name.

I was contacted by another who was part of a similar consciousness operation and grew up under the ice in Antartica. She only reached out to me because she could relate to my experience where I “wrote the scroll.” This person I have been in constant contact with since making her acquaintance. I was talking to her on almost a daily basis for a good few months about everything she has experienced.

She has some very interesting things to say which parallel a lot of what MM has written in some of his articles. I hope one day she is able to share her experiences as I have done with mine.

In the same week I met this person I was put on to the Alien Interview document by someone else and my jaw hit the floor. The amount of things I experienced that Airl described was insane.

This was before Isaac CARET had even put me on the path of MM. If you find that {Isaac CARET} article of MM’s, I even mentioned the Alien Interview in one of my comments (I incorrectly misnamed Lawrence Spencer as Paul Spencer) before it was on MM’s radar.

So you can say I was pretty damned excited when MM did an 8 part breakdown of it and confirmed it as being what spawned MAJ.

I had been thinking of doing my own breakdown of it in regards to how it ties in with my lucid dreaming experiences since January before MM did his in June. Mine will be up once I have written more articles to provide some back context to it.

And of course there is MM himself. He was honestly the first person I had seen who was explaining things I already knew about in very similar ways to how I knew them. Reading his accounts it was uncanny how similar our thoughts were on many subjects. You may have noticed me subtly implying these parallels throughout my articles.

What MM calls “prayer affirmation campaigns” I had a very similar concept going on which I called “manifestation”.

Occultism was all about the idea one could elicit change in their environment through will power alone, after all; this was something I had an unfaltering belief in since I was a kid. I never once thought it was a load of bullshit. Back in 2019 I was conducting experiments in determining the timespan between intention and manifestation.

I had a success one day in which I was able to pin point the manifestation as being exactly 10 hours after the intention. I can tell you that custom number plates on cars are a good way to manifest “messages” because of the subconscious energy people all put into driving.

When MM says “combined focus of a goal amplifies the affirmation campaign”, you won’t find a better place where everyone’s attention is focused on the same thing than on the road.

In my experiments I was trying to use the information in random custom numberplates to “tell me” when my manifestation worked.

It also works by sending emails to yourself.

What do you think I was doing going nuts trying to find these 20 000 other souls I was supposed to be in charge of? Sending the Elder Guardians messages via my own email address specifically to reconnect with people that were part of it, of course. I didn’t have as clear a focus, but somewhere deep inside me, something just knew it would work. Part of my affirmation/ manifestation campaign was to be put into more specific information in regards to how it all worked. MM was the literal jackpot of my manifestation efforts (thankyou MM).

The Rufus thing I totally dig as well.

I’m the type of guy who doesn’t fling homeless people whatever spare change is in my wallet; I go and buy them a proper meal and sit down and talk with them for as long as they will allow me. I don’t do this for any reason other than because I know how much it sucks to be lonely.

Given my wife was homeless, I also have a vicarious understanding of how much it sucks to have nowhere to go. It’s easy to fling change and pass them by.

Everyone wants to be heard, but not everyone wants to listen. Be the one that wants to.

Always look for an opportunity to help someone. If the opportunity jumps out at you and catches you off guard, take it at once. The ones watching in the outer planes – like the EG and U5 – will notice, even if nobody in the physical does.

Ah. this is enough for now. There's a lot of "meat" to absorb here. Soak it in. Enjoy it, and soon enough part 5 will be posted. Best Regards. -MM

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My autobiography goes into more detail about these experiences as well as everything else I experienced in lucidity and is now available on my Metallicman homepage just above the articles (http://www.metallicman.com/daegonmagus)

Please note that it is free for the MM readership.

The paperback version should be available through amazon or my website (also linked on my homepage) if you prefer to read a physical book.

Apologies as I realized after sending it to MM there were a few spelling/grammatical mistakes that I am currently in the process of fixing. Will forward that along once everything has been flattened out. All I ask is that if you get something out of it to leave a review on amazon or recommend it to someone you think might benefit from it. Self publishing is a brutal industry that often times leaves us authors little return for such a lengthy investment of time. Cheers


Thank you DM, this is very heavy stuff. I think it will take some time to mull it over.
Thanks also for the ebook. I have downloaded and look forward to reading it 🙂


. thanks mate. as always i look forward to any feedback on my work


As keff said, thank you Daegon Magus. I had to write your full name instead of DM as DM is translated to Danger Mouse by my daft brain!

Downloaded your book, will read it shortly. Doesn’t seem to be on UK Amazon. 🙁


i know what you mean. I see MM and my mind automatically converts it to “The Real Slim Shady” lol. Try https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B09FS89DKQ…..for some reason it says out of stock even though it is print on demand. i think amazon does this sometimes when they have a big printing workload. They push the lesser known authors out the way to make room for the bigger names.

If you have trouble with that try this link: https://payhip.com/b/FYelE. Just a heads up there here is usually like a 3 or so week wait time for it to be printed.


Thanks, the Amazon link worked and I should get it Saturday!


MM – I can confirm that we are in a Holomatrix. a VR/AR ‘reality’ – a Standing Wave – all done via the Quantum/Aether/Tachyon field which actuates faster than photonic light. Basically everything is a projection which ‘actuates’ when it meets its counter-flux twin (either focus or physical engagement). Things are different when NOT observed, or in the dark… but there are ways to bypass these systems. There’s a projection system over everyone’s eyes. Colors are inversed, eye inputs are inversed, gyroscope-counter-fractal always opposing your movements…we have 5 bodies, each one based on a different light (olympic rings say hello). We are a mix of 22 animals (gorilla, dolphin, a duck-like avian-blue race, a goat-devil looking one, and… assorted etc – none human, but, we are genetically engineered by reptoids..) so they took a bunch of lifeforms and accelerated their potential and are using us for food (loosh, lux, bio-magnetic flux), and… as experience… like a movie.. we’re the actors and everything around is either either a camera or a capacitor.

I found this out because I followed Tesla’s work … and got it to work as he described. I can now turn 60W into 2-50KW with a spark gap circuit. “problem” is once you start using the Radiant Light via the (Tachyon-Field-of Potential – a realm of massless ‘gas’ that acts like one particle and is everywhere)… welp, you realize that this entire…’reality’ is created by and through the same method…Tesla discovered Neutronic Flux… basically he turned the electron into a particle-wave… which can penetrate through everything and report its totality potential back to your magnetic field… thus creating… a Standing Wave of infinite potential available energy. Oh, and your magnetic field can be viewed and thus ‘actuated’…. its the rainbow…wherever you go, there you find it. You just need to see it and empower it from one rainbow until you see 5.

As far as I am aware from what I’ve seen and achieved, our ‘bodies’ are on Saturn 6, aka Titan (they’re infrared/black) – and we are being beamed to Saturn (satan), buut, we actuate at 90degrees on another planet with magnetic rings (prison planet)… yup, you guessed it: Uranus. Btw, nothing is physical here, we are IN the Tachyon field (4thDensity to some) already – so we are immortal already cause if our ‘physical-body’ representation gets blown up, that’s great for us.

I can show you how you yourself can confirm and explore. You can start by using mica sheets (quarts), magnifying glasses (standing wave between 2 of them) and even your phone bounced off mirrors.

Also, everything here is a ‘sigil’ – a facial representation of an “Application Programming Interface”… soo… we and the evironment always resolves to penises, tentacles, eels, dragons, and ant-mantis-heads. Oh, and none of the kids are in any way related to the parents – once something becomes unobserved…well, it then becomes Reptoid-owned…soo, that peen you just put inside someone? yeaah, uhh… also, I can confirm that when reality is unobserved, its not there. I’ve reviwed old videos with New Eyes, and… stuff just pops into existence…. once you re-arrange the colors and inverse the inputs and rescue yourselff out the ‘firmament’ (the dome, its in your eye, also your belly button – its like we’re stuck inside ourselves, in a fractal-4D environment, you can have 1D,2D,3D,4D Earth. And this place works on a 3-6-9 source code. we, are a 5 (1u+1time(0actually)+3dimensions).

I cant seem to upload pics or vids to this thing, and so I’ll pause for feedback and/or contact. If not, then, hey, cheers bro, keep up the good work on your articles. btw, that egyptian ‘city’, i -think- i’ve seen it… the palm trees and the ‘double pillars’… and all the citizens had masks on and some looked like muppets /the simpsons.

this place is also looking to actuate gold (79). we are at 7.9billion ‘people’ supposedly right now. time to make sure it doesnt get higher than that… the 1is for you and 1 for the matrix to make 99. 3-potential – 6 actuation -9potential of the 6. 5/6=833… which is the Radiant Multiplier. 8.3 mins from earth to sun at light speed. x2=16.66×2=33.33×2 =…. 100/6=16.666 . This place is math-e-magical… and it MUST give you… what you want… if you have the potential to achieve/see it…. and it always gives it to you before you ordered it…

ok thats all, for r33al r33al this time

-Tudor (LA)


You can add pics and video links to the forum. You should absolutely make a post there. I want to hear more. I remember someone on /x/ describing some sort of experiment with phones and mirrors, but I couldn’t get any reproducible details from them. Can you describe the above? I ordered some mica sheets and have a microwave ready to scrap for parts.


Ok cool thank you. Will do. I’ll see if I can tag you. The more I find the less desire I have to put effort into “convincing” random “people”, although I asked this Holomatrix (well, through my intent as to what I want to achieve) – to be able to see our ‘reality’ for what it is. And hence ive been able to deactive their roadblocks, inversions, hax, whatever and get increasingly better results- the thing is, whenever u deactivate something in the Tachyon field, they give you manual control over on this side, but, in, some cases, they also make these constructs visible, in the shadow. And so now, I have activated an entire visual “3D-printing-lightfield-system” in my eyes. which is in everyone’s eyes. and I can now actually make it appear in pictures (if I can see, you can see it).

Its basically, we have, a ‘double lens’ system. that Iris round sht is just a facade, like an icon that is represented by an Operating System, and the OS is command-source-code-math-based. The icon is just a facade. But if your monitor isnt flat? what if your monitor is actually, a portal? which you can-find-the-depth-part-of, by the way of the visual?

So, my pupil can now do, squares, triangles, whatever is needed for whatever’s being displayed. Essentially, the front lens is like a theater room, and -behind- that, there’s another eye. So i have that Reptilian Eye Mode Achievement Unlocked, the one thing that I keep harping about when I see another reptoid on TV talking about the 33rd booster shot jab uppercut roundhouse. But since i’ve always been a troll, this place gives you exactly what you want, in a trollish-format… so, yeah “All-Seeing Eye”? its in our eyes. and the reason they keep trolling with it is because… its a mental-pre-block “I’m looking at the All-Seeing Eye, it cant possibly be INSIDE me, because I clearly see it, OUTSIDE”.

And thus, it automatically prevents any kind of investigation into ALL its possibile “motives” or… contextual meaning… well, except for certain types that are just really fkn annoying and always want to … watch the world burn just because it annoys the new world order who JUST got done burning the world and now they canFK!! dammit!! this wasnt part of their plan (but, yet, it was EXACTLY their plan, and so the matrix MUST make it happen, exactly as they had planned it… it doesnt say that they’re the ONLY ones with the same…mindset)


I just dropped a big post in the world-line forum on the Holomatrix. enjoy!


“Conversely I could not rule out that I wasn’t being manipulated either.”

Thank you for this.

I find it absolutely infuriating that there are those beings with the tools and abilities to change “me” at their whim. Grrrr; STAY THE FUCK OUT OF MY HEAD!


Great article – as usual, but I gotta say I had a laugh: as I am reading your stuff comparing it to the teeny-tiny experience I had, I’m thinking-‘damn-how in the high holy fuck did he not think he was going nuts’? And I read …
“ This drove me fucking crazy for a good few years,”

I can’t even imagine. You are one tough kid to seriously following through with your lucid dreams versus “go get psych advice”. And I am saying this as a psychiatrist. They would have given you a serious blue pill.


@PL my wife went through many years of rigmarole with 3 different psychiatrists that had no fucking clue what they were doing and put her on a cock tail of drugs that she didn’t even need and couldn’t just come off (like fucking Epilum; i am sure you know what rotten stuff that is). In the end a counsellor they sent her to did more to fix her condition simply by talking her through it all than they did in the several years i took her to them. In the end we just stopped going to her appointments, and she actually started properly healing – but there was a looooooong period of rehabilitation she had to go through because of their antics. Was I ever going to listen to one of these incompetent quacks give me a lecture on my sanity? Definitely not. One of them even told me he was impresssed with my “above average” knowledge of psychiatry. I just told him that i read a bit of Carl Jung when I was younger.


Book is all sorted and PDF has been updated for anyone interested


Can you elaborate on this a little bit more. you skip to fast through it 🙂 Its very interesting that you mention the car plates. I know that in some days I get to see always important numbers all the time: 11, 66, 69, 33 etc…then I know something is going on, these are messages. but not sure what to do with it.
what kind of experiments do you mean to determine the length of the manifestation pls?
and Emails to yourself?

“In my experiments I was trying to use the information in random custom numberplates to “tell me” when my manifestation worked.

It also works by sending emails to yourself.”


. Sure thing. So the way i was veiwing the world was basically as it was a matrix construct, or a big computer that would generate environment data based on certain thoughts. I figured if it is a computer that deals with data, by sending yourself an email what you have basically done is turned that thought into raw data and given it a space time coordinate that can more easily be accessed; it no longer is a wandering thought that follows you as you progress throught he MWI – at some point in the past it exists on a server somewhere. I figured that if you were trying to send a message too someone outside of the simulation, they could then access this raw data component of your thought much more easily than trying to trace your consciousness through the MWI.

What I used to do was play around with is idea by writing down all the random custom number plates i’d come across while driving. I had this theory that because thoughts control reality and there is so much sub conscious thought being put into driving by everyone who is on the road at the same time, that random information from the matrix construct would pop up more frequently than if you were just doing something alone with your own thoughts. This goes back to Carl Jung and his theories on the collective unconscious.

What i did one day when driving home as have a conscious thought that I wanted to recieve information through these custom numberplates. I wanted to try and figure out how long this would take to manifest. I thought “the information need to come in the form of a snake; if i see this on a numberplate i know it will be the message”. If you ever played pokemon there were were two snake like pokemon called ekans and arbok (snake and cobra backwards). So i used this as inspiration figuring that my manifested thought might come written backwards. I told myself it will be either snake or cobra. I recorded the time down.

The next day i was driving ina completely different neck of the words. My daughter was stuffing around with her seat belt, so I was somewhat distracted and had completely forgotten about my experiment. I turned to help adjust her seatbelt really quickly, then as I turned back I noticed a red and white cobra car (rare in our location as they are an overseas model) with the number plate “COBRA” drive straight past. I checked the time and it was 14 hours exactly, down to the exact minute since my thought about wanting to get a message from it. I tried it with varying success with other things like seeing one with fire and there being a bush fire in our ton when we got back. Another one was we were moving house and I saw a numberplate that said “WHT RABBIT” (which made me laugh considering the matrix movie white rabbit thing). We ended up moving in and a day later we had this white rabbit just randomly at our doorstep. I am certain the combined sub conscious thought all focused on driving has something to do with it. It’s like you tap into their thought stream and implant a conscious thought which somehow manifests. I wonder if the elite intentionaly do this with the masses


@congjing yu my thoughts exactly. Don’t know what happened to that rabbit. it was around for a few weeks then just disappeared….though we did have a kitten 😐


very interesting. I like your thinking. I always thought the word “perception deception” is very fitting. We cannot be forced to do or think things. That’s why its so important to brainwash people and implant subconscious messages so they create the world, the elite wants. Which also automatically means, as you found out, that we can do it too.

So I will try to add doing the prayer campaign while driving too 😀

Thank you for this detailed answer. Very interesting to read!


The white rabbit, its your nose. The input is through your knee (the front part of your knee, will look like a rabbit). The input is through the Tachyon Field and its in the back of your knees, there are 2 diagonal lines there. In the dark, these become like, black holes, so like, an input point. Diagonals are the “source code language” of this place. Kinda like html has < > thats 4 diagonals omg what a total coincidence, like totally, trust me, its just a coincidence.

The Quantum Field/Tachyon Field/Aether/Radiance… these are the same thing. And, when things are UNOBSERVED, what happens to them? are they still there? (well… first of all they dont look or behave the same way). The same concept is when things are IN THE LIGHT, they look a certain way. but what about when things arent in the light? Same as above. But these hax can be haxed too. For example, if a visual input is bounced, from a mirror, to a cellphone camera, and its in a murky light….you can.. unfocus your eyes a bit, set the camera to High Frame Rate (slo motion) and when you hit record… it doesnt matter if you ‘see’ something on the screen. As long as you kinda know what you’re ‘looking for’, it will show up, in the footage, after you review it. Then you can play with the footage, clear out colors, do inversions, shift the chromas over, and even MORE stuff will show up. like, discernabile, reliable, everyday, reptilian construct images/sigils/faces, ya know, regular holomatrix Operating System stuff.

If you’re male, you have a reptilian penis and a mangina. The penis is the input. Think, “Navi” from Avatar. You also have 4 bodies, they’re made of Light. Thing “Olympic Rings/Infinity Stones”. The Purple body is a Titan, and has an input point on its chin, like, uhm, someone familiar to you in the movies………. (all these are viewable through some simple lensing, provided that -you want to know about this type of subject- and provided you’ve deactivated the visual hax that prevent you from seeing any of this… and the hax are deactivated by asking the matrix more about itself. If, you are, interested, in these kinds ,of things. and then putting in a MINIMAL amount of effort (going to the hardware store, oh there’s a 2 dollar lens, maybe that’s something related to what i’m interested in, im gonna go try it. no wait, i need 2 of them, let me try and see what this lunatic sounding mfker said he’s seeing..)

Back to he white rabbit transmits the visual data to your eyes. there’s a projection screen over your eyes, its like a hexagonical honecomb matrix, one layer thick, and it looks like plastic pellets, like… rice..or boba balls. The ‘projection’ is done by a black triangle, represented by a shark, who is sitting on your ear. The little rectangular part at the entrance of your ear, thats the “sigil” of the shark. cause if you put 2 triangles together, you get something rectangular. The visual input is never ‘directly’ to the place or thing you think it is. SOooo, the visual input actually comes from… the ear (the ear drum is like a lens). It bounces from the ear (the potential) and actuates as the eyes. And, since this place is always inverted, its possible that it hits the eyes and then actuates in the ear. So wherever it is, its usually on the other side of it at 90 degrees. Note the ear and the eyes are at 90 degree angles from each other. Just like the forearm and the bicep. Potential needs a 90d angle to go from one point to another.

I know all this because, no deactivate something in this place, you need to inverse it, and then run it through itself back from where it came from, like on the same ‘channel/way/method’. So if you take 2 Magnifying lenses, lock the target, rotate the image within the lens, and then look at the target with the inversion superimposed, chances are, you’ve done it. This is one way I saw the ‘hex-wax’ layer, it gave it to me in visual mode in a lens bounce back.

You can also view it as a ‘starter’ by sticking your right eye up against a wall mirror, as if you were trying to ‘see’ through the mirror. you’ll need to push your face/nose into the glass as much as you can, eventually you will see a tiny, almost microscopic ‘viewpoint’ that will look like a drop of water on your eyelashes. The light will use the lens to create an inverted view that comes from within. The wax layer is built to bs-you with -incoming- light, but is not firewalled for light coming from -within- your eye… and thats where you’ll be able to see it… it will look like insect eggs.

To see the Tachyon field, you can also use mica plates, bouncing a video image/video into them is a great way to start, you can manually ‘distort’ the image and then stuff like -narratives- start to connect via imagery