Part 6 of the EBP comm with The Domain Commander February 2022

Here we continue with periodic questions that I ask the Domain Commander for clarification on. This is part 6.

Note: For those of you who are new here, this article continues a Q&A dialog with an extraterrestrial "Commander" and a retired MAJestic operative who is still active with active EBP implants. 

Heavy stuff. But not for trivial reading. 

THis is part of the Q&A (on-going) effort where questions are provided to me, and then I present them, and then record and interpet the responses.

Personally, I think girls, cats, and food are far more interesting. But, that's me, don't you know.

[6.1] Question – Recycling

What is the difference between recyling in the Earth Prison Environment, and in the rest of the “Main Universe”?

IS-BE skin suits in the reality (bubble) universe undergo a process of swapping quantum consciousness densities between the reality (bubble) universe and the individual (spawned) bubble micro universes that are known as "Heaven". 

This process is faciated through a number of factors. This includes a lack of memories (amnesia), as well as a lack of support or guidance to direct the consciousness to other paths during translation out of the skin-suit and into the non-physical realms.

Without support, direction, or knowledge the ignorant will be convinced to enter into a recycling process. This process includes memory "erasure" in different forms. The most common is the complete memory erasure segment known as the "tunnel of light" but there are other processes. These other processes differ and act like an erasure (not really erasure, but more like suppression enabling access to selected memories while in "heaven") then reenter the assigned "Heaven" associated with the IS-BE physical body skin-suit.

The "tunnel of light" is the primary amnesia mechanism. It is not the only one. Depending on the consciousness of the given IS-BE and their particular composition (garbons, swales, associations, backgrounds and histories) there are other processes that are involved. 

Such as how DM uses LD to transport to the <garbled> planet of the "Old Empire". Such is how you entered <garbled, not redacted> and this enabled you to retain some minor thought snippets.

The "Lost Battalion" has been assigned for agressive memory erasure, chains, skin-suit snares, traps and alterations, and other binding efforts of a very complex nature that is beyond the understanding of this vehicle (myself MM) to understand.

This entire process within the physical reality is to shuttle and shuffle the IS-BE though a wash, and repeat cycling from "Heaven" to the general population in the "Physical Reality" and back again. It is a treadmill with no exit, only the promises of one. The key to this entire process working falls into two main catagories.

[1] Memory erasure.
[2] Prevention of independent action, or help upon translation out of the skin suit.

All Doman perrsonnel and agents (whether formal or informal) will be met upon translation as long as they call for our assistance. This must occur to obtain it. It is not automatic, and passive actions will not be beneficial to the entity. We will then help the entity avoid the memory erasure traps in all their many forms.

All this should be well understood by those who are participating alongside MM in this journey.

The "main" universe is something completely different. It operates differently and is structurally different.

Once the IS-BE occupies the "main" universe, there are no "Heavens" to cycle to and from. The "main reality" universe contains all elements that are present in both the physical reality and the various associative "Heavens".

Biological bodies are born, live and die in the "Main" universe similiar to that experienced within the Prison Complex. Except that there are no amnesia mechanisms. Instead the memories upon birth (of a living entity) are in the process of forming, and adapting to the "main" universe environments, so they have to learn and grow. But it is not as severe as in the "physical" reality universe.

So, living within the "main" universe is one much like a snake that sheds it's skin periodically. The snake still lives and retains all it's memories, but when it acquires a new skin there is a period of adapting to it, toughing it, and nurturing it. The memories do not disappear when it sheds the coarse body elements.

Life thus is not birth to death such as in the Prison Complex, but rather, live as a coarse entity, live as a finer entity, and then repeat as one desires. 

Thus you have a situation where there are coarse socities and civilizations that resemble the old empire that have large non-physical components that coexist within the same geographic confines.

This is further actuated by the fact that thoughts have a greater ability to modify and mitigate changes in the coarser elements of the society. It is a place where magic can actually work and operate. They coexist and intermingle.

In the "main" universe, the societies (depending on the culture and type) form long duration interpersonal relationships, friends and families that last for many, many generations. The individuals often just swap roles, but often keep their various positions if that is their preference. Thus that is one of the reasons why the "Old Empire" maintained a royal governance class that over time become very corrupted and impotent within their own individulistic cultural and society bubble.

Another way to look at what a life cycle resembles in the "Main" universe is to consider the washing machine. When the clothes are dirty and caked with the dust and smoke of work in the factories, the wife places it in the open top of the washing machine. She rubs on some Fels-Neptha on the dirty parts and let it run. Then when she is finished she drains the tub, and puts the clothes through the wringer where all the water is squeezed out, and then she places it in the basket to hang on the clothes line.

The clothes is like the IS-BE. Life in the "main" universe gets dirty and tiring, but the death translation is the washing cycle. The clothes remains intact and is ready for the next incarnation. And the consciousness remembers all.

Felines are the embodiment of how things work in the "main" universe.

[6.2a] Question – Crowley

I have a few questions for the commander the answers of which will help with a few articles i am working on:

Questions for the Commander;

The commander mentioned that Aleister Crowley was in contact with some Agents of the Old Empire. My suspicians had led me to a similar conclusions.

For reasons I won’t go into at this time, I have been led to believe that King Solomon was in fact a malevolent ET intelligence and that his spirit summoning magic was solely to prepare willing hosts for the eventual possession by other non physical intelligences.

Solomon was said to have “imprisoned” 72 consciousnesses in a brazen vessel which he threw into a lake.

It is well documented that Crowley was in contact with these 72 Goetic spirits, some of which have links to the Sumerian Annunaki (example Astaroth being Ishtar).

From my research, it would seem members of this group of 72 have been reaching out to certain people and trying to explain similar things in regards to the amnesia etc.

From everything the Commander has said about the Old Empire utilising magic, and what Airl said about the Domain being mistaken as the Annunaki, it seems to me that Solomon was an Old Empire Agent and that the 72 were Domain personnel.

So my question is, [1] was Solomon Old Empire and [2] are the Goetia Domain, or similar group opposed to the Old Empire’s regime?

This is a very large topic.

Question 6.2a part [1] Was Solomon a member of the Old Empire?

The Goetic Spirits are IS-BE entities that are powerful, and are specifically imprisoned in a special holding micro universe. This is the rough equivalent of "The Hole" in contemporaneous earth-side prisons. They have proven to be immune from the same kinds of systems that effectively imprison most other IS-BE entities.

There are more than 72 entities in the micro universe (that Crowley referred to).

The belief that Solomon was an "Old Empire" agent is strongly inferred, but is not confirmed. The creation of a micro universe within the Prison Complex is a formidable task for someone who does not know or understand how the "reality" universe operates, thus it is entirely plausable that Solomon was a major architect of more than just the special micro holding universe, but rather a key architect of the entire complex.

Some of the Domain who are members of the "Lost Battalion" are imprisoned in the special holding micro universe. These are very capable entities.

This micro universe still exists and still operates. We have not been able (at this date and time) to extract any entities from it.

Question 6.2a part [2] are the Goetia Domain, or similar group opposed to the Old Empire’s regime?

There are many groups, societies, entities, and organizaitons that have been opposed to the "Old Empire". Many consist of peoples, societies, structures, and other forms that have been eviscerated when the "Old Empire" took over their communities.

One must be aware that the "Old Empire" had more enemies than friends.

There are complete communities that represent sections or portions of absorbed civilizations that harbor an intense dislike of the "Old Empire" and anything associated with it. They, in many cases, experienced very nasty wars, to include thermonuclar devistation and mass enslavment. In many cases these have gone into hiding; gone underground, and surface to monitor and conduct all matter of non-physical harassment. 

What the questioner refers to as the "Goetia Domain" is not what is commonly assumed (through this entity [MM here] knowledge and understanding [which might be completely erronous]), but rather is representative of something more diffuse and greater than a singular group tied together with physical associations.

As discussed previously (this refers to a comm channel that I opened and a set of personal questions directed to a questioner who questioned if they were a member of the "Lost Battalion") there are certain elements that quantum IS-BE consciousnesses can envelope and migrate. This includes partitioning of attributes, garbons, swales, and personalities. The soldiers of the Domain use these techniques to communicate and perform structured evasive activity and also enable custom skill sets on a as needed basis. The groups (again, the "Goetia Domain") utilize some of these abilities to conduct surreptitious activities for their benefit and that makes them especially elusive.

Like the questioners core (primary) organization, along with SD, these activities that are performed are conducted in advanced manenrs using techniques that you (myself; MM) cannot comprehend. As they are beyond your limited rendering of understanding.

One can recognize that while their activities are often enshrouded, their intentions are clear and supportive of the nullification of the Prison COmplex.

[6.2b] Question – Prep advice

I have been thinking about this a lot lately, and I realise I am in the unique position of being one of the only ones within this prison system of having memory of the reincarnation process, and the electro shock torture one undergoes to induce the amnesia.

I am confident, due to my LD undertakings, that I will be able to resist much of what the OE may throw at me should i go back through the process.

It is for this reason I am planning to deliberately re enter the reincarnation trap at the time of my death to try and gain more intelligence for the Domain and the EG.

I am wondering if there is anything in particular the Domain want me to try and target for recon/ deconstruction purposes, so I can better prepare myself during this life (through meditation etc) to “remember” those targets when the time comes. The Domain have my permission to monitor me, during the process, assuming it is even possible.

The questioner is already being under monitoring, and has a team of Domain specialists working alongside him.

Due to the liasion complications, anything that the questioner proceds with must be preapproved by his superiors. We (The Domain) are a hobby / interest / side-venture / important element / side-show in regards to his core tasks, and we should always be considered of secondary importance.

We advise the questioner obtain permissions first before proceeding in this direction as it could very well "go South" and not turn out well for the questioner. And also due to his alignment with the greater force of SD, he must clear everythign with that entity first as they are a paired ensemble (frequency not music). 

If permission is obtained, and all elements are in agreement, then we would be happy to open up (a new binder) project in this regard. The questioner would know whether or not the premission set / kit is provided and will will read the responses in the non-physical realms for compliance and "next steps".

We will then guide and nudge the next steps for easy unraveling and implementation by the questioner physical skin-suit activity generation process.

[6.3a] Question – Values ingrained in life

Greetings Domain Commander, I have two questions:

What values ​​ingrained in our current civilization should we banish or gradually come to a civilization that is more in tune with ISBEs and environmental creatures, as it seems the old empire still controls the directive.

Yes. the Prison Planet universe (reality universe) is a bubble spawned universe that resides within the "main" universe, and it contains many control mechanisms. These control mechanisms, and better yet, techiques (of control) are often at great variance with the desires and needs of the IS-BE entities so imprisoned.

It is set up intentionally to be this invironment to control those inmates inside of it.

As time (apparently) progresses or moves forward, we (the Domain) will continue to dissanble the systems in place. The Domain is not alone in this effort and other organizations are working to this end as well.

Additionally, all IS-BE consciousnesses must take the personal initative to acccept new behaviros and change the "rules of the game" so fostered in this "general population" within the Prison Complex. Enormous strides and advances have been accomplished in this great effort so far.

Core to this effort revolves around what you have questioned. You asked what values in the current civilization(s) should be banished or thwarted to enable the IS-BEs more atonomy and an ability to break free from the shackles that imprison them? And this is what the entire transformative effots (via MM here) is all about. 

While every civilization has it's advantages and disadvantages, we are currently working with the human civilizations on the Earth in regards to the changes regarding...

[1] Financial Transactions. (A love of money; greed.) the accumulation of which is without limit and the generation of artificial power tied to it. This must end.

[2] Community and society. Humans (in their manifestation as skin-suits) are never the less IS-BEs trapped in an artifical constuct. Freed from the body, most IS_BE's migrate toward other IS_BEs that they have achieved long duration bonds with. This manifests in a skin-suit society of community, and the "Olde Empire" control mechanism is one that fosters isolation, independence and control by fear. They way to break this control mechanism is through personal interaction with others.

[3] Participation with kindness and concern. MM refers to this as "Rufus behaviors". It's a direct participation with the society without expectation of reward or benefit.

[4] Emotional replacments. "Olde Empire" replacment swaps of emotion generation mechanisms have been geared towards the control of others. These are fear generation mechanisms used to repel, and vice generation mechanisms used to attract. The manipulation of these control mechansims must end. In the current earth, electromechanila radio frequency mechanisms are used to artifically induce these manipulative behaviors. The best way to regain control of this is to avoid those seductive systems all together.

[6.3b] Question – Our actions driven what?

Q2 Should your actions be driven more by the psychological mind or more by peaceful disobedience.

The drivers for action is an individual determative factor. It can only be determined by the IS-BE consciousness as it resides within it's own skin-suit and upon it's current template (sic). This is a fixed determinate.

The questioner is advised not to consider others in this issue. Only to consider itsef as an imprisoned entity within a fixed physical body. Actions are thus variant. They change on a daily basis, and one just simply cannot originate a "one size fits all" answer or solution to rapidly evolving situations.

By trusting on the internal "feelings" or (delta) changes in emotional makeup when confronted with a problem (or decisions process), the solutions will be superior. Reliance on the mind, which is an "Olde Empire" device is a mistake. It is used to control, and set the entity IS-BE firmly upon the pre-birth world-line template (sic).

A free roaming / ranging IS-BE entity is not controlled nor imprisoned by the physical mind, but instead uses it to process things. It's a tool, not a mechanism to recieve instructions.

Stop obeying the mind, rather tune in to your inner self for guidance.

Questioner is advised to contact his mantid and arrance a helpful audience to achieve these alterations / revisions.

Thank you for your answers, I feel almost since my childhood like a camouflaged jaguar who has taken too many naps. I hope alliances have been formed, we are divided. Thank you for your answers and your compation, I hope one day to thank you ISBE to ISBE.

[6.4] Question – Distance measurement

I came across this question on a thread which is entirely unrelated to the Domain thing, and thought it was a rather a good one. I thought i’d ask you given your credentials in astrophysics.

The question:

“Can someone explain it , simply. How can astrophysicists tell the difference between something that is 4 light years away(like 24 trillion miles or whatever it is) vs something that is 1 million light years away. Like after our solar system, how can any distance truly be measured? I don’t doubt them, I’m genuinely curious how they do it and wanna know in easy layman’s terms, if possible”

Think of human skin-suits as living inside a small glass fish-bowl. The only thing that they understand is what they can observe. 

Naturally, they have created different techniques and systems for the measurement of physical distances between objects that they observe. The scientific basis for these measurements are as sound and capable as is possible using the limitations of time and space as understood by the human skin-suits.

However, there are assumptions that are being used that are in error. 

[1] That the speed of light is constant and not variable. In the "main" universe, the speed of light can be variable and is a function of regional perception of the IS-BE entities within that particular cluster. Their presence, and particuliarly their mass alter the behavior of frequences, and one of those frequences is the visible light band.

[2] Non-stationary observer structures. The astrophysicists base their observations from what they observe. This is a point in a geographic region of physical space with is an isolated micro-universe that sits within a larger one. The "shell" of this universe is not hard like an egg, but rather more like a thick membrane. And like thick glass bends light, the membrane itself can alter the observation of light. As the surface of the membrane is not one hundred percent uniform, nor smooth, but rather undulating and curvy.

The answerer (MM here) can provide an insight in the methodology used by the astrophysicists. It is as valid as possible, but unfortunately provides a slightly / changed / alternative impression of science and the operation of physics within the main universe. The reality bubble universe has slightly different physical rules.

I have my assumptions but eager to here from the perspective of a professional in this field. Plus I know you are quite into talking about space, so figured it might give you a break from the Domain questions/ other stresses that undoubtedly surround you at the best of times. All good if you aren’t up for answering it if it requires too much technical speak.

[6.5] Question – How can I improve myself?

Hi, mm

m’y names IS <redacted>.   i’m a french IS be Indian in this incarnation but deracinated cause i dont speak my mother langage wich IS gudjrati because i grew up in France and m’y famille didn’t spoke me enough Indian anyway
i’m trying to survive to those political criminals and their pawns that runs the World and to expand m’y concsiousness i like to listen to your Q-A cause it’s resonate with me
i really appreciate the fact that you exist greatfull someone made me discrover you (Pam 2/3 r.a.n.d a french youtuber who does a wonderfull work in traduction and exopolitics consciouness!)
thanks you again for being you
sorry i go Black to Sts selfish nonesense and i Ask m’y question :
I’m affraid i’m the worst recrue ever and to be honnest that’s what i feel when i observe myself, i’m aware that i dont do my best i feel like i do not help a lot for the Lost bataillon so Can i have an advice to improve myself ?
I have the feeling my martial abilities are related to past lives and i would like to know if they know something about that or am i just a fearfull bastard full if New age craps on my head ? I wouldn’t be surprise,
if they know something please tell me .
Sorry for that selfish nonesense .
wish you the best where you are and to your compagny…
Questioner needs to focus. There is a strong need to communicate ideas in a simple and effective manner irregardless of the language barriers.

For this questioner we advise that the process be one of short sentences, followed by an abnormally long pause. This allows the listener to absorb the information transmitted and understand it. The questioner should slow their communication to permit their ideas and concepts to be understood by others.

Communication is a fundamental priority in regards to all creatures regarding their manifestion.

The questioner will find that there are unmentioned elements in their incarnation that will be resolved with an improved means of communication. This includes all elements of communication in all areas of the questioner's life.

Say things in short sentences.
WHen the questioner pronounces the words, provide a stress on the key object, subject or point in the sentence.
Have an abnormally long rest period after the sentence is spoken.

This is important and should not be discounted. The questioner must practice this technique and implement it.

This is an unusual answer, and I do not know what the basis for this was. It simply might have been due to my interpetation of the inquiry. In any event, it was presented very clearly to me.

Instead of saying…

I went to the store, and I saw a dog. The dog was brown and white. He was barking and raising a fuss, and I saw a pretty girl walk by.

It should be stated as…

I went to the store.

I saw a dog. 

The dog was brown and white. 

He was barking.

He was raising a fuss.

I saw a pretty girl walk by.

[6.7a] Question – Is this about me?

Are you still accepting questions for the Commander? If so, I have some, if not it’s also ok:

I found your website a week ago, so I am completely new to this group. However since I found it I have been reading as much as I can. Then I found this possibility to ask questions to “the Commander”, and I feel a strong urge to ask, though I am still not through the basics described on your website.

It’s all very interesting!

So of course, the obvious question first, do I belong to this group, how is my connection to it, what is my role?

In Winter 2010/2011 I woke up one night because of some buzzing sound next to my head. There was a small sizzling light orb sitting on the side of my bed making that sound (very strange indeed!).

As it noticed I was awake it asked me something like “Do you want to help spread the light?”.

I was so disturbed and sleepy and stupid stupid I did not say yes (or no), but I asked if it really meant me, and if I would be capable to do that at all…..

Just doubting myself very much.

And then I fell asleep again.

Never had any contact  after that anymore (at least I think so).

So basically I ask this question again, and what that light orb was about.

Questioner is here because the MM message resonates with the IS-BE derived consciousness. When frequences attract they resonate. This can be measured. The level of attractiveness to events, people and situations is a function of the magniture of the frequency amplitude during resonance occurrence.

The questioner belongs here.

Regarding the "orb of light"; manifestation of appearance varies from interpetation and skill level on an individual IS-BE to individual IS-BE basis. The questioner should not question their impressions. That is like a person eating a lamb cutlet and questioning whether it is ice cream.

The questioner is advised to accept things as they are, and to interpet them to the best of their ability. Then, accept the interpetations and move forward from there.

[6.7b] Question –

Then the next one, more general, concerning the Deagel list:

Why is the forecasted depopulation in the Netherlands so small (2% from 2020 to 2025 plus that the PPP stays relatively high), where neighbouring countries like Germany and the UK have a massive depopulation forecasted, and even the decrease in Belgium is substantial?

In NL they also apply the mRNA jabs and there are no dead-virus vaccines available. A nuclear bomb on German cities would also affect the Netherlands.

Thank you for all your work!

The Deagel forecast is derived from remote viewing efforts coupled with data extraction and extrapulation techniques. It is based on a fixed shared world-line template (sic). As such it is constantly changing. When the numbers were obtained, the future was a "snapshot" that was recorded and elaborated upon.

The remote viewing process did not elaborate on the causes for the data, only that the data would manifest as presented.

Daegal wrote in 2020 that they believed that a combination or confluence of events might well result in the data sets that they recorded. But whether or not this is correct is difficult to quantify. 

No one has the answer regarding a changing template (sic), certainly anyone can come up with a myrid of possible senarios. 

The questioner must realize that Deagal was manipulating data sets and then remote viewing for accuracy adjustments. They were not visualizing actual events, just trends and comparing them to historical extrapulations.

[6.8 a-e] Question – Are there other disclosures out there?

I asked this question in response to reading something found by GuyFromAfrica on the Internet archive HERE.

[a] Are there other disclosures out there?

Yes. The messages are being broadcast using different venues. This is intentional. They are not your concern.

[b] How accurate / effective are they?

That should not be your concern either. There are different levels of accuracy depending on the receptive audience consiousness.

Those with a religious interest will obtain information and direction from sources that resonate with them, while those who have a fear-induced being will obtain directions and information from venues that will resonate from them differently.

There is no absolute answer or information transmittal. It is all custom tailored to the audience, thus the Domain provides a wide high bandwith coverage, with low energy for the greater mass of general population inmates. As well as tight bandwith for high energy populations through MM.

[c] Then what is so special about myself?

It is your ego that drives you to believe that you are special. It is true that you are unique and that you have special skills and abilities, but your functionality derives from your tasking. That is your value.

Is a steak better than a pork chop? Aside from prices, it's all a matter of personal need, taste and desire. You, in this manner provide a special role; a unique role. But it is not the only one doing so.

You will continue in your role until you translate and your role will then alter as events transpire. There is a role for you post-translation. That you can rest assured of, just as there are roles for <redacted>, DK, <readacted>, DM (with caveats), and ML's rehabilitation process.

[d] Can you elaborate on the post-translation procedure?

No. There is no need for anyone to worry or be concerned about it at this time. It is an individual process that varies from IS-BE to IS-BE.

[e] Is there a general format, process, or procedure for this?

No. Everyone is different, and there is greater variety in IS-BE consciousnesses than what appears in the human skin-suit within the Prison Complex. 

This greater variety is enormous, and it is similiar to comparing a telephone on a bare tabletop (MM) with that of a steam-shovel in a garbage dump (DK), and to a battleship / aircraft carrier plowing though stormy seas (ML). 

Everyone is not just different, they are REALLY different.

The impression I got from The Commander in regards to ML is this mecha-godzilla / battleship / aircraft carrier hybrid thingy. Wow! -MM

Do you want more?

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@congjing yu ahhh apologies i realise in my original question i may have inadvertantly added some confusion through bad syntax. What I meant was “are the 72 spirits of the Goetia members of the Domain Expeditionary Force. The answer seems to imply no they aren’t specifically part of the DEF but have very similar abilities and a very similar dislike of the Old Empire. This also makes sense. Looks like i got some more article writing to do. Something is nudging me big time to get this Astaroth connection out


@congjing yu it is bound to blow a few minds….


“However, there are assumptions that are being used that are in error. ”


PhD: Piled Higher & Deeper.
Someone help me here… who said something to the effect of: knowing more and more about less and less – pretty soon you know nothing – or are useless, or somesuch.

Thanks MM.

Even if they can’t help me here and now; I will be seeking assistance away from that fucking tunnel.

Ohio Guy

Fight the Good Fight, DSK. It’s from the 1981 album Allied Forces from the band Triumph.


You old codger; I had that on vinyl as well… but the tracks that you mentioned were on Just a Game. I always liked the bluesy Young Enough to Cry.

Three-piece band – SOLID. As Canadiens, my boys from Rush have them easily out-matched though.

Ohio Guy

By the way, to the questioner who saw the orb of light.

I saw a similar orb or ball of low luminescence. It’s size was no larger than a softball.

I was 8 or 9 when I saw it in my dark bedroom one night. Actually, at my age then, I figured it to be a small ship with tiny occupants inside. Perhaps it was, perhaps it wasn’t. It was, however, a ball of light that stuck around for a few seconds and then disappeared. Nothing was communicated as far as I can recall. But that’s not to say a comm did not take place.

Just thought I would share that instance with the questioner. OG


The Q&A about Crowley are really interesting.

Many thanks for all that you do MM.
I wonder how you manage to write so much every day.
As a regular reader, I sometimes feel that some seemingly innocuous posts are there to gently steer our word line model to better horizons.
There is also the way some geopolitical analysis are suddenly cut by videos of pretty Chinese women or a nice plate lol.

Anyway, it’s always a pleasure to read you.

A (usually) quiet reader

PS : DM, I just read your book last week. “Astral Warrior” A lot of information to digest but a was fascinated by some of your analysis and experiences. you have lived through very hard times.
As a fellow guitarist, I feel for what happened to your hand.


How can a person have memory erasure when they are dead and don’t have a working brain? I mean I get the narrative of the story. Just like the out of body experiences, at that point in time the person or floating spirit would not have eyeballs to see, or ears to hear. Just wondering what the explanation for that would be? You may have already written about that issue but I missed it.