Here we continue with periodic questions that I ask the Domain Commander for clarification on. This is part 7.
Note: For those of you who are new here, this article continues a Q&A dialog with an extraterrestrial "Commander" and a retired MAJestic operative who is still active with active EBP implants. Heavy stuff. But not for trivial reading. This is part of the Q&A (on-going) effort where questions are provided to me, and then I present them, and then record and interpet the responses. Personally, I think girls, cats, and food are far more interesting. But, that's me, don't you know.
[7.1a] Question – Was I “Old Empire”?
Yes. Hello guys. How have you all been?
I hope all of you have been much better than me. Recently I had a dream. I think it was a memory from the past. It looked medieval. In a medieval building, we were a few people. I think I was the leader or something similar. Too much to mention so little time.
My question is Was I in the Old empire or where did I come from?
Questioner was a member of the "Old Empire". Dream was <garble> <confusing text stream> <impression I have is of something like travel / visit / memory / or memory rewind in real time / experience.> This kind of event is not uncommon to human inmate skin-suits. This is a carryover aspect of soul / consciousness / quantum reconfiguring when the entity is placed within the Prison Planet complex ans is assigned a skin-suit for general population utilization. Questioner was punished for repeat violations of multiple minor infractions. Judge sentencing was mercurial and arbitrary. Questioner, however did not take the opportunites afforded to it to escape from the sentencing situation and refused to budge upon its standing in the community thinking it was immune from harsh judgements. Obviously it was wrong. The dream itself is not signifigant. What is signifigant is that there are fractional elements int he quanta that can access the memories prior to the "Old Empire" mind wipe event sequence. Questioner is experiencing changes at this time and while they are uncomfortable, they are important as they allow the consciousness of the questioner to relive the "Old Empire" sentencing and incarceration process. It was tramatic for the questioner in that embodiment, and this period of time is helping to reawake the questioner and engoge the quanta with energy to assist in full awakening. Questioner is to be advised that everything is proceeding as planned, and not to worry too much about the discomfort. The questioner will be much improved and better after this period of discomfort.
[7.1b] Question – Transporter Use
Question number 2 is :
Why can’t the Domain build a teleporter and zoom their personnel off this fuck place to a galaxy/planet far far away and start rehabilitation then?
Questioner asks a valid question. The answer is that The Domain can do so. We have numerous teleportation (sic) facilities on the Earth Planetary environment within the Prison Complex. Questioner must understand that the physical body skin-suit that the IS-BE possesses is not sustainable outside of the Prison Complex. It is a custom made envelope for this prison complex only. Were the Domain to do so, the result would be a rapid period of mental, emotional "melt down" (of the physical body) followed by a freeing of the IS-BE consciousness that would immediately be ejected from (what ever environment it was teleported to) to an injection back within the non-physical realms of the Prison Complex environment. The teleporter (sic) is useful for moving physical doll-bodies, and non-inmate skin-suits in and out fo the prison complex. "Through the wire" so to speak. But it can only be used inside the prison complex bubble universe for the inmates imprisoned within the skin-suits. On a practical basis, this means that the inmates can travel within the earth solar system, and to numbers other solar systems that also lie within the bubble universe that the "Old Empire" prison has constructed. There are numerous such solar systems. Five are populated with inmates in various physical forms. As well as other solar systems that lie within the bubble universe, but that have no prison population present.
[7.2a] Question – A “cold dark” sea.
MM a few questions that I have been meaning to ask the Commander, though I needed to provide the necessary back context before doing so. They are concerning if true.
Question 1:
During my phone interview with Linda Moulton Howe about a year ago she mentioned a “cold dark sea” as being a term passed onto a CIA agent by a Majestic agent, which had something to do with vast area space of space that surrounds us and is different to normal space in that it “ebbs and flows”. Question: is the cold dark sea (in this context) a real thing understood by Majestic, and if so why should we be concerned about it? is it the same as the anomaly thing i saw during my experience with the Elder Guardians or something different?
Questioner is correct. There is a region of physical space that lies outside of the micro-bubble universe. This is different from the physical space that lies otuside of the solar system. And should be confused by it's apparent similarity. This region is typical to that of all universes. It is normal. It is an area of tides, vortexes, winds, and pressure fluctuations. The quanta components that inhabit this region is not easy for skin-suits to understand as they represent a condition that lies outside of the given universe so constructed. However, in the case of the prison complex; bubble micro-universe it is a different situation. The prison complex micro-universe is a bubble that lies inside of the main universe. Thus, the region directly adjacient to the prison complex barrier is an interface threshold to the main universe. This interface threshold is neither part of the micro bubble universe, nor part of the main universe that it was spawned from. It is something else. Entities crossing through from the main universe into the prison complex bubble universe would experience numerous changes in environment as they move though this region. From the main universe would be a transition from calm and entering into a regions of gentile turmoil that would increase slightly until the outside bubble universe barrier is met. This is a membrane much like the difference bteween oil and water, and once the entity crosses it, there is a discordance of thought and memory as the high intensity elecromagnetic environment causes disruption to the IS-BE. Then once the membrane is crossed, there is a gentle easing of the transitionary changes of the interior of the bubble universe; prison complex environment.
[7.2b] Question – smuggled weapons
Question 2:
During that same interview, Linda mentioned that her contacts have suggested that the US military has successfully smuggled “weapons” into the astral planes, for the purpose of fighting “demons that exist there” that have a “monopoly on our souls”.
This aligns with something i have been told by another source, though this source mentioned these were nuclear weapons that were “smuggled”, and are being used to “negotiate” with {strong arm} these non physical beings.
From the answers to my my past questions, it seems that these “demons” are quite possibly the Goetic spirits of Solomon or those mentioned in the respective Q&A, and the US military doesn’t really understand the implications of what they are doing, or who it is they are messing with (thinking they are just lowly demons rather than opposers of the OE regime).
I have to admit, this is kind of hard to get my head around, but we know that MM’s physical body was able to be transported into a plane, so it at least seems plausible.
Question, does the Domain know of any such undertakings, and what would the implications of having a nuclear weapon go off in those planes be compared with here in the physical. Worse, not as bad, etc?
This intel is incorrect. The information is distorted and abused (?). The MAJestic organization cannot utilize teleportation technology without Domain overview and permissions. We do not allow any service-to-self behaviors or the teleportation of any dangerous mechanisms in any realm by inmate skin-suits.
What about non-MAJestic entities? Can they do so?
Of the nuclear powers / nations / organizations that possess nuclear or otherwise dangerous weapons, their access (of all entities within their respective "secret" organizations) have culled and restricted access to teleportation devices. We would never permit or allow that to occur. We can read the thoughts and tides that manifest prior to entry access and take appropiate action. While this subject was briefly discussed in some cases, we have easily distracted the thought patterns to other venues and in other directions. Nothing ever came of such thoughts and actions.
Ok, so there are no nuclear weapons smuggled into the teleportation mechanisms as The Domain controls that venue. But what of other creatures, other micro universes, and other groups that might not be part of the The Domain sphere of influence?
Yes. There are independent groups that operate upon their own issues, plans and directives. They all have varying levels of influence, capability and ability. The questioner is part of one such organization. Yes, not all of them work with The Domain, but most recognize our leadership role in this micor universe. There are no nuclear devices, or similiar devices (to it or equivalent to it) that have been placed upon the non-physical environs within the Prison Complex spreciifed from the Earth-centric sphere of influence. However, there are corrupted devices that are planted / implanetd / modified and capable of great horrific damage if activated. We are aware of those mechanisms and devices. These systems cannot be easily deactivated as they are inherent with the construction of this particular micro universe and tulize advanced technologies. Our allies <image of giant slug like engineers> the "oompaloompas", have been working on these systems for some time. We are confident that detonation / activation / energize / implosion will not be possible at this time, and full inert deactivation will occur in the future.
What would happen if they are not deactivated, and detonated?
The micro bubble universe and it's spawned "heaven" universes would all be destroyed. All IS_BE entities trapped within these universes would be left in a rubbled state with a long, long time to recover. Even if they could recover, they would be lost.
[7.3] Question – Connections with offspring
Hi MM and forum members,
I have a question if possible,
What is our real connection to our biological offspring (our children), due to imprisonment, amnesia and the recycling of our souls back into physical form via “a mission profile” and the light are our biological children connected to us in the non physical realm as “part of us/me”, the concept of protecting my child is very very strong in myself, it’s my life and my motivation. I understand maternal instincts are strong in us but are we only “custodians” of another young developing soul. I hope this makes sense
Thank you so very much for this chance to ask this question.
Questioner is concerned about the relationship factors of consciousness / soul cluster in regards to reincarnated cycling back and forth between the Heaven micro universe and the general population "punishment" (reality) universe.
Questioner has two groups of friends / family / associations. Each group is a special case.
First Case
The first case is the primary questioned concern. This has to do with the cycled soul cluster that shares tthe heaven micro universe, and the recycled reincarnated reality universe.
For the vast numbers of humanity / and other species this recycling involves gourps of people that take on various roles with reincarnated familes.
This is much like what the "Old Empire" did in the main universe except that the memory erasure was never so final and absolute.
In this case, the likelihood that members of the questionsers' family from the heaven micro universe is whith him now is strong and high.
In fact, this is a common situation with notible exceptions such as MM and imprisoned Domain IS-BE entities. These entities often find themselves in reincarnated lives (sic) alone with no preconceived relationships that carry over from previous incarnations.
In fact, that is one of the big "tell tales" that help us locate members of the Domain "Lost Battalion". The lack of quantum connections can be observed and measured with the proper training and awareness.
Thus many of the Domain "Lost Battalion" find themselves in host familes upon reincarnation that appear faraway or aloof, or not in agreement with their thoughts and viewpoitns. While this is in part a normal part of all inmate skin-suit experiences for perhaps 20% of the general population, those of the "Lost Battalion" find this situation to extreme and absolute.
They do not "fit in" with their inhereted host families, and they might feel like they do not belong. Like they were adopted from another family or something similiar. Being without these quantum connections has retarded the interpersonnel family relationships to some degree. The members of the "Lost Battalion" realize this, even if they cannot verbalize it.
This results in certain attachments that manifest when searching for a mate.
In the case of the questioner, this is not the case. They have family members, younger members, and older members that thay have had many, many cycled reincarnated experiences with.
In this present incarnation, the answer to the question (unstated, but observed) that in the immediate family are members of long, long quantum entanglments and substantive relationships from heaven (sic) and previous lives and reincarnations.
Second Case
The second case concerns the relationships with those prior to incarceration by the "Old Empire". These relationships are much older, longer and more substantive than any that the questioner is associated with regarding his immediate incarnation relaionships.
For the vast bulk of inmates these relationships are completely severed and cannot be fully reestablished until there is an ability to recover the entities prior memories.
While the former friends and families will realize who the questioner is and what is going on with it, they will not maintain the same relationships that were present prior to jailing and incarceration. They will have changed, and the questioner has changed.
Even with full recovery of memories, everything has changed.
[7.4] Question – About questioners past
Questioner has not provided enough information for presentation by MM (sic). Communication consists of a transmitter and a reciever. Additionally, both have to be tuned to the same frequencies, and transmit in the same language. [1] If the transmitter is from RCA, and the reciever is from Magnavox, there is the possibility in garbled communications. [2] Further, if they are not communicating on the same frequency, or one is sending in AM, while the other is recieving in FM, there would be no communication. [3] Further to that, of the sender speaks French and the reciever only understands Japanese, and the message is in Islandic, no communication is possible. Transmitter (MM) knows nothing about the issue, the questioner, and the situation. Yet the questioner is expected that somehow there is this magical transference of information. There cannot be any transmission of information if no information is provided. So the transmitter submits an empty message. And thus, respectfully the Reciever collects that empty message, and interpets it as useless. The questioner needs to fully appreciate the magniture of his folly. An eleven year span of time is presented devoid of coordinates, references or data. Somehow the transmitter is to acquire geolocation data, history, packaged information and submit it for review and response. Of course nothing can be provided. Questioner is to collect his thoughts and generate a multi-paragraph presentation describing reasons for the request, his personal history regarding any incidents referred to, and why it is considered to be of importance. The presenter (MM) will then have enough information to generate an image that we can read. This is what all the other questioners do. The questioner must provide enough information to provide thick and accurate responses.
The Commander was nice and polite, but I am not. So I am going to give all readers a very strong lecture right now.
If the subject matter is too embarrassing then do not submit it. If you find it too much of a hassle to provide a minimum of contextual background then please do not waste my time.
You all need to provide details and background when presenting a question, and you must understand it fully. Then you must present it to me so that I can understand it.

The Domain Commander is not a magical being. There are limitations. This entire situation utilizes a physically implanted EBP for goodness sakes. And the Commander accesses answers via various means. Do not treat him / it / she as some kind of supernational being. It isn’t.
I spend roughly three hours on every question all told. And it’s a very tying and difficult procedure and very uncomfortable. I’m doing this for fucking free God damn it. Do not take me for granted. -MM
[7.5a] Question – future of Asia
My question for the Domain is: how do they see Japan, the Koreas and Taiwan fitting into a brighter Asian future given what we now know thanks to the Commander/MMan’s Q&A?
Projections of the Asian geographical region is overall positive and free of the attempts to militarize it to a point of open overt and violent physical warfare. Within a hundred years will be new "understandings" regarding Korea and South-Western Russian Federation. These will be economically stable and free of conflict. This may or may not result in formal geographical boundaries. Japan is expected to break away from the relationship with the United States and will diverge in their own cultural vector. It will be inward directed and mercantile. It will resume its cultural uniqueness and participate in a growning regional economy. However, it will not be a signifigant one. Taiwan will unify peacefully with the mainland Chinese. It will be conducted in multiple stages, and for most of the world it will be innocuous and transparent actions of no concern or overt worry. There will be opposition domestically to this action in pockets, but they will be isolated and eaisly suppressed. China will be observed and percieved as a grand national society that most Taiwanese would want to be part of. As this perception increases in popularily, the ease of reunification increase proportionally. Of course, these are only projections and the future can never be predicted with absolute certainity.
[7.5a] Question – East Asia immediate concerns
Are they (Taiwan, Japan and Korea) predicted to work with China or go down with the Western Ship? (Deagel does forecast significant population drops in all 3 regions, so perhaps that answers my question!)
Deagal forecasts are predictions based on remote viewing and statistical projections. They are not without fault, and the template (sic) can change rapidly. The long term trends for the region so specified by the questioner is overall positive. However, there are worrisome elements in the immediate short-term future. We (The Domain) project a strong possibility of disruptive elements that may ignite some events that have the potential for great catastrophic loss of life. Trendlines and global alignments are a "tightrope" that need to be mitigated through shrewd actions and careful planning. As long as the respective "leadership" in those regions "off shore" their Geo-political counselling to any of the major Western powers, then catastrophic results will become a certainty. However, this is not the actual case. Internally, and in confidentiality, there are strong and influential elements that recognize national stability being of upmost importance. They will assure a transitional posture away from the West as a matter of national survival.
Having much experience of East Asia and living here again now, it always strikes me how there are a lot more similarities than differences between these great nations across a broad spectrum, and the US model was never a good fit having been superimposed upon Korea and Japan in particular since WW2.
There are many positive things going on in Korea, but having socialised a bit this past week with some reasonably well connected Koreans (businessy types and the medical profession– old high school acquaintances of my wife’s, mostly), it’s clear after some gentle probing that most people still think that “the Virus escaped from the Wuhan Lab” and that “it’s all Chinas fault.”
Now, having said that, most of these folks are NPCs, anyway, (whereas Korean leadership and elites are most definitely clued in and quite sentient, obviously! I’m just referring in this case to a random subset known to me personally) and IMHO know shit from shinola about the wider world, but they DO represent blue/white collar Korean society in general– homogeneous; consensus thinking, etc. And they are ALL pro mRNA rollout and feel that the side effects are stastically minor. In fact, many of them have shares in a Korean biotech firm that on the directions of the President is setting up a Korean version of the MRNA jab for manufacture and they’re all looking forward to making lots of money in future.
Depressing stuff, I know.
mRNA booster rollout is also being “offered” to young children soon and the only places open for business to the unvaxxed are grocery and some other outlets. Most businesses are fast becoming vaxxed only and there’s no resistance. They’re even rolling out a vaxx cert for schoolkids under 16 next month in order to pressure parents who won’t consent to mRNA inoculation for them or their children.
No Chinese or Russian traditional vaccines are available or even talked about. They are full on mRNA in Korea and looking forward to making lots of money producing their own version now that airline stocks have gone tits down.
All in all kind of a depressing picture, that’s why I’m curious about the future as clearly Korea and Japan are places of great innovative potential. Taiwan, too. And could really work with China and each other once the malevolent US controlled socio- political apparatus is dismantled.
Thanks, Mr Man. Let’s hope the Year of the Tiger lives up to its reputation.
Social classes in Korea will follow leadership guidance. The leadership will adopt an array of different policies and change direction on a number of subjects. However, there will firstly be some events that will contribute to a change in their thinking and attitude. The questioner need not worry about the details, just know that there arepressures and vectors that strongly suggest a future that does not match what currently exists.
[7.6a] Question – Flushing out details
I conducted a private, personal comm reading for this questioner. The discussion that follows has been redacted and simplified to fit this venue. All confidential material has been omitted. -MM
MM, I read the latest answers and I am really excited!
It took me a while to digest, and I sincerely thank you and the commander for taking the time to answer my questions! Also, the revelation about a new (Domain sponsored interface) organization in China…wow!
I understand that you have a regular life to live, and there are other questions already in the pipeline. I do have some questions, which are NOT urgent at all. But I do think the answers to them are very important not just for me but for others regarding these “learning clusters” (whenever you can get to them, of course).
Question 1;
The commander’s last answer to my questions about joining the Domain full time after I complete my sentence in this current meat suit only solidified/confirmed my decision that joining the Domain full time without doing another incarnation round is the absolutely 1000% correct path for my IS-BE.
Based from the commander’s response, I wound up creating my dysfunctional quantum entanglements while taking this “soul improvement course” for centuries with other IS-BEs, only to find out now that all I did was dig myself deeper into some sort of quantum hole (like quicksand or something).
So my take is, (no offense to the Mantids, I’m not arguing with them, and arguing isn’t going to help me anyway) that clearly the curriculum is ineffective and inappropriate for the correct development of my IS-BE.
It may have been fine for some other IS-BE’s, but I am quite unhappy with the dysfunctional results and believe that a change of scenery (join the Domain full time and train) would be a better choice for becoming the best IS-BE I can be.
Am I justified in thinking that the “self improvement” curriculum that they are making inmate IS-BE’s attend (for centuries in my case) is in SERIOUS need of reform?
That perhaps, if the results are overwhelmingly negative or dysfunctional for certain types of IS-BEs, that it’s the curriculum that needs real modification?
Am I justified in thinking that relying on the same mechanism to neutralize unstable quantum entanglements (reincarnation and “studying” with the same IS-BE’s that you cultivated fucked up relationships with for the next few centuries) is a fool’s errand?
Kind of like using the same skin cream that keeps on giving you acne, but somehow hoping that it will work for you this time?
The educational / reform program that originates out of the "Heaven" bubble universe is part of an elaborate system to reconfigure garbons (sic) and swales (sic) to "reform" IS-BE entities into a different type of form and shape. Once that shape is complete the entities whill not be able to fit into the "Old Empire" environment even if they were ever to escape from the Prison Planet complex. There are numerous issues regarding this system. [1] Firstly, the initial intention was to create an intentional reform mechanism that will allow inmates so processed to be rehabilitated and changed into a form that is no longer dangerous and threatening to the "Old Empire". [2] This origional system was intended to change the very shape and nature of the IS-BE so altered, and then remove them from the Prison Complex and then reinject them elsewhere in a distant area far away from the "Old EMpire". The initial plan consisted of millions of years of retraining, and alteration. It was not initially established as a final solution for really bad criminal elements. [3] However, as the leadership of the "Old Empire" changed, so did the direction, function and features of the Prison Complex. They changed the structure of the reeducation program, and made it so that there would never (truly and actually) be a period of parole and release. In so doing, the Prison Complex became a "black hole" from which criminals would enter and never leave. [4] Mantid Prime directives changed over time internally of their own volition, and the program was changed with differnt processes, course studies and intentions. [5] General population Mantid directives, upon working with us at The Domain, has thus changed, and interactions regarding the training and rehabilitation schedule and programs are no longer in synchronization. This is a Domain directive. As the Mantid Prime plans call for much more bloodshed, violence and horrific events than what The Domain finds acceptable. [6] Other groups, some well-meaning, others self-serving, have each individually and in groups have altered, modified, changed and otherwise seriously altered the rehabilitation educational program. The results of all these changes is a bastardized / hybrid program of little value to any IS-BE. The questioner is advised to elect not to participate in it, and upon translation (death); call for pickup and the next-steps that we have in place for this questioner.
[7.6b] Question – Karma
I remember Airl’s words on how kindness begets kindness, and how cruelty begets cruelty. That keeps on ringing in my brain.
I absolutely agree with the commander’s wisdom on kind behaviours. It brought me back on the subject of karma.
While I agree that it exists, I have severe misgivings on its effectiveness as a “corrective” or “justice” mechanism.
While I am certainly not anti-punishment and I absolurtely understand that some people/entities only understand the “stick” rather than the carrot, I know first hand that suffering and cruelty in general (not always) begets only more suffering and cruelty (especially if the person/entity recieving the cruelty has no memory of what happened in the past and they truly believe themselves to be the victim, so they lash out in reaction…thus extending the negative cycle instead of becoming a better sentience…sort of like an abused kid who grows up to abuse others because that’s all he/she knew, and those others they abused “spread” their negativity and abuse others too because that’s all they knew, and so forth…).
My thesis is that karma is a reinforcement mechanism (for good or bad) and I undretsand the commander’s excellent advice to use kindness as a way to start and maintain positive cycles.
I have a suspicion that entities can be “tricked” or bamboozled into accumulating negative karma because of the memory wipe/”electrocuting the bejesus out of them” technique.
They think they are doing the right thing, only to realize that they actually committed a crime and really hurt people (like useful idiot or NGO volunteer).
Am I right to have these suspicions, since Earth is a prison planet?
Are many entities who were political prisoners/artists/whatnot from other planets “corrupted” this way so that they would be purposely saddled/handicapped with negative karma?
Is it fair to say that you can also cause an otherwise decent entity to become “infected” with this negativivity through their experience, and in turn they will infect others with this negativity (giving your measles to everyone within your range of contact)?
Am I justified in thinking that negative karma is “infectuous” and that we must come up with a mechanism to prevent in from ensnaring others?
Also, it seems that the Old Empire have some technology that “enhances” this negative karmic infectivity. Is this a decent suspicion or am I the victim of an overactive imagination?
I will be giving you a donation soon once I get more money in (not that you asked). We really appreciate everything you do (even the resident curmudgeon (you know who he is) was pretty stoked with your last article.
Ha! Like I said, while I believe the lastest questions I am asking have significance and importance on the nature of the prison system here on Earth and how some entities wind up saddled with big karmic disturbances, it’s certainly not an emergency and can be answered in a leisurely pace.
Questioner is correct. Again, the purposes, systems, and devices of the Prison Complex have been subverted to other uses and purposes. many of which are to benefit others of a Service-to-Self sentience, and to profit from. [1] There are entities that use the Prison Complex for entertainment purposes, and have created never-ending bouts of recurring terror and events for their own personal amusement. [2] There are entities that feed of the emotions (so generated) by difficult times and use that to build up their own quanta alignments. In this way, the human inmates are utilized as a farmed animal or creature to generate quantum alignments taht can be extracted through harvesting. Then the IS-BE entity must endure it over and over again without ever getting off or out of the program. It's similiar to reliving a movie scene over and over and over again. [3] The new directives of Mantid Primes encourage the creation of inadvertant quantum (karma) attachments to solidify group clusters as part of their revised goals for the human species within the Heaven micro universe. [4] When the Prison Complex was first established, it was believed at that time, that if an IS-BE entity would endure similiar event sequences for millions of lifetime reincarnations that it would grow tired of that exerience and never want to inflect those pains and terrors on others. [5] Service-to-self entities that work with their mantid primes can construct lifetime experience that create these event vectors for their own personal amusement, growth, or pleasure. The questioner realizes that all interactions at all levels create attachments. Some are good and some are bad realative to the reincarnation cycle process. This is a fundamental understanding associated with the questioners role as a <redacted> prior to capture, and memory erasure. All fellow entities procured along with the questioner have this understanding, and are equally frustrated being thrown into the general population in such a manner where their carefully cultivated lives (billions of years worth) have be subverted, altered and damaged.
[7.7a] Question – Who was I?
MM — Firstly, I’d like to thank you for your continuous efforts on these matters. To me, they deeply resonate with my world view and for that I sincerely thank you. I have to apologise in advance for a lengthy request… though I feel it’s necessary in order to posit my questions below.
I’ve been very lucky to be blessed with an exceptionally strong, caring and loving family, who collectively without exception promoted and instilled in me the concept of unconditional love. Such concepts have largely been driven by my parents who have read a significant amount of literature throughout their lives regarding the non-physical world, as they call it.
While I did not always believe in this throughout my teenager years, I (for a while now) deeply feel this is true to me (I just know it’s true); that if everyone adopted these teachings, society would be so much of a better place — I am also an extremely rational person, who I believe is open to any kind of experience as a way of learning: this includes the darkness and other negatively-characterised aspects of life, simply because one cannot know love (for example) without knowing the opposite.
Just know that I’m aware that life is not a system of duality but rather an infinite spectrum of opposite sets of experiences.
I think of it as an infinite ruler with a zero in the middle—the way I see it, in the physical world, life is often seen as a scene of duality where a positive experience (+1, +2 and so on) has a corresponding negative experience (-1, -2 and so on) whereas in reality there are an infinite number of numbers (or experiences) in between those natural numbers.
As such, I do not have hatred towards the Old Empire because I realise that that was the path such IS-BEs chose for their own progression.
I’m still human after all (for now) but I realise that each consciousness is free to choose their own path. I hope this is clear to MM, the Domain, and the readership.
Having said this, I have a very strong, deep and fiery feeling that I do not belong here.
I often discuss with my father how schizophrenic the current world is, how much unnecessary pain etc. is caused by manipulation, herd mentality and the way we’ve been conditioned to think, without realising that all we need to do is to live in the moment, and that our choices to us and towards others really encompass all that matters.
We can only experience life via our five senses, therefore one must realise that there is an incomprehensibly (to the human mind, that is) high number of ways one can experience reality, with much of it being driven by thoughts, personal idiosyncrasies and synchronicity.
We are all different, yet we are all one (I feel that we are all derived from the same source, whether we call it god, belief in oneself, or some higher entity as we, humans, try to perceive it—“consciousness seems to be the universe experiencing itself”).
I wish I could put into words how much I want to write, though the above is merely a way of explaining my world view to finally ask the question I’ve always wanted to know:
Who am I / who was I before my time in the prison system complex?
I have repeatedly asked the MM readership to stop asking these kinds of questions. The Commander has been very clear that the knowledge of what people were pior to their incarceration does more harm than help for the IS-BE entity.
Never the less, I did ask and posit this question.
Keep in mind that often the answers are often very distasteful, and personally I, as MM, do not like the images and thoughts that are presented to me. Remember, not everyone was caught up in a political sweep or discharged accidentially. Some were very, very bad entities that had to be put into prison.
Questioner is sincere, but is likely not expecting the answers that will presented to him. Often times the thoughts generated by knowledge can have a detremental effect on lives of the questioner. Human skin-suits should not ask questions that they might not be ready to accept the answers to. Let it be well understood that the questioner was not a human, meaning that the human skin-suit was not the preferred physical form that the entity utilized. The region where the questioner lived (prior to incarceration) was associated with planets and environs that did not favor human archetypes. It was a completely different biosphere. The entity was practitioner of technological magic that created modifications of injectible advertisements into the thought streams of other creatures for personal profit and occupation. <Image of a pot-bellied satyr like creature.> (This seems to be a dominant shape form or vehicle for many "Old Domain" creatures. -MM) (I am getting many images / thoughts of hyper-sexuality, manipulation of the thoughts of others, brutal "mind rape" resulting in physical actions of a distasteful nature.-MM) Questioner was involved in multiple offenses, of a repeating nature that occurred over long swaths of time, various geographical areas, and a great deal of sadness, suffering and disruption of local families, children, and great heart-rendering anguish. <Image of crying rabbit like creature holding bloodied remains of children in blood crying and dying in enormous pain and angish, with the questioner as a cocky pot-bellied satyr with an enormously long penis in full proud display laughing about the crimes in front of some kind of cauldren / steamy holographic screen projection display.> Questioner has been on a planned evolutionary egress from this life and is unable to return back to it. When the time comes to exit the Prison Complex, there will be a need for extra special attention. This will be for the cultivation and retention of prior memories, the questioner will need to undergo extra special rehabilitation so that the events leading up to the incarceration will not be counter-productive.
[7.7b] Question – Domain assistance
My second point, is that I truly want everyone in this prison system complex to be freed from it, where possible.
However, I realised from reading MM’s notes that this may be not always be possible.
Therefore, even though I do feel some guilt by asking the Domain to kindly assist me and my core family to remove us from the prison upon our deaths in the physical world, I sincerely hope this is possible so we can reunite with our true clans/societies/clusters (I feel such an intense love and connection with my parents, especially, that I’m inclined to believe we belong to the same clusters).
Could the Domain assist me and my core family in order to remove us from the prison after our physical deaths?
Yes. The Domain will assist all irregulars. This will be conducted on an individual basis and each IS-BE will be handled differently based up their own backgound and needs. To volunteer, one must be a service-to-others sentience, and be willing to abide to the changes that the Domain will make to their non-physical bodies. For many entities this will be terrifying as the "Old Empire" fear-inducement mechanisms will be activated. Additionally, the volunteers must agree to the rules and laws of the Domain, and agree to follow operational directives. This is conducted on an entity to entity basis. The questioner cannot speak or make arrangements for his family unit, no matter how well intentioned.
I performed a follow-up question on this subject later on in this article. It’s question [7.10]. -MM
[7.7c] Question – Responsibilites of membership
Finally, this will lead to my final point. Synchronicities in this world are real — I find so many answers everyday in MM’s notes to questions that I find myself having.
In fact, reading MM has finally established my core belief in this life, meaning that I now know that I was right in the feeling that there is so much more than physical experiences.
While I’ve made my silent goal to improve this world as much as I can (even if those steps that I take towards this goal may be small in scope), I’d like to strongly help the Domain:
While my desire to help is real, I do not know which clans/societies/clusters I was a part of before my stay in the prison system complex.
Therefore, I’d like to learn more about my prior clusters and the responsibilities of being a productive member of the Domain before deciding to join the Domain, as one may realise that they’d like to re-join their existing societies.
As such, what are the responsibilities of being a member of the Domain?
The Domain has very set and structured roles and responsibilities. This falls within a very organized and laid out set of defined social classes. When someone wishes to join the Domain, they are reviewed on a personal individual basis. This is to determine in what way they would best fit within the Domain society and social structure. Not every entity can fit into it. But if the entity is so inclined, and is willing to obey the rules and laws and their social class then we would be very happy to invite the IS-BE entity to join the Domain, knowing full well that they can leave at any time. Upon review, the IS-BE entity would be presented with a firm understanding of the expectations of Domain membership. From that point, and agreement, an evaluation period will begin and the entire process is an individual one that includes elements that are outside the range of understanding of the earth-bound IS-BE skin-suits at this time.
[7.7d] Question – Life path
Lastly, because I realise the effort of MM in providing his readership with feedback from the Domain, I wanted to ask one final point, if possible:
I struggle with balancing my mental health with the extreme stress that my job in finance puts on me. However, I endure this effort because I’m hoping that the job I chose will provide with enough capital for me to finally be “free” of the ‘rat race’ in order to finally dedicate my entire and full attention to creating experiences, to improve this world, and to, above all, help others.
As such, all I want to ask is for any feedback and/or recommendation that the Domain might have with regards to the life path that I am currently in. I feel so lost at times with this matter…
Would the Domain kindly provide feedback or any recommendations with regards to my current life path?
Life path decisons are a personal matter that is best determined by the individual. The questioner has embarked on a life-path as established in his pre-birth world-line template (sic). It was his decision prior to being born, and he has followed it as was his objective. This plan was formulated as part of a series of reincarnation events regarding a cycling structre of key soul IS-BE entities that the Questioner is part of. This cluster are all working together on a project that was put in place by themselves with direct guidance from their local mantid primes. THe questioner is advised that the positive aspects of his current life are providing good and benifical improvements as has been his wishes. Even the distasteful elements of his life have a role. The questioner is obeying his jointly predicted performance vectors and should not deviate from it. The relationships that the questioner currntly have are valuable and needs to be cultivated to make them healthier and stronger. Right now the questioner is balancing various elements in his life, we advise more emphisis placed on direct interpersonal relationship improvment over any fiancial or physical gain. It is a core lesson of this particular incarnation.
[7.8a] Question – “Old Empire” activities
Domain Commander, is there a connection to the media activities and Astronomical discoveries in exercises directly controlled by the old empire?
The "Old Empire" does not exist any more. It was conquered by The Domain and broken up into regional entities. All of the regional entities are under manitoring authority and watched closely.
[7.8b] Question – Interpretation of results
Could have the measurement and interpretation of the results….. Dimensional is it your reality?
Transmitter (MM) does not understand the question. Please rephrase with substantive explaination and detail.
[7.9a] Question – Interest in biology
I have some niggling questions for the commander. They’re important, yet not urgent. Important in the sense that I feel it solidifies my purpose and identity, which is of course essential to the way I interact with others. So, if you can ask him/her/it when your schedule allows, I would really appreciate it:
Questioner was a <redacted>. Part of the skill sets in this role is intel gathering. It is cultivated and automatic and inherent in the nature of the IS-BE quantum makeup and structure. You can consider it to be a "sniffer" organ. It operates like a pre-cog ESP skill. It is one of the skillsets that make a <redacted> and their co-<redacted> so capable and potent. Questioner has the inate ability to predetermine actions and activities relative to harm, damage or violence. Questioner is in an inmate skin-suit. Yet, still has a quantum IS-BE make up that is a constructed arrangment that is not erased, only the memories are. Not the actual construction of being. Therefore, the inherent tools / utilities / weapons / and systems of the <redacted> form are intact. Only the memories on how to use them are erased and no longer accessible. In this instance, the questioner is getting elements of intel from its internal "organs" and doesn't know where they come from, or why they are appearing to the questioner. The questioner is picking up and interpeting the elements for a subsequent round of global-wide bioweapon release by certain national elements that are increasingly finding themselves at a disadvantage, and they desire to provide advantage in their favor that they can control. They believe, erroniously, that their forced injections of a military syrup would protect their chosen populations during this next up-coming event sequence. All evidence points otherwise. The questioner has accurately "picked up" the intel signs associated with this, and this intel is of a serious nature to the <redacted> physical form. The Chinese are aware of this plot and that is the reason why they implement draconian anti-virus measures at all levels.
[7.9b] Question – Memory recovery
The questioner is not able to recover erased memories at this stage of its life. It cannot be accomplished while the inmate is within the physical confines of the prison complex micro universe. Due to the nature of this questioner's situation, any effort towards memory recovery would be monitored, and prevented by those entities that surround the quester as family members, friends and others. This is an inherent part of the control mechanism for this particular inmate.
[7.9c] Question – disabling snares and traps
Questioner has various alterations to the non-physical skin-suit due to the nature of it being a <redacted> and part of the <redacted> when captured, and stripped of memory. This physical skin suit is not a typical general purpose skin-suit used by most inmates but rather a specially constructed attire that is used for those inmates that have a high propensity towards escape. There are many unique features in the non-physical suit attributes. The questioner already has had multiple non-physical operations. Others are planned. Some cannot be implemented at this time. The questioner is expected to be patient and realize that the intel senses are working properly and its interpetations of events and situations are correct. The questions is <redacted> and thus we will do everything in our power to ease the transition back to the <redacted>.
[7.9d] Question – clone?
Questioner is <redacted> and thus has a <redacted> elemental segmented soul structure. This is not what many human skin-suits understand the soul of an IS-BE to be, as actually there are many types of constructs, and in The Domain we use specific pre-determined archetypes to establish social class membership and participation ability. It is not only The Domain, but other societies do this as well, as well as numerous species that naturally segment for one reason or the other. The questioner is multi-segmented with autonomous actuation at various points within the Prison Complex. This should not confuse the questioner as it is completely normal, and expected.
[7.9e] Question – Politics
Questioner has training and previous administrative functions requiring diplomacy and protocol. There is a natural affinity for these kinds of events and situations which is magnified by the intel-gathering "organ" that the questioner possesses. Questioner had a role in interspecies communication regarding local inhabitants in the <redacted>. This was a political / administrative function as part of their posting at the <redacted>. Additionally, long before that particular capture event, the entity had successive training in other areas of inter-species interaction and liaison.
[7.9f] Question – Enemies
Those surrounding the questioner are not enemies. They are "fences" that are used to corral the questioner into certain behaviors, certain occupations, certain geographic regions, and certain elements fo control. The GP mantids advise that the questioner is considered to be one of the more doctile <redacted> and thus is permitted more freedom of movement than the fellow <redacted> that were captured with. This was facilitated by <redacted> who volunteered to enter the micro universe "Heaven" and recruit lost soul <redacted> for extraction. That group of entities established the pre-birth world-line template (sic) that the questioner currently enjoys and utilizes. However, due to the rules and restrictions inherent in the mantid prime directives, certain corralling elements had to be incorporated into the pre-birth world-line template. That is what the questioner is experiencing. They have a role, that they are unaware of, that steers you in certain directions. Some of them do so as part of your recovery and eventual extraction. That was set up by the Domain volunteers located in the "Heaven" micro universe, while other do so as part of predetermined mantid prime directives. Their role then is to set you on a path of certain pain and discomfort to make the death sequence and reaturn back to the Heaven micro universe more appealing. You cannot tell the difference, and neither can they. It is an explict effort of the undercover volunteers to make the corralling effort transparent ot the mantid primes so as to prevent an emergency recovery back to "Heaven" and probable entanglement and chaining towards more restrictive management. Questioner to be advised that they are programmed in their behaviors and this is established upon your pre-birth world-line template (sic). You will find and discover advisement from your mantid as they are (fully on board) with The Domain in your extration. As well as the fact that you have a team / crew / operatives working with you on the non-physical, and that you possess skillsets of great power and ability that you have forgotten how to operate. Have patience, you will be fully extracted upon your death. Just make sure to call for assistance and ask for our help. This is a requirement for all entities within the Prison Complex irrgardless of who they are or what their background is. This includes MM.
[7.9g] Question – Saving
Questioner is permitted to have projects, pets, friends, and hobbies while existing as an inmate skin-suit. There are no rule violations in this matter.
[7.10] Question – Mechanism
What is the mechanism or procedure when we die? Will we automatically know what to do, or what will happen? How do we handle our death when we exit the physical body?
One the entity dies, and gets their bearings on where they are and what is going on, they must direct their thoughts to [1] calling to The Domain and [2] yelling for help and "pick up". Do not stop until we arrive. Do not get distracted, and do not be led astray by any events or memories. We will NOT do anything unless explicit permission is asked. That is our firm rule. This is true even though we many have elements and assets surrounding the entity at that particular time. We will then come and assist in recovery to the next steps for that particular individual. MM is instructed to place a photo here.

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I see these EBP posts and doors get closed over; kitten gets thrown back onto her climbing tree; everything stops; gets diverted; gets shitcanned; gets whatever. And I mean EVERYthing.
Thanks so much for taking the time to translate these comms, Mr Man. Can’t get enough of this stuff. Intel that’s solid as a rock. A very rare and precious thing. (And I don’t mean Ashford & Simpson– although theyre pretty effing good, too!)
Thank you DC and MM for the question and response. I greatly appreciate your efforts and time. Thanks again. Cheers DR
Thank you once again MM. Geeze those vague questions must have done your head in . Some concerning shit about the non physical weaponry. Good to know the Domain have it under control
Thank you Mr MM. Doing the Q&As must drain you. Many of the answers seem to trigger additional questions. Like a Russian nesting doll. And I really don’t want to add on to your burdens. Is it ok to put some of those weird portions of the Q&As in the forums, so we can kinda jam together with a group? The Q&As really deserve a section of its own lol.
Weird stuff is fine. But I need a detailed description of what is being asked why, and it’s relevance. The Commander reads my thoughts as I answer and ask, and adjusts responses accordingly. Asking empty or simplistic questions, especially on subjects that I know nothing of, is useless.
So the Domain tell us that short term events in South Korea will result in a directional shift:
“The leadership will adopt an array of different policies and change direction on a number of subjects. However, there will firstly be some events that will contribute to a change in their thinking and attitude.”
Based on what’s happening now, that sounds like a very probable event sequence to lil’ ol’ me. What in the hell is wring with these people? Are they badly compromised with an Epstein tape, or something? Or, are they just fucking stupid. Even Pfizer said this shit isn’t working.
But, I guess, not much anybody can do, really. Events have been set in motion and Normie ate the carrot. The new kitty may be needy but she’s a happy little soul; and the wife is a pragmatic soul. Think I’m safer– God did I just say that, 😂– with their thoughts than these freak-shows making public health decisions– even though this is being driven by NPC parents who want themselves and their children injected with even more of this stuff out of sheer terror. Go figure.
And good luck with that, y’all.
Thanks MM, awesome reading, thinking and reflecting! It’s huge! Take care!