[daegonmagus] – Part 7 – PROJECT ALPHA

The following is the seventh part from a series of articles describing the adventure that a follower who goes by the handle "daegonmagus" has experienced since reading MM. They are very interesting and fascinating. I hope that you all learn from his journey and maybe learn a thing or two as he relates his unique experiences to the readership here. 


This particular article is not part of the direct set of articles that are autobiographical in scope and content.

Instead, this article concerns a project, or an idea that needs to be worked on and “flushed out”. I present it here in it’s rough state for others to consider and ponder.


As explained by daegonmagus…

This is an experimental project I wrote up a few years back which explains telepathy using basic radio engineering principles. 

Not sure if you want to put it up as an article, it is somewhat incomplete, but it resonates strongly with what the Domain Commander told you about tech that can be used to unlock the non physical body. 

I am certain the void space of lucidity can be used to properly tune the body to pick up these telepathic frequencies. I will go into another article on that when I've got the time.

This article is by no means finalized. This is just a rough draft for MM readership to consider and absorb.


There potentially exists an invisible energy field that surrounds the human aura in the region of the head which seems to be susceptible to fluctuations in electromagnetic/ magnetic fields.

It is presumed that if a strong enough field enters this energy’s boundaries at a specific frequency of resonance, then the subject may be able to achieve astral projection and/ or lucid dreaming more easily than if they did not experience this auric distortion.

Such propositions are based on alleged unorthodox happenings from numerous sources such as the Philadelphia Experiment, the Gibb’s device – more commonly known as the Hyper Dimensional Resonator or HDR -, radionics devices and the authors own experience involving a method by which to render people and objects light insofar as their mass weight is concerned, as well as other documentation concerned with the Schuman resonance.

The goal of the project is to use electronic engineering and radio communication methodologies, as well as components, such as the bifilar and caduceus coils, to develop devices that will specifically target a range of frequencies to try and induce such states of mind.


General radio theory dictates that all that is needed for the wireless transmission of electromagnetic energy is for a conductor of a required length to be electrified by an energy source at a frequency dictated by that very length.

Without delving to deeply into the complexities of this science, extensive studies into this phenomena have proven that another frequency can be attached to the frequency by which this conductor’s energy propagates, thus allowing for the transference of analogue or digital information to be sent from one location to another via the space between them, to be received by a similar apparatus.

Two important understandings must be made from this general theory – that all conductors are potential transmitters, and that all conductors are potential receivers.

All that is left for this “communication” to be intelligible is the filtering out of parasitic frequencies, known as noise, and the derivation of circuits that will allow control over which frequencies are to be used in transmission and how they shall be deciphered – which is the art of radio engineering. As a result, oscillators are used as a means to “tune” transmission and reception to a desired frequency, and many different methods have been established to create these components including the use of Resistor/Capacitor or Inductor/ Capacitor networks, and applying electrical signals to various crystal substrates such as quartz which in turn allows for them to resonate.

Keeping these things in mind it is also important to understand the implications this field of science poses to the human body (or any biological body for that matter), for the human body is really nothing more than a complex electrical circuit itself, consisting of a maze of nervous pathways that are constantly pulsating with energy, as well as conductive fluids, mass resistances and salts that together when combined could potentially establish perfect environments for these oscillations to take place thus allowing for the transmission or reception of some uncontrolled energy, especially in a being whose stature mimics that of a Marconi antenna (upright) when awake, and that of a Yagi antenna (parallel to the ground) when they are asleep.

There have been multiple accounts of people reporting they have heard radio broadcasts in their head after dental procedures, a similar set of experiences of which the author can attest to, though they were caused by an unfortunate susceptibility to perforated eardrums as a child and nothing to do with the former.

It is by reason and logic then I theorise that the subjects in these cases were somehow modifying the electrical characteristics of their bodies in such a way as to provide a direct deciphering of certain radio signals at their ears or the nerves close to them.

If unrecognized or unintentional oscillation of the body’s chemical composition is what is really occurring in these cases, then it is not altogether unreasonable to assume that the body could also be emitting a set of frequencies of its own, given its remarkable ability to act as if it has a constant battery feeding it energy.  The above scrutinization offers the following possibilities, depending on where the areas of the most prominent oscillations are occurring;

  • If oscillation is localized to circulatory system pathways, by using electromagnetic wave propagation theory where frequency = 3×108 / wavelength, (assuming the wavelength of a circulatory system to be 60000 miles in length) the potential frequency of oscillations would most likely sit somewhere around 3Hz.
  • If oscillation is localized to nervous system pathways, by using EM wave propagation theory and assuming the wavelength of a nervous system is 40 miles in length the frequency would be 4.66kHz.
  • If oscillation localized to grey matter nerve lengths, by using EM wave propagation theory and assuming the wavelength of a myelinated nerve fibre is 150 – 180000km long, the frequency would be between 1.6 and 2Hz.

I note these finding as extremely interesting, as one experience I had involved the stable awakening from a lucid dream whereby the physical world was transposed over the dream one in a wavy like manner at a rate somewhere near these extremely low frequencies (ELFs), which was to provide a basis for further investigation.

Also to be noted is another incidence where I fell into a lucid dream just as a plane went overhead, and witnessed the transition of the frequency of the plane being slowed to less than half of its original value, whereby some sort of up-scaling phasing effect was introduced.

If one were to study methods of astral projection on the other hand, majority of the techniques seem to involve the lowering or raising of the subjects energy frequency to a level that will initiate this projection.

Devices have even reportedly been used whereby they have brought about such projections almost effortlessly, by using insulated electric currents to alter the energy field near the head.

Some documentations of astral projection also point to a type of magnetism that will pull the astral body back into its physical if care is not taken to rid oneself of its effect immediately upon projection.

My own experiences in this area have led me to believe one hears a high pitched frequency shortly before projection, which sounds extremely similar to the immediate fizzing sound of when a bottle of soft drink is opened.

If I were to take a wild guess I would say this noise sits in the kHz range possibly between 4kHz and 10kHz.

All this is suggestive that there are frequencies at work which together create some sort of complex sinusoidal wave form (ie two or more sinusoidal waves multiplied or “mixed” together) that provides a locking mechanism for the astral consciousness within the physical.

The chemical change one’s body undergoes when falling asleep further strengthens my assumptions as to this being the case, as it would bring about a substantial change in systems of oscillation.

I have also noted many dietary coincidences in a lot of my lucid dreams that seem to point to sugar and the nutrients in chilli chicken dishes having a profound effect. It is therefore my intent to try to manipulate these frequencies to see if the astral body, or lucid consciousness can be unlocked from the physical counterpart resulting in a more effortless experience..

Another important consideration is the technique used to make the mass of people and objects much lighter than usual, whereby hands are placed over the head / top by a group of people each positioned so they are not touching. For those who have not experienced this technique first hand, I can attest to the strange feeling that occurs when more and more hands are placed.

It is as if some form of dense energy is being sucked away and you start to become lighter. This suggests to me that the head is best place to start energetic manipulation experiments. I would assume the radiation pattern to be like that of a toroid, the head being the centre of the parabola.


Purpose built frequency generators that can be tuned in increments of 10s of Hertz. Given these frequencies are likely to be extremely low, RC oscillators seem like the only choice available, which is unfortunate as these devices are not considered stable. 555 timers provide an easy way to implement this type oscillator and only require a few external components, whose values can be varied to alter the frequency. Where higher frequencies are being controlled, I suggest using a crystal type oscillator and tuning via an inductor/capacitor network.

Bifilar pancake coils seem to be a good candidate for the vertical transmission of energy that will penetrate a few centimetres. It is likely that a more complex circuit will need to be developed in order to transmit energy around the whole head.

The human body is thought to generate around 100 watts of power, and if my suppositions of it being a transmitter are correct, this would mean that a telepathic thought could quite easily be broadcast over the world if the body can be tuned to efficiently propagate it, considering that this can be done using only a few milliwatts with morse code modulation techniques .

My supposition is that the void space entered after one remains conscious through the sleep paralysis stage during the transition into the sleeping state, can be used as the medium by which to “tune” the body to a more efficient propagation frequency.

This basis for my assumption on this is that I was able to use it to tune into the dialect of a non physical species and then communicate with them whilst in this state. I believe they were located very far from Earth.

They spoke in a clickity clack language that was completely alien to anything we have on earth. After going through the tuning process, we were then able to share a commonality of understanding and they spoke directly to me.

Modulating thought frequencies on bodily produced carrier waves (Telepathy)

Ah. this is enough for now. There's a lot of "meat" to absorb here. Soak it in. Enjoy it, and soon enough part 8 will be posted. Best Regards. -MM

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The energy you’re looking for is the radiant Light via the Tachyon Field, which, we are, currently, in. Albeit we’re hacked genetically from render to be able to NOT know this. There’s a 3rd ‘view’ capability, for exampl… like, can you stare throuogh both sides of your nose at the same time? You’ll get a 4-sector view with your nostril occupying the bottom one (de-hacking is needed first for consistent use) Thats where they’re putting the 4th Density view mode, its in the interference pattern they send to each eye. and the only things tranmsittted here are purple, and green light. The green is the tachyon field. The purple breaks into blue/red North/South mag flux and thats how everything actuates, like a zipper, and the standing wave will create a full circuit once actuated, thus giving whatever you’re interacting with, solidity. But when you’re not looking, is anything there? (Nope, oh, and if only they didnt hack you and inverse the eye inputs and also the colors, and the black and red, and the white and black with the green (well, green is the background duh).

Now try this, get a LED flash light, put it in your fist so the light shines through your closed fingers and lights through your skin/flesh in red. Now if you can see through your fingers, why arent the bones showing up in shadow or dark form?

more to come

Ohio Guy

That’s amazing!


@ dracul hence why in lucidity you can deprogram and percieve the 4th dimension. I am not quite sure what you mean about tachyon field, but it resonates hevaily with what I was shown so i can relate to it. I suggest reading the “Digitisation of Consciousness” chapter in my autobiography (available on my metallicman homepage for free). Feel free to email me more about this: daegonmagus@protonmail.com


i am actually pretty keen to pick your brains more about this if you will allow me

Rikki Tikki Tavi

Very interesting stuff.

Reminds me of the subject discussed in John G. Fuller’s fascinating book: The Ghost of 29 Megacycles,” in which Fuller documents communications from a departed spirit (?) via and through electronic apparatus.



@Rikki Tikki Tavi is that teh same Fuller who used mathmetics to apparently summon demons? i read a brief article about it ages ago. And yeah, i may have held a “conference” with some spirits and discussed the best means to create this apparatus whilst in LD. Nothing eventuated from it though

Rikki Tikki Tavi

@ DM, Fuller wrote a 4 February, 1967 article for Saturday Review, titled “A Communication Regarding UFOs.” Would that be the article referred to? He was a prolific writer.

He wrote two plays, also.

One of his books was Are The Kids All Right? In it, he postulates that The Who concert disaster of 3 December, 1979 was caused by the “hard rock music’s hypnotic rhythms.”

While I have not (yet) read his book on the subject, I ask whether he also explored the frequency of most “Western” music being tuned at A440, which is said to be a blocking frequency.

A440 was, from what I understand, purposely introduced to stanch third eye awareness.

I have no way of verifying that, but knowing what I do know at present; I would not be surprised.

I had a radio show on my local college station. I broadcast during the wee hours. It was a blast, but the schedule was rough on me. For a number of my shows, I translated the frequency A440 to A432 (Audacity is a great open source application). I must attest to a different “feel” of the music. Very intriguing that you are proficient at LD.

Ohio Guy

“I am certain the void space of lucidity can be used to properly tune the body to pick up these telepathic frequencies.” I agree with this statement although I can not explain why. Your knowledge in this area is intriguing yet being based on electromagnetism that can give us a springboard for understanding. To really grok this method of communication, I feel, should be of importance and priority to every IsBe or soul of good intent. You sir, are gifted to the extreme. OG


@Ohio Guy I don’t consider myself gifted, just a guy who stumbled upon something after experimenting with consciousness. This led me on a quest to using things people can relate to to try and explain it. I believe the CIA gateway project paper has a similar concept.

Ohio Guy

Well, your efforts in LD and consciousness migration has yielded much.

Ohio Guy

@MM, dracul raises some very interesting thought. The following link is from wiki concerning tachyons and their hypothetical use in sending messages. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tachyonic_antitelephone You are probably familiar with this already. I just thought it pertinent to mention.

Rikki Tikki Tavi

I had not heard of the Tachyonic Anti telephone. Very interesting concept. In Al Bielek’s lectures on time dilation and related wave function, he postulated a toroidal architecture of temporal structure. There was a researcher, Nathan Stubblebine (MM may be familiar with him), who was purportedly able to obtain zero-point energy from the ground, illuminate areas of the forest through arcane techniques, and transmit his voice to other areas (like a telephone) via related means. I don’t recall the details of his research as I don’t have his bio or CV in front of me right now; he harnessed energy with methods that were, apparently, inimical to the elite energy business interests.

DM has brought some real mind benders to the table.


The Tachyon field is like a field that’s filled by a gas…which… is… particles…but that acts like one particle, so there’s no travel time… the field has no mass, weight, density, or energy… its Hyper/Subspace… and its a shortcut… if you can match the harmonics on the “Physical Photonic” side… so basically, if you could get on a train, you normally wait for the train to take you somewhere. But, theoretically, you can ahve a train, that’s , as long as from your starting point, to the destination… you could get into the train, and potentially, ‘walk-THROUGH’ the train to your destination. And this is where the Tachyon Field comes in… because if you have something like that on the physical side… then the Tachyon Field connects your point A and point B, because, you have the ‘potential’ to get from point A-to-B in a direct path. so you’d get on the train on one end, and you’d get off instantly at your target destination, on the other side of the train. So time travel, energy multiplication, duplication of objects, actuation of magnetic flux into physicality via mind harmonics, teleportation, star travel, all- totally, available, via the Tachyon Field, you jsut need a potential path to the goal/destination on the physical side.