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Part 8 of the EBP comm with The Domain Commander march 2022

Here we continue with periodic questions that I ask the Domain Commander for clarification on. This is part 8.

Note: For those of you who are new here, this article continues a Q&A dialog with an extraterrestrial "Commander" and a retired MAJestic operative who is still active with active EBP implants. 

Heavy stuff. But not for trivial reading. 

This is part of the Q&A (on-going) effort where questions are provided to me, and then I present them, and then record and interpet the responses.

[8.1] Question – Comprehending life

Sorry again for effing up my question for part 7 March 2022. Here is the detailed background. I had to send on this separate more anonymous email.
When I was a kid in around 1984-1987 my mother shared a story with me that one of her co-workers confided to her. Her co-workers name was MJ and they worked together for a short time in an admin office at the Beaver Valley nuclear power plant located in the borough of Shippingport,PA on the Ohio River.
MJ told her about the time she, her husband and family were driving home one early one night when they saw a ufo hovering off to the side of the road, they stopped the car and stared at the object.
It had 3 portals along the side and they were able to see a figure with a large head, large eyes and kind of a squished in face. One of the family exited the car to look closer and the object flew away.
This story has stuck with since I was a small kid, about age 8-10.  It planted the initial seed in me on my quest to understand the ufo enigma. It has been a lifelong quest for truth since hearing that story which is 100% sincere. Just after I heard this story was when the book Communion was published by Whitley Streiber and was displayed in Walden bookstore in the beaver valley mall and other bookstores.
Upon first seeing the cover of the book (a depiction of a grey alien) I was both terrified and awed simultaneously. This further cemented my desire to know all there was to know about the UFO enigma. I watched every single ufo
Television program, and began to read every single ufo book or magazine that existed in the local library or bookstores I could get my hands on, this then led to every single website i could find decades later.
I also experienced a couple odd occurrences at night, one was in the summer of 1986 while taking a family road trip to Enid, OK to visit relatives. We got lost at night driving somewhere near the Ozarks and experienced “lost time”. Another couple times I experienced a presence trying to drag me (or suction me ) out of bed at night. I vividly remember 1-2 instances as a teenager and also one within the last year.
I have always felt I have some unique purpose here to do something; I have only with the last 5 yrs to really openly begin to explore this in in real terms, I trained a little in remote viewing, I explored spirituality and  I trained as a medium and a psychic. I also meditated and engaged In deep prayer.
It was May 2020 when “found” the MM website and began to unwrap its beautifully wrapped contents and devour the bounty of information and slowly sip the unique western pa connection of it.
I thought/felt I finally stumbled into something that provided a deeper understanding not with the ufo enigma but my second truth quest in life(what is it all about) and what is “disjointed” with me as a person and how can i fix/repair myself so I can fully serve and help others to the fullest with my time left here.
I hope this helps to better understand my question What did I experience as a child that i only now have the wisdom to begin to comprehend”
If this helps to clarify then asking again would be appreciated, if I still don’t get it and am missing something  then I understand so no worries. Thanks again for your mm content and trying.
The Domain conduct periodic operations within the Prison Complex confines. These are periodically observed by inmate skin-suits. However, questioner mothers co-workers did not observe a vehicle of The Domain. That was a vehicle of <redacted> and they are the assets that investigate nuclear systems, and operations upon the Earth physical sphere.

Questioners experience of "missing time" is similiar to that of MM when he was upgraded in 1985. These are events that take place to perform biological investigation, monitoring, and observation. Questioner was  examined, and returned with no ill effects. This was also conducted by <redacted> but is part of an over all structured process in which multiple "species" take place with.

Questioner is on a pre-birth world-line template (sic) that was established for this role of a searcher for precisely the purposes of the acquision of knowledge for eventual realease from this Prison Complex. Thus, while it might appear to be random, it is not. Questioner is running a fated existence for precisely the reasons as previously stated.

Questioner must now accept this reality and recognize that it is in a school at this time with the ultimate goal of release on parole from the complex. Every effort the questioner is involved in should be directed to this goal.

[8.2] Question – Why not destroy IS-BE entities?

Please direct me if this has been already addressed.

Question: Rather than work so seemingly wide-spread (on this earth), and time consuming, and given that the entities in meat-suits are immortal… why not just terminate their (the really bad guys) existence here? Are not these Old Empire parasites easy enough to identify?

One cannot destroy an IS-BE. You may apparently "erase" it's memories, but though techniques in development, they will be able to be recovered. You may cut it up; divide it and scatter it's peieces else where, but in so doing, you will create many of the same entities. Instead of one, you now have thousands. 

You may place it in a confinement area. Such as a Bubble Universe, But it will eventually leave that confinement area.

Thus the solution of the "Old Empire" manifested; a bubble universe with a system of strife and reward on a never-ending wheel that keeps an intentionally ignorant IS-BE from returning to it's parent universes.

The "Old Empire" thought process was valid, but was thwarted by internal corruptions and problems in implementation and selfish persuits. It had eveolved into a kind of play-ground for torture, viscerial pleasures, idealized control and other vices. It has spun wildly out of control and is now evolved into something wholly different from its initial intent.

The Domain is active in stabilizing this environment, but there are bigger, more pressing galatic issues at hand and the resources are limited. Rest assured that we are doing everything we can at this moment, and the questioner must recognize that and not be overly influenced by problematic IS-BE entities he is trapped with.

[8.3] Question – Shadow people

Hi all – serious newbie here.

I have been through a large portion of the site and I think I have a newbie’s grasp of MWI and affirmation campaigns. I started my first 3 month campaign last week and looking forward to some results in 6-9 months time.

My question is around shadow people who seem to be characters in our world line who have a segment of their consciousness present but are not the full shilling so to speak. Could someone help me understand what that means in terms of daily life and how these shadow people affect your campaigns and, if they are just shadows of their real selves, how do we treat them and consider them in our lives?


  • our families and loved ones – how are they not their full selves when we interact with them? Are they sharing their world lines with us and if so, to what extent?
  • if we impact their lives, to what extent does that impact their own unique world line?
  • my gut instinct is that these are real people as much as I am and every decision I make has to include them if I care about them
  • what part of them am I interacting with if they are but shadows?
  • how does entaglement fit into all this?
  • are we in turn just shadow people to them in their world line and how does my decision making impact them?

Likely I am missing some important understanding here and would be very grateful to have that shown to me if someone can take the time.

[I, MM, can answer the questions regarding what shadow people are, and how they interact. That is not a Domain Commander question. the following answer is from MM not from the Domain Commander. If he / it / she interjects, I will take note. -MM]

A “shadow person” is everyone. Including yourself. You are a shadow person (from the point of view of another). In say ten trillion world-lines, there is a you in that world line. They, all ten trillion of them, are all shadows of you.

But you are on THIS world line. So obviously something is different here and now. What is it?

The difference is that your consciousness has chosen THIS world line to reside upon. Not the one where you are riding a giant turtle, or the one where you are a starving person in Africa, or one where you are a rich person in Dubai. Your consciousness occupies this “shadow body”.

And once your consciousness is in this body, you are no longer a “shadow person”. Understand?

It’s not just that though. Everyone else; every other consciousness is the same. They all have untold number of “shadow bodies”.

And since there are nearly unlimited world-lines, and billions of inhabitants, the odds are small (small not impossible) that you are sharing a world-line with another consciousness. So the reality is that your consciousness is in a world-line alone, and everyone else are just “shadow bodies” with very little consciousness actuation.

That does not mean that you cannot fall in love, interact and be with them. It’s simply a matter of where their consciousness interacts. In funcationality, attraction moves consciousnesses to share similiar world-lines.

Cats, for one, move in and out of feline bodies at will. And they will be present on your world-liens with you. Same as those deeply in love. It’s all about entanglement associated with emotion.

[8.4a] Question – Removal of biological item

Could I please ask the following questions of the Commander if at all possible.

Would the Commander have any knowledge of an item unknown to myself that was removed from behind my kneecap by a surgeon DR Bryan Bomberg (who also worked for the USAF) during the mid 90’s in the USA (Rout Hospital).

Numerous extraterrestrial entities monitor inmates and other biological forms within the Prison Complex for their own purposes. The Domain does so, and we have eextradited this activity to third-party resources. The questioner is not part of any Domain monitoring or tracking activity.

The <redacted> prefer to place tracking items in the joints of the physical extremeties. When they do so, very little modification of the non-physical bodies occur.

The reasons behind why there might have been an item placed in the location as described would be for information collection purposes. These are often passive devices for group behavior monitoring.

The removal of the physical component of that item would most assuridly stop that collection of data.

There should be no concern for worry or concern. Removal of any extraterially implanted item removes the inmate from further visits by those entities and places the traced element off the monitoring board.

[8.4b] Question – knowledge past and future

Would the Commander have any knowledge of my past both physical and that of a ISBE and the future for myself and my daughter if possible. No hurry as I understand others are before me. Thank you very much for the chance to ask the above.

The Domain can, if necessary, monitor the past, present and future of inmates within the Prison Complex confines. We do so by establishing a physical connection and non-physical modifications. This is known as the EBP (sic).

Without that, we are limited in what we can do. We can only observe the state of the present IS-BE in whatever situation it is presently involved in. As such, we can advise the hills and valleys (sic) of the present template(s) (sic) involved.

In a practical matter, this issue is best handled by the associated mantid aligned with the inmate entity. They have full knowledge and understandings of the entire situation and issues regarding the entity in question. The questioner themself must ask their mantid in prayer / contemplation, the mantid will be aware of the question and will respond. The questioner is not to question whether the answer is true / valid / factual or not. The questioner is to take the raw data as provide data and accept it.

The mind has the ability to alter acquired intel. This response is a funtion of template(sic) and must be suppresed. The way to do so is with consciousness centering techniques. [Hemi-synic, etc. -MM]

[8.5] Question – Domain influence on leadership

Are any members of The Domain occupying the bodies of any contemporaneous leaders at this moment of time?

Yes and No. 

[Image of a person sliced into slices like sliced bread, all of which is transparent.  These slices go from the top of the head downward. Of the 200 or so slices, only a few slices are influenced. And I see it as a moving series of colors that seem to pulse in a rhythm like that of ocean tides. I take and understand it to mean that there is a quantum participation "on/off" switch or "dial" that they can use to influence a given leader with.]

How about Xi Peng (China) in regards to this influence?

[Again the image of the clear sliced transparent humanoid. The color influence represents perhaps 15% to 20% of the slices.]

How about Alexander Putin (Russia) in regards to this influence?

[Image is of a big (black) hand firmly snugly holding Putin, and a very clear image of a confident and smiling Putin face. 

He's looking at me, with head tilted, with a "cat ate the canary" smile, and looking at me with a "what do you think?" expression.

It's exactly like he's the person that I am EBP communicating with!]

How about Joe Biden (United States) in regards to this influence?

Joe Biden is not a controllable asset / entity / clay at this time. 

Other influences and structural changes in his make up make manipulation / transverse operations / suppression / actuation dangerous. The skin-suit is comprimized and the IS-BE operation for the suit is abused.

How about any of the leaders in Europe in regards to this influence?


Individuals are being observed with occasional walk-ins and walk-throughs as an as-needed basis. Their behaviors cannot be manipulated with any degree of confidence in outcome determination.

[8.6] Question – Request in affirmation help

If I remember correctly, the Commander said that Old Empire guys recycle directly without memory-wipe and without life review so they are hard to catch.

And I asked some time ago, if it would be of help to have an affirmation so the domain can catch them or recognize them (like their lost battalion members)… It hasn’t been answered yet.

[This question is not really appropiate for The Commander. The knowledge on how the MWI works within the Reality universe falls under MM pervue. That being said, there really isn't any problems with that. I can add an affirmation for you, and direct you some guidance. However, I do have a direct message from The Commander regarding this. -MM]

Questioner is advised that de-cloaking inmates (most especially imprisoned members of The Domain) will trigger catastrophic event sequences which will iniate immediate recyling into another skin-suit. Only the most docile and "conditioned" members of The Domain are permitted "normal" General Population switching.

Quantum alarms are set off when thoughts related to a member of The Domain is recognized. It is thus critical that only the individual IS-BE inmate, and The Domain or one of our proxies be aware of who these individuals are, what they are doing and how they are acting.

The Domain is aware of the status and location of all members of the Lost Battalion. No further assistance is necessary in locating them. However, affirmation (sic) and consciousness manipulative techniques would be helpful in creating templates (sic) that are favorable toward inmate egress from this domicile.

[8.7a] Question – Historic global destructive events?

MM: I know I’m back on this subject again, but I just want some clarification – if possible.

The Commander said that there is a physical earth (also physical solar system and “universe”). He also said that yes, our collective consciousness constructs this matrix earth. He also indicated that this matrix earth, this Prison Planet of recycling ISBEs has been in place for a VERY long time. Back in the day, I’m talking tens of thousands of years at least, I can only presume that whatever form the ISBEs took, they too were subject to the memory wipe, and matrix-earth “building”.

This matrix earth had historic global destructive events – the results can be seen in ice-core data, geologic data and other credible methods. These records indicate that such massive population ending events are NOT rare, and are in fact cyclic – perhaps every 10,000 years or so. Repeating… EXPECTED.

Are those measurable scars, a result of collective belief that destructive events occurred – the “experts” through the ages “said so”, and the local entities agreed (ba-bing – they appear); or, are those scars upon the physical earth?

Thoughts can manifest physical events. This is true within the main universe, as well as in the reality universe (Prison Planet). However, both universe operate under a set of rules / laws / programming physical behaviors. Both are similiar as the reality universe is a pocket universe that resides inside the main universe. You can consider it as a "functionality reduced" universe. 

Newtonian laws operate within known physical space and is predictable (to a degree) as determined by earth-bound scientists. Thus, many of the earth-wide changes follow predictable patterns.

This situation is what most earth-bound inmates must deal with. Tectonic plates movements, volcanoes that result from internal pressure differentials, planetary orbit reconfigurations, and the behaviors of various species along with weather, and gravity changes are all part and parcel of this Prison Planet environment.

However, there is the unseen nature of this environment that must be considered. The templates (sic) that the humans learn upon / experience  [rehabilitation structure] are affected by thought. Since thoughts control brain selection [world-line selection to different brains in different world-lines. -MM] it can thus choose it's environment. [templates via slides. -MM] 

Groups of people, all of different abilities and skill sets, can switch to different templates (sic) which then define different physical conditions. They do not actually change the "rules of physics" so much as that they alter the template (sic) that they reside upon.

[8.7b] Question – Scars from physical activity?

If those scars are a result of physical activity, it seems to me that they may have occurred as a result of Solar Activity, or Galactic Activity, or, I suppose, Galactic to Solar… is this true?

The Prison Complex micro universe was created upon the ruins of once mightly civilizations that were destroyed when the "Old Empire" secured and acquired this section of geographical space. many of the physical scars are reminants of the great disruptions from those times.

Since the creation of the micro universe, the normal laws of physics were not suspeded. The normal turmpil associated with this secion of the universe has continued unabated.

The Prison Complex was created upon the ruins of planets, and the physical turmoil, whether solar, galactic, or non-physical is considered to be a necessary compoenent in the punishment of IS-BE entities marooned here.

[8.7c] Question – When can we expect the next sequence of events?

This whole scheme was designed by a skilled ISBE, corrupted by The Old Empire, and overtaken by The Domain. A very intelligent collection presumably. I could see withholding such information as to somewhat protect, and control the resident general population, but we here at MM are NOT the norm. Tell me please Commander, when will the next extra-terrestrially sourced cataclysmic event take place and affect the physical earth… or are such events now blocked by The Domain?

There are upcoming physical events that will have a profound influence on the human life in the earth sphere environment. Questioner is concerned about the dates, times, locations, causes and types.

The earth sphere is expected to enter a period of geologic upheaval  in mid 2030's into the 2040's. The specific dates, and times are dependent upon mass thought cluster influences. They are not entirely independent; Note that this is true even with the predictable behaviors of physical law influences.

The reality universe is one that is custom-tailored to the specific inmate IS-BE. This is established by the Mantid Primes that works with the entity to improve (sic) itself. They utilize a generalized default template (sic) for the vast bulk of the inmate community in General Population, with special ones specifically tailored to more agressive IS-BEs such as The Domain Lost Battalion membership, and so one. The only way out of those pre-conditions is to become docile. Once that occurs, the template reverts to the general default template (sic).

This general default template (sic) established the primary physical interactions and histories that the consciousness must endure. There are preprogrammed events on that map. These include both physical events (as observed by earth physical "laws"), and thought-generated events. The second (thought-generated events) are the reason for anchoring world-line behaviors.

Currently mass manipulation of huge populations is being conducted by (Western News) media. This is resulting in abnormal thoughts (vault 7) and will result in horrific consequences. The event trends will reach a peak, worse than presently experienced, within the next two years. This wil then "simmer down" and a new reality will manifest in the late 2020's, early 2030's time frame. By 2030, most IS-BE inmates (people) will be able to say "Phew! I'm glad that is over."

But that is where the physical disruptions of 2030 through 2040 (depending on the modifications of the template(s) will begin to manifest. THe questioner should realize that the entire Prison Planet Complex is a series of one problematic event after the other in a long series of problematic events.

[8.8a] Question – Characteristics of dream attributes

Yesterday I had a dream. Apparently there is an organization named Midnight in 1997, plus these guys came with a crow in the middle of the night on the roof of my crib. (speak about an entrance) It would seem to me that they are pretty bad “people”. I asked what they wanted with me saying that I didn’t have anything of value but they said that someone has to do crime. They don’t look like good people I did not like them one bit. Luckily there was someone to help me fend of these guys.

In these dreams I am usually never alone. This I noticed. There is always someone I don’t know,  who helps me. Though things are not always black and white. From my point of view.

Upon review I realized that theere is always something wrong with the right side of people or things, like someone tries to break your right hand fingers or someone has a scar on the right side. Some stuff like that. But it is always on the right side.

Question I would like to ask : So what’s up with the right side of things and who were those guys?

Human skin-suits are controlled by a brain. The consciousnesses activates the brain. Depending on the kind of thoughts and physical actions that the consciousness is involved in, as well as the noise / physical environment / surroundings, the consciousness will "sit" or activate various sections of the brain, being left-handed, right-handed or other.

Observations within the dream suggest an assault team of entities that possess a similiar seating of the consciousness to the physical skin-suits.

This is almost always associated with organizations, species, or collectives.

These entities are a carryover from previous incarnations that were dragged into this present incarnation by direction of the Mantid Primes for the purpose of "improving" the questioner though hardship and strife. They are constructs.

The questioner is fighting / dealing / in combat with a group of entities that are assulting him. This is a large cluster of entities that are part of an organizational matrix. 

They are assigned to influence the questioner, in thoughts, actions, and intent / motivations.

Questioner need not fear this organization. The Domain has assigned elements to mitigate the disruptions and assaults. We have also modified questioners non-physical bodies for better resiliency. There are numerous event cycles that the questioner must endure. But we can positively confirm that once the questioner passes throough this period (longer than the questioner would like) the "other side" would be substantially better.

By the time the questioner exits the chrysalis the organization will no longer be latched on to his non-physical bodies, and the wishes, dreams and desires of the questioner will manifest. Some will be very welcome surprises, as the questioner will be surprised at the massive changes and unexpected magnitude of them.

We advise following the plan (that the questioner is well aware of what actions he needs to take).

[8.8b] Question – Advice on life

And, I would like some little advice on life. Is everything really going according to plan?

Over the last few weeks I have accepted my fate. I would not write this unless I had to. If you do have the time please look into this matter. Do not feel too obliged to answer . At your own time and pace.

The questioner is advised that everything is on track and to plan. 

The fears and situational context is worrisome to the questioner. However the questioner is advised not to deviate, but rather follow the plan, conduct his necessary actions and never lose faith in his abilities nor our ability to support him. 

Questioner is not alone. He is never alone. We are monitoring him and we are fully advised about his current situation.

[8.9] Question – When will World War III begin?

What is the specific date for the start of World War III?

Most future historians will attribute the start of "World War III" (also known as the fracturing of the global order) as 2008 with the collapse of the "too big to fail" banking cartel. 

[Just within 12 hours of writing this, a friendly stranger said "out of the blue"...The initial timeline should probably include the 2008 Nato conference in Bucharest that stated Ukraine and Georgia would eventually join Nato.-MM]

Others will attribute the start with the first kinetic actions against China in 2014, while others will associate the President Trump "Hybrid War" against China in the 2017 time period.

The questioner's question concerns the first kinetic military actions in this period of time.

For years, the Western Powers have been conducting covert warfare, which often resulted in suppressed reporting of the events. These events included the attempted coups in Belarus, Kazakhstan, Myanmar (Burma), Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, as well as the revolts in Tibet China, Xinjiang China, and Hong Kong China.

The first major well published kinetic response to the Western nations assaults occurred in the first week of March 2022 in the Ukraine. 

The questioner's actual question revolves around a "trigger event" such as the first nuclear detonations of "World War III". In truth, the first use of WMDs during "World War III" was the use of coordinated multi-viral biological weapon attacks to suppress China in 2017 through 2020 by the United States.

Other WMD use included the Western nations destruction of the BRI egress port in Beirut in 4AUG20. This was a thermobaric weapon [possible nuclear -MM] that destroyed the port completely. Other initial battles included the destruction of VTOL Naval carriers of both China and the United States, and the destruction of numerous American submarines in the South China Sea. ["Tit-for-tat" warfare. -MM]

The future for this world-line template (sic) is indeterminate. There are numerous futures that could manifest. These include very BIG bads. The possibility of this manifesting still remains high.

The Domain are in the process of steering the chain of events to small bads. 

The Questioner will be well advised that he is in the midst of a major global war that manifested as a result of global realignments. 

The knowledge of when or where, or to what magnitude the kinetic fighting might manifest will not make any difference in questioners life. Prudent preperation for the worst should be in place irregardless to any predictions that we can provide.

[8.10] Question – The Moon

I have a question for the Domain, please:

Would they be able to share with us who placed the Moon in its current orbit, where it came from and when was it put there? (Or offer us a little history of that period of Earth’s history, instead?)

I know this isn’t related directly to Domain Operations and irregular assistance from us, but I’m curious now that moves are being made to dismantle the Old New World Order and replace it with a New New World Order aimed at an eventual win-win for everybody regardless of race, colour or creed, as stated by both Putin and Xi in recent years.

Thus I think it wold be beneficial if humans could start at least to gain an appreciation of our true history instead of the layers and layers of lies that have been placed over our true origins; especially since more and more people became literate, affluent and started to ask these questions during the 17th and 18th centuries right through until today– but were always rebuffed with a stream of horseshit from intellectual authorities, so called, whenever they tried to access some Real Truth.

A taboo subject even until this day, also. But then again, anyone daring to question the western horseshit narrative was also taboo until China and Russia got their collective rocks on earlier this week and began action! So fuck taboos, pardoning my French, and here’s to a little bit of context as we move forward towards something better at last– it’s been too long in coming. No doubt there will be some major setbacks along the way as psychopaths don’t like losing, but we’ll get there eventually; and some extra background in addition to what Arl has already kindly revealed– as to who we are and where we came from– would really help.

Shout out to Arl if she’s reading this, btw!

The moon was placed in orbit around the earth during early regional occupany of society clusters prior to the establishment of the "Old Empire". It's use was as an "ark" from which the species could disembark and establish colonies on the planetary surface. This took millions of years, and those colonies were short lived. [Realitively speaking. -MM]

Subsequent species set up colonies on the earth, as well as native intelligences arose in the process.

None of these intelligences, and tool-making societies realized that the moon possessed a void.

During "Old Empire" expansion and the resulting wars, the planetary surface communities were destroyed, and the earth (as well as many other adjacient planetary systems) were evicerated, and had to reestablish themselves. At that time, the "Old Empire" decided to construct the Prison Complex in this general vincinity. It was during the planning for the construction system that the moon was discovered to be hollow.

Teams went in and identifed an environment with atmosphere, light, heat, and abandoned structures. They purged the atmosphere and modified it for the dominant "Old Empire" species, then they set up a command and control operations center there for the Earth Prison Planet.

When The Domain conquered the "Old Empire" in this sector we took over the facility, and now monitor it's operation, leaving many of the (former "Old Empire") workers and inhabitants in place.

Oh, and by the way. Arl says "Hi!". [ Ok, yes. This is a hard chill response. It's real, in other words. -MM]

[8.11] Question

How do I avoid Mantid Prime tracking and influences?

Members of the Domain that have a "woke" consciousness need not be concerned with mantid prime interference in thoughts and desires. Questioner is to remain confidential. Migrate actions in show careful steps so as not to arose suspecion or opposition that could alert snares. Upon termination of this life contract, questioner is to call for pickup and await retrieval.

Then, questioner will enter a situation that they will not understand, but they are to follow our guidance and processing. Fear manifestations are programmed and will be present. Questioner is not to invoke defense responses as the recovery team are / will be of former comrades (whether recognized or not) and recovery steps will be initiated.

You are well missed. We will being you home. It will happen! Do not lose faith. [Ultra strong emotional push. Goose bumps. Smashing hard clamor of emotion. I even have tears coming out of my eyes. Jeeze! -MM]

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Ultan McG

Thanks so much to you Mr Man, and to the Domain and all involved in answering my questions.

And best of luck as always to our US based colleagues, too, moving forward; because who- or whatever “Joe Biden” is, that dude sounds fuuuucked uuuuppp.

Putin, however, sounds to me a very rational person, indeed, as that image also confirmed. So best of luck to him and all involved in this magnificent if terrifying endeavor.

He has seized the moral upper hand, has Natural Law on his side, and billions of supporters.

What a great time to be alive.

And the very best of wishes to Arl, too. Without her and Metallicmans input we’d all still be groping around in the dark.

(Mr Spenser and the interview too, of course!)


Wild stuff! Thanks as always for your hard (and surely painful) work to bring us these gems. BTW I didn’t need my question to go to the Commander but thanks anyway. Your additional insights were great.
Its a fascinating world we live in!


This is one of the most significant Q/A sessions – ever. I do revisit Q/A every now and then. But this one was goosebumps and emotional all over.
Thank you guys for your questions and thank you MM for your efforts and sheer dedication.

Ohio Guy

perolator: This is one of the most significant Q/A sessions – ever. I do revisit Q/A every now and then. But this one was goosebumps and emotional all over.

, I agree. I also think every single one of congjing yu’s EBP comms are fascinating. I am always awestruck by them. I feel as if I’m entering some surreal territory when reading them. I believe we are very fortunate to be privy to these comms.


Thank you DC and MM for answering my questions. Appreciated greatly.DR


[8.10] Shout out to Arl.

Am confused, who is Arl?