Power Boost technique to bang your affirmation campaign into quick manifestation

I have discussed this before. if you make those people around you smile, feel good about themselves, and happy, it will drench your local quanta field with positive and constructive energy charge.

Here is a simple video that illustrates this effect.

Make the people around you happy, and your quanta field will strengthen and your verbal affirmations will be energized. As each thought packet needs energy to manifest. Make other happy. Even if it is a lie. Generate an enormous positive, happy and hopeful series of thoughts that surround you.

Listen to me!

This will *BANG* things into being so much quicker. You have no idea!

video 120MB


Keep in mind that everything we do has an accumulated characteristic that color and alters the prayer campaign.  For you to advance forward you need to be of clear mind and purpose, and control any negative and counter active thoughts and actions that might have developed into habitual problems within your life. And, as this article illustrated, inject positive power and energy into the field that surrounds you.

The “thought packets” associated with each singular verbal affirmation NEED *energy* and good-will to manifest. Spread the love around, and your dreams and goals will manifest.

If you do, you can be guaranteed of speedier implementation of all your desires.

Best Regards.

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