2022 06 06 16 29

Kitty control and a global situation that has the Western elite all in disarray, an American presidential idiot, and some delicious food

Today’s mix of news and pleasures reflect this strange point in time. I hope that you all enjoy it. Things are shaping up nicely, and we are beginning to see some form take shape, and that defines clarity to what will happen next. I hope that you enjoy this article.

Indian FM Jaishankar Calls Out West Again

Highlights (7 minutes): HERE


BUT sadly, it also shows at the very end that India will deal with the devil himself, US imperialism, in its differences with China.  I hope that this was just a point of diplomacy – it was not spoken with the same indignation that the FM reserved for the rather ugly comments of the interviewer.  So maybe it is a passing phase.  Let’s hope so.

India should be concerned about the US.  The Wolfowitz Doctrine dictates that any country that grows too powerful will be targeted and brought down by the US.  Right now India has the number three PPP- GDP in the world.  If China is brought down, India will be the next target for the US.  Bank on it.

The longer version is revealing in that it shows the blindness of the West to the Global South in the snarky neocolonial attitude of the interviewer and of the questioner from the Baltics.

US-China trade war: ‘all options’ on table in tariff review, Washington seeking ‘structure that makes sense’

Deputy US Trade Representative Sarah Bianchi says Washington is seeking to address long-term challenges from China and ‘getting a tariff structure that really makes sense’ US President Joe Biden has said he is considering removing some of the tariffs imposed on Chinese goods by predecessor Donald

Article HERE



6:45 PM EDT — BOUT FOUR HOURS AGO, The Ukraine Armed Forces launched a horrifying attack with Multiple Launch Rocket Systems (MLRS) against ALL CIVILIAN TARGETS in downtown Donetsk, the city center!   Large explosions in rapid succession seen on video below.

There are no Russian forces operating inside the city and there have been no outbound firing of weapons from that city.   Today’s attack was deliberate targeting of a completely civilian area.   Here, look:


This is precisely what Ukraine was doing from the year 2014 until 2016, paused when President Trump was sworn in, but resumed when Biden stole the US presidency.

They are attacking civilians because those civilians speak Russian, and want to be independent of Ukraine.

This is a war crime – again – by Ukraine . . . . again.


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How Russia, And Putin, Are Weaponizing, Losing And Running Out Of … Everything

The Western "news" is so silly. -MM

Moon of Alabama earlier explored how Russia was weaponizing everything. This after Donald Trump had done so many good things for Russia. Then Putin lost everything he ever might have had.

It has been getting worse since.

Now Russia, and Putin himself, are ‘running out’ of whatever may have been left.

Posted by b on June 3, 2022 at 7:46 UTC | Permalink

RUMORS: UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson to Face “No Confidence” Vote

United Kingdom (UK) Prime Minister Boris Jonson is RUMORED to be on his way out of power, as 65 letters of “No Confidence” have allegedly been filed in Parliament.   Under UK rules, 54 such letters are required to force a vote.

If the tally of letters has reached 65, then Johnson could be ejected as Prime Minster.

Sir Graham Stuart Brady is RUMORED to be ready to announce the tally of letters on Monday.

Brady is a British politician who has served as the Member of Parliament for Altrincham and Sale West since 1997.

A member of the Conservative Party, he has been Chairman of the 1922 Committee since 2020, previously holding the position from 2010 to 2019.

It is that Committee that has the power to call a “No Confidence” vote within the Party.

Roman Abramovich’s UK Telecoms Firm to Be Sold for $1: Report

New form of looting. Singapore tiger Air was sold for A$1 after Australia abuse airsafety regulation to damage the airline reputation in Australia to kill an Asian competition. Now UK did the same to Russian investment:
  • Roman Abramovich’s Truphone is being sold for about $1 to two European entrepreneurs, a report says.
  • The company had been worth $512 million in 2020, according to The Times.
  • Abramovich is among the individuals sanctioned by the west following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.
A British telecoms company owned by Roman Abramovich is being sold to two European tech entrepreneurs for about $1, The Times reported.
Truphone, valued at $512 million ($410 million) in 2020, has received almost $375 million of investment from Abramovich and two business partners, Alexander Abramov and Alexander Frolov. According to the newspaper, Abramovich owns 23% of the company.
Truphone hired the advisory firm FRP in April to review its “strategic options” following the sanctions imposed on the former owner of Chelsea FC.
Hakan Koc is one of the two entrepreneurs who has emerged as one of the preferred bidders for Truphone, according to The Times…. More

Full article HERE

Very Interesting Video

Rare video of the Russian TOS-1 MRLS system in use at shorter range. The launch and impact sites are both visible and about 1 km apart. You can see why Ukrainian fighters are terrified of the 220mm fuel-air explosive rockets. A trench is not sufficient to shield soldiers from the long thermobaric blast wave produced – lethal (in this video) at least to the extent of the shockwave ‘fog’ front. The visible shockwave is a function of the relatively low temperature and high humidity – it’s not normally visible in most situations.

View the Video here

Javelin ATGM missiles have an effective range of 2.5 km, so the TOS-1 launcher in the above video is easily close enough to be counter-attacked. You have to be able to see the Javelin target to fire on it, so the launcher is probably positioned behind trees or terrain. The TOS-1 rockets are ballistic and able to arc over such cover even at very low trajectories.

Cake Mix Gooey Butter Lemon Cookies

Lemony, soft cookies topped with a sweet citrus glaze using a genius shortcut — cake mix!

df9dcf7b f755 4faa ab6e 01ff935c9bc1
df9dcf7b f755 4faa ab6e 01ff935c9bc1



  • 1 package (8 oz) cream cheese, softened
  • 1/2 cup butter, softened
  • 2 tablespoons finely grated lemon peel
  • 1 egg
  • 2 tablespoons lemon juice
  • 1 box Betty Crocker™ Super Moist™ lemon cake mix


  • 1 3/4 cups powdered sugar
  • 3 to 4 tablespoons lemon juice
2022 06 04 20 45
2022 06 04 20 45

North Korea Fires Missiles into Sea of Japan


At about 1:00 AM eastern US time Sunday, North Korea fired at least one, and perhaps multiple, ballistic missiles.  The missile(s) were fired from the east coast of North Korea toward the Sea of Japan.


North Korea fired eight (8) short range ballistic missile from Sunan, near Pyongyang.   The missiles flew at various altitudes and distances, presumably to test targeting and range.  Missiles flew 110-670 km at top altitude of 25-90 km.

It now appears that North Korea did this IN RESPONSE TO South Korea and the United States staging their first combined military exercises involving an American aircraft carrier in more than four years.

Grief days with changes in Narrative… or why Trolls are Doomed

By F(unny) MAN for the Saker Blog

In the last days we have been observing some important developments:

The MSM defecators (1) are changing the Narrative from:

  • Weeeeeeeeee, we are the best of the best.
  • 404 Super-army of Call-of-duty soldiers are defeating the Russian Zombie hordes.
  • Russian Army is losing millions of men, thousands of tanks, hundredths of aircrafts.
  • Russia has no more men, ammo, missiles, whatever, and they will have to stop the offensive
  • United we will win (Ha! this, a very good one)

To admit that, something is happening (or could happen) that is closer to the reality that is developing in the Real World and on the ground (You know what I mean…) such as:

  • The “Diplomatic Solutions to the conflict that, 404 can and should find (from a position of Force) with Russia”
  • The “Shocking Victory that Putin the magician is about to pull off his hat”
  • The (at minimum) “600 daily casualties of the 404 army in the Donbass”
  • The “We will never pay in Rubles! But please, can we open an account in Gazprombank“
  • Et cetera…

As my grandpa always said; when you enter into conflict with reality, no matter how your wishes, your paranoia, or your narcissistic self-appreciation and wokeism are… you are in for a hard punch in the face.

We are slowly but surely seeing some kind of collective grief at play, because you can observe all phases developing (2) in front of you. You only have to look carefully at their, now serious, faces (not happy and cheering anymore) and declarations. Be they politicians in the zone A, MSM hosts, opinion makers, general analysts, vassals and puppets, or any other fauna of this political and informational ecosystem (3).

Every time I hear or read the reports about 404, I do have the feeling that what they are just bitterly saying can be resumed in this sentence: United we fight against Russia, from Victory to Victory till the final Defeat.

I suppose their days should be terrible because looks like the Russian have a never-ending supply of Tanks, Men, Talent, Aircraft, and Missiles. But what should you expect? The incredible hat of Putin the magician has no bottom end.

But let me tell you that, this grief, is also found in the troll scene. What many people might have been noticing lately is that the level of trolling has been reduced significantly in the last weeks. I have been observing a decline in the quantity and quality of troll commenting on those websites and Alternative Media (4) that some people use to look for real (I mean REAL) information, opinion, and analyses. I have the feeling that many of the trolls should also be in (or close to) the Depression phase of the grief.

I have contacted some of my troll-friends that, unfortunately, have to work as troll-commentators(5) fundamentally in well-known 3-letter-agencies such as CENSORED, CENSORED or CENSORED, and made a little bit of research and interviews… their words were stunning.

They speak about unhealthy conditions, miserable and delayed payment, alienation, abusive and violent working atmosphere, overworking hours, lack of respect at work, anxiety, psychological trauma, and ptsd (the answer to their trolling comments is terrible to their self-esteem) high incidence of suicide, high incidence of divorce, obesity, stress, sleep deprivation, fatigue, anxiety (again) and other problems. They openly state that they cannot work much longer under such pressure conditions. One of them even claimed to need more than 36 hours of psychological treatment after realizing he started to believe that the answers to their trolling comments seemed to be quite reasonable and articulated, and more likely truth worthy that the official narrative they have to push (as that it is obviously impossible).

One of my (closest) troll-friends is also considering leaving his Job in CENSORED after more than 25 years of trolling. With his experience and qualifications, he can always find a high-skilled job somewhere as a Self-Storage Manager or as Restroom Attendant.

I have to inform you that no trolls were harmed or exposed to light in the investigative research that was conducted to the writing of this article.

In the time you invested in reading this article, 26 trolls have died, 96 have quit, 238 have to get a two-week sick leave due to due to the problems, hardness, and complications related to their job.

1.) It is quite a gross definition, but… they defecate through one of the orifices in their body, just not the traditional one (6)

2.) The five stages of grief:

  • Denial
  • Anger
  • Bargaining
  • Depression
  • Paying in Rubles

3.) To get more information about these Fauna and Ecosystem, you just have to switch on your Television, there is a 24/7 documentary going on, all the time, nonstop… geeeez! do it at your own risk.

4.) Websites like this one CENSORED you are reading, or those of Mr. Martyanov CENSORED or Mr. Bernhard CENSORED just to mention some.

5.) They say you have to have friends even in Hell, and Hey! Trolls do have to eat too. They have Families, Troll-Wives and Troll-Kids. So long they do not work in the light of the day (with you-know-what-consequences) they have to make something productive of their lives and provide for those they are responsible for. Also, garden dwarves are not that abundant anymore.

6.) I know, self-referencing is not a good idea, but… I just Wonder… if they defecate through the mouth… they should get the Feed through the…

Show Your Feline The Respect It Deserves With A “Game of Thrones” Cat Bed

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Your cat rules your life and only lets you live because you feed it, empty its litter tray, and sometimes you can be quite amusing. So isn’t it time you just admit who’s boss in your household?

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The First Financial Domino Just Fell; China’s EVERGRANDE is now OFFICIALLY in “Default”


At Midnight U.S. east coast time Friday night-into-Saturday, China’s second largest Real Estate developer, EVERGRANDE, officially entered “DEFAULT” status on its massive global debt.  This is the first Domino in the coming financial collapse, and it has just fallen, hard.

The China Evergrande Group is the second largest property developer in China by sales.

It is ranked 122nd on the Fortune Global 500.

It is incorporated in the Cayman Islands, a British Overseas Territory, and headquartered in the Houhai Financial Center in Nanshan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, China.

According to Citibank as of Saturday June 4th, EVERGRANDE is more than 30 days past due on interest payments.

This means that hundreds of billions of Dollars will get removed from market makers and banks on Monday  6th June.

Most G20 nation banks, Money Market  funds, some State pension funds will have direct or secondary counterparty exposure to this.

China Will only bail out China…by CCP takeover of Evergrande companies.

Foreigners are left holding the bag.

More or less the same thing happened in Ireland not too long ago and MANY Irish banks went bust overnight because of it.

A full 2/3rds of China’s domestic wealth and economy is tied up in residential and commercial real estate.  It is the largest single asset class of any nation in the world.

As China Evergrande reportedly begins negotiating creative ways to repay billions owed to offshore bondholders, a paying agent of one of the embattled property giant’s USD-denominated bonds has sent a letter to investors officially confirming default.

Dr Marco Meltzer, a respected German financial analysts and outspoken critic of the handling of Evergrande’s debt crisis, says he received a letter from Citi earlier this week all but confirming the company is broke.

Citigroup serves as a paying agent for a number of Evergrande’s offshore bonds. Paying agents are intermediaries which accept payments from bond issuers and distribute the funds among the bond holders.

“Just this week, I received an official letter from the agent Citibank that Evergrande has defaulted on our bond and I will never see my money again,” said Dr Meltzer.

“I had bought bonds last year in November to see if the media coverage of the real estate giant was accurate, as they repeatedly reported that Evergrande was doing well.

“Unfortunately, it appears this media coverage is taking its course.”

Meltzer shared a copy of the letter (published in the feature image of this article) which states Evergrande and its Subsidiaries “have not made payment of interest that was due and payable on April 11, 2022”.

Last year, an Asia Markets’ investigation highlighted a litany of examples in which missed Evergrande offshore bond payments were sugar-coated in the financial press through anonymous sources claiming that default had been avoided, thus leading to many investors overlooking the risk the crisis poses to global financial markets.


All the stories in the media about Evergrande negotiating its way out of default and paying bond holders were lies . . .  from or through, the media.

You see, its cheaper to pay the media to run a bs story than it is to pay $300 Billion worth of debt.

So here we see that media PROPAGANDA lured people into investing money, which they have now lost.

Think about that the next time you watch any so-called “main stream” media outlet.  It is no longer the exception to the rule to have media outright lie.  Many of you found that out with COVID.   Now investors are finding out the hard way.


Now, we all get to see what kind of rhetorical “blood-bath” takes place in Asian markets when they re-open later tonight (Sunday).   If it is as bad as I think it will be, the contagion will spread rapidly to Europe and to the US.   This could be quite a week.


There was a major, red flag warning sign, that something wicked was coming when Fitch Rating Service announced on June 2 they would cease rating Evergrande and its subsidiaries.

They announced “Fitch Ratings has decided to withdraw the credit rating for Communist China’s real estate Evergrande and its two subsidiaries on June 2nd, as there is not enough information to maintain the rating.

Foreign media reported that the rating agencies downgraded China Evergrande Group and its subsidiaries, Hengda Real Estate Group Co Ltd, and Tianji Holding Ltd to “restricted default” last December, saying the companies’ offshore bonds, including loans and private placement, had defaulted. However, as there is not enough information to maintain these ratings anymore, Fitch said. “No further ratings or analysis will be provided to Evergrande and its subsidiaries.” they added.


When Ireland saw similar major crash, MANY banks in Ireland found themselves book-broke overnight.

Ireland is tiny.  China is gigantic.

The amount of Evergrande debt is at least $300 Billion.   How many banks globally may now be tipped-over into being book-broke?   We start to see tomorrow.

Worst case, global bank runs.

The Numerology people will be going nuts over the date:  06-06-2022 . . . but when they add the 2’s  in the year, it becomes 6-6-6.   Just sayin . . .

What Australia Looks Like In The Winter

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Australia turns white in the winter time but not from the snow. Some places still turn white due to creatures that spin massive webs around that time of year and they look like this.

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VIDEO: University of Minnesota Being “Culturally-Enriched” by “Diversity”


Students and others on University Avenue near the University of Minnesota got “culturally enriched” last night as “Diversity” opened-fire.  Video below:


Ain’t “Diversity” grand?!?!?!?


Bilderberg does China

When Davos and Bilderberg messenger boys look at The Grand Chessboard, they realize that their era of perpetual free lunch is over.

By Pepe Escobar posted with his permission and widely cross-posted. 

Discreetly, as under the radar as a looming virus, the 68th Bilderberg meeting  is currently underway in Washington, D.C. Nothing to see here. No conspiracy theories about a “secret cabal”, please. This is just a docile, “diverse group of political leaders and experts” having a chat, a laugh, and a bubbly.

Still, one cannot but notice that the choice of venue speaks more volumes than the entire – burned to the ground – Library of Alexandria. In the year heralding the explosion of a much-awaited NATO vs. Russia proxy war, discussing its myriad ramifications does suit the capital of the Empire of Lies, much more than Davos a few weeks ago, where one Henry Kissinger sent them into a frenzy by advancing the necessity of a toxic compromise named “diplomacy”.

The list of Bilderberg 2022 participants is a joy to peruse. Here are just some of the stalwarts:

James Baker, Consigliere extraordinaire, now a mere Director of the Office of Net Assessment at the Pentagon.

José Manuel Barroso, former head of the European Commission, later the recipient of a golden parachute in the form of Chairman of Goldman Sachs International.

Albert Bourla, the Pfizer Big Guy.

William Burns, CIA director.

Kurt Campbell, the guy who invented the Obama/Hillary “pivot to Asia”, now White House Coordinator for Indo-Pacific.

Mark Carney, former Bank of England, one of the designers of the Great Reset, now Vice Chair of Brookfield Asset Management.

Henry Kissinger, The Establishment’s Voice (or a war criminal: take your pick).

Charles Michel, President of the European Council.

Minton Beddoes, Editor-in-Chief of The Economist, which will duly relay all major Bilderberg directives in the magazine’s upcoming cover stories.

David Petraeus, certified loser of endless surges and Chairman of KKR Global Institute.

Mark Rutte, hawkish Prime Minister of the Netherlands.

Jens Stoltenberg, NATO top parrot, sorry, secretary-general.

Jake Sullivan, Director of the National Security Council.

The ideological and geopolitical affiliations of these members of the “diverse group” need no further elaboration. It gets positively sexier when we see what they will be discussing.

Among other issues we find “NATO challenges”;

  • “Indo-Pacific realignment”;
  • “continuity of government and economy” (Conspirationists: continuity in case of nuclear war?);
  • “disruption of global financial system” (already on);
  • “post-pandemic health” (Conspirationists: how to engineer the next pandemic?);
  • “trade and deglobalization”; and of course, the choice wagyu beef steaks:
  • Russia and China.

As Bilderberg follows Chatham House Rules, mere mortals won’t have a clue of what they actually “proposed” or approved, and none of the participants will be allowed to talk about it with anyone else.

One of my top New York sources, with direct access to most of the Masters of the Universe, loves to quip that Davos and Bilderberg are just for the messenger boys: the guys who really run the show don’t even bother to show up, ensconced in their uber-private meetings in uber-private clubs, where the real decisions are made.

Still, anyone following in some detail the rotten state of the “rules-based international order” will have a pretty good idea about the 2022 Bilderberg chatter.

The statements and position postures…

Secretary of State Little Blinken – Sullivan’s sidekick in the ongoing Crash Test Dummy administration’s Dumb and Dumber remake – has recently claimed that China “supports” Russia on Ukraine instead of remaining neutral.

What really matters here is that Little Blinken is implying that Beijing wants to destabilize Asia-Pacific – which is a notorious absurdity. Yet that’s the master narrative that must pave the way for the US to muscle up its “Indo-Pacific” concoction. And that’s the briefing Sullivan and Kurt Campbell will be delivering to the “diverse group”.

Davos – with its new self-billed mantra, “The Great Narrative” – completely excluded Russia.

Bilderberg is mostly about containment of China – which after all is the number one existential threat to the Empire of Lies and its satrapies.

Rather than wait for Bilderberg morsels dispensed by The Economist, it’s much more productive to check out what a cross-section of fact-based Chinese intelligentsia thinks about the new “collective West” racket.

What the Chinese say

Let’s start with Justin Lin Yifu, former Chief Economist of the World Bank and now Dean of the Institute of New Structural Economics at Peking University, and Sheng Songcheng, former head of the Financial Survey and Statistic Dept. a the Bank of China.

They advance that if China achieves “dynamic zero infection” on Covid-19 by the end of May (that actually happened: see the end of the Shanghai lockdown), China’s economy may grow by 5.5% in 2022.

They dismiss the imperial attempt to establish an “Asian version of NATO”: “As long as China continues to grow at a higher rate and to open up, European and ASEAN countries would not participate in the US’s decoupling trap so as to ensure their economic growth and job creation.”

Three academics from the Shanghai Institute of International Studies and Fudan University touch on the same point: the American-announced “Indo-Pacific Economic Framework”, supposed to be the economic pillar of the Indo-Pacific strategy, is nothing but a cumbersome attempt to “weaken the internal cohesion and regional autonomy of ASEAN.”

Liu Zongyi stresses that China’s position at the heart of the vastly inter-connected Asian supply chains “has been consolidated”, especially now with the onset of the largest trade deal on the planet, the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP).

Chen Wengling, Chief Economist of a think tank under the key National Development and Reform Commission, notes  the “comprehensive ideological and technological war against China” launched by the Americans.

But he’s keen to stress how they are “not ready for a hot war as the US and Chinese economies are so closely linked.” The crucial vector is that “the US has not yet made substantial progress in strengthening its supply chain focusing on four key fields including semiconductors.”

Chen worries about “China’s energy security”; “China’s silence” on US sanctions on Russia, which “may result in US retaliation”; and crucially, how “China’s plan of building the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) with Ukraine and EU countries will be affected.” What will happen in practice is BRI will be privileging economic corridors across Iran and West Asia, as well as the Maritime Silk Road, instead of the Trans-Siberian corridor across Russia.

It’s up to Yu Yongding, from the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS) and a former member of the Monetary Policy Committee of the Central Bank, to go for the jugular, noting how” the global financial system and the US dollar have been weaponized into geopolitical tools. The nefarious behavior of the US in freezing foreign exchange reserves has not only seriously damaged the international credibility of the US but has also shaken the credit foundation of the dominant international financial system in the West.”

He expresses the consensus among Chinese intel, that “if there is a geopolitical conflict between the US and China, then China’s overseas assets will be seriously threatened, especially its huge reserves. Therefore, the composition of China’s external financial assets and liabilities urgently needs to be adjusted and the portion of US dollar denominated assets in its reserves portfolio should be reduced.”

This chessboard sucks

A serious debate is raging across virtually all sectors of Chinese society on the American weaponization of the world financial casino. The conclusions are inevitable: get rid of US Treasuries, fast, by any means necessary; more imports of commodities and strategic materials (thus the importance of the Russia-China strategic partnership); and firmly secure overseas assets, especially those foreign currency reserves.

Meanwhile Bilderberg’s “diverse group”, on the other side of the pond, is discussing, among other things, what will really happen in case they force the IMF racket to blow up (a key plan to implement The Great Reset, or “Great Narrative”).

They are starting to literally freak out with the slowly but surely emergence of an alternative, resource-based monetary/financial system: exactly what the Eurasia Economic Union (EAEU) is currently discussing and designing, with Chinese input.

Imagine a counter-Bilderberg system where a basket of Global South actors, resource-rich but economically poor, are able to issue their own currencies backed by commodities, and finally get rid of their status of IMF hostages. They are all paying close attention to the Russia gas-for-rubles experiment.

And in China’s particular case, what will always matter is loads of productive capital underpinning a massive, extremely deep industrial and civil infrastructure.

No wonder Davos and Bilderberg messenger boys, when they look at The Grand Chessboard, are filled with dread: their era of perpetual free lunch is over. What would delight cynics, skeptics, neoplatonists and Taoists galore is that it was Davos-Bilderberg Men (and Women) who actually boxed themselves into zugzwang.

All dressed up – with nowhere to go. Even JP Morgan’s Jamie Dimon – who didn’t even bother to go to Bilderberg – is scared, saying an economic “hurricane” is coming. And overturning the chessboard is no remedy: at best that may invite a ceremonious tuxedo visit by Mr. Sarmat and Mr. Zircon carrying some hypersonic bubbly.

‘Demonic’ AI generating its own secret written language that nobody can understand

An image AI called DALL-E has sparked debate among AI experts who claim it is creating a secret language to categorise images – the words look like gibberish but have a hidden meaning.


A popular AI tool that turns text into images appears to be creating its ‘own language’ of indecipherable gibberish and using it to categorise different pictures.

The DALL-E tool, which uses AI to generate images from text, is seemingly generating nonsense text when instructed to create images featuring printed words.

Computer science PhD student Giannis Daras took to Twitter to share examples of the ‘language’, including phrases the AI had created to identify birds and insects.

“Apoploe vesrreaitais” means ‘birds’, while “Contarra ccetnxniams luryca tanniounons” means insects.

Daras claimed in the viral thread that if you enter the gibberish words created by the AI back into the system, it will generate images linked to those phrases.

In a research paper which is yet to be peer-reviewed, Daras and his colleague Alexandros G. Dimakis said: ““[T]ext prompts such as: ‘An image of the word airplane’ often lead to generated images that depict gibberish text.

“We discover that this produced text is not random, but rather reveals a hidden vocabulary that the model seems to have developed internally.

“For example, when fed with this gibberish text, the model frequently produces airplanes.”

The academics believe that the AI generates its own words to make sense of the images it creates, and can then understand these words when they are read back to it.

The claims sparked debate on Twitter. One user, Dmitriy Mandel, said: “Hmm, time to brush up on signs of demonic possession.”

Another person said :”Is this an actual LANGUAGE? With grammar and stuff?”

However, other AI experts remain highly sceptical of the claims.

Thomas Woodside said: “I do not believe this is accurate. At the very least, it is a lot more complicated than this thread / paper makes it out to be,” before sharing a thread where he explained issues with the claims.

Another user went further, saying: “This is not science, this nonsense is **tarot card reading**… trying to find meaning in random noise.”

DALL-E is a machine learning system that allows you to generate images just by typing short descriptions into a text box. You can find out more about it here.

No Chinese Engines Please! Thailand ‘Rejects’ To Buy Yuan-Class Submarines From Beijing Sans German Tech

Amid concerns about the missing German engines in Chinese submarines, Thailand’s Prime Minister, Prayut Chan-o-cha had warned in April that the planned procurement deal with China could be shelved if Beijing was unable to fit the engines specified in the original purchase agreement.

The EurAsian Times had reported that the German engine manufacturing company Motoren- und Turbinen-Union (MTU) had refused to supply MTU396 diesel engines to China to be fitted into the S26T Yuan-class submarine being built for the Royal Thai Navy (RTN).

To resolve the issue, the Royal Thai Navy and China Shipbuilding & Offshore International Co (CSOC) have scheduled a meeting on June 9 to settle the dispute, Thai media outlet Pattaya Mail reported.

The vice president of CSOC is due to meet with Navy Chief of Staff Admiral Tharoengsak Sirisawat to discuss the situation.

The Chinese firm has asked the Royal Thai Navy to change the contract to allow it to employ a Chinese-made alternative, such as the MWM 620, which it claims is of comparable quality.

The Royal Thai Navy, on the other hand, is sticking to the contract’s original provisions, which it feels are non-negotiable.


Negotiations on the issue were initially set to take place in May but were repeatedly postponed due to the Covid-19 situation in China. According to observers, CSOC may give the Navy revised terms to complete the contract.

However, if no headway is made, the agreement could even be terminated.

“What do we do with a submarine with no engines? Why should we purchase it?” Prayut had told journalists in April. The submarine that China wants to outfit with its home-grown engines is expected to be delivered in 2024.

Under the terms of the agreement, China Shipbuilding & Offshore International Co (CSOC), a state-owned shipbuilding conglomerate, is supposed to build and sell three advanced export variants of Type 039B Yuan-class submarine – to be called the S26T – for a total cost of 36 billion baht (1.16 billion) to be paid in 11 annual installments.

Will The Deal Fall Through?

The Thai government approved the purchase of three Yuan-class submarines from China for $1.05 billion in April 2017. However, due to budget constraints, the purchase of only one submarine was allowed — valued at $403 million, while the other two were shelved.

While Germany bypassed the terms of the European Union embargo by taking advantage of some loopholes, it had to terminate the dealing after an investigation exposed how Germany was violating a comprehensive EU arms embargo and benefiting China, a common European adversary that has been challenging its power.

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After the abrupt suspension of German engine delivery, China reportedly offered reverse-engineered Chinese-made engines certified by German MTU to the Thai Navy.

However, the Thailand officials rejected the offer, insisting that the Chinese side adheres to the original terms of the agreement. They also turned down the Chinese offer to transfer two of its decommissioned submarines, according to Thai PBS World.

The Chinese have demonstrated well-known capabilities in reverse engineering technology obtained by foreign countries to develop their system. However, the dearth of examples of home-grown propulsion technology could be understood as the object of Thailand’s doubt regarding Chinese engines.

Even though Thailand has indicated that terminating the purchase will not affect bilateral relations, China’s inability to equip the submarine with the original engine could risk future submarine sales. The explanation for this is simple: German engines are not coming and new Chinese engines are not trustworthy yet.

Will Thailand Accept China’s Offer? 

While China has made significant advances in engine manufacture for fighter jets such as the J-20 and wind tunnels for hypersonic technologies, it lags far behind in submarine propulsion.

Since the majority of engines used in Chinese submarines are foreign-made, propulsion engineering is one of the military industry’s most serious weaknesses.

The Song and Yuan-class attack submarines, for instance, which account for the majority of China’s conventional submarine fleet, are powered by MTU 396 SE84 series diesel engines manufactured in Germany.

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Professor Andrew Erickson of the US Naval War College’s China Maritime Studies Institute (CMSI) said at a 2015 conference on the Chinese Navy’s capabilities that propulsion engineering in the PLAN’s [People’s Liberation Army Navy’s] underwater force is still a work in progress.

Due to diesel engines that are specifically designed to minimize vibration and noise to avoid sonar detection, diesel-electric submarines are far stealthier than nuclear submarines. MTU Friedrichshafen GmbH of Friedrichshafen, Germany’s 396 SE84 series of state-of-the-art diesel engines, for example, power both the Song– and Yuan–class attack submarines.

According to The Diplomat, each Song and Yuan–class battleship has three of these engines, which have been built under license by Chinese defense contractors since 1986.

The Yuan-class submarines are also thought to be equipped with Stirling air-independent propulsion and quieting technologies from Russian-designed submarines.

It has made some advancements in reverse engineering in the past few years; however, the Chinese engine has been rejected by the Thailand authorities despite the certification received by MTU. As of now, the deal hangs in the balance, and so does China’s standing as a regional exporter of arms.

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“Sits Down Spotted”- Crow Nation, Fort Keogh, Montana, 1881. Photo By L.A. Huffman
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I invite you to compare this with Batiuska’s article newly posted.  Other video HERE

Same thing .. very differently expressed.  Is it the end of the imbeciles?

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