Task callout related to the “Old Empire”, the “Prison Complex”, and the behaviors of evil, greedy and selfish individuals.

One thing that I have learned over the decades was the interpretation of  signals from the EBP and ELF constellation. While I am functionally retired from MAJestic, The Domain considers me a forever active asset and I pretty much get a near constant stream of sensory input or data. While there are special events like when I was able to open up dedicated channels to the Commander, most of the signals a “quieter”, not so assaultive on my personal sensibilities.

These “softer” and “quieter” signals are in three “packets” or “groups”.

And I have organized these “groups” into projects, and thus, I have a number of on-going “themes” or projects that I am (supposed) to be working on, I have a regular life and things have to go at my pace. I am a human, not a machine. Anyways, the projects that I am going to launch consist of the following…

  • An article on possible “back doors” to the ‘Prison Planet” established by the “Old Empire”. (That is this article. As well as the request at the end of it.)
  • A series of articles that consist of plans to create a “wish machine” that will beam signals to your mind and greatly accelerate the manifestation of affirmation prayer campaigns. (Basic electrical design engineering based upon some existing “mind control” patents.)
  • A fabrication of the above machine for sale on this MM site. (I’ll design it, I’ll make it. I’ll sell it.) Maybe I will be able to sell three or four units. LOL!

Personally, I am a bit nervous of the creation of a “wish machine”. As it could be dangerous in the “wrong hands” and be used to affect the thinking of others. As long as it is just provided here on this site, and the vast majority of the MM readership are STO sentience, I feel relatively comfortable that it will not be used for ill or selfish intent.

Let’s start with this Article – Profiting from the Prison Planet system

Given the nature of the “Old Empire” as described in “Alien Interview”, it seems obvious that there would be entities / individuals there who would have tried to profit from the “Prison Complex” system. Just like there are many, many people who are profiting from the various prison complexes in the United States today.

For instance,  in the American prison system, you have wealthy oligarchs that profit from…

  • Being the sole supplier for commissary supplies.
  • Corrections officers stealing supplies, using trucks for personal use etc.
  • Corrections officers supplying contraband goods to the inmates.
  • Free labor at work-shops and factories.
  • Free labor by the Hard Labor Squads.

And so on and so forth.

We know, from “Alien Interview”, that the “Old Empire” was corrupt and practiced cannibalism, and held “gladiator style” sports. It would not be unreasonable to expect that some of these attributes of “pleasures” could somehow be used in part of the massive “Prison Complex”.

Granted that this is a very large kind of prison and it has a completely unique system, I would have to argue that the systems used to profit from this “Prison Complex” would somehow revolve around the torturing and amusement of the inmates, or in the selling of “vacation packages” to wealthy individuals.

Trigger article

This train of thought was inspired by an MM reader who submitted this following article for perusal. Key trigger phrases are in BLUE.

From HERE.

Some of you may be familiar with the interview I conducted with a man I met who experienced a Demiurge during his near death experience.

Here is some very interesting feedback I received from a woman who also had a near death experience. She claims to be able to access the akashic records and verifies what he is saying. This is from the email I received on December 16, 2017:

"Dear Mr. Bush, 

Good day!

Just this morning, whilst seeking an IANDS group which might meet closer to me than Culver City, CA.I happened upon your Interview.

I see you have a website: Tricked By The Light.  I have not read it as yet.

Although I concur!  I have been putting up installments of my most unusual phalanx of paranormal and hideous experiences on Wattpad - just to leave some sort of record, in case I wound up "disappeared."

Indeed, my hard drive was stolen - and once my friend's son gave me a laptop and downloaded the contents of an external hard drive I had hidden behind my bookcase - (unnoticed by the thieves), said laptop went Kerplooey.    So my friend's son worked for weeks to salvage the contents of my original desktop and did so, most admirably.

The only other stories I have read which in many ways reflect my own experiences in my home at 1926 Parksley Ave, Baltimore, MD are the books of Reverend Bill Bean ("Dark Force") and Bill Scott ("When Satan Came Calling").

While it is easy to attribute the terrifying events of the last 14 years to "ghosts" and "haunting" and "demons" - alas, there were also some ex-Military persons involved - one of whom I met.  You may, or may not know MANY Satanists and Occultists routinely interface with Lower Astral Entities (demons) and enslave them, as well. This is ancient knowledge.

All that to say - your Guest who saw a Demiurge was telling the truth. I know him by another name.

Due to my unexpected and certainly astonishing experiences, I began to research anything and anyone and read all articles, web pages, books et al, which might have helped me. I was disabled, nearly bedridden and out of my mind with fear. My children all lived in other states, trying to work and raise children. No one believed me. So I stopped at nothing to arrive at the truth.

I was a plain, old-fashioned Lutheran Grandmother - nada special about me.

I knew absolutely nothing about Souls, God Source, Karmic Contracts, "heaven/hell" - Karma, Life Reviews, Earth School, Reincarnation, Life Movies, etc.


Suddenly, in the middle of the horror, my memories of Near Death Experience(s) returned.

I prayed for death daily, anyway, so ghastly were my experiences, I certainly did NOT need those memories - and all the "gifts with a razor blade attachment" Aftereffects an NDE can provide.

So now - I see Past, Present and Future Lives, Life Before and Between Lives, Souls creating the films for their "Lives,"  Discussing and rehearsing "roles" (which Soul is going to play which "part") "taste-testing" Karmic Intersections (they can actually jump in and out of their character at important Karmic Intersections (US being the "characters") so they'll remember them, going to the Programming Center for their "Programmed Prompts" (sometimes called Guideposts) and I see these as movies - snapshots, trailers - and indeed, when people asked me where I got the ideas for my stories and paintings, I told them all I had to do was watch the "little movie" and copy it.

My art class friend patted me on the shoulder and said, "Guin, no one else sees the little movies."

I was aghast! I've seen all that Programmed CRAP all my so-called Human Life!

I've read Dr. Newton's books, Dr. Weiss's books and everything else you can imagine. At least I got SOME relief and assistance from PMH Atwater, herself a triple NDEr.

They are all partly programmed to spread propaganda.

I live EVERY DAY with a transparent-appearing overlay - as I had it explained to me - a side effect of an open Third Eye.  This overlay is more of the "Game Plan" and "Life Lessons" and even film clips of WHO'S COMING NEXT in my "life movie.” This is on top of what my normal human eyes see. 

I became clairvoyant, clairsentient, clairaudient - a MOST reluctant medium. However, unless the person is involved in my life, I won't know anything about them.  I try to ignore ANY medium crap. I hate it.

My children asked me NOT to tell them what I see about their lives.

My life is HELL.  Hell. It is hard to function when you can SEE your future! And it plays out as you can see it!

You are right on the money, m'friend. We have ALL been deceived.  Souls care nothing for us - some Light Beings, eh? They call us "Host Bodies and Host Vehicles” and program and manipulate the woo hoo out of us!

Stewart Swerdlow was a Lot of help to me. I am one of MANY school children chosen for Mind Control Experiments back in the 60s. We are usually killed off when the Mind Control begins to fragment or wear off - around age 50.

So that is what happened to me- almost.

I am still alive and telling my tale. SO glad to find your website.

I remember "Class" and "Teacher-Guides" and "Soulmates" and the entire shebang. Don't buy that Lesson crap. We are HUMAN and don’t need but one lesson - we have the Body and Human Brain and we can cancel those "Life Contracts" . . . "Life Plans" whatever.

Trust me, what happened at my former home should NEVER happen to ANY being, human or nonhuman.

Because I did not die - my phone, cell, computer, snail mail were all hacked. No one ever got my phone calls. Or emails. They were all answered by hired folk who probably had no idea why they were being paid to do so. I've had people I did NOT know walk up to me in a grocery store and talk about the very subjects I'd just discussed with one of my few friends the day before - on the PHONE.

Excuses about Karma don't move me. I am a nice person and most people are. Souls don't like us and many don't even know how to operate us. I am disgusted that not one Guide will come down here and console me for what occurred . . . and explain it, or show me love or consideration.

Here is how it works: They are told it is a School or Game. The Game on The Limitation Plane.  Earth School. One-third of our lives WE are asleep. They are not veiled and that is play time, the creeps.

We are NOT Souls. Only part of our consciousness is their consciousness. I found my Soul to be unlike me and set up a rather vengeful retaliation program. Gotta love the Programming part, eh? What a crock!  Well, we can also undo a lot of that programming, Stewart Swerdlow tries to help people do that all the time.

The Demiurge in fact DOES have to do what he does - I know him all too well. There is a balance which MUST be kept, It IS his Game. It was never meant to be.  

He has copies of Akashic Records, which can be taken out JUST LIKE NETFLIX and he sticks poor Souls in various characters and THEY are forced to lead lives of HELL, not to mention he puts some of his "demons" (negative polarity beings) in the roles of people who were supposed to be Helpful, or a Soulmate or a Friend or a Karmic Intersection meant to allow us to teach a lesson, etc.  

Just the opposite will occur.  Those intersections will be terrible. Mine were obvious! I just deconstructed my entire Life Plan in Baltmore.

The Game has been hacked, in other words.  Akashic Records are NOT safe and inviolate.  

The Demiurge's name is "Maratona."  Call him that. He HATES it.  Maratona's Armada!  (Satan's Army)

You know what they call us? "Marionette Amore!"  "Love Puppets."

He can mess with us any which way he pleases. Yes, we can cancel the contracts ALL SOULS MUST MAKE WITH HIM or they cannot Game here. Think Holo-video Game. We already have this coming in the Human World. 

Why doubt it exists? The entire world is a Holographic Universe (Universal Games) and "Source" is NOT "All That Is.”  Those Hollywood movies are SO obvious, too!

Souls trapped in one of those "Games" are in a Life Movie already lived by other Souls. They claim they are using those Lives as Video Instructions. B.S.  

They get ENERGY out of OUR SUFFERING.  Period! 

The poor human "characters" have NO CLUE why "life sucks and then you die," "most men live lives of quiet desperation."  Guess why!

I pray for DEATH, I tell you. Rod Sterling cannot beat THIS story. Your Soul is your WORST enemy!  The Light is only a frequency of vibration which FEELS GOOD to Souls, so they are taught that is “love” and Souls are often Firefly Entities. Why would they care about us?

was one.  They are impossible to understand.  And I am pretty darn good at communicating with them!

We cannot think the way they do.  It is not possible. We have short lives!

Man has been messed with for ages. Now they have the Internet. Our lives are ALL scripted, filmed, rehearsed, reviewed, previewed, you-name-it.

We can break the Game. I keep trying. Everything is MIND. All of it. 

I HATE "The Light" - because they OWE me an explanation of what happened to me at my legally owned home - so awful and malevolent and sadistic I had to move and auction off all my stuff! If it were not for my daughter I'd be dead now.

I was dead. Dead. Dead for good.  Not a true NDE. Dead.

I went back to a Space Station and watched The Life Review. All Aliens. Stewart thought they might be Andromedans. "I" was infuriated because I did not finish a painting of my daughters.  (American Beauties)

There was a meeting at an oval table. A bunch of beings were present. Each had a copy of the new Script. Many Beings did NOT want my Soul to return. She argued with them, LOUDLY.  

She must have won - I see she is sitting with a Military HUMAN man and working on her Lesson Plan. He spent a lot of time with her.

She got back into my body - problem!  Time had passed. Since I keep detailed diaries, I knew something was not right!  I don’t know how much time had passed. There is NO TIME, as we perceive it.

Our lives and all Timeline Options and Possible/Probables are filmed. That is the Labyrinth your Guest called by another name.  If you marry June instead of Andrea, THIS AND THIS will manifest. And so on.

Guess what? I SEE THOSE MOVIES, TOO! All the time, every day.  The good side is my ability to do so has saved my life a couple of times!

I feel like I have lived this entire life before. I can tell you, the chances are very good that I have, or some other Soul has “played” me. No way to tell.

I recognize entire neighborhoods, tell you what I was, used to do, who lived where. When I look up those houses on Zillow, they are in pre-foreclosures or Foreclosure! There is literally NO ONE to ask if I am correct or the time period in question. Definitely another life.

Before 2006 I did NOT believe in Reincarnation.

I HATE The Light. I HATE their Game. I HATE their “God.” Love and Light? NOT EVEN. NOT FOR MANKIND!

I can see Astral Activity, including how Guides let Souls know the next series of “Prompts” for their Game!  I have learned to discern just about any Being, and it all is soooooo not who I am!!

I always knew what I wanted to do with my life. And winding up a Lab Rat for the Dark Military was NOT on MY human agenda.

A human man not only programmed me, I can see he teaches the Dark Energy entities in some sort of Grade School out in the Astral. Light Beings are simply taught on a different frequency domain.

How ungodly AWFUL can this get???

Maratona is actually a monster - (Satanists describe him very well. He manifests as a 30-ish Blond, Curly-headed Angelic Man, VERY tall, not old and white-haired) - I harass him all the time. I don’t care one whit if they kill me. I am afraid ONLY that the military men involved, who know I am well aware they are hooked into the Astral via an antenna (the military has worked on that for YEARS) and one of them is the Interface for human/alien relations, not to mention a rapist, torturer, Satanist and murderer, will get their mitts on my human bod!  Torture is their specialty.

Aliens? Craft? I can tell you boodles about them. EVERYWHERE.  

Mankind can only perceive on a VERY limited “channel” if you will.

Yes, DRAMA!  Maratona means “Marathon.”  

Stewart once suggested it was like SURVIVOR. That is right! And a Reality TV show!

A Production Company! That is what those Akashic Records are! Like Netflix!

I kid thee not!  Souls do not sleep. They live in a place of No Time, No Space. They LOVE computer Games! I mean LOVE them!  Some part of Ourselves is up there, jacking us around like Avatars.

I have been doing drawings for years. I even drew a chessboard which has some meaning for Souls- and which I never understood.  It is disgusting.

Souls don’t have to go back to The Light, but they’d better be nimble, better be quick. If you die that Guide is RIGHT THERE.

If Maratona wasn’t such a booger I’d stay with him. He does not make you incarnate!  Master Guides LOVE to torture Souls in a human body!  The human body HURTS.  It is how they punish and punish and punish for every little infraction!

Man, you name it - it has been done to me. A regular old Grammy with 7 Grandchildren. That’s all there is to me.

There are Angels!  Incredible Beings! Thank Someone!

My understanding is Yahweh is the Principal of the School and Developer of the Game.  There are many, many Souls who can design planets, even worlds.

Any American School kid can halfway design an Avatar and World, for Goodness’ sake!

This is a piece of my ghastly story. My heart went out to your Guest.

This is Satan’s Game. Absolutely.  I go bother him (in Spirit) all the time.  We called him Satan because he was such a BRAT when he was young.

Enki nothing!  That is Marduk! And the Anunnaki were nothing more than PEOPLE from another Dimension trying to help Mankind. Just people! They had longer lives but they died like everyone else.

I can teach you how to view one of Enki’s programs, if you like.

I tell everyone my name. I am not hiding behind any Mask! 

I’ll tell you who the Military men are and the Spiritual Guru (*rolls Eyes*) who actually programs Human Beings to do the will of Souls - they try to over-ride our brains all the time!  I’ll just put their names in another email.

The emotion-laden text threw out some very interesting concepts that I highlighted in BLUE. Which suggested that there are those that use the “Prison Complex” as some sort of GAME. Or who also use it like recreational MOVIES.

I do NOT think that this “Prison Complex” was intended to be a GAME or a source of amusement like MOVIES. But I do believe that over the centuries that a kind of illegal “black market” arose and that others have been using the “Prison Complex” to do exactly that.

Systems used to profit from

As best as I can figure, there are those, whether part of the “Old Empire” or from somewhere else that have constructed some kinds of systems inside the “Prison Complex” from which to profit from. And as far as I can see these systems fall into one or two general categories;

  • A “First Person Shooter” GAME. Where an entity pays for the privilege to live on the Earth as a human and experience all the sensory pleasures or discomfort that goes along with that experience.
  • A torture MOVIE. Here, the entities have somehow hijacked the pre-birth world-line template creation system. They establish one to fit the desires and fantasies of the entities that pay for a “good show”, and the hapless consciousness is convinced that it must experience the pains and the sorrows laid out for them. The entities that paid for this pre-birth world-line template then sit and watch the events unfold for the sorry human that is convinced that it must endure these disruptions and horrors.


Unless something happened…

  • The Prison Administration “bailed out”, and left.
  • The Prison System has been taken over, and corrupted by very malevolent entities.

It seems to me that there MUST be some kind of “backdoor” that enables these self-serving for-profit entities to corrupt the Prison System for their own purposes.

In cybersecurity, a backdoor is anything that can allow an outside user into your device without your knowledge or permission. Backdoors can be installed in two different parts of your system:

Hardware/firmware. Physical alterations that provide remote access to your device.

Software. Malware files that hide their tracks so your operating system doesn’t know that another user is accessing your device.

A backdoor can be installed by software and hardware developers for remote tech support purposes, but in most cases, backdoors are installed either by cybercriminals or intrusive governments (like the United States) to help them gain access to a device, a network, or a software application.

Any malware that provides hackers access to your device can be considered a backdoor — this includes rootkits, trojans, spyware, cryptojackers, keyloggers, worms, and even ransomware.

If there is a “backdoor”, then we can come to the conclusion that the “backdoor” was put there intentionally by one or more of…

  • The architects  of the “Prison Complex”.
  • The administration of the “Prison Complex”.
  • A technologically advanced society (not the “Old Empire”) that exploited the prison system intentionally.
  • Some kind of dimensional / universe malware.

The advantages of LD talent

Those that have the important ability to LD (Lucid Dream) are in a unique position to reconnoiter towards this end.

It would be a reconnaissance mission.

In military operations, reconnaissance or scouting is the exploration of an area by military forces to obtain information about enemy forces, terrain, and other activities. 

Examples of reconnaissance include patrolling by troops (skirmishers, long-range reconnaissance patrol, U.S. Army Rangers, cavalry scouts, or military intelligence specialists), ships or submarines, manned or unmanned reconnaissance aircraft, satellites, or by setting up observation posts. 

Espionage is usually considered to be different from reconnaissance, as it is performed by non-uniformed personnel operating behind enemy lines.


And if you want to be specific, it is purely espionage. As the LD asset is an inmate in general population.

I can tell you that doing so is very important, and would be greatly appreciated by The Domain.  Though, I must caution everyone that LD travel is not to be taken lightly. Dangers abound. I also do not know what the LD asset would discover, or what surprises await them. But I am ABSOLUTELY CONVINCED that they would like some talented assets to volunteer for this task.

To be brutally honest, this is an OFFICIAL REQUEST for a volunteer. It is direct request via EBP from The Domain.

As I understand it, it is only something that can be done by an inmate with a strong ability to this end. And that this specific type of mission WILL encounter unknowns and if the person encounters any kinds of dangers, they are to retreat and regroup.

It’s just a “fact finding” mission.

And, for what ever it is worth, they have certain people in mind for this action, and consider them to be very important and valuable assets that must be protected at all costs. (I am to repeat and underline this last sentence.) They are very important and must be protected at all costs.

Mission parameters

For starters…

  • This is a volunteer activity, and there is no dishonor in refusal.

And then,

  • You absolutely not reveal who you are or what you are doing.
  • You must not engage any subject entities that you encounter. You observe.

The specific tasks are…

  • You must identify [1] if there are others, who are not part of the “old empire” prison complex, that are involved in selection of pre-birth world-line template selection and layout.
  • You must identify [2] if there are others, who are not part of the “old empire” prison complex, that are using the collected memories or records of memories of other humans for anything other than the original stated purposes.

Reporting and dissemination.

  • No matter what your opinions are, you must report what you experience.
  • You are to report your findings, no matter how disjointed or confused, and include your associations and thoughts and ideas regarding them. (Some results might be disturbing or distasteful, but you must report everything.)
  • MM will publish your findings.


  • You must vocalize permissions to allow The Domain to observe your operations. You may place restrictions on how they observe and time limitations or windows if that is your desire.

Please kindly know and realize that possession of a EBP would “blow your cover” and thus it is impossible for you to be implanted at this time for this role. Thus this request follows this procedural venue. Finally, there is no dishonor in refusal. The Domain realizes just how seriously dangerous this mission activity is.


It seems that there must be “backdoors” to the “Prison Complex”.  Exploiting those backdoors would enable some rapid transformation of this sentience nursery from a Prison Planet to something else and far easier to manage.

The only people who can find out the details of such a system are talented LD assets, and in asking them to do so, they must deal with entities that have access to all of their memories and are not handicapped by amnesia.

I do not think that any of them (those using the backdoors) are anticipating espionage but the request to view this aspect of the Prison Complex is very important and comes direct from the administrator of the operation charged with the clearing of the Prison System field.

Do you want more?

You can find many more videos in my “The Domain Action Articles” over here…

The Domain


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I am not ready for this endeavor. Yet.
However, I am reading DM’s articles and I started lessons to control my mind.
TBH, I think my role is a healing one.


Do you have any suggestions on figuring out these abilities? I’ve been thinking a lot about what I could contribute but I don’t find the answers.


Thank you!

Memory Loss

, I think just by interacting with the members of this forum itself is a contribution. Not everyone can do spy/infiltration stuff. To use a British Empire analogy, not everyone is 007. Q, M even Ms Moneypenny has a role. There are a lot of exceptionally smart people on here.

Capt Melonhead

So The Domain (via the EBP) is suggesting you build a “wish machine” ?
As in, this is something they consider would be of aid to their plans ?
Do I understand this correctly ?

Memory Loss

Is this a good idea. Yeah an affirmation campaign booster.

But I think you should be more discrete. Your forum has 20k plus visitors. And like merlynn says, the whole universe will know that you are live and on air. Not good for any ops especially those that might need to be covert or even open ops. You know that your site is monitored. I’m alarmed to say the least.

Memory Loss

Practice what you were taught in MAJ. There’s open stuff and private and super private stuff.
As Swedenborg says, your thoughts are not all yours. I don’t mean to judge but it’s odd that you have forgotten what was drilled into you for many many years. You are asking for volunteers in probably hazardous missions while keeping the front door unlocked. I don’t think it was an oversight, your mind is probably being clouded.

To say that I’m alarmed is to state the obvious. Opsec, MM. Opsec.

Memory Loss

Good to hear your positivity actually. The power of positivity can move mountains. OK a few thoughts maybe I can list below.

1. Have a backup. So maybe a channel on Telegram (for instance) so if a need arises, we can get our MM fix lol. Redundancy is a good luxury to have.

2. The forum and MM serve other goals which may not be apparent on the surface (at least I think it does). I think your wishing machine is a cool idea. A version of Cerebro, but it zeros in on intention instead of people/mutants. Maybe it can also locate latent mutants haha. Wouldn’t that be cool? I remember the scene where Prof X used Cerebro to find thousands of people across the world who didn’t know they were mutants.


LD or not to be, the world is a stage and the show is still on.

US behavior gets more frantic then a yo yo on steroids. yet, their intentions are clear to anyone with half a brain.
Releasing an important hostage then a Meeting in Zurich, maybe virtual meeting between leaders next. Not even a day pass, Then leaking, releasing this:
And this. You were right on, MM.
The first is actually a declaration of war. Assuming one missed the previous ones.
The second are news from the eastern front, dripping news, masses version. 
Unless of course the advance sub just found Atlantis.


@congjing yu the answer is yes, though I am not sure how useful I will be as I haven’t been able to LD properly since I had kids due to my environment being too chaotic. If this is not a short term objective then I may be able to provide assistance when my situation allows for it. I will email you in regards to this.

In regards to your wish machine, this is the exact sort of project I have been looking to invest my time in. I can offer a certain degree of electronic engineering. tell me what you need and I’ll tell you if I can supply.


@congjing yu thankyou for believing in me. I suppose the big question is: Am I part of the lost batallion? If not then who am I?


@congjing yu. I think I got a hit this morning. Emailed it to you already.


no problem. will pass it along as it comes through. the writing it down might help re kick in my lucid abilities

Ohio Guy

I read Ms. Guinevere’s experience while perusing the forum two days ago. Thanks to CM for that, btw.

I also recall the many different kinds of wish machines MM had referenced in a post some time back (a year or more). Preparation and training will be needed for those that are interested in affecting change.

These current events are certainly shaping my upcoming “ON” time of affirmations.

I must say, the air never gets stale here at the mighty MM site.

I’d like to see most of the readership here train their minds to thought control, LD and eventually astral projection.

In an astral projection “bootcamp”, I can hear drill sergeant Daegonmagus, “Drop and give me twenty (lucid dreams)” 🙂 All kidding aside, this is mighty serious stuff.



I’m afraid I’m quite rusty at LD at the moment; currently I’ve been working on reopening my third eye (which I had purposefully closed) and turning the precognition on, in stages.

Since I’m still new to affirmation campaigns, I assume after the initial 3 month campaign we still do the 3 month off, correct? I’m not certain when to time things since it took me a month to build the campaign and dream board to begin with.


This is a powerful article, MM. “Heavy stuff” as we might have said in the 80s.

I do have a caution relating to that “Tricked By the Light” Woman.

I don’t question her experiences or knowledge. But, one has to build up material slowly, and under control, to teach other people something of value.

You, MM, know this yourself, and have done it very well with your MWI material. DM does it well also.

No one can drink water out of a fire hydrant. A teacher or even someone just speaking needs to space things out and take his time. A teacher cannot teach all that he knows in one session.

If it took her 14 years to learn all that she knows, it cannot be taught to someone else in 15 minutes. Those that want to “teach” and help others, be patient and take your time. It is better to learn a few things well, than many things poorly.

As for the request for LD volunteers, that is not my expertise. I suspect every MM has a unique piece of the puzzle and skillset. I will do what I can.


You got me, brother. You know that. The Domain already is on top of my activities and I know this to be true. All entities that I fly with are friendly to the Domain but are loyal to me first and that is their term not mine.

My loyalty in this endeavor is to you and/or Metallicus metallicus who I know as a certain name that I revealed to you.

On my end you know everyone else involved.

I know what the mental image given to me is and when I physically see it in this human body on planet earth, I’ll know what’s coming next and all will be in place.

I can drive the thing I have like nobody’s business if I don’t say so myself.

The table here is set. Just waiting for the dinner bell.

All of this I know to be true.

Publish all of this reply or none of it at all. Either way I’m in.


If you do go through with the “wish machine” series of posts, it might be good to include a post dedicated to word usage. Words matter. The correct words matter even more. I’ve been reading up on this idea lately and am stunned at how hidden in plain sight it all is. The English language (and perhaps every language) is riddled with negations and contra-dictions. I know you touched on this in one of the Affirmation posts. It probably bears repeating.

Memory Loss

The Universe has a funny sense of humor. 😁


Please – if I may –

If you need help with the English language part of MMs posts – we can set up a board and I can help anyone that needs it.

The offer is there.

Rod Cloutier

I will not volunteer, especially something that involves secrecy.

However I will add to my prayer affirmations that the back doors become immediately apparent and marked by a beacon that they can find.

Capt Melonhead

I’ve been saying smth along the lines

“All the technology used to control us / make us ill / imprison us has been permanently destroyed or disabled”