Why the Coronavirus narrative about vaccines resembles the science fiction movie Push

All through our lives we have been told that “news” provides us with a “window to the world”, and that we need to keep abreast of the events of the day. The argument is that this is how we grow, learn and understand our place in society.

This, now more than ever, is absolutely false.

And as I have repeatedly tried to explain this to you all, you all still don’t FUCKING GET IT!

(Sorry for being so brash and in your face, but Jeeze! Louise!)

All, yes all and every, item of “news” that comes out of the United States is manipulative propaganda. That’s what it is, that’s all it is, and if you respond that you have something that you read from this alternative news source… I will have to shake my head in sadness and disbelief.

There is no longer any free, independent “news” out of the United States today. It is all a very well-honed network of manipulation and deceit.

This means ALL OF IT.

Key Points

Point One. All “news” manipulates.

If you want to get a full perspective on something then you need to get a wide selection of information from many sources. And NO I DO NOT MEAN AMERICAN SOURCES. I mean international sources.

This is key point Two.

Oh, Mr. So-and-so wrote a "well researched" book on China. Great. 

Did he write on his experiences inside of China?


Why not?

He used many well documented sources.

Well, what were his sources? 

Oh! All American publications, written in English, by people who have never been to China regurgitating what they have read.

And how is the opinion, of a person, who forms his opinions, by other opinionated people who know absolutely nothing about China going to improve your life?

It isn’t.

Instead, you should use that money and you buy a plane ticket and you look around yourself.

That’s key point Three. See what is important with your own two eyes, using your ears, on the ground and touching things with your hands. Books and periodicals and articles are so deceptive these days that they are more of a hindrance to the truth than information.

Now, the world has many many, MANY people pretending to be journalists.

Thus, you have to take each and every “report” and “news article” cautiously (in America we call this “with a grain of salt“). You can read it as most articles are really nothing more than opinions, NOT reporting, and some of those opinions have some value.

I think the most important key point is four. There is no longer any actual reporting inside of America today.


Reporting of events in America has been replaced by carefully constructed narratives used to manipulate American citizens to follow herd behaviors.

One of the most important things that we must understand is that America has constructed the most powerful and elaborate propaganda network in history.

The American (levers of government) owns, through proxy, all of the major media, and all of the alternative media.

Yes, please read that again.

The American government owned Rush Limbaugh. The American government owns Free Republic. The American government supports GAB, the American government promotes Salon, the American government is the voice of the Huffington Post. The American government injects Zero Hedge. The American government controls the narratives on LinkedIN.

Those beloved Conservatives, and those funny progressives are all tools for the government. ALL OF THEM.

Thus key point five; actual events (and truths) are hidden from Americans.

So what is the purpose of “news” manipulation?

The actual purpose brings us to key Six. It is more than just a distraction. It’s a “snipe hunt”. The purpose of American news is to keep the American people ignorant.

It is to keep Americans away from the truths.

It is to keep Americans ignorant of the real situations.

This is because if they realized what they were, they would be extremely angry; angry to a point of killing everyone on sight in rolling fits of rage.

That’s why.

A snipe hunt is a type of practical joke or fool's errand, in existence in North America as early as the 1840s, in which an unsuspecting newcomer is duped into trying to catch a nonexistent animal called a snipe. Although snipe are an actual family of birds, a snipe hunt is a quest for an imaginary creature whose description varies.


Those of us “in the know” only have clarity on small tidbits of Intel. However, when we start linking up with others (such as through MM, here) who also have their information and we start putting the information together a very… very… VERY disturbing picture comes to light.

Which is point Seven. The actual reality of how Americans are, the lives they live, and the operation of the government is so far distanced from that which is promoted by the media that it resembles something completely different.

Indeed, the true reality of what America is really resembles the movie the Matrix where young Neo is exposed to the truth of what the world actually looks like.

Central to the philosophical edge of The Matrix is the red and blue pill scene. Morpheus, a human awakened to mankind’s reality, offers the same enlightenment to Neo, who is still plugged into an illusion. Alas, the choice must be Neo’s alone and to this end, Morpheus presents him with a metaphorical choice between two brightly colored pills. Take the red variety, and Neo will be unplugged, finally capable of seeing the world for what it really is. Swallow the blue pill, however, and Neo will not only go back to his digital, make-believe existence, but he’ll also forget ever having questioned what is real and what could be a lie.

Thus point eight. America is not a “shining city on the hill” with “democracy” and “freedom”, with a nation ruled by “justice”.

America is instead, an [1] oligarchy-owned Corporatocracy.

It is one that [2] operates as a military empire, and budgets it appropriately.

America [3] treats it’s people as disposable debit-serfs for profit, with a million tiny “hands in the wallet” with thousands (no longer hundreds) of taxes, fees, rules, and requirements that siphon money away from the citizenry in every shape, and in every form.

And America [4] engages on the international scene as a war-mongering bully, and is [5] presently a serious threat to the future of mankind.

Like a cancer the sicknesses that the leadership has permitted to grow has festered until now, the cancer has metastasized.  America has become a dangerous monster that is thrashing around angerly, and trying to maintain it’s respect, it’s authority, and it’s world position. It cannot do that, and of which, it is quite dangerous.

But we are not going to talk about that.

Instead we are going to get back to the point that American “news” is a SNIPE HUNT of misdirection to keep Americans going around and around, and around, and around in circles.

American “news” as a “snipe hunt”

To illustrate how Americans are manipulated to go after “snipes” on a “snipe hunt” we will use the 2009 movie “Push” to illustrate this point.

What is real and what is an illusion when someone else controls your eyes and your memories?


What if everything that you know is an artificial construct that you now believe and that the truth was erased and false memories were implanted in your brain? Could you tell the difference?

I argue you cannot.

And just like many Americans “had a bad experience with Huawei”, who never owned a Huawei phone…

Who swear that they are never going “to use 5G”…

And now “will not get their RNA vaccination”…

… is no different than you remembering a brother that never existed.

The movie “Push” 2009

As that was one of the scenes in this movie. I am going to use this movie as the basis of discussion on the idea that other forces are so powerful that they can change what you think, what you believe, what you remember, and thus control how you act.

Push 2009.

This movie is sort of a “sleeper” movie about people with super-powers. But unlike that same-old nonsense about being bitten by radioactive spiders and the like, this one discusses …

… how abilities are used by very evil people.

First up. Push: Theatrical Trailer on INDB here.

These days you can't throw a half-brick in the air without it landing on someone who can fly, or was bitten by a radioactive spider (and that's assuming that the 'half-brick' in question doesn't GIVE the person it lands on the power to fly or climb walls!). 

However, back in 2009, superhero movies (or those generally showing young, good-looking people with superpowers) weren't quite always guaranteed to make as much money as today's average Marvel Cinematic Universe film. 

Therefore, 'Push' sort of flew below radar at the time. 

I'd like to say that it's achieved a 'cult following' over time and it's a bit more of a 'sleeper hit,' however, it seems to have been completely forgotten. And, in my opinion, that's a shame - I really enjoyed it!


The movie start out with a narrator describing how those with “abilities” have been involved with the US government since 1945.

These abilities are various flavors of telekinetic powers. Some can push thoughts into other people’s brains, others can see into the future, and some can kill others by thoughts alone.

Two of the people with these special “abilities” or “powers”, are known as “movers”.

Movers are powerful telekinetics who are trained to identify the specific atomic frequency of a given material and alter the gravitational field around it, usually causing the nearby air to appear warped. 

This allows them to move both animate and inanimate objects. 

Advanced Movers can work at the molecular level, creating protective force fields in the air around them or to reinforce punches and other strikes to make them stronger.
A “mover” can move things with their mind.

Two “Movers”, Nick Gant and his father, are on the run from the “Division”. Which is a waved, unacknowledged special access program in the United States government W(U)-SAP.

Realizing that escape is impossible, Nick’s father tells him of a vision he received from a “Watcher”.

Watchers have the ability to foresee the future to varying degrees. 

As knowledge of the future invariably causes that future to change, Watchers' visions of the future in their direct sphere of influence are subject to frequent shifting.

This is another type of person who's telekinetic powers involve the power to see the future.

This, in this case, a girl will give him a flower and he is to do whatever she says in order to "save us all."
A “watcher” can see into the future.

Nick’s father throws Nick into an air vent as Agent Henry Carver of the Division arrives. Nick sees his father get killed before escaping.

A decade later, the American Division tests an augmentation drug on a “Pusher”, named Kira.

Pushers have the ability to implant memories, thoughts and emotions into the minds of other people in order to manipulate them. 

The skill level of the Pusher determines how many people the Pusher is able to control at one time, and how vivid the implanted memories are. 

A powerful Pusher can push a large group of people at the same time, basically creating a personal army. 

A Pusher is able to make a person do anything the Pusher desires, even commit suicide. 

A Pusher's eyes indicate how powerful they are: their pupils will dilate to certain degrees depending on how powerful the push is (for example, Henry Carver's eyes are rendered completely black, signifying that he is an extremely able and effective Pusher).
A “pusher” can put thoughts in your head, and change your memories.

This drug either kills the host or greatly increases their powers exponentially.

The test works after many tries.

Rendering the doctor unconscious, Kira steals his security clearance card and an augmentation drug-filled syringe and escapes.

In Hong Kong, Nick (now older as a young man) is hiding from the Division as an expatriate.

He attempts to use his ability to make a living, but his poor skills at “moving” at a dice game leave him indebted to a local Triad. Which for you all who do not know, is the name of a Chinese criminal organization.

This particular Triad is controlled by “Bleeders”, bred by the now-defunct Chinese Division.

In the movie, the Chinese tried to make their own version of the American “division” but failed. The remnants were either absorbed by the American organization or went “underground” and became criminal syndicates.

Bleeders have the ability to emit high-pitched sonic vibrations that cause ruptures in a target's blood vessels. 

While using this ability, their eyes turn into slits because of synthetic materials implanted in them to protect the blood vessels from the effects of their own ability. 

They are also sometimes known as Joe Mama.
Bleeders can kill you.

A young girl named Cassie Holmes arrives at Nick’s apartment.

She explains to him that she is a “Watcher”.

Watchers have the ability to foresee the future to varying degrees. 

As knowledge of the future invariably causes that future to change, Watchers' visions of the future in their direct sphere of influence are subject to frequent shifting.

She further explains that they are going to find a case containing 6 million dollars. But shortly afterwards, they are attacked by Triad Bleeders but escape.

All of the reviews I've read of this movie have savaged it and, personally, I didn't think it was nearly bad as bad as all that. 

There were some interesting characters (the guy they enlist to help them hide themselves from the bad guys comes to mind here), and it put a new and interesting spin on the whole "people with super powers" genre. 

BUT...what really makes me love this film is the depictions of Hong Kong. 

See, I have been living in Hong Kong for almost 5 years now and I've told all my friends and family that if they want to get a good look at the many sides of the city (other than the touristy facade is typically presented), watch this movie. 

The film makers really did a great job of capturing what it's like to wander around Hong Kong, and the cinematography is like eye candy. 


Problems arise.

And Nick is nearly killed by the Triads. To recover, Cassie uses the help of a “stitch” to heal him.

Stitches are psychic surgeons trained to quickly reconstruct cells to their previous or healthy state. 

Using only their hands, they can heal and even "unheal" whatever they have done. For more detailed work, Stitches use a silver based cream on their hands which acts as a conductor for their ability.

Once healed up, Nick and Cassie go to a nightclub on a hint from Cassie’s predictions.

Nick sees an old friend, “Hook” Waters, who happens to be a “Shifter”.

Shifters can temporarily alter the appearance of an object by manipulating the patterns of light interacting with it. 

Once the illusion is established, it remains with the object for a short period of time. 

For example, a Shifter could touch a one dollar bill and alter it to appear as a one hundred dollar bill until the effect expires. 

The object shifted must have roughly the same dimensions as the object it is shifted into. The length of time that the effect will last is based on the Shifter's experience and ability.
Shifters can temporarily alter the appearance of an object by manipulating the patterns of light interacting with it.

The shifter uses his abilities to make a replica of the clue in Cassie’s drawing and tells them to go to Emily Hu, a highly skilled “Sniffer” who can help them find Kira.

Sniffs are highly developed psychometrics who can track the location of people or objects over varying distances. 

Like bloodhounds, their ability is increased if they have tactile access to an object that has been in direct contact with the subject. 

Sniffs receive information in the form of images, which is why identifiable landmarks help increase their effectiveness.

Nick and Cassie find Kira, who once had a romantic relationship with Nick.

They recruit a “Shadow” named “Pinky” Stein to hide Kira from the “Sniffers”.

Shadows are trained to block the vision of other clairvoyants such as Sniffs, making any subject within their target radius appear "dark". 

Experience will enhance the size of the area they can shadow and the intensity of their shielding effect. 

Shadows need to be awake to manifest their ability, so it is common for a detail of two Shadows to operate in shifts while protecting a person or object for extended periods. 

Most Shadows are effective only against Sniffs, but some extremely powerful Shadows are able to block even Watchers.

Cassie finds the key to a locker in which Kira hid a valuable case.

With the aid of Cassie’s visions, they piece together the events that led them to meet; Cassie’s mother used her visions to set a complex plan in motion that will destroy Division.

The plan to thwart the American Government

Nick comes up with a plan that involves seven envelopes in which he places instructions; each person in the group is entrusted with one red envelope, and none are to be opened until the right time.

Thus no one knows the content in the envelopes. That way, no one knows the plan except the person who made the envelopes.

While Kira and Pinky leave in a taxi, Nick and Cassie share a goodbye. Cassie tells him to “take an umbrella, it’s going to rain”, he replies with “you be careful too”.

Nick uses a “Wiper” to erase his memories of the plan, ensuring that Watchers from both Division and the Triads will no longer be able to interfere.

Wipers are skilled at either temporarily or permanently erasing memory, an invaluable asset in espionage. 

Experience will dictate the accuracy of their wipes, though there is always the danger that they will eliminate a desired memory.
Wipers are skilled at either temporarily or permanently erasing memory, an invaluable asset in espionage.

Hook retrieves the case (which does not have 6 million dollars, but instead has the syringe Kira stole) and brings it back to Cassie.

He shifts another case to match the case with the syringe.

Cassie takes the shifted case to Nick’s apartment and waits.

Nick regains consciousness: he has no memory of the envelopes or his plan.

He opens his envelope, which tells him to return home.

He finds the case in his room but Carver introduces himself to Kira as a friend, stating that her memories are false; she is a Division agent who volunteered to take the augmentation injection and suffered amnesia as a side-effect.

Agent Carver is the All-Powerful, all-controlling United States government.

Carver shows Kira her badge.

She believes him, because (after all) her memories and all the events confirm this narrative.

Nick goes to retrieve the augmentation drug and confronts Carver and Kira.

Carver tells Kira and Nick that the relationship they believe they had never happened and a special evening together at Coney Island was a “push” memory.

Kira reveals she has been using Nick the entire time and Nick takes the three to the building which contain the lockers and the case.

They are ambushed by the Triads.

In the midst of the fight, Carver injures Nick.

Nick grabs the case and jams the syringe into his arm, which “kills” him.  This is because, after all, the injection is fatal to over 90% of the people so injected.

After the fights ends, Nick wakes up. He wasn’t killed.

Cassie appears with an umbrella and smiles at him, “I told you it was going to rain” she tells him, revealing that it was part of the plan.

Cassie retrieves the true case, revealing that Nick injected himself with soy sauce, as they planned.

Asked whether they will see Kira again, Cassie tells Nick that they will see “little miss trouble-maker soon enough”.

“Little miss trouble-maker”, a watcher for the Triad.

Flying back to America with a sleeping Agent Carver, Kira opens her purse, finding her red envelope.

She remembers Nick telling her to open it when “she started doubting the truth” and opens it.

She finds a photograph of herself and Nick, obviously in a relationship, at Coney Island and a message that says “Kill him, See you soon!”.

Kira “pushes” Carver, commanding him to put his gun in his mouth and pull the trigger.

The screen fades to black, followed by the sound of a gun shot.

Push is also, as I said, greatly artistical. 

It has a lot of fantastic colors and utilizes lighting very well, it's set in very beautiful environments, and there are a lot of other great cinematic techniques being used. 

I especially like the choice of soundtrack in this movie. 

It reminds me a lot of the way they choose to use music in The Dark Knight. Instead of some really catchy, noticeable soundtrack there's been a very diligent work done with a subtle yet powerful soundtrack that emerges only when necessary and gives an indescribable force to the movie. 

All in all, Push is a quite non-mainstream, entertaining, good movie worth watching. 



For you to really understand what is going on in this reality, that you inhabit, you need to understand that (just like in the movie “Push”) that there are very powerful forces that want to control your mind. If they cannot have you, control you or profit from you, then they will kill you.

Just like in the movie.

They have unlimited resources, buckets of money, skilled and talented assistants, and experts in abilities equal or better than the best you can cobble together.

Just like in the movie.

They control what everyone around you does, plans, thinks, behaves and acts upon.

Just like in the movie.

And they are convinced at how everything will work out. They believe that they will be successful stamping out what tiny inconsequential opposition that still remains to their idea of a global utopia.

Just like in the movie.

But, like the movie, you need to realize that there are ways for you to counter their efforts and avoid becoming one of the mindless zombies that they control. And all of these techniques are spelled out in the movie.

[1] Look at what is NOT being presented as “news”.

For the origin of the Coronavirus, all the discussions boil down to two narratives, and only two narratives.

The Coronavirus is either a natural pandemic or a Chinese bio-weapon. Nothing else.

There is absolutely ZERO coverage on the idea that it was all part of the Donald Trump "hybrid war" against China and that John Bolton was the man in charge of the United States Bio-weapon program.

Which is amazing as that theory is the only one where ALL of the puzzle pieces come together.
[2] If the subject is being presented in a thousand different ways and details, then you are GUARANTEED that it is a United States government narrative. It is not independent and unique. It’s just another color of “Soylant Green”.

Notice that the same narrative is not present in other international publications. Of those, only the ones associated with the "five eyes" intelligence organizations will have similar articles. With some "bleed over" into the EU.
[3] You have to control your memories, as to what is real and what is not, to be fully independent.

We have all be preconditioned to act like Pavlov's Dog. We instinctively behave in certain ways reactively without thinking. 

All the time we believe what was taught to us as being correct. 

But that is false. Very few things that you accept as truth are really factual. They are all erroneous programming.

So you all are concerned about vaccinations. You are worried about the implications of “passports” and RNA, and unproven issues, and all this against a virus that is promoted as being nothing special nor dangerous. And I am telling you that all the “news” is bullshit. All of it.

The truth is hidden from you.

The dangers to you and your family are real, but NOT  what is being described. The American RNA vaccinations are adaptable. They have abilities to adapt to a wide spectrum of viruses and biological weapons.

…a wide spectrum of biological weapons.

And it is critical that people be vaccinated right NOW.

So please ignore all the noise. Be careful and judicious in the selection of the vaccine that you take, and realize that the West has opted for a very unlikely candidate to fight an apparently “harmless” virus.

That makes my, and all of my hidden friends*, hair stand on end.

"Hidden friends" and idiom that refers to non-public MM members who have prior experience in American Black Programs and who understandably do not want any public association with MM, but communicate with me through back channels.

I do not trust anything out of America. But that is just me.

The Sinopham vaccine is based on long-duration, tried and proven technology, but is limited to the Coronavirus.

The American vaccines seem to have a for-profit motive, does involve unproven technology, and is  adaptable (with some other injection boosters) to be able to  combat a spectrum of other viruses. All this points to the construction of a new type of vaccination market that would require boosters from everything from the common cold to smallpox.

…with some additional boosters (at a price)…

…with annual or semi-annual inoculations (also at a price)…

…can enable the human host to combat new viruses…

…that can vary from the common cold to Smallpox.

The evil American empire has some nefarious plans ahead. I do not know what they are. But I do know that discussion of this, and what the plans could be are functionally being omitted or steered away from the public dialog.

If you read about it in the “news”…

…then you are being misdirected.

Any questions, please query in the comments.

Do you want more?

You can find more articles related to this in my latest index; A New Beginning. And in it are elements of the old, some elements regarding the transition, and some elements that look towards the future.

New Beginnings


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Ah, I see it now. Just watched Push too. Not too sure what to make out it tho. Will mull over it more 🙂


Not at all, I think you are being very clear, especially with the above blog entry. Of course I speak as someone who has not trusted news out of the USA for a long time. I suppose living in Singapore, we are already conditioned to take what we read in our press with a large handful of salt. It is common knowledge the press here is not exactly “free”. But then again which countries press is actually free? That interview that the courageous late Udo Ulfkotte gave to RT comes to mind.

Mr. Vertigo

I am now further confused after reading this article. If all American news is BS; and nearly every single news source in the US is essentially “ordering” people to get vaccinated; resorting to food bribes and vax lotteries now then why would I want get vaccinated? Your article then indicates those on the fence in US are being manipulated and that it is in our interest to actually be vaccinated. Which is it? I have been reading and enjoying your site for several months but this latest article has me completely lost. My gut tells me; avoid any covid vaccination at any cost; now you seem to say get the mRNA vax but not bc of covid but bc of something else. WTF? is all I can muster after reading this and avoiding the jab to date.

Ohio Guy

We’re not gonna make it (survive in the FUSA) are we. By that, I mean even in the smallest pockets of this country.


Please clarify your position re American vaccines — although the main point of this article is about the false reality America’s media propaganda creates.

First you say,
“…The American RNA vaccinations are adaptable. They have abilities to adapt to a wide spectrum of viruses and biological weapons.…a wide spectrum of biological weapons. And it is critical that people be vaccinated right NOW.”

Were you being sarcastic? Were you using the vaccine to illustrate how the media makes people think what The Powers That Be want them to think — in this example, that they need to get vaccinated asap?

Then you say,
“I do not trust anything out of America. But that is just me.”

So what are you saying about the American vaccines? Trust it? Don’t trust it?
Personally, I don’t trust it.


You have written about many important things. I am trying to put in a form that I understand, and perhaps I express it in the way that I have been thinking and seeking about them in the past. Perhaps it is too hierarchical, but it is the way I currently understand it.

?? <– Physical <– Emotion <– Mind <– Intent <– ????

We know that our physical actions create our physical reality. Everyone agrees on this. But most of us do not realise that our actions are the result of attitudes and beliefs which have their origins in our thoughts that are constantly pulling in different directions. No doubt emotions also play a big part in what we do. Does the mind control emotions or do emotions control the mind? I have not decided. Maybe they both influence each other.

So when some party influences someones mind/emotion, he influences their actions and their physical reality. This is what this movie Push is about.

But we are not slaves to the influence of others. You have said, and I totally agree, that the reality we experience is what we choose. People put fact across in different ways such as “we create our own reality”, or “our thoughts create reality”. In your terms, perhaps in a more rigorously intellectual or scientific way, “we choose the world lines we inhabit”.

If our thoughts result in our reality, then the thoughts that we allow ourselves to think, and indeed discipline ourselves to think, should be the focus of our attention. This leads on to Intention. If thoughts can be put in any direction, the direction that we choose is our Intention.

Now this Intention part is new and unfamiliar territory to me. I have a hunch it leads back to the Service to Others/Self/Another choices we have to make. Am I remotely on the right track here?

Last edited 3 years ago by keff

Gosh, I just started reading the Prayer Affirmation Index, and bingo! I was first attracted to your site because of the ET stuff. But I did not think it would also have the “woo woo” thoughts-create-your-reality stuff. LOL.

But its funny, all things seem to be converging. Perhaps the time for greater unity consciousness is not so far off. Hmmmm.

Again let me thank you for all you are doing. And my appreciation to the powers that help you too.


I have been a frequent visitor to your website only just recently. I find it refreshing that your interests and opinions largely, aligns with mine. I applaud your courage and candor. It is a lighthouse in a sea of darkness.

Arise Zion

The bioweapon/corona/crown virus with its mutated variants are now everywhere on every country of the world, such a victory after victory for them neocons. They even had an image of a pangolin on 2019 Economist magazine front cover. The mRNA vaccine is also a bioweapon. The vaccine should be called wRNA.



Revelation 6:1-2 CEB
“Then I looked on as the Lamb opened one of the seven seals. I heard one of the four living creatures say in a voice like thunder, “Come!” So I looked, and there was a white horse. Its rider held a bow and was given a crown. And he went forth from victory to victory.”

Certainly CIA stooges love to pop and spray their mutants every where in the world. They also use HAARP/weatherized weapons out of their many secret posts to cause destruction within the country and abroad. They know that they need to control the sheeple within and without. Another “big” one is coming up which is the “kickoff event” inside job. A high tech nuke was planted in an equipment underground along with a fake incoming missile and then laying the blame on one of these guys for the attack -Russia/China/Iran/North Korea.

After this event, then most of sheeples and patriots who came out of the woodwork (because they were duped by Trumpco/con$) will be lined up to be sent to FEMA camp and/or get locked up at home. At the FEMA camp, they might zap people with some kind of high voltage technology so to reduce quantum vibration and body matter to nothingness in an instant, unlike gas chamber in Auschwitz.


Madonna put on spooky show back in May 2019. It seems there are 20 priest on both side of her (2020?) and burning fire everywhere. Real sick crap!



Funny you should mention Pangolins.
When I was much younger I was fascinated with nature and her creatures. My grandmother was a keen gardener and naturalist, old school. Self taught from her parents before. ​So books on animals and plants abounded. Still do, and I thought I knew about pretty much every plant, insect and creature in creation. Certainly enough to identify most of them. We used to have i.d. quizzes. The unwillingness to disappoint granny and lose the very nice reward being a powerful motivator!
Then the COVID shpiel arrived last year and we heard all about this Pangolin critter the Chinese “love to eat”.
Thing is, I never heard of a Pangolin, before. Grannys long passed. And it’s a pretty remarkable critter. I definitely would have remembered that. Never came across a Pangolin nor is it in the animal books I still have since childhood. But only a few. Granny’s collection was donated years ago.
What I’m saying is that was my Mandela moment. And there have been several more. Major ones, too. The VW insignia; the Volvo insignia. Many more.
But the pangolin was a major jolt for me.
Like, a sliding worldlines kind of jolt and i still get the jitters when anybody mentions that critter. It did not exist in my previous worldline. Id bet the cats on that I’m so sure. Something strange is indeed happening to our reality. I hope it doesn’t get too much stranger in line with your predictions.
But who tf knows, anymore.

Last edited 3 years ago by Ultan McG

Ultan just to let you know.
Every couple off weeks or sometimes months I like to have a trip down memory lane by listening to songs from a certain era. I’m a heavy metal / old school rock kind of guy but I also sometimes like to listen to 90ies or zero’s music. Or eighties.
I used to hate the 90ies but since a couple of years I feel that there is something to some of those songs.
So I started to listen to top 100 from those years. And so from clear memory from those years when I lived through it as wel as listening to those charts starting about 6 years ago I know when certain songs were in the charts.
Yesterday since about 5 months I went through the 90 charts again. And I had like 3to 7 songs from each year that I clearly remembered were in the charts a previous or later year.
Those are some of my Mandela effects.
Funny stuff. And i’m A skeptic. So 1 or 2 songs I could explain away as my mind playing tricks. But a Total of about 50. Well no.


Thanks, Chris. Glad I’m not the only one. I have about 10 serious examples that puzzle me deeply. Not so much the how, as we know from MMan; but the why!
Has to be CERN.


The Soviets back then had Pravda (Truth) broadsheet and today, the US has perfected the art of controlling propaganda narrative from both sides of the political spectrum.

Re “international” news, many international news agencies takes the “news” via syndication with US news agencies. So, they too regurgitate the same propaganda irrespective of left or right leaning. Thus the entire English speaking world are brainwashed with the US controlled propaganda.

The Sheeple are everywhere!! LOL

Jeffrey E Terwilliger

I am glad you sorted out your web attacks. I was able to visit your site throughout that time, but I use your “master index of indexes” page as my POE and it did go down for a few days.

Now, to the most confounding sentence of your post:

“And it is critical that people be vaccinated right NOW.”

I know you have addressed this as raised by many other readers, (with the main thrust being each makes his own reality) and you’re probably getting tired of responding…This single statement is quite jolting nonetheless. Sarcasm or honestly?


Gordon Duff on Veterans Today, and others, have said they’re expecting further COVID intentional releases over the next several years. Especially stateside. COVID 21 he half jokingly called it; and possibly much, much worse.
I think MMan also warned us about mutations of COVID B variant pretty much guaranteed to strike before end 2021. It’s just a matter of time and I know many governments are prepping for something Big during this current relative respite in the COVID narrative.
Just allowing the masses some summer downtime before the Dark Winter?
Newsweek magazine thinks so.
Stay safe out there.


I think what you’re saying is this.

The ptb want only people left who are on their side.
Releasing a virus on a population is not enough because it doesn’t discriminate between pro ptb and anti ptb.
So the ptb need to create something that discriminates.
That’s the vaccine.

But if everybody takes that then there is no discriminating again So the ptb through the media try to make conservatives not take the vaccine so a new virus can than hit them and leave the vaccinated people alone.

Now this doesn’t change the fact that the western vaccines are harmful vs the China Russia vaccine being safer but even with that there will be way more people left that are pro ptb in spite of vaccine deaths vs non vaccinated anti ptb people.

Eg. If in the usa 80 million people who are anti ptb dont take a vaccine and subsequently die and from another 80 million pro ptb people 1 million die from vaccine complications. Wel that leaves the ptb with plus 79 million people.

That’s a win in their mind. 1 million is collateral damage.


Glad to be of service.
And no , thank you for all you have done and are doing.
You sacrificed way more than I ever have

Jeffrey E Terwilliger

This argument seems very sensible and well thought out. It boils down to a plan to kill vax resistors with a new bioweapon, while dull witted subservient followers are inoculated with a defensive vaccine despite significant collateral damage from it.
At 65 yo, not sure that’s a world I would want to live in either way.

But then, that’s where the affirmation prayer campaigns come in, isn’t it?
( :

Last edited 3 years ago by JeffreyET

While all eyes are on the second most powerful force the past century, all eyes are off the most powerful force of the past sixteen centuries (including the last century). Furthermore, if one believes in extraterrestrials among us, one has to accept that they have allowed this force’s dominance over the World for over a millennium.
“He points out that these revolutionary elements often also turn against each other, and thus he does not believe that yet the time has come for the Great Reset with its evil underpinnings.”
There are presently and fortunately too many folks with conflicting desires among the PTB in the United States. They have even turned on one of their own: Bill Gates.
I believe there are still some moral folks (mostly women, such as Naomi Wolf) from the left and right among the PTB, that are trying their best to protect us from disaster.
The term “The Great Reset” and its evil plan were exposed to the World just prior to the U.S. election in October 2020, by the former ambassador of the Vatican to the United States: Archbishop Vigano.
“Vigano repeats this claim to Trump: “The purpose of the Great Reset is the imposition of a health dictatorship aiming at the imposition of liberticidal measures, hidden behind tempting promises of ensuring a universal income and cancelling individual debt. The price of these concessions from the International Monetary Fund will be the renunciation of private property and adherence to a program of vaccination against Covid-19 and Covid-21 promoted by Bill Gates with the collaboration of the main pharmaceutical groups.”
“Beyond the enormous economic interests that motivate the promoters of the Great Reset, the imposition of the vaccination will be accompanied by the requirement of a health passport and a digital ID, with the consequent contact-tracing of the population of the entire world. Those who do not accept these measures will be confined in detention camps or placed under house arrest, and all their assets will be confiscated.”
If you want to know what is PRESENTLY going on in the Western World, please read his 11 answers.to 11 questions.
For the nonreligious, they should ignore all religious paragraphs.