A call out for questions to ask The Domain using the EBP channel via MM

This article is a request for the MM audience to collect questions for me to ask The Domain via my EBP. If you all don’t know what I am talking about, then you can probably skip this article.

On 17SEP21 I posted an article that related the fact that The Domain opened up a dedicated channel to me via the EBP. As always, it was one-sided, and detailed. But during the conversation, I had no real mental ability. I was in a receiving and reporting state. I was really unable to think for myself. I just queried what I was told to ask and recorded the answers.

You can read this article HERE, if you are confused with what is going on.

Some Background

Most people are aware that the work titled “Alien Interview” is a transcript of a Commander of The Domain when it’s vehicle crashed in 1947. What most people do not know is that this event spawned an American  top secret agency known as MAJestic that fell under the ONI (Office of Naval Intelligence).

This waved, unacknowledged special access program handled (and still handles) all extraterrestrial events, technologies and interactions with the United States government. I was a unique part of that organization prior to being retired.

I do know that MAJestic works intimately with the Domain. And that it has acquired technology, information and understandings from The Domain. Obviously further more exacting information came forth and was accumulated in the 75 or so years since the formation of MAJestic.

This project

I know, and I am absolutely convinced that The Domain wants to do this. They are sort of waiting for me to set the incident(s) in place, and then will direct it as they see fit.

It’s kind of like how a microwave keeps flashing after it finishes cooking the food, or how a washing machine has the display beeping after it finished washing a load. This flashing / beeping is still present. (Though… it’s something different.)

My idea is to collect questions. Know full well that they may or may not answer them. But I will go read the questions and then record the answers if available. If they do not answer, I will respond as such.

People (!) this is your first, maybe ONLY chance, to ask questions to an extraterrestrial.

My impression is that this is an officer or an approved liaison that is associated with my EBP implants. I am also under the impression, most strongly, that this is an approved effort. And that it is somehow associated with my Majestic role. To this end, there is a channel that is open and dedicated to this purpose.

I know it is open. I can fucking feel it.

I do not know how long it will remain open. Hours. Months, Years. I just do not know.

I have the impression that they WANT to do this, and that they WANT actual inmate involvement in their efforts in this region of geographical space. I believe that they NEED and / or require our participation in some way.

What are the interests of The Domain on Earth?

This EBP channel is not for popular trivia.

Nor is it for questions about our worries or fears. It is for queries on how we, as inmate humans, can help and participate with the Type-1 extraterrestrials of The Domain. That’s it.

It’s for Rufus’s to ask questions so that we can learn how to be able to assist the Type-1 greys of The Domain.

I get the distinct impression that they really want for us to participate in their objectives, and they are willing to provide a diversity of answers to help alleviate our fears and concerns. But in all cases keep in mind that they will only answer what they want to answer.

Thus, any questions that you might conceive of, MUST be directed towards [1] The Domain and [2] their role and mission in this earth regional environment.

Their interests are…

  • Freeing the 3000 members of the “Lost Battalion”.
  • Control and destruction or control of the amnesia machinery that surrounds the earth.
  • Destruction of the various traps, systems, and mechanisms that entrap consciousness in this environment.
  • Preservation of the earth’s environment and prevention of nuclear, biological or climatic destruction.
  • Patrol and policing of this region from “dropping off” more consciousnesses into this Prison Planet.
  • Establishment of a rehabilitation plan for the inmates in this environment.
  • Support of the sentience sorting efforts so that the “good” inmates may be freed from this environment.
  • Freeing of IS-BE’s that are worthy of leaving this Prison Environment.

Because these are the interests of The Domain at this time, in our region, these are the topic areas that we would be able to obtain answers regarding.

Some notes on how this open channel affects me

It is like electricity.

Normally, with the ELF probes active, and the EBP it was like a normal life, just “very active”. Everything was like a car engine running at full speed.

Then when I was retired, and the ELF probes were shut off, everything went quiet. It was a state of calmness that I hadn’t felt for decades. It was like calm still water, while before it was like being tied to an electric chair with 30,000 volts surging through my body.

But the EBP was still active.

And yet, as a result of this, I would have a channel in the EBP open and get chit-chat from time to time. Always one sided. Always directed. Always functional. Always on a passive station but ready for my responsive actions.

Then when I received the communication from a Commander of The Domain,  it’s like “multiple channels”, or a bandwidth increase. Much better data transfer and sensory input.

I’m not used to it.

It’s not bad, it’s not horrible. It’s just that it’s unlike what I have been exposed to and pretty fierce.

It’s like plugging in a fan, as opposed to letting the fan sit in the corner of the room inert and alone.

As a result, I have a very clear comm channel.

When I say that they are open to answering sincere questions, then they will do so. And that when I say that they want us to work with them, believe me. That is the situation.

So be the Rufus, and posit some decent questions.

Question format and queries

What I plan on doing is collecting any and all questions that might result from this article. Then simplifying them, and placing them in a Q&A format. And seeing what happens.

If nothing happens, then so be it.

But if something does, then you might be surprised at the answers. As you can tell, they answer things very clearly and directly with a great deal of detail. It’s very similar to what was found in The Alien Interview.

Please ask questions that fall under these categories, and when you ask a question, please specify what category that it falls under.

  • Freeing the “Lost Battalion”.

Ask questions on what we can do to free the “Lost Battalion”. Or what problems or issues seem to be stopping their release. Ask what we can do to help, or anything related to freeing inmates.

  • Destruction of the amnesia machinery.

You should ask questions related to this machinery and how an inmate might be able to assist in the destruction of this equipment.  Maybe we, as insiders, have a benefit, or skill or strategic advantage that we can offer. We should ask.

  • Aside from the amnesia machinery, the destruction of other systems or traps.

It’s not only the amnesia machinery that needs to be destroyed, but the layers and layers of other systems, in all forms. From the various social constructions, religious constructs, and even the environmental constructs, what can we do or how can we help.

  • Preservation of the earth’s environment.

I know that the type-1 greys are very keen on preserving the earth. This entire region has experienced galactic wide wars of great destruction and the ruins of many a civilization litter this region. This is more than just climate change.

  • Prevention of nuclear and biological destruction of the biosphere.

Certainly there are all sorts of seriously bad consciousnesses and IS-BE’s that are in positions of power and control. They seem to be driving the world to the brink of extinction. What is going on? What can we do?

  • Patrol and policing of this region from “dropping off” more consciousnesses into this Prison Planet.

When The Domain destroyed the “Old Empire” units and bases in this region they inadvertently opened up a “Wild West”. For the last few thousand years, all the nearby galactic civilizations have been dropping off their criminal elements here to imprison them. What of it?

  • Establishment of a rehabilitation plan for the inmates in this environment.

This is a big issue, and we are up close and up front. We can ask questions regarding this plan or systems or programs that are being considered.

  • Support of the sentience sorting efforts so that the “good” inmates may be freed from this environment.

Release of everyone immediately would be catastrophic for the galaxy. As there are many, many very terrible consciousnesses in our region. The universe doesn’t need a new Khan Running around.

  • Freeing of IS-BE’s that are worthy of leaving this Prison Environment.

What of the “average joes? The artists, and the creators that somehow found their way here in this environment and imprisoned improperly? We can ask questions about them, and how they can be distinguished between the really bad and nasty folk.


Put your questions in the comments of this article. I will collect them in another article and run a request up-stream. Let’s see what happens.

Do you want more?

You can find many more videos in my “Extraterrestrial Species index” over here…

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  • You can also ask the author some questions. You can go HERE to find out how to go about this.
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I have a question that relates to both Freeing the “Lost Battalion” and Destruction of the amnesia machinery.

Are IS-BEs who attain what is often called “Enlightenment” while in a physical body free from the amnesia machinery in death?

Are they useful to the Domain’s efforts and should we work to become “Enlightened” as a way of being useful to the Domain?

*I understand “working” or “doing” anything to become “Enlightened” is technically incorrect but it’s hard to describe such things in duality.


I have some. I will work on these an get back to you


First – THANK YOU for this opportunity!

I have a couple and may have more, if I may.

Are the 3000 in one physical location and if not are they aware of each other’s presence?

Was the location in the Himalayas the ONLY location the 3000 stayed?

Were there any defectors and have they been located.

Are the 3000 still together or in “cells” scattered around the world?

Does the giant electrical “net” affect Blank Slate Technology? If so how?

When will Light Enhanced Reality Matrix theory begin to gain momentum in the West – if it is allowed to?

Thank you SO MUCH !!!


MM, you are really on a roll here! I have a good feeling about the Q&A format. It indicates that the Domain is respecting our freewill nature of our universe rather than forcing their beliefs on us.

Here are my questions, and I do not include those that you have already noted in your examples:

Freeing of Lost Battalion

  • How may we recognise members of the Lost Battalion should we meet them?
  • What actions are recommended should we recognise a member of the Lost Battalion?

Destruction (Escape) of the Amnesia Machinery

  • Upon death, when we perceive the “tunnel of light”. Is it recommended that we enter it? What are the pros and cons?
  • If we choose not to enter into the tunnel, is a simple freewill decision on our part not to enter, enough to escape it?
  • Should we choose not to enter into the tunnel, what is recommended place that we should next go to?

Destruction of other Traps

  • If the universe is malleable and responds to our Intentions, is it sufficient to use intention to free ourselves from or destroy these traps?

My next question does not fit into the prescribed categories, but I would like to ask it in order to understand better and hopefully to establish trust between the “inmates” and our “rescuers”.

  • Is the Domain supervised by a higher power? If so please describe this higher power.

Hoping we can get some illumination from your next round of Q&A, many thanks!


MM another question just popped into my head: will affirmation campaigns geard toward nullifying all contracts unwittingly taken out on our souls/astral bodies help in breaking the through the amnesia. If we don’t agree any of the hypnosis will this help?


I second, verbatim, this section from Keff:

Destruction (Escape) of the Amnesia Machinery

  • Upon death, when we perceive the “tunnel of light”. Is it recommended that we enter it? What are the pros and cons?
  • If we choose not to enter into the tunnel, is a simple freewill decision on our part not to enter, enough to escape it?
  • Should we choose not to enter into the tunnel, what is recommended place that we should next go to?
Last edited 3 years ago by DSKlausler

Hi MM, thanks for this opportunity.

Here a few questions:

Freeing of Lost Battalion

  • can you provide step by step instructions for helping freeing the Lost Batallion?

Destruction (Escape) of the Amnesia Machinery

  • can you provide clear instructions in order to minimize/ avoid the effects of this Machinery?

Destruction of other Traps

  • are religious systems part of the traps installed here?
  • if not, do religious practices provide an escape from amnesia? please detail which ones

Thank you!


Hi and thanks ! How to clean the infected is be that corrupt the world, mostly as members of secret societies, and have dispersed everywhere techologies and 5G and satelittes to control and tax everythings and beings.


Destruction of the amnesia machinery.

  • Does any of the machinery still exist in the physical reality on Earth?
  • If so, how can we recognize it should we come across any machinery?
  • How do we notify the Domain so it can be deactivated and removed safely?
  1. Yes, There are 3 locations currently disclosed, but finding them and disabling could be a whole new ball-game. Steppes of Mongolia, Mountains of the Moon in Mid Africa and Pyrenee’s in Portugal. It seems the tech crosses over into the non-physical as well, aka, the death zone.
  2. Apparently they are well concealed and booby trapped, etc as to make it extremely difficult to find and disable.
  3. The Domain are already aware of them and many others in this galaxy. The difficulty is the BOTS (Brothers of the Serpent), a renegade group who setup this Prison Planet System illegally, have been mastering their tech over millions of years. The Domain has never experienced such tech before and are very cautious with it, as they have experienced one slipup means they will be trapped, and treated like every other ISBE on Earth.

Hi MM, am I supposed to be alerted to replies? If so, I have nothing coming from the site to my email. Just a heads up. I mentioned to DM I had a few replies on the site, but couldn’t remember where, done so much reading. He asked if I could locate them. Just found this one above. In reply the excerpts below are from the AI book. Sorry if my terminology, wasn’t accurate above.

Although the military base of the “Old Empire” was destroyed, unfortunately, much of the vast machinery of the IS-BE force screens, the electroshock / amnesia /  hypnosis machinery continues to function in other undiscovered locations right up to the present moment. The main base or control center for this “mind control prison”  operation has never been found. So, the influences of this base, or bases, are still in effect.

After a very persistent and extensive investigation into the loss of their crews, The Domain discovered that the “Old Empire” has been operating a very extensive, and very carefully hidden, base of operations in this part of the galaxy for millions of years. No one knows exactly how long.

What The Domain learned from the experience of this officer is that the “Old Empire” has been using Earth as a “prison planet” for a very long time — exactly how long is unknown — perhaps millions of years.

The between lives amnesia administered to IS-BE’s is one on the mechanisms of an elaborate system of “Old Empire” IS-BE traps, that prevent an IS-BE from escaping. This operation is managed by an illicit, renegade secret police force of the “Old Empire”, using false provocation operations to disguise their activities in order to prevent detection by their own government, The Domain and by the victims of their activities. They are mind-control methods developed by government psychiatrists.

Sophisticated technologies of entrapment and enslavement, which were developed over millions of years in the “Old Empire”, have been applied to the IS-BE’s on Earth with the intention to create a false facade for the prison. These facades were installed on Earth in totality, all at once. Every piece is a fully integrated part of the prison system.

Because The Domain has three thousand of their own IS-BE’s in captivity on Earth also, they have an interest in solving this problem. This problem has never been encountered or effectively solved before in the universe, as far as they know. They will continue their efforts to free those IS-BE’s from Earth, where and when it is possible, but it will require time to develop an unprecedented technology and the diligence to do so.


Shall do, but I did get a notification this time, YAY! Hope it stays working.


I understand, and I don’t have any questions. They would know that already.

I would offer a “caution.”

I can only comment on things in the former USA and speaking of prisons, totalitarian governments, and power structures. And considering that the level of control on Earth must be much smaller than the “Old Empire” had.

The “type” of people or “Is-Bes” left who can see through the illusions and the games are not always what one might consider “good” or agreeable.

The type of prisoner who can actually escape a prison is terrifically rare. Attica had tens of thousands of inmates, only a few have made it out.

Just like a member of Seal Team 6 or Mossad is different than an average person. Service for others can come in many flavors. Of course, they know this already, because Grays too engage in wars.

Memory Loss

Yes. They have made known the 3000 are already their most aggressive. We are infants in comparison. The military serves others and the elite will sacrifice themselves without blinking an eye for their cause. These will not be Mother Theresa’s.


My questions:

  • What was the reasoning for asking for our help at this time? Is there an urgency that we should be aware of?
  • What skills, talents, or perceptions do we as imprisoned IS-BE’s possess that would assist in this mission?
  • Is there anything in the physical world we should be doing, either in regards to the Lost Battalion or the traps and machinery of the “Old Empire”, or will our efforts concentrate on the spiritual realm and Intention campaigns?
  • What should we be most wary of, and should we expect to be part of this operation for multiple lifetimes?
  • What plans do you have for the rehabilitation of your imprisoned IS-BE’s and the release of other favorable IS-BE’s?
Memory Loss

OK here I go, ready or not. My ex boss, who was a deal maker, taught me some rules to live by.
1. Never get excited.
2. Never rush beyond your ability or information.
3. If for any reason, you feel uncomfortable about some aspect of a deal, walk away (unless your life depends on it lol).
He was, and is, a charming asshole, but the rules of engagement still apply. So I will channel his assholery.

My first issue is that the original timeline was pushed forward 5000 years. This implies that something really big happened and they need a new plan of action. Did something unexpected happen that caught them by surprise?

This question can possibly fall under the category of:

“Prevention of nuclear and biological destruction of the biosphere.
Certainly there are all sorts of seriously bad consciousnesses and IS-BE’s that are in positions of power and control. They seem to be driving the world to the brink of extinction. What is going on? What can we do?”

To make it short, is there anything they should disclose to us humans or tho participants? (bearing in mind, we humans can be pretty altruistic. And if things impact humanity, we still need to have some good faith disclosure).

If we have a possibly limited window to communicate , then we should focus on priorities for humanity and the Dominion.

My instincts tell me we need to understand why they turn to us. In any deal, we have to know the dynamics.

Ok, asshole dealmaker mode off. But we still need to be careful. As someone commented, alien species tend to be aggressive. Otherwise, they will not survive.


Wow, your boss was a smart dude.

MM mentioned how the “master template” has changed. Perhaps that is the big change. Or, perhaps a critical mass of minds are now intending and manipulating the MWI.

You don’t have to apologize for being suspicious, or for protecting yourself.

Even on this very site, we have Robert Green’s 48 Laws of Power – a modern day rewrite of Machiavelli or Hobbs. The call is to be of service to others – not to be foolish, or naive. One can be of use to other people without being suckered, if you catch my meaning.

The fact is, everyone reading this IS in prison. An outsider wishes to help us in escaping.

You (and I) have been in prison all our lives, serving a life sentence, with no chance of parole or release. There is little left to lose.