The one memory that I have of my university days is the smell of bong water. I cannot count how many times that foul water would sometimes spill and smell up everything.
I know that today, the university experience appears to be a non-stop fuck fest. But that wasn’t my experience.
I was a nerd on a purpose and I studied, and then studied and then studied some more. Sure I drank beer, and did drugs, and smoked weed, but that was the culture at that snapshot in time.
Along with bell-bottom jeans, earth shoes and Jimmy Carter.
I did do a lot of acid.
I really did.
I was the guy who was always “trippin'” back in the day.
But you all must know, I might have done that, but I was a virgin until after I left university. So in many ways, compared with today, I kind of missed out on some really fun things.
I will tell you that once I got married, well… I did end up making up for lost time. Heck, my wife and I were rabid rabbits.
But that was another time, and another place.
Bong water. University. Studying and testing.
My life back then.
Now for today…
How will the US continue to sanction countries successfully if China can just sell those sanctioned stuff to the sanctioned country thereby changing nothing in the economy of that country?
You can only start to sanction another country if that country needs your stuffs and you stop selling to them! Today the U.S. don’t have a single thing it makes that others can’t do! In fact most nations can do stuffs cheaper, bettter and faster than the U.S. could do so sanctioning them is really like helping them save money! Hahahahaha!
Why not?
Why did you get fired from your first job?
I was fired for something that I did two weeks after I started, 2.5 years prior.
The manager who fired me was my 5th manager in 2.5 years. On her first day, she informed me after finding out that I was on public transportation from a rural town (took over 2 hours to get to the job, one way) and going to college that I had limited availability (16 hours a week), she was unsure how long I would last. I lasted 1 month to the day when she started.
She did everything she could to provoke me into quitting cutting my hours to 3 a week or on one occasion to deck her. My avatar is my cat that I had for 16 years. I had to put him to sleep. I took one day off from work and returned two days later. She was waiting for me at the front door, and asked me, “Was that a good use of your Paid Time Off?” I stood there speechless, finally said, “Yes!” and walked away.
It was a blessing because, in my final term I was going to be available for one day, 8 hours a week.
She still works at that store, and still hates me!
What are some of the best examples of “American ignorance”?
A friend of mine from the US (I’d met her years ago at a teacher’s seminar and we’d stayed in touch) came to visit me and stayed with me for a couple of weeks. She hadn’t previously been to Australia and was surprised that we live in an Alpine area, she didn’t expect to see mountains topped with snow. I don’t think she believed me when I told her that we had more snow here in winter than falls on Switzerland. Apparently she thought we were all beaches and deserts with nothing in between. So I told her about our rainforests, tropical in the north of the country and temperate, cool-temperature in the south, about the huge productive farmlands, about our research centres, etc.
Her comment, which made me laugh? “It’s quite a big country, isn’t it?”
Well, yeah. Yeah, it is.
She then asked, “Would it be as big as England?”
Flabbergasted. And she is a teacher…
Women Are FURIOUS Seeing Men Go Overseas And Be Happy In Marriages And Relationships
If Putin announces a nuclear war with NATO, could NATO react in time and nuke Russia before Russia launches their nuclear weapons?
I read a lot of fantasy answers from a lot of Pro Nato supporters who still think this is 1997
The first assumption is the Russia would launch a nuke from its own territory
The second assumption is that the Western Satellites would detect the move even before a Nuke is launched
In 1998, we pulled wool over the eyes of all those Western Satellites
Back then not even an emerging economy but an ordinary third world developing country dependent on imports for every aspect of defence
Russia have 65 Submarines of which 46 have the capability of carrying between 1–2 Nuclear Missiles
My guess is almost all these Submarines have been refurbished to carry Hypersonic Missiles with Thermonuclear Warheads
I am basing this guess on the fact that in 2022 August – a record 39 Submarines were serviced against an average of 12 a year from 2016–2021
The Instant a Nuke is even launched in Russia’s direction – these Submarines will launch their missiles in a pre arranged pattern at specific targets in Europe and NATO
London, NY, Lyons, Grenoble, Paris, Hamburg, Odessa, Nagasaki
That’s 46 Million people gone in the first wave
Vaporized literally
Sunak will be literal vapor
You can actually breathe him
The next would be the heat shock blast (There won’t be radioactive waste since these are Thermonuclears)
All Livestock within a 150–200 Mile radius is gone
Soil is rendered entirely useless for at least 100 years
That’s a further 140–180 Million people gone in the second wave
Finally you will have displacement, disease, starvation and that’s another 200–300 Million people gone in the third wave
The maximum deaths could be as high as 520 Million in NATO NATIONS
That’s 56% of the ‘Golden Billion’
Senator Cotton could actually breathe in his own wife and kids before he becomes vapor
Advanced Molecular integration
So it’s MUTUALLY ASSURED DESTRUCTION as the name suggests
If Russia is destroyed , no less than 400–500 million Americans, Europeans and Japanese will die and their nations will go back to the stone age
There will be electronic Interference for at least 7–15 years
Why would Russia launch a Nuclear War?
They have no reason to do so
If Macron sends troops to Ukraine, the Russians will kill them
If Sunak sends troops to Ukraine, the Russians will kill them
They are all far below Ukraines fighting capability and Russians have trounced at least 350K Ukranians
Ukraine had been fighting Donbass Militia for 8 years and they had some blooding
Not UK Or France or Germany or Poland
TikTok Ban| Chips| AI Hype| CBDC! Conversation with/Richard Turrin!!
What was the biggest secret you found out only after someone passed away?
I met my husband in 2007 and he moved in with me a few months later. In November of that year his mother committed suicide, she took an overdose of drugs that she had stored up and put a plastic bag over her head. She had been in a nursing home for 12 years. I still don’t know what her actual diagnosis was, but I believe it was manic depression and a form of psychosis. Every day my father in law would spend hours with her in the home.
In 2016 we moved in to take care of him as he was becoming very frail. I grew very close to him and we would talk about his life etc. He would talk about J*** with such love and affection. He told me how for a long time she had begged him to help her end her life of pain. He had to tell her that he couldn’t, it was against the law and I could feel the pain that he went through.
He passed away aged 92 and I had the job of clearing out his possessions. At the back of a drawer in his bedside table I found a book called Dying with dignity. A page had the corner turned over which described the method that his wife had used. He had left this for one of us to find after his death. He had helped her with her final request and carried the secret to his grave.
Some words for today
Have you ever been treated differently because of the car you were driving?
A tree fell on my 2015 Chrysler 200. I really enjoyed the car but it was a goner. One of the issues when living in the woods I guess. I don’t think I ever got a second glance from anyone while I drove it.
As luck would have it my insurance settlement worked out quickly and I replaced the 200 with a 2017 Lincoln MKZ Select. It really wasn’t an upgrade in my opinion… more like an even swap.
Um, it might be important to know that I am 59 years old but am often mistaken as someone much younger.
The next day I was getting in my car as a much older-appearing couple were getting out of a Kia or some other cheap car. The lady sneered at me and the man commented “Nice car you entitled punk. Did your mommy buy that car for you?”
I replied with a smile “Thanks for the compliment. I like being told that I look younger than I am.”
The lady asked “How old are you?”
“59. How about you two?”
“We’re both 51.”
“Good! Maybe when you grow up you can get a nice car just like mine.”
Take her into YOUR world
What things should a person avoid once they are past 70 years old?
It all depends on the person, doesn’t it?
At 76 going on 77, I marvel that my 75 year old brother still jogs for miles and competes in inline skating marathons. I walk for miles and do some ice skating, usually with a ski pole in my hand to help me get up if I fall.
- I avoid climbing ladders because I lost two friends to falls in their 70s (one instantly and the other in assisted living for the last ten years of life). My brother, Al, just completely renovated a house at 72–73. I just paid some contractors to renovate parts of mine.
- Every one should avoid buying a time share, but especially those over 70. Even getting a mortgage to buy or build a new residence seems extreme. I used to salivate over House Hunters International. I’m so lucky I didn’t buy my dream home in an Italian hilltop town.
- I avoid soda pop, Big Macs, and hot dogs. Why tempt the gods?
- I avoid signing up for online subscriptions or making donations to television evangelists. My mother didn’t and we filled a dumpster with unread magazines and CD’s from religious hucksters.
- I avoid both Fox News and MSNBC. Because.
- Now that I am no longer that 35 year old testosterone poisoned jerk who makes a show of passing slower drivers and pulling in front of them in disgust, I avoid the temptation to flip them off.
- I feel people over 75 should avoid running for President or Senator.
There’s still enough not to avoid, so I better end this.
Welcome to the United States
What was the strangest way an embezzler was caught?
Sanjay Madan was the IT director for the Ontario Ministry of Education. He saw how lax the security was , and set up a system where he would award an IT contract for $900 a day, and his partner would find someone to subcontract for $450 a day. In his first year, they managed to take $467,000 by 2019, they were stealing $6.5 million a year. The very weird part of this is that his partner was a police informant, who never informed police. Everything was going along perfectly, and by 2020 they had stolen $37,000,000 doing this, and nobody knew that a crime had been committed. I think the police need some better informants.
Then covid hit, and they got greedy, the government was giving out between $200 and $250 to children that had to be home schooled because of covid.
He filed 48,000 fake applications and had all the money deposited into the same five bank accounts. Again he got away with it. $10.8 million dollars. How many scammers do you know that pulled the same scam 48,000 times and got away with it. But, by filing 48,000 claims, he increased the odds that one of them would file for their own child. They of course were accused of double dipping, and of course they were indignant, because they were honest. They investigated and found that the money hadn’t gone into the real applicants account. So then they searched to see if more money had gone into that account, and there was millions.
In total he stole $47.4 million. He has given back $30 million and after he gets out of jail in 10 years, he has five more years to repay the rest, or face further jail time.
But wait!!! The best part of this is that his defense was that it was entrapment. Nobody makes a system that easy to steal from if it isn’t a trap.
Welcome to Asia
As a police officer, what’s one story on Christmas you will never forget?
One Christmas, at around 1 A.M. my partner and I spotted a van driving the opposite direction of us in an alley. Something about the way the guy looked at us made it seem like he was up to no good, so we turned around to follow him and run his plates. So, we caught the guy after a vehicle pursuit and a foot pursuit.
Long story a little less long, the van hadn’t been reported stolen and it had the keys in it, but we were pretty sure it was stolen. We had an assisting unit wait with the van, gifts, and suspect while we drove to the registered owner’s home and knocked. The police knocked at 1:30 or 2 a.m. A grumpy lady came to the door and eyed us suspiciously and assumed “the pose” (arms crossed, leaning slightly back and to one side, with head down and hip thrust off to the opposite side).
“Ma’am, are you Mary Crankypants?”
“Do you own a 1990 blue Astrovan License 123ABC?”
{exaggerated exhalation of breath as if bored) “Yeeeeahhhh?”
“We stopped a guy named Johnny Lightfingers driving it at 120th and Avalon. Do you know him, and does he have permission to have your vehicle?”
“NO I don’t and NO he doesn’t.”
“Well the van is loaded with a bunch of kids’ Christmas presents. Are your Christmas presents missing?”
(An exhalation of breath as if we were putting her out) “Just a second”, she huffed at us, before disappearing to look. She returned several seconds later,
(Again with the exhalation of breath as if we were putting her out) “The presents are all gone toooo.”
“Can somebody with a license come with us and pick up the van and presents?”
(And AGAIN with the exhalation of breath as if we were putting her out) “Fiiine.”
She stomped off to get some clothes on.
Our guy went to jail for burglary, vehicle theft, evading, parole violation and driving on a suspended license, but that lady was possibly the most ungrateful person I have ever met in my life.
Why Hiring Women Has Become BAD For BUSINESS
Join the “STAY AWAY ” Movement….
Pastitsio (Baked Macaroni)
I suppose this could be called the “comfort food” of Greek cooking. Pastitsio uses a béchamel sauce, one of the five mother sauces. My sister and I absolutely love this, and we used to make it all the time when we saw each other more often. But I also eat it at the St. Katherine’s Greek Festival every year.

Prep: 25 min | Cook: 55 min | Yield: 8 to 12 servings
- 1 pound macaroni
- 1/4 pound butter
- 1 1/2 pounds ground turkey or beef
- 1/2 can tomato paste
- 6 ounces grated Romano or Parmesan cheese
- 1 medium onion, chopped
- 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
- 1/2 teaspoon nutmeg
- Salt and pepper
- 4 cups warm milk, divided
- 5 eggs
- 6 tablespoons all-purpose flour
- 1 1/2 sticks butter
- Cook macaroni (but not well done) in boiling, salted water and drain.
- Sauté onion in a little butter.
- Add ground meat and stir until brown.
- Add tomato paste, thinned with a little water.
- Add salt, pepper, cinnamon and nutmeg. Cook until meat is done.
- Melt butter; pour over drained macaroni, mixing carefully.
- Spread half of the macaroni on the bottom of a 13 x 9-inch pan.
- Sprinkle half of the grated cheese on top.
- Spread entire meat mixture on top.
- Cover with remaining macaroni and remaining grated cheese.
- Boil 3 cups of the milk with 1 1/2 sticks butter.
- Add flour to remaining 1 cup milk and blend well.
- Add flour mixture to boiling butter and milk. Thicken and cool.
- After this has cooled, add 5 beaten eggs, or drop small amounts of the milk mixture into the eggs while stirring constantly. Once the egg mixture gets warm to hot, add the remaining milk.
- Pour sauce over the macaroni. Shake the pan and insert a knife to penetrate thoroughly.
- Bake at 350 degrees F for 40 to 45 minutes.
Prof. Jeffrey Sachs: US/Russia/China: Worst Tensions in 30 Years.
I was born July 1945 from my whole life. I knew that in November 19 63 the United States of America cease to exist. It was not the America that I had grown up in. and as a retired lawyer admitted to the bar of Massachusetts and Maryland. I am distraught about how lawless the courts and judicial system now are I always thought they were the last refuge, but they’ve gone over to the dark side for the most part.
What was a rule that was made at your job because of something a co-worker did?
I worked at a fast food place. When we closed there’d usually be a little bit of food left over in the warming bins. 2 to 4 burger patties, a grilled chicken and a fried chicken typically, as we cut back on what was prepped ahead later in the evening. We, the employees were allowed to eat the left overs as we finished closing duties. One of the perks of the otherwise annoying jobs of closing. The managers and other employees often had me make them sandwiches, as I came up with some interesting combos. Sometimes if they didn’t get eaten one of the employees would take a couple of patties or whatever was left over home with them for the fridge.
One night one of the cooks who had been there for years, was putting in about 10 quarter pound patties through the broiler, about 10 minutes before close. The manager told them there was no way we were going to sell that many before close (obviously). He just said that any we didn’t sell he would just take home with him. Obviously only making them for that purpose. The next day there was a rule that all leftover food had to be thrown out at the end of the night. No employees were allowed to eat any of it or take it home. One person ruined it for everyone, and of course he was the one that complained the most about it, when he was the one that caused it.
This is all they do
Wiggle their butts.
While painting, he noticed a small hole in the hull, and quietly repaired it.
When he finished painting, he received his money and left.
The next day, the owner of the boat came to the painter and presented him with a nice check, much higher than the payment for painting.
The painter was surprised and said “You’ve already paid me for painting the boat Sir!”
“But this is not for the paint job. It’s for repairing the hole in the boat.”
“Ah! But it was such a small service… certainly it’s not worth paying me such a high amount for something so insignificant.”
“My dear friend, you do not understand. Let me tell you what happened:
“When I asked you to paint the boat, I forgot to mention the hole.
“When the boat dried, my kids took the boat and went on a fishing trip.
“They did not know that there was a hole. I was not at home at that time.
“When I returned and noticed they had taken the boat, I was desperate because I remembered that the boat had a hole.
“Imagine my relief and joy when I saw them returning from fishing.
“Then, I examined the boat and found that you had repaired the hole!
“You see, now, what you did? You saved the life of my children! I do not have enough money to pay your ‘small’ good deed.”
So no matter who, when or how, continue to help, sustain, wipe tears, listen attentively, and carefully repair all the ‘leaks’ you find. You never know when one is in need of us, or when God holds a pleasant surprise for us to be helpful and important to someone.
Along the way, you may have repaired numerous ‘boat holes’ for several people without realizing how many lives you’ve save. ❤️
Make a difference….be the best you can…”
I’m fine
When did you realize something was a blessing in disguise?
When I re-connected with a lot of my old high school classmates on Facebook, and I saw how many of the “popular” kids ended up with really bad careers and marriages. That’s when I realized that being unpopular in high school probably helped me focus on my education and made me so much more grateful for my wife, which led to a better marriage.
Many of the guys who got all of the girls in my high school — the guys I used to be so jealous of — now have crappy jobs, failed out of college, have criminal records, have multiple children from multiple women, and generally look miserable on their Facebook posts.
It’s even worse for the women I graduated with. So many of those beautiful classmates that I used to wish would just give me a chance… they’re now drug addicts, have multiple children with multiple men, have abusive boyfriends and husbands, and just look so… miserable and beaten down by their lives.
I knew many of these people in grammar school. We were friends then. But in middle school and especially in high school, when the social cliques really started forming and I was left out of them, their personalities changed. They quit trying in school. They focused on getting dates, parties, etc… The typical popular teenager stuff.
Not all the popular kids, of course. Some of them ended up in good places in life. But many of them didn’t. And I think it can be traced right back to those high school years.
Dating and partying weren’t distractions for me. That’s the hidden advantage to being an unpopular high schooler… you don’t lose focus on your education. And, in college, when I finally met a woman who gave me a chance, I treated her like a queen, and it’s worked out great for us.
So, if you’re an unpopular high schooler today, particularly if you’re a guy who gets no attention from the ladies… fear not! It’s a blessing in disguise. “The ladies” are a distraction… for now at least. Education first, then career. Then watch how the roles change. A man in his 20s with a college education and stable, successful career? You’ll never have to worry about not finding a date again.
The Consequences Of Degrading Men
Something is happening to boys and there is goring to be a very serious backlash.
What’s the most savage way you’ve seen someone get fired?
I worked at Wilkins Dodge in Roseville MN around 1990
We were not the most productive dealer in the area for sure, selling an average of 60 used vehicles and 50 New vehicles per month.
A new Gm is hired and he has big plans for us to jump into the big leagues starting with hiring 12 new salespeople to add to our 8 person team plus 2 older than dirt fleet managers. Great we all said or thought collectively while in the middle of a very serious circle jerk.
Somehow the GM finds 12 people that can speak, tie a tie, own a pen and can pass a background check. To us the all looked like the guys that knock on your door asking about religion.
So they (the 12) are offered paid training at 300.00 Dollars a week for 2 weeks at 5 days each for 8 hours…They are all signed up thru Mopar sales training and are by all accounts doing OK.
Wilkins Dodge had no A/C and MN in August can be a little humid especially in the upstairs training room with no windows. The 12 endured though and all passed their training with higher than average scores.
On the last Friday the GM has a moment of clarity and realizes we don’t have the inventory or budget to keep all 12 newly minted superstars of retail.
He call them out to the used car side of the building (in the shade) around 430 and asks them to form a line and count off by two’s.
2’s please step forward and they do so. Ones please go inside and find a desk and I’ll be with you shortly.
2’s remain stepped forward and look confused but still not grasping the situation. Please see me for your checks, we’ve decided to change our plan regarding your employment says the GM and have a nice weekend please send your family or friends for a vehicle.
Swearing, muttering and insults from remaining 6 plus some more than a lfew expressions of soon to be physical violence had the GM exiting the area towards the service department tossing the checks in the air behind him…….
Good times….
Roast Pork with Potato Dumplings
This is one of my all-time favorite comfort foods.

Yield: 8 servings
- 3 to 4 pounds starchy potatoes
- 2 to 3 eggs
- 1/2 to 1 cup all-purpose flour
- Sea and or kosher salt, to taste
- 1/4 teaspoon nutmeg
- 1/4 cup chopped fresh parsley
Pork Roast
- 1 pork roast
- Oil (for browning)
- Salt and pepper, to taste
- Paprika, to taste
- 1/2 to 1 pound coarsely chopped onions
- In a large pot, boil potatoes in salted water with the skins on. Peel and put them through a ricer (if you don’t have a ricer, use the back of a spoon to smash potatoes through a sieve). Let cool completely.
- Refrigerate.
- The next day, about 30 minutes before the roast is finished, set a large pot of salted water to boil.
- To the cooled, riced potatoes add eggs and 8 to 14 tablespoons of flour, depending on how starchy the potatoes are). Also add salt, nutmeg and parsley. Using your hands, form potatoes into balls between the size of golf and tennis balls.
- Add the potato balls to the boiling water but do not let the water continue to boil. When they float to the top in 15 to 20 minutes, they are done.
Pork Roast
- In a large, heavy pot, heat oil. Sprinkle the roast with salt, pepper and paprika, and brown quickly in oil. Add onions and brown them, too. Turn heat down to medium low. Add a little water. A carrot and a couple of fresh tomatoes can also be added if desired. Cover and cook for 2 hours, turning occasionally.
- To make gravy (optional), remove the roast and add a little water to the pan to de-glaze it. Add a little flour or cornstarch to thicken the drippings.
- Serve dumplings and pork roast with red cabbage or sauerkraut.
What is the most disgusting workplace rule you’ve seen?
This was more an unspoken attitude than a workplace rule, but someone lost their job over it.
When I came to work for a certain company, I was an in-your-face out lesbian. Nobody seemed to mind, at least nobody said anything and I was well-liked.
One of the married women struck up a friendship with me and we used to go walking at lunch time. She was really into her church and she not-so-subtly tried to get me to believe that being gay was wrong. When I didn’t bite, she started asking me questions about how I knew I was queer, how it affected my life, how it was different being in a relationship with a man vs a woman (I had been in a conventional het relationship prior to coming out). I answered all her questions as honestly as I could, trying to raise awareness that queer folk aren’t really that different from straight folk.
It turned out that she had been questioning all her life and was trying to work up the courage to come out herself. I SWEAR I WASN’T TRYING TO CONVERT HER.
She ended up coming out while I worked there. I was dumbfounded when she told me—I had no clue. I really thought she was a church lady. Her husband left her, which she was actually relieved about.
I eventually left there for a higher-paying job. When I caught up with the woman a few years later, she told me she had been fired for coming out of the closet. Nobody could accept her transition from straight life to queer life. They were used to seeing her as a straight woman and they looked at her transition as a sort of betrayal. so, I guess if you were already queer that was ok, but you weren’t allowed to change teams.
EDIT: One, she didn’t suddenly start crowing at work about what a dyke she was. It was a small, tight-knit company so her divorce became known. She also cut her hair short and started wearing less feminine clothing. She stopped talking about Jesus and church, since her church rejected her when she came out. It wasn’t hard for the boss to extrapolate.
Two, of course the company didn’t tell her they were firing her for being a lesbian. They gradually transferred her best clients to other workers, started giving her poor reviews and difficult clients and basically made the work environment unpleasant for her. They laid her off after they had gathered enough (fake) documentation to support firing her for cause, and she didn’t bother fighting it.
EDIT: Any comments implying that the people in the story are liars will be deleted.
I’m not answering any more comments or questions that:
- Have already been addressed in the comments
- Demonstrate that the commenter believes they can interpret the situation better than those involved
- Demonstrate poor reading comprehension. I’m not an elementary school teacher.
Why Do They Really Fear Single Men – MGTOW
I hate this guys voice, but the message is really good.
The story mentioned in Alien Interview regarding Suleiman the Magnificent came into my mind again. Why can he meet his loved wife more than once in his reincarnations? Does this have anything to do with worldline manipulation by a third party?