I have continued to play with text to image creations. Lately I have been generating women with vegetables. Here’s some of my works. What do you think?

My favorite Internet kitty
What’s an experience you had in a hotel you’ll never forget?
I was island hopping in the Caribbean, and I had prebooked a mid priced hotel for my stay in Puerto Rico.
I fly in after dark and get to my hotel and evidently they were overbooked, they told me that they would upgrade me to a better hotel. I am deeply suspicious, because its been my experience, if you get moved its to a worse hotel.
Still, its after dark, I’m in a strange place for the first time, I let them move me. We get it to my new hotel, which is beach front, as opposed to the block from the beach one I had booked. It had a huge arena/auditorium/entertainment center that had an ice capades like show that night. My room is about the cheapest in an upscale hotel, so not to shabby.
Lots of nice restaurants, great pools etc. The next day they have a circus move into the entertainment center, and I think I will go see that later in the evening.
I go to the pool, and this guy comes in, leading two tiger cubs on leashes. He takes them to the edge of the pool, and takes off the leashes, and they jump in with me.
I end up playing with two tiger cubs for the afternoon.
It was awesome. I will never forget it.
Breaking Bad | Combo’s Death
What is the most brilliant example of taking advantage of a loophole you have ever witnessed?
I was a maintenance worker on a paint line, working a 4-day work week. Monday through Thursday, 10 hours per day. This day, a slow Thursday, I was greasing the wheels on the chain as it passed through the line.
A top manager was passing through, steamed off for some reason. He noticed the line was running with no work on it, and he screamed at the line leader, “Why is this line running with no work?! He (pointing at me) gets three days off with no pay!” and stormed off with no explanation.
After he was gone, the line leader came up to me and said, “You heard the man. Three days off with no pay. Let’s make it this Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. OK?”
Wow! Half a day, and already almost 500 upvotes. Thanks, everyone.
Fought in Afghanistan and Iraq, But…”| Why Putin’s War Has Jolted Ukraine’s “Foreign Fighters”
Chicken Diable
Chicken Diable makes a wonderful sauce, and it is delicious served over rice.

Prep: 10 min | Bake: 1 hr 30 min | Yield: 6 servings
- 1 (3 pound) frying chicken
- 1/4 cup (1/2 stick) butter
- 1/2 cup honey
- 1/4 cup wet mustard
- 1 teaspoon curry powder
- 1 teaspoon salt
- Cut frying chicken into large pieces.
- Melt butter and add honey, mustard, curry powder and salt. Coat chicken pieces with the sauce and place in a baking pan (do not stack).
- Bake at 350 degrees F for 1 1/2 hours, tightly covered.
Can China maintain its leading role in EV and lithium battery technology?
Unless other nations understand and introduce Socialist elements and State Subsidies into their EV architecture
China can make the best batteries and best integrated platform – two most crucial elements of an EV at a cost that is 65% of the next cheapest manufacturer in South Korea
The Americans make far lower quality batteries at a 170% higher price
This puts a Chinese EV at $ 30,500 with a nice profit to the Brand versus the same American EV made in USA at a minimum of $ 52,000 at a lower quality
You just can’t compete
It’s why the US is so keen on keeping China out
It’s why no other nation is building Charging Infrastructure so comprehensively like China is doing
China has such a vast charging infrastructure that it is easy and quick to charge your EVs
Yet the Infrastructure network is only 6% profitable
No issues because it’s State Subsidized
And that’s 6% at such a huge scale
At a fifth of this scale, a charging infrastructure of so much quality would make a loss of at least 10% to 12%
Do you think a single private player would take such a risk?
Ultimately the EV Maker has to provide the charging infrastructure like Musk is doing
Yet Musks profits from EV sales are shrinking due to his losses in the charging infrastructure
This ain’t new
The US heavily subsidized it’s industries for the earliest motor cars
Back then you had Hansom cabs driven by Horses and roads were paved with bricks not with Tar
The US Government floated almost $ 36 Million of Bonds to build Roads in various cities and State Governments floated another $ 40 Million
To build tarred roads for Cars owned by Ford and Others who incidentally didn’t chip in a penny
Likewise you had a 30 year tax subsidy from 1907–1937 afforded to six car makers to enable them to keep the costs of their engines as low as possible
An Engine could cost $ 100-125 to make, almost 4/5 of the value of the car
Yet the companies pumped back a share of their profits and kept the engine cost lower and lower until by the 1920s the cost of the engine dropped to around 1/2 the value of the car and later to around 40%
It’s why US had a lead in Cars
It’s why Germany had a lead in Engines
Today they may rant about Free markets but all these countries had subsidies in their early days and protectionism
US imposed an import duty of 67% on Cars from UK and Germany until the Mid 1970s
So as on date, China is gaining huge traction for EVs
They are discarding the Lithium Battery in the next five years or so for the next generation batteries
Their charging infrastructure is very strong and fast, fastest in the world
The others who can compete include
Korea – $ 110 Billion in Subsidies to make Batteries
Japan – $ 15 Billion in Private Research Funds to make Batteries
Yet China has more engineers and more money in subsidies ($ 250 Billion) for battery technology alone
So i feel China will have a lead in EVs for at least half a decade or maybe longer
Coconut life
Do you have to pay for food in prison?
Have you ever read a nutritional content label and wondered what a 2000 calorie diet would be like? In prison you get to find out.
The government says 2000 calories are what you need, so that’s what they provide to inmates. You can inflate that number some with carbs or roughage.
Here’s how it worked at CCA (the for-profit privately run prison): the US Marshalls defined what a detainee’s diet should look like. CCA would design meals around those goals, then turn the food service over to a sub-contractor. The sub would get a fixed amount for every meal produced. Ahha! Every dollar we save by skimping on ingredients is a dollar in the sub’s pocket. We can all see where that’s headed…
In federal prison the food was much better because there were no sub contractors. In this situation, the inmates are their own worst enemies. The kitchen would make sheet cake without any sugar. Why? Inmates stole it all! Same for spices.
The federal low had two lines that inmates would shuffle through for each meal. All items that were costly for the prison (protein) were dished out to the inmates from behind the counter. Low cost items like rice, those nasty grease pad potatoes, and lettuce would be “on the bar” where you could take as much as you want.
All of this is “free.”
You can pay for food. You can buy stuff on commissary, or you can buy the stuff that’s being cooked in the units. This is usually a mix of items stolen from the kitchen and things bought on commissary. It’s always better than what comes out of the kitchen.
Teachers Are SICK Of Dumb Gen Alpha Kids..
What is something a guest in your house did that made your jaw drop? How did you react?
Ok warning this is GROSS!!!!!!!!!!
A co-worker of my now ex-husband came over with his “side piece” (was not thrilled about that as it was condoning this behavior but I go off topic) and she asked to use the bathroom, we told her where the guest bathroom was and thought she went into there. While they were leaving I went through our bedroom into our bathroom. I then noticed she didn’t use the guest bathroom but had been in our room b/c things were out of place and that where my jewelry box was had been opened and gone through. I went into the bathroom really fast to see if some other personal items were missing I noticed that this nasty girl used a…feminine cleaning product (BARF) and MY wash cloth to “clean up”. Luckily they were still outside talking when I went out there and lost my fking mind!! I tossed a plastic bag with MY wash cloth and the empty product at her (I WAS WEARING 2 PAIRS OF GLOVES AND HAD A BAG OVER THE OTHER BAG I PUT EVERYTHING IN) and then told her to empty her purse and pockets. Now, the guys were at first shocked and then my now ex-husband was embarrassed by my “request” and behavior and his co-worker was pissed that his “friend” was being treated in such a manner. When she finally did what I “asked” there were 2 pairs of earrings (pearls, and black diamonds), a custom made pearl ring I got from my father, a gold pinky ring my grandfather had custom made for me, the onyx and diamond ring, pearl necklace and matching bracelet I got for my first communion and confirmation as well as my pearl drop. I told them to get the fk off our property and they were never allowed back or I would call the police. I recorded the whole encounter outside. Now I did NOT yell at them, I was pissed the fk off but the neighborhood did not need to know what was going on.
Brazil reality
Have you ever accidentally found out that you were about to be fired?
Not accidentally found out, but figured out months in advance that my entire department was going to be laid off. I basically followed a bunch of clues.
This was way back in 1998 when I started working at Kodak. Kodak is headquartered in Rochester, New York. One of the managers convinced higher-ups that Kodak should open a software development center in Washington, D.C., because of availability of software engineers in the area. There were many people against it, but she got approval to head a development center in the D.C. metro area. The development center was called Washington Development Center (WDC for short).
So, she came to D.C., found an office in Maryland, did a bunch of hiring. I was hired as part of that. Eventually, after six years, she found a better position in Kodak. So, she left. They got a guy who was completely against WDC to manage WDC. This was clue #1. Let’s call him Mike.
The first thing Mike did was give everyone raises. He said the previous manager was underpaying everyone. Everyone was happy. I thought “Why? No one asked for a raise. Everyone is happy here.” A couple of months later, I saw several projects moving away from us. I went to my boss and asked him. He said, “The way Kodak works is that business units control the money. BUs propose projects, and development centers bid on them. Since we have higher real estate costs than Rochester, we bid higher.” I asked him, “Were the recent raises a factor?” He basically shrugged.
Clue #2: Making us uncompetitive by giving raises. Actually, I have to say it’s a touch of genius right there. We used to be competitive before because we didn’t pay people as much, which offset our real estate costs.
So, then the question became, “Should we move to a new location?” My boss found a location in Virginia where the rent was low. What Mike did was put the idea of moving to Virginia up for a vote. Most employees in this location lived in Maryland. They would have to commute an hour to get to Virgonia. So, most of them voted against it.
Clue #3: Mike knew how the vote would go. His job was to make the right call even if it was an unpopular one. By having employees make the wrong decision, he absolved himself of all responsibility.
Clue #4: Then there was a re-organization, and Mike got a new boss: let’s call him Jake. First thing Jake did was to meet everyone in his new organization. They planned for him to visit us. We all prepared presentations for him to show our technical strengths. He slept through 75% of the presentations. I didn’t realize this until I started my presentation. I walked up, started talking, and then looked at him and saw his eyes were closed. I stopped short because tears were coming in my eyes. Everyone else was saying “Go on. Go on. It’s OK.” I felt like wadding up some paper and throwing at his bald head, but didn’t.
We gradually kept losing projects. Eventually, a lot of people weren’t doing anything. One day, I went to the break room to get some coffee. There were two people in the break room chatting. These two people were the ring leaders in getting everyone to vote against the move to Virginia. They asked “Hey, how’s it going, Jayesh?” I replied, “Oh, nothing. Just waiting to get laid off.” They were looking at me with their eyes wide as I walked back.
A few months later they announced that we are getting laid off. We were given options: a) Voluntarily accept to get laid off now and get severance b) wait till the last day. If you waited, you might be offered a job in Rochester that you could work remotely. If you were not offered a job, you would get a slightly better severance. If you were offered a job, and you refused, then you don’t get severance (you are technically resigning, not getting laid off). I knew I would be offered a job, because I knew the ins and outs of a critical project. So I said “Lay me off! Lay me off, please!” My boss got offered a job because he was the second person who knew about that project.
Oh there was a guy, who had been in Kodak for 29 years 6 months. When he had joined, Kodak offered pension, if you stayed in Kodak for 30 years. Six months more and he would have been set for life. He wasn’t offered a job and got a severance pay for five years. He was probably around 55. If he had been offered a job, he could have stuck around for six months more and gotten a pension for life. He was one of the people who didn’t want to move to Virginia. I was thinking if we had moved to Virginia, we could have staved off the inevitable for at least a year or so. He would have been set for life.
I still have respect for Mike for engineering our closure so beautifully. He did it in a way that he doesn’t get the blame; instead, he was able to show how he saved Kodak lot of money. I was merely a by-stander. He was the puppet master. He used people’s inclinations against them. Pure evil genius. Respect.
The world really wants to know…
I do. That is for certain. LINK

Funny and odd thing about this. The video is glitching out!
Can I ask a parked police car why it’s posted on my street days in a row? Can they opt to not to give any information or ignore you, or are they obligated to disclose information?
There once was a plain unmarked van parked directly in front of my house for about one week during the daytime. It had tinted front and side windows. One day, I decided to walk closer so that I could see the license plates. They were VA (Veteran’s Administration) plates. That gave me the impression that federal law enforcement had borrowed that vehicle to use on a stake out. And since they were parked directly in front of my house, I assumed I was not their target. So I went back to my house instead of seeing if anyone was inside the van and blowing their cover. Then after about one week, the van was gone. Then after another week, all hell broke loose. Marked and unmarked police cars surrounded a neighbor’s house across the street and even drove on their lawn. There were many men dressed in black uniforms with POLICE on their backs carrying what looked like automatic weapons. After things calmed down, I went up to one of the officers to ask what is happening. All he would admit to is that they were conducting an investigation. Not satisfied with that answer, I wrote a letter to our Chief of Police. He did admit it was a drug raid but offered no other details. He also said to contact him if I have any questions about police activity in the future. Unfortunately, he retired a short time later so I lost my contact.
Many years later, one morning, I looked out my living room window and was shocked to see the street in front of my house filled with black SUV’s and men dressed in black standing around their vehicles. Once again, the men had POLICE on their backs and were holding automatic weapons. I got scared thinking they were about to burst into my home. But after a few minutes, there was no knock at my door. So I peeked out the window and the officers I saw seemed relaxed. So I opened up the front door and started to exit to find out what is going on. That’s when one of the officers waved at me to go back inside which I did. I eventually discovered it was another drug raid, but at a neighbor’s house on the same side of the street as my house, just two doors away. I think it is time for me to move.
A nice technique
Why won’t the Chinese premier Li Qiang face reporters for the duration of his term, which runs until 2028?
That’s not his job, and not in his remit.
Yes, Zhu Rongji began the tradition of meeting the press during the two meetings. This has been retained by his successors, but the PM is not obligated to give press conferences. His job is to deliver the nation’s progress report and announce Beijing’s economic and social targets for the coming year during the two meetings.
We are entering an era of America pushing for war, and this is but another sign of the Chinese closing ranks.
Entertaining foreigners is best left to the experts at the foreign ministry who train a lifetime to accommodate them.
There is Wang Yi, who just concluded his 90 minute long press conference, and there is the daily press conference helmed by a senior foreign ministry spokesperson that can be up to vice-minister seniority.
To my knowledge, China is the ONLY government that provides this level of open access to foreign journalists year-round.
This is how all America feels
What is something that most people don’t know?
- You can taste garlic with your feet.
- When you speak inside your mind small muscles in your throat mimic the formation of each word.
- When you lose weight, most of it ends up as carbon dioxide which is exhaled from your lungs.
- Prince Charles has a car fueled by wine.
- Polar Bears aren’t white, they’re just glowing.
- The raptor sounds in Jurassic Park are actually mating tortoises.
- Pirates wore eye patches to increase night vision, not cover a missing eye.
- Parts of Canada have less gravity than the rest of the planet.
- 1 teaspoon of honey is the lifework of 12 bees.
- A small fraction of the static on your tv is radiation left over from the Big Bang.
- Your ears and nose are connected to your tear ducts.
- Once Charlie Chaplin entered a contest for “Charlie Chaplin look-alikes” and he came in third.
- People in the southern hemisphere see the moon upside down compared to the north.
- Humans have patterns (like stripes, spots and geometric shapes) on our bodies that are invisible to us but cats can see them.
- There are 80,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 possible arrangements of a 52-card deck.
Whats going on with this?
Why is Toyota so hesitant to build electric cars?
Always Profitability
Same reason why most of the world cannot manufacture EVs on China’s scale
You see Japan has a fully integrated supply chain for ICE Vehicles. From the Engines to the Chassis to the Intelligent systems to the Fuel Injection
So Japanese Cars can make a lot of profit
Same for Hybrids
Japan has the entire supply chain for Hybrids and the best quality in the world
So Japanese Hybrids are very profitable
EVs are a different kettle of fish
China thanks to ten years of ENORMOUS SUBSIDIES by the State amounting to almost $ 600 Billion (4 Trillion RMB) have managed to scale up and keep refining the quality of EVs, Solar Panels and Wind Turbines until they completely control the supply chain and technology on a scale that NO CAPITALIST ECONOMY CAN MANAGE
It’s easy for BYD to invest 10 years in making EVs and researching and refining EV Quality because China always cut them a cheque to ensure BYD stayed in Business for 7 1/2 years until they finally produced the most efficient and best technology
For Tata?
For Toyota?
For Honda?
India doesn’t have the money to subsidise anything and Japan is capitalist
You certainly can’t expect Honda or Toyota to invest 10 years perfecting their batteries and integrated platforms when they don’t get any profits right?
Same for Tata or Hyundai
Right now the best batteries are Chinese, platforms Chinese, Chassis and Components Chinese and all of them well ahead of any other nation
So if Japan makes EVs using Chinese Basic Components, the Japanese companies will barely make profit while the cream will be taken by the Chinese players like CATL Or Korean players like SK
So Japanese Car Makers have put up around $ 15 Billion and have been trying to develop Hydrogen Cell powered cars as a Rival to EVs
Of course China has already pumped up another 380 Billion RMB ($ 55 Billion) of Subsidies and their Hydrogen Fuel Cells are surging rapidly
They plan to power trucks and trains using Hydrogen powered cells
$55 Billion in China is nearly the same as $ 130 Billion in Japan against a mere $ 15 Billion
Eight times more investment
In the Capitalist world, Profitability is what drives everything else
New Technology won’t be explored unless it can be profitable
In the Chinese Model,Necessity and Demand drives everything else
The State will fund things and players until they finally are able to develop the core technology and ensure a commercial production model that is a generation better than anyone else
It’s why, after Iphones & galaxy , when Alcatel and many phone makers simply abandoned further development and research – China kept going on and on and on with their smartphone models even if it meant paying the cream to the American entities like Qualcomm or Intel or other such entities
So that one day they could crack the supply chain and then build their own superior and most cost effective supply chain and indigenous technology
Fish gangs
What was the strangest thing that happened to you as a foreigner in Japan?
I arrived in Tokyo with a terrible stomach ache and followed by bad diarrhea. For the first 2 days I could barely walk and only eat very little.
I then decided to go see a doctor, my wife called her friend who lives in Tokyo to ask about the closest hospital etc. He and his girlfriend showed up in our apartment, taking me to the closest clinic just in case the nurse/doctor don’t speak any English.
It was a normal clinic routine, I (or was it my wife?) filled up a form with my names etc, we wait and then saw a doctor. True enough, the doctor doesn’t speak English well, so he communicated with my friend while sometimes punching some keys on his phone for English translation to say things to me. By this time I feel really bad for my wife’s friend as he has to translate what i feel, in detail, to the doctor, about my diarrhea. It’s probably his worst first conversation with someone ever!
All good, he prescribed medicine, while explaining to my friend what and how much to take when. The doctor was very very responsible, he found translations on his phone again to write the name of the medicine and what each pill is for etc in English.
The strange thing comes when I want to pay the bill. The nurse said that the cashier was closed on weekends (it was Saturday), she estimated that the cost would be around JPY 10,000 or less. So, she asked me to give her JPY 5,000 and comeback on Monday to settle the rest with the cashier.
The strangest thing is, I told her that Monday is my schedule to take my kid to Disneyland and Tuesday to Disney Sea, to which she replied (translated by my wife’s dear friend, obviously) “ok, come whenever you have time, it’s OK”
I was dumbfounded by her answer, I asked again to confirm and she said yes.
I mean they know that I don’t live in Japan, nor do they ask my friend’s number/ address. My wife’s friend, my savior, then explained to me that it is quite normal in Japan because Japanese people are very responsible and honest, so they always pay what is due.
Big respect for their culture.
PS: I ended up paying the balance on Thursday, it was around JPY 3,500 🙂
Forbidden books
Personally, I think it’s the Pitcairn Islands.
But not for the reasons you may think.

For those of you who don’t know, the Pitcairn Islands are a British Overseas Territory in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. It’s one of the most isolated places in the world, and only has a population of 47 people, most of whom are descended from the nine people who originally settled the islands. They’re also all mostly interrelated, in one way or another.
The territory is owned by the United Kingdom, but governed by New Zealand’s British High Commissioner. They rarely visit, and ships only come to the islands about two dozen times a year.
But that’s precisely what makes it so dangerous.
In 1999, a policeman from Kent, England was serving an assignment on the islands, when he started to uncover some sinister things going on. He started uncovering allegations of sexual abuse, including against children.
An Australian pastor visited the island around that time, and made some shocking observations
“I noticed worrying signs such as inexplicable mood swings,” he says. “It took me three months to realise they were being abused. I tried to raise the subject at a meeting of the island council, and one gentleman replied: ‘Look, the age of consent has always been 12 and it doesn’t hurt them.'” [2]
When further questioned, residents of the island basically said “that’s just how it is here”. Girls would get into relationships at a disturbingly young age on the island, and nobody really noticed from the outside for a long time. Most girls had their first child between ages 12 and 15.
That’s pretty messed up. As it turns out, the remoteness of the island had allowed a disturbing culture of sexuality to develop. The policeman started questioning every single woman who lived on the island, and they all saw nothing wrong with it.
But British officials definitely saw something wrong with it, and pressed charges against seven men. That may not seem like a lot, but consider that that was most of the island’s adult male population at the time, including the mayor of the islands.
This was a huge scandal, and raised a lot of questions about extraterritoriality and law and stuff. During the trial, they had to fly in policemen, judges, lawyers, journalists and other court staff; from the UK, Australia and New Zealand.
This effectively doubled the island’s population during the trial.
Lawyers for the defendants made a strange argument in order to try and get their sentences reduced: they argued that if they were imprisoned, the island would cease to function. And they had a point. When an island has a population as small as the Pitcairn Islands, locking up seven able-bodied men has a huge impact.
Four defendants got reduced sentences because of the unique nature of the island’s population. Two were spared from jail entirely, and one was acquitted.
This is what I think makes it one of the most dangerous islands in the world. Not the wildlife, not the flora and fauna, but the people living there.
The same way anonymity can make people cruel and immoral, isolation can do the same thing, allowing cultures of abuse and mistreatment to develop. In my opinion, this case is no different to cases of abuse within cults. Both involved small groups of people and corrupt leadership, who basically created a little realm in which they could get away with horrible things.
China’s Military Aircraft Can Vanish ‘Off The Radar’ As Scientist Developed Plasma Device
In another remarkable leap forward in the realm of military technology, Chinese scientists have unveiled a groundbreaking development that is sure to revolutionize aerial warfare: a new plasma stealth device that could render Chinese aircraft virtually invisible to enemy radar systems. You heard that right! We might see the time where Chinese aircraft will go undetected on enemy radar systems and in turn inflict a plethora of damage. Today’s episode will uncover the new development of Chinese scientists that might make Chinese aircraft invisible in the future. https://youtu.be/TD20CoQ1dPA
What are the consequences the world faces if China goes for war over Taiwan?
India may suffer massive shortages
Luckily not of food products but many other things.
Electric Vehicles , Electronics, Vehicles, Smartphons, Pumps – will all reduce significantly as they primarily depend on Chinese Components and Import Substitution is impossible due to the Ukranian Crisis.
India manufactures a lot of these but 80% Pharma Raw Stock comes from China
A Blockade by US could prevent Crucial Antibiotics from being delivered to more than 60% of the Countries in the World (95% Developing Countries)
Globally the Biggest Problem will be – CHIPS
Taiwan exports 93% of its Chips and controls 70% of the Global Supply Chain
A Blockade on the Taiwan Straits by China could result in an existing supply crunch intensifying several times over.
As on date only 7 Stacks of Chips are being delivered for every 12 Stacks of Chips relative to 2019 Globally -ie:- only around 60% of the Global Supply
If Taiwan joins in then you could have 7 Stacks for every 36 -48 Stacks or only around 15%-20% of the Global Supply
That would impact many many Industries
ASEAN Nations will lose Big
The Seas are very profitable for Trade. Those routes are disturbed – it will lead to a Supply Crisis like EU is experiencing.
And the Western Economies will crumble even worse
A Lot of their Hedge Funds invest in Chip Manufacturing Entities and a Huge Shortfal market could collapse such funds by as much as 40%-60%
It will all pass…
Do you think China has the guts to attack Taiwan, or are they just lame threats?
Its not a Question of Guts
Its a Question of having the ability to follow through
War is a drain on everything and fighting a War against several enemies could be a huge obstacle to any country.
Every repurcussion has to be planned , anticipated and handled
Putin took 8 years and even then it was a Weak Joe Biden that finally moved him into the Ukraine Conflict.
8 years of planning, contingencies, new alliances
Has the US ever fought a Conflict or War where there is a threat of either China or Russia coming for a defensive battle?
Not since the 1960s
Same Reason.
Attacking Taiwan is a 2 Week Job, 4 weeks Tops
Taiwan cannot hold against China and no amount of alliances can hold a Determined China from hoding Taiwan
The Political Repurcussions, Global Repurcussions, Financial Repurcussions – these are Chinas largest obstacles.
China has to plan for these and how to counter these
Strong Alliances are crucial here
China already has Russia and Central Asia
Turkey mostly will not condemn China in any way
However ASEAN?
ASEAN nations are headless chickens and if pushed and pressurized heavily could create problems for China
Long story short – China will attack Tiwan only if threatened beyond anything we have seen until today
What is the most shocking thing that’s ever happened on live TV?
In 1997, Gay Byrne was hosting the Late Late Show.
His two guests of the evening were a nun and Irish poet, Brendan Kennelly.
The night was going well – at the midpoint of each episode, they usually hosted a phone-in competition. You know the format; they ask an unbelievably easy question, get people to send in the answer, and they pick one person to call and tell them congratulations! you’ve won a prize!
This evening was no different.
The prize of the evening was a new car and Byrne dials the lucky winner.
Ring ring.
Ring ring.
The phone is answered by a quiet sounding woman. She sounded meek, even when told she had won.
“Are you happy, Rita?”
“Yes,” Rita replies quietly.
“Are you watching the show tonight?”
“I wasn’t”, Rita replies …
… “my daughter died last night”.

Instantly there were gasps and Byrne’s face drops and his tone changes.
“Oh no. Oh dear Rita, I’m very sorry.”
You have to remember that this was live TV. Thousands of people, including a studio audience full of people, were sat in front of him. Byrne probably also had his studio team giving him instructions in his ear. So, he flubbed, and very inelegantly asked:
“And why did she die?”
“Are you being funny?” she shot back.
“She got knocked down. She was in a car crash last night.”
It turned out that it was Rita’s daughter who had entered the competition – she was so hoping to win a car and it was a car that ended her life only a day before.
Byrne, being the fantastic host that he was, realised that he should really give Rita, the poor woman, an out if she wanted it.
“Good heavens. Well Rita, I don’t think we can continue with this in the circumstances. Do you want to?”
“I do.”
This led to applause from the audience and Rita continued.
The first guest, the nun, offered her some consolation, saying that it surely was no accident that the postcard was picked tonight.
Next, it was passed to the poet, Kennelly, who recited one of his most famous poems, “Begin,” from memory:
“Though we live in a world that dreams of ending that always seems about to give in something that will not acknowledge conclusion insists that we forever begin.”
Towards the end, Rita was quietly weeping.
Byrne then tells her that she has the support and prayers of the entire country, and Rita, in turn, told Byrne that she felt it was important to stay on the line for her daughter, that she was accepting the prize “for her”.
I’m describing this clip because I can’t find the full version of it anywhere.
Nobody can.
The only version I can find is on this article here, but it is shortened and doesn’t give the full effect: Talk show host’s phone call takes heartbreaking turn live on air
Graham Norton, the extremely popular Irish chat show host of his own show on the BBC, actually once said that this moment inspired him to move into chat shows.
Gay Byrne died recently at the age of 85, after a short illness battling cancer.
He will forever be missed and remembered fondly by Irish people of a certain age.
Edit: It turns out that the video in that article has since been removed, which must have only happened in the last few days — unfortunately.
Also, many people have pointed out how I feel like this was more shocking than events like Budd Dwyer’s suicide.
I knew these would be discussed in-depth, so I figured I’d go with an event I knew most people wouldn’t have heard of.
AI is changing the game
On February 14, there was an incident between a Taiwan coast guard ship and Chinese fishing boats in the waters off Kinmen, a very short distance from Xiamen. In this incident, the Chinese fishing boat was hit by the Taiwan coast guard ship and capsized. Two of the Chinese fishermen drowned.
Since then, there have been 15 rounds of discussions between the Chinese authorities and the Taiwan authorities. The Chinese side has demanded compensation and an apology to the fishermen from the Taiwan side; Taiwan has refused. The DPP, which controls the Taiwan government, has refused any responsibility for the action, and claims that there is no video recording of the incident It has appealed to the US to become involved in the discussions, which the US so far has ignored.
The incident has received widespread coverage in China, and this has led to a hardening of Chinese popular opinion, and the government’s stance to Taiwan. Chinese public opinion feels that the Chinese authorities have been too accommodating to Taiwan for too long, and instead of treating Taiwan as “fellow Chinese”, they should be treated as an enemy. For a long time, PRC Chinese considered the DPP and KMT to be hostile to the PRC, but that ordinary Taiwanese were decent Chinese who wanted to be re-united with China. Now that view is dismissed as a fantasy which should be rejected.
The Chinese government closely follows public opinion from online media, and has shifted its public stance during the Two Congresses meeting in Beijing. When discussing Taiwan, there is no more talk of an appeal to our “Taiwan compatriots”. Instead the talk is of reunification, without specifying whether it should be done peacefully or by military means.
As the PRC increases its military patrols in the Taiwan straits and around Taiwan, it is likely that the PLA forces will ignore Taiwan’s demarcation lines for the sea and air. The DPP government is likely to look to the US for support in enforcing these demarcation lines, and the US will need to decide how far it wants to go in supporting the Taiwan authorities.
On the military front, the US is thinly spread with the Ukraine war, which may escalate into a more direct confrontation between NATO and Russia, and the Israel/Hamas war, which may evolved into a multi-front war for Israel, involving the Houthis in the Red Sea and Yemen, the continuing war in Gaza, and a possible northern front including Lebanon and Syria involving Hizbollah. The longer the war lasts, the greater the damage for Israel’s economy, which has already lost 20% of its GDP since October 7.
This presents a major dilemma for the US: it already has two major wars on its hands, and it needs time to build up its military for a possible major confrontation with China. But the US won’t be able to fully prepare itself for military confrontation through re-armament until 2027. If the US confronts China militarily before then, it is likely to lose.
Economically, China is on the move by selling products which are just as good as American products, if not better, at much lower prices. Notable areas are solar panels and EVs, where western manufacturers and exporters cannot compete.
As if that were not enough, we face a re-run of the Biden-Trump battle for the presidency in November. If Trump is elected, he is likely to disengage on the foreign policy front, and will tell Putin that he can have Ukraine, and maybe Europe. NATO will only exist on paper.
He has talked about raising tariffs on Chinese imports to the US to 60%.
Interesting times indeed.
Chicken farmers in Australia be like…
If money is not an issue, would you rather live in Miami, the SF Bay Area, Los Angeles, or New York?
New York is an absolute no no
Too many blacks at night everywhere and 90% of them wearing hoodies and giving the “mugger vibe”
And not the Good African blacks or the blacks you see in UK
The Stereotype 1990s blacks depicted in family guy
You may think you landed in Lagos
Except Manhattan and i dont like Apartment living too much.
I have never been to Miami. In Florida, I have been only to Orlando.
SF Bay Area
Too many Homosexuals
I went there twice and both times, you had many men holding hands and resting heads on shoulders and giving you the shudders
Beautiful place though
Like South Mumbai to a certain extent
Los Angeles?
Again I have been to LA only to go to Universal Studios and Rodeo Drive and when I land in US
No idea how life in LA can be
In the US, I would prefer living in New Rochelle in Westchester County Or some of those nice Suburban communities, ones where Indians are not discriminated against
Or even San Jose
My Son lived in a place called Los Gatos and he was told all the white guys were uppity people who would be racist to Indians. That never happened. Good people, Friendly people
My idea of a money no limit place would be :-
- One Acre minimum property
- Excellent Medical Facilities nearby where the Labs process results in a day and not four days
- Where a Specialist makes an appointment to see you, the next day and not next Thursday
- At least two Indian eateries in a 1 Km radius. Not the Naan, Roti one but the South Indian one which is rarer in the US
- Low rate of crime
- Accessibility to a City for emergency
The Answer was Westchester County
I advised my sons to consider this place as a final retirement place in the days when US was a better country than it is today
My wife is already not too pleased about one son settling in China and has warned me “You kept praising China, and now our younger son is in China. Now you are praising Russia. If the elder one settles down in Russia, you can live with him and I am out of here”
Meanwhile in Texas
Do you know anyone who had a good heart who went to prison?
I’ve known men who had good hearts and went to prison.
Where they lost them.
I’ve met men who went to prison and grew larger hearts, just like the Grinch.
I’ve met men who never had good hearts and never will.
And, I’ve met men who managed to hold on to their good hearts in spite of it all.
Shortly after arriving at the facility where I did the bulk of my time, I met a man who was almost the same age as my father. This was a spry fellow, slender, medium height, and bearded.
He had been in Vietnam.
He was just a kid when he went to war. While away he kept an unusually candid journal. Later in life he transcribed the journal faithfully into a book and self-published a small number of copies. It must’ve been tempting to edit out the parts that made him look like the stupid teenager he was, but he didn’t. The journal and the book tell the same story without so much as a spelling correction.
He allowed me to read his journal.
It was filled with the concerns of an eighteen year old boy, “Does she love me? What did she mean when she said that? What should I tell her about John?” All these normal, adolescent, girl-centric concerns projected against a backdrop of horror.
On his first day of patrol in Vietnam, his outfit marched into a village and demanded to know where the Viet Cong were. One bad apple threatened a woman by holding her infant over a well and screaming for answers about the VC.
The sergeant saw this and said, “C’mon Smith. Let it go.” Smith (or whatever his name was) dropped the baby into the well. The sergeant calmly walked over, pulled out a hand grenade, removed the pin, and dropped the grenade into the well after the baby.
After the explosion he said, “Don’t have to worry about that fucker.”
This was day one of patrol. Imagine the shock. Imagine being ripped out of your Mid-West suburban utopia and being cast into this asylum for the chronically cruel.
The entire course of this young man’s life was forever altered. His experiences at war led to a drinking problem. The drinking led to DUIs. Three DUIs became a felony conviction. His father’s guns still in his home became “felon in possession of a firearm.”
This was a good man. His heart was in pain for his entire adulthood as a result of the things he saw.
Instead of offering him help, we locked him up.
Oh baby…
Senior Russian Military Colonel: Possibility of full-scale war in Europe “not ruled out – growing significantly”
Fathers be like
Apricot Chicken

- 4 to 6 boneless skinless chicken breasts
- 1 (13 ounce) jar apricot preserves
- 1 envelope dry onion soup mix
- 3/4 cup water
- 1 1/4 cups Russian dressing or use store-bought
Russian Dressing
- 1 tablespoon finely chopped onion
- 1 cup mayonnaise
- 1/4 cup chili sauce (or ketchup)
- 3 teaspoons prepared horseradish (or to taste)
- 1 teaspoon hot sauce
- 1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce
- 1/4 teaspoon paprika
- 1/2 teaspoon kosher or sea salt
- If using homemade Russian Dressing, prepare it first. If using store bought Russian dressing, proceed with the recipe.
- Heat the oven to 350 degrees F.
- Wash and place chicken breasts in a 9 x 13 inch baking dish.
- In a medium size bowl, mix together preserves, dry onion soup mix, water and Russian dressing. Pour over the chicken breasts. Bake for 1 hour.
Russian Dressing
- Place onion in a small bowl and mash to create a paste. Stir in the mayonnaise, chili sauce, horseradish, hot sauce, Worcestershire, paprika and salt.
What habits did you pick up in prison that non prisoners don’t understand?
Don’t make eye contact. If you happen to, do not smile. The general friendliness we see as acceptable and desirable in the real world (except France) can get you into trouble in prison.
Look in every trashcan. I still can’t break this habit. Prison is a constant state of want. You learn to make do or do without. There’s stuff in there that you need.
Trust no one. Eventually you will come to know one or two well enough to exempt them from this rule… but even with these select few, you still shouldn’t lean on them. Practice solidarity with yourself.
Don’t ask questions. You’ve no right to know, and asking can cause problems with inmates and guards alike.
Lock up everything. It only takes a moment for someone to walk off with whatever you hold dear. If it’s further than arm’s reach, it’s at risk.
Beware the quiet. If you’ve been reading and suddenly realize that the normal background idiocy has mysteriously squelched, pay attention. There’s a reason, and it’s probably not good.
Don’t stand out. Don’t ask for special privileges, don’t complain, and don’t go around trying to make friends. Squeaky wheels get greased with blood.
Stockpile books. You never know when you’ll be in lockdown for a fortnight. You’ll be grateful if you’ve got something to do besides another game of cards.
A warning from veteran who went to Ukraine
Is Britain’s idea of using frozen Russian assets as collateral for a loan to Ukraine any less illegal than simply stealing them, and how would this affect London’s reputation as a financial centre?
It’s literally stealing.
You can make all the olympic level mental gymnastics you want, oh it’s only stealing from bad people. But all in all it’s still stealing, it’s taking stuff that isn’t yours.
Oh sure you can of course decide that it is yours or make contrivances and change the law so that it becomes ‘legal’. But in the end it’s intentionally depriving somebody of their property on a permanent basis thus means theft.
affect London’s reputation as a financial centre?
It will affect confidence, in that if you can steal theirs or change the rules so that they can take it legally, what stops you from doing it to others?
If anything the UK is doing this over and over.
They’ve literally refused to give Venezuela’s gold back to them.
But it goes back to this:
affect London’s reputation as a financial centre?
London’s reputation as a financial centre is evaporating. EU passporting is ending in 2024 😀
So they’re literally resorting to looting.
That’s not particularly surprising as most of them why pay for something if you can steal it?
Ukraine War: Irish fighter ‘Rambo’ describes ‘terrifying’ Russian tank chase
What can I learn in one minute that will be useful for the rest of my life?
- Adjust a picture frame at your desk so you can see behind you with the reflection of the glass.
- In a pinch, the seatbelt in your car can be used as a bottle opener.
- Balance an empty can on the doorknob to alert you if someone tries to open the door while you’re elsewhere in the house.
- Anything you say before the word “but” does not count.
- Suspect someone’s giving you the wrong phone number? Read it back to them incorrectly, if they correct you, it’s legit.
- Windows key + E to open My Computer.
- To confirm which circuit breaker is associated with an outlet, plug in a hairdryer and turn the volume up before you flip the circuit breaker.
- When you want to cross words out you don’t want to be legible, instead of scribbling over them, write random letters and words over the original.
- Using ‘~ ‘ before a word in Google searches includes synonyms of that word in your search.
- When filling your car with gas, hold the trigger halfway. You’ll get more gas and less air in the tank.
- Have an Excel file too big to e-mail? Save it as an xlsb it shrinks the size by 50-75%.
- When you’re on an elevator, the floor with the star next to it is the one that leads outside.
- Save the job description when you start a new job. It makes updating your resume a lot easier.
- When showing people pictures on your phone, zoom in a little bit so they can’t easily swipe to other pictures.
- Can’t decide if you’re hungry? Ask yourself if you want an apple. If you answer no, then you’re not actually hungry.
This is what a “real” man does…
How can we remind Russians we have no problems with them? We have a problem with their despot.
You don’t. You have problems with Russians now.
There are many dimensions of current conflict between Russia and collective West or whatever you call Russian opponents. Anyway the U.S. are the main enemy and there would be no conflict without their involvement. A lot has been said and written on the matter so I won’t delve into it further.
Now comes the definition part. Who are “you”? Ok, I assume you are talking about people of collective West. Not governments, not military industry lobbies, not bankers, not oil traders, not oligarchs. Just people.
Why do you have problems with Russians? Because your countries are our enemies. And no sweet words will change that simple fact.
Could this be different? Yes. Your countries made a plethora of pointless, stupid and self-contradicting decisions.
Yet, the most stupid of those decision was the decision to attempt economic isolation of Russia.
1) Made Russian people your enemies
2) Forced modernization of Russian industry and economy at unprecedented rate
3) Boosted Russian military-industrial complex
4) Resulted in further consolidation of Russians around Putin
5) Destroyed all “soft influence” that you had in Russia through your corporations and business ties
The list is long.
Now a small personal story.
By February 2022 I was mainly working for a couple U.S. corporations (Intel and HP if you are interested) as lead localizer / reviewer of Russian content (freelance).
I was generally sympathizing Americans and Europeans and had no communication problems. I was quite against any confrontation. However, actions of European and American governments made me lose these jobs and, naturally, my attitude to them has seriously changed.
You made a Western-minded person in Russia angry about “the West”. There were millions of Russians like me who had ties with the Western world or who earned their income working for Western companies. Actions of U.S. and European governments made you lose our sympathies and lose any leverage the West had in Russian society.
Not that we would work against Russia or became “the fifth column”, but had this “economic blockade” remained a threat, we would surely push for decisions that would help us save our jobs and sources of income.
Now it is just too late. Pro-Western people in Russia were forced to adapt and vast majority of them are no longer pro-Western. Sure, some just fled Russia but even then, this didn’t have any noticeable impact on Russian economy and Russian society.
To sum it up, you had your influence in Russia but lost it. You earned money in Russia but lost it. Even your cultural influence is fading. Simply because Russians are no longer looking on your content through rosy glasses. And well, TBH your media entertainment content in last few years mostly sucks.
Maybe your own audience is brainwashed enough to push any “agendas” but I don’t remember any new Hollywood blockbusters in last few years that would be really appealing to Russian or any other third-world audience. I haven’t even feel the desire to watch anything like that.
Moreover, your “brands” are rapidly losing value in eyes of Russians and more and more Russians look at them with disdain.
Moreover, Russia is setting the example for “Global South” demonstrating that a large part of your “superiority” was just imaginary. The further our hostilities go, the greater is this understanding. Especially when it comes to “cultural superiority”.
Still… if you are talking about people… many Russian still don’t think categories. Most of us still don’t assume that every American or European is an enemy. Yet, we assume that most of you are simply brainwashed about Russia, Russian people and Russian so-called “despot”.
A side note for more context. I do support the ruling party of Russia but I don’t support President Putin. I am a big fan of Russian Prime Minister and other efficient administrators from United Russia team.
So enjoy your “politically correct” remakes, dull comics that are indistinguishable from each other and reanimation of long-dead franchises that can’t be saved even with once great actors.
Las Vegas babysitter who beat 5-year-old boy to death sentenced to life in prison
What is the most disgusting thing that someone has done in a restaurant?
I have a three-way-tie. We had a family come in with a baby, toddler, and a small child, maybe 6 or 7. I noticed the baby didn’t look well to begin with. You could just look at this kid and tell she was miserable and running fever. I asked if she was alright and the mom assured me she was just tired.
The toddler decided to suck the sauce off her noodles and stick them to the wall. Mom and dad said nothing. A little while later the older child put her hands in the baby’s diaper and announced to everyone “Ewww! Chrissy’s got runny poo!” She wiped her hand on the white tablecloth. Mom pushes plates aside and changes this horrendously smelly, runny diaper right on the table. She couldn’t understand why I was making a big deal out of it when I asked her to take the baby to the bathroom.
Next we have the lady who ordered a huge meal and requested a large, empty to go cup. It wasn’t until after she left that I realized what she was doing. She was chewing her food and spitting it in the cup instead of swallowing it. I’m pretty sure she had an eating disorder. It’s none of my business if she did or didn’t, I’m not judging, but it would have been nice if she had thrown her cup of chewed food out herself instead of leaving it for me to deal with.
Finally, we have the man who decided that instead of using his big boy words to show his displeasure at being denied a take out box for an all-you-can-eat meal (There were signs and the menu stated no to go boxes on it) that he would urinate in my lobby. He did this right in front of a cop that was dining with us. The guy was not too bright. Yes, the cop took action.
Let’s see something nicer.
The internet found her and destroyed her
She was deserving.
When have you cheaply or inexpensively fixed an item someone thought unrepairable?
Not exactly unrepairable but definitely expensive.
I recently treated myself to a used luxury automobile because I’m getting old and wanted to splurge. I had it less than 2 weeks when the power driver’s seat wouldn’t move forward or backwards. Unfortunately it was frozen slightly too far back so I really had to stretch to reach the pedals … not a very safe way to drive.
The dealer looked sad when I brought it in. He said this was a common problem with my model, but the “repair” involved replacing the whole motor assembly under the seat, it would cost upwards of $3k, and extended warranties almost never covered it.
I went home and contacted my insurer who said they didn’t know if it was covered, I should have the $200 diagnostic done and then the dealer would present a claim for the repair on my behalf and they would “work it out”.
The night before my follow-up appointment, my husband (not a mechanic) looked under the seat with a flashlight. The gear to move the seat had come out of its track. He hit it a few times just so and the gear popped back into place. Now the seat works perfectly again.
I’m so glad I married him