I hope that you all are having a nice day. Today I wanted to do something a little bit different. Today I want to post some sexy images. Of course, I don’t mean sexy as in pornographic, but rather sexy as “appeals to the senses”. And to this end, I do hope that you will all agree that this is a nice way to start the day.
Start the day right
What ever you do, never, ever, ever, give up. Video.
Sensory Overload
There are numerous people on MM that are suddenly having experiences. My guess is that you have verbalized participation with The Domain or volunteered to be a Rufus. These experiences are very personal ones, and if you try to describe them, you will sound like a “mad man / woman”.
Can I respectfully suggest that everyone put their experiences here, but ALWAYS preference it with “things are happening” after I did XXXXXX, and this is what the craziness appears to be like.
From DM… 19SEP21.
This is a weird one, even for me. Last night I had fallen asleep without realising it. It was a false dream in that I thought I was still awake thinking about certain topics. I suddenly remembered something to do with a particular thought I was having about certain experiences in lucidity. This thought equated to there being heavy time travel element in one of them. It was so startling I went to sit up in bed and turned to face Storme to tell her to remind me about it in the morning. But as I did, something caught me. i was instantly aware I was in sleep paralysis. There was this weird vibration thing going on. It felt like when you have a guitar amplifier turned on but the jack not connected to the guitar. If you try and plug it in, miss and hit the metal part of the connector on the guitar, this is what it felt like. it was this very low and loud vibration sound that permeated through me. It was like every time you hit the metal, my body would “click or switch in or out”. It felt like someone was welding something into my astral body. I could feel it coming from the wall right next to the bed on my side, like I was connected to it. Like someone was scraping something along the wall. It felt like something was trying to tune my body for a broadcast; I am absolutely sure this is what it was. Although it was a very strange feeling, it wasn’t completely uncomfortable. I am pretty sure whatever it was deleted the thought about my experiences being related to time travel. I have the time travel element but nothing else. it was a fucking intense experience. Something was definitely fucking with me whilst in sleep paralysis
I suppose that this short mini-video is sort of what last week was like with all the comm channels opened up with The Domain. Try to explain this video and you will see how difficult it is trying to explain your experiences.

Kitty love.
Not everyone will appreciate this picture. But PL will…
It does make someone like me - who never felt “complete” until my cat adopted me - feel like there is a piece we cannot obtain. But that cat - which grew into a marriage to the love of my life and a ton of farm animals - they give me a purpose. Maybe not anywhere near the cosmic connection as a child, but there is always a yin to a yang.

Found in a back yard.

Bruce Lee stands up to racism.
This is from the 1970’s. Video.

Now, this is what I call a sandwich.

Pole dancing kitty style.


Be the Rufus
Be the Rufus. Video.

Dilbert Comic

Support your local animal shelter.
No money. No problem. Volunteer to empty out some litter boxes, and help groom them and sing to them.

Trailer park boys


There are dog people, and there are cat people…
What kind of a person are you? Somehow I picture XXXX in this picture. Such a cantankerous, but lovable, old coot.

Not that simple.
No it’s not. Video.


And my favorite desk picture

Breakfast biscuit.

Meanwhile in Cambodia
I posted this short mini video over a year ago, but it’s time for a nice refresher. Remember everyone, the rest of the world is doing just fine. Just fine. It’s all going well. Do not get too caught up.


Kitty Love.

Best picture on the internet.

Pizza (close up).


Cheeseburger, American style.

The power of the paw.
You all know what this is, right?

Sexy Pizza.
Ohhh baby!

Dogs and cats

Sexiest picture of them all!

Be the Rufus
Video here.

This is America

Sexy ride.

Very sexy food.

Delicious Pizza

Asking for directions.

Apparently from the same litter…

Camp fire.

Good son.

Delicious gooey cheese pizza

How a cheeseburger should be made
Make a difference. Be the Rufus.
Make a difference. Be the Rufus. Video.

Delicious NY style Pizza slices
The way I love it with lots of gooey cheese…
The same goes for my cheeseburgers…
Peek a boo kitty
Another peek a boo kitty.
Be the Rufus
What’s going on here? A guy passed out while eating lunch? Video.

It’s a kitty thing.

Did I say that twice?

It’s a man thing.
A sexy cat.

A nicely painted dress.

Be the Rufus.
A baby has collapsed inside a taxi. It is dying and not breathing. What to do? Watch the video.

It’s from a different time.

Be the Rufus!
Click on the picture for the video.

Sexy campfire.

Funny cat gifs

Dancing her little heart out.
Everyone has a dream. Sometimes you get the opportunity to live that dream, and when it happens, you give it all you’ve got. You go girrrl! Check out this short video clip.

Kitty playtime

Hello there.

Low and behold!

Kitty hugs

Taking the dog out for a walk
Boxing Champ

Snow patrol


Big Jumper

Little kitten, big appetite…

I hope that this article finds you all well. It’s a good day to start it off on a good frame of mind and in a good way. Be the Rufus… as in this video…

Be the Rufus, and leave the rest of the world smiling and glad that you are there.
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Be the rufus videos are very inspiring. Not all is lost. Thanks for sharing.
Thank you for that. I think we all need to see these kinds of Rufus inspired actions often. I have many more such videos in my Rufus Index.
Not all is lost – wise words needed in these times!
Today is a good day!
Yes it is!
Bruce Lee plays ping pong:
The sound is great… video is murky.
Here’s Jackie Chan’s best story about Bruce. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U8CtOqJy6xM
That pic of NY style pizza makes me want to get on a plane and go to that God forsaken hell hole – JUST for a slice of Ray’s.
For those who don’t know – until the 2000s
Just about EVERY corner pizza shop in the city of New York is either called “Ray’s Pizza” or “Famous Ray’s Pizza”. They are 2 different owners but everyone growing up instead of saying “let’s get pizza” we say “let’s get Ray’s”. And that picture in this article is literally what it looks like. I can almost taste the pepper flakes!
What? Nothing about the cats?
Concerning cats, you all know by now that I have 9 kitties. Last night I let one of my little guys out to venture around the house as he’s the only one allowed to do this. He likes to camp out in my truck so I’ll leave the window or door open for him. While doing this, a small pair of glowing kitty eyes reflecting the porch light caught my eyes. I tried calling out to the little kitty but it wouldn’t come too close. It walked under the truck, a car drove by and it took off into the darkness. I checked back a bit later and this kitten is sitting atop my neighbor’s storm door. Now, on my back porch, I keep a warm shelter house (kitty size) and plenty of food and fresh water for my outside guy and a couple of the neighborhood cats that like to visit. So, upon waking this morning, I go out to the porch to find what looks like about a ten week old kitten, eating away at the food I left last night. I go back in the house to get some treats and some half an half so I can get this little thing to come closer to me so I can make hand contact while speaking kittenese to make it feel safer about the situation. Within a few minutes, I’m petting this little meower and take my chance to gently snatch it off the table. A little uneasy at first, then I put it in my shirt and it felt much safer and secure. It now resides in the basement in a hidey hole taking a nap after the big meet and greet with the other cats in house. I still don’t know if this is a male or female but I’ll keep youse posted and then, if you all have a suggestion for a name, that would be cool as well. It’s a little black kitten with green eyes. A mini panther. Wifey doesn’t know yet. More later…
What a great wonderful story. Thank you for this.