Some glimpses of China in terms of society, fun, fashion and what not

I am so tired of trying to counter the mega-onslaught of hate being generated out of the Untied States towards China. The redirection is working. Most American hate China and blame all their troubles on it, instead of themselves and their (so called) “government”.

Instead, today, we will just go over some elements of Chinese society. These are little “snapshots” or culture. Isolated pictures, and images, as you will (understand). And taken together it’s a fun look at the great diversity of life that is colorfully presented in such a huge and enormous nation filled with a huge and enormous population.

We are not going to talk about Geo-politics, Biden, Trade wars, hybrid wars, Vaxx wars or another American-centered subjects. We are just going to talk about life, and in China that means videos and fun. We’re not going to get too serious here, at least I don’t intended to, anyways.

I’m presenting them in no particular order, because after all, life kind of throws things at us in a seemingly random order as well. Though, you do know that you have had an intelligent hand in the development of your life… don’t you know.

Bar Scene

Here’s a girl singing to the audience in a pretty typical bar. Video 8MB

A Park in China

I think that it is lovely. Most parks inside of China re quite nice, and the government is constantly expanding them, and improving them in so many little ways. video 3MB

College Dorm

Dorm rooms in the USA are usually two people affairs; two people share a room. In England it is one person gets their own room. In China, the dorm rooms are six people share a room. Here’s a group of girls in their dorm room. video 6MB

Death by cute (part 1)

It’s a fashion thingy that found it’s way from Japan. It’s called loli. I like it. So does my little girl. Video 6MB

Death by Cute (part 2)

So much cuteness. video 3MB

The Chinese love to dance

It’s very common to see people dancing all over China. I mean that you NEVER see this in the ‘Stats, but you see it all the time inside China. video 3MB

Incidentally, this kind of view… the buildings lit up in the background, the blue sky, the open plazas are so very typical of China. It’s everywhere.

Han fashion (1)

It’s a fashion trend throughout China. It’s pretty popular and there are girls and guys wearing these outfits in the malls, the parks and on the subways. video 8MB

Han Fashion (2)

This is a sort of Chinese version of a medieval festival, only with Chinese culture and clothing. Continues video 7MB

Han fashion (3)

Here’s some more images from a different festival. video 5MB

Han Fashion (4)

Couple runs into each others arms. I love the expression on the little girl to the left. Cute. video 4MB

Han fashion (5)

Mother and daughter in the park. video 5MB

Han fashion (5)

On the subway. video 5MB

Being part of a group

In America, everyone is a “lone wolf”. If you are fired from work, you are alone, and no one stands up for you. If you are in a car accident, you are alone and no one helps you. Most Americans eat alone, pay taxes alone, mow their yard alone, and travel alone.

Not so in China. China is the land of groups and communities. Everyone is part of something bigger than themselves. And if they individually make a mistake, the group absorbs the mistake and moves forward. video 7MB

Peng G3

When I first saw this video I thought that it was some kind of photoshop video manipulation. Then I went to a Peng show room, and that an actual car feature! This is how the Chinese introduce new features into the market. I wonder when Detroit will start copying China? Hum? video 5MB

Sending your dreams aloft

It’s a tradition for the Chinese to put their dreams and wishes on a scrap of paper and then light the balloon to send them into the sky. It’s very beautiful. video 2MB


Yeah. Everyone knows about Shanghai. But it’s really impressive when you are there in person. It makes New York City look like a small village. video 3MB

By Sweety Boy

Thai song adopted by the Chinese pop scene during 2019 / 2020. video 3MB

Time Machine

China has gone through so many wars, struggles, occupations, poisonings, humiliation, and growth. There is a sub-culture that memes this historical trend. Here’s one such video. I call it “time machine”. Video 4MB

Time Machine 2

A second video. Same theme. video 7MB

Time Machine 3

Here’s a third video of the same “time machine” theme. video 13MB

Wedding 1

Chinese wedding. This is in a tiny remote village. Here we see the ritual of presentation before the parents and the town elders.  video 3MB

Wedding 2

Chinese wedding. They don’t throw rice. It’s too wasteful and the Chinese just don’t understand that American ritual at all.  video 5MB

Wedding 3

Chinese wedding. Bride presentation with her brides’ maids prior to the groom entry to “steal her” from her parents home.  video 3MB

Xinjiang HST

High Speed Train in Xinjiang province. These are all Uighur staffed, and serving the Uighur people. Of course, you would never see anything positive about China in the American “news”. It’s all a 7 billion dollar funded hate-fest. video 9MB


I hope that you enjoyed this little travel vacation. Have a great day, and remember to always be the Rufus.

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WOW! The amount of amazing stuff that you do on EVERYTHING that is important is flabbergastingly astounding. I BELIEVE perhaps 30% (I am guessing) of the people who read all your stuff FULLY UNDERSTAND your message. That is why they and I come. The rest. there are are a majority of ppl who are AWAKENING and whose values and attitudes are being slowly but surely changing because of the work you do. (Take a stand of HUGE APPLAUSE MM, and ALL BEINGS involved in this enterprise!). There is a contingent of ppl who still are clinging on to the FALSE narrative that they have grown to accept and love by being fed from very harmful, death spiral DISINFORMATION sites out there. For everyone who comes here who UNDERSTANDS the deep message that YOU are carrying for the vaulted persons who have high MMQs (metallicman quotient), you are giving us important tools to help us meet the challenges that will come. VERY important TELLS on what is happening and what is about to happen are FULLY provided in your messages. It may not appear that many of us are getting it – but I assure you I GET IT. And although I think I have a high MMQ, you will find thru “other sources” that the MMQs of the silent ones – are HIGHER than mine. Which means ALL of us who YOU are trying to reach through your MAJESTIC endeavour are getting it. The telltale deepinfo you have actually not even cloaked in your articles ARE ALL CLEAR to us who get it. And we are prepared as much as we can. I though I’d let YOU and all others know – bcos NOBODY has explained it as I have. Bcos the ppl who get it have very high MMQs, and the 48laws that they know and live by, prevent them from outing themselves. Rest assured, I support that you have a special place in paradise for the work you have done (a message for the special people who are always aware of everything, that WE who come here and get it, are in the end, YOUR FRIENDS AND PARTNERS – not enemies). In t he end, RUFUS-like ppl people will prevail. Unfortunately, a lot has to happen in the meantime. As always, I ask for permission for this to be posted. I shall continue to make posts that reveal useful info to those who wish it – and ask for special permission every time. I post nowhere else as NOWHERE else in the world has MMs quality of truth revelation. Thank you, MM and others….


Hear, hear! I second what NewRob says.


So beautiful, I would love to visit China. I hope this will be possible soon.

Ohio Guy

Amazing. That was very cool. I really admire Chinese culture and tradition.