2022 03 03 11 29

Some notes on how the Comm with The Domain Commander works

I’ve really got to spend more time on the MAJestic / Domain stuff.

This article describes what it is like when I communicate via the EPB to The Domain Commander. I have placed this here to help clarify things. I think that most MM readers are aware of these facts and issues, but newbies are probably ignorant of the issues involved and how things work.

Quick Review

Que science-fictiony “grade B” music here…

MM, as part of his entry in MAJestic, had seven ELF probes placed in his brain, and then used a dimensional teleporter to enter a facility of The Domain. Then, by using the portal, his non-physical body was modified and an EBP was implanted in his physical body.

MM was an active participant in MAJestic from 1983 until the ELF probes were shut off in 2006. MM is retired from MAJestic. The ELF probes have been mothballed.

Retirement lasted from 2006 to 2011. However, EBP implant became dominant in 2006, and resulted in a cornucopia of writings.. MM internet presence began in 2019.

In 2021, MM reviewed Alien Interview and parsed it. It answered many of the missing “puzzle pieces” in MAJestic operations, and opened up a clear connection between the entities present during the EBP medical probe, and present day MM life inside of China.

This connection opened up a clear comm bridge. Active comm with the Domain Commander occured in 2021.

First MM books published in 2022.

Presently, MM uses the EBP to continue to communicate with the Domain Commander. MM has no dealings with MAJestic.

This article discusses how the EBP operates during comm.

Some points

  • Only those with an EBP installed can communicate in this matter.
  • Further, you have to be “attuned” to the fact that communication is going on.
  • It is not automatic. It is something that you acquire from practice. The more I do it, the better at it, I become.

Orders not words

Communication is in an array of images, thoughts, emotions, physical feelings, and expressions that are difficult to put into words. They are rarely transmitted into words.

For instance I would image a bottle of “Lydia E. Pinkham” and depending on the context, I would transcribe that as either…

  • Woman’s medical issues.
  • A need for MM to calm down and not be upset.
  • The start of industrial mass production.
  • A need for medical care.

It would depend on the context, and my nudges towards the meanings.

In the instances where I tried to capture exact words or phrases, I would be images that I would assemble into words. Often generating nonsensical words.

Ma + Des. Esc / ap + Leon.

Any and all things could be used to generate impressions that I would then translate onto paper…

      • Pictures
      • Memories
      • False memories
      • Scenes from my life
      • Scenes from movies
      • Slide shows
      • Diagrams
      • Songs
      • Music
      • Talking, chatting
      • Feelings, emotions, senses
      • Smelling things.
      • Physical reactions.

We can only communicate with that I understand

If you want the Commander to explain to you what happened to your mother when you were a girl of 7, I will not be able to help you out.

The Commander is not omniscient. It reads my thoughts and responds back to them in images, emotions or feelings. Never exact words.

When I translate what I see or experience, they are my interpretations of what the Commander expressed to me.

When I comm with the Commander, it is based in an understanding that I have. Thus, I try to transcribe it. If I know a person, such as yourself (the reader), in greater detail, I can get more accurate responses. Otherwise, all that I can provide is generalities. As the information that I get, while accurate, can be misunderstood by myself. (I am sure that you understand.)
But there is something else.
When the comm opens up, there’s something else. Man, it is hard and difficult to describe. He / it / she is not speaking to me. It is data transfer with emotions. Multiple channels. I feel things, while I get “understandings”. Sometimes I get pictures, images, slide-shows, movies, memories of my past events. It’s like the commander is running a “show and tell” for me.
So instead of “hearing” words and phrases, something else is happening. I am getting ideas and concepts all tangled up with emotion and feelings. No one is “talking” to me. No one is EVER talking to me.
If anything, it’s a thought impression. Although, such “prepackaged” statements are easy to read. Such as…
  • You’re Welcome.
  • No.
  • Yes.
  • Don’t do THAT!
So when I understand you better, I can translate what the answers are, better keyed to your very being. It’s important.

The Commander has a personality

This is absolutely true. He / it / she has a sense of humor and can express emotive actions to me. These add a better dimension to the feelings that I am experiencing.  For instance, a “bad feeling” can be “Horrible”, or “minor inconvenience” depending on the data stream provided to me.

It’s personality shines, and “tickles” me from time to time, and that results in some odd responses that I record down on paper.

The strongest emotions

The strongest emotions that I have felt had to do with the “Lost Battalion” members of The Domain. It was like watching your first love dying before your eyes. It was that gut / heart-wrenching.

I can honestly say that it is profoundly unlike anything that I have ever experienced. There’s real anger, want, need, turmoil, emotion, angst in these question and answer sessions.

Additionally, I am in communication with some half-awoke members of the Domain that are in full realization now. I can tell which ones are who, simply by the emotional responses and the intensity of that connection with the Commander. It is a close attachment that is indescribable.

How I know that I am with an active COMM

Well, it’s not like I am talking with myself, or getting answers from myself. It’s not like that at all. There is a physical feeling that occurs. I absolutely know that I am in contact. It’s sort of like wearing a very tight pair of jeans and a minuscule tee shirt. You feel lightly squeezed.

Further comm is clear. Messages and data flows easily, and emotions and physical things like goosebumps hit me strongly. Sometimes, my wife (Ms. MM)  comes up and wonders why my face is all bright red.

It is nothing at all like the ELF probes. This is like my entire being is all engaged.

Can I picture the Commander during the COMM?

No. It’s not like I can “see” him in my “mind’s eye”. I can image listening to him / it / she being intimate near me. Like being RIGHT THERE.

IT is difficult to describe. It’s like he is like a thin transparent jello that surrounds me and I feel “saturated” at the time. Couple that saturation with the feeling of being squeezed, and you know kind of what it is like. I am it, it is me. Boom!

Not really sudden, instead it is, as in; “realized”.

What about other events going on…

The Commander will open up a COMM and communicate, and the world might be in turmoil all around me. He won’t stop.

The baby is screaming, the dog is shitting, the Mrs is upset about something, there is a fire on the stove. It doesn’t matter. The Commander continues on. And it’s up to me to retain it or not.

That suggests many things. But I don’t know the real reason for it.

I can tell youse guys that a lot of good intel fell to the wayside while I was cleaning up dog shit, an emergency with my staff hit, or when the waitress poured hot grease on my lap accidentally.

This can be a pain in the ass sometimes. Like when I am picking up some obviously thick detailed intel, but I have to go to the head and take a dump, or there’s a knock at the door, and the police are checking my visa status, or my kid thought it was a good idea to  start banging pots and pans with my cellphone.

Those with small children will understand.

What it’s like when I do a Q&A

I generally try to do it when things are settled and peaceful. It’s a heck of a lot easier that way.

I am open to COMM and I open up a channel.

It’s actually automatic. Literally. I just think of the Commander and read the questions, and responsive images and thoughts flow towards me.

Finding quiet time is often not possible. Which is why I prefer to perform the Q&A sessions late at night.

Sequence of events

How I, MM,  got to where I am now. Another Commander explanation. Thrown to me while I was walking in a mall.

  • I had to experience events. Thus, my entire stint in MAJestic up to and including “retirement” was about obtaining experiences, and obtaining vocabulary to transpose.
  • Then, I had to set down and start writing. I was instructed to write, and write and write. During this time, the Commander guided my thought process.
  • Then came the narratives about how the reality universe works and all that.
  • Then, Alien Interview, and that got me thinking, and when my thoughts were ripe…
  • The Commander opened up a direct Channel. And so here we are.

It wasn’t at all like you might assume.

Other Points

If the Commander wants to make a point, or tell me to “underline” something, or respond to a personal “Hello” or what ever, he / it / she “pinches” me with a physical event. Many times it’s a wave of “goosebumps”, or a sudden slap of emotion.


Obviously, I cannot communicate on subjects that I know nothing about. I also am limited in explaining new and complex subjects that are brand new to me.

So since I know nothing about the construction of dolls, or the history of pet lizards, or the latest theories in universal mathematics topography, don’t expect me to find out the “secrets” regarding those items.

I also do not want to spend too much time on the reasons for inmates’ imprisonment. Often the images transmitted to me are very disturbing, even if I do not know what is going on. I have had some kind MM followers ask me sincerly, and they described a very happy and healthy home life. I asked, and got a picture of a very bad life in the Old Empire. I am sure that this knowledge really upset the questioner, and they never returned.

Do not ask about things you do not want to hear about.

I know that I have lost more than one follower when the answer was ugly and not what they wanted to hear. I am sorry for that. But, if you ask, and the Commander answers, I just record what he says. Nothing more.

The Domain Commander can discuss the Prison Complex, Space, the Universe, and his society within the Domain. Asking questions about personal marriage troubles, or any of that issue, such as cancer or illness, is beyond his ability. I’m sure that he can try to answer, but that’s not really optimal  use of this resource. And I am not well versed in those issues either.

The Process

Generally, when I sit down, and read the Questions, I am given immediate feedback. I then collect that feedback as it comes. Then later, I clean up the impressions and add and tighten up the responses to something readable.

When I put the questions down on the WordPress template, I do so without the names or background of who asked the question. So for me, it’s really a double-blind inquiry. There are, however, certain individuals who I obviously know who asked the question. This is due to the content in the question, or the context. But overall, I do not know who asked the questions.

I just throw out answers as they come to me.


Doing this takes time. It’s emotionally and physically draining, and occupies a great deal of my own personal time and private time. Don’t expect me to do it all the time for free.

Sometimes, I feel like some novelty, like a side-show clown act, used to amuse a curious 17 year old.

In the pipe

When I am asked a question, I place it on my wordpress template, and when time permits, I go down the list. Oldest first. I refer to this as “putting the questions in the pipe”.

Right now with all the Geo-political shit going on, this has moved off to the side for a spell.

Some of the questions are insulting

It is like some of youse guys are fucking with me. In fact, I had to DEL a troll who was asking all sorts of bullshit.

Be serious or shut the fuck up.

The easy solution is to charge $100 per question. Since each question takes around five hours to do, wirte, parse and transcribe, that means my answer rate of pay is a very reasonable $20/hour.

I am not planning to do it.

Right now my thoughts on this matter are binary.

  • I answer sincere questions.
  • If I am provided with bullshit, I throw the questioner into the cornfield harshly.


This is just a quick and simple write-up on what it is like to participate in the COMM with the Domain Commander. I do hope that this provides some insight to the searcher and in future questions.

Do you want more?

You can find many more videos in my “Domain index” over here…

The Domain


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  • You can start reading the articles by going HERE.
  • You can visit the Index Page HERE to explore by article subject.
  • You can also ask the author some questions. You can go HERE to find out how to go about this.
  • You can find out more about the author HERE.
  • If you have concerns or complaints, you can go HERE.
  • If you want to make a donation, you can go HERE.





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Thanks for writing this up. As a newbie, I had no idea it was so grueling to process the responses. I did actually believe you received actual words, as they show up on the page as a very smooth and flowing stream. Kudos to you for persisting through the BS and serving those who really appreciate the answers..some of which are impossible to get anywhere else. Thanks mate.


Agree. It is easy to forget there is a human being behind any web page and many tend to be really aggressive when reading content like on MM. I am happy I have read pretty much everything, including MM’s life story, feeling I know him, sort of, and respecting him for what he has done. And what he still is doing.


Agreed too. With a young family, pets, and businesses to run I am constantly surprised at the high quality and detailed articles MM somehow makes time to produce.

The new article template of good food, very pretty girls and Rufus examples is rather enjoyable too.

Perhaps MM should take a vacation, once the current round of covid attacks subside. I’m sure we could all survive a few weeks while he gets a chance to recharge.


fascinating MM. it sounds similar to a information Download, flux, saturation whatever you want to call it, while engaged in a profound LD. It’s like all this shit opens in your field of consciousness and just flies right and the whole time you sit there thinking “fuck, this is important, but i know i am not gonna remember all of it when i wake back up in that useless fucking meat suit”. I totally get the whole bit about trying to write it down and then it just seems like intentional chaos is thrown your way to put you off; dog shits on carpet – check, kids banging shit around – check. Sometimes I have to just push through the insanity of it all to get as much of it down as possible. Thank you once again for the Q&As. They are a real insight

Jeffrey E T

Well MM, this was another very forthright attempt at clarifying a process which is hard to describe and I was attentive and grateful.
Now if I may ask a question which must surely be a very common one among your readers:
Is there any relationship between the Commander who you communicate with, and Airl (who was in communication with MatHilda O’Donnel, the Alien Interviewer)? It would seem not, because Airl dedicated several days to learning English in order to translate and streamline her messages. The Commander seems to have no knowledge of English, or any Earth languages. Given their very advanced modes of learning and tasking, if Airl and the Commander had a common identity, working relationship, or mission within the Domain – which is apparent because they are both involved with exchanging information to Earth regarding ‘the lost battallion’ among other things – they would share a knowledge of English and use it. Is this a reasonable assumption?


This made me overly emotional. As always, Thank you MM for all you do. I went through a few months of my Empathy shut down and ever since it’s come back I can feel the energy behind everything I read. I hope you are doing ok, and don’t think all this is in vain. Me and mine love you so BIG! Squeeze those sweet ladies of yours for us. 🤗

Ohio Guy

I’ll be sending you some compensation for your time with my question. I have a sense of the mental strain involved with these comms. I so very appreciate this and it’s very important to me to get an appropriate answer. I promise to make it worth the time spent.


This is absolutely fascinating! Thanks for sharing. My initial gut response surprised me and now I need to chase that thought down to see where it goes.