Some stories of American Expats in other lands that mirror the stories of those of us inside of China

In the race (and millions of dollars in funding) to convince the world how evil China is they neglect one important point. Which is that everywhere outside of the USA looks like paradise now. Not only China. Everywhere.

It’s cheaper, cleaner, politer, calmer, nicer, with better infrastructure, and all the rest. The only people that don’t see this are the hypnotized American zombies glued to FOX “news”, CNN, Alex Jones and Hal Turner.

Here we talk about what it is like outside the prison walls, and at the other end of the computer screen.

Consider these examples. Obtained from "These 7 expats left the U.S. to start over—here’s how they earn an income overseas: ‘We spend less on all expenses’" which was  Janet Blaser, Contributor@WhyWeLeftAmerica
All rights and credit to her, and all the standard disclaimers apply.

Catalina Viviel

Catalina Viviel
Catalina Viviel interviewed for jobs at several South American countries before finally getting an offer in Colombia.

More and more people are discovering that not only can they live abroad and be happy, safe and comfortable, but that they can successfully earn an income.

That’s exactly what I did when I left the U.S. for Mazatlán, Mexico in 2006. I lived off a steady income from freelance editing jobs and running M!, a local arts and entertainment magazine I started.

Colin Bucell, 47

Colin Bucell
Currently in Morocco, Colin Bucell lives on his sailboat, which doubles as an income source via private tours and excursions.

Hometown: Los Angeles, California
Currently an expat in: Morocco
Occupation: Sailboat excursions
Annual income: $12,000

In 2011, Colin Bucell had a dream to sail around the world. He took early retirement at age 37 and went first to Mexico. Since then, he’s lived in more than 60 countries.

“Every day is an exciting new adventure!” Bucell tells CNBC Make It from his sailboat in Morocco. “And all for a fraction of what my California expenses were.”

Bucell lives on his sailboat, which doubles as an income source via private tours and excursions — advertised through word of mouth — wherever he is. He’s found health care and food to be much cheaper everywhere he goes.

Spain, Thailand and Mexico are countries where he could happily settle down if he wanted to; he says it’s great that he’s been able to thoroughly test the livability of all of them.

Shawn Supra, 45

Shawn Supra
Shawn Supra, a musician and furniture restorer, currently lives in Australia with his wife Diana.

Hometown: Nashville, Tennessee
Currently an expat in: Sydney, Australia
Occupation: Musician and furniture restorer
Annual income: $32,500

Love was the motivating factor behind musician Shawn Supra’s move to Australia in 2020, where he met his future wife Diana while on tour. They first settled in the U.S., but as things began to change politically and socially, they decided it was time to move to Australia.

“Living in the U.S., there’s such a sense of fear. It’s almost drilled into you that there’s danger around every corner. I don’t feel that here. Everyone is more relaxed,” Supra says.

He also likes the free health care in Australia, and that the income from his furniture restoration business entitles him to superannuation from the government — similar to U.S. Social Security benefits.

Kema Ward-Hopper, 39

Kema Ward-Hopper
“We love our lives here. We’re treated as humans first,” says Kema Ward-Hopper, who now lives in Costa Rica with her family.

Hometown: Houston, Texas
Currently an expat in: Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica
Occupation: English teacher and yoga instructor
Annual income: $24,000 to $33,000

In 2017, after Kema Ward-Hopper was diagnosed with breast cancer and when Hurricane Harvey destroyed her Houston home, a family trip to Costa Rica turned into a permanent move.

“We love our lives here,” she says. “We’re treated as humans first. We didn’t always have the luxury of been seen as people in the U.S.”

Although the pandemic shut down Ward-Hopper and husband Willie’s income streams for months, they’re disciplined savers and their expenses in Costa Rica are low.

An added bonus was the birth of her son last year, even after doctors said chemotherapy had rendered her unable to conceive. “Health-wise, I did a complete 180 after moving here,” says Ward-Hopper. “I healed both physically and emotionally.”

Chasity Diggs, 37

Chasity Diggs
“We’ve been able to exceed our goals without having to make sacrifices in our daily lives,” says Chasity Diggs, who now lives in Singapore with her family.

Hometown: Greensboro, North Carolina
Currently an expat in: Singapore
Occupation: Behavior intervention specialist
Annual income: $170,000

Chasity Diggs is no stranger to living outside the U.S. Before moving to Singapore about six months ago, she and her family lived in China.

The primary reason was so their oldest daughter could attend an international school. The family also wanted a better work-life balance and to be in a more diverse country.

“However, the best part of living overseas are the financial benefits. We’ve been able to exceed our goals without having to make sacrifices in our daily lives. Housing costs are covered by my employer, so we’re able to save a considerable amount of money each month,” says Diggs.

Carol Markino, 52

Carol Markino
Carol Markino lives in Rome and works as an English teacher.

Hometown: Dover, Ohio
Currently an expat in: Rome, Italy
Occupation: English teacher and language consultant
Annual income: $13,500

Having visited Italy many times when she was in college, Carol Markino always knew that someday she wanted to stay there long-term. It’s now been 30 years since she moved to Rome.

“As an Italian-American, I’ve always been attracted to my roots,” says Markino. “I love that I live in a city that’s full of beauty — not just museums, but wonderful buildings, architecture and style.”

She also appreciates the culture: “Italians work hard, but they understand there’s more to life than just work.”

Tim Leffel, 57

Originally from: Tampa, Florida
Currently an expat in: Guanajuato, Mexico
Occupation: Travel writer
Annual income: $60,000

Tim Leffel
Many factors drew Tim Leffel to Mexico, particularly the “perfect weather all year” and low cost of living.

“It was one of those love-at-first-sight visits,” says Tim Leffel. “I was in a few central Mexico cities on assignment, and Guanajuato really struck a chord.”

Many factors drew him to Mexico, particularly the “perfect weather all year” and low cost of living. “We spend less on all expenses — including private school for our daughter — than we did just on rent and utilities in Tampa,” he says.

Well-traveled family and friends admire their lifestyle. Some were even inspired to move abroad themselves, while others “seem afraid of the scary world beyond the borders.”

“It’s the message that has been pounded into their heads. They’ve probably expected us to be kidnapped or robbed by now. I hope that by seeing a steady stream of happy photos as we live and travel around, they’re getting a bit of balance.”

Catalina Viviel, 48

Catalina Viviel
Originally from New York, Catalina Viviel now lives in Bogota, Colombia.

Hometown: Long Island, New York
Currently an expat in: Bogota, Colombia
Occupation: Teacher and resource room coordinator
Annual income: $75,000

“I’d only been to Colombia once, when I met my dad’s entire side of the family for the first time,” says Catalina Viviel. “I never forgot that trip and the warmth of the people.”

Working in education, Viviel began her expat life with a two-year contract in Marrakech, Morocco. Then she went back to the U.S., where she found herself “itching to go abroad again.” She interviewed for jobs at several South American countries before finally getting an offer in Colombia.

“People thought I was crazy to change countries and become a single mom, all the while navigating a new language during a pandemic,” says Viviel. “Were there days I cried? Absolutely.”

Now halfway into her two-year commitment, Viviel says she’s not ready to leave and has requested to extend her contract.

“It’s amazing being able to reconnect with my Colombian roots, especially watching my daughter thrive in the country of our heritage,” she says.

Metallicman comments

Zhuhai City

The general comments from American expats that reside around the world are similar. It does not matter if you live in China (like MM here) or elsewhere. All of us share similar experiences.

[1] It’s a calmer; easier place to live.

The news” is not barking at as filling us with fear. The commercials are not screaming at us to buy things. We are not hearing about shootings, accidents, murders, rapes, government corruption, and all the rest. There are no advertisements for mind altering drugs, lawyers for legal settlements, bail bonding, or pawn shops.

People pretty much live their lives in peace.

[2] It’s a cheaper place to live.

You can live cheaper, and buy basic foods, local meals, and rent or own a house at a fraction of what it costs in the USA. Not only that, there aren’t the crazy taxes, regulations and fees tacked on to everything. You can get buy and live a simpler life either on retirement or working a simple part-time job.

Drawer slide

For instance, a drawer slide made in China is $3 a pair. It sells in the United States for $106 per pair. Unfriggin’ believable.

[3] The Government is concerned about domestic issues.

You don’t ever hear about the need to go to war!

You don’t hear about government troops in this nation or that country. You never hear about how “we must do something now about XXXXX!”. The government is focused on the lives of the people that in in the country. That’s it.

All in all, Americans have been corralled. They are in a pen within the geographic confines of the United States, and filled with fear of what lies outside of it. They are constantly bombarded with the idea that they are “special” and that the government is “exceptional” and “superior”.

It’s all a big lie.

And it is obvious to everyone who is paying attention. In the world today, it is common knowledge that the USA is undergoing a spectacular collapse.

What will happen is anyone’s guess, but the future for America does NOT look bright.

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Can’t help but comment…
I moved away from the US 4-5 yrs ago to Estonia. Estonia is the land of my mother’s birth and also my wife is Estonian.  
We traded our west central Minnesota American farm home for our new home here in Estonia, a small farm. Our savings are enough to get us started and to begin to renovate our 150 year old farm house into something more desirable.  For some reason, I had always thought it would be a good idea if I could build my own house (unintended intention I guess). We ended up demolishing everything except most of the foundation and the walls. Hell of a lot of work and a huge learning curve, but I have lots of cool tools. We should finish this summer.
It is exhilarating to leave the never ending commercialism and consumerism behind. It is not so observable here, but many folks here desire the western lifestyle. Don’t see the Ladas very often anymore. 
We live comfortably on about 20,000 euros, as compared to my $50,000 salary from the US. Health insurance is cheap, more than 10 times less than in the US. Health care service is good, but without all those fancy waiting rooms, and emergency room service acceptable (I have had several humorous experiences that kind of leave you scratching your head). You will get the help you need. 
In my experience, people all over the world are very welcoming and helpful. However, I have felt more accepted here than in the US. I know all my neighbors and then some. Public transportation is convenient and enjoyable and clean. Bus and train stations are clean. Police have been courteous and pleasant. Our children are fluent in 2 languages and are learning their third, unlike in America. Kids have much more freedom (with freedom comes responsibility) here than in the US. There is an entire world of different people cultures languages, and ideas outside of the US that they have no idea about. 
It was a difficult and emotional decision to make to move to another country, another culture, and a new language, it hasn’t all been easy, but very rewarding, and it is the right decision.  Lots of good, not much bad here where we are.  


Great article MM.

You are brave in doing the unpleasant but oh so necessary thing of speaking the unpopular truths to Americans.

It will take time, but I think in the coming years, many many more of them will thank you for your fortitude.