Today we are going to chat a tad bout really evil people.
We need to be reminded about these people, because these are EXACTLY the kinds of people who are running the show in Washington DC today.
By understanding this, we can then except the events that will occur later on towards the end of this year…
MM Geo-Political lesson 101
There is an easy and simple way to determine the relationships between nations.
- Allies = Each have the others military forces stationed inside BOTH nations.
- Friends = Neither have military forces stationed in the nations.
- Proxies = One nation has their military forces inside the proxy nation.
- Enemies = One nation surrounds another nation with it’s military forces.
Could Russia and China combined defeat the USA?
China is lowkey doing SO right now on its own! And has been for the last few decades???
China is singlehandedly dragging other nations up to another level! A level where its a level playing field with the US and the collective West!
The collective West are panicking now because EVERYONE ELSE is either on equal footing or at least progressing / catching up to them with the help of China to the point where EVERYONE can just say NO to the collective wests BS poking and prodding!
Without China Russia wouldn’t be so bold
It sure aint the Chinese getting antsy
We’ll let the Pelosi thing go for now hue hue hue hue XD
AND YES a combined SinoRussia is undefeatable!
Thats 2 ancient civilizations with history and pedigree working together as one!
Its what we have right this very moment! China and Russia are right now an unspoken alliance
i think either Putin or Xi said the relationship was better than allies! that almost qualifies for friends and family discounts!
7 Confessions That Will Take You On A Rollercoaster Of Emotions
1. Me and my wife were having serious issues and then she got sick with cancer. That came like a mack truck. She said a lot of the grief she gave me was because she knew she was sick and was ashamed of burdening me and leaving me as a widow dad of four kids under 13.
I took care of that woman like she was one of my boys. That experience took 10 years off my life. Her death was easy compared to the aftermath.
I was going through her computer and saw that she had a separate email account which was odd. That was on purpose. This bitch was planning on blindsiding with a divorce and was going back and forth with different lawyers about making me a weekend dad, throwing me out of my house and even seeing if I’d pay her legal bills. This went on a week before she saw the doctor.
This slag used me to take care of her in her final days because no one else would. I won’t tell my kids…yet.
2. I was working for a company (out of many like this) dedicated to entirely manage OnlyFans accounts for girls. Basically these girls never did anything else than just taking the pictures and videos for us.
80% of workers were guys, 20% were girls, but it’s all fake. Even when you think that the person is real and is actually talking to you, she is not.
Even when the account is verified, it could be fake.
I feel bad because I talked to MANY guys who fell in love for a girl who doesn’t even know they exist and we had to take as much money as we could from everyone, that was the goal.
We were so good at it that our standards were 700-1000 USD per day with each account, and each worker had to manage 6 accounts, so imagine the amount of money we made monthly.
So my advice: only pay OnlyFans girls when they give you a live proof that they are real, like making an specific gesture with their hand on a selfie. Don’t trust videos where they say they are real, don’t trust audios, don’t trust pictures that seem taken at the same time… Or just watch porn.
Also: it’s a PPV site and therefore it’s just a business, so don’t be the guy who just wants free content, it’s annoying af, real or not 🙂
3. So I’m not sure exactly where to put this so I thought here would be an okay place. Lately I’ve been seeing in a lot more liberal groups especially, that saying poor people shouldn’t have children is eugenics and it’s wrong blah blah blah. But I feel like a lot of people saying this haven’t had to experience growing up poor. In poverty, and homelessness.
My parent’s were poor and could barley take care of themselves, they lived in a motel when they got pregnant with me.
My entire childhood was a horrible experience having to grow up and not knowing if you were going to get fed, or have a roof over your head, it fucking sucked.
It hurt even more since I lived in a town where eveyone was well off, so as a kid I never got to experience things a lot of other kids do, like going to camp, taking summer trips to Disneyland, or playing their games on their nice TVs.
Growing up being the oldest girl I raised both of my little brothers since my parents couldn’t afford childcare, which led to me missing out on opportunities with my peers, I was so socially awkward for not being around people my age enough that even to this day.
I am 21 years old and all my friends are in their early 30s late 20s because I feel like I cannot relate to people my age.
I feel like I was forced to grow up way to fast and I would be lying if part of me said I didn’t resent my parents for having me knowing they couldn’t afford to.
I dont know, if you’re someone who can barley take care of themselves, do yourself and your future child a favor and just put off having children until you can afford them.
I think a lot of people see having children as a right, instead of seeing a child as a human being that has rights.
And sorry if I hurt anyone’s feelings by saying this, but yes I truly believe if you’re poor you shouldn’t be having children, it’s not you who suffers, it’s the child.
4. Gave the short guy a chance and it was totally worth it
I started seeing this shorter guy, 5’5, and I really like him. I myself am 5’11, so there’s already a huge difference. He carries himself with so much confidence, he doesn’t even care if I wear heels which I have when we go out.
Phew, the sex is amazing too. Definitely the best I’ve ever had. I’ve never had someone fit between my legs so perfectly before.
Now whenever I see a shorter man, I wonder what they’re like in bed and I feel an instant attraction. Go short kings! Shoot your shot at the tall girls!
5. I unironically love Imagine Dragons
I get it. It’s “corporate rock.” They’re “sellouts.” It’s “fake” music.
But the surge of emotion I feel listening to “Birds”, and the way I bop my head with confidence to “Enemy” is very real.
Guys, we are ALL being manipulated by all forms of media, all of the time. Marvel is designed to be cinematic brain candy. Pop music is the same. We crave distraction and bursts of dopamine first, and meaning and profundity second.
And while I do love GOOD music too, I’m finally ready to stand up and say this. It feels like a weight has been lifted off me.
6. I’m 30 and my little brother is 24. He’s honestly the best brother I could have asked for. I still remember the day he was born and holding my newborn baby brother when I was a kid. As we grew up I always knew he was different but he’s my brother and I love him and I wouldn’t change him. He’s honestly one of my best friends and having a brother with downs syndrome, especially one like him has made me a better person.
Last month my parents went out of town for a few days and they asked if I’d stay with my brother and take care of the house. While he might have downs syndrome he’s not entirely helpless he just can’t really be on his own like that. So of course I agreed and brought my PS5 over and some games, snacks and beers, I called out of work for a few days and figured we’d have some fun just like when we were kids.
We were having a great time and were talking the first day while taking turns playing Elden Ring and my bro started the game and got to the part where the guy calls you “maidenless” and I said something like “Ooooo he called you maidenless bro…daaaaaaamn.” and my brother got super sad looking and I asked him what was wrong and he said, “I am maidenless. I’ll never have a girlfriend.” So we talked about that for a bit and he was actually feeling super depressed because he’s never had a girlfriend and didn’t think he ever would. We kind of talked it out and he was really sad and I decided fuck it we can find him a girl.
I called a couple people I knew who were into that sort of thing to see if they knew anyone. Well one of my buddies had a number of this girl so I gave her a call. She was actually super sweet and understanding about the situation and she said she’d be glad to show my brother a good time for her usual rate. She had a cousin with downs so she was very sympathetic.
I told my brother I’d pay a girl to come over and show him some fun on the condition that our parents will die without knowing I hired a prostitute to come to their house. He agreed.
So I made plans for her to come over, got my brother shaved and showered for his date. She showed up dressed up super nice she was also super hot. I’m no chef but I had picked up some food from Olive Garden for them. She was a genuinely nice person and was really good with him and I just left them to do their thing while I played the playstation in the livingroom. Eventually they passed by going upstairs to his room. I put my headphones on and kept playing.
Eventually they came back down and both had big smiles on their faces. She hung out with us a bit then it was time for her to go. I handed her the cash plus some extra as a bonus. She said my brother was a sweetheart and that I was a good brother to do something like that for him and that she had a good time. She handed me half the cash back.
Eventually my parents came back and thankfully are none the wiser as my mother especially would probably kill me. My brother is super appreciative and said it was the most fun he’d ever had.
I have no regrets.
7.I can’t really say this out loud to anyone in my personal life because it would hurt my family members and my friends would try to console me because they love me but honestly, my life has been ruined due to my ugliness.
I’m not overweight, I dress well and I do my best to treat others well but none of this matters because I simply have a very ugly face. No men have ever approached me or wanted to date me because why would any man want to date a hideous woman who doesn’t even look like a woman? I don’t blame them, I mean I could be dressed in the most feminine clothing and i would still not look like a real woman because of my face
My entire life, a lot of people have been mean to me (including some relatives) because of how ugly I am – it’s so sad but true that even little kids who are perceived as “unattractive” get treated worse by adults
I’m only in my 20s but it’s so painful to know that I’m never going to get married or have my own children with a spouse who loves me.
I understand that it’s not any one else’s job to try and make me feel better about the fact that I am ugly because it’s not like anyone intentionally did this to me.
I have siblings who are actually reasonably attractive people so it’s not even like my parents genetics are necessarily bad but I just ended up with the worst combination of their genes and honestly, what is the point of living like this.
I feel so alone in this experience because I’ve barely ever met any other women who are naturally unattractive. Every woman I know gets hit on by men and approached for dating. I wish I knew what it was like to have a man want me sexually
When a Psychopath Crumbles Under Pressure
14 People Reveal How They Found Out Their Partners Were Cheating
1. My wife tried calling and didn’t hang up once it went to voicemail. She accidentally left a 2:45 VM. The VM consisted of her and her BF talking shit about me and how much happier she was with him.
At the time I was home with our kids and I thought she was 1,800 miles away to be with her dying father. Two years later we are divorced and her father is still alive.
2. She needed a new phone so I put it in my name since I was working, 2 hours after leaving the store and having lunch with me joking about how excited she was to get married I found a photoreel full of pictures she had been exchanging with her ex whilst transferring her stuff to her new phone.
I put 2 and 2 together and opened her text inbox and surprise! She had been texting him for months and fucking him for a few weeks.
3. I counted the pictures.
This was in 2000, before everyone had a camera on their phone and you had to get your holiday snaps developed at the Walgreens photo lab.
She brought home the pictures of her vacation to see her “old high school friend” in Vegas, but there was something missing. See, back in the day the rolls of film were made up of exposures of 12, 24, 36 pics, etc. depending on the film you bought.
I went through the photos and it didn’t add up. Literally. The 24 exposure roll only had 18 pics. Eventually I found the remaining photos…her and the new boyfriend looking happy.
4. My super genius ex wife bitched about the cost of our joint cell phone bill. She told me I’m using it too much. I never used it except to call her phone which was free. So I looked over the bill and found the number to the dude she was cheating with.
5. iMessage linked to her computer. I was on her computer buying stuff off Amazon and she was sitting on the couch, feet from me, texting her ex. He was trying to get her to send him nudes and they were reminiscing about previous encounters. He was bragging about how he made her “leg shake” all the while I was watching the conversation in real time, right next to her. My adrenaline kicked in and I simply closed the computer and left the house without saying a word. This was over a year ago and I’m still fighting her for custody of our children.
6. She became more and more distant. Not just that, but also indifferent. She just stopped caring and it showed. I caught her because she claimed she was working OT, but her pay never reflected it. One day I got out of work early after a machine broke down in the department. I didn’t tell her. When I came home, I caught her red handed with someone in our bed.
7. I had a feeling for a while, it was always denied of course – directly and through a massive amount of gaslighting. Ultimately, the other woman was also married and her husband called me at work (found me via LinkedIn). Took everything I had to walk to my car to cry in private.
8. Back when cell phones had limited minutes, I got notified that we were over our limit. Checked the last bill and nothing but her and her boss talking at all hours of the day. Then she stupidly left her e-mail open on my computer and I got to read how he enjoyed touching her boobs a lot.
9. Just got on a flight in London headed to Vegas. Sitting next to my GF and she wants to show me something she has planned for the trip so gets out her phone.
It opens to the Messages and shows a chat with a guy (I know him) saying how much she is gonna miss him and how she doesn’t wanna go away with me anyway.
The doors close on the plane and that was a really fucking fun 10-11hrs…
10. I know this is cliche and I’ve definitely bitched about it before, but coming home from a 12 MONTH deployment to a BLACK baby when we’re both white were strike one and two. Strike three was telling me she had black relatives (whom I’ve never met) so that could be what happened, sure. Doesn’t matter what excuse You have there isn’t a magical 12 month gestation period. Makes me very fucking angry.
11. The dude told me. We used to go to school together. Saw him in Facebook and requested friendship. He asked me how I was doing and I told him that I was great. Girl and I were about to celebrate our anniversary. He apologized to me and said he had to tell me that they had been fucking for the last week. Said he didn’t know we were together and I believed him. He sent me screenshots of pages of text as proof. She got called out by the both of us and we are still very good friends, he and I. Fuckin lying skank.
12. I woke up in the middle of the night when she was in the bathroom. Used her phone as a light. Saw texts from her ex about how good it felt to cum inside her the day before.
13. She forgot to end the call, you know, press the red button. I heard them talking about who was going to shower first.
14. She was in the toilet. Her phone flashed up. The message notification read “Did you tell him?”.
Apparently the message was about something completely different, but after I bluffed her into thinking I know more than I do – a name and that something’s up, she “confessed”.
10 years relationship destroyed. No turning back. Easier to build up trust with a new person the. with someone that cheated on you. And in long term relationships, marriage, you have to trust each other.
How A Pig Farmer Unleashed Her Rage & Fed Her Workers To Her Pigs
Imagine living in such a mess that you don’t notice a leg of someone you murdered lying around.
What’s It Like To Have Alzheimer’s?
This is an excellent question, and one I’ve considered often in the last decade-plus of working with such folks.
First, it depends upon the stage of dementia: mild, moderate, or severe.
In mild dementia, it seems to be like being a functional alcoholic’s day, as far as cognition goes. You’re able to do what you need to do, but some little things get missed, such as your T-shirt is on backward, but you don’t notice, or you can’t find the sugar bowl, so you start taking apart cupboards and end up going without coffee and the kitchen is a mess. Later, you swear you did not do that. You have no memory of doing it, and the more another person argues that you did indeed make that mess, the angrier you get. You did not. He or she is lying.
The whole day goes like this—close to normal, but not quite. Routines are easy, but anything new is more difficult. And, if asked about someone or thing from earlier in the day, you may or may not remember the event. By the end of the day, you’re tired of thinking, but your brain keeps throwing up odd thoughts and ideas—things like, “I can’t find the car keys. Someone must have stolen them! I need the car keys.” You may wander, rummage, pull things out of drawers for a couple hours, at the end of which you may be unable to tell anyone what it was you were searching for. Even more telling, you may not have driven a car for the past five years.
During moderate dementia, each day is more moment to moment, and routine is your friend. Anything that is routine is easier for you to experience. Breakfast, lunch, dinner—that’s how your day is scheduled. But something out of the ordinary, like a doctor’s appointment, can throw you. You may balk at going, at getting dressed and getting in the car and going. There’s so much mental stimulation involved in such a nonroutine event that you prefer to stick to what you know: breakfast, lunch, dinner, and maybe sitting in the sun, watching the world go by.
Activities like taking a shower can become difficult for you. If you think about it, a shower is an event that is very high in stimulation of all sorts. The bathroom is very separate from your normal living space—usually hard-edged and cold-seeming. Then you must take all your clothing off—that’s just a lot of stimulation itself, and the memories loosely associated with nakedness are also fraught with stimulation. The shower makes noise, the temperature difference is apparent, there’s soap and shampoo and the scrunchie thing, water in your eyes, your ears, the space is confined, and by this time someone is usually in there with you, “helping,” which is just weird, no matter how much you understand and accept that you need help. It’s one diagnostic sign of moderate dementia: You may start to not like to be washed and clean—shower or bath.
I remember a gentleman in the facility I worked at in Washington state. He was new and hadn’t been showered at the hospital, so on his first full day, the aides gave him a shower. He spent the rest of the afternoon in tears because, “They threw me in the corner and pelted me with rocks like a piece of trash!” That’s what he felt like. Another woman would walk up and down the corridors but stay far away from windows, saying “There’s Indians out there! They’re going to attack!” It took a long time to figure this one out. She would pace and pace and could not sit still, always talking about Native Americans shooting arrows at us. Finally a nurse asked her if she had been hit by an arrow. Yes, she said. Where’d they get you? Right here, and she clutched her low back: Arrggghhhh! It hurt so much! Going through her medical history a bit closer, we discovered she had been in a car accident years before and suffered a low back injury. She’d been telling us for weeks what was happening to her, but not in a way that made sense to us. To her, it made perfect sense: It felt like an arrow in her back. And who used arrows? American Indians.
You are losing words, but it doesn’t matter much since those around you ignore that loss and fill in the blanks. Sometimes you cannot understand what someone else said, like he is speaking a foreign language, and this can make you automatically refuse whatever is being spoken about—that, too, makes a certain amount of sense. Someone babbling to you in a foreign language and making “Come with me” motions is someone to view with suspicion, don’t you think? Moderate dementia is usually the longest part of the disease, which is why I’m spending so much time on it.
The slow slide into severe dementia is sometimes difficult to spot as far as an actual line of demarcation, but one sign is sleeping more and more often. Even during formerly pleasurable activities, such as familiar and enjoyed music, the damage to your brain is so profound that the stimulation is not enough to keep you awake. You sleep, perchance to dream, but we don’t know. We know that damage to the areas that are usually lit up like a Christmas tree during dreaming is profound, but since we don’t really understand sleep or dreaming, it seems rather cruel to take someone who doesn’t do well in new situations into a sleep lab and wire his brain for sound and color, stick him in a tube, and say, “Don’t move.” So we don’t know. But that is one of the things I’ve always wondered about; it seems to me by the time you are in severe dementia, the difference between awake and dreaming is invisible.
Speech is limited. You may have a full thought in your head, but only one or two words come out, if any. Caregivers learn to listen for the first two or so words and try to discern what the thought is from there, because that’s usually all we get. Eyesight is odd; you don’t know what it is you are seeing. My current furthest-along-in-Alzheimer’s resident recently did not recognize a puppy. She saw it, she gazed at it, I placed her hand on it, but she looked at her hand and not the puppy, and there was absolutely no engagement between her and the stimulation provided. She no longer hears music, which is a shame, because she loved music her whole life long. We still play it for her, and we still put on her favorite musicals, but there’s no engagement anymore. She does not hear or see any of it other than perhaps a fleeting spark of memory, now gone.
In severe dementia, everything is moment to moment. Routine means nothing anymore, because there is no past or future, only now.
And then you start your last slide into end-stage dementia; you sleep 23½ hours out of 24, and when you are awake, you may as well be dreaming. You do not meet anyone’s eyes. You do not react in any manner to much beyond very painful stimulation. You are almost gone. We try to feed you, but you don’t seem to know what to do with the food in your mouth, and you may choke, which could result in aspiration pneumonia—never a good thing. Your urine output drops, peristalsis decreases, and your body temperature may rise. And as your organs start to shut down, you sleep, and sleep, and sleep, and slip away, very peacefully. You’re gone.
That’s what Alzheimer’s-type dementia is like.
– Jae Starr
What A Deadly Narcissist Looks Like
Stunning Vintage Pictures Of The London Underground Through The Times

One of a series of photographs by Henry Flather showing the construction, undertaken between 1866 and 1870, of the Metropolitan District Railway’s (MDR) underground lines between Paddington and Blackfriars via Kensington. It shows Notting Hill Gate Station shortly before it opened in 1868.
The line laid by the MDR from the 1860s onwards was designed to provide a rail connection for travellers between London’s mainline railway terminals, situated in a ring around the city centre. It now forms part of the existing District and Circle Lines on the London Underground. The construction work, utilising the “cut and cover” technique, caused much disruption to London neighbourhoods. (Photo by SSPL/Getty Images)

Opening of the London underground metropolitan line in London, Britain, 1863. (Photo by Rex Features/Shutterstock)

What’s It Like To Go Crazy
I went mad once. I even was institutionalized and put under anti-psychotics. I was conscious of it, at first, I guess it was because I’m introverted. I noticed my mind was working awkwardly, logical actions started to seem illogical. Things like Why am I stuck in this line when I could just walk over that table and get to the door?
Another symptom was that the stress was gone, things that normally worried me wouldn’t cause me anxiety. I felt so light, so good, so confident, full of energy (and I haven’t been sleeping well lately), and colors looked brighter. I’m a pretty shy person, but in that time I could talk to anyone of anything without feeling uncomfortable. I was concerned about this changes, so I told my parents that I believed I was going crazy. They told me that there was no way that I was crazy, because crazy people don’t know they are crazy. They told me that my extraversion was a sign of maturity.
Days passed and the symptoms worsened, I stopped sleeping because I found it unnecessary, and not only I kept questioning normality, but also I started questioning reality. If reality is just stimuli interpreted by my brain, then does objetivity actually exists? what is the difference between a dream and reality if both are dependent on the brain? what if reality is just like a non-lucid dream, what if it just had turned lucid, and now I’m able to control it? Maybe that is what people call awakening, maybe that is what people call enlightening, they got it all wrong!. And I googled it, and people talked about life being a dream, and it reinforced my theory.
And then I became a god.
Reality is a dream, and I’m the dreamer. What is outside the dream? Nothing. What is the sense of life? why did I create this? Why is there suffering in the world? Because I was bored. There is no good or wrong, it is just a game for my enjoyment. A simulation to learn about myself, the only one. I’ve created this setting, I’ve divided myself into different points of view, and I’ve made me forget everything to made it more interesting, to see how much time does it takes me to get the pieces together, and to see how my pieces interact. And then what? Then I start again, thanks to my ability to forget, I can play this forever.. While all this thoughts assaulted me I would continue with my rutine, I was quite distracted as you can imagine. Some friends thought I was high (I don’t do drugs).
From time to time, reality would feel real again, I would feel small, with no control over it. I would feel confident, because I knew the truth, I knew that nothing mattered. But then I remember a dream could become a nightmare, and a new concern assaulted me. My own fear could manifest as something bad, and I become scared of being scared. I would feel like I was in a horror movie, pretty much like the dark side of Silent Hill. I would feel a presence, and I would feel alone and helpless. And then I would swich back to the “normal” or god state.
Finally, four days after I told my family that I was crazy, they believed me, but I didn’t belive I was crazy anymore. They found out something was wrong because I skipped a class and went for a walk instead of taking the bus. And then I kind of explained them that nothing wrong could have happened because I controlled everything. We went to a clinic, I wasn’t scared, I thought it would be funny that I would win because I was right and everyone were ignorants. I would just play the game. I received like three different diagnoses, I think they were wrong because they were assuming a cronic condition when there was one occurence. I mean, one of the diagnoses was bipolar and I didn’t even had the second pole.
The meds didn’t make me stop believing life was a dream, but I stopped feeling powerfull. I only learnt to tell the doctors what they wanted to hear. Then my family noticed I was getting bad (no because of madness, but because of medication, they were overdosing me and I had a lot of secondary effects). They seeked for a different opinion and I got another diagnosis: psychotic break due to sleep deprivation(as I mentioned earlier I was sleeping badly, the week before everything happened I spent the nights online and sleept only 2 or 3 hours and then nothing at all). I went home, got some pills to sleep, I slowly dropped the anti-psychotic dose, and I never had another problem again.
It was hard to stop believing the things that made me feel awesome, but I had to do it. I’ve become a bit obsessive about not skipping sleep time, and I still have nightmares from time to time, sometimes I have lucid dreams and I freak out, because I fear I’m not dreaming and it is me going crazy. But appart from that I’m fine. The doctor said that if I didn’t have another episode within two years of dropping the meds then it wasn’t chronic (schizophrenia is chronic), it had been 4 years and I’m sane
The experiences of becoming insane is different for everyone, because every madness is different. But I think they all have in common getting obsessed on one single idea that redefines everything.
When A Teen Killer Realizes He’s Going To Prison
Such a heartbreaking story, I really thought the grandmother had something to do with it at first, she was so calm on the phone.. just goes to prove how everyone handles grief differently and of course she must have been on auto pilot due to the shock, I admire her for going to see him after he confessed.
Mexican-Style Green Chile Chicken Casserole
“This casserole is even better the next day, that is if it even makes it overnight! —you may omit the jalapeno pepper if desired, we like onions so I always use two and lots of fresh garlic, you can increase the green chiles to whatever amount you desire, and use as much shredded cheese and cooked chicken as desired, the amounts listed are only a guideline, this also works well with cooked turkey, prep time does not include cooking the chicken — this is *very* good!”

- 2 -3 tablespoons butter
- 1 large onion, chopped
- 2 -3 tablespoons fresh minced garlic (or to taste)
- 1 jalapeno pepper, seeded and finely chopped (optional)
- 1 1⁄3 cups chicken broth
- 1 1⁄4 cups canned green chilies, drained (can use more!)
- 1 -2 teaspoon cumin
- 2 (10 ounce) cans cream of chicken soup, undiluted
- salt and pepper
- 24 corn tortillas (you might use a couple less than 24, or use as many as needed)
- 4 cups cooked chicken (or use cooked turkey)
- 2 cups cheddar cheese (or to taste) or 2 cups monterey jack and cheddar cheese blend, shredded and divided (or to taste)
- Set oven to 350 degrees.
- Grease a 13 x 9-inch baking dish.
- In a medium heavy pot or saucepan, heat 2-3 tablespoons butter over medium heat; add in chopped onion, garlic and jalapeno pepper, saute for about 3-4 minutes.
- Add in the chicken broth, green chiles, cumin and chicken soup, season with salt and pepper; bring to a boil and simmer for about 3 minutes or until heated through and combined; remove from heat.
- Spread about 1 cup of the soup mixture into the bottom of the prepared baking dish.
- Arrange 5-6 tortillas over the soup mixture, then top with about 1 cup chicken, then about 1/2 cup shredded cheese (or to taste).
- Repeat the layers (ENDING with the cheese).
- Spread the remaining soup mixture over the cheese.
- Bake uncovered for about 25 minutes or until hot and bubbly.

8 Guys Who Dated Models Reveal What Their Experiences Were Like
1. I dated a fitness instagram model type with 200k followers. Nice girl, but everything was about social media, constantly taking pics and checking her phone
Lots of weird problems around food, couldnt just relax. It was tough so I stopped seeing her.
2. I dated an ex model for about 6 months. There’s no way I would have approached her, instead she gave me her number. She later told me guys never make a move, I guess because they would feel intimidated.
The only thing that really differed from dating someone less attractive (that is less attractive than model caliber) was the number of guys who would double take/stare at her in public. It sometimes seemed like everyone was doing it. She said she was used to it and it began around the time she turned 13!
She had some problems which ultimately ruined the relationship. She asked me to propose to her a month in and she was clearly a hypochondriac. When I broke it off she claimed she was pregnant. Fun times.
3. She could silence an Italian restaurant by waking in, but was a dead fish in bed, had a personality like an oak tree, pretty much parroted Facebook opinions, and was anti anything fun. It was a good month, but I had to walk away
4. My girlfriend is a former model. She used to travel all over the world working shows everywhere. Eventually she transitioned to her own label which she sold off.
I’m not the best looking of guys. I don’t really understand how it was that we got together. I did stop to help her when her car broke down, she invited me to a friends of hers braai (BBQ) and then to her bed.
We have had our ups and downs. Both of us had a tough time with jealousy and suspicion of each other – both of us have been cheated on in the past. I see the way that others – both male and female – look at her, and sometimes flirt with her. I know now that nothing will come of any of it. We have both helped each other mature and grow into the beautiful, annoying couple that we are today.
5. I dated what I consider a 10 last year. Everything was great on paper and we made a good looking couple. That gets old fast though, you stop noticing or caring because it simply isn’t important to your overall happiness unless you’ve got some problems. I understood after a few months how people married to gorgeous celebrities end up cheating or breaking things off. She didn’t want to put as much work into the relationship, presumably after a lifetime of being pursued by men where she didn’t have to. In bed it was a mixed bag as well, very low effort on her behalf and not really meeting me in the middle. She also spent an ungodly amount of money on clothes/makeup.
So while it was cool to be admired by other guys for a bit, ultimately it didn’t work out. She was shocked when I broke things off but not in a good way, almost as if she thought she deserved to be the one doing it.
6. She gets hit on constantly, free drinks on nights out, even if Im standing right there.
Guys always stare just walking down the road. She often dresses intentionally like a slob if we are going for a quick shopping trip or something, just so she doesn’t get as many looks.
When she wants to look good though she is a perfectionists. Takes 3 or 4 hours to get ready sometimes. Different makeup, hair styles to go with different outfits.
Some days she feels unattractive even though she just isn’t and I cant see the difference.
My outfit apparently never goes together so she will pick out one that does.
7. Use to date a instagram model. She was blue ticked and had over 500k followers
Honestly, she was a nightmare. Biggest attention seeker i ever met, wanted to post me to her IG after literally a month of dating..
Safe to say it didnt last long before i ended things
8. I briefly dated a model, she was gorgeous and I’m a very average guy so this was strange for me.
We went to dinner one night and the manager was hitting on her, telling her how he could buy her things, she ended up kicking me under the table to get him to leave.
Others were a guy at the train station trying to hit on her so she kind of just leaned against me, we left. She was actually great, very humble, she moved away but if she hadn’t I’d of been all in.
Talked about trying to be in the same place in the future but it just wasn’t realistic.
When A Suspect Pretends To Be Innocent During An Interrogation
Confessions of a Man Who Suffers From Narcolepsy
Do you have a fear of drowning when eating soup?
No, but I typically wear water wings just in case anything goes wrong.
How many times have you woken up with your face on a keyboard?
I can only really recall one or two times where I’ve legitimately fallen asleep on my keyboard (And even then, I more or less let it happen, I’m really lazy). Now, falling asleep while leaning back in my computer chair? That’s another story, I’ve done that countless times.
How long do you usually blackout for, what is the experience like?
The time depends. It’s typically like a short nap or I might just transfer into my night of sleep if it happens late enough (Such as during a movie in the later evening). It kind of comes out of nowhere, although it isn’t a sudden black out.
It’s hard to explain how it exactly happens (For one, because I’m super fucking sleepy when it does), but think of that kid in your class who keeps falling asleep and his head is bobbing. I desperately try to stay awake, but if I don’t actively get up and move around, I don’t stand a chance, I will fall asleep. Because of how sudden the onset of extreme sleepiness is, more often than not I will succumb to it at least for a bit.
Have you ever had any scares or been seriously endangered because of your narcolepsy?
I’ve never really managed to hurt myself. Although narcolepsy is portrayed in the media as a sudden blackout, this is not really the case. It’s more of a sudden onset of extreme sleepiness that can really only be fought through physical movement.
That being said, I’ve had my fair share of embarrassing moments. I’ve fallen asleep in movie theaters, a Subway, during kissy time, at work, and in class countless numbers of times (I’m the kid who does that hilarious head-bobbing thing in class when trying to fight the sleep onset).
Have had a couple scares on the road with dozing off, fortunately nothing bad happened.
Most recently I can recall a time where I was driving home from school to my parents house. They live a good 90 minutes away and almost the entirety of that drive is freeway driving so there isn’t a whole lot to it. I started dozing off and, almost immediately, came to and found myself in the middle of the two-lane highway. Fortunately the nearest car was about a quarter mile behind me. I made sure to turn on my blinker and switch lanes to play it all cool.
The good news is, since I’ve been taking the medicine, nothing like this has even come close to happening.
What was your most awkward blackout?
Typically speaking, I don’t “blackout” per say. Media and pop culture have done a nice job of exaggerating the effect of Narcolepsy in that, I don’t just suddenly drop to the floor asleep.
It’s more like an uncontrollable urge to sleep. For instance, falling asleep in class. I don’t really willingly go to sleep, I just don’t have much of a choice because I get so damn sleepy. I’m that kid in your class that always does the head-nod.
That being said, I fell asleep once while making out with a girl after a party. Not really sure what she ended up doing.
Before treatment, how often did you fall victim to your narcolepsy? Did you fall asleep multiple times a day?
I would usually have a bout once or twice per day. Typically once or twice during the school day and then once I got home a nap was almost inevitable.
What prompted you to get a diagnosis?
I went in to get checked out because I suspected I had some sort of sleep disorder – my first inclination was actually sleep apnea. I often had very fragmented sleep and even when I slept well through the night, I always had issues staying awake and focused. It was such a battle to stay awake, it didn’t really seem right.
What was the diagnosis like?
I met once with my doctor and discussed the symptoms I was having. My regular doctor happens to be a sleep specialist so fortunately it only took about 15 minutes for him to realize that I should get a sleep study. After the sleep study, he diagnosed me with narcolepsy.
What did he prescribe you?
My doctor prescribed me NuVigil (which is essentially identical to ProVigil if you’re familiar). It’s not an amphetamine but it’s actually classified as a “Stimulant-like” drug. I’m not entirely sure what that is supposed to mean, but it keeps me up and is in my system for roughly 12 hours.
Funny side note, when I first was prescribed the medication I was taking it too late in the day so it’d still be in my system at like 2-3AM. For about a week I slept for maybe three hours a night. Most productive week of my life.
I generally try to take it at about 7:30AM (Class at 8:00AM, fuck me) and I’ll generally notice it beginning to wear off in the later afternoon and by 7:00PM or so I don’t really notice it anymore. If I take the medicine later in the day, I occasionally will have issues sleeping at night. Ironically one of the symptoms of NuVigil/ProVigil is insomnia.
I don’t really ever feel jittery, but I’m on a lower dosage (150mg vs 250mg). I’ve heard that this is the case sometimes with other amphetamines.
Have you had to alter your lifestyle?
A lot of it actually boils down to things everyone should be doing anyways, it’s just that more important that I do them. I make sure to exercise pretty much every day as this helps me sleep at night. Diet is also very important. In addition to a balanced diet being important for a healthy lifestyle, I need to watch what I eat later at night. Heavier, fattier foods tend to disrupt sleep, but at the same time it’s important not to go to bed hungry as this might disrupt sleep as well. Going further, my caffeine intake is pretty much zero. In addition to taking about eight hours to get out of the body, there’s apparently a higher risk of negative side effects from the NuVigil if I have a high caffeine intake.
Perhaps the most important lifestyle (And one that I’m still working on keeping up with to be honest) is a regular sleep schedule. That is, waking up and going to bed at the same time every day. This helps to regulate my sleep cycle.
The general idea with the lifestyle changes is to ensure a full rested night’s sleep, so as to help with the sleepiness during the day time.
Have there been any surprise perks from your diagnosis?
As far as surprise perks go, now that I’m officially diagnosed, I have used it as an excuse in class for why I fell asleep. I actually told one of my professors from day one this semester that I might fall asleep because of my narcolepsy and he was totally cool with it.
Other than that, my friends get to make jokes about it all the time now and comedy is always a good thing.
How would one know if they were a narcoleptic?
The four classic symptoms of narcolepsy are Excessive Daytime Sleepiness (EDS), cataplexy, sleep paralysis, and hypnagogic hallucinations. Hypnagogic hallucinations simply refer to hallucinations experienced in the transfer period between sleeping and wakefulness.For me, I don’t experience cataplexy or sleep paralysis. I certainly have the EDS, and have had a few bouts of a weird, I guess “delirium”, immediately after waking up that make me suspect I also succumb to those hypnagogic hallucinations from time to time.Narcoleptics are also different in that their REM and NREM sleep are mixed up. That is to say, I’ll go directly into my REM stage when I fall asleep. Say I take a nap in class, I’m dreaming. Fall asleep in the car? I’m dreaming. If you find that you’re dreaming each time, or at least frequently when you nap, this is a sign that you are going directly into the REM stage. Tied to this, someone with narcolepsy will have a quick sleep onset time. Anything less than 8 minutes is considered quick. When I did my sleep study my onset time was on average between 3 and 4 minutes and I went directly into the REM stage in 3 of 4 naps, but I didn’t actually sleep in the fourth nap.If you’re seeing any of those four classic symptoms or you notice you’re dreaming whenever you take naps, I’d say it’s worth looking into for yourself.
A 16 Year Old Killer’s Video Diary
Pizza Casserole
“This is similar to many Baked Pasta dishes but with the distinct flavors of pizza. I created this recipe yesterday and took it to a dinner party as the main dish. It was a big hit and every woman there asked for the recipe. I decided that anything that popular should be posted here. You do not have to use the same kind of pasta I did…but should use a pasta which will remain slightly firm after boiling and baking so that it is not mushy. NOTE** I’ve had several people ask about when to add the spices…you can either add them to the sauce or to the sausage when you cook it. Either way works great! Since this recipe is an original creation of mine, it tickles me so very much that lots of people are enjoying it! Thanks everyone!”

- 1 lb bow tie pasta
- 1 lb Jimmy Dean sausage, ‘country mild’ (or other flavor if desired)
- 1 large onion, medium size chopped (cooked with sausage)
- 2 (26 ounce) jars spaghetti sauce (I used Bertolli’s Tomato & Basil)
- 1⁄2 lb cubed cooked ham
- 1⁄2 – 1 lb of sliced pepperoni
- 3 (8 ounce) bags of shredded mozzarella cheese
- 6 tablespoons of grated parmesan cheese
- 1 teaspoon garlic powder
- 1 teaspoon dried oregano

- Cook pasta in boiling water until al denté.
- Cook sausage, garlic powder and oregano with onions until the juices run clear.
- In a lightly greased 9x13x3 inch pan, pour a small amount of sauce to lightly coat bottom.
- Layer ingredients in the order listed below.
- 1st layer-1/3 of the pasta, 1/3 remaining sauce, 1 bag of mozzarella cheese, 2 Tablespoons parmesan cheese, sausage and onions.
- 2nd layer-1/2 of the remaining pasta, 1/2 remaining sauce, 1 bag of mozzarella cheese, 2 Tablespoons parmesan cheese, ham.
- 3rd layer-all remaining pasta, all remaining sauce, 1 bag of mozzarella cheese, 2 Tablespoons parmesan cheese,all the pepperoni(completely covering the entire top with pepperoni).
- Bake at 375°F for 40 minutes.
- Let sit for 5 minutes before serving.

Confessions Of A Former Armored Truck Driver
How big is the risk? Is there a rough estimate on how big the risk is of being robbed?
Messengers being shot in the back of the head while loading cash into ATM is a common thing. Granted, your head needs to be on a swivel. If you allow someone to walk up on you like that…. that’s essentially you signing your own death certificate.
Did you get to carry any handgun you qualified on or did you have to use the shitty company guns?
Garda was issuing revolvers for the longest time. They sold them 1 year before I was hired. We qualified with our own personal firearms.
What would happen if someone steps out in front of the truck pointing an AR15 at the driver?
We were trained for such event. The Threat will be eliminated.
Our rules of engagement are:
•Prove intent: he’s pointing a Ar-15 at my driver •Prove opportunity: he took the time to figure out the general time of when we show up. •Prove means: he’s literally holding an Ar-15 and ready to fire •Prove ability: His finger is on the trigger •Did my driver attempt to tell him to stop?: yes he honked.
Let’s assume worst case. The Ar-15(s) are loaded with black-tip ammunition. The front windshield will hold up the best due to the angle of the glass; my driver would have plenty time to run your A*S over. My driver was under strict directions to NEVER shift the transmission into park, foot on the break; nothing else.
My concern would be the lack of any angle on the driver and passenger side glass. If you land black tip ammunition directly on top of each other…. it’s going to go through, usually within 2-3 rounds. It honestly depends on the age of the glass from my personal testing.
This scenario is why I made safety glasses and body armor mandatory on my truck. Shards of glass will certainty be flying everywhere.
If we were engaged while the messenger and I were in the truck we would always attempt to flee. We are in a moving bank vault after.
If the driver is engaged while the messenger and I are inside a bank or other contracted establishment. The company policy is that the Armored Truck drives away, leaving the crew leader and messenger to defend themselves. Yes you heard right…. the truck drives away! Under this circumstance we were contractually bound to defend the client. Our standard operating procedure would be to evacuate all employees to cover, or concealment, and wait for Law Enforcement. (This area would’ve been established during the clients first day of service, during our risk assessment walk through.)
Finally, if the truck is engaged while we are walking out, we would move to cover and eliminate the threat. I really make all of this sound easy, it’s not. It’s scary as hell, but our faces wouldn’t show it.
A somewhat similar event happened to my truck in 2016. No shots were fired. All three us noticed that a sedan had been following us for 15 minutes. We contacted Local Law Enforcement. By the time we arrived at our next client. The Leo’s swarmed the sedan. The driver fled, he had a pistol. The front passenger had a 12 gauge shotgun.
Say your guy gets out of the truck and walks into a high end restaurant with much less actual security than say a bank or a Walmart. As he is coming out with the deposit bag I just shot him dead and go for the bag. Is your response to protect the bag or protect yourself assuming I will continue into the truck?
Protect myself. At the end of the day, we’re just trying to get home safely.vb
Have you ever been attacked?
We never let anyone get too close to us. We were never physically assaulted. Before I was on a dedicated three man truck, I personally had a close call. The establishment was large and we delivered cash through the back door. When the employee opened the door, he had a very large monkey wrench behind his head ready to swing it. I dropped their cash delivery, quickly took a few steps back, I yelled “ drop the weapon at least 5 times.” I put my hand on my firearm. At this point I didn’t draw.
He quickly recognized the situation he put himself in and stopped. I asked him “ Bro are you serious?!” And he responded with “ nawwww, I’m just playin.” I told him to get his manager right now, or we are leaving.
The manager opens the door and I asked her where the other employee was and she said that he was serving food. I picked up their cash delivery and explained the situation to her. She said she would pass the information on and look at the cameras.
After handing the incident report directly to my supervisor, he honestly didn’t care. I went to my branch manager and he said he would look into it. One week goes by and my branch manager said that they won’t investigate it because the change order was delivered. This influenced my extreme sense of paranoia once I was promoted to a Crew Leader.
Is it true your coworkers are more likely to shoot you than a random robber?
I’ve been told that 9/10 times it Will be an inside job.
Does that get awkward?
Not awkward, it gets scary. If they’re a employee that’s been with the company for less than two years I was always on edge.
What would freak me out is when one of my other two crew members called of sick, we would get a new person. When that new person starts taking wrong turns while you’re in the passenger seat next to him. That’s a “ rest your hand on your gun moment.”
Coworkers on different routes called me paranoid, but I adopted a 3 strike rule. At any point during the day, if a new drive took 3 wrong turns, with clear verbal command. We returned to our branch to fill out an Incident report. It would put us a couple hours behind schedule, but I’m a firm believer in a paper trail.
How common are accidents with armored trucks?
This question absolutely hits a very sensitive nerve with me. I take medication because of these two stories.
During late 2017 my crew and I witnessed Another Armored Truck Company slide through an intersection and t-bone a small truck similar to a Ford Ranger. The elderly woman driving the small truck died at the scene. I took a picture as it happened because I knew Law Enforcement would ask around and find out that another Armored company witnessed it.
My last story is pretty personal. Before I met my wife (happily married and blessed with a 1 month old son). I was in a serious relationship with another Crew Leader. This was kept very quiet because the rules for relationships were very strict. Most people “kinda knew” because both of us would roll into the parking lot at the same time nearly every morning.
Anyways, I believe this to be early fall of 2015. It was business as usual. We rolled into the parking lot, pretended to hate each other in front of the other officers, load our trucks up and go our separate ways. She had a new-hire driving for her. This new-hire had all the pre-existing symptoms of undiagnosed sleep apnea and other crew leaders had reported him falling asleep behind the wheel on extended drives between contracts.
During this transit (90 minutes between contracts) the New-Hire fell asleep behind the wheel and rear-ended a Semi Truck at 65 Mph. The semi was fully loaded, so Gross weight of……65,000-80,000lbs? The impact was so forceful that my Significant Others’ seatbelt buckle snapped. The seatbelt flung to the side and she hit the Bulkhead door at 65mph. (The bulkhead door is a heavy door that separates the front cab to the rear. It locks open while in transit and stays closed while sitting on site. This is due to the side door the messenger uses to climb in out of the Truck.)
My route was running late that day. After we cleared my truck of all liability and parked it. I sent her a text message that went unanswered. Then, a phone call that went straight to voicemail. While sitting in my car, that’s when I saw the tow truck, and it was her Armored truck on the flatbed. In disbelief I waited for the tow truck to drop it in the back corner of the parking lot. That’s when my supervisor walked over to me, handed me some disposable gloves, and we spent 2 hours bleaching the entire rear of the Armored Truck. The insurance company refused to determine if the truck was totaled or not until all the blood was removed. I still have nightmares and I can’t seem to reconnect with her due to the event. Here is the pictures of what I think Reddit will allow.
The Truck was totaled. The driver survived, was fired, and she was airlifted to the closest hospital with multiple skull fractures, broken collar bones, broken ribs, wrist, and left arm. The only reason she didn’t die is because the entire crash was so abrupt, she had zero time to react. She was honorably discharged from the military, became one of our dispatchers, but soon quit and faded from existence. The Last I heard, she moved to a different state.
What are the hours like?
The average route day at my branch was 10 hours
How is the pay?
When I was hired in early 2013 the starting pay was $12.65 per hour, once promoted to Crew Leader it was $14.00. Great pay to protect a few thousand dollars of other people’s money, huh?
How about benefits?
401k sucks. No company matching. Health insurance is an HSA plan. You pay the first $2200 out of pocket. Then they cover 80% • life insurance has an added clause stating that if you perish while performing duties and you weren’t following any company policy. Your family won’t be paid out. An example of this is would be: requesting a company issued bulletproof vest and being fatally shot not wearing it.
Why is the pay so low?
Because no one has the balls to start a union.
What kind of mileage do you get on those trucks?
My typical daily route varied from 65-87 miles per day. My truck was gasoline driven, and at the end of the day we refilled around 13-15 gallons. Around 4-5mpg? I’m certainly glad we weren’t driving them on our personal dimes. Glug, Glug, Glug.
What if you literally are going to crap your pants…can you run into a local starbucks and leave the truck undermanned? Or once you’re in, you’re in?
I operated a 3 man crew. 1 officer had to have direct control at all times. That was my truck rule, once you’re in, you’re in.
However, Our policy was updated shortly before I left to allow “solo” trucks. Trucks with a sh*t ton of cameras inside and out, as well as a mandatory panic button you wore around your neck.
“solo Trucks” being defined as a crew of one officer that drove and left the truck to collect money.
My crew was drafted one day to drop off cash at The Federal Reserve. Another Armored company with maintenance standards lower than us were also there waiting. As I start chatting with their Crew Leader he mentions their “urinal.” It was a 3 inch hole in their floor, that had rusted out. Said Armored company had a 4-5 hour drive from their Vault to the Federal Reserve. So, while in transit. They would urinate into the hole. Adapt and overcome, right?
Why did you quit?
The BIGGEST reason why I left was because of the Workers Compensation claim I filed. They sent 5 copies of paperwork to me and over the first two months, they lost all 5. I would call the company who handles the WC claims and they would say they received it and a week later I’d call back to only hear they lost it.
Fast forward 10 months of back-and-Fourth with this company I made my usual phone call. The told me that I no longer qualify for compensation because I have not given them the correct paperwork to file. I was responsible for the entire bill. Which angrily paid over the following year.
The last straw was when my branch eliminated a couple routes and threw all of their contracts onto other routes. Everyone got at least 15 extra stops with a heck of a lot more miles to drive per day. When I received my list of new contracts I worked them into my route as best as I could. The following month my crew gets pulled into the Branch managers office. He then starts to tell us how we aren’t making a good enough effort to make sure that everyone receives service. With the extra stops on my route, no matter how I obsessively tried to make everything work, banks were closing before we could get to them.
I pulled my branch manager aside and asked if he could place my supervisor, the operations manager, or him on my truck to shadow us. His exact words were “ i specifically didn’t get my permit to carry so that corporate wouldn’t force me to help out the routes.” He also said that he wouldn’t let a supervisor or the operations manager shadow us because he “ needed them to do more important things.”
The following day I turned my termination letter. He never pulled me into his office to talk about it.
Would you recommend this career to others?
You’re absolutely F*cking crazy to even consider this industry as a “career.” It’s honestly a dead end job that quite possibly will kill you. Could you live with that?
However, the experiences I’ve had and the other officers I shared hardship with will stay with me for the rest of my life. We truly are a brotherhood. One of my crew members signed me and my wife’s Marriage Certificate. I honestly would take a bullet in the head for my crew and others I’ve worked with.
What are you doing now?
I’m now in a waaaay better job path. I’m a Union Steelworker. I get to weld and fabricate industrial equipment for factories nationwide. The benifits are stellar, I’m netting x3 more pay that the Armored Truck company, and the shop I work at bends over backwards for both their union and nonunion employees.
They even have a 3 week PAID paternal leave program. It was awesome being able to spend more time with my newborn child than others were able to.
When A Thrill Killer Realizes He’s Been Caught
Criminals, I mean really, are bad…
Terrible And Bizarre Pictures Taken By Real Estate Agents

What would your dream home look like? Would it be a rustic farm hidden deep in the woods or maybe a penthouse in Manhattan? Would the interior design be more traditional or perhaps a reflection of all the latest trends? While it is fun to think about the perfect house or flat, the reality of real estate listings is far harsher, and the choices are often really scarce. Thanks to a blog called Terrible Real Estate Agent Photos, we want to share with you how, ahem, creative some of the listings can get.
From horror movie-esque semi abandoned flats for rent to excessively unique home decor cases and very impractical architecture decisions, the real estate agents behind these funny ads didn’t even care to fix the places up before snapping the hilarious pictures. The caring levels were so low that there’s also a photo with a live bat in it, a huge pig laying around in the living room and feral horses relaxing in front yards. The most baffling part is that these funny photos were really used to advertise and show the good side of housings to possible tenants.

During the Holocaust, is there evidence of even a single SS soldier who stopped and said: “This is immoral, I can’t do this”?
In 1947, in Poland, communist authorities began a series of trials of people accused of participating in mass murder at the Auschwitz concentration camp.
The second of these trials, confusingly called “The First Auschwitz Trial” (Pierwszy Proces Oświęcimski), involved 40 defendants – most of them highly placed officers and administrators in the camp.
Out of the forty defendants, twenty-three were sentenced to death by hanging, six to life imprisonment, seven to 15 years imprisonment, and three to 10, 5 and 3 years imprisonment respectively.
One was acquitted of all charges.
This guy: Hans Wilhelm Münch, seen in the picture wearing the uniform that might as well be synonymous with “war criminal”.

As far as the evidence suggests, Dr. Münch was a card-carrying member of the Nazi party, having joined up out of either genuine belief in their ideals, or self-serving reasons to advance his own career as a doctor and bacteriologist.
In 1943, he was recruited by the SS and sent to assist with medical experiments in Auschwitz. But something strange happened there: the hardcore Nazi/selfish bastard refused to enable the crimes of his superior, Josef Mengele, and – at great personal risk – began assisting the camp’s inmates.
First, he outright refused to participate in the infamous “selections” at the railway platform, which determined who’d be put to work, who’d be experimented upon, and who would be put to death immediately.
Second, he kept Mengele’s victims alive by coming up with elaborate fake experiments, that in reality were just cover for providing people with actual medical treatment, and keeping them from being killed as no longer useful.
And, finally, when leaving the camp ahead of the advancing Red Army, he gave his personal revolver to a prisoner.
And so, in December 1947, while people with every right to hate Nazis described the crimes of 39 defendants in detail, they surprised all the judges and prosecutors by standing up for an SS man and member of the Nazi party who worked for one of history’s greatest monsters.
Nobody really expected that, but the testimonies were so earnest, consistent and came from so many inmates, that even communist prosecutors had to concede their charges were unsubstantiated, and thus Hans Münch was permitted to leave, return to Germany and live out the rest of his life practicing medicine.
So, to sum it up: Yeah. There was a single SS soldier whose turn from evil was so complete that he faced communist justice and lived to tell the tale.
When A Suspect Acts Strange During An Interrogation
Greedy, messed criminals are everywhere.
8 7 has potential. Big living room, with picture frame windows on to a great lawn. (I’d pass on all the rest though)
It’s very quaint that the killer Pig Farmer identifies herself with the Klingons as one of her many diversionary tactics and narcissistic ramblings given to dissuade the detectives. I, personally, Identify as a Borg Drone: my robotic stiffness, monotone, and lack of self make me find comfort and identity with that Star-Trek enemy race.
Seeing all these Criminal Psychology videos have resulted in a litany of negative emotions and visceral responses from me, all because so much of it is so familiar to me. I have experienced people with the same neurosis and psychosis as these criminals. I’ve seen it in my own adoptive family who had micromanaged me over the decades without being conscious of the damage they were going.
I have experienced this among my peers and partners in the RPing communities I have, and still do, frequent, where it’s far easier to excuse such degenerate behavior as playing a character or being humorous (but I can often tell they are lying). I’ve experienced it firsthand through the people I had invested in when I had money, or through some of the many jobs I have had and lost, and through my best friend whom I found through these aforementioned online cesspits.
And the cumulative shit from all the above has infected me, to the point where I regurgitate a lot of the swill and tactics that they have used on me when I interact with normies outside.
At least now I have the means to transmute and expunge all of this from my mind so that I don’t have to be the victim nor unwittingly victimize others any longer.
The idea behind this all is to remind people about “what is out there” and to be careful and wary.