Listen, and understand. That terminator is out there. It can’t be bargained with. It can’t be reasoned with. It doesn’t feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are dead.
You all have watched the 1980’s movie “Terminator”, eh?
Well, it’s nearing the end of the Chinese Year. We exit the year of the rat, and say hello to the year of the bull. It’s a busy time in China as factories are trying to speed up production to send orders out before the one month shut down. Of course, this is still a strange time, and most people are staying home. Few are going to travel back to their families. It’s too dangerous with the two brand new viral strains floating around.
Two brand new viruses?
Yes. There are two brand-spanking-new, never before seen, “novel” viruses that hit China at the end of 2019.
No I’m not talking about the seizure inducing respiratory COVID-19B. Not the mild stain; the immunization strain in American the COVID-19A. That pathway and history has been substantially mapped out in great detail.
I particularly like how the mild strains the COVID-19A (the immunization strain) was moving through America and Britain all Summer 2019. While the deadly strains, COVID-19B and COVID-19C hit China, Iran, North Korea, and Russia at the same time in January 2020. All traced back to the Military Games in Wuhan, and the hotel where the 300 military soldiers were housed.
But I am not talking about this.
I’m talking about the (yet to be named, but I’m naming it) COVID-20. A death by vomiting virus. New. Novel. Hit China right after Trump “gave up on Hong Kong”.
Seems that some the "cat's paw" Chinese drone operators who dispensed the 2018 - 2019 swine flu, "spilled the beans" to the PLA and the government. You see, the Chinese fellows that the CIA hired (to spray the swine flu to the pigs using drones), well they immediately went to the Chinese authorities when given these new viral containers by their CIA handlers.
Uh oh!
When Trump told the NED that “Let it (HK) all burn”, I guess that he didn’t count that everything in Hong Kong was under complete audio and video surveillance. And this pretty much upset Mike Pompeo, John Bolton, and Tom Cotton. And one or more of them gave the ok to release this very, very nasty virus in China.

And there is more.
There is the COVID-21. A death by shitting virus.
They are calling this a "tick borne" virus. This happened right after the seven battle assault carrier flotilla left the South China Sea and headed home with their tail between their legs. Seems to me that Trump wanted to really "sock it to China".
It’s funny. It broke out in Beijing. Where did everyone get this tick-borne virus? Inside of Starbucks?

The people in the United States, and Britain nod their heads. “Yup. China is dirty and filthy. Of course it’s full of germs and bad stuff”. LOL.
If you are an American you probably think that the pandemic is either fake, or a singular virus. Not realizing that China has been hit with a massive carpet-bombing of viral agents.
Anyways, to make a long story short, I went off to go to the local clinic to get my free swabs and measurements. You can never be too careful.
A visit to the local clinic
To get an idea of what it’s like in China, you have to understand that pretty much if you want to go to any public area or a mall (or anything like that) you need to have your QR code approval.
There’s different applications for this but basically you use your cell phone to scan a QR code and then they’ll tell you if you have traveled into a “hot” area where one of the viruses are active.

The QR scan is immediate. And it will tell you whether you’re good to go or not. This morning, I’m dealing with some medical issues on top of our periodic evaluation and so of course we had to scan the QR code and this is what it looks like…

I don’t know what they’re doing in the states, but I can’t imagine they’re doing anything like this. Pretty much China’s is all QR codes, drones, IR scans, barcodes and scanning.
Really, nobody uses money anymore.
And everybody, of course is taking precautions or wearing mask especially this time of season. Oh sure, you’ll see a couple that aren’t but for the most part people take things very seriously, given all the events that happened this time last year.
I guess it’s kind of a crazy time to live, and I you know I suppose that this is going to go down in history books of course. And we’re living through it so that’s gotta be worth something right? They always say that you don’t realize how bad things were until you actually read about it in the history books.
Of course, the person (or people) who controls and writes the history books are the ones that control the narrative. Don’t you know.
An Oreo and Spam burger in China!
I read on my news feeds and Yahoo news, as well as the MSN and drudge report and all those other kinds of “News media” the stunning news! Apparently FOX News first reported that China has a new burger at McDonald’s.
- McDonald’s China introduces Spam burger with Oreo …
- McDonald’s Selling ‘Spam Burger’ Topped With Oreo Cookie …
- McDonald’s Is Selling Spam And Oreo-Style Biscuit Burgers …
- McDonald’s China launches new burger with Spam, OREOS …
- McDonald’s China sells limited edition Oreo & spam burger …
- Spam Burger Topped With Oreos Debuts At Chinese …
It’s called an Oreo spam burger and everybody’s commenting how disgusting it is and how horrible the Chinese sense of tastes are. And just how crazy that the Chinese would eat (dare they!), eat such a thing. There’s a considerable amount of internet space on this…
… so it’s pretty shocking to me. As I live in China, and there’s nothing at all about this monstrosity. And since it is near CNY, there are McDonald’s advertisements everywhere showing their new CNY holiday menus.

Here’s a close up of that picture. I had a zoom feature on my cell phone and snapped this picture. I think that it is clearer and show just what the McDonald’s holiday menu advertisement looks like.
Guess what?
No Oreo-spam burger. Anywhere!

Well that’s a big mystery.
So what do I do…
I go to McDonald’s here in China and I ask him about it. Never heard of the thing they don’t know what the heck I’m talking about.
So I went over to the website and tried to find their attachment links the Fox news article, the Yahoo article has ton load of links and all the links point back to MSN and Yahoo. None of them point to an advertisement for this mysteriously terrible horrific burger. And, yes, I went to Fox news which is always anti-China and the same thing there they can’t show me a picture of this stupid burger.
Finally I found one.
But not on any McDonald’s website, or part of a McDonald’s advertisement or promotional campaign. I found it on the Hormel Foods website; the company that makes Spam. As best that I can figure out, there is some kind of “I’ll scratch your back, if you scratch mine”, between Hormel and one of the local independent McDonald’s franchises in Beijing. It’s not, NOT, a McDonald’s product.
It is a local franchise owner’s local product.

Anyways, now you know the entire story. You’ll never figure out this kind of background on your own by reading the American “news”. Sometimes you all just have to go off yourself and see things with your own two eyes.
For 99.9999% of the McDonald’s in China, it’s a completely different story.
This is what the front door to McDonald’s looks like, and THIS is the burger that they are actually promoting this 2021 CNY. It’s the year of the Bull. Why in Pete’s name would they promote a pork spam burger on a beef year?
Think people think!!!!!!

Disappointing because I really wanted to see this thing up close and personal.
I was finally able to do a search for this burger. All of the pictures were in English. None was in Chinese. And none originated out of China. All the picture originated out of America, and had English text. I wonder who’s great idea this was? To market an unsavory burger to Americans in English and say that China is selling it?
Fox news?
Sometimes I think that. American news. Is in another complete time track, in reality of their own making, it’s just something that’s completely off the wall.
However, McDonald’s does have a new holiday burger that’s out. It looks pretty good, it’s a beef patty with chicken-fried bacon toppings. And a kind of a mustard sauce that they’re happening all on this new kind of Sesame bun looks like. Looks pretty good price is pretty reasonable. Here’s the advertisement marquee poster on another window…

Of course, you’ll never hear about that, nope, not at all, not in the American news.
At the medical clinic
So anyways, I trooped out to the local clinic. The local clinic is giving away free Coronavirus packages to everybody.
It’s a nice thing to do. You get scanned, you get swabbed, and you get a nice free check up. It’s on going and there just isn’t any really long lines. You go in, and get checked.
Here’s the banner showing the “care package” that you can get with the QR scan to apply for it.

Anyways, the packages come with a bunch of free masks disposable masks. Some hand sanitizer. Seventy five percent alcohol for swapping things. Some herbal medicines that (you know Chinese herbal medicines) are helpful when you have distress and discomfort. As well as some medicines to handle harsh distress, western medicines, well (actually) made in China but western medicines and of course a sticker with a magnetic back that you can put on your refrigerator. That has a scanning barcode (A QR code). You just scan and it immediately contacts the clinic.
It’s a direct line to the clinics and hospitals in the direct and immediate area.
I would imagine that there’s probably something along these lines in the states too. Maybe at the local clinics and hospitals, there’s probably something similar, I’m sure that you’ll probably will have to pay for it. It’s the American way, don’t you know. Everything for a buck. But the USA just has to be doing this. This is what all the responsible nations are doing. Whether they are in Europe, or Russia, of Africa. Nations are trying to meet the needs of their people.
It’s how reasonable and responsible nations behave.
But you know, China has this because after all, it has been a very difficult period to go though.
The end of the year. Woo woo!
Well, it’s almost the end of the Year of the Rat; 2020. Soon it will be the year of the Bull. 2021 was one Hell of a year. I think everyone can well agree with me on that. It really sucked.
You can tell just how much it sucked, by the kinds of jokes that floated around then…
My best friend got mad at me because he caught me sniffing his sister's panties It didn't help that she was still wearing them. Or that his whole family was there. That made the rest of his sister's funeral kind of awkward. And who thought you could make the funeral for such a small child more awkward than it already was..
Indeed, if a normal year would be a large Christmas banquet, 2020 would be discarded peanut shells inside an elephant cage.

Indeed, 2020 was a hard year.
If 2020 was a drink, what kind of beverage would it be? Colonoscopy prep.
As nasty as the year was, America has it easy.
At least the rest of the world wasn’t carpet bombed with biological weapons, a non-stop anti-China propaganda campaign, and CIA-sponsored “pro-democracy” color-revolutions in their cities.
I know everything happens for a reason, but 2020? What the actual fuck!
Ah, but in China…
They. Do. Not. Play. They operate on another level entirely.
When the government went DEFCON ONE, and the militia and reserves were called up everything went harsh lock-down. And you can’t blame them actually. With an onslaught of biological weapons thrown at China from every angle they had to do something.
Do you remember hula hoops? Well if 2020 was a hula hoop you would probably need to visit the hospital after playing with it.
And so they did.
Six biological weapons aimed at grains and produce. Three targeting livestock, and even using drones to spray the viruses over the remote farms and ranches. And then finally, the grand finale, the Coronavirus COVID-19B released when China was most vulnerable on CNY. With two even worse viral agents COVID-20, and COVID-21 in an effort that really just appears to be spiteful, vengeful and (yes) desperate.
No wonder the 2020 meme’s rang true…

All things taken together most American and those outside of China know nothing of all this. To them, there is one unified pandemic. It is natural, and all nations are dealing with it the best that they can.
Though truthfully, America has handled this year the worst.
I suspect that it has to do with the leadership.
- Xi Peng felt his nation was under biological weapons attack and went DEFCON ONE. Everything that could be done was done. No chances were taken.
- Donald Trump felt that his nations was fine and that everything was going as planned. Let people get a minor sniffle and they would be forever immunized from the nasty lethal strain that attacked China, Iran, North Korea and Russia.
Psychologically, I believe that people act and behave differently during an emergency.
Have you ever been in a car crash when you were drinking. man, oh man, you sure sober up quick. I think that this is the same phenomenon here. Donald Trump didn’t treat this coronavirus; the COVID-19A as anything to be concerned about. he wanted everyone to get it. And he never thought that it would become a dangerous strain.
And so Americans had to suffer.
Some 2020 memes
It’s not just Americans mind you. But everyone.
Here’s from Australia…

The 2020 rat year hit and affected everyone. Absolutely and positively every one.
Is it safe to say that babies born in the year 2020 will be called.... ...doomers?
The year 2020 began with Australia on fire and over a billion animals dead. Little did we know then that it would be the feel good story of the year.
Back in time Stop me if you heard this joke: Jimmy magically traveled back in time hundreds and hundreds of years. He walked around the village feeling very superior to these uneducated and backward people. Saw them practicing with bows and arrows, riding horses, etc. He walked up to the men practicing with bow and arrows. “You guys are so simple. I come from the year 2020. Where I come from, we have guns.” *Guns?* “Yes, we use gun powder, which explodes. The gun powder is in a small bullet and when it gets hit hard it explodes and sends the bullet out the end of a tube so fast it can kill instantly.” *That’s amazing, can you make us this gun powder?* “Uh, no. I don’t know how. Someone smarter than me figured it out.” They shook their heads and went back to practicing. Then he walked by a girl riding a horse. He shook his head in sympathy, “Where I come from we ride around in cars.” *Cars?* “Yes, they were like your wagons, but they didn’t need horses. We poured gasoline into them, which gave it power when it burned and made the care move way faster than any horse. *Can you make me this gasoline?* “Uh, no. I don’t know how. Someone smarter than me figured it out.” *Well, how could it go so fast over the bumpy ground?* “We had long streets made of concrete which made it very smooth for miles and miles.” *Wow, can you make us this concrete?* “Uh, no. I don’t know how. Someone smarter than me figured it out.” As night fell, he walked over to a small house, lit only by candles. “Where I come from, there is light in every room, every street, we even carry light in our pocket if we need it.” *How is that possible?* “Electricity. It’s like the energy from lightning but we make it and then we store it in a battery and it powers everything in the world. “ *That’s amazing. Can you make us this electricity?* “Uh, no. I don’t know how. Someone smarter than me figured it out.” In the morning, he walked by a doctor taking care of a boy coughing. “You should cover his mouth and nose with a cloth, so you and his family don’t get sick.” *How do you know this?* “Uh, I don’t know. But someone smarter than me figured it out.” Not really a joke. Just wear a mask. Because someone smarter than you figured out it was the right thing to do.
- U.S. health officials say Americans shouldn’t wear face …
- Will Cain: Americans Will Not Wear Masks No Matter How …
- The President Of The United States Should Not Wear A Mask
Here’s a meme from England…

There’s a ton load of memes about this most crappy of years. And you can search the internet for many more examples of how everyone else thought about this year. I can say that I have good news and bad news.
I don't know what animal the year 2020 is in the Chinese calendar... ...but I'm pretty sure it has rabies
Well, 2020 was the year of the RAT.
Firstly the good news. 2020 is over, and in two weeks the Year of the Rat will end. Yay!
In the year 2020, the Lord came unto Noah, Who was now living in America and said: “Once again, the earth has become wicked and over-populated, and I see the end of all flesh before me." "Build another Ark and save 2 of every living thing along with a few good humans." He gave Noah the blueprints, saying: "You have 6 months to build the Ark before I will start the unending rain for 40 days and 40 nights." Six months later, the Lord looked down and saw Noah weeping in his yard - but no Ark."Noah!," He roared, "I'm about to start the rain! Where is the Ark?" "Forgive me, Lord," begged Noah, "but things have changed." "I needed a Building Permit." "I've been arguing with the Boat Inspector about the need for a sprinkler system." "My homeowners association claim that I've violated the Neighborhood by-laws by building the Ark in my back yard and exceeding the height limitations. We had to go to the local Planning Committee for a decision." "Then the City Council and the Electricity Company demanded a shed load of money for the future costs of moving power lines and other overhead obstructions, to clear the passage for the Ark's move to the sea. I told them that the sea would be coming to us, but they would hear none of it." "Getting the wood was another problem. There's a ban on cutting local trees in order to save the Greater Spotted Barn Owl." "I tried to convince the environmentalists that I needed the wood to save the owls - but no go!" "When I started gathering the animals, PETA took me to court. They insisted that I was confining wild animals against their will. They argued the accommodations were too restrictive and it was cruel and inhumane to put so many animals in a confined space." "Then the Environmental Protection Agency ruled that I couldn't build the Ark until they'd conducted an environmental impact study on Your proposed flood." "I'm still trying to resolve a complaint with the Human Rights Commission on how many minorities I'm supposed to hire for my building crew." "The Immigration Dept. Is checking the visa status of most of the people who want to work." "The labor unions say I can't use my sons. They insist I have to hire only union workers with ark-building experience." "To make matters worse, the IRS seized all my assets, claiming I'm trying to leave the country illegally with endangered species." "So, forgive me, Lord, but it would take at least 10 years for me to finish this ark." "Suddenly the skies cleared, the sun began to shine and a rainbow stretched across the sky." Noah looked up in wonder and asked, "You mean you're not going to destroy the world?" "No," said the Lord. " The Government beat me to it.
That was an American joke.
Now the bad news.
Certain (unnamed) nations have handled this what-ever-you-want-to-call-it outrageously poorly, and this will make containment much more difficult and harder. I anticipate that things will not get back to normal for some time. Years probably. So if you are thinking that everything is going back to normal in four to six months you can dream on. I really doubt that.

Ok, ok. I know that you just don’t want to be reminded of that nasty, nasty year.
But you all have to appreciate that the memes were on fire. I mean really. You can take a meme from America and show it to someone from South Africa or Brazil and they would end up on the floor laughing. Of course, there will be some minor cultural differences. Like no one else in the world were stupidly hoarding toilet-paper. That was just a uniquely American thing.
But for many, the American memes are quite relatable.

Or, perhaps just consider the strange and crazy things that were going on. I wonder what the history books will write. I mean, it’s been an unusually long year. Well at least it seems like it was. In fact, it seems like the year was maybe three times longer than a “regular” year.
It makes you wonder what our collective karma must have been. Right?

And of course, with everyone being locked inside their residences, the normal ways of doing things, the normal activities and the normal relationships all were turned on their heads.
Fathers who normally would be away at work “earning the money” now had to contend with six pre-school boys rampaging inside the house. And the mothers, who would enjoy a nice night out occasionally found out all about the romances that one can have at home.
2020 upended a lot of lives. That’s for certain.

The new year; 2021.
In two weeks will by CNY 2021. Already everyone is making plans for the holidays, and the directives from the local governments is “nope, stay put.” So, that’s what most of us are doing. If we did decide to travel then we would need to allocated 7+14 +7 days on top of our holiday. And all the hotel quarantine expenses will be out of our personal pockets.
So guess what?
Yup. We are staying home.

Anyways, being shut in and isolated from all the parties, KTV’s and the huge banquets is a bummer, but it at least gives me some time to read. And I do have a list don’t you know. And so, without further ado, let’s take a glimpse of some history.
We are going to find a cozy nook, and curl up with a nice book. Well, at least in our mind we will. And as we settle down with a nice tea, or mug of coffee, or glass of wine, let’s put another log on the fire and snuggle under a throw as we read about other bad years at other times.
If you’ve got a favorite pet, a cat or a dog, bring them in. Nothing is finer than spending reading time with a loved one.

I’m going to put this in my “Tales of the Little Guy” sub-Index of the SHTF Index. And yeah, it is a tale of the little guy. And while he was part of an Army that fought in the American Civil War, I cannot help but believe that his actions were very personal to him.
The following is a reprint of an article titled “Jack Hinson: A Civil War Sniper Hell Bent on Revenge” written on Apr 16, 2018 by Shahan Russell. It was found HERE, and reprinted as found with editing to fit this venue. All credit to the author.
Jack Hinson: A Civil War Sniper Hell Bent on Revenge
Apr 16, 2018 Shahan Russell

John W. “Jack” Hinson, better known as “Old Jack” to his family, was a prosperous farmer in Stewart County, Tennessee. A non-political man, he opposed secession from the Union even though he owned slaves. Friends and neighbors described him as a peaceable man, yet despite all this, he would end up going on a one-man killing spree.
Jack’s plantation was called Bubbling Springs, where he lived with his wife and ten children. When the Civil War broke out in 1861, he was fiercely determined to remain neutral.
When Union Brigadier General Ulysses S. Grant arrived in the area in February 1862, the Hinsons hosted the man at their home. The general was so pleased with the plantation that he even turned it into his temporary headquarters.
Even when one of their sons joined the Confederate Army, while another joined a militia group, Jack remained strictly neutral. They were content to manage their plantation despite the ongoing conflict.
Grant had stayed at the Hinson estate after capturing Fort Henry and Fort Donelson. In taking the last, he secured a vital gateway to the rest of the Confederacy. The Union’s victory at the Battle of Fort Donelson was also its first major one since the start of the Civil War.

His victory also meant that Union troops became a permanent fixture in the Kentucky-Tennessee border where the Hinsons lived. While the family had no problem with that, others did – and the Hinsons would pay dearly for it. In the end, so would many Union soldiers.
Since many in the region were sympathetic to the Confederacy, some turned to guerrilla tactics to deal with the better armed and trained Union soldiers. These were called bushwhackers, because they hid in the woods where they could attack Union troops before fading back into the wild.

It wasn’t just soldiers they went after, however.
There were many cases where they’d target Unionist farmers and sympathizers, as well. Still others were not so politically motivated. Some bushwhackers were bandits who took advantage of the deteriorating law-and-order situation to prey on isolated homesteads. In some cases, they even attacked entire communities.
After the fall of Fort Donelson to Union troops, guerrilla attacks on Union soldiers and their supporters increased. As a result, it became policy to torture and execute any suspected bushwhackers without a trial.
In the fall of 1862, Jack’s 22-year-old son George Hinson, and his 17-year-old brother, Jack, went deer hunting about a mile from their home as they always did. Unfortunately, they came across a Union patrol who suspected them of being bushwhackers.
The boys were tied to a tree then shot, after which their bodies were dragged back to town. There the corpses were paraded around the Dover courthouse square as an example of the Union’s zero-tolerance policy toward resistance.
The remains were then decapitated and left there, while the heads were brought to the Hinson plantation.

Before the entire family, the heads were stuck on two gate posts as an example of Union justice.
The lieutenant in charge wanted to arrest the Hinsons for their relationship to the two alleged bushwhackers but was informed about Grant’s stay on the property. He was also told that the major general would not take kindly to any mistreatment of the surviving Hinsons, so they were left alone.
That was the lieutenant’s second mistake of the day.
Of Scottish-Irish descent, Jack could not let the murders of his sons go unpunished. He buried his children’s remains, then sent the rest of his family and slaves to West Tennessee to stay with relatives.
He then commissioned a special 0.50 caliber rifle with a percussion-cap muzzle-loader. Besides its lack of decorative brass ornamentation, this rifle was also unique because it had a 41” long octagonal barrel that weighed 17 pounds. The length of the barrel ensured that he could accurately hit targets from half a mile away.
As to the octagonal shape, it was based on the Whitworth Rifle. With its hexagonal barrel, it could shoot farther (2,000 yards) and more accurately than the Pattern 1853 Enfield (1,400 yards) with its traditional round rifled barrel.
Moving into a cave above the Tennessee River, Jack became a bushwhacker at the age of 57.

His first target was the lieutenant who ordered his sons shot and beheaded. The man was killed as he rode in front of his column.
The second target was the soldier who placed the heads on the gateposts.
It didn’t take the Union long to connect the dots, so they burned down the abandoned Hinson plantation.

The Tennessee and Cumberland rivers were major transport hubs, so he frequented both. From his higher vantage points, he targeted Union boats, picking off captains and officers, as well as disrupting the flow of river traffic.
The most spectacular story of his sniping career was when an entire boat of Union soldiers surrendered to him.
After Jack fired on the boat, the captain thought he was being attacked by Confederate soldiers. To avoid further bloodshed, the captain beached his boat, raised a white tablecloth, and waited to be captured. But Jack couldn’t possibly handle them all, so he retreated and let them wait.

Though he remained apolitical, he began helping the Confederate Army. In November 1864, for example, he guided Lieutenant General Nathan Bedford Forrest to Johnsonville to attack its Union supply center.
Jack died on 28 April 1874 and lies buried in the family plot in Cane Creek Cemetery.
With help from the locals and by constantly staying on the move, he avoided capture despite the massive manhunt for him. His family was not so lucky, however. Two of his younger children had died of disease, while the son who joined the army also died, as did another during a guerrilla raid.
Jack survived the war and cut 36 circles in the barrel of his rifle to mark the number of Union officers he killed. Union records, however, blame him for over 130 kills – though it’s believed that he may have killed “only” a little more than 100.
Kyle Reese: Listen. Understand. That Terminator is out there. It can't be reasoned with, it can't be bargained doesn't feel pity of remorse or fear...and it absolutely will not stop.Ever. Until you are dead.
Some thoughts on this.
He tried to stay neutral. He tried to stay out of the fight. He tried to make peace. But trying to pretend that the political changes that whirl around you doesn’t affect you is a losing proposition. You are just as likely as not to be caught up in the whirlwind.
And you don’t want that.
You need to be completely aware of everything that is going on around you.

And you need to realize that during difficult time you must act and behave differently than you did during peaceful times.
2020 was a crap year. But was it any different in stress than what occurred 150 years ago? Maybe you aren’t watching long columns of men march down the dirt streets, or cheer on your brave men folk… but during times of upheaval it’s difficult to recognize exactly what is going on.
Who’s to say that America, or the rest of the world, isn’t going though the beginnings of stark and drastic societal change? Who’s to say?
No two wars are alike. Stop pretending that they are.
Everything, absolutely everything is personal. It is visceral and affects our own, our own reality. And just as society has advanced with bar codes, cell phones, internet, High Speed Trains, and ranch dressing in single-use packs, so has war and conflict advanced.
What you see today could very well be the start of a long, long period of long-drawn-out change.
What ever you do, learn as best as you can from the past. No matter how far away and seemingly distant to you.
Make the best with what you have.
Enjoy life.
Take care.

And about the end of 2020 and into 2021
The meme’s just keep a rolling along.

And let’s not forget how everyone else celebrated the end of 2020. Does this remind you of yourself?

Ah, but you know that the government really cares about you. Why most other nations gave monthly and by-weekly stimulus checks to their citizenry all year. From January through December of 2020. For most people in Europe, Australia and some nations in South America it was as if there wasn’t a pandemic at all. You still got your checks and you still kept your house.
But “exceptional” America, of course, did the same. Well, sort of…

Ah, but we really can’t get too down on America. The government needs that money, don’t you know. If that multi-trillion dollar amount was divided equally by the number of Americans, each and every American (including children) would get hundreds of thousands of dollars. But that would (of course) take away from the real purpose of government…
…to protect it’s people and make sure that they are living life and the “pursuit of happiness.”

Now, if you are a fine MM reader, then you know that you can alter your reality and make your life better. Or at least certainly better than your peers.

MetallicMan Bonus
For those of you that are conducting Affirmation Prayer campaigns, I would suggest you incorporate this affirmation…
- The year 2021 is a very lucky, prosperous, and wonderful year for me, and my family, as well as my business, career and income stream.
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