When the world is a changing we must recognize that the patterns stay the same

Our world is changing.

The key actors in this genuine reality show have communicated both orally and in writing, and their nations have physically acted; yet, so few seem to be watching, listening or seeing. 

Very little from Xi or Putin is kept secret aside from the usual military and trade secrets, although there is the language barrier. 

The obfuscation from the West is very clear to see. 

It appears they think that by staying silent their dominant position that only exists in their minds can be kept in place, which is doubly true for the Outlaw US Empire. 

Chronic prevaricators do have a problem when they try to dismiss yesterday's lies to replace them with today's as honest actors will hold them to their word. 

And that's precisely the aim of Russia's security proposals--Russia is calling out the West's longstanding series of lies and deliberate misinterpretations. 

China for its part is doing something similar, although its context differs. 

Xi announced China's intentions before Biden became POTUS--to force the Outlaw US Empire to become a law-abiding, "normal," nation--and bonded with Russia and other like-minded nations into an organization that more than signaled their intent--at least to those of us watching. 

As noted by numerous observers from both sides, direct warfare between the Outlaw US Empire and either or both Russia and China is highly unlikely for the Empire will suffer greatly, a truth known by at least some of those running the Empire into the ground.

Unfortunately, there's an impression that the 189 other nations on the planet aren't watching. 

Well, we know that most of the NATO/EU/OSCE nations are watching and directly involved, but so too are the world's remaining nations. 

And the vast majority back Russia and China because they're voicing their desires for a Law-based International Order centered on the UN, its Charter and other aspects of International Law. 

Too bad a poll isn't taken of those nations to see how many agree with the Joint Statement and its Manifesto; but based on related UNGA votes, the vast majority would say Yes, we agree.

Although the context is wrong, the Outlaw US Empire is acting very much like Icarus and will succumb to its hubris as did Icarus. 

That the Neoliberal Parasites actually in charge of the Outlaw US Empire seek to keep their place and power doesn't mean that they will. 

But for the Empire to become a normal nation for the first time in its history will require their overthrow and replacement by a far more humane, human, democratic, and enlightened polity than what currently exists. 

That may seem like a tall order, but many millions within the Empire crave such a change, and they have most of the world willing to aid that transformation.

-karlof1 | Feb 9 2022 0:54 utc

Our world is changing

It is on all levels, and while I mostly chat about Geo-Political issues and MAJestic, we have to realize that decay and collapse of America, or the rise of China, or the advances in Africa all consist of other shattering changes.

Consider this article from the Burning Platform…

The Terror

Guest Post by NickelthroweR

I was taking a break from cutting firewood and I sat down at my computer to see if anyone had responded to my post over at r/antiwork.  I’m not a popular guy over at r/antiwork and my comments usually get downvoted into the negative.  But, this was my first ever post over at the site and I was curious as to what the 4 or 5 commenters would have to say about what I had written but it wasn’t 4 or 5 commenters.  I looked at the numbers in disbelief and then I looked again and that was when I felt the first twinge of terror.

For those of you that do not know, r/antiwork is a forum populated by fierce/brave Communists that wish to destroy Capitalism so that they can all receive UBI so that they can focus on being Influencers, Podcasters and YouTubers.  After all, they did figure out that work is difficult, and they most certainly want to share that philosophy with everyone so as to justify their lifetime free ride of goods and services that are OWED to them.

A popular topic over at r/antiwork is the job interview process.  I understand the frustration of interviewing in a bureaucratic hyper-regulated system can cause a lot of anger but the corporation has boxes that it must check in the hiring process or be sued into oblivion.  You’ve got to interview every single minority group, the alphabet people, radical feminists, etc, even if you’ve already decided on promoting someone in-house.  That doesn’t matter, HR still has to pretend as the bureauracy demands that it go through the motions.  The Maoists over at r/antiwork do not understand that it is their own woke idealogy causing these problems but to them, it just looks like malice from an evil corporation.

By the way, if you were to take the advice given by these philosophers over at r/antiwork then you’d most certainly go to your next interview in your pajamas, make fantastical wage demands, dictate the terms of your employment to HR, and end the interview by dropping your pants and crapping all over the nearest desk.  That, more or less, sums up the advice you receive from the geniuses over at that forum.

As for myself, I’m really just a lurker over at that forum as I sit there gobsmacked by what these people that didn’t get a chair when the music stopped have to say and whom they blame for their misfortunes.  When I do chime in, it is to remind everyone that the solution to their problem is to open their own business.  After all, genius-philosopher-influencers should have no problem opening their own businesses, right?  I mean, if you don’t like that people receive low pay then open your own business and pay your employees more while still remaining competitive.  Should be easy, right?  If you don’t like government regulations then open your own business and ignore those regulations.  Should be easy, right?

Those comments of mine are universally downvoted because opening your own business would make you a Capitalist and you’d have to take on a whole bunch of responsibility.  Genius-philosopher-influencers don’t have time for any of that, dontcha know?  The Revolution is Today!  Get on board!

The other area where I like to chime in has to do with censorship.  For some strange reason, these guys are 100% on board with censorship.  It is funny to hear them repeat the talking points of corporate media that a private business “can do what it wants” with regards to censorship and if a bank, GFM, VISA, wants to cancel a customer because of their politics then that is fine too.  They are also 100% on board with masks and having the corporation dictate medical procedures for its workers because a private business can do what it wants.

When I remind these guys that cheerleading that a business can do whatever it wants also means that the business can pay you whatever it wants and treat you however they please.  You can’t have it both ways.  Naturally, those comments get down-voted too.  See, a corporation powerful enough to cancel the president must shut up and immediately allow its workforce to unionize while providing everyone a starting pay of $25/hr plus endless benefits!  Is this an amazing fantasy world or what?

I find all of this fascinating because my daughter is a manager at a progressive woke grocery store.  She has 4 unique generations working at her store and it is interesting to see how the different generations (and classes) function in a modern work environment.  Her store was able to retain its staff during the lockdowns and isn’t having any problems filling the occasional open position.  How progressive woke grocery store did this is very insightful and was the subject of my post over at r/antiwork.

According to my daughter, the ideal person to hire in 2022 is an attractive 17-year-old girl that lives at home with her wealthy parents.  That is the person you want to hire.  I asked her why and I’ve got to say that I was surprised by the corporate insight.

        1. Young wealthy people are on their parents insurance. You can work them more than 29 hours a week without having to provide them with those expensive benefits.
        2. Young wealthy people drive newer better-maintained cars than poor people. Poor people call off work when their cars break down.
        3. People with lots of student loan debt seem to be sick all of the time. Stress is the #1 killer and people with lots of debt are depressed and call off sick more than people without those debts.
        4. Attractive people are seen as smarter and more competent than their less attractive counterparts. Customers are less likely to “freak out” on an attractive person. (Halo effect)
        5. Attractive people like to be seen and are more likely to view work as a social event.
        6. Wealthy attractive 17-year-old girls tend to not be single mothers. Consequently, they are easier to schedule and do not call off of work when the child is ill.

In the same way that a bank will only loan you money if you do not need it, progressive woke grocery store will only hire you if you do not need the money.  They simply do not want the drama that someone that needs a job brings to the table.  I would have thought it would be the complete opposite.  I was wrong.

Think of the advantage this gives to the teenager?  They can live at home without rent, car payment, insurance payment, and just sock away the majority of their earnings.  In a few short years, they can pay for their own schooling, travel the world, or open their own business.  It puts them light years ahead of the 27-year-old guy that is a few pounds overweight and has $60,000 in student loan debt for a useless degree.  That guy or gal is locked in a cage that they themselves built and may never exit.

I decided to share all of this with the r/antiwork crowd because they erroneously believe that they have Corporate America on the ropes and if just a few more of them would quit their jobs then Corporate America will give in to their demands and strip the CEO’s of all of their wealth so as to give it all to the genius-philosopher-influencers over at r/antiwork.  Utopia achieved!

So, I wrote about the conversation I had with my daughter and offered some advice to those on the site that actually need jobs.  I advised them to rent or borrow a new/newer car for their interviews.  I advised them to look as youthful as possible.  I suggested to them that if they had debts then to not broadcast that fact.  “Don’t look desperate” was the point I was trying to get across.  Then I went outside to chop some firewood.

When I next returned to have a look at what was going on, I noticed that 1300 other people were currently reading what I had written.  On top of that, 322,000 people had read it in the last two hours, and the post had been shared 476 times.  The post itself had almost 1000 comments, an 89% upvote rate and there were 306 private messages in my inbox.  Like it or not, this was going to go viral.

“89% of the people approve of what I have to say so let’s read those comments”, I said to myself.  Well, that was a mistake.  The comment section was 90% negative with people telling me that I was a horrible person that raised a horrible daughter.  Other threads within the comment section were of people working out who I was and who my daughter was so that a campaign could be put together to get her fired and me canceled.  But the comment section was tame compared to what I received in the private messages.

The private messages were nearly all threats to my life.  Threats to have me “swatted”.  Threats to have me poisoned.  Threats to reveal my identity and location.  Pretty much any threat you can imagine was leveled at me for having dared explain how a corporation thinks.  I read all of this for about 15 minutes and decided that I had kicked a hornets’ nest.  These people could go after me, my business partner, my daughter, and my associates.

It was at this point that I felt The Terror.

I’m not weak at the knees and I certainly enjoy a good debate.  Furthermore, I can defend myself against the occasional belligerent individual but how do you defend yourself from hundreds, perhaps soon to be thousands of hysterical Maoists?  Like it or not, I was going to have to ride this wave to its conclusion.

Having decided that fretting about the post was not going to make it better, I got busy preparing my home for any unwelcome guests to include news outlets.  After all, r/antiwork had just been featured on Fox News where one of its moderators made a complete fool of himself.  Perhaps there were more fools to put on the air?

I waited a full 4 hours before I returned to the post and just as I returned to the webpage, my DM’s began going off with people wanting to know why I had deleted my post just that moment.  I scrolled past 700 or so death threats to see a message from a moderator telling me that my post was removed because I used “derogatory language”.  Of course, I hadn’t used any derogatory language but I was actually relieved that the post was censored.  I must admit that I am curious as to what the final read tally was but that is a question that I’ll never have answered and I’m okay with it.

I am forever banned from posting or responding to posts over at r/antiwork.  Pointing out to the Communists that the hostage situation they believe exists isn’t real didn’t win me any friends.  Explaining how to navigate that world only made them angrier.  These guys are disgusted by the inhumanity of being a cog in the machine but see no other solution than UBI.  They will happily give up all of their freedoms so long as they never have to work past that of sharing their genius philosophy to the rest of us.

Yes. Our world is changing…

The article is part of a series of articles that will try to address the changes that the Earth is going though. It’s not just Geo-political issues, but it’s the entire nature of the various societies that exist on the earth. They all must change, as that is the ONLY way to break up many of the control mechanisms of the “Old Empire” on this Prison Planet of a fiasco.

Don’t understand?

Well, it’s about fifty principles that have to be explained in detail before you can understand it. Relax. I covered them elsewhere. And don’t get too caught up in the details. Just go with the flow and try to catch up. You can back-fill knowledge later on.

Fundamentally, there is a new changing of power structures going on (upon the globe) right NOW.

It’s easy to be afraid. That’s how the tired and old power structures manipulate. They generate fear and force you to obey, using herding techniques to achieve their goals.

Don’t be afraid.

Here we are going to discuss how change is normal and nothing to be fearful of. Not at all. In fact, change is desirable, or do you still want to be the ungainly awkward kid you were when you were pre-adolescent?

Consider the 1940’s

Women were women. Men were men. Dogs were dogs, and cats were cats. Additionally, there were several other classifications such as babies, and old men. The fashions were different, but that only added to the charm of that time.

Here’s some “bathing beauties” wearing colorful swimming attire, and showing off their fine legs. You will note that the women all curled their hair as was the fashion back then, and hid their belly buttons. Unlike Europe, America women were afraid to show off their chests and kept them covered.

Bathing beauties in vivid Kodachrome, 1944.

Was it a good time? Was it a bad time?

Well, I would argue that it depended on who you were and where you lived. Most certainly, those in Europe, Russia and in China had a rough row. But most people who lived inside the United States, Switzerland, and Canada really had a nice time of it there.

Certainly, if you were a man living in the United States during the war period, you had an easier time picking and choosing between women to date. The war tended to thin out the available male population, and it became a “target rich” environment for meeting and spending time with pretty and attractive women.

Or perhaps Algeria in the 1890s

Still, without cell-phones, cars, television, people seemed to get along just fine. People met, ate, talked, and had friends. Women were colorful and attractive, as these three women can well attest to. People gathered together and shared in delightful conversation. Sometimes over tea. Sometimes over coffee. But in all cases, the point was a sense of community and belonging.

Women in Algeria, 1899

I suppose we could continue to go backwards in time. Maybe to the Roman Empire, or to the Ancient Incas, or earlier. In each selected year, we would find that many things were different, but we would also find that many things stayed the same.

The difference in novelty is charming. It is nothing to fear.

Consider the 1970s

Below is a mechanical contraption that my grandmother had.  It is a simple index machine that would allow you to place all the phone numbers of all your friends, family and business contacts in one place. You would simply write their phone numbers down so that you wouldn’t need to memorize them.

One of these right next to your phone.

Obviously, you don’t need this here today. Your phone and chat applications all provide this service automatically. In China, it’s for free, but in the United States it’s rolled into the “phone service plan” that you must purchase to use the phone.

Again, technology is different, but is it something to be fearful of? No. Of course not. It’s just different, and we all adjust to doing things differently. That’s all.

Attractive Flower Seller, 1960s

Back in the 1960s, and even up into the late 1980s, flower companies would hire young attractive girls to sell flowers on the street corners. It was common, and I’m sure that they were able to make a few sales every day.

You don’t see that today, but is that bad? Or is it good?

It’s neither. It’s just different. Personally, I like the idea of an attractive girl making some extra money selling things. But that’s just me. Though, if I were this girl, I would be wearing sandals and sitting near a big shady umbrella, with a bottle of water nearby.

Pretty girl selling flowers on the roadside, Oklahoma, 1973.

I like her cropped shirt, short jean shorts, and wide leather belt.  She was a child of the 1960s, and I’m sure that she ended up living a fine and interesting life though the 1970s.

Throughout society, at every instance in time, you will see groups of people. All individuals. That seemingly coexisted with each other.

Businessmen drove their big black Lincoln’s by her, and families with their children screaming in their Pontiac sedan drove by and honked (perhaps). Was it good or bad? Neither. It was just fine and dandy for the time.

Consider Europe in the 1970s

In the picture below, we see an attractive woman in a Bistro or Brasserie. She’s braless, and wearing a nice transparent top. She’s holding a small purse with one hand while her companion, and the people behind her, all smoke their cigarettes.

It’s a scene that you will not see at all in modern contemporaneous Europe, but is that bad? Is it good?

Europe in the 1970s.

Some might argue that it is better now, while others argue the opposite. But what does it really matter? Is it something to fear, to get worried about, or to hate? No. Don’t be silly.

It was a different time, and a different place.

And there is nothing at all to be afraid about. Were you all to get into a time machine and travel back in time, I’m very confident that all of you reading this would be very comfortable and would adapt quite comfortably to the environment that presents itself.

America 1961

Let’s go back to America.

Did you realize that for many years after the 1960s, convertible top automobiles nearly disappeared from the American roads? The story as to why is certainly an interesting subject, but we will not delve into them right now, instead we will consider the idea of enjoying life in a convertible with a swivel seat.

Now, it is something to be fearful of?

No. Not at all. It’s something to be concerned about, maybe to be upset or joyful over (depending on your point of view), but it’s not something to be afraid of.

A woman experiences heaven in the 1961 Buick “Flamingo” equipped with a rotating front seat.

In the following pictures, we will take a moment to observe snapshots of life at different time periods in history. At every instance, you will take note that while they might be novel and different from what you (the reader) are experiencing now, they are not anything to be fearful of.

And with that thought realize that CHANGE is nothing to be afraid of, but rather something to embrace.

It is something to look forward to. It’s like always eating McDonald’s cheeseburgers for dinner and then switching to fresh, tasty steaks. It’s a change, and a good one.

Snapshots of life

In the 1970s we used to cruse up and down the roads. Young couples would cuddle in the front seat, and often hold each other while listening to music.

I wonder what those two are up to?

An individual is defined by his/her habits – habitual way of seeing the world, habitual way of making decisions and habitual way of doing things. Habits make it easy to function because they are default ways of operating.

We are programmed by our habits.

This is why it is difficult to change a habit. Habits tend to be replaced by other habits and not eliminated in a vacuum. The aim of positive change is to replace an unproductive or destructive habit with a good one.

And isn’t that what is going on now?

We are hopeful for the future, but fearful that things could go terribly wrong.

But if you are a child, you don’t now enough about life to be afraid of anything. So you are more accepting of things as they manifest.

Kids would be kids. Some would be fashionable. Others would be jokers. Still others would be beautiful. In all cases, they duplicated the behaviors of those whom they respected. Which was, more often than not, their parents.

Young boys strike a pose for the camera, Jamaica.

Change doesn’t just happen. Humans (habits) and organisations (cultures) by nature resist change because it is uncomfortable.

Therefore, the need to change has to be triggered for it to happen.

Something has to inspire or provoke the motivation to change. A trigger can be new information or pain/setback/loss or a pleasurable incentive/gain etc.

Consider what it was like when you were in your teenage years.

The lit up restaurants acted as lighthouses and beacons for a youth that had nowhere to go. There, they would socialize, eat cheap food, and smoke all free from the view and influences of their parents, or authorities.

A burger plate for under a dollar sounds good to me.

Let’s face it: adapting to change is hard work. For this reason, it’s not surprising that most people remain stuck in a state of fear for weeks, months, years, and sometimes their entire lives.

The danger of this is something known as the contemplation stage.

This is where a person thinks about the fact that things are changing all around them, but fails to act on their thoughts and intentions.

They acknowledge there’s somethings worth changing, but they’re unsure if it’s going to be worth all the effort and perceived costs. And this is clouded by the natural revision to change; the build up of fear.

In other words, there’s a part of them that wants to accept the changes, but there’s another part of them that doesn’t.

Simply put, Contemplation is when a person is ambivalent about change.

But I have to tell youse all, change is coming whether you accept it or not. It’s a natural part of life.

In the Mediterranean, people would sun themselves and get a fine dose of much-needed vitamin D. Unlike America, going top-less was quite common and not a big deal at all. As still is the case in many places of the world.

Girls getting some warm sun on the beach in Southern France in the 1970’s.

Don’t ignore change and wait for things to return to “normal:” When change happens, it’s natural to hope initially that things will return to the way they were. But if the world really has changed, the longer you entertain that false hope, the more difficult it will be for you to move forward again. This is not how to handle change.

Fashion changes, hairstyles change. Chairs, tables and “blackboards” change. However, who we are and how we inherit our biological interests and other features extrated from society are not. A playful boy in 1970 would often resemble a playful boy from Ancient Rome.

Change should never be feared.

School was different back in the ’70s. Students focussed on the basics.. reading, writing, and mathematics. They also learned how to write longhand, and some of them took great pride in their “penmanship”.

Don’t try to bring back the past: Sometimes people react to change by working harder in the hope they can stem the tide of change. But that approach is futile. What used to work may no longer work in the new situation.

Whether you cruse the “drag” in a camper smoking (illegal) marijuana cigarettes, or drink whiskey and smoke in a refurbished and re-engined classic car is immaterial. You enjoy the culture that you are part of and embrace it for all the lustful sensory expressions that you can acquire.

It’s nothing to be fearful about.

Cruising the strip.

Don’t complain about the unfairness of it all: When change impacts you, it’s easy to get hung up on the “unfairness” of having your work or home life disrupted. But if you get stuck on that thought, you’ll end up hurting yourself. Fair or unfair, the change has happened. Now you have to learn how to handle change.

Young co-ed eating in the school caferteria. She’s very fashionable with the plad skirt, a big collared top and a long bright orange sweater vest. She’s such a child of the 1970s. She might appear odd and strange to us today, as she seems so thin, and without “booty”, but it was a different time, and in those days no one was injecting food with growth hormones, or eating GMO food.

Back in the ’70s, the personal computer was still very much in the realm of science fiction.. hand held calculators became available in the mid ’70s, but they were expensive, and few kids had them. For the most part, students learned through listening to the teacher.. by doing their homework in notebooks, reading “real” books..

Don’t refuse to adapt: Resisting inevitable change might feel satisfying for a brief period, but staying static in the face of change could eventually lead to extinction.

Attractive men. Part of the college tug-of-war team.  While they sought to work out college differeces in sports thir President and Senators preferred hot wars. And that is what happened. Often, we are manipulated by others through fear, and it could be fatal and dangerous to us. Fear is a primitive base reaction mechanism. Domn’t allow others to generate the fear within you. It’s unhealthy.

The Bowdoin College Tug of War Team, 1891.

Be prepared for change: Pay attention to signs of change in your environment, whether it’s layoffs at your workplace, new aches and pains, or strains in your home life. Consider how potential changes could affect you and develop a plan for how to handle change — for instance, by learning new skills.

A mere few decades ago, drinking wine and smoking cigarettes was as normal as eating ice cream. But others, in their quest to make the world a better place by forcing others to obey their idea of a utopia changed all that. Fear, and manipulation to achieve goals and objectives is commonplace in most Western govnerments today.

Princess Yvonne and Prince Alexander party like rockstars, Germany, 1955.

Let go of the past: When things change, move forward quickly. The longer you wait, the more resistance you build to moving, and the harder it’ll be to adapt later and learn how to handle change.

Typing class in High School. When I took the class, I did so for fun. I had no idea that eventually I would end up using that skill in using a computer keyboard. In any event the class looked a lot like this. I was eventually able to pass a typing speed of 60 WPM.

Typing class.

Adapt—Be open-minded to new things: There are always experiences and opportunities available beyond those you are currently familiar with. You might like them even more than what you used to have.

This is the kind of kitchen table that was popular throughout the 1950s and early 1960s. My parents had one, as did my uncles and aunties. Eventually it was displaced and replaced. (My grandparents all had real hardwood tables with hardwood chairs.) These vinyl cushioned, metal pieces of magnificence, tended to last forever, and you can still find them in great condition in remote tucked away used furniture stores.

1950’s kitchen table.

Imagine success: Envisioning what success looks like, and imagining yourself succeeding, can improve your attitude. When you think about what you will gain, rather than what you are losing, you realize change can be for the better. This is an important step in how to handle change.

Everyone had an afgan. I had a red, white and blue one crocheted by my paternal grandmother. It was a gaudy color and pattern, but as a child of the 1970’s I accepted it as a very cool and groovy item for my bed.

1970’s quilt.

Handle your fears: Fear can have one of two effects:  1) It can paralyze you, if you imagine all that can go wrong if you leave your familiar ground, or 2) it can spur you into action if you fear that things will get worse if you don’t do something. The second fear is productive and healthy.

Saturday Night Live was intensely popular during the 1970s. And all of us enjoyed the humor and antics of the crew there. To this day, many of the skits and humor still resonate in this topsy-turvy world that we live in.

The Saturday Night Live original cast, 1975.

Learn to enjoy change: New experiences, discoveries, and achievements are rewarding, usually more so than continuing to do the same things. This is a key perspective in learning how to handle change.

This was the most commonly used item in my parents bathroom. As I grew up, they would let me play and play and play. All alone and unsupervised, and of course I would fall, get skinned knees, cuts and bruses. And of course, they would apply this red stain of mercurochrome to it. Honestly I don’t know how we could live without it.

During the 1960’s every home had this.

Be prepared for continuous change: Change is a natural part of life. Change should only be a surprise if you aren’t paying attention, or if you’re operating on erroneous assumptions — for instance, that you’re entitled to having things a certain way.

In those days, the girls would wear comfiortable halters, and show their navels. It was no big deal, but it horrified our parents. The gals would spend hours curling their hair with these rollers or a curling iron, and then go about applying their makeup. Guys, on the other hand, just picked up the cleanest shirt off the floor and went out the door.

A nice couple.

Change is like waiting for a shot at the doctor’s office.

Frustratingly, we sit with anticipatory anxiety about what is next.

Anticipatory anxiety is like brain-freeze without the pleasure of eating heaping spoonfuls of Haagen Dazs or downing an icy margarita first.

We can’t think, all we can do is sit and wait for the gripping feeling to pass. Under that icy cap of our minds, we imagine that life after (insert your specific change here) will be wholly different, wholly unfamiliar, and that we will be wholly unprepared for those unknown challenges.

Why do we sit with anticipatory anxiety about what’s next?

Well, since we have no actual data on how the change will be— given that it hasn’t happened yet— we do what we can to bide the time.

Is there a better way than to be the deer in the headlights in suspended animation as we close the page on one chapter on our lives and haven’t yet penned the new one?

In the 1960s, the girls almost uniformly wore colorful dresses, often showing off their nice legs, while guys (if they were truly fashionable) wore plad slacks and a gold chain. Here’s a scene from some kind of school event.

Very fashionable.

Why don’t you feel good yet, even if it’s a good change?

Because you haven’t located yourself yet in your new context. You are literally in transition.

Think of transition as a place in and of itself.

You’re not totally lost and disoriented, you’re merely between contexts.

The change you’ve experienced— whether it is the higher price for a cup of coffee, a new relationship, or a change in the Geo-political alignments is abrupt— our adjustment, on the other hand, takes longer.

Regardless of the specifics, transitions have roughly three predictable stages: know which one you’re in: that in and of itself will curtail the feeling of disorientation.

Stage One: Resisting/Reacting: Characterized by doubt and discomfort as you are actively objecting and negatively comparing your new situation to your old. You’re not looking, you’re judging and it doesn’t look good.

Stage Two: Adjusting/Exploring: Characterized by doing more than feeling: You’re gathering information on how to make this work, making choices, making connections, asking questions, digging in.

Stage Three: Living Well in the New Old or the Old New: This is the stage you don’t notice because, it doesn’t feel like a stage. You’ve arrived at your new destination. You’re accepting and incorporating the new so much, you wouldn’t have it any other way: the new is the (new) old.

Would it be more efficient to just skip to that final conclusion?

Sure, but we just don’t work that way.

But by understanding how change works, you won’t mistakenly, when you are in the early stages, take your discomfort as a sign of trouble or a wrong move, you’ll simply say— “Oh right, this is just how change is supposed to feel right now.”

Oh sure, the houses might have changed and the traffic might be quite different down town, but people are still people. We love, we hate, we work, we have families and we eat. Whether one nation rules, or anotherone does, those things nver change. And you can get all upset about “democracy” or “communism”, or whatever, but honestly, whay are you so worked up about it?

Is it because you are being manipulated to be upset?

A spectacular photo from the past.

How quickly will we move through these stages? Individual results may vary, but perhaps the wisdom of the charming, The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel will help us hang in beyond our many, “are we there yet?” concerns: “Everything will be alright in the end.

So, if it is not alright, it is not yet the end.”

It all comes back to the swimming pool analogy: when you first get into a pool, it doesn’t feel good. It feels cold.

You question briefly should I get out, or why did I get in, but then, anticipating what’s ahead—the refreshing feeling of floating weightlessly in water—you hang in and are greatly rewarded.

It feels good!


Did someone change the water, warm it up?

No, we adjusted.

So with change, we must be willing to feel that initial discomfort, ride it out and trust that we’ll adjust.

This is not a painting. It is a photograph. I can almost smell the spices, the grilled chicken and the hot dusty sun on my skin.

Inspiration for Orientalism in art no doubt.

Don’t Expect to Feel Fantastic at First: Expect the Opposite

You didn’t want to start kindergarten, then you didn’t want to leave elementary school, or middle school, you don’t want to start college—then it was the best time of your life and so on. So it is for adults. If you only think ahead on the unknown, you forget that you are a master at transitions. But even masters have to pay the piper. The way to be gracious (and cut down on your anguish) is not to expect that you’ll have a seamless process, but actually expect the opposite. If you expect discomfort, like slowing down slightly before a familiar bump in the road, it won’t send you flying when you hit it.

This was a staple in the 1970s. There wasn’t a person alive who didn’t know how to fill the coffee pot, and set it percolating.  This is almost an identical replica of what I grew up with and what was abandoned at a yard sale when my mother’s estate was sold off. It was marked for five sents, and still no one bought it.

The tool to make coffee at home.

Fast Forward to the End and Put a Time Frame on the Adjustment

How do you think things will really turn out? Counter your anxious predictions with the facts. And while you’re at it, estimate how long you think it will take to settle into the new routine—a week? a month? a few? Even if your estimate is off, just being able to foresee the end of the adjustment curve suggests that this is possible (and likely).

This was from a time when there were only so many piers available. That was truly long ago. But, you know, with one subtraction of what we are used to living with, comes other advantages that we never consider.

Disembarking passengers.

Don’t Forget to Add Yourself to the Equation

You may feel powerless against change, but you’re in the picture too. How did all those previous changes get worked through?

You can be sure that in change in your own life,  that you had something (a lot) to do with that. All the tools and experience that you bring to the situation are there for you.

Sometimes, and periodically, the social norms are turned on their head and the children rebel. Maybe they become “Beatnicks”, or “Groovy Love Children”, or perhaps somthing else. It’s easy to fear the change. But it’s only temporary and sooner or later the things that are painful, hurtful or dangerous are discarded and a new reality manifests.

A gang of young and vivacious girls, 1930.

What Changes, What Doesn’t?

We may think when we start anything new; a new job, relationship, or school year that everything is new and that we not only have to reinvent the wheel, but the whole shebang.

This will especially be true with massive Geo-political changes on the horizon.

Focus on the things that are really changing and enjoy or take stock of what is already in good working order in your life. Appreciating what doesn’t need your attention may give you more energy to face head-on what does.

Whether it is a school caferteria serving a balanced meal int he 1960s with meats, potatoes, gravy, breads and salads or a Michelle Obama meal of chicken nuggets and ketchup, it really doesn’t matter. You deal with the circumstances as they are presented to you. You confront them as they are, and not as you want them to be. You should never be afraid of change.

American cafeteria in the 1970’s.

Don’t Think, Do, and “Do Small”

How do you feel about the transition? Chances are that if you wait for the motivation to feel better—“I’ll start doing x, once y is over”— y doesn’t come.

Motivation follows behavior.

As we see ourselves doing things; acting within change, or adapting to it, we feel more confident that we can.

So don’t just sit there, do something, but do something small.

Take the big goal: what ever it takes and then just take it one call, one cup of coffee, one hello at a time. Build up from there.

Here’s two very fashionable couples in a major American city. maybe New York, but it could easily have been Pittsburgh or Portland. Those gals really had full heads of hair didn’t they? Wow! Stunning, and the guys, they are sporting wide brimmed hats. Really very awesome.

Two foxxy couples in Harlem, New York, 1970s.

[1] Humor

Change is an unavoidable constant in our work lives. Sometimes it’s within our control, but most often it’s not. Our jobs or roles change — and not always for the better. Our organizations undergo reorgs and revamp their strategies, and we need to adjust.

Fortunately, there are ways to adapt to change, and even to take advantage of it.

Find the humor in the situation. Trying to find a funny moment during an otherwise unfunny situation can be a fantastic way to create the levity needed to see a vexing problem from a new perspective. It can help others feel better as well.

This is called “hanging out”. Directionless, with no activities to occupy their time, and no social venues to participate in, the children of America roamed the streets looking for love, and adventure. But often enough just simply got into embarrassing situations and trouble instead.

In the day.

Pioneering humor researcher Rod A. Martin, who has studied the effects of different styles of humor, has found that witty banter, or “affiliative humor,” can lighten the mood and improve social interaction. Just make sure it’s inclusive and respectful.

A good rule of thumb is that other people’s strife is no laughing matter, but your own struggles can be a source of comedic gold.

[2] Be careful about vocalizations

Don’t do it. Don’t say bad or negative things. They act as affirmations.

And that is something you do not want to manifest.

One of the most common myths of coping with unwanted changes is the idea that we can “work through” our anger, fears, and frustrations by talking about them a lot. This isn’t always the case. In fact, research shows that actively and repeatedly broadcasting negative emotions hinders our natural adaptation processes.

That’s not to say you should just “suck it up” or ignore your troubles. Instead, call out your anxiety or your anger at the outset of a disorienting change so that you are aware of how it might distort your thinking or disrupt your relationships. Then look for practical advice about what to do next. By doing so, you’ll zero in on the problems you can solve, instead of lamenting the ones you can’t.

Typical high school in the 1970’s.

[3] Stress

Don’t stress out about stressing out. Our beliefs about stress matter. As Stanford psychologist Kelly McGonigal argues in The Upside of Stress, your reaction to stress has a greater impact on your health and success than the stress itself.

If you believe stress kills you, it will.

If you believe stress is trying to carry you over a big obstacle or through a challenging situation, you’ll become more resilient and may even live longer.

When you start to feel stressed, ask yourself what your stress is trying to help you accomplish.

Is stress trying to help you excel at an important task, like a sales presentation or a big interview? Is it trying to help you endure a period of tough market conditions or a temporary shift in your organizational structure? Is it trying to help you empathize with a colleague or a customer?

Or is stress to trying to help you successfully exit a toxic situation?

In AMeric today, and in much of the collective West, the “news” media at all levels are manifesting a toxic fear-generated narrative that is extremely toxic and very stressful

Avoid that firehose of noise.

It’s true, if funneled properly, stress can be a good thing. But only if you choose to see it that way.

Boys of the future, New York, 1970.

[4] Values instead of fears

Focus on your values instead of your fears. Reminding ourselves of what’s important to us — family, friends, religious convictions, scientific achievement, great music, creative expression, and so on — can create a surprisingly powerful buffer against whatever troubles may be ailing us.

In a series of studies spanning more than a decade, researchers led by Geoffrey Cohen and David Sherman have shown how people of all ages in a range of circumstances, from new schools and new relationships to new jobs, can strengthen their minds with a simple exercise: spending 10 minutes writing about a time when a particular value you hold has positively affected you.

The technique works because reflecting on a personal value helps us rise above the immediate threat, and makes us realize that our personal identity can’t be compromised by one challenging situation.

How did they manage to keep their hair so perfect?

[5] Accepting of the situation

Accept the past, but fight for the future. Even though we are never free from change, we are always free to decide how we respond to it.

Viktor Frankl championed this idea after returning home from three horrific years in Nazi death camps. He discovered that his mother, brother, wife, and unborn child were all dead. Everything in his life had changed.

All that he loved was lost.

But as fall became winter and winter gave way to spring, Frankl began to discover that even though he could never go back to the life he once had, he was still free to meet new friends, find new love, become a father again, work with new patients, enjoy music, and read books.

Frankl called his hope in the face of despair “tragic optimism.”

Frankl’s story is an extreme example, of course, but that’s all the more reason why we should find inspiration from it. If we fixate on the limitations of a specific change, we inevitably succumb to worry, bitterness, and despair.

Instead, we should choose to accept the fact that change happens, and employ our freedom to decide what to do next.

Two sets of keys for one single car:

[6] Stability

Don’t expect stability. In the late 1970s a researcher at the University of Chicago named Salvatore Maddi began studying employees at Illinois Bell. Soon after, the phone industry was deregulated, and the company had to undergo a lot of changes.

Some managers had trouble coping. Others thrived.

What separated the two groups?

The adaptive leaders chose to view all changes, whether wanted or unwanted, as an expected part of the human experience, rather than as a tragic anomaly that victimizes unlucky people. Instead of feeling personally attacked by ignorant leaders, evil lawmakers, or an unfair universe, they remained engaged in their work and spotted opportunities to fix long-standing problems with customer service and to tweak antiquated pricing structures.

In contrast, Maddi found that the struggling leaders were consumed by thoughts of “the good old days.”

They spent their energy trying to figure out why their luck had suddenly turned sour.

They tried to bounce back to a time and a place that no longer existed.

Although all and each of these six techniques requires different skills to pull off — and you’ll probably gravitate toward some more than others — there’s one thing that you must do if you want to be more successful at dealing with change: accept it.

Sept. 15, 1970 – Ca Mau Peninsula

Any life is a life of change. We experience transitions in work and relationships, changes in our physical and mental health, and new events in our local communities and our world. Sometimes we know a change will occur, while other times it comes suddenly and unexpectedly. Maybe it’s a disappointment, or maybe it’s a wonderful surprise.

Many people spend a great deal of time and energy trying to avoid change, but it will inevitably catch up to them. If you can learn to cope with change, you’ll lower your risk for anxiety and depression. Your relationships will flourish, and your body will feel healthier. But if you can’t cope with change, only a minor amount of stress can make you feel overwhelmed by life. You might also struggle to set and meet the goals you have for yourself.

Being able to cope with change is sometimes called resilience. Though your environment and genes might influence your level of resilience, the amount isn’t set in stone. Practicing different ways of thinking and being in the world can boost your ability to deal with change and help you create a life that is adaptive to new places and unexpected events. Let’s take a look at a few healthy practices for increasing your level of resilience and coping with change.

A couple dancing in a 1950s “Be Bop” theater as everyone looks on.

Evaluate Your Level of Control

Sometimes it’s all too easy to become fixated on events over which we have no power, or people who might never change their actions or attitude. But rather than focus on blaming others or moving the unmovable, resilient people set their sights on what they can control. To evaluate your level of control over a situation, you can ask yourself, “What can I take responsibility for in this situation?” When you look for opportunities to empower yourself and work towards change that is possible, you’re less likely to feel stuck in difficult situations.

Practice Self-Care After a Loss

Often life’s transitions involve losses, such as a death, a big move, the loss of a job, or a relationship ending. Even positive transitions, like a graduation or a job change, can make you feel a little sad. During these times of transitions, don’t push away any grief you might feel. Acknowledge the loss, and pay attention to what you’ve learned from the experience. Seek support and camaraderie among friends and family, and consider speaking with a counselor or other mental health professional if you feel you need extra support during the transition.

A group of handsome Southside Boys, Chicago, 1941.

Check Your Thought Patterns

In times of change, it’s easy for your mind to cut corners. You might see everything in black or white, or you assume the worst will occur. But if you take the time to examine your thought patterns and assess how rational they are, you might find some space to nudge your thinking towards resilience. If you’re not sure how to slow down your mind, practicing relaxation techniques, such as mindfulness or deep breathing, can help you feel more in control of your brain and how you evaluate a major change.

You can also generate more positive thoughts if you take the time to remind yourself about transitions and challenges you successfully navigated in the past. Make a list of ways you’ve been resilient in your life, and consider what traits and actions might be able to see you through the current challenge. By focusing on your strengths instead of your weaknesses, you will feel more empowered to meet what lies ahead.

Be in the Present

While it’s important to look to the past to find your strengths, sometimes you can feel too pulled into the future in times of change. When you worry about what the future will bring or what mistakes you might make, you forget to be in the present and observe what’s happening around you. To bring yourself back to the present, get in tune with your body. Pay attention to how it responds to stress, and set aside time every day to relax, take some deep breaths, and bring your focus back to the present.

Find Your Priorities

The most resilient people see change as an opportunity rather than a monster to fear. Transitions in life allow you to consider where your priorities lie. How do you really want to spend your time on earth?

What’s really important to you?

Where do you see yourself wasting your time and energy? With a clear sense of your goals and values, you will find your mind and body can be much more resilient when it comes to the stressors of change.

Above all, prioritizing your health in life’s transitions means not being afraid to ask for help when you need it. Humans are social creatures by nature, so you weren’t built to withstand every sudden event in life without the support of others.

  • Talk to family and friends who are experiencing similar changes, or consider finding a support group in your community.
  • Ask your doctor about how to prioritize your health during change, and don’t be afraid to talk to a counselor or other mental health professional about building resilience.

You can’t avoid change, but you live a life of resilience. You can embrace transition and see challenges as opportunities to thrive.


The best things in life come out of change, often times even the changes that are unwanted. We don’t have to embrace change by diving in to those cold choppy waters headfirst, but if we can start by just dipping our toes in, one foot at a time, before we know it, we’ll be well on our way to arriving at our new destination.

What ever it might be.

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How the “lone wolf” and “every-man for himself” culture manifests inside of America

I have long argued that the reason why everyone in America is so unhappy these days has nothing to do with politics. It has everything to do with the system of government and the culture that evolved from it.

When you have a culture of “every man for himself”, and divide and conquer so that the biggest and most powerful person can become the leader you end up with a dog-eat-dog world. It’s an uncomfortable world that is truly ugly and where “normal” and healthy people do not want to live.

dog eat dog

Ruthless acquisition or competition, as in With shrinking markets, it's dog eat dog for every company in this field. This contradicts a Latin proverb which maintains that dog does not eat dog, first recorded in English in 1543. Nevertheless, by 1732 it was put as "Dogs are hard drove when they eat dogs" (Thomas Fuller, Gnomologia).

Within this world you see things that simply do not exist outside of America. And while the more Western nations have adopted some of these American aspects, not all do. And you would be surprised at how much better life can be without…

  • Fees to use a Bank ATM.
  • Being forced to buy bottled water instead of a water fountain.
  • Having to pay to have your car washed.
  • Reporting your entire year of financial transactions to the government.
  • Being told that you MUST buy health insurance or face fines.
every man for himself

Each individual puts his or her own interests foremost. For example, In this company no one helps anyone-it's every man for himself. In Chaucer's day this dictum was stated approvingly, meaning "if you don't look out for yourself, no one else will," but today such selfishness is usually censured. Despite the wording, the term applies to either sex.

So anyways, what I am presenting here is just a small taste of how the “every man for himself” culture manifests within the Untied States. If you live within a Western nation like the UK, like Australia, and like Canada some of these images will seem strangely familiar.

Big Tricks

We start with one of the big tricks. In it the BIG words and numbers say one thing, but the fine print says something else…

So, eh? What is it? Why not simply say nothing?

It’s all very manipulative and insulting.

Disguised Packaging

Here’s another trick, to pretend that the consumer will get more product by disguising the size of the packaging.

Again, trying to provide less while giving the impression of more.

How can this be legal? Well, if the government does not take action against these kinds of predatory activities then indeed it is actually legal.

In the case of the meat above, the deception is that the buyer think that it is a slab of meat that is much larger than what the packaging shows or indicates. It’s fully deceptive. And while the fine print, the tiny letters might say so many ounces or Kg of meat, that is meaningless when the image is right there in front of your face.

Look at this below.

We can see that the number of cookies in the package was intentionally reduced to save on costs to make the product, but the end sale price was not changed.

Deceptive Wording

And then, there is the “deceptive wording” trick. Where the words say one thing, but legalese is used to twist the meaning of the words.



US Health Care

And of course nothing says fraud and corruption in America like the “health care system”.

Here’s an example about the care that people receive inside of America…

My Point

My point is not to list the many, many ways that companies swindle, cheat or trick consumers. That has been the norm for some time now. My point is that it is permitted to happen without consequence.

I wouldn’t even notice this, if it wasn’t for the fact that I am in China. If a Chinese company tries to pull such a shit-head move they risk some serious push-back from the Chinese government. Probably a notice, and then a time-table to incorporate the changes. Followed by fees and fines if the company “drags it’s feet”, and much harsher measures down-the-line if results still do not materialize.

China is a serious; serious nation that does not play.

For the world to become a better place, people and companies need to STOP this on-going policy of trickery, manipulation, bait-sand-switch, and money-grubbing profit at all costs orientation.

There is no way around it.

And it is a significant issue, but NO ONE inside America is talking about this. Absolutely no one.

It is considered a trivial matter.

What are they talking about instead? Well, it’s the same old, same old.

I guess that the point that I am trying to make here is that whatever you might want to call America; a “democracy”, a “Republic”, a “crime syndicate”, an “oligarchy”, a “military empire”, the fact remains that it is NOT servicing the needs of the American citizenry.

It is not.

This is evident on every single level, in every single measurement, and in every conceivable way.

This is more than problematic, it is horrifying.

You see, America is at that historical stage where the government no longer functions to the point where the needs of the people are not met.

Typically, a solution develops. Either [1] the people construct a new government, or [2] they overthrow the old violently, or [3] that the government takes preemptive measures and starts some kind of distraction to prevent the “torches and pitchforks” from arriving at their doorsteps.

The government has decided to go with door number three.

And they are poking both the bear and the panda (Russia and China) with a long pointed stick.

They refuse to consider the MUCH NEEDED option; an emergency Constitutional Convention to restructure the Federal government, or disband the federal government entirely.

They would rather start World War III than accept any other solution.

Dangerous times indeed.

Things must be FIXED. Wrongs must be righted, and serious structural changes to the government need to start happening right NOW.

If they do not happen…

…do not believe that nothing worse will happen…

…you do not need a crystal ball to forecast the future of America without serious structural changes to it.

This is NOT the time to pay the same old “play book”. This is the time for America, the American people, the world, and everyone to come together.

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Some things we can expect when the progressive Marxists take over America.

The progressive Marxists, that call the Democrat party their home, have pretty much saturated every government organization, institution and business in the United States. Since Obama was President, we have had all the Fortune Five Hundred companies hire expensive “diversity officers”, and the “Deep State” has relentlessly pushed progressive Marxism at all levels. It’s only a few short years away from when they will regain the totality of American governance. It is helpful to look at what will happen in America through the lens of what happened in the Soviet Union when they took power.

America is about to become full-on Marxist. It's only a few short years away. But, first you all must be disarmed, and by golly you will be.
America is about to become full-on Marxist. It’s only a few short years away. But, first you all must be disarmed, and by golly you will be.

Get ready, because it’s coming and you will not be able to stop it.

The Soviet Union is the blueprint for much of what the left is selling these days. We can see it all around us. And yet we mistakenly think that it is dead and buried. We mistakenly think that it only exists in Communist China.

That’s really and terribly wrong.

The progressive Marxists in America would have a very difficult time living inside of China. For it is a Chinese Conservative traditional nation with zero tolerance for any of that progressive nonsense. They believe in work, merit and participation. If you don’t agree, they will re-educate you to “cure” your malfunction. The Communist Chinese are communist in name only.

They are a traditional conservative totalitarian nation with zero acceptance of anything else.

It’s not “free” like America is. It doesn’t permit “diversity” as part of “democracy”. It doesn’t allow the “free exchange of ideas and thought” like America does. It doesn’t permit allowances for the “less fortunate” or the “less privileged”.

America has "freedom" and "democracy".
America has “freedom” and “democracy”.

The blueprint for progressive Marxist democrats is not China, it is the Soviet Union.

The Soviet Union was one of the most brutal regimes of the 20th century. Yet, given the significant timescale of its existence and subsequent collapse, many things have been erased from public memory. Today it is remembered fondly by the leadership of the Democrat party, and cherished by their rabid followers.

This is really strange as terms like dictatorship are often used casually in political debate. This is done without a full appreciation of what real tyranny actually looks like. As well as what to expect when it is permitted to thrive and grow inside of America…

Pseudoscience will be endorsed by the Federal government.

While Soviet socialism (typically referred to as communism) was viewed as scientific by its followers, science was unquestionably subject to ideology.

Trofim Lysenko was a Soviet scientist who backed an alternative theory to genetics which would become known as Lysenkoism. He was hostile to the idea of genetics which highlighted unchanging traits. This was at odds with his Marxist beliefs, which stated that with the right conditioning, society and ultimately humanity could be perfected.

What was once consider fringe, became suddenly real when the armed government took control of the narrative. This was true in all historical venues and will be frighteningly true in America as well.
What was once consider fringe, became suddenly real when the armed government took control of the narrative. This was true in all historical venues and will be frighteningly true in America as well.

The Soviet government eagerly embraced Lysenko’s ideas and his theory was installed as the only acceptable viewpoint within agricultural science. Any scientists who challenged this were removed from their positions and publicly smeared. Many were imprisoned and executed. Not only was science handicapped in the Soviet Union for decades, these bogus theories worsened the famines of the 1930s.

We can well expect that pseudoscience to be embraced and made the law of the land within America;

  • Global Warming.
  • Gender equality.
  • Mainstream abortions on demand as being natural.
Children protesting climate change.
Children protesting climate change.

Psychiatry will be used to silence political dissidents

In the Soviet Union, political dissidents were imprisoned for years in mental asylums and forcibly given mind altering drugs for challenging Marxist doctrine. It was claimed that anyone who lived in a socialist system but was still opposed to socialism had to be insane.

The Soviet authorities even invented a new psychiatric term; ‘sluggish schizophrenia’. Its symptoms included obsessing over philosophy or religion, having ‘delusions of reform’ and having inflated self-esteem. But of course, the disorder was completely made up and deliberately vague so it could be attached to dissidents when useful.

In a society that makes no differences regarding gender, would have no problem forcing gender change "therapy" on dissidents.
In a society that makes no differences regarding gender, would have no problem forcing gender change “therapy” on dissidents.

What made this method particularly effective was that once someone’s sanity was called into question, they were not subject to the same due process compared with a criminal case. This gave the State even more power than it normally had as it wasn’t required to inform the accused of basic details of their case. Approximately 20 thousand people were institutionalized under such claims but the total is believed to be significantly higher.

We hear about progressive liberals wishing Trump supporters would die, and they have even taken up arms and weapons to make sure this happens. Imagine what happens when they are in complete control of the medical establishment.

The top Democrat Leadership will all be sexual predators

Funny how the progressive Marxists are all about trying to out Sexual predators. However it’s been my experience that the people who talk the loudest about certain things are usually the one with the problems about that issue.

The democrat party rewards sexual predators.
The democrat party rewards sexual predators.

Lavrentiy Beria was a Soviet politician and state security administrator under Stalin. He began his career as the chief of police in Georgia and eventually became the head of the secret police, overseer of the Gulag prison system and Central Committee member. Stalin warmly referred to him as “my Himmler”.

Aside from being responsible for the murder, torture and false imprisonment of millions of peoples, he was also a well-known sexual deviant. During his free time he would prowl the streets of Moscow and identify young women for his henchmen to kidnap and transport to his private accommodation where he would sexually assault them. After his death Beria’s villa was turned into an embassy and during refurbishments the bones of dozens of young women and teenage girls were discovered buried on the property.

Historian Simon Sebag Montefiore notes that Beria’s depravity was well known amongst the Soviet leadership. While Stalin tolerated Beria due to his reliability, in one instance, when Stalin heard his daughter was at Beria’s house, he frantically called her and ordered her to leave immediately.

Bill Clinton and Jeffry Epstein.
Bill Clinton and Jeffry Epstein.

Expect, regardless of gender, the top progressive Marxist leadership will be aggressive sexual predators. They will have money, complete and absolute power, and will be able to do what ever they want with out any opposition.

Prisons will be an integral part of the United States economy.

The labor camp system was originally created by Lenin but was at its worse under Stalin. These camps, which would become known as the Gulag, were used to imprison those accused of political crimes. The conditions in the camps were appalling. Abuse and mistreatment were commonplace, and it’s estimated up to 2 million people died within them.

American prisons, both State and Federal, will be repurposed to hold "undesirables", "deplorables" and other misfits that cannot adjust to the new Marxist utopia that America has become.
American prisons, both State and Federal, will be repurposed to hold “undesirables”, “deplorables” and other misfits that cannot adjust to the new Marxist utopia that America has become.

These camps operated as a tool of political terror and also facilitated what was essentially slave labor. The Soviet authorities saw the Gulag as a way of helping the economy and believed it could produce a significant amount of income.

Gulag prisoners were frequently put to work in mines, forests, oil fields and large construction projects. Huge amounts of the resources were produced from the forced labor, creating an entire industry in itself. At Kolyma, a region in the far east of Russia, there were 80 Gulag facilities, all dedicated to mining its significant gold deposits.

However, the Gulag turned out to be an ineffective economic model because unsurprisingly slaves don’t make good workers. The labor camps ultimately became a massive drain on State finances.

Most State prisons within America today operate under a "for profit" model for private enterprise.
Most State prisons within America today operate under a “for profit” model for private enterprise.

Today, throughout the United States, the prisons exist under a “for profit” model. Expect them to be expanded and merged with FEMA and some kind of Social Program along the lines of the CCC to enroll dissidents and control them.

Starvation will be used as a weapon

Several famines occurred within the USSR as a result of farm collectivisation. This was largely due to the fact that this policy simply does not work, but what is also true is the Soviet authorities knew that access to food could be used to control the population.

An enormous percentage of Americans rely on food stamps to live. The government can control these people by withholding their benefits.
An enormous percentage of Americans rely on food stamps to live. The government can control these people by withholding their benefits.

This strategy was used in one of the most infamous man-made famines of the 20th century, the Ukrainian famine of 1932-1933, known as the Holodomor. What was particularly cruel about this famine was that it wasn’t solely caused by incompetence, bad policy or denial. Rather it was deliberately manufactured and worsened by Stalin as a means of wiping out the Kulaks, peasant farmers who were economically more successful than the rest of the population and thus, class enemies.

Historians have also speculated that the famine was targeted at Ukraine in order to weaken its national identity. Ukrainian nationalists had put up fierce resistance to Bolshevik rule during the Russian civil war and Stalin was not willing to risk the region rising up.

After seizing crops and livestock, Soviet forces closed off the borders and arrested- or just shot- anyone that tried to flee. It’s estimated that four million Ukrainians died as result of this famine but the true figure will never be known as there was a coordinated effort to cover up the death toll.

An enormous percentage of Americans rely on food stamps to live. The government can control these people by withholding their benefits.
An enormous percentage of Americans rely on food stamps to live. The government can control these people by withholding their benefits.

Enemies with become friends.

While it is true that Nazism and Communism were bitter enemies, the two ideologies saw they had more in common with each other than their non-authoritarian rivals. After all, both are, fundamentally socialist systems.

Their uneasy but mutually beneficial association peaked in August 1939 with the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact. Officially, this was a neutrality pact but in reality it was also an agreement on which areas of Eastern Europe the two regimes would take over. Poland was the main target of this deal, and within two weeks of each other, the two powers occupied the nation in September 1939. As the Nazis rounded up Jews in their half of the country, the Soviets systematically murdered Polish intellectuals and military officers in their sector.

Chuck Schumer with President Putin of Russia.
Chuck Schumer with President Putin of Russia.

Even years prior to this agreement, the secret police of both regimes, the Gestapo and NKVD, had been cooperating by exchanging political dissidents who had fled their respective countries. More bizarrely, the NKVD handed over numerous German communists to their Nazi counterparts. Many of those who were traded between the two agencies would meet their end in either the Gulag or SS concentration camps.

Like the book “Animal Farm” you will see the those in power will embrace the ideologies of other socialist nations, become close working friends and mutually support each other.

Terror and violence will be mainstream.

People who are “woke” have little respect for the thought of others. They go into “brain freeze” and immediately assault you for thinking differently than they do. You can expect this behavior to become sanctioned by the government.

Antifa are the "Brown Shirts" of the American Democrat Party.
Antifa are the “Brown Shirts” of the American Democrat Party.

When the atrocities of the Soviet Union are discussed, much of the focus is put on Stalin. However this means the crimes of other earlier revolutionary figures are overlooked, in particular with the USSR’s founder, Vladimir Lenin.

Lenin strongly believed that there could be no peaceful transition from capitalism to communism. The wealthy elites could only be removed from power by force, not to mention they had to be punished for their crime of exploiting the people. Even after the Bolsheviks had achieved control of the government violence and specifically terror were used to control the population and eliminate any perceived threat to its power.

The Democrat "Brown Shirts";
 the Antifa, thrive in Democrat strongholds, but once the Democrats obtain true and complete power, they will be everywhere.
The Democrat “Brown Shirts”;
the Antifa, thrive in Democrat strongholds, but once the Democrats obtain true and complete power, they will be everywhere.

Hundreds of thousands, potentially millions of people, were executed and imprisoned during the ‘Red Terror’, a campaign of violence against those labelled as class enemies. Additionally, during the early years of the Bolshevik government, numerous uprisings were brutally put down.

All of this was organized and endorsed by Lenin. It was under his leadership that the secret police, initially called the Cheka, and the Gulag were established. Moreover, he explicitly stated that the goal was to terrify the population into submission.

This is what the Antifa will look like once the Democrats come to complete and absolute power in America.
This is what the Antifa will look like once the Democrats come to complete and absolute power in America.

“Fake news” will be used to control thought.

We have become accustomed with Google, Facebook, Twitter and all their sub-companies censoring conservative thought. They have also created “fact check” organizations to enforce the legitimacy of their narratives. This is a well known technique and was practiced in the Soviet Union extensively.

CNN news team announces that Trump won the 2016 Presidential Election.
CNN news team announces that Trump won the 2016 Presidential Election.

The KGB was the institutional successor of the Cheka and NKVD, operating from 1954 to 1991 and was responsible for state security. Abroad, its primary goals were to foster political unrest and promote Marxist ideology.

One of the KGB’s most well-known activities was planting false stories in Western media and spreading conspiracy theories with the intent of destroying trust in institutions and inciting conflict. Today this is widely known as ‘fake news’ but its origin can be traced back to the Communist intelligence agency who referred to it as ‘disinformation’.

President Trump was the first person to take on the massive American news organization.
President Trump was the first person to take on the massive American news organization.

One of the most famous cases of a successful disinformation campaign was in 1984 when the US media covered the supposed scandal of the AIDs virus being created by the American government. This was in fact a lie that had been carefully crafted and strategically inserted into foreign news sources by Soviet intelligence until it reached Western journalists.

Within Russia, while the KGB was officially disbanded, its influence and tactics can still be observed today and have undoubtedly been boosted by the emergence of the internet.

Sweeping purges of non-Marxist thought will be common.

Once the progressive Marxists take control there will be no “free thought”. Like at work, you cannot offend anyone, it will be on steroids. You will, and must act and speak in accordance with the proclaimed fashion. If you fail to do so, you might end up in a re-education camp in Alaska.

Historian Stephen Kotkin describes the Great Terror as “an episode that seems to defy rational explanation.” Between 1936 to 1938 Stalin carried out a sweeping political purge of his administrative, military and diplomatic ranks. Hundreds of thousands of people were arrested, tortured, imprisoned and in many cases summarily executed based on imaginary political offenses.

Sweeping purges of non-Marxist thought will be common.
Sweeping purges of non-Marxist thought will be common.

Again, there was no rational reason to inflict this chaos on the country. Historians have been baffled for decades over Stalin’s actions in this period as his position as leader was arguably stronger than it had ever been and there were no obvious internal threats to the Soviet Union.

While several theories have been put forward, Kotkin suggests that the most creditable explanation is that Stalin wanted to psychologically destroy his inner circle so they would never try to undermine him. Alongside this twisted motivation was Stalin’s paranoia towards the influence of his exiled rival, Leon Trotsky, especially after Trotsky published books severely criticizing Stalin.

Not only was the Terror completely unnecessary, it was also damaging to the regime. With many of the Red Army’s most experienced and competent officers purged during the Terror, Soviet forces were severely weakened in their ability to fight back when the Nazis invaded in 1941. This resulted in extraordinarily high casualties for the Soviets.

There will be institutional anti-Semitism

You wouldn’t think this would occur, but it is a foundational fundamental requirement of Marxist control.

Soviet anti-Semitism was inherited to a large degree from the Tsarist era, and arguably communist anti-Semitism can be traced back to Karl Marx himself, who firmly associated Judaism with greed and exploitation.

AOC’s Democratic Socialists chant for Israel’s destruction
AOC’s Democratic Socialists chant for Israel’s destruction

Bigotry towards Jews was also closely tied to the Soviet anti-Zionist campaign. It even had an official organization called the Anti-Zionist Committee of The Soviet Public which explicitly stated that Zionists had been collaborators with the Nazis, enabled the genocides in Eastern Europe and had deliberately exaggerated Jewish victim-hood during the war.

Expect this to be the new American Leadership once Trump leaves office.
Expect this to be the new American Leadership once Trump leaves office.

Though publicly the government claimed to make a distinction between Zionism and Jews, in reality there was institutional discrimination. Jews were prevented from holding certain jobs and were often scapegoated in political witch-hunts. Additionally, as part of the Soviet’s anti-religion campaign, the Jewish faith was subject to, alongside other religious faiths, State oppression in various forms.

The ruling democrat organization will turn on the Jewish people with a vengeance.
The ruling democrat organization will turn on the Jewish people with a vengeance.

Following the Six Day War in 1967, any Jewish-Soviet citizens who applied to immigrate to Israel were denied permission and considered enemies of the people. These individuals, the ‘Refuseniks’, faced severe social and legal consequences, with many being imprisoned for years.


We can see what to expect through the lens of history.

Trump has been unsuccessful in overturning centuries of corruption of the Constitutional Republic. Minor surgery with a tweet here, or an appointment of a judge there is not enough to erase the embedded “deep state” and the progressive tears by Presidents Wilson, FDR, Clinton, Johnson, Obama and Bush.

When Trump leaves, the progressive Marxists will enact sweeping changes and you will be helpless to withstand the onslaught.

Carl Marx will call America his home.
Carl Marx will call America his home.

What you need to think about is how you will adjust to the new reality and live within it. Fighting is out of the question. You will be disarmed, and if you haven’t left the United States by now, you never will.

It’s gonna be too late.

So plan on how you will live within the progressive utopia that is bounding towards you. It’s inevitable.

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